Identification Prade U

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Identification prade U/A 22 of QSO 1984 :

1.Introduction :

Under the provisions of the qanun e shahdat order 1984 the term identification prade is used to enable
witness to identify those persons who were involved in the commission of an offence .it is also known as
the lineup procedure to identify real offenders

2.Relevant provision :

Article 22
of qanun e shahdat porder 1984 deals with the identification prade

3.Object / purpose of conducting identification prade :

• To find the real offenders

• to prevent an innocent or blameless person from being wrongly implicated in a crime due to
mistakenly identity or malicious intention

4.Circumstances when identification prade is held?

identification prade is conducted only whenever the accused is stranger for the witnesses.

5.Who conduct it ?

Magistrate has the authority to conduct the identification prade .

6. importance of uhidentification prade :

Identification prade is a procedure to identify the accused by the witnesses under the custody of
magistrate .It is admissible evidence in the court .

7. modes/ method of conducting identification prade :

Identification prade is conducted or carried out by modern devices of tape records ,cameras
,video,audios ,maps and sometimes the help of animals like dogs is taken .

8.scope of identification prade :

Identification prade is relevant both in civil as well as criminal cases .

9. When identification prade should be conducted ?

The identification prade should be conducted at the earlist possible time after the arrest of the accused .
this rule is very important in order to enable the witness to identifty the accused easily as the laspse of
time his memory may fade .identification prade held after 12 to 15 days losses its evidentiary value.

10. Rules /manners Relating to identification prade :

• Time :
Identification prade should be conducted at the earliest possible time .
• Supervision :
It should always be conducted in the supervision of magistrate having jurisdiction to do so.
• Place:
It is conducted generally in jail or some other secured manner .
• Absence of police or other complaint :
Police or complaint is not allowed to be present at the place where identification prade is
conducted. And if the complaint is himself a witness ,only than he can participate in the prade.
• Only one witness
Only one witness is allowed to participate in the identification prade in one time.After the
completion of the prade .such witness should be sent out and other be invited .
• Contact of witnesses
The magistrate must make sure that such witnesses should not be able to contact with each
others,while participating in the prade.
• Cases where more than one accused:
Where there are more than one accused the identification prade should be carried out by
separately and each witness should after identifying the accused,must mention the accused
Rule during the occurance of crime .
• Dummies :
For one accused there should be a serial of 1-9 dummies . (dummies refers to individuals who
are not suspects but are included in the lineup to ensure fairness and accuracy .they are also
called “fillers” or “Foils” who have similar physical attributes with suspect like age,height,race
etc )

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