CHAPTER I - Merged

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Submitted to fulfill some of the requirements to reach degrees

Bachelor of Education (S.Pd)


NIM 170388203064



With gratitude to the presence of the one and only God, the researcher is

able to complete this thesis skripsi well. The writer is aware that it would not have

been possible to complete this skripsi without the help, support, and motivation

from various parties. Therefore, the researcher wants to express their thanks to:

The supervising professors who have provided guidance, input, and support

during the preparation of this skripsi. Fellow comrades who have provided

support, motivation, and spirit during the preparation of this skripsi. The beloved

family who have provided support, prayers, and spirit during the preparation of

this skripsi. The researcher is aware that this thesis skripsi is far from perfect and

there are still many shortcomings.

Therefore, the researcher greatly appreciates any suggestions and input

from readers to continue developing and perfecting this thesis skripsi. In

conclusion, the researcher expresses thanks to all parties who have helped and

supported researcher in completing this thesis skripsi.

1. Prof. Dr. Agung Dhamar Syakti, S.Pi, DEA, as the Rector of Universitas

Maritim Raja Ali Haji.

2. Assist. Prof. Satria Agust, S.S., M.Pd. as the dean of the Faculty of

Teaching Training and Education of Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji.

3. Assist. Prof. Dewi Nopita S.Pd, M.Pd as the head of the English Education

Study Program of Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji.

4. The researcher‟s consultant and also as my first advisor Assist. Prof. Gatot

Subroto, S.S., M.Pd. and the second advisors Assist. Prof. Muhammad

Candra, S.Pd., M.Ed. For their valuable, support, suggestion, time and

kindness during completing this research.

5. To my mother Maria and my father Fazuli, who hold a special place in my

heart. They have been a constant source of support and encouragement,

always interested in my activities and progress without imposing any

undue pressure or obstacles on my academic journey. Thanks to their

unwavering support, I was able to successfully complete my research


6. To my brother Mirandi and Andika for providing support during the

completion of this research skripsi.

7. Activities and progress without imposing any undue pressure or obstacles

on my academic journey. Thanks to their unwavering support, I was able

to successfully complete my research skripsi.

8. To my brother Mirandi and Andika for providing support during the

completion of this research skripsi.

Tanjungpinang, February 10th 2023

The researcher


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................. i

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... ii

LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................................ v

LIST OF FIGURE .............................................................................................. v

CHAPTER I ....................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 1

1.1 Background of the Study .......................................................................... 1

1.2 Identification of Problem .......................................................................... 3

1.3 Limiation of Problem ................................................................................ 3

1.4 Research Question .................................................................................... 3

1.5 Purpose of the Study ................................................................................. 3

1.6 Significance of Study................................................................................ 3

1.7 Definition of Key Terms ........................................................................... 4

CHAPTER II ...................................................................................................... 5

LITERATURE REVIEW.................................................................................... 5

2.1 Review of Related Theory ........................................................................ 5

2.1.1 Definition of Self-Directed Learning .................................................. 5

2.1.2 Self-Directed Learning Steps .............................................................. 7

2.1.3 Aspect of Self-Directed Learning ....................................................... 9

2.1.4 Factors Influencing Self-Directed Learning ...................................... 11

2.1.5 Definition of Reading ....................................................................... 13

2.1.6 Type of Reading .............................................................................. 14

2.1.7 The Purpose of Reading ................................................................... 16

2.2 Previous Study........................................................................................ 17

2.3 Conceptual Framework ........................................................................... 20

CHAPTER III ................................................................................................... 22

RESEARCH METHOD .................................................................................... 22

3.1 Research Design ..................................................................................... 22

3.2 Research Setting .................................................................................... 22

3.2.1 Setting of Place ............................................................................... 21

3.2.2 Setting of Time ................................................................................. 22

3.3 Research Participant ............................................................................... 23

3.4 Data Collection Technique ..................................................................... 23

3.5 Technique of Data Analysis ................................................................... 25

CHAPTER IV .................................................................................................. 27

FINDINGS AND DATA DISCUSSION ........................................................... 27

4.1 Data Description ..................................................................................... 27

4.1.1 Questionaire Findings .......................................................................... 27

4.1.2 Interview Findings ............................................................................... 29

4.2 Discussion .............................................................................................. 57

CHAPTER V .................................................................................................... 61

CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS ............................................................ 61

5.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................. 61

5.2 Suggestions ............................................................................................ 61

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................. 63


Table 3.1 Research Schedule ............................................................................. 22

Table 3.2 Student’s Questionnaire ..................................................................... 24

Table 4.1 List of the statements ......................................................................... 27

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework .................................................................... 21



1.1 Bacground of the Study

Learning activities are an integral part of education. Currently, the approach

to learning and teaching has changed, where students are no longer considered as

objects that must be taught. Instead, learners have innate potential or abilities that

can be developed in accordance with their intelligence. Educators are also not the

only source of knowledge, because through information technology, knowledge

can be obtained from various sources. Therefore, the role of learners who used to

be passive in receiving information from teachers needs to be changed to be more

active in the learning process. In order to achieve learning objectives, it is

important to design an optimal strategy so that these objectives can be achieved.

Learning strategy refers to an approach used to organize various aspects in the

implementation of learning activities (Jihad & Haris, 2013). This includes the

management of teaching materials, learning media, equipment, and time

arrangements used in the process. In this case self-directed learning can be one of

the strategies that can be applied by students in achieving learning goals in

reading courses. In this case, self-directed learning can be one of the strategies

that can be applied by students in achieving learning goals in reading courses.

According to Zamnah & Ruswana (2018), Self-directed learning is a learning

model that focuses on readiness to learn independently, which is characterized by

learning initiatives without relying on assistance from others. Such assistance

includes setting learning objectives, identifying learning resources, determining


learning strategies, and evaluating learning outcomes. Self-directed learning is a

technique where students manage their own learning (Leatemia et al, 2016). Self-

directed learning refers to a student's ability to take initiative and assume

responsibility for their own learning, with or without the assistance of others

encompassing aspects such as awareness, learning strategies, learning activities,

evaluation, and interpersonal skills (Setyawati, 2015). With technological

advancements, self-directed learning has been facilitated by the availability of

online resources, tools, and digital platforms, which allow individuals to access

and create learning materials, communicate and collaborate with others, and

assess and reflect on their own reading learning.

Reading is a crucial skill that enables children to obtain knowledge and

enhance their analytical skills. Essentially, reading plays a major role in a

student's learning capabilities (Yukselir, 2014). Reading as a conscious and

unconscious mental process where the reader uses various strategies to understand

the intended meaning of the author, drawing on both the text and their prior

knowledge (Mikulecky, 2011). In conclusion, reading is a vital skill that plays a

crucial role in a child's learning and development. It is both a conscious and

unconscious mental process that helps the reader understand the author's intended

meaning by using various strategies and drawing on both the text and their prior

knowledge. In the learning process students must prioritize understanding and

developing reading skills as a basis for mastering learning material.

The study of self-directed learning strategy is important in understanding how

individuals can effectively manage their own learning and how educators can

support and facilitate self-directed learning in various contexts. This research aims

to investigate A Study on Self-Directed Learning strategy in Reading Course of

Fourth Semester Students at English Language Study Program Universitas

Maritim Raja Ali Haji Tanjungpinang.

1.2 Identification of Problem

1. Students do not know about self-directed Learning

2. Students do not use self-directed learning strategies in exstensive reading


1.3 Limitations of Problem

This research will only discuss about the strategy of self-directed learning

used by the fourth semester students of English Language Study Program at

Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji Tanjungpinang.

1.4 Research Question

Based on the limitations above, the researcher raises the question; Do the

fourth semester students use self-directed learning strategy in extensive reading


1.5 Purpose of the study

The purpose of this research is, to find out the use of self-directed learning

strategy in extensive reading course by the fourth semester students of English

Language Study Program at Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji Tanjungpinang,

1.6 Singnifcance of the study

It is expected that the research will have positive influences on knowledge

advancement. The following are some benefits of this research for the reader:

1. For Lecturers

Knowing the problems of students in Self-Directed learning. Hopefully it

can be useful for lecturers in determining what learning methods to use.

