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The Admission

Wayo's POV…

"Ai'Ming, look! I got accepted! Oh my God! I got accepted! Take a look!! I was
half crying, half jumping and hugging my best friend's neck at the same time.

The exams results have arrived and I was so happy to see my name being
admitted to Kantaphat University.

"Stop it Yo! My neck! Oh, my neck! I can't breathe! Help!"

"We are going to the same university, you prick. It's not important that we go
to a different faculty. I don't care as long as we're together."

The tall guy tries so hard to let go of my embrace. "Aaaargh! Can't you even
spread the news without trying to break someone's neck?" He scowled.

"... And don't were finally together in the same university my ass. You're just
happy because you'll finally meet that guy at school, isn't it?"

I sat frozen there a bit. My best friend Ming, he really knows everything about

"How long haven't had you seen him?"

"It's been more than a year." I said sheepishly.

"And you'll finally see him soon, right?" He caught me right there, straight on
my face.

"Are you happy?"


"I can't hear you."

"I said yes!" I could no longer hide my grin. "I am so damn happy I wanna roll
on the floor and fly up in the sky!"
He burst into laughter. Yeah, that's where this tall prick is very good at...
Teasing me.

"Ming, a stupid person like me couldn't make it to be accepted in this university

only because I want to see him. And I did it! Gosh, I'm so fucking awesome!"

"Yeah, he who never landed a sight on you ever..." That sarcastic grin.

He hit me right there again.

Yeah... He was right.

"Well, anyhow... If he still couldn't notice you, you can steal your father's gun
and shoot right into his crotch, Ai'Yo."

"No, it's not that. I chose this university because I only want to see him some
"Oh, really? How long have you been loving him? It has been so long... Long
enough for me to have twelve ex-girlfriends and you're stuck with him. I don't
even think you can be in love with anybody else at such state."

"..." I opt to remain silent.

"Well, if that is your wish, I hope your dream comes true, my dear best friend."


He ruffled on my hair like an older brother. "We'll go get him for you, okay?"

And so my journey begins...

Seeing You Again

Sawadee Khrub!

Hello everyone! I'm Wayo, Wayo Panichayasawad. But you can just call me
Yo, that's what everyone calls me.

It'll only gonna be two weeks before the start of the semester. I'll be a freshman
under the Science Faculty while my best friend Ming took an Engineering
course. He made it to the university through direct admission while I was
admitted through the regular admission process.

The other guy we are talking about is a sophomore. I heard he studied to become
a doctor. That's why he was studying under the faculty of medicine.

I couldn't express how happy I am to finally see him again. He's the only guy I
am into since we were in high school. He's the only guy for me... I know it.

His name is Phana or Pha, meaning "forest" in thai. His full name is Phana
Kongthanin. His name suits him well. Dense, unpredictable and too hard to

I really haven't spoken to him before, not ever since. He was a jerk. He's a bully
at school who always engage himself in fights among other students. He was
never known to be a good student.

That's why I'm scared of him. I might get a punch in the face or worse, I may
be rejected.

P'Pha was on the 8th grade when I began to have a crush on him. With that
being said, I hold the record of being the longest person chasing after him for a
very long time. And making it to this university is one step ahead of my journey
towards his heart, for him to finally notice me and for him to finally get to know

That's it! No more talking. I'm blushing full now.

Actually, today is a big day for Wayo. I'll be moving to my own apartment just
a few minutes from school and that means I'm going to start living my
independent college life!
Oh, sorry. Not totally independent because my dad will still pay for my studies.

"Oh, no it's okay. I can carry it myself." I told one of the guys who was about
to carry the box I was holding.
Dad never fails to spoil his only son. He even sent a few of his men to help me
carry my things to my dorm. The only thing left is a box containing my grand
collection of "One Piece Limited Edition Action Figures" so I can manage

Dad seems to forget I'm no longer his baby boy and in fact, I'm going to college
already, am I not?

"Young Master, please don't forget to call us if you need anything." Said one of

"Yes, I will. Thanks for the help."

"And don't forget to call the 'boss', he'll be worried." They added.

Yeah, I love that old man.

"I will."

"Young Master, let me show you to your room."

No! No! Please don't. That's embarrassing!

"It's fine, really. You've already helped me more than you're supposed to. I'll be
fine." I insisted.

Urgh. Dad can be overbearing sometimes.

I can't really blame him. I'm the only child and his remaining family member
that's why he's very overprotective towards me.

