Attachment 3 - Questionnaire To Power Distribution Board, Companies

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Attachment 3

Jan 25, 2023

Questionnaire on Human Resource Development Current Status

for Power Distribution Board / Companies

We would appreciate if you could prepare answers to the Questionnaire in writing together with supporting data/documents before 6 February, 2023
and share with us. During our site survey starting from 12 February, we will confirm contents one by one. Should you have any questions, please do
not hesitate contact following persons: (Kato Tomohide, (Mr.), JICA Expert) (Hirano Akira, (Mr.), JICA Expert))

Targeted Power Distribution Board or Companies:

- DESCO (Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited)
- DPDC (Dhaka Power Distribution Company Limited)
- WZPDCL (West Zone Power Distribution Company Limited)
- NESCO (Northern Electricity Supply Company Limited)
- The division or section of BPDB (Bangladesh Power Development Board) in charge of power distribution

1. Please provide data/documents/information in English. However if you have only in local language material, it will be fine. In that case, it would be
highly appreciated if you would give us some supportive information.
2. Some questions may refer other department/unit/organization. In that case, please circulate this questionnaire with them.
3. If you have some supplementary comments on each answer, please add your descriptions in “note” column.
4. In case you need more time to prepare your answer or find difficulty in preparing an adequate data/answer, please indicate so in your reply form,
along with the reason and/or timeframe for when we can expect to receive the final reply.
Attachment 3

5. Received information and data by JICA Study Team will be used only for this Project and treated by only JICA Study Team and JICA related staffs.

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Attachment 3

 As for【Documents/Data/Information】, please provide Documents/Data/Information in electrical data.

 As for【Question】, please kindly prepare answer with documents/data/information in electrical data if available.
Department and Person Note /
No. Question, Requested Data, Information and Documents Answer, Documents/Data/Information Open/Close
in charge (Name, Dep, e-mail) Purpose of Question
1 General, Organization, Facilities
 Document that shows the overview of Human Resource development in your
board or company.
1-1  Annual performance report on Human Resource development
(or Latest Annual Report that shows the information on Human Resource

 Organization chart of your board or company
(or Latest Annual Report that shows the information on the internal organization)
 Organization chart of Human Resource Development, if your board or
company has the organization (division, section or branch etc.) that
specializes in human resource development or in-house training
 Roles, Target, manpower and other info. of Human Resource Department

1-3  Does your board or company have its own training facilities? If you have,
please provide materials (if any) showing overview of them.
 Supervising structure of BPMI. (Power Division, Ministry of Power, Energy
and Mineral Resources, Cabinet, etc.)
 How does BPMI, “Power Division, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral
Resources” or Cabinet supervise the human resource development
organization and the training facilities of your board or company?
(Please describe freely.)

2 Training Business Operation

 Separately from the training provided by BPMI, what kind of training course
is currently being conducted independently in your board or company? If so,
please provide an overview of each training program.
- Name of the training course
- Target of trainees (e.g. mid-level class engaged in ** work)
2-1 - Number of trainees
- Trainers or instructors for the training course (whether they are invited
from outside or from within the company)
- Budget for the training (and total annual budget for human resource
- The training period (** days, ** weeks etc.)
2-2 【Question】【Documents/Data/Information】

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Attachment 3

Department and Person Note /

No. Question, Requested Data, Information and Documents Answer, Documents/Data/Information Open/Close
in charge (Name, Dep, e-mail) Purpose of Question
 How does your board or company allocate the budget for human resource
development/ Training activities?
 Can your board or company secure it by yourself?
 Does your board or company get any support from donors? If so, please show
us donor list (Name, amount of money, type, loan period, etc.)
 How does your board or company assign lecturers or trainers for your own
training courses? (in-house or external lecturer / trainer)
2-3  Can your board or company manage money for it?
 Does BPMI prepare lecturers from each utility such as power generation
companies like BPDB and Distribution company like DPDC?

3 Demarcation between BPMI and other utilities

 As shown in the following "BPMI Training Calendar 2022-2023" below,
BPMI plays a central role in human resource development for the entire
country in the electric power industry. How does your board or company
share roles of human resource development that is conducted by BPMI?
 Documents refer to the demarcation

Source of question:
BPMI Training Calendar 2022-2023
To function as a National Organization for training and human resource
development in the field of power generation, transmission, distribution,
management, renewable energy, energy efficiency and act as an apex body of
coordinating training programs for all of the power sector utilities under Power
Division and engaged in capacity development to the officers working in different
utilities and also to the officers in different Ministries, Divisions and Department
of the Government and any private organization ;
 Does your board or company have its own training courses that BPMI and
other utilities don't have?
 Is your board or company using BPMI and other utility training courses to
develop human resources?

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Attachment 3

Department and Person Note /

No. Question, Requested Data, Information and Documents Answer, Documents/Data/Information Open/Close
in charge (Name, Dep, e-mail) Purpose of Question
 As shown in the following "BPMI Training Calendar 2022-2023" below,
BPMI plays a central role in Research and Development (R/D) for the entire
country in the electric power industry. If your board or company is doing
R/D, how are the roles shared with BPMI's R/D?
 Documents refer to the demarcation
Source of Question:
BPMI Training Calendar 2022-2023
To initiate, conduct and coordinate Research & Development (R&D) studies in the
field of Operation, Maintenance and Management of power generation,
transmission & distribution system, collect information and maintain
documentation of power generation related industry, and with a view to cater the
present and future requirements of the industry.
 As shown in the “BPMI Training Calendar 2022-2023” below, BPMI is
responsible for installing and maintaining training facilities. What is the role
sharing between BPMI and your board or company, if your board or
company has its own training facilities?

