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Thursday 01 February 2024

Quote: “


1. Definethe term gender inequality and state TWO negative effects that this
may have in the workplace. (1+2) (3)
2. Suggest TWO intervention strategies that the government could introduce to
prevent the ongoing challenges of gender inequalities in society. Motivate
EACH answer. (2x3) (6)
3. Explain why females may be more vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
as a result of gender inequalities. (2x3) (6)
4. Explain how participation in sports can improve the following:
a) cardiovascular fitness (2x2) (4)
b) muscular strength (1x2) (2)


GIRLS between the ages of 15 and 19 years old account for 11% of births worldwide. Of
this 11%, almost all the births, 95%, are in low to middle income countries, South Africa

This is according to the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) latest fact sheet on adolescent
pregnancy. The WHO claims that teenage pregnancy is still a major contributor to mother
and child mortality in addition to feeding ill-health and poverty.

Abstract from:

Write an essay about the reasons behind teen pregnancy and include the following issues:

 Define adolescence. (2X1=2)

 Discuss how “self-awareness” and “problem-solving skills” could influence you in making
responsible decisions regarding sex. (2x2=4)
 Suggest two strategies the government should implement to reduce the number of teen
pregnancies in South Africa. (2X3=6)
 Analyze how teenage pregnancy might prevent someone from reaching their full
potential . (2X3=6)

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