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Since I wanted to do my extended essay in economics , I came up with the topic of BRTS and

developed the concepts and ideas that can revolve around it. I started to do some basic
research upon BRTS surat and its effectiveness. Therefore, I plan to develop my research
question after reading more academic articles and gaining more knowledge on my topic. My
supervisor suggested that I make some improvements in my research question ( from
reducing negative consumption externality to promoting positive consumption externality ) in
order to avoid confusion and finalize the RQ: how effective has the BRTS bus system been in
promoting positive consumption externality in Surat ? Then in order to have productive
primary research I brainstormed on surveying people who use and do not use the buses in
order to understand the reasons for both the types of audiences .
In my current stage of the extended essay development for my BRTS study, I have progressed
significantly, especially in analyzing the primary aspects of the BRTS and its impact. During this
process, my research emphasizes the themes of accessibility and sustainability within the context of
the BRTS, given their substantial influence on urban reach in Surat . However, I encountered
challenges in integrating secondary research materials. The available academic literature
predominantly focuses on specific aspects of BRTS, making it challenging to find in-depth analysis
directly aligned with the themes I am exploring. Consequently, I have adjusted my strategy to rely
more on my independent literary analysis of the BRTS and its implications, allowing me to provide a
unique perspective and insights into the effectiveness of the system in promoting positive
consumption externalities. This approach allows me to blend my interpretation with existing scholarly
work, ensuring a well-rounded evaluation of the BRTS' s impact on urban transportation and
consumer behavior.

Upon completing the final draft of my extended essay on the BRTS (Bus Rapid Transit System), I find the research journey
profoundly engaging and meaningful.successfully navigated the research landscape, particularly focusing on a comparative
analysis of carbon emissions between BRTS and private transport. This included an in-depth exploration of its impact on
consumers and a thorough revenue analysis. The journey has been both demanding and captivating, providing valuable insights
and enhancing my understanding of economics in the context of BRTS surat - urban transportation system. One of the challenges
I encountered during my extended essay research was the acquisition of primary data and relevant secondary data specific to
Surat. This became significant because obtaining specific data on Surat was essential for a focused and contextually relevant
analysis of the BRTS (Bus Rapid Transit System) in Surat. In the case of primary research, I wanted to interview an expert or
employee of BRTS Surat for effective research.
The student has shown commendable effort in formulating a well-defined research question and highlighting its
significance for investigation. While the essay structure is sound and layout considerations are appropriately applied,
there is room for enhancement in the depth of data analysis. It's positive to see the student acknowledging the
limitations of their arguments, indicating a reflective approach to research.

Additionally, the student displays a basic understanding of economic theory, albeit with limited application in the essay.
Encouraging further exploration and analysis of the data would greatly enrich the overall quality of the work. Overall,
there's a solid foundation here, and with additional depth in data analysis and a deeper engagement with economic
theory, the essay has the potential to excel further.

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