These men were already finished packing and moving the things to my
apartment. I was just waiting for them to be out of the drive way before I head

As the vehicles drove out of sight, a figure came into view just in time.
It was him, unmistakably. Sauntering his way towards my direction.

I lost control of my senses and almost let the box fall out of my hands. Good
thing I recovered what's left of my strength and saved my precious collection
from falling to pieces.

My feet have totally given up and was rooted to the spot where I was standing
while I watch him walking magnificently towards the dorm.

I can now make out that he's sweaty and carrying a sports bottle with a ball on
the other hand.

Looks like he just came from a basketball game from the nearby court.

Just my luck, It's my first day and I already get to see him. Phana Kongtanin
standing right in front of me.

I've been waiting for this moment for more than a year and what a sight was I
blessed for this fateful day.

He'd grown taller and I couldn't help but notice that his muscles are firmer and
toned even more. His face... Damn. He got even more handsome.

I felt my heart skip a beat.

Did I just realize that I'm staying at the same dorm with this handsome jerk in
the same building? Holy Cow! that just sank in!

He's coming closer and just as he passed by me, he quietly muttered something
to himself. "What a spoiled brat. He even brought servants to do all the work.
But I know he was talking about me deliberately. This jerk. He hasn't changed
a bit after all being a totally snide, sarcastic bastard.

A yummy bastard though.

My feet were compelled to move finally. I am drawn to him and I am driven to

see him up close.

"Are you talking about me?" I called at him and he stopped on his tracks.
"I don't know, a cat maybe. What do you think?" He answered sarcastically with
his back facing at me.

Then he turned around. We're face to face now and this man is towering over
my ample height. To be fair, I did gain height but when I stood before him I
feel like I just lost about 20cm.

Damn. He's so tall.

"You're one spoiled rich kid, aren't you?" He scowled. "Please take my advice.
Maybe you should start learning to stand on your own feet and stop depending
on your family too much."

What the?

Coming from someone who knew nothing but to bully people and play around
in high school, now he's got some nerve to tell me about attitude.

"Oh, shut the fuck up!" I'm fuming with rage right now hearing what he said.

"What did you just say?"

"I said shut the fuck up!" I repeated. Take that, you jerk!

"You've got a sassy mouth, don't you Shorty? You're just a freshman, is that
how you're supposed to talk to your senior? Tell me which faculty are you?"
His voice rose gradually by each word.

Dear... This is getting out of hand, I made him mad, but I'm not backing down.
To be honest, I am more than happy with this encounter. I'm finally talking to
him. It's a bummer though I couldn't tell him how much I missed him.

Wait, what did he just call me? Shorty he said?

"Hey, I'm not short. I'm 178 cm. tall!" I argued.

"But still, you're shorter than me." He rebutted.

"So what? That doesn't mean I couldn't punch you straight in the face." Damn!
My tongue just kept flowing out of words.

"What did you just say?" Now he's definitely angry.

He threw down the sports bottle he was holding and put his ball aside and came

"... Come on then. Give it a shot." He spat and made a stance as if he's ready for
a fight.

Is he being serious? I can't do that. I would never bring myself to punch him.

He got even closer and hunched down so that his face is now a breath away
from mine. My heart just skipped a beat again then instantly recovered at a
much faster rate. His face is just so close to me I can see right through his eyes
complementing his whole handsomeness.

"Why the hell would I do that? Get out of my way!" I said abruptly and hastily
pushed my way from him and rushed straight into the building.

"What the fuck?" I heard him say just as I got through the glass door. I didn't
look back and raced upstairs to my room.

I blew up the moment I got in and threw myself on to my bed.

"At long last. I finally met Phana Kongthanin!" I screamed beneath my pillow.
At The Coffee Shop

Wayo's POV…

Ming and I were seated outside a coffee shop just a few blocks away from my

I was ranting at him about the fiasco I ran into upon my arrival this morning.

"I don't know why I did that either." I said, resting my chin on my hands.
"Whenever he's around, I can be pretty snarky and I always notice everything
about him down to the tiniest detail."

"Remember that time I made a comment about how messy his hair was? Well,
I was actually thinking how hot it made him look but I didn't dare mention that."

"There was also this one time he was late for school and I said how lousy he is
for being tardy but then I kept ogling on how he looked, rugged and sweaty."

"You see, everything he does makes him look even cooler to me."
All this time I was talking, Ming was listening lazily sipping on his chocolate
milk. He only responds by wiggling those thick eyebrows of his at me.

