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Glaidel O.

Elizaga CTE A Assessment of Learning 1

QUIZ 1. SHORT RESPONSE. Determine the role of assessment in the have the same
They given scenarios. Was assessment used for placement, formative, diagnostic or
summative purposes? Explain your answer in two to three sentences.

1. A group of Science teachers analyzed the results of the national achievement tests
given to Grade 6 pupils. Most of their students obtained low scores in science. They
learned further that their students had difficulty with items about physical and chemical
changes, forms and uses of energy, and motion. They thought of a professional
development project that focuses on introducing pedagogical innovations particularly in
teaching the said topics. After two years, they saw a marked improvement in the
performance of their students in the national test, particularly on Science iterns about
forms of matter, energy and motion.
 Diagnostic assessment
 The Science teachers analyzed the national achievement test results to
identify specific areas of difficulty for their Grade 6 students. This assessment
helped them pinpoint the topics where students struggled, leading to the
development of a professional development project to address those

2. For the entire session, a Social Studies teacher emphasized the importance of human
rights in nation building. Towards the end of the period, he handed each student a
piece of paper and posed a question: "What happens if human rights violations go
unchecked?" The teacher made use of the "exit ticket" strategy to see what students
have learned at the end of the lesson. The students wrote their answers to the question
and submitted them to the teacher at the end of the period upon leaving. After reading
his students' responses, he starts planning for the next session.
 Formative assessment
 The Social Studies teacher used the "exit ticket" strategy to assess what
students had learned at the end of the lesson. This allowed the teacher to
gauge the immediate understanding of the topic and plan for the next session
3. Ms. Jimenez suspected that one of her pupils has limited reading skills. To help the
learner, she needed to identify the specific areas with which the child struggles. Is the
child impaired in one or more of the following components: phonemic awareness,
phonics, fluency vocabulary and comprehension? To answer her question, she gave the
learner an assessment. Upon ascertaining that the child has difficulty in phonics, the
teacher thought of using an analogic approach to teach phonics.
 Diagnostic assessment
 Ms. Jimenez administered an assessment to identify the specific areas in
which her pupil had reading difficulties, such as phonics. This assessment
helped her tailor her teaching approach to address the child's specific needs.

4. Every month, teachers in a private high school give an interim Math test to check on
student progress. Any student who obtains a score below the cut score of 75 is invited
to attend a special class for additional instruction. However, if the student obtains a fail'
score in two or more occasion, the student is enjoined to attend the special class.
 both formative and summative assessment
 The interim Math tests served as formative assessments to monitor student
progress and provide additional instruction if needed. However, obtaining a
"fail" score in two or more occasions led to a summative decision, enjoining
the student to attend a special class, indicating a final evaluation of their

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