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Erika Sofía Serna Pérez

Ficha: 2879754

Instructor David Bautista Romero

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje

Contabilización de operaciones comerciales y financieras
Componente Bilingüismo

26 de marzo de 2024
Chronicle Fiódor Dostoievski

Fiódor Dostoievski is my favorite writer. He was born on November 11, 1821, in

Moscow, Russia, was one of the most influential writers of the 19th century. His life
was marked by hardship, which greatly influenced his literary works.
As a young man, Dostoievski developed a keen interest in literature and philosophy.
He studied at the Military Engineering Academy in St. Petersburg, but his passion
for writing led him to resign from his military career. In 1846, he published his first
novel, "Poor Folk," which gained him recognition in literary circles.
However, Dostoyevsky’s life took a drastic turn in 1849 when he was arrested for
participating in socialist activities. He was sentenced to death by firing squad but
received a last-minute reprieve and was instead sent to a Siberian labor camp for
four years. This experience deeply impacted him and influenced his later writings,
particularly his exploration of human suffering and redemption.
After his release, Dostoievski returned to writing with renewed vigor. In 1866, he
published one of his most famous works, "Crime and Punishment," which explores
the moral and psychological struggles of its protagonist, Raskolnikov, who commits
a murder and grapples with his guilt.
Following the success of "Crime and Punishment," Dostoievski continued to produce
notable works, including "The Idiot" (1869) and "The Brothers Karamazov" (1880).
These novels delved into themes of spirituality, morality, and the nature of existence.
Throughout his life, Dostoievski faced personal challenges, including financial
difficulties and the loss of loved ones. His second wife, Anna Grigoryevna, played a
significant role in supporting him both emotionally and financially.
Dostoyevsky’s works earned him widespread acclaim, but he struggled with his
health and finances until his death on February 9, 1881, in St. Petersburg. Despite
his hardships, his legacy endured, and his novels remain celebrated for their
profound insights into the human condition. Dostoyevsky’s ability to capture the
complexities of the human psyche continues to captivate readers worldwide,
ensuring his place as one of the greatest novelists in history.

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