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OPINION Substance use and addictive disorders in DSM-5
and ICD 10 and the draft ICD 11
John B. Saunders a,b

Purpose of review
The present review compares and contrasts the diagnostic entities and taxonomy of substance use and
addictive disorders in the beta draft of the Eleventh Revision of the International Classification of Diseases
(ICD 11), which was released in November 2016, and the Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), which was published in mid-2013. Recently published papers
relevant to these two classification systems are examined. New initiatives in diagnosis and assessment
including the addictions neuroclinical assessment are noted.
Recent findings
The draft ICD 11 retains substance dependence as the ‘master diagnosis’ in contrast to the broader and
heterogeneous concept of substance use disorder in DSM-5 and there is empirical support for the
coherence of substance dependence for alcohol, cannabis, and prescribed opioids. Both systems now
include gambling disorder in the addictive disorders section, with it being transferred from the impulse
control disorders section. The new diagnosis of internet gaming disorder is included in DSM-5 as a
condition for further study, and gaming disorder is grouped with the substance and gambling disorders
in the draft ICD 11. Initiatives from the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) are highlighting the
importance of capturing the neurobiological phases of the addictive cycle in clinical diagnosis and
Although most of the changes in the draft ICD 11 and DSM-5 are incremental, the contrast between DSM-5
substance use disorder and substance dependence in the draft ICD 11, and the inclusion of gambling
disorder and gaming disorder will generate much discussion and research.
classification, diagnosis, gambling disorder, gaming disorder, substance dependence, substance use
disorder, taxonomy

INTRODUCTION mid-2013, nearly 20 years from the time of publi-

Diagnostic systems are essential for communicating cation of the fourth edition, DSM-IV [2]. The pub-
accurately our clinical findings to colleagues and lication of DSM-5 has generated much research into
patients, for epidemiological data gathering, and for the comparative performance of its substance dis-
providing a basis for precision in research. In the order diagnoses compared with DSM-IV and the ICD
field of mental health and addictive disorders, the system. In November 2016, the beta draft of the
world is subdivided into countries which largely eleventh revision of the ICD, ICD 11, was released

adhere to the diagnostic and statistical manual of for public comment [3 ]. Publication is expected in
mental disorders (DSM) classification and those
which adopt the international classification of dis-
eases (ICD) system, which is under the auspices of a
Centre for Youth Substance Abuse Research, University of Queensland,
the WHO. For diagnostic coding and epidemiolog- Brisbane, Queensland and bDisciplines of Psychiatry and Addiction
ical reporting, all WHO member countries are under Medicine, University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
treaty obligation to employ the ICD system. Diag- Correspondence to John B. Saunders, Macquarie Street, Sydney, NSW
nostic and classification systems take many years to 2000, Australia. E-mail:
revise and update. The latest version of DSM is the Curr Opin Psychiatry 2017, 30:000–000
Fifth Edition, DSM-5 [1], which was published in DOI:10.1097/YCO.0000000000000332