"And what happened this morning turned out to be..."

"... A complete mess." He quipped with a smug look on his face.

Yeah. I bored my best friend to death blabbering about P'Pha like for hours now.
A few girls around are trying to catch his attention and he seems to be more
interested in it. He's good looking enough and I bet he can get all the girls he

"Fuck it, how am I going to face him after this?" I buried my face on the table
with all hopes gone

"Fuck it, how am I going to face him after this?" I buried my face on the table
with all hopes gone. I totally ruined my first chance of meeting P'Pha.
"Oh, come on, Ai'Yo. I myself think that's already a good thing. I mean with
what happened." He said positively.

"But what's good in it?" I asked with a sign of frustration.

"Can't you see? Now at least he met you." He replied. "Knowing you and that
ratty mouth you got there, I say that's a good start so keep it up with how you're
handling it."

"Are you nuts? How's that supposed to be a progress?"

"Look, you know it. I know it, that's just the way you talk. You were never one
to be a sweet talker, just admit it." Ming said matter of factly.

"Would you expect me to hear you say, 'P'Pha, I like you, can we go out?' or
'P'Pha, have a good day'. Now that's something I would never hear from you. It
would take so much effort before you can say those things." He went on and
he's annoyingly on point.

"I guess you're right." I conceded.

"So if that's the only way for you to talk with him, just go on with it. Even if
he'll see you as a freshman risen from hell then so be it. At least, that way you're
constantly in his mind." He said mischievously.

"That's a lame logic, Ming." I said though I'm starting to consider it.

"Whatever you say, man, just don't forget to thank me big time the moment he
proposes to you." Ming teased with a wink.

He can be a big goof sometimes but I'm glad he's around. I may be having a
dilemma because of what happened and he still finds a way to make positive
things out of it.

I think I'm taking his advice.

What will I tell P'Pha the next time I bump into him?

Maybe a couple of 'Hey, how's it going?', 'Did you study well, P'?'

Ming's right. I'd be hard pressed before I actually say those things.
Love Is...

Wayo's POV…

It's been a week since the start of semester. One thing I've noticed is that the
faculty of Science has less boys compared with girls; and among these boys,
there may be too few that you'll consider straight.

I'm sitting on one of the bleachers designated for Biology Students with my new
found friends. Biology is my major by the way and the gymnasium where we're
at is already packed with other students from the Science Department as soon
as we arrived.

For some reason, the seniors have called for a meeting and they tag it as
something urgent but not a formal one according to them.

"Sawadee Kah to you all, Science Students." The Science Faculty President
greeted through the megaphone.

"Sawadee Kah"

"Sawadee Kah." We chorused.

"I'm sorry to convene this meeting in such a hurry because we have an important
thing to do," He said. The senior is a petite man with fat belly wearing round
glasses. Everything about him screams gay.

"Today we want to ask everybody to appoint a representative to take part in the

selection for the Moon and Star Of The Faculty Competition." He announced
to the delight of the freshmen.

I am one among those few who have this puzzled look on our faces.

What on earth is a Star and Moon of the faculty competition?

I heard from the chatters that it's actually a male and female pageant held
annually for freshman students within the university.

No wonder most students - especially girls were too excited about the idea.
"We have some issues to solve but let's put it in an easy way this time. Actually,
there must be several competitions around. But for several reasons, we choose
to sit and knee and talk it easy to do better."

Wait, what is he talking about? How are we going to deal with knees among
these thousands of people?

"I want every major to appoint their own representative with both male and
female student respectively. I'm kind'a happy to give you time to make a
decision within 10 minutes. We don't want to put pressure on you but if we can
not have a representative today, you guys have to stay here until tomorrow."

He ended his speech with an evil smirk on his face.

Everyone looked at each other almost immediately. The noise was louder
throughout the area because each of them offered this person in his own

As for me, I'm not totally interested with this stuff so I'll just keep quiet on my
seat and watch how the search goes.

It's a good thing my major isn't that big and much of the excitement is at the
larger majors.

I blinked.

"Nee! Nee! Nee!" I heard someone from the back clap his hands. "I nominate
Wayo to be our Moon Representative for the Biology Block."

Did what?!

One of the Fairy Angel Gangs just nominated me. Now, everyone's looking at
our direction, darn it!

I wailed my protest almost immediately.

"We've been eyeing you for quite a while now and we've decided that you are
our best bet to be the next Campus Moon!" The gang were all for it with too
much craze and I sat there stupefied at what just happened.

