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TASK 2.1

Some people think that schools should teach students according to their academic abilities, while others
believe that it is better to have students with different abilities study together.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Body 1: Explain why schools should teach students according to their academic abilities
• Intelligent + weak students: taught at their own pace – more interesting sessions
• Different teaching tatics – adopted => give sts maximum benefits.
• Mixed groups => weak students: cannot cope with the pace of students => under high pressure
 Separate: handle them tactfully/ more confidence
• Intelligent students: show disruptive behavior => grasp things very soon => disturbing element
 Difficult for teacher to MAINTAIN DISCIPLINE
Body 2: Explain why it is better to have students with different abilities study together.
• Weak students: develop an inferiority complex (when separated)
• Develop a sense of competitions => weak students: motivated to study.
• Intelligent: help weak students => strengthen the bonds.

TASK 2.2

Some people believe that young people should spend more of their time with their families and less on
entertainment outside the home. Others disagree. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Strong view – Balanced view (while/ although)
1: young people should spend more of their time with their families - agree
* strengthen intimacy… (parental care)…
Point – Explanation – Example - Result
2: less on entertainment outside the home - disagree.
* well-developed => explore the novelty

TASK 2.3

Earlier technological developments offered more benefits to ordinary people than the current ones ever will.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Counter-argument: => completely disagree

* Earlier technological developments: Admittedly, lợi ích - However, it does not counter/mention….. (Bất
* Current ones : Lợi ích (nhiều)
Strong view:
- Benefits of the current technological devices
- Earlier -> less significant.
* Agree: lay the foundation for new, updated digital versions.

TASK 2.4

We are now living in a "throwaway" culture, using things for a short time and then throwing them away
instead of fixing. What are the causes of this? What problems does it lead to?
* Causes: excessively advertisement (items at reasonable prices) / a variety of products available (mass
* Problems: environment (overload landfill) /finance

TASK 2.5

Some believe that arts, such as painting or music, do not directly improve the quality of life, so the government
money should be spent on other things.

Do you agree or disagree?

Disagree: Arts (painting and music) => allot money

* paintings: preserve cultural values => mental health => improve the quality of life (civilized society)
* music: connect people’s mind => boost concentration => increase work productivity
- (too much) arts => financial burden => budget deficit…
– should allocate money for other things such as education, healthcare, environment
+ Không đồng ý: vì arts quan trọng
- bảo vệ nên văn hoá, giữ gìn truyền thống của cha ông => xã hội văn minh
- âm nhạc: kết nối con người, giúp con ng làm việc hiệu qur, xả stress hoặc truyền các thông điệp khác nhau.
+ đồng ý: nên dành tiền cho thứ khác
- dành tiền cho các vđ về môi trưownfg, sức khoẻ
- gánh nặng về mặt tài chính => task hikes, budget defucut => không đạt hiệu quả

TASK 2.6

As well as making money, businesses have social responsibilities.

Do you agree or disagree?

- make money:
+ survive in a competitive world.
+ cover its running costs, such as employees’ wages and payments for buildings and utilities.
+ invest in improvements and innovations
make a positive contribution to society if it is in good financial health.
- Social obligations:
+ treat their employees well, rather than exploiting them.
pay a “living wage”
+ use a proportion of their profits to support local charities, environmental projects or education initiatives.

TASK 2.7

Some people think that too much attention and resources are devoted to the protection of wild animals and
birds. Do you agree or disagree?

TASK 2.8

Some people argue that we should do research into their family history. Others agree with the view that we
should focus on the present and future generations. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

TASK 2.9

Some people think that it is best to live in a horizontal city while others think of a vertical city. Discuss both
views and give your opinion.
• Paragraph 1: People have to pay less for building services. Living lower to the ground is safer for
inhabitants when emergencies occur.
• Paragraph 2: A city with skyscrapers will have more space for public usage because there will be less
land used for residential areas due to the number of people who can live in high buildings.
Some people believe that living in a horizontal city is the best, while the opponents of this idea prefer to
settle in a vertical city. While there are benefits to residents who dwell in a city that consists of low-rise
construction, I would argue that cities with skyscrapers and high-rise buildings offer more advantages.
On the one hand, it is beneficial for residents to live in a horizontal city based on a few financial and security
reasons. Firstly, people have to pay less for building services. If residents settle in a private house, they may
save a great deal of money since they won’t have to pay for building services. Secondly, living lower to the
ground is safer for inhabitants when emergencies occur. For example, if a fire starts in the home, they can
quickly escape from the dangerous areas because the building is not too high off the ground and it won’t
take much time to leave.
On the other hand, it seems to me that living in a vertical city is the best choice. A city with skyscrapers will
have more space for public usage because there will be less land used for residential areas due to the
number of people who can live in high buildings. As a result, the government would be able to use this land
to build hospitals, schools or places for entertainment. Furthermore, it is much more convenient for
residents to live in an apartment in a tall building that offers a wide range of goods and services, thanks to
shopping malls and service centres on lower floors.
In conclusion, while living in a horizontal city does have some benefits, it seems to me that the advantages of
living in a city with skyscrapers makes living in a vertical city the better choice.