2. For students

It is hoped that the findings of this study will be able to help students

better understand how to arrange self-directed learning in reading.

1.7 Definition of keyTerms

1. Learning strategy is, a personal approach for efficiently and effectively

utilizing a set of skills to gain knowledge or complete tasks, both in and

outside of the educational setting.

2. Self-directed learning, is a learning strategy where students are required to

arrange their learning independently.

3. Extensive reading is a reading method in which students read various

materials extensively, with the goal of understanding the overall content and

obtaining information and enjoyment from reading.



2.1 Review of Related Theory

2.1.1 Definition of Self-Directed Learning

Self-directed learning is an activity carried out by students to improve their

understanding and skills in learning using any method, anytime, anywhere,

independently. Students must engage in self-study so they can learn more and

comprehend their course material more quickly, develop their abilities, and be

better equipped to deal with challenges that come from new situations that are

faced (Tan, 2011). Self-directed learning is a practice that individuals engage

in to solve challenges and enhance their performance (Brockett & Hiemstra,

2018). Self-directed learning is a process in which students take responsibility for

their learning and actively control and carry out their own learning experiences. It

is seen as a goal for students to develop their ability to learn independently to

improve their skills and adapt to new situations. SDL is considered an essential

process and goal for improving performance. Students need to engage in

independent learning to improve their abilities and skills.

Self-directed learning involves taking charge of one's learning process, setting

goals, evaluating learning needs, choosing materials to help with learning, and

monitoring progress towards those goals. It involves the learner being in control

of the purpose, content, method, and location of their learning. These skills are

important in today's complex and unpredictable world and have been identified as

one of the strategies that can be applied in reading courses. Self-directed learning


is when individuals take control of their own learning, by determining what they

need to learn, setting goals, finding resources, selecting and using appropriate

strategies, and evaluating the results of their learning. Self-directed learning is

very important in the reading course because it gives students the freedom to

choose, pursue, and evaluate reading materials that are appropriate to their

interests and needs. This helps them to make significant connections with the

material they are studying and improves their motivation and learning outcomes.

In addition, self-directed learning also helps students to develop important

independent learning skills in a constantly changing world. Self-directed learning

involves a student being able to independently take charge of their learning,

including being aware of their own learning needs, developing strategies to learn

effectively, actively participating in learning activities, evaluating their progress,

and having strong interpersonal skills. It can be done with or without the help of

others. Through self-directed learning, students will acquire a great deal of new

understanding about the material they are studying, and will also enhance their

overall knowledge and understanding of the subject. Self-directed learning can be

beneficial because it helps students become more responsible for their own

learning, rather than relying on the supervision of teachers or parents (Tripon,


Based on the definitions above, it can be inferred that self-directed learning is

a learning process that is carried out by individuals independently, without the

assistance or supervision of a teacher or instructor. Individuals have full control

over their learning goals, materials, and methods. This emphasizes the active role

of the individual in their learning process and provides flexibility in choosing

materials and methods that are suitable to their needs and interests.

2.1.2 Self-Directed Learning Steps

According to Song & Hill (2007), there are three stages to learning about

SDL: planning, implementing, and evaluating;

1. The planning stage, student will setting specific, measurable,

andachievable goals for the learner. This includes identifying the

knowledge or skills they wish to acquire, determining the resources they

will need, and creating a plan for how they will acquire the knowledge or

skills. Additionally, the learner should reflect on their current level of

knowledge and skills, and assess their readiness for learning. The goal of

this stage is for the learner to take ownership of their own learning process,

and be actively engaged in planning and setting goals for their own


2. Implementing stage, students will put their learning plan into action and

work towards achieving their goals.

3. Evaluation stage, students will receive feedback on their progress and

assess the results of their learning process to ensure that they have a

thorough understanding of the material.

According to Saha (2006), there are six stages of self-directed learning that

students can follow:


1. Preparation: students identify a need for new knowledge or skills, and set

goals for learning.

2. Exploration: students gather information and resources to support their

learning goals.

3. Conceptualization: students organize and make sense of the information

they've gathered.

4. Experimentation: students apply what they've learned through practice or


5. Integration: students incorporate their new knowledge or skills into their

daily lives.

6. Evaluation: students reflect on their learning and assess their progress

towards their goals.

Huda (2013), states self-directed learning involves four stages: planning,

implementing, monitoring, and evaluating.

1. Planning stage refers to the initial phase of the self-directed learning

process in which the learner sets specific learning goals, identifies the

resources and support needed, and develops a plan for achieving those

goals. During this stage, the learner takes responsibility for their own

learning and actively works to identify their own learning needs and

preferences. The goal of this stage is to set the foundation for successful

self-directed learning by clearly defining the learning objectives and

creating a plan to achieve them.


2. Implementing stage, the educator helps the learner develop their skills and

allows them to choose the methods that suit their preferences.

3. Monitoring stage, involves supervision of the learners as they complete

tasks, work on related activities, and remain aware and sensitive during the

learning process.

4. Evaluating stage, the educator compares the learners' results, adjusts and

evaluates them based on previously set goals, and solicits feedback from

the learners about the task completion process.

In this research, the researcher chose the Song and Hill (2007) study as a

reference because according to the researcher, the statements presented by Song

and Hill are simpler and relevant in investigate A Study on Self-Directed Learning

strategy in Reading Course of Fourth Semester Students at English Language

Study Program Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji Tanjungpinang.

2.1.3 Aspect of Self-Directed Learning

Gibbons (2002), suggests that self-directed learning activities and programs

are built upon five key components that are integral to self-directed learning.

1. Students control the amount of learning experiences that occur.

Self-directed learning involves a shift in control from the teacher to the

student, with the student taking on more responsibility for their own

learning and decision-making. This can involve choosing their own

activities and forming their own opinions and ideas. It can also involve

taking on more mature roles and responsibilities. In addition to being an


effective way to learn, self-directed learning can also help students

develop their individual identities and become more self-aware.

2. Skill development.

The effectiveness of internal control depends on students being able to

concentrate and use their skills and abilities. Self-directed learning

involves developing skills and engaging in productive activities. It allows

students to achieve their educational goals, think independently, and plan

and execute their own work. They should also communicate with their

teachers as part of this process. The goal of self-directed learning is to help

students discover their interests and give them the tools they need to be


3. Transforming oneself to achieve the best performance.

Self-directed learning can be ineffective if students are not given

challenges to overcome. The teacher's role is to first provide challenges for

the student, and then encourage the student to challenge themselves. These

challenges can involve achieving a higher level of performance in a

familiar setting, or trying something new and unfamiliar. Challenging

oneself means taking risks and stepping out of one's comfort zone.

4. Student self-management.

Self-directed learning involves students taking control of their own

learning process and being responsible for seeking out and committing to

their own interests and goals. This requires self-control, confidence,

courage, and determination, as well as the ability to effectively manage


one's time and resources. In order to overcome obstacles and maintain

productivity, students must also be able to confront challenges and find

solutions. Both self-sourced and performance-based skills are important in

managing oneself in self-directed learning.

5. Self-motivation and self-assessment

Self-motivation and self-assessment are important principles in self-

directed learning. By setting important goals for themselves, organizing

feedback for their work, and achieving success, students learn to inspire

their own efforts and evaluate their own progress. They assess the quality

of their work and the process designed to do it, and strive for the best

possible achievements. In self-directed learning, assessment is an

important aspect of learning and learning how to learn. Students often

begin self-evaluation with the learning they are assigned by the teacher,

which includes a standard description they will aim to achieve.