No... No... This can't be happening.

"Sorry guys but I don't think I'm the right guy for it." I was trying to back myself
out before it's too late.

"Oh, that's bull. You're the most handsome and most manly in our block. You
got the looks and don't let me begin with your eyelashes." Said Ai'Fat.

"That's right Ai'Yo. You're perfectly cute!" Jae insisted while the others nodded
in unison. "So cut the crap 'coz you're going down there and make our faculty

"No, I won't do it."

But when I looked around, all Biology students are looking at me with pleading
eyes as if their future in the university depends on my participation as their
Faculty Moon.

And how am I gonna stand with the other faculty's representatives? I am not cut
out for this but they still insist.

I continued to make my argument and determined opposition. Amidst of it all,

the whole gymnasium suddenly fell silent.

"Oh my god! Someone's paying us a visit." The president broke the stillness
and screamed into the megaphone.

You can see how this is giving the president too much excitement, and
apparently the whole faculty.

The basketball team are at the gym's entrance and when they realized the place
isn't available, they turned to leave.

They weren't fast enough though.

"Where do you think you're going? Come back! I can see you right there, Dr.
Phana. Don't make me come to your apartment tonight." The president warned
without any reservations.

Yup. That's my Phana. He's taking his popularity in strides. Damn! That sports
shirt suits him well.

"Woah! He's so hot... And delish!" One of the Fairy Angel Gang squealed.
"It's my P'Pha!"

"Oh-em-gee! He even looks better in person!"


P'Pha, P'Pha. The whole gymnasium is in uproar.

He walked to the president and asked, "what's this all about?"

"Look, they're all looking at you."

"So what?" He quipped.

"My dear students." The president grabbed P'Pha by the arm and turned him
around him around to face us. "I'd like to introduce you to P'Pha or Dr. Phana
who is the sophomore Moon from the Faculty of Medicine. Let's give him a big

"KYAAAAAA!" The gym erupted with heightened screams.

"Keep it down kids! I meant give him an applause not a scream."

Oh so he's the Moon of the Medicine Faculty? I didn't know that.

"Aaand if you don't know it yet, he is also the campus moon last year!"

Kill me now. I never guessed he's this popular to be the Campus Moon. He's
like on top of a pedestal and I'm just a mere mortal cowering under his feet.

He's a title holder and I'm just a nominee from my major.

"Are we done?" P'Pha asked looking annoyed.

He seems uncomfortable in front of the crowd.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Why don't you give our freshmen some pieces
of advice to keep them inspired."

"I only came here to play basketball." He complained.

"C'mon, just a few words. Just make it quick."

The senior quickly shoved him the megaphone and didn't give him any chance
to refuse.

"Focus on your studies." P'Pha blurted, keeping it short then walked away.
Even with those few words, imagine an asylum had broken free somewhere.
Wow! The magnitude of the effect of hid charms on this crowd.

It drained me of what was left of my confidence. Compared to him, I'm not even
sure if I have any fighting chance at all.

When everyone settled down, all nominees were advised to descend on the

"Ai'Yo, what are you waiting for? Get your butt down there."

"Aren't you guys giving up? I said I'm not fit for this at all." I pleaded to them.
"Who's giving up? Were the only major who has no representative yet. Now go
the hell down."

"Why can't you guys see it? I'm no way going to win this competition." I
pleaded one last time.

The president finally called us out. "Biology, where is your Moon

Representative? We're waiting for you."
"Ai'Yo, you can do it." All of them are telling me. "You don't have any choice
so go get your ass down."

Here goes nothing

Here goes nothing. It would just be a couple of minutes then all of this will be
over. I'm sorry for those who supported me from my major but we're out of
luck, I'm telling ya.

"Let the selection begin."

We're all lined up in front of the president and he began checking each one out.
I don't like the way he scrutinize us like we're some lab rats to be butchered.

When he was done sizing us up, he went on with the next process.
"This time, I'm going to ask a question and you're going to give me an answer.
Of course the one with the best answer will move on as our faculty
representative for the Campus Moon and Star Competition."

"Here goes the question..."

There was a drum roll like really? I haven't noticed they brought it here but
someone is rolling on the drums behind us like we we're joining a raffle draw.

"Are you ready? The question is..."

Later that night..

"Hey, Yo! Is it true? I heard you we're selected to become the Moon of Science
Faculty." Ming was craving for rice noodles so he took me to this noodle shop
and here we are talking about the day's events.

I looked around and I thought it's safe enough, there's no sign of P'Pha here.

