Accounts Payable

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BaanERP 5.

0c Finance Accounts Payable

Module Procedure


Document information
Document Document code Document group Document title Application/Package Edition Date : UP100A US : User Documentation : Accounts Payable : BaanERP 5.0c Finance :A : October 1999

Copyright 1999 Baan Development B.V. All rights reserved The information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Baan Development B.V. Baan Development B.V. assumes no liability for any damages incurred, directly or indirectly, from any errors, omissions or discrepancies between the software and the information contained in this document.

Accounts Payable

Table of contents
About this document 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2. 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 5. 5.1 6. 6.1 The Accounts Payable (ACP) module in BaanERP The ACP concept as applied in BaanERP ACPs functional procedures The modules related to ACP The functionality of ACPs business objects The procedure to copy received purchases invoices The manual purchase-invoice procedure To enter manual purchase invoices To create credit notes To correct purchase invoices The sessions that are related to the main procedure The purchase-invoice matching procedure Purchase-invoice matching The sessions that are related to the main procedure The self-billing procedure The subcontracting procedure To process subcontracting invoices The statement-of-account procedure To send statements of accounts 1 1-1 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 2-1 3-1 3-1 3-5 3-5 3-6 4-1 4-1 4-6 4-6 5-1 5-1 6-1 6-1

Accounts Payable i

Accounts Payable ii

About this document

Read this document to get an overview of the Accounts Payable modules functionality and to learn more about the functional procedures that are related to ACP. You need no detailed knowledge of the BaanERP software to read this document. However, you are more likely to understand the contents if you are familiar with:
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The overall structure of packages, modules, and sessions in the BaanERP software The general business procedures used in everyday business practice The basic concepts of enterprise resource planning.

For detailed descriptions of the modules sessions, refer to BaanERPs comprehensive online Help. To use this document Read Chapter 1, The Accounts Payable (ACP) module in BaanERP, if you want to know more about:
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The modules functionality The relationship of the module with other modules The functionality of the modules business objects.

Read Chapter 2, The copying received purchase-invoices procedure, if you want to know more about:
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The sessions in the procedure The results of the procedure.

Read Chapter 3, The manual purchase-invoice procedure, if you want to know more about:
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The sessions in the procedure The results of the procedure The sessions that are related to the procedure The related procedures for creating credit notes and invoice corrections.

Read Chapter 4, The purchase-invoice matching procedure, if you want to know more about:
n n n n

The sessions in the procedure The results of the procedure The sessions that are related to the procedure The related procedure for self-billing.

Read Chapter 5, The subcontracting procedure, if you want to know more about:
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The sessions in the procedure The results of the procedure.

Accounts Payable 1

Read Chapter 6, The statements of account procedure, if you want to know more about:
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The sessions in the procedure The results of the procedure.

Acronyms used in this document

ACP ACR CI COM EMM FAM GLD IAB IBD MCS PIN PUR SLI SLS TC TD TF TI TP TS WH Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Central Invoicing General Data Enterprise Modeling Management Fixed Asset Management General Ledger Industrial Assurance Board Item Base Data Tables Project Invoicing Purchase Control Sales Invoicing Sales Control Baan Common Baan Order Management Baan Finance Baan Manufacturing Baan Project Baan Service Baan Warehousing

Mandatory session

Indicates a mandatory session Indicates an optional session Indicates a mandatory business object Indicates an optional business object Indicates a package

Optional session
Mandatory business object

Optional business object



Indicates a module Indicates a module that is described in the module procedure


Accounts Payable 2


The Accounts Payable (ACP) module in BaanERP

This chapter provides information on:

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The ACP concept as applied in BaanERP ACPs functional procedures The modules related to ACP The functionality of ACP business objects.


The ACP concept as applied in BaanERP

The Accounts Payable (ACP) module provides the functionality to enter, monitor, maintain, and process the companys purchase invoices, which are the invoices sent by business partners for goods they sold you. In ACP you can automatically or manually match purchase invoices with purchase orders. Most purchase invoices are entered manually for goods you bought as well as for general expenses or for fixed assets you purchased. Purchase invoices are only generated by BaanERP if you use the self-billing procedure. In ACP, you can monitor all these purchase invoices and their transactions, as well as business-partner totals. The functionality for monitoring is centered in the Open Entries business object, which has extensive display and reporting capabilities. Also, you can modify purchase-invoice details and handle currency differences and payment differences. Additional functionality is available in the subcontracting business process to handle subcontracting invoices and data related to subcontracting invoices such as remittance agreements.

Link with general ledger

The ACP module uses several master-data items from the General Ledger (GLD) module, such as ledger accounts, transaction types, and periods. In the ACP master data, a ledger-account schedule is defined by financial business partner group. A ledger account and dimensions are defined for all kinds of transaction that are generated in ACP. For example, the kinds of transactions are:
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Control account Advance payments Unrealized currency profit Payment differences Discount.

For all these transactions in the ACP master data, different ledger accounts can be indicated for each business partner group. All invoice-from business partners are part of a financial business partner group.

Accounts Payable 1-1

The Accounts Payable (ACP) module in BaanERP

Figure 1 shows how the ACP module is positioned in BaanERP.

Basic data






Central Invoicing SLI

Logistics WH TD TI

Figure 1, The ACP module in BaanERP

The ACP module is an execution module, where all purchase invoices are created, stored, processed, and finalized. The purchase transactions to the General Ledger (GLD) module are posted from the ACP module.


ACPs functional procedures

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To copy received purchase invoices To enter a manual-purchase invoice, which includes Credit notes Purchase corrections Purchase invoice matching, which includes self-billing Subcontracting invoicing.