2.1.4 Factors Influencing Self-Directed Learning

According to Munir (2009), mentioned in the self-directed learning process

that there are several psychological concepts that influence it, namely:

a. Cognitive and Metacognitive Factors

1. Nature of the learning process, where diverse learning materials are

present and effective learning can only occur when individuals construct

and give meaning to their experiences and knowledge.


2. Goals of the learning process, where learners who have achieved success

through guidance and support over time are able to create meaningful self-

directed learning experiences and represent their knowledge.

3. Construction of knowledge, where learners are capable of integrating new

knowledge with their prior knowledge.

4. Strategic thinking, where successful learners can create and employ

systematic and rational thinking strategies to achieve various goals.

5. Thinking about thinking, where learners who think creatively and critically

have high-level learning strategies that enable them to independently

monitor and select mental operations that are appropriate for them.

6. Context of learning, where learning is influenced by environmental factors

such as technology, arts/culture, and practices within their field of study.

b. Motivational and Effectiveness Factors

1. Motivational and emotional influences on learning, where learners have

learning motivation that is fundamentally influenced by their emotional


2. Intrinsic motivation to learn, which is based on comprehensive personal

development, relevance to individual interests, and personal supervision

and choice. Learners' creativity, high-level thinking abilities, and natural

curiosity all contribute to building motivation in learning.

3. Effects of motivation on effort, without motivation to learn, the ability to

make learning efforts becomes forced, necessitating broader learning

efforts and guidance.


c. Developmental and Social Factors

1. Developmental influences on learning, where learning encounters various

opportunities and constraints based on individuals' physical, emotional,

intellectual, and social development predetermined beforehand.

2. Social influences on learning, where studies are influenced by

interpersonal relationships, communication with others, and social

interactions. Individual differences, including learning techniques, designs,

and capacities, allow learners to prioritize what is important.

3. Standards and assessment, where a neutral learning environment,

challenging standards, and evaluation contribute to learners' learning

progress, including diagnostic, process, and outcome evaluations, all of

which are fundamental aspects of the learning process.

In general, there are three factors that influence self-directed learning

abilities: cognitive and metacognitive factors, motivational and effectiveness

factors, and developmental and social factors.

2.1.5 Definition of Reading

Reading is a fundamental language ability that helps people comprehend and

gain knowledge. It involves seeking out new information or understanding that a

person did not previously possess. Reading is the process of interpreting and

understanding written text, using prior knowledge and experience to understand

its meaning (Spratt, Pulverness, and William: 2005). Reading is also defined as a

process by which individuals acquire new knowledge or understanding from

written materials, often as part of their academic studies (Grabe, 2009). Learning

occurs when a person's understanding or perception of something changes from

being unknown to known. This process can involve reading and comprehending

written texts, during which the reader interprets, synthesizes, evaluates, and

selects relevant information.

According to Grabe (2009), reading is a strategic process that requires the

reader to actively engage in various skills and processes, such as anticipating and

selecting key information, organizing and summarizing information in their mind,

monitoring their comprehension, repairing any breakdowns in comprehension,

and aligning their comprehension with their goals. In conclusion, it can be

understood that reading involves using both the eyes and brain to interpret and

understand the meaning conveyed through written symbols by the writer.

2.1.6 Type of Reading

According Tarigan (2015), distinguishes two types of reading: 1) loud

reading and 2) silent reading. For the comprehension skill, silent reading is the

most appropriate, which consists of extensive reading and intensive reading.

1. Extensive reading means, reading broadly. Its object covers as many texts

as possible in the shortest possible time. The demand of extensive reading

activity is to understand the important contents quickly, thus efficient

reading can be carried out. Extensive reading includes survey, quick, and

shallow reading.

2. Intensive reading prioritizes deep and detailed understanding and

comprehension. Intensive reading is divided into content analysis and

language analysis. Content analysis reading includes careful,


understanding, critical, and idea reading, while language analysis reading

consists of language and literary reading. Based on the types of reading

described above, this research focuses on the comprehension type of


Meanwhile Patel and Praveen (2008), states there are four types of reading,

including Intensive Reading, Extensive Reading, Aloud Reading, and Silent


1. Intensive reading is, a method of reading that emphasizes understanding

and learning the idioms and vocabulary taught in the classroom, found in

poems, novels, and other sources. This type of reading involves paying

attention to linguistic and semantic details, as well as the structure and

grammar of the text.

2. Extensive reading is, a form of reading that encourages students to read

for enjoyment and to build general reading skills. This involves reading as

many different types of texts such as journals, newspapers, and magazines

for pleasure, with only a general understanding of the contents required.

3. Aloud reading involves reading out loud with a clear voice, for example,

reading poetry, dialogues, and other types of text.

4. Silent reading is, a type of reading that trains students to read without

speaking, allowing them to concentrate their thoughts and fully

comprehend the text. For example, students may read a text by heart.

2.1.7 The Purpose of Reading

The primary goal of reading is to gather and acquire information. According

to Tarigan (2015), the objectives of reading are as follows:

1. Reading to obtain details or factual information.

2. Reading to find the main ideas.

3. Reading to understand the sequence or arrangement in the story.

4. Reading to make conclusions.

5. Reading to classify and categorize.

6. Reading to assess and evaluate.

7. Reading to compare or argue.

According to Grabe (2009), the main purposes of reading include: finding

information, gaining a quick understanding, learning, integrating information,

evaluating and critiquing information, using information, and achieving general

comprehension. However, when reading poetry for enjoyment, it is not necessary

to identify the main idea and supporting details, but rather to recognize the words

and their arrangement used by the poet.

According to Rahim (2008), the objectives of reading include, among others,

enjoyment, to improve clear reading, to use specific strategies, to update one's

knowledge on a topic, to relate new information with previously known

information, to obtain information for oral or written reports, to confirm or reject

predictions, to display an experiment or apply information obtained from a text in

various other ways, and to study text structure, to answer specific questions. From

the statements above reading is, one can obtain the main ideas in a text and

summarize its contents.

2.2 Previuos Study

The study that is related to this research is as follows; The first study was

exposed by Umi Wati (2021) about The Students Difficulties in Reading through

Self-Directed Learning during the pandemic era, This research aims to investigate

the challenges faced by students in self-directed learning during the COVID-19

pandemic in the English Education Department at Universitas Muria Kudus

during the 2020/2021 academic year. The research questions are: (1) What are the

students' learning difficulties in self-directed learning during the pandemic? (2)

What is the state of students in self-directed learning during the pandemic? (3)

What are the students' difficulties in reading through self-directed learning during

the sixth semester of the English Education Department at Universitas Muria

Kudus? This research uses a qualitative approach and a case study design, with a

sample of 51 students from 4 classes. Data was collected using closed-ended

questionnaires. The results of the research showed that the sixth-semester students

in the English Education Department at Universitas Muria Kudus continue to face

challenges in self-directed learning, including difficulties in managing and

evaluating their schedules, a lack of support in terms of connectivity, materials,

equipment, motivation, and resources, and a need for new learning methods to

address the issues faced during the pandemic. In addition to these factors, students

also need motivation for self-directed learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The second study was exposed by Saputri Riski Pria (2021) The

Implementation of Self Directed Learning Strategy Using Moodle E-Learning in

Teaching Reading in Tenth Grade 3 Science of SMAN 1 Pulung Ponorogo.The

purpose of this research is to describe (1) the implementation of the Self-Directed

Learning strategy using the e-learning Moodle platform in the teaching of reading

in Class X 3 IPA at SMAN 1 Pulung Ponorogo, and (2) the students' response to

the use of the Self-Directed Learning Moodle e-learning strategy in reading

instruction in Class X 3 IPA at SMAN 1 Pulung. This research uses a qualitative

approach with a descriptive research design. The findings show that the English

teacher effectively applied the self-directed learning strategy using the Moodle e-

learning platform. The learning process began with the teacher reading and

understanding the material on report texts, followed by the teacher providing

engaging activities such as creating mind maps, providing videos, and facilitating

discussions with classmates. The learning process was enjoyable and students had

a high level of self-discipline and curiosity to learn. From the quizzes on the final

meeting, students achieved good grades after the teacher implemented this

strategy. The teacher found that the implementation of the Self-Directed Learning

strategy using the Moodle e-learning platform in the teaching of reading was

effective because of the students' good grades. (2) The students' response was very

positive. They were very active during discussions. Furthermore, the interviews

and questionnaire results showed that this strategy can improve students' reading

skills. The students were happy to learn, improve their reading skills, and become

more active and creative.