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YCO 300408

Addictive Disorders

is subdivided onto predominantly offline and pre-

KEY POINTS dominantly online types.
 Many changes have occurred to the definitions and In terms of substances and substance groups
diagnostic criteria of substance use disorders in DSM-5 covered, DSM-5 has adopted a conservative appro-
and the draft ICD 11 since their forerunners were ach. Ten separate classes of substance are included,
published over 20 years ago. namely alcohol, caffeine, cannabis, hallucinogens,
inhalants, opioids, sedatives and anxiolytics, stimu-
 The draft ICD 11 retains substance dependence as the
central diagnosis and defines it as a clinical syndrome lants, tobacco, and ‘other’ substances, and this is
or cluster of cognitive, behavioral, and physiological essentially the same as in its forerunner (Table 1).
features reflecting an ‘internal driving force’ to use the The current ICD 10 classification subdivides psy-
substance; by contrast DSM-5 includes a heterogeneous chostimulants into cocaine on the one hand, and
disorder termed substance use disorder. other stimulants such as amphetamine-type com-
 Gambling disorder and (online or internet) gaming pounds and caffeine on the other. This is further
disorder are increasingly accepted as developed in the draft ICD 11 where there are four
addictive disorders. categories of psychostimulants. In contrast to the
DSM system, the draft ICD 11 has incorporated
 The essential features of substance-induced mental
various types of ‘new psychoactive substances’ into
disorders are little changed compared with previous
versions of DSM and ICD. its coverage (Table 1). These include synthetic can-
nabinoids and synthetic cathinones, and there is a
 Neurobiological findings are now influencing the separate category for disorders because of methyl-
development of clinical instruments and diagnoses. ene-dioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and methyl-
ene-dioxyamphetamine (MDA). Thus, the draft
ICD 11 is more specific as to the individual sub-
stances or subgroups compared with DSM, reflecting
2018, some 25 years after the tenth revision, ICD 10, its role as an international system for monitoring
appeared [4,5]. The present review study compares trends in substance use globally as well as a clinical
and contrasts the descriptions and diagnostic manual.
criteria in DSM-5 and the definitions and diagnostic The DSM-IV and ICD 10 diagnoses of ‘polysub-
guidelines proposed for ICD 11, with briefer stance dependence’ (and similar entities) have been
comparison with the earlier ICD 10 and DSM-IV. eliminated in DSM-5 and the draft ICD 11, respec-
Relevant studies are presented and the potential tively. It is recommended in both systems to make
contributions to diagnosis of the emerging data individual diagnoses corresponding to the sub-
from neurobiological studies are highlighted. stance responsible for the disorder. Sometimes sub-
stance use is so indiscriminate and opportunistic
that no individual substance can be identified with
OVERALL COVERAGE OF ADDICTIVE confidence as the cause of the disorder. However,
DISORDERS there is now no mechanism for describing this and if
Both DSM-5 and the draft ICD 11 have extended the substances used are not included in the main
their scope to include new disorders and both have list, the categories of ‘other or unknown substances’
repositioned existing disorders. The completely in DSM-5 or ‘other specified substances’ or
new entity is termed ‘internet gaming disorder’ in ‘unknown or unspecified substances’ in the draft
DSM-5 and ‘gaming disorder’ in the draft ICD 11, ICD 11 can be utilized.
which is subdivided into ‘predominantly offline’
and ‘predominantly online’, the latter being
roughly equivalent to the DSM-5 entity. Internet THE RANGE OF SUBSTANCE USE
gaming disorder is not yet included in the main DIAGNOSES
section of DSM-5 but is in a separate chapter titled The range of disorders related to substance use can
‘conditions for further study.’ The features of these be subdivided conceptually into [1] those that
disorders are discussed further below. ‘Gambling represent the actual use of the substance, whether
disorder’ is a new entity in the ‘Substance-Related one-off or repeated, and its immediate effects, and
and Addictive Disorders’ section of DSM-5, being [2] those which reflect the complications of sub-
a reconceptualization of what was termed ‘patho- stance use such as disease processes in the brain and
logical gambling’ listed within impulse control the rest of the body.
disorders in DSM-IV. Gambling disorder is now Among the former are substance dependence
included in the Substance Use and Related Disorders (ICD 10, the draft ICD 11, and DSM-IV), which
chapter in the draft ICD 11 and like gaming disorder has at its core a psychobiological driving force to

2 Volume 30  Number 00  Month 2017

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Table 1. Coverage of psychoactive substance groups and addictive behaviors in DSM-IV and DSM-5, and ICD 10 and the draft ICD 11
Class DSM-IV DSM-5 ICD 10 Draft ICD 11 Comments

CNS depressants Alcohol Alcohol Alcohol Alcohol

Cannabis Cannabis Cannabinoids Cannabis
Synthetic cannabinoids
Inhalants Inhalants Volatile solvents Volatile inhalants
Opioids Opioids Opioids Opioids
Sedatives, hypnotics, Sedatives, hypnotics, or Sedative hypnotics Sedatives, hypnotics, or anxiolytics
or anxiolytics anxiolytics
CNS stimulants Nicotine Tobacco Tobacco Nicotine
CE: Alpana; YCO 300408; Total nos of Pages: 11;

Caffeine Caffeine Other stimulants including Caffeine

Amphetamines Stimulants Stimulants including amphetamines, The stimulants category in DSM-5 includes
methamphetamine or methcathinone amphetamine-type substances, cocaine,
and other or unspecified stimulants. For
some diagnoses the type of substance
can be specified.
Synthetic cathinones
Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine
Hallucinogens, Hallucinogens Hallucinogens Hallucinogens Dissociative drugs including ketamine In DSM-5, there are separate descriptions
empathogens and and phencyclidine for phencyclidine and for other
dissociative drugs hallucinogens. MDMA is classified
under other hallucinogens.
Phencyclidine Hallucinogens
YCO 300408

MDMA and related drugs including


0951-7367 Copyright ß 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Polysubstance use Polysubstance Multiple drug use and use The category Polysubstance use does not
of other psychoactive appear in DSM-5 or the draft ICD 11
Other and unknown Other substances Other or unknown Other specified psychoactive
substances substances substances
Unknown or unspecified psychoactive There is no category for unknown or
substances unspecified substances in DSM-IV
Behavioral addictions Pathological gambling Gambling disorder Pathological gambling Gambling disorder Pathological gambling was included in
Impulse Control Disorders in DSM-IV
and ICD 10. In ICD 11 gambling
disorder is subdivided into
predominantly offline and
predominantly online
Internet gaming disorder Gaming disorder Gaming disorders did not feature in
DSM-IV or ICD 10. In the draft ICD 11
gambling disorder is subdivided into
predominantly offline and
predominantly online
Substance use and addictive disorders in DSM-5 and ICD 11 Saunders

