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• Media refers to the combination of physical objects used

to communicate or mass media Communication through
physical objects, such as radio, television, computers,
telephone, mobile phone, film, etc.

• Media literacy is understanding and using mass media in
either an assertive or non assertive way, including an
informed and critical understanding of media, what
techniques they employ and their effect.
● Using a specific media

•The ability to read, analyze, evaluate, and produce

communication in a variety of media forms, e.g.
television, print, radio computer and other.

• Information is a broad term that can cover data, derived from study, experience, or
knowledge instruction, signals or symbols.

• In the media world, information is often used to describe

knowledge of specific events or situations that has been
gathered or receive by communication, intelligence or

• Information literacy refers to the abilities to recognize
when information is needed and to locate, evaluate,
effectively use, and communicate information in its
various formats.

• Technology is defined as the science in industry,
engineering etc., to invent useful things or to solve
problems. Through the years, it has galloped over
different phases (For example, from traditional
telephones to smartphones, from paper books to
electronic books).

•Technology literacy is the responsible means of using
various technological tools in order to meet one's goal in
quiring and giving the right information.
What Is Technology Literacy? Technology literacy is the ability to use, comprehend, manage, and analyze technology safely, effectively, and
responsibly. This literacy includes using technology to evaluate, create and integrate information

Requiring a skill


• Plays and important role in communication and
information dissemination. Media and Information will
enable us to access, understand and create
communications in a variety of contexts in the form of
accessing, understanding, and creating media and


Ages of Evolution
•Prehistoric Age
•lndustrial Age
•Electronic Age
Information Age
•people harness the power of electricity that led to electrical
telegraphy and large scale computers


Before 1700
People discovered fire, developed
paper from plants, and forged weapons and tool with stone, bronze,
Copper and iron.
• cave paintings
• clay tablets in Mesopotamia
papyrus in Egypt
• dibao in China
People used the power of steam, developed
machine tools, established iron production,
and the manufacturing of various products
(including books through the printing press).
• Printing press for mass production
• Newspaper The London Gazette
• Motion picture photograph
• telegraph
punch cards


In this age, People invented the transistor ushered in the electronic age. People harnessed
the power of transistors that led to the transistor radio, electronic circuits,and the early
computers. In this age, long distance communication became more efficient.
● Transistor Radio
● Television (1941)
● Large electronic computers - EDSAC & UNIVAC
● Mainframe Computers - IBM704 (1960)


2000 Current
The Internet paved the way for faster communication
and the creation of the social network. People advanced the use of microelectronics with the
invention of personal computers, mobile devices, and wearable technology. Moreover, voice,
image, sound and data are digitized. We are now living in the information age.
• Social media sites
•Tablets and Smartphones
• World Wide Web
• Live forecast
• Online storage and backup

Print Media
- media consisting of paper
and ink, reproduced in a
printing process that is
traditionally mechanical.

Broadcast Media
- media such as radio and
television that reach target
The audiences using airwaves as
the transmission medium.

New Media
- content organized and
distributed on digital

Media Convergence
- co-existence of traditional
and new media allowing
media content to flow
across various platforms.

Smartphones (converging camera, music, the internet, books, and all other media together)
Online Radio (converging radio with the Internet)
E-books (converging paperbacks with the digital technology)
News Websites and Apps.
Lesson 4:
A stream of news from an increasing number of sources and platforms is overburdening news consumers, leading to exhaustion as well as
Indifference to the news (London et al., 2022]. Individuals are bombarded with an overwhelming volume of information as the line between news
creation and consumption blur and more channels and technologies become accessible for news consumption Rena. 2022). Furthermore,
because of the Increased use of mobile devices, news is transmitted more swiftly to a larger number of people Inan ever before. The problem of
news overload has been increased by constant news updates on social media and smartphone applications.

The excess of knowledge itself is not always seen as a bad thing because it gives Information consumers extra capabilities (Garcia-de-Frutos and
Estreia Ramón. 2021). Nevertheless, when various media rebroadcast the same news with slightly altered versions, the supply of Information is

Sources of Information:

Primary Source:
An original, uninterpreted, or first- hand material created by the person(s) Involved in an activity or an event.
Example: Diaries, autobiography, artifacts,

letters and manuscript

Secondary Source
Informalion obtained through The analysis, interpretation, and evaluation of primary source materials.
Examples: news article, literature review, and biographies

Tertiary Source
Involves information that collects, organizes, and summarizes primary and secondary source materials.
example: guidebooks, encyclopedia, and dictionary.

Where to find media and information sources?

Indigenous Knowledge
-knowledge that is unique to a specific culture or society; most often it is not written down.
examples: folk tales, folk song, folk dances

Indigenous media and information

Original information created by local group of people. This also refers
to content about indigenous people that maybe distributed through dominant forms of media or
through forms of communication unique to their people group.


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