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‭eli‬ ‭totta‬

‭intro‬ I‭’m talking about Euthanasia, witch‬ ‭ uthanasia is defined as a patient's‬

‭is a physician-assisted suicide refer‬ ‭choice to perform medical‬
‭to a deliberate action taken with the‬ ‭interventions that involve the direct‬
‭administration of a lethal drug to a‬
‭intention of ending a life to relieve‬
‭patient who requests it and meets‬
‭persistent pain and now Euthanasia‬ ‭certain requirements. Currently,‬
‭is only legal in a select few‬ ‭euthanasia is illegal in Italy.‬
‭countries. I believe that human‬ ‭Many people agree and others do not‬
‭beings should have the right to be‬ ‭agree with this fact. Some people‬
‭able to decide when and how they‬ ‭think it is right for many reasons, but I‬
‭die‬ ‭think it is wrong because the sick‬
‭patient is not in a condition to be able‬
‭to choose such an important thing‬
‭since he may not be 100% aware of it.‬

‭spiegazione punto‬ W
‭ e are able to choose all kinds of‬ t‭he patient then is not able to choose‬
‭things in life. I think when one‬ ‭such an important thing. Many are not‬
‭comes to the end of one’s life,‬ ‭lucid and may make a mistake from‬
‭whether you have a terminal illness‬ ‭which there is no comeback. People‬
‭or whether you’re elderly, you should‬ ‭should live with their illness and learn‬
‭have a choice about what happens‬ ‭to cope with what life has given them‬
‭to you.‬ ‭without being afraid of death, and‬
‭should also think about the people‬
‭next to them in their lives.‬

‭dibattito‬ I‭n case someone is in a terminal‬ ‭ ven if the sick patient is terminally ill,‬
‭phase or suffers so much pain they‬ ‭it does not mean that he/she should‬
‭should have the right to decide to‬ ‭die as soon as possible, it would be‬
‭end their life obviously after careful‬ ‭enough to help him/her with‬
‭analysis and physical and mental‬ ‭medications and fluids to accompany‬
‭checks‬ ‭him/her in the moment of death in a‬
‭way that is not painful, and then‬
‭without injecting lethal substances‬

‭conclusione‬ ‭ o sum up I believe that euthanasia‬

T I‭n conclusion I can say that‬
‭is important to give people the‬ ‭euthanasia is not acceptable‬
‭decision to end their lives in extreme‬ ‭especially with the efforts of today's‬
‭conditions‬ ‭doctors that can help the patient not to‬

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