 Basic idea of facility ownership (Demarcation between BPMI and other

3-4  Is there any plan to consolidate facilities to BPMI in the future?

Source of Question:
BPMI Training Calendar 2022-2023
To establish, maintain and manage training facilities like laboratories, workshops,
experimental transmission lines, power bank, sub-station and other facilities to
enhance practical knowledge required for maintenance and to ensure quality of
goods, works and services in power sector establish all facilities of testing lab up
to the standard of an accredited laboratory;
 How does BPMI share Human Resource Development plan information with
each utility under the PD (power generation (10), transmission and
transformation (1), distribution (6)) and make future plan in cooperation? If
not, how each utility make a plan on what idea?


4 Human Resource development planning

 Human resource development rule
 Human resource development policy
 Guidelines related to human resource development
 Manuals related to human resource development

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Attachment 3

Department and Person Note /

No. Question, Requested Data, Information and Documents Answer, Documents/Data/Information Open/Close
in charge (Name, Dep, e-mail) Purpose of Question
 Does your board or company have a clear human resource development plan
like Chubu’s Ex. for all specialized fields?

 Are employees growing accordingly as planned?
 If not, what is the causes (problems)?
 Are there departments with insufficient development depending on the field?
What is the cause?

(Ex. of Chubu)


 Annual training planning time flow
4-3  What are the problems when planning stage?

 Is there a new training course that your board or company would like to open
(training theme, number of participants, etc.)?
(Especially as a field related to solving technical issues such as related to power

 If there is, please describe the outline of the expected training course (the
theme, content, syllabus outline and members to be trained, etc.)
 Please freely describe what your board or company feels issues on the Human
4-5 Resource Development plan.
 What kind of specific support would your board or company like JICA and
other donors to address these issues?

5 Actual Training
 Excel or Word data of the latest annual training course / plan

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Attachment 3

Department and Person Note /

No. Question, Requested Data, Information and Documents Answer, Documents/Data/Information Open/Close
in charge (Name, Dep, e-mail) Purpose of Question
 In addition to the title of each training, is information (Like Chubu’s Ex.) that
shows the specific contents of the training curriculum, the target level, etc.
shared so that trainees know which training to take?
 From the previous year of the target year, can all workplaces carefully
examine the training course items and decide who to take the course, and
apply for it based on information provided by your board or company?
 Are there any problems in the pre-training stage?

(Ex. of Chubu)


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Attachment 3

Department and Person Note /

No. Question, Requested Data, Information and Documents Answer, Documents/Data/Information Open/Close
in charge (Name, Dep, e-mail) Purpose of Question
 Are there any measures taken to increase the knowledge retention rate, such
as preparing pre-training assignments, post-training assignments, and
5-3 attendance reports?
 Are there any problems in improving the training course performance?

 Are training attendance records registered as personal data so that the trail of
growth can be understood by the individual and the manager/supervisor?
5-4  Are there any problems in terms of objectively capturing the trail of human
resource development?

 Please freely describe what BPMI feels issues on the Actual training stage.
5-5  What kind of specific support would your board or company like JICA and
other donors to address these issues?

6 Others
 Please freely describe what your board or company feels issues as a whole.
6-1  What kind of specific support would your board or company like JICA and
other donors to address these issues?

 Does your board or company plan to systematize training plans in the future
for each field of distribution planning, distribution construction, distribution
6-2 operation, and distribution maintenance? If so, please feel free to describe
your plan, idea or expectation.

6-3 【Question】
 The Draft Energy and Power Master Plan prepared in the JICA Master Plan
Project includes the following matters as Key Issues in Distribution System
Planning. How does your board or company plan to develop these measures,
including Human Resource Development? Please describe freely. (Please
describe future efforts for individual measures, or describe them as a whole.)
(1) Countermeasures against RES(Renewable Energy Sources) connections
a. Development of technical requirements for RES connections
b. Installation of sensors for gaining power data in medium-voltage lines
c. Introduction of voltage control equipment to medium-voltage lines
d. Introduction of Distribution Management System (DMS) to obtain power
e. Remaining proper voltage by optimal control of line equipment based on
DMS results

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Attachment 3

Department and Person Note /

No. Question, Requested Data, Information and Documents Answer, Documents/Data/Information Open/Close
in charge (Name, Dep, e-mail) Purpose of Question
(2) Measures for Improving of Reliability
a. Insulated covered wire
b. Lightning resistance equipment
c. Introduction of DAS
d. Introduction of MDMC configuration
e. Underground equipment promotion
f. Improvement of accident point exploration technology
(3) Operational Efficiency Measures
a. Introduction of smart meters and data operation with management
b. Improvement of communication technology
c. Facility management using GIS (Geographic Information System)
d. Data management integrated with DMS, DAS, SCADA and distribution
simulation software
e. Underground related technology (system configuration, equipment
configuration, construction technology, and measurement technology)

(end of document)

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