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In the Transaction Processing business procedure, you can enter a manual purchase invoice. This invoice can be related to orders or related to general costs (a cost invoice). The procedure to enter a manual purchase invoice must also be used to enter credit notes and to correct invoice amounts.

Accounts Payable 1-2

The Accounts Payable (ACP) module in BaanERP

You can enter an invoice for a fixed asset with the manual purchase-invoicing procedure. A link between ACP and the Fixed Asset Management (FAM) module exists for this procedure. See the fixed asset investment procedure in the Fixed Asset Management module procedure, (document number UP090AUS) for details. The most important ACP procedure is the purchase invoice matching procedure. In this procedure, purchase orders from BaanERP Distribution are matched with purchase invoices in the ACP module. Matching invoices to orders can be done either manually or automatically. The subcontracting invoicing procedure lets you manage the extra data related to income tax and social security premiums that are required when you process invoices from labor subcontractors. This procedure ensures that each part of a subcontracting invoice amount is paid to the right party.


The modules related to ACP

Figure 2 shows the modules that are related to ACP






Figure 2, The modules related to ACP

Three BaanERP Finance modules exist that have a link with the ACP module:

The General Ledger (GLD) module, in which ledger accounts and transaction types are defined for posting all accounts-payable transactions. ACP is a subledger of the GLD module. Consequently, all ACP-related postings are made in the GLD module. The Cash Management (CMG) module, in which the payments for the open purchase invoices are performed. BaanERP keeps track of all payments made for all open purchase-invoice entries in ACP. The Fixed Asset Management (FAM) module, which exists to handle the entry of a fixed asset in the FAM module (investment). The entry of a fixedasset investment is started in the ACP module by registering an investment transaction.

A link with Baan Warehousing (WH) exists to create ACP purchase invoices through the self-billing procedure.

Accounts Payable 1-3

The Accounts Payable (ACP) module in BaanERP


The functionality of ACPs business objects

ACP contains the following business objects:
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Master Data Transaction Processing Open Entries Subcontracting Business Partner Statements.

Figure 3 shows the main flow between the business objects.


Master Data FAM Transaction Processing

CMG Subcontracting

Open Entries

Business Partner Statements

Figure 3, The main flow between the business objects in the ACP module

Master Data The ACP master data contains:

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The ACP parameters A ledger account schedule, which forms a link between ACP and GLD Blocking codes, which enable you to block invoices for payment Aging analysis data, which enables you to analyze the periods of time that open amounts exist for specific business partners Tolerated price-difference limits for approving invoices.

In the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100s000) session you can set several defaults that concern issues such as the following:
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The tax calculation on the invoices Whether or not you use automatic matching The transaction types used for approval, currency differences, and other ACP transactions.

Accounts Payable 1-4

The Accounts Payable (ACP) module in BaanERP

Two links exist between the ACP and GLD modules. One link with GLD exists in the master data and is defined by financial business-partner group. You must define the financial business partner groups for accounts payable in the ACP master data. All invoice-from business partners and pay-by business partners must be linked to a financial business partner group (in the Business Partners (tccom4500m000) session). A second link between ACP and GLD exists in the transaction processing business object. The transactions in the ACP module are posted to ledger accounts during the transaction processing, which takes place in this business object. For each financial business partner group, you can define a schedule that indicates the ledger accounts and dimensions to which the various ACP transactions must be posted. For example, you can define ledger accounts for:
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Control account postings Payment differences Invoice receipts Anticipated payments Price differences Invoice accrual.

If a purchase invoice is related to orders, it is first posted to the Invoice Receipts account and the Control account for the business partner. This transaction happens when the invoice is registered (entered). If the invoice is approved, it is posted to the Invoice Accrual account. Transaction Processing The ACP transaction processing functionality enables you to create transactions related to purchases:
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Purchase invoices Purchase credit notes Purchase corrections.

Received invoices can be entered, authorized, and confirmed before any financial transactions are processed. The entire procedure for matching purchase orders with the open purchase invoices and approving purchase invoices is also centered in Transaction Processing. Most of ACPs functional procedures are centered in Transaction Processing and are described in detail in the following chapters.

Accounts Payable 1-5

The Accounts Payable (ACP) module in BaanERP

Open Entries In the Open Entries business object you can maintain the unpaid purchase invoices and the data related to them, such as:
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Terms of payment Payment schedules One-time business partner addresses Purchase invoice details, which include the due date, blocking code, and so on Create recurring supplier invoices based on a given invoice, for example to enter several dates on which the invoice should be due again.

In addition, you can write off currency differences and payment differences for the open entries. The Open Entries business object provides extensive functionality to:
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Display the open invoices Display the total open amounts and aging analyses for business partners Print reports, such as listings of purchase invoices, a business partners financial data, or a control account checklist.

Subcontracting Subcontracting is a process or a service that you purchase from a supplier. The subcontracting business object of ACP focuses on the purchase of labor. This labor is usually in the context of the construction industry, where labor is supplied by individuals and the invoice amount includes elements for tax and social security charges. Therefore, purchase invoices are generated when you hire certain services from another party: for example, when a part of a project or an operation of a production order is carried out. Subcontracting invoices are present as open entries in ACP. In the Subcontracting business procedure, you can maintain specific subcontracting data for these invoices. The Subcontracting business procedure can only be used if you selected the Subcontracting check box in the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100s000) session. Business Partner Statements This business object helps you to maintain and print statements of account for business partners. Statements of account, unlike reminders, do not emphasize the need for payment but simply list the open entries that exist for a business partner. To create a statement of account, you can use a layout that is defined in this business object and an aging analysis code. You can also define header and footer text as well as the invoice data that must be printed, which is performed in the Statement of Account Letters (tfacp3513m000) session.

