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Work & Energy

01. The diagram shows energy transfer through a machine.

What is the efficiency of the machine? (MC – O Nov 2009)

02. A man weighs 600 N. He runs up a staircase of total height 4.0 metres in 3.0 seconds. How much useful
power is needed to do this? (MC – O Nov 2009)
A 450 W B 800 W C 2400 W D
7200 W

03. The table shows the times ta

ken for four children to run up a set of stairs. Which child’s power is greatest?
(MC – S Nov 2009)

04. A crane lifts a load of 1000 N through a vertical height of 3.0 m in 10 s. The input power to the crane is 500
J / s. What is the efficiency of the crane? (MC – O Jun 2009)
A 0.17 B 0.50 C 0.60 D

05. Four people of equal weight on a beach use different routes to get to the top of a sea wall. (MC – S
Jun 2009)

Which person produces the greatest average power?

06. The diagram shows two identical vessels X and Y connected by a short pipe with a tap. (MC – A
Jun 2009)

Initially, X is filled with water of mass m to a depth h, and Y is empty. When the tap is opened, water flows
from X to Y until the depths of water in both vessels are equal. How much potential energy is lost by the
water during this process? (g = acceleration of free fall)

07. A rock climber of weight 600 N climbs up a rock face of vertical height 300 m in 3600 s. What is the average
power she generates against gravity during this time? (MC – O Nov 2008)
A 0.020 W B 50 W C 1800 W D
7200 W

08. A rubber ball is dropped from a height of 2 m on to a table. Whilst in contact with the table, some of its energy
is converted into internal energy. What is the highest possible point the ball could reach after bouncing? A
rubber ball is dropped from a height of 2 m on to a table. Whilst in contact with the table, some of its energy
is converted into internal energy. What is the highest possible point the ball could reach after bouncing?
(MC – S Nov 2008)

09. A block of weight W is pulled up a rough slope by a force F. When the block has moved a distance x along
the slope, it has risen height h. (MC – A Nov 2008)

Which expressions give the amount of work done on the block and the amount of gravitational potential
energy gained by the block?

10. An object is thrown into the air. Which graph shows how the potential energy Ep of the object varies with
height h above the ground? (MC – A Nov 2008)

Self Evaluation – 06
11. A pendulum bob oscillates between P and R. (MC – A Nov 2008)

Assuming the gravitational potential energy lost in moving from P to Q is converted into kinetic energy, what
is the speed of the bob at Q? (MC – A Nov 2008)

12. Which operation involves the greatest mean power? (MC – A Nov 2008)
A a car moving against a resistive force of 0.4 kN at a constant speed of 20 m s–1
B a crane lifting a weight of 3 kN at a speed of 2 m s–1
C a crane lifting a weight of 5 kN at a speed of 1 m s–1
D a weight being pulled across a horizontal surface at a speed of 6 m s–1 against a frictional
force of 1.5 kN

13. A steel ball is falling at constant speed in oil. Which graph shows the variation with time of the gravitational
potential energy Ep and the kinetic energy Ek of the ball?

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