The third study was exposed by Lailiyatul (2019). The Correlation between

Self-Directed Learning (SDL) Levels and Students’ Engagement (SE) Levels in

English Language Learning in MTsN 02 Sidoarjo. This research focuses on

finding and discovering the correlation between the level of self-directed learning

(SDL) and the level of student engagement (SE) in English language learning.

This research is a quantitative research, specifically a correlational research. Data

is collected using a questionnaire to determine the level of self-directed learning

among students and the level of student engagement in English language learning.

The results of this correlation show that students who have a high level of self-

directed learning will also have a high level of student engagement.

The difference between these 3 previous studies with the title of this research

is that the former three studies focus on different aspects of self-directed learning

and the challenges faced by students during the pandemic. The first study focuses

on the difficulties faced by students in self-directed learning during the COVID-

19 pandemic in the English Education Department at Universitas Muria Kudus.

The second study focuses on the implementation of self-directed learning strategy

using Moodle E-Learning in teaching reading in Class X 3 IPA at SMAN 1

Pulung Ponorogo and students' responses to the strategy. The third study focuses

on the correlation between self-directed learning levels and students' engagement

levels in English language learning. Meanwhile, this research is conducted after

the Pandemic whose focuses on the use of self-directed learning strategy in a

reading course of fourth semester students.


2.3 Conceptual Framework

This research will be conducted by using questionnaires and interviews. The

purpose of this research is to find out the self-directed learning strategy used by

fourth-semester students in the reading course at the English Language Study

Program at Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji Tanjungpinang The conceptual

framework of this research can be illustrated as follows;


Learning strategy

The strategy of self-directed

learning used by the fourth
semester students.

Questionaire and interview English

Student in Universitas Maritim Raja
Ali Haji Tanjungpinang.

The result of the investigation on

students' self-directed learning
strategies in reading courses.

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework



3.1 Research Design

According to Creswell (2014), research design was a plan that outlined how

data would be collected and analyzed in order to answer specific research

questions. In this study, the research design was qualitative, which meant it

focused on understanding the subjective experiences and perspectives of

individuals or groups in relation to a particular issue or problem. Creswell (2014)

stated that qualitative research was a way to explore and understand the meanings

and interpretations that people gave to social or human problems.

3.2 Research Setting

3.2.1 Setting of Place

This research conducted at Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji Tanjungpinang.

3.2.2 Setting of Time

The research was conducted by the researcher in June 2023.

Table 3.1. Research Schedule

The shows the research proces:
No Schedule Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
1 Writing
2 Proposal


3 Research
and Data
4 Skripsi
5 Skripsi

3.3 Research Participant

The study requires participants to provide the necessary data. Martha &

Kresno (2016), stated that qualitative research did not have a minimum sample

size requirement. In general, qualitative research involved a relatively small

sample size. In fact, in some cases, it involved only one informant. There were at

least two requirements that needed to be met in determining the number of

informants, namely sufficient information obtained and compatibility with

research objectives. In this study, the research participants were the fourth

Semester English Students at Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji Tanjungpinang.

They consisted of five students from class K1 and five students from class K2.

3.4 Data Collection Technique

1. Questionnaire

A questionnaire is a technique used in research to gather information or data on

a specific topic. It involves creating a set of questions related to the research

problem and distributing them to a pre-determined group of research subjects. The

purpose of a questionnaire is to gather the necessary information or data needed

for the research study (Sugiyono, 2018). In this research, the researcher used a

closed-ended questionnaire using Google Forms. This method was chosen

because it was an efficient way to conduct online surveys and collect answers

quickly. The questionnaire consisted of agree or disagree questions, and the

answers were automatically recorded on the online platform.

Table 3.2 Student’s Questionnaire

Agree Disagree
1 I feel that learning with the Self-Directed
Learning Strategy enhances my reading
2 The use of the Self-Directed Learning
Strategy is beneficial for reading skills.
3 The use of the Self-Directed Learning
Strategy in the Extensive Reading course
makes me bored.
4 I feel that learning with the Self-Directed
Learning Strategy helps me in understanding
the material, especially in reading.
5 Self-Directed Learning Strategy did not
improve my reading skills.
6 Self-Directed Learning Strategy makes it
difficult for me to understanding the reading
7 Learning with Self Directed Learning
Strategy makes me feel pressured.
8 I feel that learning by Self-Directed
Learning Strategy enhances my learning
9 I believe that self-directed learning is an

effective way to acquire new knowledge and

10 The Implementation of Self Directed
learning Strategy by lecturers makes
learning process fun.
(Adapted from Saputri, 2021)

2. Interview

An interview was a conversation between an interviewer and an interviewee in

which the interviewer asked questions to gather information. Interviews could be

conducted in person or by phone, and there were four types: one-on-one, group,

phone, and email (Creswell, 2014).

The researcher uses a one-on-one interview method in this study. This type of

interview involves the interviewer speaking with an individual to gather in-depth

information about their personal experiences and knowledge of specific events.

The purpose of this approach is to obtain detailed information directly from the

interviewee (Ryan et al., 2009). The researcher interviews the respondents at

Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji Tanjungpinang by asking whether the fourth-

semester students use self-directed learning strategy in the extensive reading

course in their own sentences with the telephone. The researcher will provide an

online interview.

3.5 Technique of Data Analysis

In this research, the method of data analysis used will follow the steps

outlined by Miles and Huberman as cited by (Sugiyono, 2018). This method

consists of three stages: data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions.

These stages are commonly used in qualitative research.


1. Data Reduction

Data reduction refers to the process of selecting and simplifying data, searching

for patterns and themes, and ignoring unnecessary information (Miles, Huberman

and Saldana, 2014). In these steps researcher focused on the strategy of self-

directed learning use by the fourth semester student of english langguage sutdy

program at Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji Tanjungpinang.

2. Data Display

The data display phase involves presenting a brief summary of the data using

the original text, which is presented in the form of graphs, matrices, and charts

(Miles, Huberman & Salbana, 2014). In the second step, the researcher presents

the data by simplifying it using the original text in its original form.

3. Drawning Conclusion

The final stage of analyzing data involved drawing conclusions based on all the

collected data. These conclusions were meant to address the research questions

posed at the start of the study and provided a clear summary of the main points

that had been discovered.



4.1 Data Description

4.1.1 Questionaire Findings

Related to the research question, this chapter presents the result of the

research about self-directed learning strategies of fourth semester students in

extensive reading course.

The data was gathered from respondents who completed a questionnaire

regarding "the use of self-directed learning strategies in an extensive reading

course. The participants were the fourth-semester students of the English

Language Study Program at Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji Tanjungpinang,

After collecting the data, an analysis was conducted focusing on the self-directed

learning strategies. According to usman (2011) categorized statements into two

types: yes and no. The student's responses to the questionnaire statements are as


Table 4.1 List of the statements

Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std
NO STATEMENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I feel that learning with the Self-
1 Directed Learning Strategy √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
enhances my reading abilities.
The use of the Self-Directed
2 Learning Strategy is beneficial for √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
reading skills.
The use of the Self-Directed
3 Learning Strategy in the Extensive √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Reading course makes me bored.
I feel that learning with the Self-
Directed Learning Strategy helps
4 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
me in understanding the material,
especially in reading.
Self-Directed Learning Strategy did √ √
5 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
not improve my reading skills.


