Ainun Najmah Alhadid - Integrating Direct Quotes & Paraphrases - With FEEDBACK

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Ainun Najmah Alhadid


328 words

Draft 2

The Importance of Bilingual Education for Children

It is important for children, especially those of immigrants, to learn not only the language of t

he current country they live in, but also their native language. There are several reasons why.

One of the most vital reasons for a child to be taught bilingually is so that he or she can equip

himself or herself with practical skills that help them grow, especially in academics. A substa

ntial body of research demonstrates that multilingualism equips children with vital practical s

kills. Individuals who learn two or more languages as children experience improved cognitive

growth, which equals better overall academic achievement. Early language acquisition is also

linked to more advanced verbal abilities, cognitive flexibility, and problem-solving skills (Edi

torial: Children Can, and Should, Learn More Than One Language, 2012). Another reason to

educate a child bilingually is that a greater variety of academic and professional prospects bec

ome available to those who are multilingual. People who are bilingual have access to a wider

variety of cultural and linguistic contexts and able to communicate with a greater number of p

eople in an effective manner. In fact, a study from the British Council found that UK adults re

gret not developing their language skill since they just realized how important it is for their ca

reer (British Council, 2015). Furthermore, bilingual education allows children to maintain a st

rong connection to their cultural roots and heritage by learning and using their native languag

e alongside the language of their new country. Not being able to speak one’s own native lang

uage can cause disconnection with his or her own culture, as written by two Asian-Americans,

Charlotte Cao and Jordan Lee, in their article, “Losing one’s native tongue can make people
feel disconnected from their own cultures, resulting in frustration and isolation from the com

munities into which they once blended so seamlessly” (Cao & Lee, 2020). To sum up, bilingu

al education is very important for immigrant children since it addresses important issues inclu

ding academic success, maximizing career possibilities, and cultural preservation.


British Council. (2015, November 17). NI adults regret losing language skills from school d
ays. Retrieved from British Council:

Cao, C., & Lee, J. (2020, January 14). Learning one’s native language is not a lost cause. Por
tola Pilot. Retrieved from

Editorial: Children Can, and Should, Learn More Than One Language? (2012). Housto
n Chronicle.

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