Listening 2

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1ni.n 2: i.cnin (oncncn.


Iivn )v..vnoo +ni.c.i,

Mini - Dialogue

Unit 1 Time
Unit 2 Condition, Wishes, Causes and Results
Unit 3 Who Does What
Unit 4 The Situation
Unit 5 The Topic
Unit 6 Language Functions
Unit 7 Ahead to Predict Questions

1ni.n 2: i.cnin (oncncn.ion

Iivn )v..vnoo +ni.c.i,

Exercise A
Listen to each sentence. In the space provided, write the letter oI the action which
occurs / occurred Iirst or is most likely to occur Iirst. II both actions are likely to
happen at the same time, write an S in the blank.

Example :
B (A) buying the dog
(B) buying the cat
(S) both happen at the same time

1. (A) talking
(B) writing on the blackboard
(S) both happen at the same time
2. (A) eating lunch
(B) calling mother
(S) both happen at the same time
3. (A) Anne arriving
(B) beginning the meeting
(S) both happen at the same time
4. (A) watching other people dance
(B) dancing
(S) both happen at the same time
5. (A) Iinding a job
(B) moving
(S) both happen at the same time
6. (A) moving to New Jersey
(B) the semester ending
(S) both happen at the same time
7. (A) phoning
(B) receiving my message
(S) both happen at the same time
8. (A) her writing to him
(B) his writing to her
(S) both happen at the same time
9. (A) the lights going out
(B) watching a movie
(S) both happen at the same time
1ni.n 2: i.cnin (oncncn.ion

Iivn )v..vnoo +ni.c.i,
10. (A) moving to New York
(B) making several good Iriends
(S) both happen at the same time
11. (A) giving the letter to John
(B) reading the letter
(S) both happen at the same time
12. (A) drinking tea
(B) drinking coIIee
(S) both happen at the same time
13. (A) our moving in
(B) their moving out
(S) both happen at the same time
14. (A) our calling
(B) their taking her to the hospital
(S) both happen at the same time
15. (A) listening to music
(B) working
(S) both happen at the same time

Exercise B
Circle the letter oI the sentence that is closest in meaning to the sentence you hear on
the tape.

Example :
(A) Most oI us are waiting in the bus.
(B) The bus will be here in an hour.
(C) e are still waiting for the bus.
(D) The bus was an hour late.

1. (A) I think we should go to a movie aIter you Iinish writing.
(B) AIter the movie, you can start doing your paper.
(C) I didn`t see any good movies advertised in the paper.
(D) BeIore you Iinish your paper, let`s go out to a movie.
2. (A) Nancy will get married aIter she Iinds a job.
(B) Now that Nancy is married, she no longer works.
(C) Nancy plans to quit working once she is married.
(D) Nancy used to work with Marry.
3. (A) Last week we took a lot oI picture.
(B) We are supposed to bring our photos with us to the party.
(C) We asked them to take our pictures at the party.
(D) We took our pictures to last week`s party.
4. (A) Marsha recently received her schedule oI courses.
1ni.n 2: i.cnin (oncncn.ion

Iivn )v..vnoo +ni.c.i,
(B) Marsha will get her class schedule in a Iew days.
(C) Marsha doesn`t know which classes she wants to take.
(D) Marsha only has a Iew classes leIt to schedule.
5. (A) He always does his homework aIter he eats.
(B) He oIten eats while he`s studying.
(C) When his homework is done, he can eat.
(D) He doesn`t eat much while he`s studying.
6. (A) I`m not used to seeing movies.
(B) They used someone I know in that movie.
(C) I`ve never seen that movie.
(D) I don`t remember everything about that movie anymore.
7. (A) The responded promptly to my request.
(B) I mailed them the inIormation as soon as they asked Ior it.
(C) It took them a long time to answer my inquiry.
(D) The asked Ior the inIormation aIter I sent it.
8. (A) She will move at the beginning oI the month.
(B) She moved into the dormitory on the Iourth.
(C) She has lived in the dormitory since the Iirst oI the month.
(D) She`s making her Iirst move into a dormitory.
9. (A) Joan does her laundry every weekend.
(B) She goes to Joan once a week to wash clothes.
(C) She and Joan are looking Ior a place to do their laundry.
(D) She is at Joan`s, doing her laundry right now
10. (A) Irene is still a proIessor, but she also sells real estate.
(B) Irene has changed proIession.
(C) Irene inherited the proIessor`s estate.
(D) Irene teaches courses on real estate sales.

