Ifc Performance Standards (01 15)

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IFC Performance Standards on

Environmental and Social Sustainability

Effective January 1, 2012

Table of Contents

Performance Standards:
Overview 2
Performance Standard 1: Assessment and Management of Environmental
and Social Risks and Impacts 5
Performance Standard 2: Labor and Working Conditions 16
Performance Standard 3: Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention 22
Performance Standard 4: Community Health, Safety, and Security 27
Performance Standard 5: Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement 31
Performance Standard 6: Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable
Management of Living Natural Resources 40
Performance Standard 7: Indigenous Peoples 47
Performance Standard 8: Cultural Heritage 53



EHS Guidelines World Bank Group Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines
ESMS Environmental and Social Management System
FPIC Free, Prior, and Informed Consent
GHG Greenhouse gases
GIIP Good international industry practice
ICP Informed Consultation and Participation
ILO International Labour Organisation
IPM Integrated pest management
IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature
IVM Integrated vector management
UN United Nations



1. IFC’s Sustainability Framework impacts so that development opportunities

articulates the Corporation’s strategic are enhanced. IFC uses the Sustainability
commitment to sustainable development, Framework along with other strategies,
and is an integral part of IFC’s approach policies, and initiatives to direct the business
to risk management. The Sustainability activities of the Corporation in order to
Framework comprises IFC’s Policy and achieve its overall development objectives.
Performance Standards on Environmental The Performance Standards may also be
and Social Sustainability, and IFC’s Access applied by other financial institutions.
to Information Policy. The Policy on
Environmental and Social Sustainability 2. Together, the eight Performance
describes IFC’s commitments, roles, and Standards establish standards that the
responsibilities related to environmental client1 is to meet throughout the life of an
and social sustainability. IFC’s Access investment by IFC:
to Information Policy reflects IFC’s
commitment to transparency and good Performance Standard 1: Assessment and
governance on its operations, and outlines Management of Environmental and
the Corporation’s institutional disclosure Social Risks and Impacts
obligations regarding its investment Performance Standard 2: Labor and
and advisory services. The Performance Working Conditions
Standards are directed towards clients, Performance Standard 3: Resource
providing guidance on how to identify risks Efficiency and Pollution Prevention
and impacts, and are designed to help avoid, Performance Standard 4: Community
mitigate, and manage risks and impacts Health, Safety, and Security
as a way of doing business in a sustainable Performance Standard 5: Land Acquisition
way, including stakeholder engagement and Involuntary Resettlement
and disclosure obligations of the client in Performance Standard 6: Biodiversity
relation to project-level activities. In the case Conservation and Sustainable
of its direct investments (including project Management of Living Natural
and corporate finance provided through Resources
financial intermediaries), IFC requires its Performance Standard 7: Indigenous
clients to apply the Performance Standards to Peoples
manage environmental and social risks and Performance Standard 8: Cultural Heritage

The term “client” is used throughout the Performance
Standards broadly to refer to the party responsible for
implementing and operating the project that is being
financed, or the recipient of the financing, depending
on the project structure and type of financing. The
term “project” is defined in Performance Standard 1.


