Lesson 3

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Lesson 3

During this lesson, we will discuss

different situations that may occur
with you at work!
From the very
beginning I have to
say that we won't be
able to teach you all But don't worry, your
the situations, experience will put
because there is not everything in its place)
absolute set of them
and we can't
predict them all(
You've already done a great job! Therefore, I give you a
heart ❤
Collect hearts and you will bathe in love by the end
of our training ^^ And you will also notice the respect
among your future colleagues, because they will be
very surprised how you were able to prepare for work
so well in a couple of weeks!
And let's start!

Lesson 3
Different situations
So we got to the end of
studying the topic "ITGENIO
courses" ....
Well done! One more scarlet heart is
for you ❤, I think it will
help you to complete this
difficult test task.
If you've studied everything
and listened attentively (and
I explained well and didn't
mess around), then you can
handle with it!
Here below you'll find this test task.
Kindly ask you to try not to cheat. I won't check, but the more honestly you
complete this test, the better your results will be during the trial month.
Your final test on ITGENIO
Good luck!

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