Accounts Payable 1-6

The Accounts Payable (ACP) module in BaanERP

You can define statement methods to indicate:

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The frequency The layout code for a particular statement method Whether the statements must be sent directly to the business partner or to a parent company You can link a statement method to an invoice-to business partner in the Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000) session.

Accounts Payable 1-7

The Accounts Payable (ACP) module in BaanERP

Accounts Payable 1-8


The procedure to copy received purchases invoices

This chapter describes the main (optional) procedure for copying received purchase invoices. You can use this procedure to record invoices and confirm them before they are registered. These functions are useful if the person who enters the invoice is not authorized to approve it. A registered invoice has an open entry in ACP, and its initial financial transactions have been posted to the General Ledger (GLD) module. The received invoices are first checked by an employee. A list of the employees who can authorize received invoices is maintained in the Blocking References (tfacp0130m000) session in the ACP master data. The blocking references authorize the received invoices before they are copied and thereby registered.
Results of the procedure

Through the copy received purchases-invoices procedure, the invoices are received, authorized, and copied. After copying, the invoices are registered, which means open entries and financial transactions are created. Figure 4 shows the steps in the copying received purchase-invoices procedure, and the steps involved in this procedure are explained following the figure.
1 Received Purchase Invoices (tfacp1500m000)

Authorization Data (tfacp1101m000)

Authorize Purchase Invoices (tfacp1104m000)

Transactions (tfgld1101m000)

Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000)

Copy Received Purchase Invoices (tfacp1210m000)

Delete Copied/Canceled Purchase Invoices (tfacp1200m000)

Figure 4, The procedure for invoice copying

Accounts Payable 2-1

The procedure to copy received purchases invoices

Step 1

Received Purchase Invoices (tfacp1500m000) Use this session to enter the invoice that was received from a business partner in this session. At this point, no financial transactions are generated. Click the New Record button, which creates a new record. The Received Purchase Invoices (tfacp1100s000) details session is also started. The invoice is given a document number to identify it. You can enter the business partner, invoice amount, and data to calculate the invoice amount in the home currency. When you save your invoice and exit the details session, the invoice is given the Received invoice status.


To remove an invoice from the ACP module without copying it, set the invoice status to Canceled. You can then delete the invoice with the Delete Copied/Canceled Purchase Invoices (tfacp1200m000) session. Step 2 Authorization Data (tfacp1101m000) Use this session if you want to indicate that an invoice must be authorized before it can be processed further. If a blocking code is linked to the invoice, or a default blocking code is defined in the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100s000) session, the invoice must be authorized. Select the invoice in the Received Purchase Invoices (tfacp1500m000) session and choose Authorization Data on the Specific menu. The Authorization Data (tfacp1101m000) session is started. Indicate the person(s) who must authorize the invoice before it is registered. The persons who can authorize invoices are called blocking references and are defined in the ACP master data. You can list one or more blocking references and enter the date before which the invoice must be authorized by each blocking reference. Step 3 Authorize Purchase Invoices (tfacp1104m000) Use this session to allow the blocking reference(s) to authorize the further processing of the invoice. The invoices are displayed by blocking reference. Invoices for which no blocking reference is defined are not displayed. Select your invoice record. Click the Confirmed check box and click Save. The invoice is now authorized. Step 4 Transactions (tfgld1101m000) You must now enter a transaction to which you can copy the received purchase invoice. Use this session to indicate what type of transaction you want to create. Also, you must select the appropriate batch in which the transaction must be created. Transactions of the same batch are always finalized and posted to the GLD module together within a certain financial period.

Accounts Payable 2-2

The procedure to copy received purchases invoices

Create a new record and select a transaction type of the Purchase Invoices transaction category. Save the record and click Enter Transactions. The Purchase Invoices session is started. Step 5 Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000) Use this session to copy the received and approved purchase invoice that you will use to create a registered invoice. Choose Copy Received Purchase Invoice from the Specific menu. Step 6 Copy Received Purchase Invoices (tfacp1210m000) Use this session to display a list of all received purchase invoices. Select your invoice and click OK. The invoice details are copied to a new, registered invoice with a new document number in the Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000) session. As you tab through the fields, BaanERP enters the values copied from the received invoice to the registered invoice. The Invoice Type field of the Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000) session indicates if your purchase invoice is related to general costs or to one or more purchase orders. If you select Cost Invoice as your invoice type, your invoice will not go through the matching procedure. If you select Invoice Related to Orders, your invoice must be matched with purchase orders. See Chapters 3 and 4 for information on entering financial transactions for cost invoices and invoices related to orders. Step 7 Delete Copied/Canceled Purchase Invoices (tfacp1200m000) When the invoice is copied, you can delete the copied invoice from the ACP module. Start the Delete Copied/Canceled Purchase Invoices (tfacp1200m000) session on the Specific menu in the Received Purchase Invoices (tfacp1500m000) session. After you have registered (copied) the received invoice, its status is set to Copied. You can delete this invoice (or a range of copied/canceled invoices) in this session.

Accounts Payable 2-3

The procedure to copy received purchases invoices

Accounts Payable 2-4


The manual purchase-invoice procedure

This chapter describes:


The main manual purchase-invoice procedure for cost invoices, which include: Credit notes Purchase corrections Sessions related to the main procedure.


To enter manual purchase invoices

Purchase invoices can be entered into BaanERP in three different ways:
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Manually, in accounts payable in the Transaction Processing business object Electronically, via electronic commerce Automatically, when self-billing receipts are entered in Warehouse Management.

The manual purchase invoice procedure in ACP allows you to create:

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A purchase invoice for general costs or for a fixed asset A purchase invoice that is related to one or more purchase orders A purchase credit note A correction on a purchase invoice.

