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The title of the article that we read is why should uniform schools be banned.

The author
agree that we should ban school uniforms. The author’s tone is pretty intense,sympathetic and

School uniforms need to be banned because they contribute to institutionalized racism.

School uniforms need to be banned to ensure that there is equity amongst all students. School
uniforms should be banned as it does not affect the reduction of violence as it causes a person
to lose the right self especially to female students.

Based on the keypoints found we do not agree with the author’s opinions.We disagree
because school uniforms make it easier to get ready for school. Students only have one type of
school uniforms based on the school rules and etiquette.Thus, racism should not be happening
if every students in school wear the same uniform.When there is a sense of decorum and
respect for authority in the classroom, learning is more likely to occur. When students are
required to wear school uniforms, classrooms may become more structured and organised
because uniforms serve as visual cues for pupils regarding their location and expected
behaviour. By mandating uniforms and demonstrating that the school expects high standards to
be reached, the hierarchy.The definition of hierarchy is a group of people or things arranged in
order of rank or the people that rank at the top of such a system. An example of hierarchy is the
corporate ladder. For example, the hierarchy in a company that differentiate staffs with different
levels based on their role and duty in the specific department.

Secondly, school uniforms do not eliminate individually. Students are required to wear
uniforms even if some of them are from the rich. This will give equity to everyone that will go to
that school. Instead of promoting brands like a free advertisement from different students,
wearing a uniform is better for everyone by having equity in that school. All pupils are expected
to wear the same clothing when school uniforms are mandated, regardless of their social level
or fashion preferences. Since there is no mocking of thrift shop rags or ogling of costly gowns,
uniforms might prevent jealousy and dissatisfaction among pupils. Uniforms ensure that
everyone is dressed the same, fostering an attitude of equality rather than employing kids as
walking advertisements for various businesses and generating a "haves" and "have-nots"
mentality. Therefore, the students would not have the need to promote branding and showing off
their richness to the students that come from poor families. Every students wear only uniforms
that is set and standardize from the school itself. Students from the poor families will feel at
ease and enjoy school environment. Making them feel more comfortable and excited to learn
new knowledge everyday. They also will feel comfortable making friends with the rich since they
will wear the same uniform everyday.

Lastly, school uniforms improve safety. Keeping track of students and what they carry into our
schools is made easier for staff and other students, easier to identify outsiders as their outfits
are different from students.Students in uniforms are immediately recognised as being from a
specific school while they are off campus. Another advantage is that people can easily
recognise them in a crowd, preventing any students from going missing when on field
excursions. Additionally, strangers are aware that the uniformed students are juveniles and
should not be provided drink, engaged in adult activities, or otherwise treated like adults.
Hence, domestic violence or any act that involve violence does not determined by what we
wear. Violence happens if someone want to start it. Without emotional control and rational
thinking violence still can happen.

In conclusion, from the article that we read, we completely disagree and think that uniforms
should not be banned from schools.Things happened in the past shall not repeat if schools
make a rule to standardize everyone to wear a uniform. Such as from the article itself the
author stated that school uniforms are believed to be a practice which dates to the 16th century
in the United Kingdom. It is believed that the Christ Hospital School in London in 1552 was the
first school to use a school uniform. The earliest documented proof of institutionalized use of a
standard academic dress dates back to 1222 when the then Archbishop of Canterbury ordered
the wearing of the cappa clausa about 800 years ago.
Before paraphrase:

Learning is more likely to happen when there is a sense of decorum and respect for authority in school.
When school uniforms are mandatory, classrooms may become more disciplined and orderly, as
uniforms remind students where they are and how they are supposed to behave. By exhibiting the
school’s expectation that high standards be met, by instituting uniforms, the hierarchy.

After paraphrase :

When there is a sense of decorum and respect for authority in the classroom, learning is more likely to
occur. When students are required to wear school uniforms, classrooms may become more structured
and organised because uniforms serve as visual cues for pupils regarding their location and expected
behaviour. By mandating uniforms and demonstrating that the school expects high standards to be
reached, the hierarchy.
Before paraphrase :

When school uniforms are required, all students are expected to dress the same, regardless of
their style preferences or socioeconomic status. Uniforms can prevent envy and dissatisfaction
among students, as there is no ogling of designer dresses or mocking of thrift store rags.
Instead of using children as walking billboards for various brands, creating an atmosphere of
“haves” and “have-nots,” uniforms ensure that everyone is dressed the same, creating an
environment of equality.

After paraphrase :

All pupils are expected to wear the same clothing when school uniforms are mandated,
regardless of their social level or fashion preferences. Since there is no mocking of thrift shop
rags or ogling of costly gowns, uniforms might prevent jealousy and dissatisfaction among
pupils. Uniforms ensure that everyone is dressed the same, fostering an attitude of equality
rather than employing kids as walking advertisements for various businesses and generating a
"haves" and "have-nots" mentality.
Before paraphrase :

When uniformed students are off campus, they can be easily identified as belonging to a
particular school. One related benefit is that teachers and strangers can readily spot them in a
crowd, ensuring that no student goes missing while on field trips. Strangers also know that the
uniformed students are minors and should therefore not be flirted with, served alcohol, or
engaged in any adult behavior.

After paraphrase:

Students in uniforms are immediately recognised as being from a specific school while they are
off campus. Another advantage is that people can easily recognise them in a crowd, preventing
any students from going missing when on field excursions. Additionally, strangers are aware
that the uniformed students are juveniles and should not be provided drink, engaged in adult
activities, or otherwise treated like adults.



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