3. Performance Standard 1 establishes topics such as climate change, gender,
the importance of (i) integrated assessment human rights, and water, are addressed
to identify the environmental and social across multiple Performance Standards.
impacts, risks, and opportunities of projects;
(ii) effective community engagement through 5. In addition to meeting the requirements
disclosure of project-related information and under the Performance Standards, clients
consultation with local communities on must comply with applicable national law,
matters that directly affect them; and (iii) the including those laws implementing host
client’s management of environmental and country obligations under international law.
social performance throughout the life of the
project. Performance Standards 2 through 6. The World Bank Group Environmental,
8 establish objectives and requirements to Health and Safety Guidelines (EHS
avoid, minimize, and where residual impacts Guidelines) are technical reference
remain, to compensate/offset for risks and documents with general and industry-specific
impacts to workers, Affected Communities, examples of good international industry
and the environment. While all relevant practice. IFC uses the EHS Guidelines as
environmental and social risks and potential a technical source of information during
impacts should be considered as part of project appraisal. The EHS Guidelines
the assessment, Performance Standards 2 contain the performance levels and
through 8 describe potential environmental measures that are normally acceptable to
and social risks and impacts that require IFC, and that are generally considered to
particular attention. Where environmental be achievable in new facilities at reasonable
or social risks and impacts are identified, the costs by existing technology. For IFC-
client is required to manage them through financed projects, application of the EHS
its Environmental and Social Management Guidelines to existing facilities may involve
System (ESMS) consistent with Performance the establishment of site-specific targets with
Standard 1. an appropriate timetable for achieving them.
The environmental assessment process may
4. Performance Standard 1 applies to all recommend alternative (higher or lower)
projects that have environmental and social levels or measures, which, if acceptable
risks and impacts. Depending on project to IFC, become project- or site-specific
circumstances, other Performance Standards requirements. The General EHS Guideline
may apply as well. The Performance contains information on cross-cutting
Standards should be read together and cross- environmental, health, and safety issues
referenced as needed. The requirements potentially applicable to all industry sectors.
section of each Performance Standard It should be used together with the relevant
applies to all activities financed under the industry sector guideline(s). The EHS
project, unless otherwise noted in the specific Guidelines may be occasionally updated.
limitations described in each paragraph.
Clients are encouraged to apply the ESMS 7. When host country regulations differ
developed under Performance Standard 1 from the levels and measures presented in
to all their project activities, regardless of the EHS Guidelines, projects are expected to
financing source. A number of cross-cutting achieve whichever is more stringent. If less

stringent levels or measures are appropriate
in view of specific project circumstances,
a full and detailed justification for any
proposed alternatives is needed as part of
the site-specific environmental assessment.
This justification should demonstrate that
the choice for any alternative performance
level is protective of human health and the

8. A set of eight Guidance Notes,

corresponding to each Performance Standard,
and an additional Interpretation Note on
Financial Intermediaries offer guidance on the
requirements contained in the Performance
Standards, including reference materials, and
on good sustainability practices to help clients
improve project performance. These Guidance/
Interpretation Notes may be occasionally


Performance Standard 1

Assessment and Management of

Environmental and Social Risks
and Impacts

Introduction environmental and social performance, and

can lead to improved financial, social, and
1. Performance Standard 1 underscores environmental outcomes.
the importance of managing environmental
and social performance throughout the life 2. At times, the assessment and
of a project. An effective Environmental management of certain environmental
and Social Management System (ESMS) is and social risks and impacts may be the
a dynamic and continuous process initiated responsibility of the government or other
and supported by management, and involves third parties over which the client does
engagement between the client, its workers, not have control or influence.4 Examples of
local communities directly affected by the where this may happen include: (i) when
project (the Affected Communities) and, early planning decisions are made by the
where appropriate, other stakeholders.1 government or third parties which affect the
Drawing on the elements of the established project site selection and/or design; and/or
business management process of “plan, (ii) when specific actions directly related to
do, check, and act,” the ESMS entails a the project are carried out by the government
methodological approach to managing or third parties such as providing land
environmental and social risks2 and impacts3 for a project which may have previously
in a structured way on an ongoing basis. A involved the resettlement of communities
good ESMS appropriate to the nature and scale or individuals and/or leading to loss of
of the project promotes sound and sustainable biodiversity. While the client cannot control
these government or third party actions, an
Other stakeholders are those not directly affected by
effective ESMS should identify the different
the project but that have an interest in it. These could entities involved and the roles they play,
include national and local authorities, neighboring
projects, and/or nongovernmental organizations. the corresponding risks they present to the
Environmental and social risk is a combination of client, and opportunities to collaborate
the probability of certain hazard occurrences and the
severity of impacts resulting from such an occurrence. with these third parties in order to help
Environmental and social impacts refer to any change,
potential or actual, to (i) the physical, natural, or 4
Contractors retained by, or acting on behalf of the
cultural environment, and (ii) impacts on surrounding client(s), are considered to be under direct control
community and workers, resulting from the business of the client and not considered third parties for the
activity to be supported. purposes of this Performance Standard.