The purchase invoices entered manually in ACP are often related to purchase orders created in logistic packages in BaanERP, such as Order Management or Project. The posting data for these invoices is derived from the details already listed on the order except for additional amounts charged by the supplier that were not included in the original order, such as insurance or postal charges. However, you can also enter a purchase invoice in ACP that does not relate to a purchase order at all. These invoices are referred to as cost invoices, which are purchase invoices that are related to general costs but not to purchase orders in BaanERP. The manual purchase-invoice procedure that is described below is for entering cost invoices. The cost invoice will not be matched with orders. The procedure for manually entering invoices related to an order and matching them to purchase orders is described in Chapter 4.
The procedures results

Entering a manual purchase invoice results in the creation of an open entry in ACP. The invoice amount is posted to the business partners control account (defined in the Ledger Accounts by Financial Business Partner Group (tfacp0111m000) session).

Accounts Payable 3-1

The manual purchase-invoice procedure

Figure 5 shows the steps in the manual purchase-invoice procedure, and the steps involved in this procedure are explained after the figure.
Transactions (tfgld1101m000)

Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000)

Authorization Data (tfacp1101m000)

Authorize Purchase Invoices (tfacp1104m000)

Purchase Invoice Transactions (tfacp1120s000)

Transaction Error Log (tfgld1106m000)

Finalization Run Numbers (tfgld1110m000)

Select Batches for Finalization (tfgld1111s000)

Figure 5, The manual purchase invoice procedure

Step 1

Transactions (tfgld1101m000) Use this session to indicate what type of transaction you want to create. Also, you must select the appropriate batch in which the transaction must be created. Transactions of the same batch are always finalized and posted together to the GLD module according to a certain financial period. Create a new record and select a transaction type of the Purchase Invoices transaction category. Save the record and click Enter Transactions. The Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000) session is started.

Accounts Payable 3-2

The manual purchase-invoice procedure

Step 2

Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000) Use this session to create the purchase invoice header. First, BaanERP assigns a document number to the invoice, based on the transaction type. This number is now the invoices identification, together with the transaction type. Whether or not you can manually change this number depends on the settings for the transaction type in the GLD master data. A lot of data is defined in the purchase invoice header, such as:
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The invoice-from business partner The document (creation) date and due date The total invoice amount Currency data The level of tax calculation and other tax data Terms of payment.

In the Invoice Type field, you must indicate if your purchase invoice is related to general costs or to one or more purchase orders. Select Cost Invoice as your invoice type. Your invoice will not go through the matching procedure. Instead, you must enter purchase invoice transaction lines in the next step. You can start the Recurring Purchase Invoices (tfacp1513m000) session and the Recurring Sales Invoices (tfacp1113s000) session from the Specific menu with the Recurring Purchase Invoices option. If recurring invoices have been maintained for the invoice already administrated, this invoice cannot be deleted. Recurring open entries in the actual or future periods as a result of recurring customer invoices can be generated. Step 3 Authorization Data (tfacp1101m000) Use this session to indicate that the invoice must be authorized before it can be processed further. Choose Authorization Data on the Specific menu. The Authorization Data (tfacp1101m000) session is started. Indicate the person(s) who must authorize the invoice before it is registered. The persons who can authorize invoices are called blocking references and are defined in the ACP master data. You can list one or more blocking references and enter the date before which the invoice must be authorized by each blocking reference. Step 4 Authorize Purchase Invoices (tfacp1104m000) In this session, use the blocking reference(s) to authorize the further processing of the invoice. The invoices are displayed by blocking reference. Invoices for which no blocking reference is defined are not displayed. Select your invoice record. Click the Confirmed check box and click Save. The invoice is now authorized.

Accounts Payable 3-3

The manual purchase-invoice procedure

Step 5

Purchase Invoice Transactions (tfacp1120s000): General Costs Use this session to create a purchase invoice that is related to general costs, which is referred to as a cost invoice. The purchase invoice has no link with purchase orders and is posted to the General Ledger (GLD) module without being matched to orders. You can enter transaction lines for the invoice costs in the Purchase Invoice Transactions (tfacp1120s000) session. For one purchase invoice header, you can enter one or more transactions. Each cost transaction receives a line number that identifies it within the invoices document number. A purchase invoice transaction is posted to the General Ledger (GLD) module. You can either create one transaction for the total invoice amount or several transactions in which the invoice amount is split up. You can define a ledger account and dimensions for each transaction. After you enter the ledger account, transaction amount, and other data, save the transaction and exit the Purchase Invoice Transactions (tfacp1120s000) session and then the Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000) session. In the Transactions (tfgld1101m000) session, the status of the transaction is set to Ready.

Step 6

Transaction Error Log (tfgld1106m000) If an error occurred during the processing of the purchase invoice header or a transaction line, a description of the error is entered into a log file. For example, if the remaining amount (which is displayed in the Purchase Invoice Transactions (tfacp110s000session)) is not zero, the following error is logged: Document balance is not zero BaanERP displays the error log after you close the Transactions (tfgld1101m000) session. Using the error description, you can solve the error and try to process the purchase invoice again.

Step 7

Finalization Run Numbers (tfgld1519m000) Use this session to select or create the run number for which you finalize the batch in which you created the purchase invoice. Double-click the run number to start the Finalization Run Numbers details (tfgld1519m000) session, where you can select the batch you want to finalize. Click Select Batches, which starts the Select Batches for Finalization (tfgld1111s000) session.

Step 8

Select Batches for Finalization (tfgld1111s000) A list of batches is displayed. Select the Select check box for the batch you want to finalize and choose Finalize on the Specific menu. BaanERP will attempt to finalize all transactions in the batch by posting them to the General Ledger (GLD) module. Depending on the default settings for finalization (which you can access from the Specific menu), an audit list is printed that gives information about the finalized transactions. If transactions could not be finalized, the reason for the error is also printed.