TASK 2.10

Some people feel that manufacturers and supermarkets have the responsibility to reduce the amount of
packaging of goods. While others argue that customers should avoid buying goods with a lot of packing.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Exceesive packaging – detrimental to the environment

• Body 1: why people say: manufactures and supermarkets should not do much packaging
(a win-win situation for the manufacturer + customer)
Ex: multinational company – give up expensive packaging of its toothpastes => reduce its cost =>
profit the custures => increase sales.
• Body 2: customers show greaters interest: items in simple packing
Company: not take the risk of reducing packaging for fear of losing market share.
Customers: give preference to materials: little/no packing
 Motivate producers to pack using the minimum packing => biodegradable materials.

TASK 2.11

Some people believe that the range of technology available to individuals today is increasing the gap between
poor people and rich people. Others think it is having an opposite effect. Discuss both views and give your

Technology could increase the gap between rich and poor. Rich people have smartphones, laptops, wireless
broadband Internet etc. People in developed countries can now work from home or from anywhere in the
world. They can do their shopping online and have things delivered to their homes. Technology improves
their quality of life.
On the other hand, many people in poorer countries, who did not have normal telephones, now have mobile
phones. Also, the Internet is spreading to all parts of the world. In the past, only people in developed
countries had access to world-class libraries, but now the Internet gives everyone access to the same
information. This will lead to greater equality.
TASK 2.12
If a product is good or it meets people needs, people will buy it so advertising is unnecessary and no more than
entertainment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Introduction: Với dạng bài Agree or Disagree, ở mở bài ta cần phải:

• Giới thiệu và paraphrase đề bài:
=> Some people believe that advertising is unnecessary + Good products will sell
themselves without the need for marketing campaigns.
• Nêu quan điểm của người viết: Ở đây tác giả không đồng ý với ý kiến. Tác giả cho rằng
quảng cáo vẫn có giá trị cho kinh doanh.
=> Good products will attract customers => advertising will always be a valuable tool for
Body 1: Luận điểm 1 chứng minh cho ý kiến riêng:
• Quảng cáo là công cụ cần thiết để tương tác giữa doanh nghiệp và người tiêu dùng
=> Advertising is an essential means of communication between businesses and
• Ý bổ trợ: Quảng cáo đem lại nhiều thông tin có giá trị về đặc điểm, lợi ích, giá… để giúp
người tiêu dùng đưa ra quyết định mua hàng.
=> Provide information about a product's features, benefits, and pricing => Help
consumers make informed decisions about whether or not to purchase it.
• Ví dụ: Các chiến dịch quảng cáo như mạng xã hội, quảng cáo tìm kiếm, bảng quảng cáo…
=> Giúp doanh nghiệp quảng bá sản phẩm và cho người tiêu dùng biết về các lợi ích độc
=> Advertising campaign: social media, search engine ads, billboards…=> Promote its
product and educate consumers about its unique benefits.
Body 2: Luận điểm 2 chứng minh cho ý kiến riêng:
• Quảng cáo giúp tăng sự nhận biết thương hiệu và lòng trung thành của khách hàng.
=> Advertising is critical for building brand awareness and loyalty.
• Ý bổ trợ: Rất cần thiết cho các doanh nghiệp trong thị trường cạnh tranh.
=> Essential for businesses in today's competitive marketplace.
• Ví dụ: Lấy ví dụ về tập đoàn Apple và câu chuyện áp dụng quảng cáo để tạo nên tên tuổi
sản phẩm.
=> Apple is one of the most valuable brands in the world, and the company's advertising
campaigns continue to be a critical part of its success => creating a strong emotional
connection with its customers and reinforcing the brand's unique identity.
• Khẳng định lại quan điểm:
=> While it is true that good products will attract customers => advertising plays a
critical role in informing consumers about products and shaping their buying decisions.
Some people believe that advertising is unnecessary, and that good products will sell
themselves without the need for expensive marketing campaigns. In my opinion, while good
products will attract customers, advertising will always be a valuable tool for businesses.