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Addictive Disorders

‘substance dependence syndrome’ developed from

Substance dependence the mid-1970s onwards [7]. It emphasized a central
Substance (ICD 10 & 11, & DSM -IV)
use disorder
syndromal grouping of features such as craving,
(DSM-5) Substance
Harmful substance use impaired control over substance use, stereotyping
(ICD 10) of use, and prioritizing of substance use, together
with physiological features of tolerance and with-
Hazardous (or risky) use
drawal. This central syndrome replaced the much
broader notions of alcoholism and addiction which
Low risk use had typically incorporated some of the mental and
social complications and externalizing behaviors
Non-user and denial of the problem. The entity of substance
dependence was highly influential and its existence
was supported by numerous studies of its psycho-
FIGURE 1. The hierarchy of substance use disorders in metric properties [6]. Applied first to alcohol it
DSM-IV and DSM-5, and ICD 10 and the draft ICD 11. became accepted as applying to prescribed medi-
cations such as benzodiazepines and opioids and
consume the substance [6]. Substance use disorder to a range of recreational and illicit drugs such as
(DSM-5) is a broader diagnostic entity which is cannabis, heroin, and psychostimulants [6]. Sub-
essentially an amalgamation of DSM-IV substance stance dependence was incorporated into the
dependence and substance abuse (described and WHO schema of substance disorders [8] and fea-
discussed below). In addition, ‘hazardous substance tured with some modifications in DSM-IIIR (pub-
use’, which describes a pattern of repeated substance lished in 1987), DSM-IV (published in 1994), and
use is included in the draft ICD 11 with other health ICD 10 (published in 1992 and 1993). The criteria in
risk factors and not in Chapter 6, the main section DSM-IV, DSM-5, ICD 10, and the draft ICD 11 are
containing substance use and mental health diag- presented in Fig. 2.
noses. There is a natural hierarchy of these disorders, In DSM-5, substance use disorder is now the
which is schematically represented in Fig. 1. central diagnosis. It represents a combination of
ICD 10 regards harmful substance use and sub- the diagnostic features of DSM-IV substance
stance dependence as having a hierarchical relation- dependence and substance abuse, with some modi-
ship, the former being diagnosed when there is fications. Craving is included as a diagnostic
harm but no dependence. Other central disorders criterion in DSM-5 to increase the commonality
of substance use include (acute) substance intoxi- with the ICD system. Legal problems, which were
cation (all systems, although considered substance- a criterion of DSM-IV substance abuse, has been
induced in DSM), and substance withdrawal state omitted from the DSM-5 diagnosis. Decisions to
(all systems, again substance-induced in DSM). Sep- include and exclude criteria and the fundamental
arate to the main section of substance and addictive step of having a single diagnostic entity covering
disorders in the ICD system are disorders because of patterns of substance use which cause harm were
nonpsychoactive substances. These substances guided by sophisticated nontheoretical statistical
include laxatives, diuretics, erythropoietin, anabolic techniques such as item response theory [9–11].
steroids (although not specifically listed in the draft The analyses are well conducted, although it must
ICD 11), and herbal and folk remedies. be recognized that the original items for DSM-IV
The complications of substance use are generally substance abuse were potential but ‘failed’ items for
termed ‘substance-induced disorders’ and there are what became DSM-IV substance dependence.
several substance-induced mental disorders, includ- DSM-5 offers a simplified diagnostic system and
ing cognitive dysfunction, in both DSM and ICD avoids what was considered a problem of ‘diagnostic
and which are described below, and multiple orphans’, namely individuals who fulfilled two
substance-induced (or substance-related) physical DSM-IV substance dependence criteria but no sub-
disorders including trauma which are detailed stance abuse criteria [12]. However, there are prob-
extensively in the ICD system but do not feature lems. Substance use disorder is defined as any two of
in the DSM system. eleven diagnostic criteria and rather than being
syndromal in nature it is a very broad and hetero-
SUBSTANCE DEPENDENCE OR geneous condition. Indeed one can calculate that
SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER AS THE there are over 2000 combinations of the diagnostic
MASTER DIAGNOSIS criteria which fulfill the requirements for substance
Arising largely from the work of Griffith Edwards at use disorder. Is it so broad and heterogeneous that it
the Maudsley Hospital in London, the concept of a is a less useful entity than substance dependence in

4 Volume 30  Number 00  Month 2017

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CE: Alpana; YCO 300408; Total nos of Pages: 11;
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Substance use and addictive disorders in DSM-5 and ICD 11 Saunders

