002 L-Ancient Egypt

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Ancient Egypt

Before reading

• Words
• Grammar
• Book summary

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/ruːl/ /rɒt/

rule rot
Before reading

v. 控制;统治;治理 v. (使)腐败,腐烂
They were ruled by a king called a pharaoh. After a king died, his body was preserved
so that it would not rot.

present /spaɪs/

adj. 出席的,在场的,存在的
They believed that a person’s next life n. (调味)⾹料

would be like their present life. The king's body was treated with spices.
/ ˈ m ʌ m i /

bury mummy
v. 埋;埋葬,安葬 n. (尤指古埃及的)⽊乃伊,⼲⼫

People were buried with many of the things. The preserved body was called a mummy.

/əʊn/ /ˈpɪrəmɪd/

own pyramid
v. (合法)拥有 n. ⾦字塔
People were buried with many of the The king was buried inside a pyramid.
things that they owned. / ʃ e ɪ p /

/ɡɒd/ shape
god v. 使成形,塑造
n. (主宰某个领域的)神;神像 The pyramid was shaped to look like that.
Ancient Egyptians believed in a sun god.
n. 光线,光束
n. 埋葬;葬礼
People believed that the king would go
He was given a very fancy burial.
to heaven on the rays of the Sun.
/ p r ɪ ˈ z ɜ ː v /

preserve /sled/

v. 保护,维护;保养 sled
n. 雪橇
After a king died, his body was preserved.
Other stones were moved over land
using big sleds.

/ t u ː m / / ˈ w ɜ ː ʃ ɪ p /

tomb worship

Before reading
n. (尤指重要⼈物的)坟墓,陵墓,冢 v. 敬奉,崇拜,信仰(上帝或神)
Inside the pyramid was a tomb. We can learn about the gods they
/ˈstætʃuː/ worshipped.
n. (尤指⽯头或⾦属的) 雕像,雕塑,塑像
There were statues, paintings, and many
gold things.
/ ˈ h ɪ d ə n /

adj. 不易找到的,隐藏的
Many hidden rooms were built inside a

n. 隧道;地道;坑道
Many hidden tunnels and rooms were
built inside a pyramid.

v. 欺骗,诱骗,哄骗
They were built to trick anyone who tried
to steal things.
/ ˈ d ɔ ː w e ɪ /

n. 出⼊⼝,⻔⼝
Giant stones were put in front of the
doorway of the real tomb.

& Book Summary
使⽤指南 本Raz分级阅读的视频课程,不对其⽂中出现的语法进⾏详细讲解,因为
Before reading


N1L111 “N”—“新概念英语”;“1”—“第⼀册”;“L”—“课程”;“111”—“

Grammar List
• done做定语 ···············································································································N2L29
• 定语从句 ····················································································································N1L121
• so that ·························································································································N2L59
• was/were+done ⼀般过去时的被动 ····································································N1L141
• where引导的定语从句 ····························································································N2L55
• who引导的定语从句 ······························································································ N1L121
• 动名词 ······················································································································· N2L20

Book Summary
Ancient Egypt describes the fascinating lives and customs of Egyptians long ago. You
can learn about the ancient Egyptians' strong beliefs regarding death and the after
life. The book also provides us with an introduction to the famous Egyptian pyramids.

Ancient Egypt

During reading

• Story
• Expression


Thousands of years ago, a group of people lived in the African country of Egypt.They
lived on the banks of the Nile River. They were farmers and hunters. They used the
river for boat travel. They were ruled by a king called a pharaoh.


The ancient Egyptians believed that after someone died, he or she went to live in
another world.They believed that a person's next life would be like their present life.
During reading

They thought the dead person would need the same tools and objects in their next
life. So people were buried with many of the things that they owned.

Ancient Egyptians believed in a sun god. They believed that the king was related to
this god. When the king died he was given a very fancy burial. Many riches were
buried with him. Queens were also given fancy burials.

After a king died, his body was preserved so that it would not rot. The king's body
was treated with spices, oils, and other things to preserve it.People believed that this
would keep his spirit alive. The preserved body was called a mummy.


The king was buried inside a huge stone structure called a pyramid. The pyramid
was shaped to look like the Sun's rays shining on Earth. People believed that the king
would go to heaven on the rays of the Sun.