Self Directed Learning Strategy

6 makes it difficult for me to √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
understanding the reading text.
Learning with Self Directed
7 Learning Strategy makes me feel √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
I feel that learning by Self-Directed
8 Learning Strategy enhances my √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
learning motivation.
I believe that self-directed learning
9 is an effective way to acquire new √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
knowledge and skills
The Implementation of Self
Directed learning Strategy by
10 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
lecturers makes learning process

Based on the responses from the questionnaire, it can be observed that out of

10 students as respondents, most students felt that learning with the self-directed

learning Strategy improved their reading skills. They also believe that the use of

this strategy is beneficial to improve reading skills, help in understanding the

material, and increase learning motivation.

In relation to the Extensive Reading course, most students (9 out of 10) do

not find the use of the self-directed learning strategy boring. Additionally, the

strategy is not perceived as making it difficult to understand the reading text by

any of the students.

Regarding the impact of the self-directed learning strategy on the students'

experience, none of the respondents feel pressured by this approach. Furthermore,

all students believe that self-directed learning is an effective way to acquire new

knowledge and skills.

The implementation of the self-directed learning strategy by lecturers is

viewed positively by all students, as they find the learning process fun when this

approach is used.

4.1.2 Interview Findings

This research aims to investigate A Study on Self-Directed Learning strategy

in Reading Course of Fourth Semester Students at English Language Study

Program Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji Tanjungpinang. This has been

accomplished by analyzing ten interview statements.

a. Participant` Respondent One

The response of the student can be analyzed based on statements 1 to 10 as


1. Researcher question : I feel that learning with the Self-Directed Learning

Strategy enhances my reading abilities. Do you agree or disagree with this

statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, in my opinion, self-

directed learning can make me think more openly. For example, when i

read and come across a word that i don't understand, it will encourage me

to find out the meaning of that word. In conclusion, self-directed learning

can improve my reading skills.

2. Researcher question : The use of the Self-Directed Learning Strategy is

beneficial for reading skills. Do you agree or disagree with this statement,

and provide a reason?

Students response : I answered agree because in my opinion, self-

directed learning can increase knowledge in reading, as i explained

earlier in question number one. When I read and encounter a word that i

don't understand, and then i search and find the meaning of that word, it

expands my knowledge.

3. Researcher question : The use of the Self-Directed Learning Strategy in the

Extensive Reading course makes me bored. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer disagree because i prefer to learn

independently. Learning independently makes me more focused.

4. Researcher question : I feel that learning with the Self-Directed Learning

Strategy helps me in understanding the material, especially in reading. Do

you agree or disagree with this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, i feel that self-directed

learning helps me understand the material better. With self-directed

learning, i can review what I read and it helps me understand the material


5. Researcher question : Self-Directed Learning Strategy did not improve my

reading skills. Do you agree or disagree with this statement, and provide

a reason?

Students response : I answer disagree because, self-directed

learning strategy enhance my reading abilities.

6. Researcher question : Self Directed Learning Strategy makes it difficult for

me to understanding the reading text. Do you agree or disagree with this

statement, and provide a reason?


Students response : I answer disagree because, in my opinion, self-

directed learning strategy are not difficult, especially in this era of

technological advancements that make it easier for me to access


7. Researcher question : Learning with Self Directed Learning Strategy

makes me feel pressured. Do you agree or disagree with this statement,

and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer disagree because, i am the type of

person who prefers to learn independently.

8. Researcher question : I feel that learning by Self-Directed Learning

Strategy enhances my learning motivation. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, when i learn

independently and come across unfamiliar words, it arouses my curiosity

to find out. That is what motivates me in self-directed learning.

9. Researcher question : I believe that self-directed learning is an effective

way to acquire new knowledge and skills. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, self-directed learning

allows me the freedom to choose what I want to learn, which expands my


10. Researcher question : The Implementation of Self Directed learning

Strategy by lecturers makes learning process fun. Do you agree or

disagree with this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, i feel happy when i

can design my own learning style as i want.

b. Participant` Respondent Two

1. Researcher question : I feel that learning with the Self-Directed Learning

Strategy enhances my reading abilities. Do you agree or disagree with this

statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, in my opinion, self-

learning allows me to study freely according to my comfort, making it

easier for me to understand the material and improve my reading skills.

2. Researcher question : The use of the Self-Directed Learning Strategy is

beneficial for reading skills. Do you agree or disagree with this statement,

and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, self-directed learning,

enables me to acquire new knowledge that i couldn't get from classroom


3. Researcher question : The use of the Self-Directed Learning Strategy in

the Extensive Reading course makes me bored. Do you agree or disagree

with this statement, and provide a reason?


Students response : I answered disagree because, when i study

independently, i can choose the learning methods that make me


4. Researcher question : I feel that learning with the Self-Directed Learning

Strategy helps me in understanding the material, especially in reading. Do

you agree or disagree with this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, self-directed learning

make me feel more focused in understanding the material, especially when

i need a calm atmosphere to understand the reading, which makes me feel

more comfortable.

5. Researcher question : Self-Directed Learning Strategy did not improve my

reading skills. Do you agree or disagree with this statement, and provide a


Student respondent : I answer disagree because in my opinion,

self-directed learning enhances my reading abilities

6. Researcher question : Self Directed Learning Strategy makes it difficult for

me to understanding the reading text. Do you agree or disagree with this

statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer disagree because, as i mentioned in

response number four, self-directed learning helps me focus better on

understanding the material.


7. Researcher question : Learning with Self Directed Learning Strategy

makes me feel pressured. Do you agree or disagree with this statement,

and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer disagree because, self-directed

learning allows me to create the learning environment that i prefer.

8. Researcher question : I feel that learning by Self-Directed Learning

Strategy enhances my learning motivation. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, and provide a reason?

\Students response : I answer agree because, when i come across

new words or concepts while reading, i feel motivated to learn more about


9. Researcher question : I believe that self-directed learning is an effective

way to acquire new knowledge and skills. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, aend provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, when learning

independently, there are no limitations on the topics we can study. So we

are free to learn about anything that expands our knowledge.

10. Researcher question : The Implementation of Self Directed learning

Strategy by lecturers makes learning process fun. Do you agree or

disagree with this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, i enjoyed with this

learning strategy.

c. Participant` Respondent Three


1. Researcher question : I feel that learning with the Self-Directed Learning

Strategy enhances my reading abilities. Do you agree or disagree with this

statement, and provide a reason?

Studenst response : I answer agree because, by using self-directed

learning strategy, i am able to determine how my learning process should

be. I can tailor my learning according to my needs. This allows me to be

more focused on reading. With the implementation of this strategy i feel an

improvement in my reading ability.

2. Researcher questions : The use of the Self-Directed Learning Strategy is

beneficial for reading skills. Do you agree or disagree with this statement,

and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, the self-directed

learning strategy provides an opportunity for me to develop reading skills

independently. I can choose reading materials that align with my interests

and skill level. Additionally i can manage my own time and preferred

learning methods. Therefore the use of self-directed learning strategy

allows me to focus on developing reading skills.

3. Researcher question : The use of the Self-Directed Learning Strategy in the

Extensive Reading course makes me bored. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer disagree because the use of the Self-

Directed Learning strategy in the Extensive Reading course should

actually prevent boredom. In the self-directed learning strategy, i have the


freedom to choose interesting and relevant reading materials based on my

personal interests. By selecting topics that are interesting to me, the

reading process becomes more enjoyable and avoids feelings of boredom.

4. Researcher questions : I feel that learning with the Self-Directed Learning

Strategy helps me in understanding the material, especially in reading. Do

you agree or disagree with this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because in the self-directed

learning strategy, I can manage my time and use the techniques that are

most comfortable for me in understanding the material. The self-directed

learning strategy as a whole helps improve my understanding in reading.

5. Researcher question : Self-Directed Learning Strategy did not improve my

reading skills. Do you agree or disagree with this statement, and provide a


Students response : I answer disagree because, learning with self-

directed learning strategy, i felt an improvement in my reading ability.