clinical practice—in assessing risk (e.g. of a with- (1) Impaired control over substance use – in terms
drawal state) and in determining treatment? of the onset, level, circumstances, or termin-
Examples of the importance of clinical utility are ation of use, often but not necessarily accom-
that a dependence syndrome on an opioid such as panied by a subjective sensation of urge or
heroin is necessary (and required in most countries) craving to use the substance.
for an opioid agonist such as methadone or bupre- (2) Substance use becomes an increasing priority in
norphine to be prescribed. In a similar vein, alcohol life such that its use takes precedence over other
pharmacotherapies such as naltrexone and acam- interests or enjoyments, daily activities, respon-
prosate have been trialed among people with alco- sibilities, or health or personal care. Substance
hol dependence rather than the broader entity that use takes an increasingly central role in the
is alcohol use disorder. Empirical studies published person’s life and relegates other areas of life to
recently show that the DSM-5 criteria for alcohol the periphery. Substance use often continues
and cannabis use disorders lead to a higher preva- despite the occurrence of problems.
lence and capture different individuals compared (3) Physiological features (indicative of neuroadap-
with the DSM-IV (dependence and abuse), ICD 10, tation to the substance) as manifested by (i)
and draft ICD 11 diagnoses [13 ]. Diagnostic con- tolerance, (ii) withdrawal symptoms following
cordance is only moderate for the DSM-5 diagnoses cessation or reduction in use of that substance,
compared with the other systems. or (iii) repeated use of the substance (or pharma-
The prevalence and correlates of DSM-5 sub- cologically similar substance) to prevent or alle-
stance use disorder have been examined (without viate withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal
diagnostic comparison) in some large-scale epide- symptoms must be characteristic for the with-
miological studies. The U.S. National Epidemiologic drawal syndrome for that substance and must
Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions not simply reflect a hangover effect.
(NESARC) is a particularly valuable resource. Using
this data set, Hasin et al. found 2.5% fulfilled the The reasons for retaining substance dependence
criteria for DSM-5 Cannabis Use Disorder in the past as a diagnostic entity have been alluded to above.
12 months and 6.3% during the person’s lifetime They include the excellent psychometric perform-
[14 ]. Cannabis Use Disorder was significantly ance of ICD 10 substance dependence for all sub-
associated with anxiety, affective disorders, person- stance groups (see 6), guidance to clinicians on
ality disorders, and other substance use disorders, prescribing pharmacotherapies (including agonist
with greater severity of the cannabis disorder corre- maintenance), and warning of the likelihood of a
lated with the severity of the comorbid disorders. withdrawal state developing. How the simplified
The public health implications of these findings are diagnostic guidelines compare with those in ICD
highlighted in a commentary by Compton and Bale 10 will be the subject of further research and field
[15 ]. testing. They were described as being ‘in almost
Substance dependence has been retained in the perfect agreement’ with the ICD 10 and DSM-IV
draft ICD 11. The description in it is that substance substance dependence diagnoses [13 ]. Further data
dependence is ‘a disorder of regulation of use of a on prescribed medication dependence are presented
psychoactive substance arising from repeated or below.
continuous use of the substance. Its central feature
is a strong internal drive to use the substance,
manifested by impaired ability to control use, DIAGNOSES AS APPLIED TO PRESCRIBED
increasing priority given to use of the substance MEDICATION USE
over other activities, and persistence of use despite Certain groups of prescribed medications are well
harm and adverse consequences. Individuals with recognized as inducing tolerance and physiological
substance dependence often develop tolerance dependence. They can also lead to behaviors such as
and withdrawal symptoms. The constellation of ‘doctor shopping’ and life becomes progressively
behaviors suggesting dependence is evident over focused on obtaining and maintaining the supply
a period of at least 12 months if use is episodic, or of prescribed medications. The two most common
over a period of at least one month if use is con- classes of drugs involved are the sedative–hypnotic–
tinuous (daily or almost daily)’ [3 ]. Opportunity anxiolytic group (most particularly the benzo-
has been taken to simplify the diagnostic guidelines diazepines) and opioid analgesics, which range from
so that in contrast to the six of ICD 10, substance (i) relatively low potency ones such as codeine, (ii)
dependence in the draft ICD 11 (Fig. 2) requires the mid-potency agents such as oxycodone and trama-
presence of two or more of three composite guide- dol, (iii) full potency agonists such as morphine and
lines [16,17]: methadone, and (iv) super-agonists such as fentanyl.

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CE: Alpana; YCO 300408; Total nos of Pages: 11;
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Addictive Disorders

DSM-IV Dependence DSM-5 Substance Use Disorder ICD 10 Substance Dependence ICD 11 Substance Dependence

A maladapve paern of A problemac paern of Three or more of the following The diagnosis requires two or
substance use, leading to substance use leading to [six] manifestaons should have more of the three central
Stem clinically significant impairment clinically significant impairment occurred together for at least features to be present in the
or distress, as manifested by or distress, as manifested by at one month, or occurred together individual at the same me and
three or more of the following least two of the following repeatedly within a 12-month to occur repeatedly over a period
occurring at any me in the same occurring within a 12 month period. of at least 12 months or
12-month period. period connuously over a period of at
least one month.

1 No equivalent criterion – Craving or a strong desire or urge A strong desire or sense of 1. Impaired control over
menoned in text to use the substance compulsion to take the substance use – in terms of the
psychoacve substance (craving onset, level, circumstances or
or compulsion) terminaon of use, and oen,
but not necessarily, accompanied
2 There is persistent desire or There is persistent desire or No equivalent criterion but text by a subjecve sensaon of urge
unsuccessful aempts to cut unsuccessful efforts to cut down states that the subjecve or craving to use the substance.
down or control substance use or control substance use awareness of compulsion is most
commonly seen during aempts
to stop or control substance use.