Pyramids took many years to build. When a king was still alive, people began
building his pyramid. The stones used to make the pyramid were huge. It took hard
work to get the stones out of the ground. It took harder work to move the stones to
where the pyramid would be built.Some stones were moved on boats.Other stones
were moved over land using big sleds.

Inside the pyramid was a tomb. This was a special room where the king's body was
placed. Many objects were put in the tomb. There were statues, paintings, and many
gold things.

During reading
Many hidden tunnels and rooms were built inside a pyramid. They were built to trick
anyone who tried to steal things from the tomb. Giant stones were put in front of the
doorway of the real tomb. They were used to keep out thieves. Still almost every
king's tomb has been robbed over the years. But the pyramids still stand.

The Great Pyramid at Giza isa famous pyramid. It was built for King Khufu. It has more
than two million blocks of stone. Other pyramids near it were built for the king's
relatives. A statue called the Sphinx guards all of the pyramids.The Sphinx has the
face of a king and the body of a lion.


Studying the ancient Egyptians teaches us a lot about life long ago. We can learn
about the tools these people used and clothes they wore. We can learn about the
food they ate and the gods they worshipped. By studying ancient Egyptians, we
know that they had a great culture.

a group of ⼀群,⼀组

use…for… ⽤某物做某事

believe that 相信某事

be buried with 与…⼀起埋

believe in 信奉

be related to 与……有关

be treated with
During reading

keep something… 保持某物某种状态

on the rays of the Sun 在阳光的照耀下

take years to do… 花费数年时间做某事

begin doing… 开始做…

move over land 运输上岸

trick sb. 欺骗、戏弄某⼈

steal…from… 从…偷…

keep out… 阻⽌或防⽌进⼊

over the years 多年来

be built for… 为…⽽建

learn about… 学习…

Ancient Egypt

After reading

• Repeat
• Words test
• Expressions test
• Ask me if…
• Comprehension
• Retell the story
• Summary writing
• Review questions






您所购买的 After Reading 课后学习资料内,包含⽂章的原⽂录⾳。

After reading

Words test
使⽤指南 这个练习您需要按照如下图所示,复习下列单词的发⾳,词性,含义(本⽂中的含义)。




rule preserve ray trick

present rot sled doorway
bury spice tomb worship
own mummy statue
god pyramid hidden
burial shape tunnel

After reading

Expressions Test
使⽤指南 这个练习您需要回顾习惯⽤法的含义,并试着使⽤新概念英语第⼆册中学到的习惯⽤

例:learn about ⽹: v.+v.变化 其他单词+词性

1. _____________________________________ ⽤法 四句型转换 原⽂摘抄+变
2. _____________________________________ ⽅式/地点/时间 6 1 23 4 5 6
3. _____________________________________ 其他习惯⽤法 结合 学过 的语法

1. a group of 10. take years to do…

2. use…for… 11. begin doing…
3. believe that 12. move over land
4. be buried with 13. trick sb.
5. believe in 14. steal…from…
6. be related to 15. keep out…
7. be treated with 16. over the years
8. keep something… 17. be built for…
9. on the rays of the Sun 18. learn about…
After reading

Ask me if…
使⽤指南 在B站搜“胶囊助学计划”,找到对应教学视频,视频中由⽼师带领您练习这个部分。这个练

1. Thousands of years ago, a group of people lived in the African country of


Did ___________________________________________________________

When _________________________________________________________


2. The ancient Egyptians believed that after someone died, he or she went to

live in another world.

Did ___________________________________________________________

What _____________________________________________________


3. They believed that the king was related to sun god.

Did ___________________________________________________________

Who __________________________________________________________


4. After a king died, his body was preserved so that it would not rot.
After reading

Was ___________________________________________________________

Why __________________________________________________________


5. The king was buried inside a huge stone structure called a pyramid.

Was ___________________________________________________________

Where __________________________________________________________


6. People began building his pyramid.

Did ___________________________________________________________

What __________________________________________________________


7. Many objects were put in the tomb.

Were ___________________________________________________________

Where __________________________________________________________


8. Many hidden tunnels and rooms were built inside a pyramid.

Were ___________________________________________________________

What __________________________________________________________
After reading


9. It has more than two million blocks of stone.

Does ___________________________________________________________

How many ________________________________________________________


10.Studying the ancient Egyptians teaches us a lot about life long ago.