6. Researcher question : Self Directed Learning Strategy makes it difficult for

me to understanding the reading text. Do you agree or disagree with this

statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer disagree because, learning by self-

directed learning strategy gives me the freedom to determine what kind of

learning style is effective according to me.


7. Researcher question : Learning with Self Directed Learning Strategy

makes me feel pressured. Do you agree or disagree with this statement,

and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, although the self-

directed learning strategy offers freedom and independence in learning,

sometimes I also feel pressured when I get an assignment from the lecturer

because I don't understand the explanation given.

8. Researcher question : I feel that learning by Self-Directed Learning

Strategy enhances my learning motivation. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, when I obtain

unsatisfactory results in reading learning, I will strive to improve my

reading ability by implementing self-directed learning strategy. That

serves as motivation for me.

9. Researcher question : I believe that self-directed learning is an effective

way to acquire new knowledge and skills. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, learning by self-

directed learning strategy allows me to freely search, sort and analyze

information from available sources on the internet. Because of this i can

gain new knowledge without relying entirely on the material provided by

the lecturer.

10. Researcher question : The Implementation of Self Directed learning

Strategy by lecturers makes learning process fun. Do you agree or

disagree with this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agreed because, i feel happy when i

have the freedom to choose my preferred learning environment.

d. Participant` Respondent Four

1. Researcher question : I feel that learning with the Self-Directed Learning

Strategy enhances my reading abilities. Do you agree or disagree with this

statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, i think there is an

improvement in my reading ability after applying the self- directed

learning strategy.

2. Researcher question : The use of the Self-Directed Learning Strategy is

beneficial for reading skills. Do you agree or disagree with this statement,

and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, by implementing the

self-directed learning strategy, i can develop my reading skills

independently and improve my understanding of the texts I read.

3. Researcher question : The use of the Self-Directed Learning Strategy in the

Extensive Reading course makes me bored. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because sometimes i also feel

bored with self-directed learning.


4. Researcher question : I feel that learning with the Self-Directed Learning

Strategy helps me in understanding the material, especially in reading. Do

you agree or disagree with this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because i have more time to

focus on understanding the material i read. I can use the most effective

methods for me to comprehend and retain information.

5. Researcher question : Self-Directed Learning Strategy did not improve my

reading skills. Do you agree or disagree with this statement, and provide a


Students response : I answer disagree because i believe there has

been an improvement, albeit not significant, in my reading ability. Self-

Directed Learning Strategy makes it difficult for me to understanding the

reading text.

6. Researcher question : Self Directed Learning Strategy makes it difficult for

me to understanding the reading text. Do you agree or disagree with this

statement, and provide a reason?

Student respondent : I answer disagree because there is freedom in

learning with self-directed learning strategy to choose the learning

methods that suit my learning style. Therefore, I find it easier to

understand reading texts.

7. Researcher question : Learning with Self Directed Learning Strategy

makes me feel pressured. Do you agree or disagree with this statement,

and provide a reason?


Students response : I answer disagree because, in an self-directed

learning strategy there is freedom as to what kind of learning process we

want so that there is no pressure that I feel.

8. Researcher question : I feel that learning by Self-Directed Learning

Strategy enhances my learning motivation. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer disagree because I felt no motivation

when learning independently.

9. Researcher question : I believe that self-directed learning is an effective

way to acquire new knowledge and skills. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, I have experienced

that self-directed learning can improve my thinking skills.

10. Researcher question : The Implementation of Self Directed learning

Strategy by lecturers makes learning process fun. Do you agree or

disagree with this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, the self-directed

learning strategy is quite fun.

e. Participant` Respondent Five

1. Researcher question : I feel that learning with the Self-Directed Learning

Strategy enhances my reading abilities. Do you agree or disagree with this

statement, and provide a reason?


Students response : I answer agree because, the self-directed

learning strategy can make me more focused in reviewing the material

which sometimes the explanation from the lecturer is too complicated, and

I can also find new innovations that I did not know before.

2. Researcher question : The use of the Self-Directed Learning Strategy is

beneficial for reading skills. Do you agree or disagree with this statement,

and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, I think self-directed

learning strategy are useful, with self-directed learning strategy, I can

repeat the material and better understand the learning material that I got


3. Researcher question : The use of the Self-Directed Learning Strategy in the

Extensive Reading course makes me bored. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer disagree because i don't think the

implementation of self-directed learning strategy makes me bored at all. I

can be more free to determine what kind of learning style can make me

become more focused and confident.

4. Researcher question : I feel that learning with the Self-Directed Learning

Strategy helps me in understanding the material, especially in reading. Do

you agree or disagree with this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, with the

implementation of the self-directed learning strategy, i felt that my


comprehension in reading was better and the review of the material was

more quickly understood.

5. Researcher question : Self-Directed Learning Strategy did not improve my

reading skills. Do you agree or disagree with this statement, and provide a


Students response : I answer disagree because with the self-

directed learning strategy I felt there was an improvement in my reading


6. Researcher question : Self-Directed Learning Strategy makes it difficult for

me to understanding the reading text. Do you agree or disagree with this

statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer disagree because, in my opinion, self-

directed learning strategy can make me more focused in reviewing the


7. Researcher question : Learning with Self-Directed Learning Strategy

makes me feel pressured. Do you agree or disagree with this statement,

and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer disagree because, the self-directed

learning strategy did not make me feel pressured at all.

8. Researcher question : I feel that learning by Self-Directed Learning

Strategy enhances my learning motivation. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, and provide a reason?


Students response : I answer agree because, learning with self-

directed learning strategy makes me more motivated to train my reading

speed and fluency.

9. Researcher question : I believe that self-directed learning is an effective

way to acquire new knowledge and skills. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, when learning by self-

directed learning strategy, i am free to look for references from various

sources that make my knowledge increase.

10. Researcher question : The Implementation of Self Directed learning

Strategy by lecturers makes learning process fun. Do you agree or

disagree with this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, i think it is quite fun

when i am free to decide what kind of learning style i want.

f. Participant` Respondent Six

1. Researcher question : I feel that learning with the Self-Directed Learning

Strategy enhances my reading abilities. Do you agree or disagree with this

statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, by implementing the

self-directed learning strategy, i have the freedom to determine how I

learn. I can customize the learning according to my own needs. This

allows me to concentrate more in the reading learning process, so I feel an

improvement in my reading ability.


2. Researcher question : The use of the Self-Directed Learning Strategy is

beneficial for reading skills. Do you agree or disagree with this statement,

and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, I think the self-

directed learning strategy provides benefits for me by providing

opportunities for me to manage my own learning process through

initiative, independence, self-regulation, self-exploration, and freedom of

learning, with the aim of achieving maximum learning results.

3. Researcher question : The use of the Self-Directed Learning Strategy in the

Extensive Reading course makes me bored. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer disagree because, i think that in an

self-directed learning strategy i can determine when is the right time to

study so as to avoid boredom.

4. Researcher question : I feel that learning with the Self-Directed Learning

Strategy helps me in understanding the material, especially in reading. Do

you agree or disagree with this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, learning

independently makes me more able to concentrate what's more in reading.

I feel more comfortable if with a quiet situation.

5. Researcher question : Self-Directed Learning Strategy did not improve my

reading skills. Do you agree or disagree with this statement, and provide a


Students response : I answer disagree because, I think one of the

ways to improve reading skills is by implementing self-directed learning


6. Researcher question : Self Directed Learning Strategy makes it difficult for

me to understanding the reading text. Do you agree or disagree with this

statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer disagree because, i think the

implementation of self-directed learning strategy is not difficult, especially

now that there are various learning resources that we can access

ourselves from the internet.

7. Researcher question : Learning with Self Directed Learning Strategy

makes me feel pressured. Do you agree or disagree with this statement,

and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer disagree because, the self- directed

learning strategy does not make me depressed.