achieve environmental and social outcomes stakeholders are responded to and
that are consistent with the Performance managed appropriately.
Standards. In addition, this Performance • To promote and provide means for
Standard supports the use of an effective adequate engagement with Affected
grievance mechanism that can facilitate Communities throughout the project
early indication of, and prompt remediation cycle on issues that could potentially
for those who believe that they have been affect them and to ensure that relevant
harmed by a client’s actions. environmental and social information is
disclosed and disseminated.
3. Business should respect human rights,
which means to avoid infringing on the
human rights of others and address adverse Scope of Application
human rights impacts business may cause
or contribute to. Each of the Performance 4. This Performance Standard applies
Standards has elements related to human to business activities with environmental
rights dimensions that a project may face in and/or social risks and/or impacts. For the
the course of its operations. Due diligence purposes of this Performance Standard,
against these Performance Standards will the term “project” refers to a defined set of
enable the client to address many relevant business activities, including those where
human rights issues in its project. specific physical elements, aspects, and
facilities likely to generate risks and impacts,
have yet to be identified.6 Where applicable,
Objectives this could include aspects from the early
developmental stages through the entire life
• To identify and evaluate environmental cycle (design, construction, commissioning,
and social risks and impacts of the operation, decommissioning, closure or,
project. where applicable, post-closure) of a physical
• To adopt a mitigation hierarchy to asset.7 The requirements of this Performance
anticipate and avoid, or where avoidance Standard apply to all business activities unless
is not possible, minimize,5 and, where otherwise noted in the specific limitations
residual impacts remain, compensate/offset described in each of the paragraphs below.
for risks and impacts to workers, Affected
Communities, and the environment.
• To promote improved environmental and
social performance of clients through the
effective use of management systems.
• To ensure that grievances from
Affected Communities and external For example, corporate entities which have portfolios

of existing physical assets, and/or intend to develop

communications from other or acquire new facilities, and investment funds or
financial intermediaries with existing portfolios of
assets and/or which intend to invest in new facilities.
Acceptable options to minimize will vary and include: 7
Recognizing that this Performance Standard is
abate, rectify, repair, and/or restore impacts, as used by a variety of financial institutions, investors,
appropriate. The risk and impact mitigation hierarchy insurers, and owner/operators, each user should
is further discussed and specified in the context of separately specify the business activities to which this
Performance Standards 2 through 8, where relevant. Performance Standard should apply.


Requirements be consistent with the principles of the
Performance Standards. Under some
Environmental and Social Assessment circumstances, clients may also subscribe to
and Management System other internationally recognized standards,
certification schemes, or codes of practice
5. The client, in coordination with other and these too should be included in the
responsible government agencies and third policy. The policy will indicate who,
parties as appropriate,8 will conduct a process within the client’s organization, will
of environmental and social assessment, and ensure conformance with the policy and be
establish and maintain an ESMS appropriate responsible for its execution (with reference
to the nature and scale of the project to an appropriate responsible government
and commensurate with the level of its agency or third party, as necessary). The
environmental and social risks and impacts. client will communicate the policy to all
The ESMS will incorporate the following levels of its organization.
elements: (i) policy; (ii) identification
of risks and impacts; (iii) management Identification of Risks and Impacts
programs; (iv) organizational capacity and
competency; (v) emergency preparedness and 7. The client will establish and maintain a
response; (vi) stakeholder engagement; and process for identifying the environmental and
(vii) monitoring and review. social risks and impacts of the project (see
paragraph 18 for competency requirements).
Policy The type, scale, and location of the project
guide the scope and level of effort devoted
6. The client will establish an overarching to the risks and impacts identification
policy defining the environmental and process. The scope of the risks and impacts
social objectives and principles that guide identification process will be consistent with
the project to achieve sound environmental good international industry practice,10 and
and social performance.9 The policy will determine the appropriate and relevant
provides a framework for the environmental methods and assessment tools. The process
and social assessment and management may comprise a full-scale environmental and
process, and specifies that the project social impact assessment, a limited or focused
(or business activities, as appropriate) environmental and social assessment, or
will comply with the applicable laws and straightforward application of environmental
regulations of the jurisdictions in which it siting, pollution standards, design criteria, or
is being undertaken, including those laws
implementing host country obligations
under international law. The policy should