Accounts Payable 3-4

The manual purchase-invoice procedure


To create credit notes

To correct the amount payable for a purchase invoice, you can use a credit note or an invoice correction. The procedures for entering credit notes and invoice corrections are very similar to entering a regular purchase invoice.

Credit notes

Credit notes are entered in the Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000) session. For the creation of a credit note, you can use a transaction type of the Purchase Credit Notes or Purchase Invoices transaction categories. If you select a Purchase Credit Note transaction type, the amount in the invoice header must be positive. The amount entered in the transaction line can be a positive debit amount or a negative credit amount, depending on the definition of the transaction type in the GLD module. If you select a Purchase Invoices transaction type, the amount in the invoice header must be negative. You can only create a credit note in this way if negative amounts are allowed for the transaction type you selected. The amount entered in the transaction line is a negative credit amount. You can link a credit note to one or more invoices. To link a credit note to one invoice, simply enter the invoices document number in the Original Invoice field of the Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000) session.

Invoice corrections

To link a credit note to several invoices, you must create a transaction using a transaction type of the Purchase Corrections category, which is defined for assigning credit notes to invoices. The Assign Credit Notes to Invoices (tfacp2120m000) session is started, in which you can select a credit note. Then, start the Assign Invoices to Credit Notes (tfacp2121s000) session, in which you can assign the credit note to invoices and distribute the credit note amount across them.


To correct purchase invoices

The Purchase Corrections category can also be used to enter simple invoice corrections. This arrangement is essential if, after posting the batch used to create a purchase invoice modifications in the invoice header must be made, which have consequences for the financial accounting. A transaction type with the Purchase Corrections category can be defined to use the Purchase Invoice Corrections (tfacp2110s000) session. If you enter a transaction using this transaction type, the Purchase Invoice Corrections (tfacp2110s000) session is started. Here, you can correct an invoices business partner, amount, or tax details. The correction is posted to ACP as an extra line of the purchase invoice header.

Accounts Payable 3-5

The manual purchase-invoice procedure


The sessions that are related to the main procedure

Terms of Payment (tfacp1110s000) Terms of payment are defined in the financial tables in the BaanERP Common (TC) package. The terms of payment are linked to the invoice-from business Partners in the General Data (COM) module. If an invoice is entered in the ACP module, BaanERP generates payment terms from these defaults. The terms of payment include:
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The period within which invoices must be paid The discount granted if an invoice is paid within a given period The payment period The discount period The discount amount.

You can adapt the default values that BaanERP calculates in the Terms of Payment (tfacp1111s000) session. You can start this session from the Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000) session or from the Purchase Invoice Details (tfacp2500m000) session. Payment Schedules (tfacp1103m000) A payment schedule can be linked to a business partners terms of payment in the TC package. You can also create or maintain a payment schedule for an invoice in the ACP module. The payment schedule specifies what percentage of the invoice amount must be paid on what date. BaanERP uses the payment schedule each time a payment for the invoice is made. You can start the Payment Schedules (tfacp1103m000 session from the Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000) session or from the Purchase Invoice Details (tfacp2500m000) session. Remove Fully Paid Purchase Invoices (tfacp2250m000) This session removes all the purchase invoices in the ACP module that are fully paid. All the related transactions must be fully posted to the GLD module. If an invoice is deleted, the related payment document, purchase corrections, payment schedules, and one-time business partner addresses are also deleted. Run this session regularly to improve the performance of your system. Write Off Payment Differences (tfacp2230m000) In this session you can write off small differences in open invoice amounts and payment amounts to avoid the existence of very small open amounts. You can indicate the maximum amounts that you consider a payment difference. The payment differences found are posted in one transaction to the payment differences account in the GLD module.

Accounts Payable 3-6

The manual purchase-invoice procedure

Write Off Currency Differences (tfacp2240m000) If an invoice is raised in a foreign currency, a currency difference can occur because of exchange rate fluctuation. In this session, you can write off unrealized currency differences, which are currency differences that are calculated for invoices that are not yet paid. You can calculate unrealized currency profit or loss at any time between invoice registration and full payment. Currency losses are always posted to the GLD module, but currency profits are only posted if this configuration is indicated in the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100s000) session. The currency differences are posted to the GLD module in one transaction, to the Unrealized Currency Profits and the Unrealized Currency Losses accounts as defined in the Ledger Accounts by Financial Business Partner Group (tfacp0111m000) session.

Accounts Payable 3-7

The manual purchase-invoice procedure

Accounts Payable 3-8


The purchase-invoice matching procedure

This chapter describes:

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The main purchase-invoice matching procedure Sessions related to the main procedure The self-billing procedure.


Purchase-invoice matching
This procedure consists of entering, matching, and approving a purchase invoice. A purchase invoice goes through this procedure if it is related to orders, which means a logistic transaction (a purchase order) is matched with a financial transaction (a purchase invoice). The logistic transaction (the purchase order), can only come from the Purchase Control (PUR) module in BaanERP Distribution (TD). If the invoice is directly related to your business procedure, and a purchase order exists for that procedure, the invoice type is Invoice Related to Orders. The invoice will go through the invoice matching procedure. The invoice can be matched manually or automatically. If you match manually, you find the orders that belong to your invoice and match the two against each other. If you match automatically, you enter the order number or packing slip number of the related order when you create the invoice, and BaanERP attempts to match the invoice for you. To enable automatic matching, you must select the Automatic Matching check box in the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100s000) session. In BaanERP, you match invoices against order lines. Therefore, invoices can be matched before the goods they relate to are received. However, the goods must be received before you can approve the invoices. You can periodically approve all eligible invoices in a batch.