3 The substance is oen taken in The substance is oen taken in Difficules in controlling
larger amounts or over a longer larger amounts or over a longer substance-taking behaviour in
period of me than was intended period than was intended terms of its onset, terminaon,
or levels of use (loss of control)

4 Important social, occupaonal or Recurrent substance use Progressive neglect of alternave 2. Substance use becomes an
recreaonal acvies are given resulng in a failure to fulfil pleasures and responsibilies increasing priority in life such
up or reduced because of major role obligaons at work, because of psychoacve that its use takes precedence
drinking or psychoacve school or home substance use, or increased over other interests or
substance use. amount of me necessary to enjoyments, daily acvies,
obtain or take the substance or responsibilies, or health or
to recover from its effects. personal care. It takes an
increasingly central role in the
5 A great deal of me is spent in A great deal of me is spent in Subsumed in the above criterion. person’s life and relegates other
acvies necessary to obtain the acvies necessary to obtain the areas of life to the periphery.
substance, use the substance or substance, use the substance or Substance use oen connues
recover from its effects. recover from its effects despite the occurrence of
6. The substance use is connued Connued substance use despite Persisng with substance use
despite knowledge of having a having persistent or recurrent despite clear evidence of overtly
persistent or recurrent physical social or interpersonal problems harmful consequences.
or psychological problem that is caused or exacerbated by the
likely to have been caused or effects of the substance.
exacerbated by the substance

6. Tolerance: as defined by either Tolerance is defined by either of Tolerance: such that increased 3. Physiological features
(a) a need for markedly increased the following: a) a need for doses of the psychoacve (indicave of neuroadaptaon to
amounts of the substance to markedly increased amounts of substances are required in order the substance) as manifested by
achieve the desired effects or (b) the substance to achieve to achieve effects originally (i) tolerance, (ii) withdrawal
markedly diminished effect with intoxicaon or desired effect b) a produced by lower doses. symptoms following cessaon or
connued use of the same markedly diminished effect with reducon in use of that
amount of the substance. connued use of the same substance, or (iii) repeated use of
amount of the substance the substance (or
pharmacologically similar
substance) to prevent or alleviate
7. Withdrawal as manifested by Withdrawal is manifested by A physiological withdrawal state withdrawal symptoms.
either (a) the characterisc either of the following: a)the when substance use has ceased Withdrawal symptoms must be
withdrawal syndrome for the characterisc withdrawal or been reduced, as evidenced by characterisc for the withdrawal
substance or (b) the same (or a syndrome for the substance, or the characterisc withdrawal syndrome for that substance and
closely related) substance is b) the substance (or a closely syndrome for the substance; or must not simply reflect a
taken to relieve or avoid related substance) is taken to use of the same (or a closely hangover effect.
withdrawal symptoms. relieve , or avoid withdrawal related substance) with the
symptoms intenon of relieving or avoiding
withdrawal symptoms.

9. Connued substance use despite Substance use is connued To some extent subsumed in To some extent subsumed in
having persistent or recurrent despite knowledge of having a criterion no. 4. criterion no. 2.
Former social or interpersonal problems persistent or recurrent physical
DSM-IV caused or exacerbated by the
or psychological problem that is
abuse effects of the substance (e.g.
arguments with spouse about likely to have been caused or
consequences of intoxicaon, exacerbated by that substance
physical fights)

10. Recurrent substance use in Recurrent use in situaons in No equivalent criterion No equivalent criterion
situaons in which it is typically which it is physically hazardous
Former hazardous (drink driving)

11. Recurrent substance use which Important social, occupaonal or To some extent subsumed in To some extent subsumed in
results in failure to fulfil major recreaonal acvies are given criterion no. 4. criterion no. 2.
Former obligaons at work, school or up or reduced because of
DSM-IV home
substance use

Former Recurrent substance-related

DSM-IV legal problems (e.g. driving an
abuse, now automobile or operang a
machine when impaired by
substance use)

FIGURE 2. Diagnostic criteria for substance dependence and substance use disorder in DSM-IV and DSM-5, and ICD 10 and
ICD 11. In DSM-5, the diagnosis of substance use disorder is further classified according to severity: presence of two to three
symptoms: mild; presence of four to five symptoms: moderate; presence of six or more symptoms: severe.

6 Volume 30  Number 00  Month 2017

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Substance use and addictive disorders in DSM-5 and ICD 11 Saunders

