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Henrico Miguel C.

Laxamana 12 - Panamensis

Career Development Stages by Donald Super

Career development stages were proposed by Donald Super. Personal experiences affect
an individual’s occupational preference, career choices, and self concept. Career development has
5 stages: growth, exploration, establishment, maintenance, and decline. These stages are
categorized by the age of an individual.

First stage is growth. Growth occurs between the ages of 4 and 13. This is where
children attain their strengths, interests, and realization of things around them. As they explore
their environment and learn about different roles, they become self-aware. This stage has three
sub-stages: fantasy, interest, and capacity. Fantasy is done through roleplaying, interest through
choosing something over the other, and capacity through knowing their strengths and
weaknesses. Second stage is exploration. Teenagers try out different activities like work, studies,
passion, and hobbies to learn more about themselves and their potential career paths. The video
also tackled tasks related to this stage: identifying interests and abilities, figuring out how these fit
with different occupations, and making tentative career choices. Next stage is establishment. It
occurs between 25 to 40. Young adults focus on finding a stable job. They look for careers and
work fields where they can grow and be successful at. Success in this stage may be through
promotions and career development. Fourth stage is maintenance. This stage generally happens
between 40 to 65. This stage is about maintaining and holding onto a career. People tend to
focus on stability and security. While others feel stuck with their careers and life at this moment.
This is the perfect time for women to take care of their children and significant people in her life.

In summary, the stages of career development unfold as a continuum, beginning with the
foundational period of growth during childhood, progressing through the exploratory phase of
adolescence, and culminating in the establishment and maintenance of a career in adulthood.
Each stage presents its own set of challenges and opportunities, shaping individuals'
understanding of themselves and their vocational aspirations. Through self-exploration,
experiential learning, and strategic decision-making, individuals navigate the complexities of the
career landscape, striving for personal fulfillment and professional success. As they transition
through the stages, individuals not only refine their skills and competencies but also cultivate
resilience and adaptability in the face of evolving circumstances. Ultimately, the journey of career
development is a dynamic and transformative process, characterized by continuous growth,
self-discovery, and the pursuit of meaningful work.

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