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Functional Requirements Specification (FRS) for ShopEase Web


1. User Management

Requirement 1: User Registration

 Users must be able to register a new account by providing necessary details such
as username, email, and password.
 Upon successful registration, users should be redirected to the welcome page.

Requirement 2: User Login

 Registered users must be able to log in using their credentials.

 Upon successful login, users should be redirected to the homepage.

Requirement 3: Password Reset

 Users should have the ability to reset their password in case they forget it.
 Password reset functionality should be accessible from the login page.

2. Product Management

Requirement 4: Product Browsing

 Users must be able to browse through the list of available products.

 Products should be categorized for easy navigation.

Requirement 5: Product Search

 Users should be able to search for specific products using keywords.

 Search results should be relevant and displayed in a clear manner.

3. Shopping Cart

Requirement 6: Adding Items to Cart

 Users must be able to add items to their shopping cart.
 Each item added to the cart should reflect the correct quantity and price.

Requirement 7: Viewing Cart

 Users should be able to view the contents of their shopping cart.

 Cart items should be displayed with relevant details such as product name,
quantity, and total price.

Requirement 8: Updating Cart

 Users should have the ability to update the quantity of items in their cart.
 Cart total should be recalculated automatically based on the updated quantities.

4. Checkout Process

Requirement 9: Checkout Process

 Users should be able to proceed to checkout once they have added desired items
to their cart.
 Checkout process should include entering shipping details, selecting payment
method, and confirming the order.

Requirement 10: Order Confirmation

 Users should receive a confirmation message after successfully placing an order.

 Order confirmation should include details such as order number and expected
delivery date.

5. Order Management

Requirement 11: Order History

 Users must be able to view their order history.

 Order history should include details of past orders such as order number, date,
items purchased, and status.

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