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Muhammad Ikhwan bin Hazli (2021126377) & Haidar Hakimi bin Mohd Zainee (2021116497)


TITLE : Why should school uniforms be banned ?
AUTHOR : Dr Derrick L. Campbell
1. What is the a) Issue: We should ban school uniforms b) Author’s POV: The author agree that we should ban
INTRO overview of the school uniforms
2. What is the author’s The author’s tone is pretty intense.
3. What are the key 1. school uniforms need to be 2. School uniforms need to be 3. school uniforms should be
(Evaluatio points? banned because they banned to banned as it does not affect the
n of contribute to institutionalized ensure that there is equity reduction of violence as it causes
tive racism. amongst all students. a person to lose the right to self
article) especially to female students.
Is there any strong NO /
evidence supporting YES: It appears that the wearing of
the main idea? school uniforms is actually teaching NO /
(Circle NO if there is our youth that Black and Hispanic YES: While public schools with a
no evidence) students wear uniforms while Whites majority of Black and Hispanic NO /
are not required to do the same. pupils have made wearing uniforms a YES: Ninety percent of students said
requirement, public schools with a they disliked wearing uniforms
majority of White students still do because they felt it limited their
not enforce it. ability to express themselves freely
and individually.
4. What is your
(Personal opinion/stand on I AGREE / DISAGREE THAT school uniform should be banned
opinion) the issue? (underline
agree or disagree)
5. What are your 1. School uniforms make it easier to 2. School uniforms do not eliminate 3. School uniforms improve safety
reasons to agree or get ready for school individually

SD: Keeping track of students and

SD: Students only have one school what they carry into our schools is
uniforms SD: Students have fun participating made easier for staff and other
in the occasional spirit wear or free students
dress day. However, these days are
STRONG EVIDENCE: not focus for students
No more indecision about what to wear in
the morning. STRONG EVIDENCE:
Intruders can be identified right
STRONG EVIDENCE: away by our school community
The character of the individual because they stand out.
student is our focus. Our kids shine
because of who they are, not how
they look.
CONC 6. Restate your
opinion/ stand, and
write a comment.

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