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5/7/23, 9:17 AM Advanced Facilitation Skills

Advanced Facilitation Skills Total points 14/20

Pre-workshop Assessment

Name *

Md Rakib Hossain

Department *

Industrial Engineering

1. Mehrabian Model helps us in * 0/1

Measuring the training effectiveness

Assessing training needs

Understand human communication

Modelling excellence in high achieveness

Correct answer

Understand human communication… 1/9
5/7/23, 9:17 AM Advanced Facilitation Skills

2. Appreciative Inquiry revolves around * 1/1

Appreciating the curiosity of questioner

Looking at the positive side of difficult situations

Inquiry about human behavior at the workplace

Methodology of appreciating scientific problem solving in workplace dysfunctional


3. Neuro-linguistic Programming was created by the influence of * 1/1

Richard Bandler

John Grindler

Paul McKenna

None of the above

All of the above

4. Pacing & Leading helps us in making * 0/1

High quality presentations

Have effective conversation

Hypnotism work in office

All of the above

Correct answer

Have effective conversation… 2/9
5/7/23, 9:17 AM Advanced Facilitation Skills

5. Emotional Intelligence is needed because of * 1/1

High stress work environment

Achieve difficult goals

Self regulate emotions

All of the above

6. The Four quadrants of Emotional Intelligence are * 0/1

Self Awareness, Self Control, Social Control and Relationship Management

Self Awareness, Self Management, Social Control and Relationship Management

Self Control, Self Management, Social Awareness and Relationship


Self Awareness, Self Management, Social Awareness and Relationship


Correct answer

Self Awareness, Self Management, Social Awareness and Relationship

Management… 3/9
5/7/23, 9:17 AM Advanced Facilitation Skills

7. Effectiveness of training delivery is not created by * 0/1

Excellent PPT

Controlling participants

Researching the topic

Trainer's dress code

Correct answer

Controlling participants

8. The 6 by 6 rule is associated with * 1/1

One PPT slide should have 6 points with 6 words

Six presenters should present together and allocate 6 minutes to each participants

6 key learnings should be highlighted by a trainer in first 6 minutes of the session

None of the above

9. Instructional Design is a term used with respect to * 0/1

Designing the room set up of training venue

Giving instructions to participants about designing their key learning in a session

Creating content for a program

Design the PPT for higher effectiveness

Correct answer

Creating content for a program… 4/9
5/7/23, 9:17 AM Advanced Facilitation Skills

10. Most of all good training program always has * 1/1

At least 4 breaks in an 8 hour session

Minimum 4 energisers in the whole day

Exciting & stimulating content

Strong statement of objective

11. The language we use shapes our reality. * 1/1



12. Qualities of an Adult Learning Program: * 1/1

Focus on outcomes not just topics

Variety of learning methods

Opportunities for group partcipation

All of the above

13. Seeing, questioning, practicing, experiencing are all part of learning * 1/1


False… 5/9
5/7/23, 9:17 AM Advanced Facilitation Skills

14. Kinesthetic Learner referes to * 0/1

Learn by seeing & looking

Learn by hearing & listening

Learn by touchung & doing

None of the above

Correct answer

Learn by touchung & doing

15. Experiential activities are especially well suited to affecctive and behavioral *1/1



16. Independent e-Learning happens with * 1/1

Live Video Classes


Online Courses

None of the above… 6/9
5/7/23, 9:17 AM Advanced Facilitation Skills

17. You can use "call on the next speaker" format to increase participation in a *1/1
training program.



18. There are _______ types of learners as per VACOG Model. * 1/1

19. You can engage your audience by Reading them during the session. * 1/1



20. Which one is not an Experiential Learning approach? * 1/1



Video Clips

Action Learning… 7/9
5/7/23, 9:17 AM Advanced Facilitation Skills

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