In many countries, low-dose combination opioid disorder, substance-induced anxiety disorder,

analgesics (such as paracetamol-codeine and ibupro- substance-induced bipolar disorder and substance-
fen-codeine) are available for purchase through induced psychotic disorder. DSM-5 has adopted a
pharmacies. Cottler et al. [18 ] have demonstrated different approach to these disorders in that they are
significant morbidity and (long term) mortality now incorporated into the sections dealing with, for
associated with use of such analgesics for nonmedical example, ‘neurocognitive disorders’, ‘depressive dis-
reasons. orders’, and ‘anxiety disorders’ and are labeled as
The tolerance- and physiological dependence- ‘substance/medication-induced’ conditions within
inducing properties of these agents pose difficulties these sections. A diagnosis of a substance/medi-
in determining whether a substance disorder has cation-induced mental disorder is made when there
developed. Tolerance is a predicable consequence is a history of use of a substance which is capable of
of being placed on an opioid analgesic. Should this producing the relevant symptoms and when the
be regarded as a diagnostic criterion for an addic- condition is not better explained by a nonsub-
tion? If a person experiences withdrawal symptoms stance-induced disorder. Important pointers to the
when a medically prescribed opioid analgesic is role of the substance are that significant substance
suddenly ceased or reduced in dose, should this or medication use was present prior to the onset of
too be regarded as an indicator of an addiction? symptoms and that the symptoms usually persist for
These issues also raise concerns about the legal between 1 and 6 months after the effects of the
liability of medical practitioner for their occurrence, substance (specifically intoxication or withdrawal)
of particular concern in litigious medical environ- have abated. There is no difference in the diagnostic
ments such as the United States. criteria or thresholds for substance-induced and
The classification systems have adopted differ- independent mental disorders. There is little detail
ent approaches to avoid predictable physiological on individual disorders. It is surprising given the
consequences being termed pathological. Indeed, it focus on comorbidity (‘dual diagnosis’) nowadays
was a reason why the diagnostic term ‘substance that so little attention has been paid to empirical
dependence’ was deleted from DSM-5 [19]. In studies aimed at delineating substance/medication-
DSM-5, there is a specific exclusion for making induced disorders from independent ones.
the diagnosis of substance use disorder if the use In ICD 10, the neuropsychiatric complications of
of that substance has occurred solely as a con- substance use are included in the psychoactive sub-
sequence of medical prescription. In the draft ICD stance use chapter and embrace (1) Withdrawal State
11, a different approach has been adopted. Only two with Delirium, (2) Psychotic Disorder, (3) Amnestic
of three central guidelines will be required for the Syndrome, and (4) Residual and Late Onset Psychotic
diagnosis of substance dependence and the presence Disorder. Two further sections cover other and unspe-
of tolerance and withdrawal (as markers of physio- cified mental and behavioral complications. Residual
logical dependence) will not be sufficient in them- and late onset psychotic disorder covers a range of
selves for the diagnosis. A recent Australian study sequelae, including (i) persisting flashbacks, (ii)
showed excellent agreement between the draft ICD personality or behavior disorder, (iii) residual affec-
11 guidelines and the corresponding criteria in ICD tive disorder, (iv) dementia, (v) other persisting cog-
10 and DSM-IV; agreement and psychometric prop- nitive impairment, and (vi) late-onset psychotic
erties were worst for DSM-5 [20 ]. Thus, in the draft disorder. There are specific descriptions too of sub-
ICD 11 at least one other guideline will need to be stance-induced mood disorder, anxiety disorder, and
fulfilled (other than tolerance and withdrawal) for other psychiatric consequences.
substance dependence to be diagnosed. If a with- The structure of the draft ICD 11 is quite differ-
drawal syndrome occurs when a medically pre- ent to ICD 10. Many psychiatric sequelae are listed
scribed sedative or opioid has been ceased or under each substance (or substance group). Sub-
reduced, a diagnosis of substance withdrawal can stance-induced delirium replaces withdrawal state
be made according to the draft ICD 11 guidelines. with delirium and encompasses both withdrawal-
related and intoxication-related states of delirium.
Psychotic disorder is much the same as in ICD 10.
SUBSTANCE-INDUCED MENTAL AND There are also descriptions for substance-induced
OTHER DISORDERS mood disorder, anxiety disorder, sexual dysfunc-
Substance-induced mental disorders are treated dif- tion, and sleep disorder. However, neurocognitive
ferently in DSM-5 compared with its predecessor. sequelae such as amnestic syndrome are listed sep-
DSM-IV listed a range of substance-induced mental arately. The collection of disorders subsumed within
disorders within the main chapter of substance use residual and late onset psychotic disorder in ICD 10
disorders. These include substance-induced mood also feature elsewhere in the draft ICD 11.

