Spooky Sleepover

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Have you ever had a sleepover with your friends?

What kind of story do you like before bed?

Do you get scared during storms?


1. What is the name of the main character in the video?

A. Pat Clifton

B. Julian

C. Sarah

D. Ted

2. What color is Pat's van?

A. Red

B. Black and white

C. Bright green

D. Blue

3. What is Pat's job?

A. Postman

B. Teacher

C. Chef

D. Mechanic

4. Who is Pat's companion?

A. Jess

B. Julian

C. Sarah

D. Ted

5. What is the purpose of the sleepover mentioned in the video?

A. To watch a movie

B. To have a midnight feast

C. To play video games

D. To go camping

6. Who wants a spooky story before bed?

A. Julian

B. Sarah

C. Jess

D. Mrs. Clon

7. What sound could be heard on the dark and stormy night in the story?

A. Whistling wind

B. Birds singing

C. Children laughing

D. Music playing

8. What did the voice in the story say?

A. See you later

B. Goodbye

C. Hello

D. Bye

Correct answers:

1. A

2. A

3. A

4. A

5. B

6. C

7. A

8. A

9. What does Miss Clifton say after telling a story?

A. "Tell us another one, Miss Clifton."

B. "That's enough spooky stories for one night."

C. "It's time to settle down now."

D. "Night night, goodnight."

10. What does Tom say after Miss Clifton finishes telling stories?

A. "Night night, goodnight."

B. "Tell us another one, Miss Clifton."

C. "That's enough spooky stories for one night."

D. "It's time to settle down now."

11. Who does Pat ask about Ted?


B. Jeff

C. Miss Clifton

D. Tom

12. What does Captain Zap do?

A. Saves the Earth from evil alien bubble men.

B. Fixes rockets.

C. Looks for Ted.

D. Tells spooky stories.

13. What does Katie say after Pat accidentally steps on her foot?

A. "Ouch, that's my foot. Sorry."

B. "Here you are."

C. "Hang on, what's this?"

D. "Pass the crisps."

14. What does Arthur say about his bike?

A. "This old bike will be the death of me."

B. "It is a bit squeaky."

C. "What are you doing out on a night like this, Pat?"

D. "I'm looking for Ted. You haven't seen him, have you?"

15. Where does Pat say Ted's truck was heading?

A. East

B. West

C. North

D. South

Correct answers:

9. B

10. C

11. A

12. A

13. A

14. A

15. B

1. Pat made a new friend. T
2. Pat heard a screechy noise coming from the cupboard. T
3. Julian and Pat went to Greendale farm. F
4. The creaking noise in the house was caused by Jess. F
5. Ted fixed the hinges in the garden. T
6. Pat's surprise for Julian's mom was a new garden. F
7. There were strange lights in the house. F
8. Pat went to check the back door. T
9. Pat found a spooky surprise in the garden. F
10. Pat went on an adventure to find Ted. F

1. True
2. True
3. False - They did not go to Greendale farm.
4. False - The creaking noise was not caused by Jess.
5. True
6. False - The surprise was not a new garden.
7. False - There were no strange lights.
8. True
9. False - There was no spooky surprise in the garden.
10. False - Pat did not go on an adventure to find Ted.

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