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Chapter 1

Heat conduction with heat generation

– Cartesian system
y – Problems
Heat conduction with heat generation
In many
a y p practical
act ca cases, tthere
e e is
s a heat
eat ge
e at o within
t tthe
e syste
along with heat conduction.

Typical examples are

1 Electrical
1. El t i l coils
2. Resistance heater
3. Nuclear reactor
4 Combustion of fuel in the fuel bed of boiler furnaces

In electric coil and resistance heater, heat is generated due to electric

current flowing in the fire.
fire In nuclear fuel element,
element heat is generated by
nuclear fission.

The g
general steady y state equation
q for heat conduction along
g with heat
generation is given by Poisson
∂ 2T ∂ 2T ∂ 2T q
+ 2 + 2 + =0 for Cartesian system
∂x 2
∂y ∂z k
Unit I - Conduction with heat 2
Types of Boundary conditions
Boundary conditions are used for solving the governing equations. There
are three types of boundary conditions

1. Prescribed Temperature
2. Prescribed Flux
3. Convective boundary conditions

The general 1 – D steady state equation for heat conduction along with
heat generation for a cartesian system is
∂ 2T q
+ =0
∂x 2 k
p profile
p equation
q for 1D heat generation
g cartesian system
y -

Plane wall with

internal heat generation
Unit I - Conduction with heat 3
Internal Heat Generation – Formulae used
For plane wall (symmetric boundary conditions):

Temperature at any point, Tx = (q/2k) (Lx – x2) + Tw

Maximum temperature, Tmax = Tw + (qL2/8k)

Surface temperature, Tw = T∞ + (qL/2h)

T∞ - Ambient temperature, K
q - Heat generation, W/m3
L - Thickness, m
h - Heat transfer co-efficient, W/m2 K
k - Thermal conductivity, W/m/ K.

Unit I - Conduction with heat 4

Internal Heat Generation - Problems
1. An electric
A l t i currentt is
i passed
d through
th h a mid
id plane
l off wall
ll off thickness
thi k 150
mm which generates heat at the rate of 50,000 W/m3. The convective heat
transfer co-efficient between wall and ambient air is 65 W/m2K, ambient
air temperature
p is 28o C and the thermal conductivity y of the wall material
is 22 W/m K. Calculate
i) Surface temperature
ii) Maximum temperature in the wall
iii) Temperature at a distance of 35 mm from the wall surface

Thickness, L = 150 mm = 0.150 m
Heat generation, q = 50000 W/m3
Convective heat transfer co-efficient, h = 65 W/m2K
Ambient air temperature, T∞ = 28o C + 273 = 301 K
Thermal conductivity
conductivity, k = 22 W/mK

To find: 1. Surface temperature

2 Maximum temperature in the wall
3. Temperature at a distance of 35 mm from the wall surface
Unit I - Conduction with heat 5
Internal Heat Generation - Problems
We know that,
Surface temperature, Tw = T∞ + (qL/2h)
Tw = 358.6 K

We know that,
Maximum temperature,
temperature Tmax = Tw + (qL2/8k)

Tmax = 364.9 K

We know that,
Temperature at any point, Tx = (q/2k) (Lx – x2) + Tw

x = 35 mm = 0.035 m

Tx=0.035 = 363.17 K

Unit I - Conduction with heat 6

Internal Heat Generation - Problems
2. An electric current is passed through a plane wall of thickness 25 mm
and 120 mm wide, which is used to heat a fluid at 30o C. The heat
generation rate is 65 x 105 W/m3. Thermal conductivity of the plate is 25
W/m K. Calculate the heat transfer co co-efficient
efficient to maintain the
temperature of the plate below 150o C assuming asymmetric wall
Thi k
Thickness off wall,
ll L = 25
2 mm = 0.025
0 02 m
Wide, W = 120 mm = 0.120 m
Fluid temperature, T∞ = 30o C + 273 = 303 K
Heat generation, qg = 65 x 105 W/m3
Thermal conductivity, k = 25 W/mK
Maximum temperature, Tmax = 150o C + 273 = 423 K