1ni.n 2: i.cnin (oncncn.ion

Iivn )v..vnoo +ni.c.i,


Exercise A
Listen to each spoken sentence. Write a C on the line next to each word or phrase that
is a cause in the spoken statement. Write an R on the line next to each word or phrase
that is the result in the spoken statement.

Example :
R this mess

1. Claire was angry
2. his eIIorts
3. unIortunate circumstance
4. malicious rumors
5. static electricity
6. I leIt
7. disorganization
8. her insecurity
9. I don`t have to work anymore
10. heavy traIIic to the lake
11. everyone works until 5:00
12. unemployment
13. overuse oI computers
14. don`t try to sell me a car
15. my Iamily lives in Montana

Exercise B
Listen careIully to each dialogue and the corresponding question. Circle the letter oI
the sentence that is closest in meaning to the sentence you hear.
Example :
(A) She didn`t find her watch.
(B) Her watch is worn out.
(C) She wore her watch today.
(D) She didn`t want to wear her watch.

1. (A) John didn`t like the party.
(B) John has come with them to the party.
(C) He`s sorry that John didn`t come to the party.
(D) John must leave the party soon.
2. (A) She will not be home today.
(B) She has called everyone at home.
1ni.n 2: i.cnin (oncncn.ion

Iivn )v..vnoo +ni.c.i,
(C) She can be reached at home.
(D) She doesn`t have a phone.
3. (A) Jane`s heart problem makes her very anxious.
(B) Jane thinks stress is the cause oI her ill health.
(C) For her part, Jane is not distressed.
(D) Jane probably Ieels she is not working hard enough.
4. (A) They should leave in about an hour.
(B) They were lost Ior an hour.
(C) They arrived an hour ago.
(D) They should try to Iind their way out oI here.
5. (A) He wishes it weren`t so cold.
(B) He`s sorry he sold it.
(C) He can`t seem to get rid oI his cold.
(D) He wishes he were younger.

1ni.n 2: i.cnin (oncncn.ion

Iivn )v..vnoo +ni.c.i,


Exercise A
Listen to each spoken sentence. Write who does what.

Example :
Who was in the play ? Sally

1. Who cuts hair ?
2. Who made progress ?
3. Who did the nominating ?
4. Who cleaned ?
5. Who received the letter ?
6. Who respects ?
7. Who saw ?
8. Who brings ?
9. Who was on vacation ?
10. Who owns the car ?

Exercise B
Circle the letter oI the sentence that is closest in meaning to the sentence you hear on
the tape.

Example :
(A) Greg got a cake Ior Nancy.
(B) Greg and Nancy took the truck to the lake.
(C) Nancy went and got the cake.
(D) Greg will take the truck later.

1. (A) Harry delivered the car on Tuesday.
(B) Harry wanted to see his new car today.
(C) Harry arranged .Ior the delivery oI his car on Tuesday.
(D) Harry asked about the condition oI his new car.
2. (A) Karen told her to start her new job next week.
(B) Karen has several Iorms to Iill out beIore she begins work next week.
(C) Karen said that she started Ieeling weak at work.
(D) Karen will begin her new job next week.
3. (A) I`ll have someone to repair my car as soon as I can aIIord it.
(B) I`m in a terrible Iix Ior money.
(C) I`m going to work on my car as soon as I can.
(D) I have to Iind a new car as quickly as possible.
1ni.n 2: i.cnin (oncncn.ion

Iivn )v..vnoo +ni.c.i,
4. (A) The hiker helped the park employees.
(B) Many park employees helped the hiker.
(C) The employees parked the hiker`s car.
(D) The hiker dedicated the park to the employees.
5. (A) Her saw works well Ior chopping wood.
(B) She saw me chopping wood.
(C) She was chopping wood when I saw her.
(D) I saw her when I was shopping.

1ni.n 2: i.cnin (oncncn.ion

Iivn )v..vnoo +ni.c.i,


Exercise A
Listen to the sentence. On the Iirst line, identiIy where the sentence probably take
place. Use the places listed below.
gas station
grocery store
post oIIice

Example :
Where : airport
Key Word : aircraIt, boarding

1. Where

Key Word :

2. Where :

Key Word :

3. Where :

Key Word :

4. Where :

Key Word :

5. Where :

Key Word :

6. Where :

Key Word :

1ni.n 2: i.cnin (oncncn.ion

Iivn )v..vnoo +ni.c.i,
7. Where :

Key Word :

8. Where :

Key Word :

9. Where :

Key Word :

10. Where :

Key Word :

Exercise B
Listen careIully to each dialogue and the corresponding question. Circle the letter oI
the sentence that best answer the question you hear.