The procedures results

A purchase invoice has been registered in the ACP module, has been matched with one or more purchase orders, and has been approved. During the process, several purchase invoice transactions are generated and posted to the GLD module:
Example of postings from ACP to GLD Event Ledger account Incoming goods Inventory Invoice Accrual Invoice entry Invoice Receipts Accounts Payable Invoice approval Invoice Accrual Invoice Receipts Debit $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 Credit $ 100.00

Accounts Payable 4-1

The purchase-invoice matching procedure

The ledger account that is used as the Inventory account is indicated in the mapping scheme in the GLD module. The ledger accounts for Invoice Accrual, Invoice Receipts, and Accounts Payable are indicated by financial business partner group in the ACP master data. Figure 6 shows the steps in the purchase-invoice matching procedure, and the steps involved in this procedure are explained after the figure.
1 Transactions (tfgld1101m000)

Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000)

Match Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000)

Match Purchase Receipt Lines (tfacp2544m000)

Matched Purchase Invoice Transactions (tfacp1133s000)

Transaction Error Log (tfgld1106m000)

Finalization Run Numbers (tfgld1110m000)

Select Batches for Finalization (tfgld1111s000)

Figure 6, The purchase-invoice matching procedure

Step 1

Transactions (tfgld1101m000) Use this session to indicate what type of transaction you want to create. Also, you must select the appropriate batch in which the transaction must be created. Transactions of the same batch are always finalized and posted together to the GLD module according to a certain financial period. Create a new record and select a transaction type of the Purchase Invoices transaction category. Save the record and click Enter Transactions. The Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000) session is started.

Accounts Payable 4-2

The purchase-invoice matching procedure

Step 2

Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000) Use this session to create the purchase invoice header. First, BaanERP assigns a document number to the invoice. This number is now the invoices identification, together with the transaction type. Whether or not you can manually change this number depends on the settings for the transaction type in the GLD master data. A lot of data is defined in the purchase invoice header, such as:
n n n n n n

The invoice-from business partner The document (creation) date and due date The total invoice amount The currency data The level of tax calculation and other tax data Terms of payment.

In the Invoice Type field, you must indicate if your purchase invoice is related to general costs or to one or more purchase orders. Select Invoice Related to Orders as your invoice type. Your invoice will go through the matching procedure. Manual matching and approving can be performed entirely from the Purchase Invoice (tfacp1110s000) session. You can also enter the invoice first and match or approve it later using the Match/Approve Purchase Invoices (tfacp2507m000) session.
Automatic matching

If the Automatic Matching check box in the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100s000) session is selected, BaanERP tries to match the invoice automatically. You must enter the order number and/or the packing slip to which the invoice is related. BaanERP tries to match the invoice with the order lines of the purchase order. The price difference must fall within the tolerated limits. You can use the Automatic Matching Tolerances by IFBP (Invoice-fromBusiness Partner) (tfacp0107m000) session for this purpose. If the tolerances are not set in this session, the automatic matching procedure uses the default parameters from the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100s000) session. If there is a difference between the matched amount and net invoice amount minus costs, BaanERP checks whether this difference is within the tolerances set for the invoice-from-business partner. If the difference is within the tolerances, this is regarded as a price difference. If the difference is outside the tolerances, matching does not take place. You can manually match the invoice only if one of the following conditions exist:
n n n

Automatic matching is disabled The correct order number or packing slip is unknown The attempt to match automatically failed

To start the manual matching procedure, click Match Order/Receipt. The Match Order Lines (tfacp2541m000) session or the Match Purchase Receipt Lines session (tfacp2544m000) is started.

Accounts Payable 4-3

The purchase-invoice matching procedure

Step 3

Match Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000) This session lists order lines. If a purchase order is already linked to the purchase invoice, only the order lines with the same order number are displayed. If no purchase order is linked to the invoice, BaanERP shows all order lines that have a buy-from business partner related to the invoice-from business partner on the invoice. You can match the invoice with one, several, or all order lines. When you finish matching, close this session. The following fields are updated in the Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000) session:
n n n

The Price Difference field The Matched Amount field The Amount Unassigned field.

Step 4

Match Purchase Receipt Lines (tfacp2544m000) This session lists receipt lines. If a purchase order is already linked to the purchase invoice, only the order lines with the same order number are displayed. If no purchase order is linked to the invoice, BaanERP shows all order lines that have a buy-from business partner related to the invoice-from business partner on the invoice. You can match the invoice with one, several, or all receipt lines. When you finish matching, close this session. The following fields are updated in the Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000) session:
n n n

The Price Difference field The Matched Amount field The Amount Unassigned field.

Step 5

Matched Purchase Invoice Transactions (tfacp1133s000) If necessary, enter cost-item transactions and booking variance transactions in this session by clicking Add Costs. Cost items are used to post extra costs, such as accounting expenses, to an order-related purchase invoice. Booking variances are used to post the difference between the invoice amount and the goods received amount. This difference is created by the charges that were added by the invoice-from business partner: for example, freight costs. For one purchase-invoice header, you can enter one or more cost items or booking variance transactions. Each transaction receives a line number that identifies it within the invoices document number. Each purchase invoice transaction is posted to the General Ledger (GLD) module. You can define a ledger account and dimensions for each transaction. After entering the ledger account, transaction amount, and other data, save the transaction and exit the Matched Purchase Invoice Transactions (tfacp1133s000) session. In the Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000) session, the Entered Transactions field and the Amount Unassigned field are updated.