Firstly, advertising is an essential means of communication between businesses

and consumers. It provides valuable information about a product's features, benefits,
and pricing, which helps consumers make informed decisions about whether or not
to purchase it. Without advertising, consumers would have a limited understanding of the range
of products available to them, and businesses would struggle to reach new customers. For
instance, by creating a well-planned advertising campaign, which includes online and offline
advertising channels such as social media, search engine ads, billboards, and print media, a
business can promote its product and educate consumers about its unique benefits.

Secondly, advertising is critical for building brand awareness and loyalty, which is essential for
businesses in today's competitive marketplace. For example, today, Apple is one of the most
valuable brands in the world. Through their advertising campaigns, Apple has created a
memorable brand identity and has built a loyal customer base that has continued to grow over
the years. Today, Apple is one of the most valuable brands in the world, and the company's
advertising campaigns continue to be a critical part of its success, creating a strong emotional
connection with its customers and reinforcing the brand's unique identity.

In conclusion, while it is true that good products will attract customers, advertising plays a
critical role in informing consumers about products and shaping their buying decisions. Without
advertising, businesses would struggle to reach new customers, and consumers would have a
limited understanding of the range of products available to them.

TASK 2.13

Some people think that violent films and video games have negative effects on people and should be banned.
Others think that they are just relaxation sources. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

On the one hand, there are a number of reasons why some people think that children’s
development would be negatively affected by watching TV. The first reason is that sitting in front
of TV screens for too long is detrimental to children’s health. Many kids these days suffer from
various health problems such as obesity, eye strain or fatigue due to prolonged television
watching. Another reason is that many TV programmes and movies contain violent contents or
sexual images which are inappropriate for children to watch. Heavy exposure to violent movies
can put a child at a higher risk of violent behaviour, which could ruin their future.

On the other hand, I personally believe that television has an essential role to play in the
development of children. Watching educational TV programmes gives children the opportunity to
widen their horizons and enrich their knowledge of the world they live in. Planet Earth and
Discovery Channel are prime examples. Their programmes not only take the viewer into unknown
natural habitats which are home to various plants and animals, but also educate them about the
importance of preserving the wonders of the Earth. In addition, many TV shows and channels
provide children with limitless knowledge of almost every aspect of life. A programme called
‘Talent show for kids?’, for example, not only gives children enjoyable moments but also informs
them about various subjects

TASK 2.14

In many countries, traditional foods are being replaced by international fast food. This is having a negative
effect on both families and societies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The advantages of fast food vary according to the segment of society in question. Individuals get
enjoyment out of fast food, the clearest evidence of which is its popularity. Fast food is also
relatively cheap and, as its name suggests, saves time. For families, the advantages are similar. In
many working-class families, parents spend at a lot time and energy at their jobs and do not have
the luxury of preparing a nutritious, time-consuming meal for their children. Fast food is therefore
a necessary, viable alternative. Finally, society benefits in a general sense because of the
employment opportunities. Fast food restaurants employ thousands of, admittedly, lowly paid
workers and is a safe transitional job for students and struggling individuals.
Regardless, the negative impact of fast food is greater. Though people enjoy the taste and
convenience of fast food, they are doing irreparable harm to both their short and long-term health.
Research has shown that the high fat and sugar content in fast food not only affects daily energy
levels but also contributes to conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. These same health
risks extend to families, with the added caveat that children are forming potentially life-long bad
habits. Society also suffers from the growth of the fast food industry as local businesses lose
revenue to these international conglomerates that enrich primarily the already wealthy or foreign

TASK 2.15

Team activities can teach more skills for life than those activities, which are played online. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?

BODY 1: work in group

* communication skills, cooperation, conflict management skills.
>< solo activities: no need to communication => do not learn these.
* broaden horizons – interact with people from diverse backgrounds.
* accept victory with modesty and defeat with grace => sportman spirits
BODY 2: individual sport
• Learn a sense of competition and preserverance
• Segregation of work> more dependent on each other
 Deal with others: adapt to working in different situations

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