That is, those parties legally obligated and responsible
for assessing and managing specific risks and impacts
(e.g., government-led resettlement).
This requirement is a stand-alone, project-specific 10
Defined as the exercise of professional skill, diligence,
policy and is not intended to affect (or require alteration prudence, and foresight that would reasonably be
of) existing policies the client may have defined for expected from skilled and experienced professionals
non-related projects, business activities, or higher-level engaged in the same type of undertaking under the
corporate activities. same or similar circumstances globally or regionally.


construction standards.11 When the project • The area likely to be affected by: (i) the
involves existing assets, environmental and/ project13 and the client’s activities and
or social audits or risk/hazard assessments facilities that are directly owned, operated
can be appropriate and sufficient to identify or managed (including by contractors)
risks and impacts. If assets to be developed, and that are a component of the project;14
acquired or financed have yet to be defined, (ii) impacts from unplanned but
the establishment of an environmental and predictable developments caused by the
social due diligence process will identify risks project that may occur later or at a different
and impacts at a point in the future when the location; or (iii) indirect project impacts on
physical elements, assets, and facilities are biodiversity or on ecosystem services upon
reasonably understood. The risks and impacts which Affected Communities’ livelihoods
identification process will be based on recent are dependent.
environmental and social baseline data at an • Associated facilities, which are facilities
appropriate level of detail. The process will that are not funded as part of the project
consider all relevant environmental and social and that would not have been constructed
risks and impacts of the project, including the or expanded if the project did not exist and
issues identified in Performance Standards without which the project would not be
2 through 8, and those who are likely to be viable.15
affected by such risks and impacts.12 The • Cumulative impacts16 that result from the
risks and impacts identification process will incremental impact, on areas or resources
consider the emissions of greenhouse gases, used or directly impacted by the project,
the relevant risks associated with a changing from other existing, planned or reasonably
climate and the adaptation opportunities, defined developments at the time the
and potential transboundary effects, such risks and impacts identification process is
as pollution of air, or use or pollution of conducted.
international waterways.

8. Where the project involves specifically

identified physical elements, aspects, and
facilities that are likely to generate impacts, 13
Examples include the project’s sites, the immediate
environmental and social risks and impacts airshed and watershed, or transport corridors.
will be identified in the context of the project’s 14
Examples include power transmission corridors,
pipelines, canals, tunnels, relocation and access roads,
area of influence. This area of influence borrow and disposal areas, construction camps, and
encompasses, as appropriate: contaminated land (e.g., soil, groundwater, surface
water, and sediments).
Associated facilities may include railways, roads,
captive power plants or transmission lines, pipelines,
For greenfield developments or large expansions with utilities, warehouses, and logistics terminals.
specifically indentified physical elements, aspects, and 16
Cumulative impacts are limited to those impacts
facilities that are likely to generate potential significant generally recognized as important on the basis of
environmental or social impacts, the client will conduct scientific concerns and/or concerns from Affected
a comprehensive Environmental and Social Impact Communities. Examples of cumulative impacts
Assessment, including an examination of alternatives, include: incremental contribution of gaseous emissions
where appropriate. to an airshed; reduction of water flows in a watershed
In limited high risk circumstances, it may due to multiple withdrawals; increases in sediment
be appropriate for the client to complement loads to a watershed; interference with migratory
its environmental and social risks and impacts routes or wildlife movement; or more traffic congestion
identification process with specific human rights due and accidents due to increases in vehicular traffic on
diligence as relevant to the particular business. community roadways.


