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Imię i nazwisko: _________________________ Klasa: ____ Wynik: ____ / 43

1 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty. Zakreśl te A LIFELONG OBSESSION

odpowiedzi A-C lub A-D, które są właściwe i zgodne z
treścią nagrań. A
When someone moves home from one country to another,
Text 1 packing and shipping can be a major headache. However,
1 Melissa and Louis differ in rock star Rod Stewart’s move from Los Angeles to Essex
A their attitudes to being punctual. involved something much more difficult than even the
B their decision making about what to wear. largest item of furniture. For over a quarter of a century,
C the likelihood of them starting an argument with the Rod has been building himself a huge model railway. In fact,
other person. one of the reasons why he chose his LA home was because
Text 2 he realised that its enormous attic space would be an ideal
2 What do the two friends disagree about? place to make his dream come true. And he certainly made
A Jason’s friends. the most of the space as his layout measures almost 40
B Jason’s character. metres in length by 7 metres in width.
C Jason’s body language. B
Text 3 Rod’s love of model railways goes back a lot further than
3 What similarity between bullies and comedians does the the twenty-five years he has spent building his model. He
speaker suggest? has been mad about trains since childhood but the reason
A Having similar characters. why is unclear. He grew up next to a real train line in north
B A desire to make friends. London and it has been said that, while on holiday, he
C Hiding their true character. spotted a model train set in a shop and fell in love with it.
D Suffering from depression. He has even jokingly complained about the time when he
received a guitar as a Christmas present rather than the
4 Which of these does the speaker NOT mention? hoped for train set. Of course, he knows as well as anyone
A masking can affect the way people speak to other that the guitar he received played a major part in him being
people. able to afford to take his hobby to such extremes, so we
B People sometimes avoid arguing with relatives with shouldn’t take his comment too seriously.
whom they disagree.
C Masking can be the result of the fear of upsetting C
someone in authority. Rod takes great pride in the work he has put into his model
D People can react differently to the same opinions railway and he has created a whole model city to go with it.
depending on the situation. In fact, he has stated that he got more pleasure out of
building the skyscrapers, docks and pavements than the
5 Which of the following is stated in the speech as a fact, actual railway and he has done his best to make it as
not an opinion? authentic as possible. His feelings are so strong, that when
A Using bad language towards certain people is wrong. a radio DJ suggested that Rod must have had help in
B People use masking to gain approval from groups they building such a huge model, he rang up the radio station
belong to. personally to put them right and explain that, apart from
C People have the right to believe in what they want. some of the electrical work, everything was his work.
D Masking can cause psychological problems.
____ / 10
In other interviews, Rod has shared more details of the
lengthy process of creating the model railway. Even when
2 Przeczytaj tekst, który został podzielony na cztery
on tour he made sure that his record company provided
części, oraz pytania go dotyczące. Do każdego pytania 1-5
him with accommodation big enough to allow him to
dopasuj właściwą część tekstu A-D. W jednej części tekstu
construct bits of scenery in his free time between concerts
znajdują się odpowiedzi na dwa pytania.
and rehearsals. In 2019, he finally completed his vision but
his work hasn’t finished. To get it back to the UK, he has
In which paragraph does the author ...
had to pack it into seven huge shipping containers and,
1 describe the current state of the model? ___
once it has arrived, he’ll have to reassemble it. I just hope
2 compare a specific problem with a more common one? ___
his new attic is capable of holding it all.
3 explain why something the singer said wasn’t really true? ___
____ / 10
4 give alternative explanations for a hobby? ___
5 mention an error which was corrected? ___

Repetytorium z języka angielskiego dla liceów i techników

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2022 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Imię i nazwisko: _________________________ Klasa: ____ Wynik: ____ / 43

3 Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi A-D wybierz ________________________________________________

właściwą tak, aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie ________________________________________________
poprawny tekst.
Confusing signals ________________________________________________
Researchers have been 1 ____ an interest in chimpanzee
body language and facial expressions recently for a number ________________________________________________
of reasons. Researcher Dr Catherine Hobaiter said that we ________________________________________________
have one very important feature in 2 ____ with ________________________________________________
chimpanzees in that we are the only species to use
intentional communication signals to each other. Others ________________________________________________
may do this instinctively, a roar of anguish, a leap of fear ________________________________________________
but that is something different. Although there is still a lot
we don’t know, Dr Hobaiter said that rather than setting us ________________________________________________
____, our communication signals show the close ________________________________________________
relationship we have with chimpanzees. ________________________________________________
Another reason why research is important is the increase in
wildlife tourism. Some facial expressions can result in nasty ________________________________________________
incidents. Now, tourists are being shown photos of ________________________________________________
different monkeys as a warning. 4 ____ eyebrows are often
a sign of aggression. On the other hand, a serious look on a
monkey’s face, like the 5 ____ we have when annoyed or ________________________________________________
confused, actually shows that the monkey is relaxed and ________________________________________________
Knowing the difference can ensure that monkeys can be left ________________________________________________
in peace when upset and tourists can avoid being bitten. ________________________________________________
A making B keeping ________________________________________________
C taking D following ________________________________________________
A alike B shared
C the same D common ________________________________________________
3 ________________________________________________
A across B around ________________________________________________
C apart D away
A Lifted B Opened ________________________________________________
C Pursed D Raised ________________________________________________
5 ________________________________________________
A glimpse B frown
C wink D shrug ________________________________________________
____ / 10 ________________________________________________
4 Wiele firm wymaga od swoich pracowników
przestrzegania zasad dotyczących ubioru, zabraniając ________________________________________________
eksponowania tatuaży oraz przychodzenia do pracy w ________________________________________________
niekonwencjonalnym stroju. Napisz rozprawkę, w której
przedstawisz zalety i wady wprowadzenia takich zasad w ________________________________________________
miejscu pracy. ________________________________________________
Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów. ________________________________________________
____ / 13

Repetytorium z języka angielskiego dla liceów i techników

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2022 PHOTOCOPIABLE

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