8. Researcher question : I feel that learning by Self-Directed Learning

Strategy enhances my learning motivation. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, I feel motivated to

improve my reading skills.

9. Researcher question : I believe that self-directed learning is an effective

way to acquire new knowledge and skills. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, and provide a reason?


Students response : I answer agree because when learning

independently the learning topics we learn have no limitations so we are

free to learn about what makes our knowledge insight increase.

10. Researcher question : The Implementation of Self Directed learning

Strategy by lecturers makes learning process fun. Do you agree or

disagree with this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, I have no problem

with the implementation of self-directed learning strategy.

g. Participant` Respondent Seven

1. Researcher question : I feel that learning with the Self-Directed Learning

Strategy enhances my reading abilities. Do you agree or disagree with this

statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, the self-directed

learning strategy can make me more focused in reviewing the material

that sometimes the explanation from the lecturer is too complicated, and I

can also find new innovations that I did not know before.

2. Researcher question : The use of the Self-Directed Learning Strategy is

beneficial for reading skills. Do you agree or disagree with this statement,

and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, i think self-directed

learning strategy are useful, with self-directed learning strategies I can

repeat material and better understand the learning material that I got


3. Researcher question : The use of the Self-Directed Learning Strategy in the

Extensive Reading course makes me bored. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer disagree because, in my opinion the

implementation of self-directed learning strategy does not make me bored

at all. I can more freely determine what kind of learning style that can

make me become more focused and confident.

4. Researcher question : I feel that learning with the Self-Directed Learning

Strategy helps me in understanding the material, especially in reading. Do

you agree or disagree with this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, with the

implementation of self-directed learning strategy I feel that my

understanding in reading is more accurate and the review of material is

more quickly understood.

5. Researcher question : Self-Directed Learning Strategy did not improve my

reading skills. Do you agree or disagree with this statement, and provide a


Students response : I answer disagree because, with the self-

directed learning strategy I feel there is an improvement in my reading


6. Researcher question : Self Directed Learning Strategy makes it difficult for

me to understanding the reading text. Do you agree or disagree with this

statement, and provide a reason?


Students response : I answer disagree because, the self-directed

learning strategy can make me more focused in reviewing the material.

7. Researcher question : Learning with Self Directed Learning Strategy

makes me feel pressured. Do you agree or disagree with this statement,

and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer disagree becaus, the self-directed

learning strategy does not make me feel pressured at all.

8. Researcher question : I feel that learning by Self-Directed Learning

Strategy enhances my learning motivation. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer disagree because, there is no

particular motivation when i study independently.

9. Researcher question : I believe that self-directed learning is an effective

way to acquire new knowledge and skills. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because when learning with

self-directed learning strategy I am free to look for references from

various sources that make my knowledge increase.

10. Researcher question : The Implementation of Self Directed learning

Strategy by lecturers makes learning process fun. Do you agree or

disagree with this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, i think it is quite fun

when in learning I am free to determine what kind of learning style I want.


h. Participant` Respondent Eight

1. Researcher question : I feel that learning with the Self-Directed Learning

Strategy enhances my reading abilities. Do you agree or disagree with this

statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, i think there has been

an improvement in my reading ability.

2. Researcher question : The use of the Self-Directed Learning Strategy is

beneficial for reading skills. Do you agree or disagree with this statement,

and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, by implementing the

self-directed learning strategy, i can develop my reading skills

independently and improve my understanding of the text I read.

3. Researcher question : The use of the Self-Directed Learning Strategy in the

Extensive Reading course makes me bored. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer disagree because, i think I can avoid

boredom by choosing the best time to study.

4. Researcher question : I feel that learning with the Self-Directed Learning

Strategy helps me in understanding the material, especially in reading. Do

you agree or disagree with this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, i have more time to

focus on understanding the material I read. I can use the method that is

most effective for me to understand and remember information.


5. Researcher question : Self-Directed Learning Strategy did not improve my

reading skills. Do you agree or disagree with this statement, and provide a


Students response : I answer disagree because, i think there is an

improvement that I feel even though it is not significant in my reading


6. Researcher question : Self Directed Learning Strategy makes it difficult for

me to understanding the reading text. Do you agree or disagree with this

statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer disagree because, there is freedom

with the self-directed learning strategy to choose learning methods that

suit my learning style. Thus, it is easier for me to understand the reading


7. Researcher question : Learning with Self Directed Learning Strategy

makes me feel pressured. Do you agree or disagree with this statement,

and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer disagree because, by self-directed

learning strategy there is freedom as to what kind of learning process we

want, so that there is no pressure that i feel.

8. Researcher question : I feel that learning by Self-Directed Learning

Strategy enhances my learning motivation. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, and provide a reason?


Students response : I answer disagree because, i feel no motivation

when learning independently.

9. Researcher question : I believe that self-directed learning is an effective

way to acquire new knowledge and skills. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, when I study

independently, there are no limits to the learning resources that I can

access because of that, I get a lot of new knowledge.

10. Researcher question : The Implementation of Self Directed learning

Strategy by lecturers makes learning process fun. Do you agree or

disagree with this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, the self-directed

learning strategy is quite fun in my opinion.

i. Participant` Respondent Nine

1. Researcher question : I feel that learning with the Self-Directed Learning

Strategy enhances my reading abilities. Do you agree or disagree with this

statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because the self-directed

learning strategy can make me more focused in reviewing the material

that sometimes the explanation from the lecturer is too complicated, and I

can also find new innovations that I did not know before.

2. Researcher question : The use of the Self-Directed Learning Strategy is

beneficial for reading skills. Do you agree or disagree with this statement,

and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because I think self-directed

learning strategy are useful, with self-directed learning strategy I can

repeat material and better understand the learning material that I got


3. Researcher question : The use of the Self-Directed Learning Strategy in

the Extensive Reading course makes me bored. Do you agree or disagree

with this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, there are times when I

also feel bored learning independently.

4. Researcher question : I feel that learning with the Self-Directed Learning

Strategy helps me in understanding the material, especially in reading. Do

you agree or disagree with this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, with the

implementation of self-directed learning strategy i feel that my

understanding of reading is more accurate and the review of material is

more quickly understood.

5. Researcher question : Self-Directed Learning Strategy did not improve my

reading skills. Do you agree or disagree with this statement, and provide a


Students response : I answer disagree because, with self-directed

learning strategy i feel there is an improvement in my reading ability.

6. Researcher question : Self Directed Learning Strategy makes it difficult for

me to understanding the reading text. Do you agree or disagree with this

statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer disagree because, the self-directed

learning strategy can make me more focused in reviewing the material.

7. Researcher question : Learning with Self Directed Learning Strategy

makes me feel pressured. Do you agree or disagree with this statement,

and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer disagree because, the self-directed

learning strategy does not make me feel pressured at all.

8. Researcher question : I feel that learning by Self-Directed Learning

Strategy enhances my learning motivation. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, learning by self-

directed learning strategy makes me more motivated to practice my

reading speed and fluency.

9. Researcher question : I believe that self-directed learning is an effective

way to acquire new knowledge and skills. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, and provide a reason?


Students response : I answer agree because, when learning by self-

directed learning strategy i am free to look for references from various

sources, it makes my knowledge increase.

10. Researcher question : The Implementation of Self Directed learning

Strategy by lecturers makes learning process fun. Do you agree or disagree

with this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I anwer agree because, i think it is quite fun

when in learning I am free to determine what kind of learning style i want.

j. Participant` Respondent Ten

1. Researcher question : I feel that learning with the Self-Directed Learning

Strategy enhances my reading abilities. Do you agree or disagree with this

statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, i think this self-

directed learning strategy is convenient to be applied to reading learning

because, i can repeat the material that has previously been learned and I

can also focus more on understanding the material, sometimes I don't

understand the explanation from the lecturer. I am the type of person who

likes independent learning

2. Researcher question : The use of the Self-Directed Learning Strategy is

beneficial for reading skills. Do you agree or disagree with this statement,

and provide a reason?