Does ___________________________________________________________

What __________________________________________________________


After reading


1. Did a group of people live in the African country of Egypt thousands of

years ago?

When did a group of people live in the African country of Egypt?

2. Did the ancient Egyptians believe that after someone died, he or she went

to live in another world?

What did the ancient Egyptians believe?

3. Did they believe that the king was related to sun god?

Who did they believe that the king was related to?

4. Was a king’s body preserved after he died, so that it would not rot?

Why was a king’s body preserved after he died?

5. Was the king buried inside a huge stone structure called a pyramid?

Where was the king buried?

6. Did people begin building his pyramid?

What did people begin building?

7. Were many objects put in the tomb?

Where were many objects put in?

8. Were many hidden tunnels or rooms built inside a pyramid?

What were built inside a pyramid?

9. Does it have more than two million blocks of stone?

How many blocks of stones does it have?

10.Does studying the ancient Egyptians teach us a lot about life long ago?
After reading

What teaches us a lot about life long ago?



After reading

1. Q: Who lived on the banks of the Nile River in Egypt?
A: Farmers and hunters.

2. Q: What did they believe that a person's next life would be like?
A: They believed that a person's next life would be like their present life.

3. Q: What was the king given when he died?

A: When the king died, he was given a very fancy burial.

4. Q: What was the king’s body treated with to preserve it?

A: The king's body was treated with spices, oils, and other things to preserve it.

5. Q: How was the pyramid shaped?

A: The pyramid was shaped to look like the Sun's rays shining on Earth.

6. Q: How were the stones used to make the pyramid?

A: The stones used to make the pyramid were huge.

7. Q: What was inside the pyramid?

A: Inside the pyramid was a tomb.

8. Q: What were the hidden tunnels or rooms built for?

A: They were built to trick anyone who tried to steal things from the tomb.

9. Q: How is the Great Pyramid at Giza?

A: The Great Pyramid at Giza is a famous pyramid.
After reading

10.Q: What do we know by studying ancient Egyptians?

A: By studying ancient Egyptians, we know that they had a great culture.

Retell the story
& Summary writing
Retell the story 这⾥锻炼的是⼝语的流利性。您需要在熟记故事内容的前提下,根
使⽤指南 据下列关键词,尝试去回忆并⼝语描述故事内容。

Summary writing 这⾥您需要通过写作的形式,回答如下的问题。最好可以试着把答

使⽤指南 案串到⼀起,成为⼀个⼩短⽂,如果不能也不⽤⽓馁,能通过英⽂

Retell the story

1. thousands of years ago, a group of, Egypt, banks of the river, farmers, boat travel,

ruled by

2. Egyptians believed that, another world, next life, present life, dead person would

need, were buried with, things they owned

3. a sun god, related to, king died, a very fancy burial, many riches, queens

4. body was preserved, treated with spices, keep his spirit alive, a mummy

Summary writing

1. What was a pyramid?

2. How did the Egyptians build the pyramids?

3. What was in a tomb?

4. What was built inside a pyramid and why?

5. What was the Sphinx?

After reading

6. How can we study the ancient Egyptians’ life?

Review questions
使⽤指南 在您学完本篇⽂章之后,可以利⽤这个测试题,检测您对整个故事以及⽂章中出

Review questions
1. What was the king of the ancient Egyptians called?
2. Why do pyramids have many hidden tunnels and rooms?
3. Why did farmers have farms on the banks of the Nile River?
4. What is a mummy?
5. What did the thieves want to steal from the pyramid?
6. How hard was it to build pyramids?
7. What made the ancient Egyptians bury things with them after they died?
8. What does the “Pyramids” part tell us?
9. What did the explorers want to know about the ancient Egyptians?
10.What happened after a king died?

1. The Pharaoh.
2. To trick thieves.
3. They used the water for their crops.
4. A mummy is a body treated in a special way so it won't rot.
5. The the pharaoh's riches.
6. It took many years to build pyramids.
7. Their beliefs.
8. Huge stone structures called pyramids were burial places for kings.
After reading

9. To learn about life long ago.

10.He was preserved with spices and oils.


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