Accounts Payable 4-4

The purchase-invoice matching procedure

Invoice approval

When the unassigned amount is zero, you can approve the invoice by clicking Approve Invoice. Note that you can only approve the invoice if the goods are received for the order to which you have matched the invoice. If the orders are not yet received, you can approve the invoice at a later time. For example, you can periodically approve a selection of invoices using the Match/Approve Invoices by Range (tfacp2280m000) session. Transaction Error Log (tfgld1106m000) If an error occurred during the processing of the purchase invoice header or a transaction line, a description of the error is entered into a log file. For example, if the remaining amount (which is displayed in the Purchase Invoice Transactions (tfacp1120s000) session) is not zero, the following error is logged: Document balance is not zero BaanERP displays the error log after you close the Transactions (tfgld1101m000) session. Using the error description, you can solve the error and try to process the purchase invoice again.

Step 6

Step 7

Finalization Run Numbers (tfgld1519m000) Use this session to select the run number for which you finalize the batch in which you created the purchase invoice. Double-click the run number to start the Finalization Run Numbers (tfgld1519m000) details session. Here, you can select the batch you want to finalize. Click Select Batches. A list of batches is displayed.

Step 8

Select Batches for Finalization (tfgld1111s000) Use this session to select the batch you want to finalize. Click the Select check box to choose the appropriate batches, and then choose Finalize on the Specific menu. BaanERP will attempt to finalize all transactions in the batch by posting them to the General Ledger (GLD) module. Depending on the default settings for finalization (which you can access from the Specific menu), an audit list is printed that gives information about the finalized transactions. If transactions could not be finalized, the reason for the error is also printed.

Accounts Payable 4-5

The purchase-invoice matching procedure


The sessions that are related to the main procedure

Match/Approve Purchase Invoices (tfacp2507m000) If you did not (fully) match and approve the invoice in the Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000) session because, for example, the price difference was too high, you can use the Match/Approve Purchase Invoices (tfacp2507m000) session to process the invoice. The Match/Approve Purchase Invoices (tfacp2507m000) overview session lists the purchase invoices in the ACP module. In the details session, you can match, add costs, approve, and unapprove invoices one by one. Match/Approve Purchase Invoices by Range (tfacp2280m000) Use this session to match or approve a whole selection of invoices simultaneously. If you let BaanERP approve the selected invoices, the transactions that result from the approval are posted in a single batch to the GLD module. Approve Price Differences (tfacp1142m000) Price differences can result from matching orders and invoices. The maximum price difference amounts are defined in the Tolerated Price Differences by User (tfacp0150m000) session in the ACP master data. If the price difference between an order and an invoice becomes too great for an employee to be able to process the invoice, you must use the Approve Price Differences (tfacp1142m000) session. A specific, authorized employee must first approve the price difference in this session. After that, the invoice can be approved using the normal procedure. To approve a price difference, select the Approval check box.


The self-billing procedure

For each purchase-order header, you can define whether self-billing is used. Self-billing is typically used if you have:
n n

A contract with the supplier for the price of the goods you are buying An agreement with the supplier that you will pay for the goods without receiving an invoice for them.

The supplier does not need to send an invoice. Instead, you use the self-billing procedure to automatically generate invoices for these goods. When the self-billing procedure is used, BaanERP creates, matches, and approves invoices automatically when goods are received. All of these processes are performed in the ACP module.

Accounts Payable 4-6

The purchase-invoice matching procedure

The entire self-billing procedure is carried out automatically by BaanERP as follows:


The goods are received in Baan Warehousing (WH). In the ACP module, BaanERP generates a purchase-invoice document within the transaction type for self-billing, which is specified in the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100s000) session. BaanERP creates this document within the batch for self-billing that is generated each day. After the invoice is generated, BaanERP creates an open entry. BaanERP matches and approves the document without any user interference. The matching and approving cannot be a problem because the invoice was generated based on the order to which it is now matched. The postings to the general ledger for the generated purchase invoice are created in the usual way (as described in Section 1.4). You can also generate a range of self-billing invoices by using the Generate Invoice by Self-Billing (tfacp2290m000) session.

Accounts Payable 4-7

The purchase-invoice matching procedure

Accounts Payable 4-8


The subcontracting procedure

This chapter describes the procedure for subcontracting invoicing.


To process subcontracting invoices

This procedure can only be used if the Subcontracting check box in the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100s000) session is selected. Subcontracting occurs when a subcontracting item is purchased. If your company hires certain services from another party (for example, when a part of a project or an operation of a production order is carried out), subcontracting invoices are created to pay for these services. Part of each subcontracting invoice is not paid to the subcontractor but directly to the tax authorities and to blocked accounts for the industrial assurance board (IAB), which collects the social security premiums. Subcontracting invoices therefore need additional data that normal invoices do not have. The additional data includes:
n n

A PAYE tax authorities number for each subcontractor. A valid statement of account from the tax authorities for each subcontractor. The statement of account gives you the account status of the contract between you and the customer, the unpaid balance that is due, and the payment history. The industrial assurance board (IAB) with which the subcontractor is affiliated. The IAB is a public body responsible for collecting, administering, and making social security payments. From a subcontracting invoice, a partial amount is transferred to an industrial assurance board. A remittance agreement, which contains agreements about how the payment for a project will take place. For example, the remittance agreement states the part of the invoice amount that must be paid to the subcontractor's industrial assurance board (IAB) and to the tax authorities.

You can print reminders and send them to subcontractors if statements of account are missing or expired.
The procedures results

At the end of the procedure, all necessary data is present for the subcontracting invoices in the ACP module. If necessary, reminders are printed for missing or expired statements of account. The subcontracting invoices are processed in the same way as other invoices in the ACP and CMG modules. Agreed parts of the invoice amounts are directly paid to the IAB and the tax authorities linked to the subcontractors.

