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1. What does Mrs Goggins suggest Pat do with her day off?

A. Stay and help clean the shop.

B. Take a proper day off and do something enjoyable.

C. Go and see Ted for hobby ideas.

D. Go home and relax.

2. What hobby does Ted suggest to Pat?

A. Roller skating.

B. Skateboarding.

C. Cycling.

D. Pigeon flying.

3. How does pigeon flying work?

A. The pigeons fly to Oxbo Bend and then return home.

B. The pigeons fly to different cities and explore.

C. The pigeons fly in circles around the park.

D. The pigeons fly to the nearest mountain and back.

4. What happens when Pat and Jess run out of petrol?

A. They call for help and someone brings them petrol.

B. They decide to give up on pigeon flying.

C. They find a nearby petrol station and refill.

D. They continue flying without petrol.

5. Who offers to let Pat be a fireman on their train?

A. Mrs Goggins.

B. Ted.

C. AJ.
D. Cedric.

6. What does Pat need to do before driving the train?

A. Fill the engine up with coal.

B. Oil the engine parts.

C. Take the train to the Halt.

D. Fill the train with water.

Correct answers:

1. B

2. D

3. A

4. B

5. D

6. A


7. What happens to Jess while Pat is cycling?

A. Jess gets wet.

B. Jess gets injured.

C. Jess runs away.

D. Jess joins in the cycling.

8. Who helps Pat fix his flat tire?

A. Jess.

B. Arthur.

C. Ted.

D. Pat fixes it himself.

9. Why does Pat decide not to have dancing as a hobby?

A. He doesn't enjoy it.

B. He gets carried away.

C. He prefers cycling.

D. He doesn't have a partner.

Correct answers:

7. A

8. C

9. A



1. What does Julian need to remember to do before going to school?

A. Make his bed.

B. Feed the dog.

C. Pack his lunch.

D. Brush his teeth.

2. Why are Pat and Sarah running late in the morning?

A. They couldn't find their keys.

B. They were locked out of the house.

C. Bonnie lost weight.

D. They had to drop off a parcel.

3. What did Amy suggest to Pat regarding Bonnie's weight loss?

A. Take her to the vet.

B. Give her more food at lunchtime.

C. Put her on a diet.

D. Take her for more walks.

4. What did Pat accidentally take with him instead of his own lunchbox?

A. Julian's lunchbox.

B. Sarah's lunchbox.

C. A sandwich with peanut butter.

D. A sandwich with pickle.

5. What did Pat wonder about Bonnie while he was at work?

A. If she was hungry.

B. If she was playing with Jess.

C. If she was missing him.

D. If she was eating her lunch.

Correct answers:

1. C

2. B

3. B

4. A

5. A


1. What animal was found in Mrs Goggins's garden?

A. A cat

B. A hedgehog

C. A dog

D. A bird

2. Why was Bonnie losing weight?

A. Because she wasn't eating enough

B. Because she was sick

C. Because a hedgehog was stealing her food

D. Because she didn't like her food

3. What should Pat do to catch the hedgehog?

A. Call Amy for help

B. Use a cardboard box with straw and air holes

C. Chase the hedgehog around the garden

D. Feed the hedgehog Bonnie's dog food

4. Where does Amy suggest taking the hedgehog?

A. To the post office

B. To the countryside

C. To Mrs Goggins's house

D. To the vet

5. Who is going to drive the hedgehog to the country?

A. Pat

B. Amy

C. Mrs Goggins

D. Bonnie

6. What does Julian miss?

A. His mum

B. His dad

C. His pet dog

D. His friend

7. When is Julian's mum coming back?

A. Tomorrow

B. Today

C. Next week

D. She's not coming back

Correct answers:

1. B

2. C

3. B

4. B

5. A

6. A

7. A

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