Students response : I answer agree because, when I keep repeating

reading the material, it makes it easier for me to understand the learning


3. Researcher question : The use of the Self-Directed Learning Strategy in the

Extensive Reading course makes me bored. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer disagree because, i prefer to learn

independently this learning strategy does not make me bored.

4. Researcher question : I feel that learning with the Self-Directed Learning

Strategy helps me in understanding the material, especially in reading. Do

you agree or disagree with this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, i think the self-

directed learning strategy makes me understand the material faster. I am

more comfortable learning independently.

5. Researcher question : Self-Directed Learning Strategy did not improve my

reading skills. Do you agree or disagree with this statement, and provide a


Students response : I answer disagree because, i feel that my

reading ability has improved with the implementation of self-directed

learning strategy.

6. Researcher question : Self Directed Learning Strategy makes it difficult for

me to understanding the reading text. Do you agree or disagree with this

statement, and provide a reason?


Students response : I answer disagree because, that i think the

implementation of self-directed learning strategy is not difficult because I

like to learn independently.

7. Researcher question : Learning with Self Directed Learning Strategy

makes me feel pressured. Do you agree or disagree with this statement,

and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer disagree because, the implementation

of self-directed learning strategy does not make me feel pressured.

8. Researcher question : I feel that learning by Self-Directed Learning

Strategy enhances my learning motivation. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because learning by self-

directed learning, we learn a lot of new things that make us become

motivated because of curiosity to learn more new things.

9. Researcher question : I believe that self-directed learning is an effective

way to acquire new knowledge and skills. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement, and provide a reason?

Students response : I answer agree because, when learning by self-

directed learning strategy i am free in finding references from various

sources. It makes my knowledge increase.

10. Researcher question : The Implementation of Self Directed learning

Strategy by lecturers makes learning process fun. Do you agree or

disagree with this statement, and provide a reason?


Students response : I answer agree because, i think it is quite fun

when the lecturer gives us the opportunity to do the assignment

independently, we are free to express the ideas we think. From the

statement above, it turns out that the fourth semester students of english

education have implemented self-directed learning strategies in the

extensive reading course, this can be seen from the statement, I feel that

learning with the Self-Directed Learning Strategy enhances my reading


Student respondent : I answer agree because, i think this self-

directed learning strategy is convenient to be applied to reading learning

because, i can repeat the material that has previously been learned and I

can also focus more on understanding the material, sometimes I don't

understand the explanation from the lecturer. I am the type of person who

likes independent learning

It can be concluded that the self-directed learning strategy is

perceived positively by the students.

4.2 Discussion

This research aims to investigate the use of self-directed learning strategy in

ekstensive reading course. Based on the data description, it can be concluded the

fourth semester students have implemented self-directed learning strategy in

extensive reading course. Based on the findings in the first statement, it can be

observed that out of ten students as participants, all of them agreed with the

statement that learning with self-directed learning strategy improved their reading

ability. This has similarities with the research by Huda and Sulistyaningrum,

(2022) namely, there is a significant difference between the average english

reading comprehension ability of university students before and after

implementing self-directed learning. These results show that in general, students

english reading comprehension skills have improved significantly.

Continuing to the next statement, out of ten participants, all of them agreed

the statement, the use of self-directed learning strategy is beneficial to improve

reading ability, help in understanding the material, and increase learning

motivation. According to Oishi (2020), in her research stated that the

implementation of self-directed learning strategy has benefits for students in the

learning process. Some of these benefits include the ability of learners to learn

according to their desires, expectations, and motivation. In addition, learners can

better understand important topics, thus increasing the effectiveness of the

learning process. Learners can also plan and evaluate their own learning

outcomes. This encourages learners to be more active in learning, which in turn

results in deeper learning.

The next statement, the use of self-directed learning strategy in extensive

reading course is boring. Of the ten participants there was one participant who had

a different answer, namely response participant 9, he stated that he agreed with the

statement. Because according to him, there are times when I also feel bored

learning independently while the other nine participants did not consider the use

of self-directed learning strategies boring. According to Ramadhan, (2018) in his

research stated, that the results showed that the use of self-directed learning

strategy can increase students' involvement in the learning process. This is evident

in the first stage of the self-directed learning strategy, where learners are given the

freedom to choose or participate in determining learning objectives. After the

learning objectives are set, the next step is for learners to plan and implement the

plan, and evaluate their own abilities.

In addition, ten participants agreed that the Self-Directed Learning Strategy

helped in understanding the reading material. This is in accordance with

Mudjiman (2007) states, self-directed learning is an active learning activity that is

driven by the intention or motive to acquire certain competencies to solve a

problem, and builds on the knowledge or competencies that a person has.

The next statement, learning with self-directed learning strategy is stressful.

Of the ten participants, there was one participant who had a different answer,

namely response participant 3. He answered agree because according to him,

although the self-directed learning strategy offers freedom and independence in

learning, sometimes he also feels pressured when he gets an assignment from the

lecturer because he does not understand the explanation given. While the other

nine participants disagreed, because they felt no pressure with this approach.

Huriah (2018) stated, that self-directed learning has advantages and

disadvantages. On the positive side, this approach allows students to learn

according to their own style, emphasizes wider learning resources beyond the

teacher, participants have the opportunity to develop their knowledge skills,

abilities comprehensively, and fosters tremendous opportunities for students to

hone their environmental awareness. However, self-learning also has


disadvantages. First, it may cause less capable students to become more

incapable. Also, for students who lack motivation, it can be challenging to

develop their skills. Finally, some learners may need guidance from others to

choose suitable materials for their learning.

In the next statement, ten participants agreed that self-directed learning is an

effective way to acquire new knowledge and skills. This is in accordance with

Gibbons (2002) states, that defines self-directed learning as an effort made by a

student to improve their knowledge, skills, and achievements in relation to self-

development orientation, where individuals use various methods in various

situations and take relatively independent actions.

The next statement the implementation of self-directed learning strategy by

the lecturer makes the learning process enjoyable. All ten participants stated that

they agree with this statement.

According to Setyawati (2015), self-directed learning refers to the ability of

students to take initiative and responsibility for their own learning process, either

with or without the help of others. This concept covers several aspects, including

self-awareness, learning strategies, learning activities, evaluation, and skills to

interact with others.

Finally, the research results have answered the research problem. Regarding

the research question, it shows that the self-directed learning strategy has been

implemented by the fourth-semester students, although there are still some

shortcomings in the implementation, but this strategy is still perceived positively

by the students.


5.1 Conclusion

This research aims to investigate the use of self-directed learning strategies in

ekstensive reading course. The research results indicate that the fourth-semester

students have implemented self-directed learning strategy in extensive reading

course. All of this was done in an effort to better understand previously learned

material and acquire new knowledge.

The research findings show that the use of self-directed learning strategies,

improves students' reading skills. In addition, this strategy is also useful in

understanding the material, increasing learning motivation, and increasing learner

involvement in the learning process. The implementation of self-directed learning

strategy also helps in understanding the reading material. While some found the

use of self-directed learning strategy boring or stressful, other participants

generally found it effective and enjoyable. The implementation of self-directed

learning strategy was also considered an effective way to acquire new knowledge

and skills. The implementation of self-directed learning strategy by lecturers

makes the learning process fun.

5.2 Suggestions

The researcher makes the following suggestions for students, lecturers, and future


1. For the Students

By implementing self-directed learning strategies, it is hoped that students


can make the most of the convenience of accessing information on the internet to

assist their learning

2. For the Lecturers

Lecturers must find the right method to assist students in their self-directed

learning process so that this strategy can be implemented effectively..

3. Further Research.

This study is only limited to investigating the use of self-directed learning

strategies in extensive reading learning. Therefore, future researchers are expected

to present more detailed and in-depth information regarding self-directed learning


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