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FORM: Safety, Health and Environment (SHE)



Risk Assessment
Reference # A 0005
Work Area Contracting

Location of
Site generally

Plant/Equipment # Dewalt SDS Drill

Date of Assessment 17 June 2015

Assessed by

Last reviewed (if


Task and/or use of Plant/Equipment


Reason for Assessment Comment

Review Existing Task
New Task Using portable power tools on construction sites
Change in task, or
Report of injury
Requested To establish safe methods of working

Is the task or use of the plant/ equipment a hazardous manual handling task? If any of the boxes have
been ticked/ checked a separate manual handling risk assessment requires be completed and
attached/referenced to this risk assessment.

Repetitive Sustained
High or Exposure
or or Repetitive
Task sustained
awkward movement
force vibrations
force postures
Hand held power tool in use

Manual Handling Risk Assessment Required Yes No Rx Number

Attached ( if no give reason) Yes No Reason for no

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Version: 001
Issued: June 2015
Review: 2017



Hazard Consequence Controls

 Check condition of lead and plug before use.

 Check for hidden/buried cables / nails before
LTI, business
Electricity causing drilling etc.
1 electric shock H9  Do not work where water is present without L3
specialist advice.
 Periodically test all portable electrical hand tools.

 Do not use heat generating equipment

H9 without Hot Work Permit.
LTI, business
Fire or explosion risk  Do not work near flammables, compressed
2 in flammable gases, in explosive atmospheres or L3
atmosphere confined spaces without specialist advice.
 Check with Supervisor before using
flammable fuel or gas driven equipment.
LTI, business L3
 Loose clothing, jewellery and long hair to be kept
Entanglement in interruption; H9
3 clear of moving parts.
moving parts regulator
 Use guards where appropriate.
 Use protective eyewear or face shield. L3
LTI, business  Use guards where appropriate.
Flying debris / swarf
interruption; H9  Wear protective gloves where appropriate.
4 etc causing eye, hand
regulator  Advise nearby persons of hazard.
or facial injury
involvement  Isolate area with barriers, tape etc. where
 Wear hearing protection if above 80dB(A) L4 / M6
LTI, business H9 or if uncomfortably loud (request
Noise causing interruption; assessment if in doubt).
hearing damage regulator  Advise nearby persons of hazard.
involvement  Supervisors should inform users of risks
from noise.
 Select power tools with lowest vibration
 Minimise the time individuals use the
equipment (e.g. job rotation).
Vibration causing
LTI, business  Restrict use of vibration inducing tools to L4 / M6
Hand/Arm Vibration
interruption; H9 recommended times (see manufacturer’s
6 Syndrome (HAVS)
regulator information, local risk assessment or label
Carpal Tunnel
involvement on equipment/ box).
 Supervisor should inform users of risks
from vibration.
 Arrange health surveillance for those
identified at risk from vibration.
7 Tool ergonomics LTI, business  Ensure there is adequate room to do the
causing musculo- interruption; job. L4 / M6
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Version: 001
Issued: June 2015
Review: 2017
 Minimise the time individuals use heavy
skeletal injury equipment (e.g. job rotation).
 Wear safety footwear
Minor or major injury  Ensure work area is free from trailing
LTI, business L4 / M6
or fatality arising from H9 cables, tools, materials, debris and spills.
8 slips, trips or falls  All work should be from a suitable and
stable work platform.
 Do not work from ladders.
 Use a dust mask (check for fit).
H9  Increase ventilation to work area (e.g. open L3
windows, temporary extract etc.)
Respiratory illness, LTI, business  Wear close-fitting safety goggles.
reduced visibility or interruption;  Stop working if visibility is noticeably
skin irritation caused regulator reduced.
by dust involvement  Wear suitable protective clothing
(especially gloves).
 Clean work area regularly (e.g. sweep,
vacuum, wash down).
 Check tool is appropriate for the job and
H9 used in accordance with manufacturer’s L4 / M6
LTI, business instructions. Ensure material being worked
Wrist or hand injury
interruption; upon is free from nails and the like.
10 from tool binding or
regulator  Trained operators only (or under strict
involvement supervision).
 Ensure tools are maintained according to
manufacturer’s instructions.
 Check tool is appropriate for the job and
H9 used in accordance with manufacturer’s L4 / M6
LTI, business
All of the above  Users shall be trained in the correct use of
11 caused by portable tools.
inappropriate use  Inexperienced power tools users should be
supervised or observed when first using an
unfamiliar item of equipment or in an
unfamiliar environment.

Action Plan Developed Yes No Ref Number AP 0005

Attached ( if no give reason) Yes No Reason for no

Examples Risk Assessment: Measures of Consequence (or Impact)

Level HSE Environment

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Version: 001
Issued: June 2015
Review: 2017
No significant injuries. Minor breach of environmental policy / practices.
1. Insignificant
No significant impact on personnel. Negligible impact on the environment.
Small number of injuries; first aid or out-patients treatment
Minor localised impact; one-off situation easily
2. Minor required.
Some inconvenience to personnel.
A number of injuries requiring hospitalisation and long-term Moderate impact on the environment; no long term or
3. Moderate treatment. irreversible damage. May incur cautionary notice or
Moderate disruption to work routines and schedules. infringement notice
Major disruption to work routines and practices. Additional
Severe impact requiring remedial action and review of
resources may be required.
4. Major processes to prevent reoccurrence. Penalties and / or
Significant number of serious injuries requiring hospitalisation
direction or compliance order incurred.
and long-term treatment. Small number of fatalities.
Long-term, large-scale damage to habitat or
Long-term disruption to work practices and routines. Impact on environmental.
5. Catastrophic well-being of personnel. Extensive, life-threatening impact; Serious / repeated breach of legislation / licence
potentially large numbers of serious injuries and fatalities. conditions.
Cancellation of licence and / or prosecution.

Risk Assessment: Measures of Likelihood

Level Description (As per AS/NZS 4360) Examples

Almost certain The event is expected to occur in most conditions Expected frequency range: Greater than one or more per annum
Expected frequency range: Between one in 5 years and one per
Likely The event will probably occur in most conditions
Expected frequency range: Between one in 10 years and one in 5
Possible The event should happen at some time
Expected frequency range: Between one in a 100 years and one in
Unlikely The event could happen at some time
10 years
The event may only occur in exceptional
Rare Expected frequency range: Less than one in a hundred years

Catastrophic Major Moderate Minor Insignificant
5 4 3 2 1
Almost certain 5 Extreme (25) Extreme (20) High (15) High (10) Medium (5)
Likely 4 Extreme (20) Extreme (16) High (12) Medium (8) Medium (4)
Possible 3 High (15) High (12) High (9) Medium (6) Low (3)
Unlikely 2 High (10) Medium (8) Medium (6) Low (4) Low (2)
Rare 1 Medium (5) Medium (4) Low (3) Low (2) Low (1)

Risk Rating Timeframe Whom

Extreme Immediate action senior management required Construction Manager
High Within 2 to 3 days senior management attention needed Construction Manager
Within one week management responsibility must be
Moderate Construction Manager
Low Within 14 days manage by routine process Supervisor

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Version: 001
Issued: June 2015
Review: 2017

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