9. In the event of risks and impacts in 12. Where the project involves specifically
the project’s area of influence resulting identified physical elements, aspects and
from a third party’s actions, the client will facilities that are likely to generate impacts,
address those risks and impacts in a manner and as part of the process of identifying
commensurate with the client’s control and risks and impacts, the client will identify
influence over the third parties, and with due individuals and groups that may be directly
regard to conflict of interest. and differentially or disproportionately
affected by the project because of their
10. Where the client can reasonably exercise disadvantaged or vulnerable status.18
control, the risks and impacts identification Where individuals or groups are identified
process will also consider those risks and as disadvantaged or vulnerable, the client
impacts associated with primary supply will propose and implement differentiated
chains, as defined in Performance Standard measures so that adverse impacts do not fall
2 (paragraphs 27–29) and Performance disproportionately on them and they are
Standard 6 (paragraph 30). not disadvantaged in sharing development
benefits and opportunities.
11. Where the project involves specifically
identified physical elements, aspects Management Programs
and facilities that are likely to generate
environmental and social impacts, the 13. Consistent with the client’s policy
identification of risks and impacts will take and the objectives and principles described
into account the findings and conclusions therein, the client will establish management
of related and applicable plans, studies, or programs that, in sum, will describe
assessments prepared by relevant government mitigation and performance improvement
authorities or other parties that are directly measures and actions that address the
related to the project and its area of identified environmental and social risks and
influence.17 These include master economic impacts of the project.
development plans, country or regional plans,
feasibility studies, alternatives analyses, and 14. Depending on the nature and scale of the
cumulative, regional, sectoral, or strategic project, these programs may consist of some
environmental assessments where relevant. documented combination of operational
The risks and impacts identification will take procedures, practices, plans, and related
account of the outcome of the engagement supporting documents (including legal
process with Affected Communities as agreements) that are managed in a systematic

This disadvantaged or vulnerable status may
stem from an individual’s or group’s race, color, sex,
The client can take these into account by focusing language, religion, political or other opinion, national
on the project’s incremental contribution to selected or social origin, property, birth, or other status. The
impacts generally recognized as important on the basis client should also consider factors such as gender, age,
of scientific concern or concerns from the Affected ethnicity, culture, literacy, sickness, physical or mental
Communities within the area addressed by these larger disability, poverty or economic disadvantage, and
scope regional studies or cumulative assessments. dependence on unique natural resources.