Accounts Payable 5-1

The subcontracting procedure

Figure 7 shows the steps in the subcontracting procedure, and the steps involved in the procedure are explained following the figure.
1 Subcontracting Parameters (tfacp3100s000)

Industrial Assurance Boards (tfacp3520m000)

Subcontractors (tfacp3510m000)

Remittance Agreements (tfacp3530m000)

Subcontracting Invoices (tfacp3560m000)

Print Reminders for Missing Statements (tfacp3440m000)

Figure 7, The subcontracting procedure

Step 1

Subcontracting Parameters (tfacp3100s000) Use this session to indicate:


The number of days a statement of accounts due date can be exceeded before it becomes invalid. If a statement of account is invalid, the invoices related to it are not selected for automatic payment, although you can still select them manually. The number of days between the sending of two reminders for missing documents. Reminders are generated for overdue or missing income tax statements, IAB statements, and (possibly) safeguarding clauses from a warranty fund. The name and address of the tax collector.

Step 2

Industrial Assurance Boards (tfacp3520m000) Use this session to enter the industrial assurance board(s) to which your subcontractors are affiliated and their addresses.

Accounts Payable 5-2

The subcontracting procedure

Step 3

Subcontractors (tfacp3510m000) Subcontractors are invoice-from business partners that have been indicated as subcontractors in the Invoice-from Business Partners (tccom4122s000) session. In the Subcontractors (tfacp3510m000) session, you must enter additional data for the subcontracted business partners. First, you must link an industrial assurance board to the subcontractor. Next, you must indicate the IAB number and the PAYE number, as well as the end dates for the statements for both these parties. You can also indicate whether the subcontractor is affiliated with a warranty fund.

Step 4

Remittance Agreements (tfacp3530m000) The remittance agreement states how the total subcontracting invoice amount is distributed and which part is paid either directly to the tax authorities and the IAB, or to a blocked account that belongs to the subcontractor. When BaanERP processes the subcontracting invoice, the percentages defined here are automatically deducted from the invoice amount before it is paid. An end date is defined for the remittance agreement on the second tab of the session. Here, you can also view the status of the agreement (its validity).

Step 5

Subcontracting Invoices (tfacp3560m000) Use this session to display the division of the total invoice amount into:
n n n n

The wage part The amount that is transferred to a blocked account The amount that is paid directly to the tax authorities The amount that is paid directly to the associated IAB.

If necessary, you can change the last three amounts in this session. You can also link an order number to the invoice. Step 6 Print Reminders for Missing Statements (tfacp3440m000) Certain valid documents are necessary for the subcontracting contract:
n n n

A PAYE tax income statement A IAB statement of account A safeguarding clause, if the subcontractor is affiliated with a warranty fund.

Use this session to generate reminder letters for missing or overdue statements.

Accounts Payable 5-3

The subcontracting procedure

Accounts Payable 5-4


The statement-of-account procedure


To send statements of accounts

If you want to inform a business partner of his unpaid invoice amounts without urging him to pay, you can send a statement of account. The procedure to generate and print statements of account corresponds to the reminder letter procedure. In the statements-of-account business procedure, you can:

Define the layout of your statements of account. This includes selecting an aging analysis code Define statement methods, which indicate among other things their frequency Define the content (header and footer text) and format for different statement letters Print statements of account.

Figure 8 shows the steps in the statements of account procedure.

1 Statement of Account Layout (tfacp3512m000)

Statement of Account Methods (tfacp3522m000)

Statement of Account Letters (tfacp3513m000)

Statement Detail Layout (tfacp3114m000)

Print Statements of Account (tfacp3441m000)

Figure 8, The statement of account procedure

Accounts Payable 6-1

The statement-of-account procedure

The statement of account procedure consists of the following steps: Step 1 Statement of Account Layout (tfacp3512m000) First, you must define a layout for your statements of account. You can indicate:
n n

Several layout settings. A text window, which defines the number of characters you can print on a line. You must select or create a text window option if you want to create header or footer text later on. The invoices that must be printed: only the unpaid invoices, or the invoices that were paid since the previous statement of account as well. The aging analysis code to be used to display or print the open entries in various columns, depending on the age of the entry.

Step 2

Statement of Account Methods (tfacp3522m000) A statement method indicates the frequency with which statements of account must be sent, and to whom they must be sent. A layout is linked to each statement method. A statement method is linked to a business partner in the Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000) session.

Step 3

Statement of Account Letters (tfacp3513m000) For each layout you defined, you can now define the format and content of the statement letters. You must define the letters language in the Statement of Account Letters (tfacp3113s000) details session. Optionally, you can also define header and footer text. This is only possible if you selected a text window in Step 1.

Step 4

Statement Detail Layout (tfacp3114m000) In the Statement of Account Letters (tfacp3513m000) session, you can select a statement layout and choose Statement Layout on the Specific menu. The Statement Detail Layout (tfacp3114m000) session is started. In this session, you can define the information to be printed on the letter and its format. The information elements are called variables and can be:
n n n n

The invoice date The invoice amount The due date The total open amount.

For each of the variables you select, you must indicate the column head and the exact position of the column on the printed letter. To check your layout, you can:
n n

Preview it using the Statement Line Layout (tfacp3516s000) session Print it using the Print Statement Detail Layout (tfacp3411s000) session

Accounts Payable 6-2

The statement-of-account procedure

You can start these sessions from the Specific menu. Step 5 Print Statements of Account (tfacp3441m000) You can print a selection of statements of account in this session. You can print a test version of the statements or the final print. The layouts that are used to print the statement letters are selected based on the statement method defined for the business partner. This selection is performed in the Invoice-To Business Partners (tccom4112s000) session.

Accounts Payable 6-3

The statement-of-account procedure

Accounts Payable 6-4

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