Example :
(A) Dentist.
(B) Nurse.
(C) Weather reporter.
(D) Teacher.

1. (A) In a library.
(B) In a classroom.
(C) Ina bookstore.
(D) In a lawyer`s oIIice.
2. (A) She thinks the man`s luggage will arrive soon.
(B) She wants to turn at the next street.
(C) She is too short to see what`s in the bag.
(D) She will pick up the man`s groceries Ior him.
3. (A) A librarian.
(B) A teacher.
(C) A student.
(D) The woman`s best Iriend.
4. (A) In a movie theater.
(B) In an airport.
(C) In a car.
1ni.n 2: i.cnin (oncncn.ion

Iivn )v..vnoo +ni.c.i,
(D) In Chicago.
5. (A) She would like to have her coat back.
(B) Her house doesn`t need another coat oI paint.
(C) She wants the man to pay her now.
(D) She would like to buy the coat she has on.

1ni.n 2: i.cnin (oncncn.ion

Iivn )v..vnoo +ni.c.i,


Exercise A
For each situation given, write down two possible topics that might be discussed in a

Example :
Who : a salesperson and a client
Where : in a shoe store
Possible topics : the price oI shoes
trying on a pair oI shoes

1. Situation
Who : two Iriends
Where : at a Iootball game
Possible topics :

2. Situation
Who : two students
Where : a chemistry laboratory
Possible topics :

3. Situation
Who : a student and a proIessor
Where : the proIessor`s oIIice
Possible topics :

4. Situation
Who : two Iriends
Where : at the beach
Possible topics :

5. Situation
Who : a telephone operator and a client
Where : on the phone
Possible topics :

6. Situation
Who : a police oIIicer and a person driving a car
Where : on the Ireeway
1ni.n 2: i.cnin (oncncn.ion

Iivn )v..vnoo +ni.c.i,
Possible topics :

7. Situation
Who : a nurse and a patient
Where : a hospital
Possible topics :

8. Situation
Who : two students
Where : a movie theater
Possible topics :

9. Situation
Who : a librarian and a library user
Where : a college library
Possible topics :

10. Situation
Who : two students
Where : the kitchen
Possible topics :

Exercise B
Listen to each minidialogue. IdentiIy the topic.

Example :
Topic : going to a movie or staying home

1. Topics :
2. Topics :
3. Topics :
4. Topics :
5. Topics :
6. Topics :
7. Topics :
8. Topics :
9. Topics :
10. Topics :

1ni.n 2: i.cnin (oncncn.ion

Iivn )v..vnoo +ni.c.i,


Exercise A
Listen to each dialogue. Circle the letter oI the correct answer to the written question.

Example :
Who is disagreeing ?
(A) the woman
(B) the man

1. Who is requesting that someone do something ?
(A) the woman
(B) the man
2. Who is giving a compliment ?
(A) the woman
(B) the man
3. Who is giving advice ?
(A) the woman
(B) the man
4. Who is exaggerating ?
(A) the woman
(B) the man
5. Who is showing concern or worry ?
(A) the woman
(B) the man
6. Who is surprised ?
(A) the woman
(B) the man
7. Who is rejecting a suggestion ?
(A) the woman
(B) the man
8. Who is complaining ?
(A) the woman
(B) the man
9. Who is slightly surprised ?
(A) the woman
(B) the man
10. Who is accepting suggestion ?
1ni.n 2: i.cnin (oncncn.ion

Iivn )v..vnoo +ni.c.i,
(A) the woman
(B) the man
11. Who is emphasizing ?
(A) the woman
(B) the man
12. Who is requesting an opinion ?
(A) the woman
(B) the man
13. Who is agreeing ?
(A) the woman
(B) the man
14. Who is exaggerating ?
(A) the woman
(B) the man
15. Who is requesting permission ?
(A) the woman
(B) the man

Exercise B
Listen careIully to each dialogue and the corresponding question. Circle the letter oI
the sentence that best answer the question you hear.

Example :
(A) He will get the woman a bowl oI soup.
(B) He thinks the woman is very smart.
(C) He`s like to play chess.
(D) He has a great deal oI pain in his chest.