way.19 The programs may apply broadly Plans,22 which will define desired outcomes
across the client’s organization, including and actions to address the issues raised in
contractors and primary suppliers over which the risks and impacts identification process,
the organization has control or influence, or as measurable events to the extent possible,
to specific sites, facilities, or activities. The with elements such as performance
mitigation hierarchy to address identified indicators, targets, or acceptance criteria
risks and impacts will favor the avoidance that can be tracked over defined time
of impacts over minimization, and, where periods, and with estimates of the resources
residual impacts remain, compensation/ and responsibilities for implementation.
offset, wherever technically20 and financially As appropriate, the management program
feasible.21 will recognize and incorporate the role
of relevant actions and events controlled
15. Where the identified risks and impacts by third parties to address identified risks
cannot be avoided, the client will identify and impacts. Recognizing the dynamic
mitigation and performance measures and nature of the project, the management
establish corresponding actions to ensure program will be responsive to changes in
the project will operate in compliance with circumstances, unforeseen events, and the
applicable laws and regulations, and meet the results of monitoring and review.
requirements of Performance Standards 1
through 8. The level of detail and complexity Organizational Capacity and
of this collective management program and Competency
the priority of the identified measures and
actions will be commensurate with the 17. The client, in collaboration with
project’s risks and impacts, and will take appropriate and relevant third parties,
account of the outcome of the engagement will establish, maintain, and strengthen as
process with Affected Communities as necessary an organizational structure that
appropriate. defines roles, responsibilities, and authority
to implement the ESMS. Specific personnel,
16. The management programs will including management representative(s),
establish environmental and social Action with clear lines of responsibility and
authority should be designated. Key
environmental and social responsibilities
Existing legal agreements between the client and
third parties that address mitigation actions with should be well defined and communicated to
regard to specific impacts constitute part of a program. the relevant personnel and to the rest of the
Examples are government-managed resettlement
responsibilities specified in an agreement.
Technical feasibility is based on whether the 22
Action plans may include an overall Environmental
proposed measures and actions can be implemented and Social Action Plan necessary for carrying out a
with commercially available skills, equipment, and suite of mitigation measures or thematic action plans,
materials, taking into consideration prevailing local such as Resettlement Action Plans or Biodiversity
factors such as climate, geography, demography, Action Plans. Action plans may be plans designed to
infrastructure, security, governance, capacity, and fill in the gaps of existing management programs to
operational reliability. ensure consistency with the Performance Standards, or
Financial feasibility is based on commercial they may be stand alone plans that specify the project’s
considerations, including relative magnitude of the mitigation strategy. The “Action plan” terminology is
incremental cost of adopting such measures and actions understood by some communities of practice to mean
compared to the project’s investment, operating, and Management plans, or Development plans. In this
maintenance costs, and on whether this incremental case, examples are numerous and include various types
cost could make the project nonviable to the client. of environmental and social management plans.


client’s organization. Sufficient management and mitigate any harm to people and/or the
sponsorship and human and financial environment. This preparation will include
resources will be provided on an ongoing the identification of areas where accidents
basis to achieve effective and continuous and emergency situations may occur,
environmental and social performance. communities and individuals that may be
impacted, response procedures, provision
18. Personnel within the client’s of equipment and resources, designation of
organization with direct responsibility responsibilities, communication, including
for the project’s environmental and social that with potentially Affected Communities
performance will have the knowledge, skills, and periodic training to ensure effective
and experience necessary to perform their response. The emergency preparedness
work, including current knowledge of the and response activities will be periodically
host country’s regulatory requirements and reviewed and revised, as necessary, to reflect
the applicable requirements of Performance changing conditions.
Standards 1 through 8. Personnel will also
possess the knowledge, skills, and experience 21. Where applicable, the client will also
to implement the specific measures and assist and collaborate with the potentially
actions required under the ESMS and the Affected Communities (see Performance
methods required to perform the actions in a Standard 4) and the local government
competent and efficient manner. agencies in their preparations to respond
effectively to emergency situations, especially
19. The process of identification of risks and when their participation and collaboration
impacts will consist of an adequate, accurate, are necessary to ensure effective response.
and objective evaluation and presentation, If local government agencies have little or
prepared by competent professionals. For no capacity to respond effectively, the client
projects posing potentially significant adverse will play an active role in preparing for
impacts or where technically complex issues and responding to emergencies associated
are involved, clients may be required to with the project. The client will document
involve external experts to assist in the risks its emergency preparedness and response
and impacts identification process. activities, resources, and responsibilities,
and will provide appropriate information
Emergency Preparedness and Response to potentially Affected Community and
relevant government agencies.
20. Where the project involves specifically
identified physical elements, aspects and Monitoring and Review
facilities that are likely to generate impacts,
the ESMS will establish and maintain 22. The client will establish procedures to
an emergency preparedness and response monitor and measure the effectiveness of the
system so that the client, in collaboration management program, as well as compliance
with appropriate and relevant third parties, with any related legal and/or contractual
will be prepared to respond to accidental obligations and regulatory requirements.
and emergency situations associated with the Where the government or other third party has
project in a manner appropriate to prevent responsibility for managing specific risks and



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