To find: Heat transfer co-efficient, (h)

Unit I - Conduction with heat 7

Internal Heat Generation - Problems
We know that,
Maximum temperature, Tmax = Tw + (qL2/8k)
=> Tw = 402.6
402 6 K

We know that,
S rface temperat
Surface temperature,
re Tw = T∞ + (qL/2h)
=> h = 815.7 W/m2K

Heat transfer co-efficient, h = 815.7 W/m2 K

Unit I - Conduction with heat 8

Internal Heat Generation - Problems
3. A plane
l wall
ll 10 cm thick
thi k generates
t heat
h t att the
th rate
t off 4 x 104 W/m
W/ 3 when
an electric current is passed through its mid plane. The convective heat
transfer co-efficient between each face of the wall and the ambient air is
50 W/m2K. Determine
i) The surface temperature
ii) The maximum temperature on the wall. Assume the ambient air
temperature to be 20o C and the thermal conductivity of the wall
material to be 15 W/m K.K

Thickness, L = 10 cm = 0.10 m
Heat generation, q = 4 x 104 W/m3
Convective heat transfer co-efficient, h = 50 W/m2K
Ambient air temperature, T∞ = 20o C + 273 = 293 K
Thermal conductivity, k = 15 W/mK

To find: 1. Surface temperature

2. Maximum temperature in the wall.

Unit I - Conduction with heat 9

Internal Heat Generation - Problems
We know that,
Surface temperature, Tw = T∞ + (qL/2h)
Tw = 333 K

e know
o tthat,
Maximum temperature, Tmax = Tw + (qL2/8k) = 336.3 K

Tmax = 336.3 K

Unit I - Conduction with heat 10

Internal Heat Generation - Problems
4. A concrete
t wallll off 1 m thick
thi k is
i poured
d with
ith concrete.
t The
Th hydration
h d ti off
concrete generates 150 W/m3 heat. If both the surfaces of the wall are
maintained at 35o C, find the maximum temperature in the wall.
Thickness, L =1m
Heat generation, q = 150 W/m3
Surface temperature,
p , Tw = 35o C + 273 = 308 K

To find: Maximum temperature in the wall.

We know that, Maximum temperature, Tmax = Tw + (qL2/8k)

Thermal conductivity of concrete, k = 1.279 W/m K

[From HMT data book, 6th Edn, Pg no: 18]

=> Maximum temperature, Tmax = 322.6 K

Unit I - Conduction with heat 11

Home work
Derive the equations for the following for asymmetric boundary conditions
for a plane wall

i) Temperature
T t profile
ii) Maximum temperature
iii) Position at which maximum temperature

Unit I - Conduction with heat 12

Heat conduction with heat generation
– Cylindrical
C li d i l system
t – Problems
P bl
Internal Heat Generation in cylinders
Temperature profile equation for 1D heat generation cylindrical system
- Derivation

Derivation - Solid
Cylinder with heat ge

For solid cylinder (symmetric boundary conditions):

Heat generation rate, q =Q/V

Temperature at any point, Tr = (q/4k) (R2 – r2) + Tw
Maximum temperature
temperature, Tmax = Tw + (qR2/4k)
Surface temperature, Tw = T∞ + (qR/2h)

Q - Heat Transfer rate, W
V - Volume = π r2L , m3 r - radius, m
h - Heat transfer co-efficient,, W/m2 K
k - Thermal conductivity, W/m K.
Unit I - Conduction with heat 14
Internal Heat Generation - Problems
5. A copper wire of 1m long is used as a heating element in a 13 kW heater.
The copper surface temperature is 1300o C, ambient air temperature is
22o C, outside surface co-efficient is 1.1 kW/m2K. Thermal conductivity
and resistance of the copper are 15 W/mK and 0.21 Ω respectively.
Calculate the following
(i) Diameter of copper wire
(ii) Rate of current flow.