1. (A) Come over Ior lunch.
(B) Read his book at lunch time.
(C) Take only an hour Ior his lunch break.
(D) Buy the novel during his lunch hour.
2. (A) He disagrees with the woman.
(B) He didn`t like the television program.
(C) He hasn`t thought about watching television.
(D) He would like to see the TV show.
3. (A) The stereo was not Ior sale.
(B) He would have to buy the stereo.
(C) He could not pay Ior the stereo with a check.
(D) The stereo was not being sold at a discount.
4. (A) She eats at work every day.
1ni.n 2: i.cnin (oncncn.ion

Iivn )v..vnoo +ni.c.i,
(B) She enjoys her job very much.
(C) She does nothing but work all week.
(D) She has been working at her new job Ior eight days.
5. (A) The woman should put on a coat beIore going outside.
(B) The woman should leave the window closed.
(C) The view through the window is beautiIul.
(D) He has caught a cold because oI the open window.

1ni.n 2: i.cnin (oncncn.ion

Iivn )v..vnoo +ni.c.i,


Exercise A
Read the Iour answer choices. On line 1, write a possible spoken question Ior these
answer choices. I you need suggestions, reIer to the Iollowing lists oI questions.

Group 1 Group 2

What does the woman / man mean ? Where does this conversation
probably take place ?
What is the woman / man doing ? What will the woman / man probably
do next ?
What does the woman / man want to know ? What can we assume about the
woman / man ?
What is the woman / man asking ? What has the woman/ man assumed?
What does the woman / man say about X ? What does the woman / man imply ?
What does the woman / man think about X ? What can we inIer Irom the woman`s
/ man`s response ?
What is the woman`s/ man`s opinion about X? What job/ proIession does the
woman/ man probably have?
What does the woman / man suggest ?
What does the woman / man Ieel ?
What are the man and woman going to do ?
What do we learn Irom this conversation ?
What does the man think the woman should do ?
What does the woman think the man should do ?

Example :
(A) Artist.
(B) Writer.
(C) Lawyer.
(D) Teacher.
Line 1 : What is probably the woman`s / man`s proIession
Line 2 :

1. (A) Have dinner aIter they take a walk.
(B) Take a walk later.
(C) Talk about repairing their walk.
(D) Learn to tie knots.
Line 1 :
Line 2 :
1ni.n 2: i.cnin (oncncn.ion

Iivn )v..vnoo +ni.c.i,
2. (A) Excited.
(B) Angry.
(C) Tired.
(D) Frustrated.
Line 1 :
Line 2 :
3. (A) Carpenter.
(B) Housekeeper.
(C) Mover.
(D) Truck driver.
Line 1 :
Line 2 :
4. (A) The plot oI the book is quite good.
(B) The plot oI the book is quite bad.
(C) The pictures in the book are quite good.
(D) The book is very poetic.
Line 1 :
Line 2 :
5. (A) He would like her to give him her pin.
(B) He thinks she should stop spinning around.
(C) He wants her to take him with her when she goes.
(D) He thinks she should try driving the car.
Line 1 :
Line 2 :
6. (A) Eating.
(B) Writing.
(C) Reading.
(D) Walking away Irom the man.
Line 1 :
Line 2 :
7. (A) Ask someone to Iinish writing her paper Ior her.
(B) Give her paper to the librarian.
(C) Stop working on her paper.
(D) Try to Iinish her paper as soon as possible.
Line 1 :
Line 2 :
8. (A) In a department store.
(B) At the beach.
(C) In a beauty salon.
(D) In a restaurant.
Line 1 :
Line 2 :

1ni.n 2: i.cnin (oncncn.ion

Iivn )v..vnoo +ni.c.i,
9. (A) The Iood doesn`t have enough seasoning in it.
(B) She doesn`t like the main course.
(C) She likes the Iood.
(D) The Iood is too spicy.
Line 1 :
Line 2 :
10. (A) Lend the woman his math book.
(B) Take oII his mask.
(C) Help the woman with her studies.
(D) Go talk the math teacher.
Line 1 :
Line 2 :

Exercise B
Listen to each dialogue Ior the answer choices in Exercise A. Circle the correct
answer to each spoken question. On Line 2, write down each spoken question that
you hear. Check to see iI your predicted question corresponds in meaning to the one
spoken on the tape. Stop the tape between questions to allow yourselI time to write.

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