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Addictive Disorders

DSM-5 eschews mention of the physical diseases health risk factors has been vast. The use of the term
consequent on substance use. Given the worldwide ‘hazardous’ is limited to use in physically hazardous
morbidity and mortality from them, this seems situations in DSM-IV and DSM-5.
extraordinary. One would not expect detailed ’Hazardous’ or ‘risky’ substance use is an import-
descriptions or diagnostic criteria in a psychiatric ant concept for public health and prevention. There
manual but they have faded into oblivion, together has been a long-standing debate about whether
with the ‘general medical conditions’, which notions of risky substance use should be incorpor-
formed Axis III of the previous DSM multiaxial ated into the ICD system. For example in ICD 10, the
system. The ICD system, by contrast, covers all term ‘hazardous substance use’ is not a diagnostic
known human disorders together with health risk entity in the main chapter of mental health and
factors and external causes of disease and injury. For substance use disorders, having been deleted at the
medical and traumatic sequelae of substance use, final draft stage. It is possible to note the presence of
ICD 10 already has detailed descriptions and diag- risky consumption using other sections of the classi-
nostic guidelines for the array of physical, neuro- fication such as the Y90 and Y91 codes. In the draft
logical, and traumatic sequelae. No substantial ICD 11, hazardous alcohol consumption has been
change in these descriptions is anticipated for ICD included in a separate chapter as a health risk factor
11, although more attention is being paid to blood- (not in the main section of substance use disorders).
borne viral, bacterial, and other infections. It is defined as ‘a pattern of alcohol use that appreci-
ably increases the risk of harmful physical or mental
health consequences to the user or to others to an
HAZARDOUS AND RISKY SUBSTANCE extent that warrants attention and advice from
USE health professionals’. The increased risk may be
As well as there being a range of substance use from the frequency of alcohol use, from the amount
disorders, substance use is a risk factor for many used on a given occasion, or from risky behaviors
physical and psychiatric ailments and social con- associated with alcohol use or the context of use, or
sequences. For example, it is known that the level of from a combination of these. The risk may be related
a person’s alcohol consumption is related to the to short-term effects of alcohol or to longer-term
subsequent likelihood of their developing cirrhosis cumulative effects on physical or mental health or
of the liver, chronic pancreatitis, peptic ulcer dis- functioning. Hazardous alcohol use has not yet
ease, carcinoma of the colon, breast cancer, and reached the level of having caused harm to physical
many other disorders [21]. Recently, this morbidity or mental health of the user or others around the
has also been analyzed in relation to specified alco- user. The pattern of alcohol use often persists in
hol use disorders [22]. Mostly, this reflects the tissue spite of awareness of increased risk of harm to the
toxic effects of alcohol but they may be due to user or to others [3 ].
nutritional deficiency, the mode of administration,
and interactions with other agents. Likewise, many
physical disorders are related to the number of GAMBLING AND GAMING AS ADDICTIVE
cigarettes a person smokes. Caffeine-containing DISORDERS
energy drinks are increasingly popular in many Excessive gambling and gaming are increasingly
countries [23] and there appears to be a dose— accepted as addictive disorders. On the basis of
response relationship. The pattern of substance the evidence review in the DSM-5 developmental
use is also important, with some of the acute process, it was decided that there were sufficient
physical sequelae arising from periodic heavy use – grounds for regarding what was termed pathological
trauma being an example – compared with regular gambling in DSM-IV as an addiction, with the new
daily consumption of essentially the same amount. diagnostic label of ‘gambling disorder’ [1]. Certain
Various labels are attached to the use of a sub- criteria are common to those for substance use
stance which confers the risk of subsequent harm in disorder, including persistent thoughts about
this way. In many countries, there are criteria for gambling, making repeated unsuccessful efforts to
hazardous or risky alcohol consumption [24] and control or cease gambling, and a criterion akin to
the WHO has long used the term ‘hazardous’ to tolerance, of needing to gamble with increasing
apply to a level of substance use which confers amounts of money to achieve the desired effect.
the risk of harmful consequences [8]. In DSM-IV These criteria reflect the internal driving force of
and DSM-5, this understanding of hazardous an addictive disorder and the priority given to
substance use does not feature even though the gambling over other activities and responsibilities.
contribution of American epidemiologists to our Gambling may be episodic or very regular, when the
understanding of alcohol and cigarette use as major addictive progression which sees gambling occupy

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Substance use and addictive disorders in DSM-5 and ICD 11 Saunders

