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In my initial consultation, I successfully proposed a well-structured research question, which was further refined with the

guidance of my mentors. We delved into the economic theories that needed our focus and explored the critical thinking
aspects within my Extended Essay (EE). During the subsequent consultation, I shared a brief outline of how my essay would
take shape. We discussed the approach I would employ for my research and explored potential interview questionnaires and
the table of contents for the EE. Moreover, we discussed the rationale behind my choice of research question. This
consultation proved immensely beneficial as my mentors encouraged me to create a more comprehensive and organized
outline for the EE. They assisted me in crafting a detailed table of contents and set the task of generating 1000 to 1500
words before our next meeting. While I had not initiated primary research at this point, my mentors directed me to prepare
questionnaires and start event analysis.


In the fourth consultatio I was able to show my mentors an introduction of my topic which they helped me narrow it down.
I was then asked to make more narrow questionnaire and a detailed google form in order to make more descriptive and
it easy for me to research. I was asked to visit Mandvi again and make a detailed primary research. I was asked to
some secondary research so that the essay does not look as it fake and no real things exist like this.

It was my first consultation after first draft submission, where my teachers briefed me about the comments they provided to
me on my first draft. They asked me to work efficiently on the Essay. I'll be taking their comments into the account and try to
edit the Essay in the best way possible.


The 6th consultation was a very helpful consultation as in this consultation my mentors asked me to shuffle my format and
in the best possible way. They also asked me to complete the work on comments till the next consultation and try to
complete as soon as possible as it would be difficult if I increase the work for the future.

In the 7th consultation I asked my mentors the doubts that were binding me from completing the EE work. And was also
asked to complete the whole EE work before next consultation.

In this last consultation I was asked a few questions about my EE to check academic spirit, to check weather I have done
my EE by myself and not done by anyone else. According to my thinking my teachers or mentors were convinced that It was
done by me and I have not cheated to do my EE. They also discussed my doubts before the submission as it was necessary
and gave very helpful comments. Also the discussion helped me frame my Evaluation and title for the EE. After that I
completed my whole work and hope that the essay will be looking good and gain me marke in the future.


The student effectively introduces the research question in the introduction, highlighting its significance for
investigation. To enhance the essay, it is recommended to ensure better alignment between the content and
the research question. Additionally, providing more detailed data analysis would strengthen the argument.
While acknowledging limitations, the student could benefit from offering more specific insights during the
research process.

A more comprehensive understanding and accurate application of economic theory,would further enhance the
essay's depth. Furthermore, addressing any unresolved questions within the essay would contribute to a more
thorough exploration of the topic. Although the conclusion partially aligns with the research questions and
argument, there is room for improvement to ensure a more cohesive and well-structured essay overall.

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