Length, L =1m
Heat transfer, Q = 13 kW = 13 x 103 W
S f
Surface t
t Tw =1300
1300o C + 273 = 1573 K
Ambient air temperature, T∞ = 22o C + 273 = 295 K
Outside surface co-efficient, h = 1.1 kW/m2K = 1.1 * 103 W/m2K
y, k
Thermal conductivity, = 15 W/mK
Resistance, R = 0.21 Ω

To find: 1. Diameter of copper wire, do

2 Rate
2. R t off currentt fl
flow, I
Unit I - Conduction with heat 15
Internal Heat Generation - Problems
We know that,
Heat generated, q = Q / V = 13000 / (π ro2 L) = 4138 / ro2

We know that,
Surface temperature, Tw = T∞ + (roq / 2h)
=> ro = 1.47 x 10-33 m
=> do = 2.94 x 10-3 m

Diameter of copper wire, D = 2.94 x 10-3 m

We know that,
Heat transfer, Q = I2 R
=> I = 248 A

Current flow, I = 248 A

Unit I - Conduction with heat 16

Internal Heat Generation - Problems
6. A current of 200 A passes through a stainless steel wire (k = 19 W/m K),
K) 3
mm in diameter. The resistivity of the steel may be taken as 70 µΩ cm /
m2 and the wire is submerged in a liquid at 110o C with heat transfer co-
efficient h = 4 kW/m2C. Calculate the centre temperature of the wire and
the temperature at a radii of 0.75 mm for a unit length of the wire.
Current, A = 200 A
Thermal conductivity
conductivity, k = 19 W/mK
Diameter, d = 3 mm = 3 x 10-3 m
Resistivity = 70 µΩ cm
Liquid temperature, Tw =110o C + 273 = 383 K
Heat transfer co-efficient, h = 4 kW/m2C = 4 x 103 W/m2C

To find: i) Centre temperature of wire, Tc

ii) Temperature at a radii of 0.75
0 75 mm
The maximum temperature in the wire occurs at the centre.
Tmax = Tc = Tw + (qro2/4k) Æ (1)

Unit I - Conduction with heat 17

Internal Heat Generation - Problems
Resistance of wire, R = (Resistivity * Length) / Area
= 0.099 Ω

We know that,
Heat transfer, Q = I2 R = 3960 W

Heat generated, q = Q / V
= 3960 / ((π/4) d2 L) = 560 x 106 W/m3

Substituting q value in Equation (1)

Tmax = Tc = 399.5 K

Centre temperature of wire, Tc = 399.5 K

Unit I - Conduction with heat 18

Internal Heat Generation - Problems
Temperature at any point, Tr = (q/4k) (R2 – r2) + Tw

Here r = 0
75 mm = 0
75 x 10-3 m

Solving for Tr, we get Tr = 395.4 K

Temperature at a radius of 0.75 mm, Tr = 395.4 K

Unit I - Conduction with heat 19

Practice Problems
An exothermic reaction in a slab of material generates heat uniformly at a
rate of 2 x 106 W/m3 . The material has a thermal conductivity of 6.5 W/mK
and thickness is 80 mm. The slab is exposed on both sides. If the surface is
maintained at 150 oC by convection, determine the centre temperature. Also
d t
i th value
the l off convection
ti coefficient
ffi i t it heat
h t is
i extracted
t t d by
b fluid
fl id att
100 oC.

A thin
thi hallow
h ll stainless
t i l steel
t l tube
t b with
ith I.D
I D = 7.6
7 6 mm and
d O.D
O D = 8 mm is i heated
h t d
with a current of 250 A intensity. The outer surface of the tube is insulated and
all the heat evolved in the tube wall is transferred from the tube through its
inner surface. The specific
p resistance and the thermal conductivity y of steel
are respectively 85 µΩ-cm2 and 18.6 W/m K. Calculate
a.The volumetric rate of heat liberation from the inner surface.
b.The temperature drop across the wall.

Unit I - Conduction with heat 20


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