center-stage in that person’s life is very evident. correspond to the typical features of substance
Other criteria are, unsurprisingly, different and they dependence. The features [27], prevalence [28],
emphasize certain characteristic features such as health impacts, and neuroimaging features are the
gambling specifically to recover losses (’chasing’ subject of several recent publications (see, e.g. [29]).
losses) and relying on money from others to relive
desperate financial situations. In addition to sharing
many core features of addiction, gambling disorder CONCLUSION: POINTERS TO THE FUTURE
shares with the other addictions common associ- A considerable literature has been generated leading
ations such as comorbid disorders, antecedent up to and subsequent to the publication of DSM-5
factors, and there is considerable similarity in the and in the development of the draft ICD 11 exam-
neurobiological mechanisms which lead to that ining the psychometric properties and diagnostic
internal drive [25 ]. yield of key diagnostic entities, some of which has
’Internet gaming disorder’ is not included in the been noted above. More sophisticated survey
main text of DSM-5 but in a separate chapter under designs and more precise mathematical tools have
‘conditions for further study’ [1]. There are draft been employed. However, all this work is essentially
diagnostic criteria which are very similar – surpris- of a confirmatory nature. The diagnostic criteria
ingly so—to those which apply to substance use used in DSM-IV and DSM-5 seem to have attained
disorders. Internet gaming disorder is defined as a divine status of which Moses would have been
the persistent and recurrent use of the internet to proud. The ways of thinking about diagnoses and
engage in games and leading to clinically significant the type of information gathered from people with
impairment or distress. This maladaptive involve- problems due to substance use have remained
ment with on-line games leads to preoccupation unchanged for more than a generation. The lists
with them and loss of interest in other hobbies of symptoms and experiences of people with sub-
and activities, and neglect of educational and career stance use problems often date back to the 1930s to
opportunities. They progressively dominate a per- 1960s. The evidence base is patchy. The original
son’s life. The relevant DSM-5 Committee con- description of the alcohol dependence syndrome
sidered, however, that there was not yet sufficient was based on data gathered from 100 patients [8].
evidence available for internet gaming disorder to be The application of this syndrome to other substances
accepted as a diagnostic entity definitively. This is a was based on a confirmatory approach, rather than
fair expression of the available data in the 2007– gathering fresh data from the experiences of people
2013 period. Petry and et al. [26] have developed with, say, benzodiazepines or psychostimulant prob-
guidelines for assessing internet gaming disorder lems. The features of several of these disorders have
using the DSM-5 approach and describe the been studied, for example by Ashton [30] but typi-
intended meaning for each criterion. cally they have not informed diagnostic descriptions
More specific features of a gaming addiction and criteria. No attention has been paid to the bur-
have been identified since then and include the geoning literature on the neurobiology of these dis-
concept of ‘immersion’ in the virtual world. In orders or clinical trials of treatment. The current
addition there is more information about the diagnostic systems are built on limited foundations.
common antecedents and comorbidities of inter- With regard to the ICD 11 developmental
net gaming disorder, which are different in some process, field testing is underway and is assessing
respects from substance use disorders. For example the draft ICD 11 definitions and guidelines for
internet gaming disorder is associated with autistic clinical utility, value for epidemiological studies
spectrum disorder (which does not apply for sub- and monitoring, and comparability with ICD 10
stance disorders or gambling). In the draft ICD 11 (and DSM-IV and DSM-5). It comprises a web-based
gaming disorder is included in the addictions chap- key informant study, focus groups of health pro-
ter. It is subdivided into predominantly on-line fessionals, and a consensus conference, to be held
gaming and off-line gaming, with the former being after the results of field testing are available and with
the most common type and the greatest cause for the objective of generating an overall consensus on
concern. The draft ICD 11 guidelines emphasize the overall taxonomy and the Clinical Descriptions
persistent or recurrent gaming behavior with and Diagnostic Guidelines. Hence, there is scope for
impaired control over gaming and increasing change in the definitions and guidelines based on
priority given to gaming over other activities. results from field testing and data analysis.
Tolerance and withdrawal do not feature in these In a welcome development, Volkow et al. [31 ]
guidelines, but playing increasingly complex games have challenged the research community to pay
to obtain the desired effect and acts of violence attention to the wealth of research findings on
when access to the internet is interrupted may well the neurobiology of addictive disorders. From both

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CE: Alpana; YCO 300408; Total nos of Pages: 11;
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Addictive Disorders

laboratory animal research and human imaging World Health Organization respectively to attend
studies, three phases of addictive disorders have meetings of DSM-IV, DSM-5, ICD 10 and ICD 11 work-
been identified, namely, intoxication, withdrawal ing groups. He has not received any remuneration from
and negative affect, and preoccupation with sub- commercial, educational or other organizations in
stance use and what they term ‘anticipation’ which relation to this work.
equates to craving for the substance. Each of these
stages is characterized by activation of specific Conflicts of interest
neurocircuits [32]. Intoxication reflects activation
The author was a member of the Advisory Panel for the
of the dopamine-based reward system (other neuro-
development of DSM-IV (from 1988 to 1994), and was
transmitters have a subsidiary role) in the nucleus
Co-Chair of the Research Advisory Committee for DSM-5
accumbens, with projections to the dorsal striatum.
from 2003 to 2008; he was not a member of the Editorial
Withdrawal and negative affect involve corticotro-
Group for DSM-5. He was a member of the Psychoactive
phin releasing factor (CRF), glutamate and dynor-
Substance Use Disorders Workgroup for the development
phin within the amygdala, bed nucleus of the stria
of ICD 10 from 1987 to 1994. He was involved in
terminalis and nucleus accumbens. At the stage of
developing and revising the ICD 10 Clinical Descriptions
preoccupation and craving, the ventral striatum is
and Diagnostic Guidelines and was subsequently respon-
activated, together with the orbitofrontal and
sible for developing the corresponding ICD 10 Diagnostic
anterior cingulate cortex. Dysfunction of the pre-
Criteria for Research. He is currently a member of the
frontal cortex negates the brake on these feelings
Substance Use and Related Disorders Work Group for
and behaviors that might otherwise occur. These
ICD 11. The opinions stated in this paper are those of
phases correspond well with the features of sub-
the author and do not represent endorsement from the
stance use disorders, although the time frame for
American Psychiatric assocation and the World Health
their development may not directly match the
insidious onset of substance disorders in humans.
Is it now time to reconfigure substance use
disorders to a neurobiological framework? A group REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED
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&& been highlighted as:
clinical assessment’ [33 ], which is based on the & of special interest
phases of addiction described above, combined with && of outstanding interest

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