"Yup." I answered curtly.

"I can't believe it. How did they do it? Draw lots
?" He sneered.

"Beats me, I never even wanted to. I even gave a lame answer to their question
yet they still picked me." I shrugged.
"But don't you think that's great? It's gonna be 'The Moon of Science' and 'The
Campus Moon'. And well never know, it will be the 'Campus Moon' chasing
after the Sophomore Campus Moon later on. Hahaha!"

"Not a chance. With this face, I wouldn't make it so quit joking around." I said.

I am convinced that I am hopeless case. It's a good thing I've got my Pink Milk
to keep my mood up.

"You didn't realize it yet, did you, Yo? You got yourself an opportunity to get
your man."

"The moons and stars of last year are supposed to lend a hand to this year's
representatives. Now's the perfect chance!" Ming beamed.

"What?!" Now that's another surprise.

"And besides that, the Campus Moon is tasked not only to focus on his faculty's
representative but also to look after all the moons!"


Now that has boosted my mood.

"I'm curious though. What was the question that got you the ticket?" Ming

This part is a bit awkward. I munched on a boba before answering him.

"They asked me what love for me is."

"Are you serious? That's the question?"


"Then... What was your answer?"

"Don't sweat it. I'm cool man, if you don't want to tell me."

I may not know much but I know what love genuinely means and for that
reason, I deserve to be the Moon of The Science Faculty!
The Other Moon

Wayo's POV…

Knock! Knock! Knock!

The next day, I was awakened by the knocking on the door. Who cares to wake
up when you sleep? The activity starts at nine o' clock, it was only six in the

Knock! Knock! Knock!

This time around again. I'm already screaming out loud and cursing on my bed.

Whoever's room is that, please open now!

The banging is getting louder and louder.

If he's not gonna open by now, I'll break it open myself!

I heard the sound of the door open. Finally! No more knocking. I'm going back
to sleep.

"Pha? What's up early this morning?" I can make out a girl's sleepy voice from
the room across mine.

"I was wondering if I could borrow your textbook in Neurology. I fell asleep
halfway during the discussion." Wait, I recognize that voice. It's P'Pha's!

"Nah, I thought you're inviting me to join you for breakfast." She giggled. What
a slut! "Wait here for awhile."

They're like some cheesy couple, I want to puke but I'm still compelled to walk
to my door and take a peek.

I almost doubled back the moment I took a peep on the slit of the slightly opened
door and saw him standing right in front of me!

"Shia!" I blurted out in surprise and slammed my door shut.

It was indeed him outside and he's damn fucking looking hot!
I can see why he's so popular and became the Campus Moon. The way he carries
himself and exuding with charisma who wouldn't be drawn to him. My heart
keeps racing, it hurts. I have to clamp my fist on my chest.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

This time, I know which door the knocks are coming from. It's on my freakin'
door! I'm sitting with my back pressed against it and I can feel how hard he's
pounding like an angry bull.

"I know you're in there, spoiled brat! Come out and face me. You think I didn't
see you swear at me?" He's definitely angry again.

I didn't mean to... I thought, exasperated. I was surprised and that just came out.
I didn't mean to swear at him.

"I'm warning you, open this fuckin' door or I'm going to kick it down!"

"What the hell do you want?" I'm not moving anywhere and I don't care if he
think of me as some spoiled brat and a disrespectful freshman.
I can't let him see me now with the state I'm in. I'm a total mess with just a pair
of old boxers and oversized shirt. I haven't even brushed my teeth yet, not to
mention washed my face.

No can do, I'm staying put.

"I told you, open this fuckin door!" He's full of rage.

Why can't you just leave me alone, P'Pha? You're such a bully but when a small
curse was thrown at you all hell break loose and that's not fair!

"Who are you talking to, Pha?" I heard my neighbor say.

"No one, I'm talking to a bull." He answered. Huh! Is he referring to me? I'm
not a bull.

"Pring, watch out for the bull. Thanks for the notes, though. I gotta go."

"You're talking nonsense, Pha." Pring said.

"Don't think this is over, you brat." He threatened. "I'll be back. You're in for
some beating."

I'm sure that bit's for me. Why the hell do I always have to mess up every chance
I meet him?

But what's up with the bull? That's silly.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

What? Not again! I thought he already left.

"Ai'Yo! Let me in. Why aren't you answering my calls?"

Phew! It's Ming. I hurriedly let him in. I'm not bothered by him seeing me in
my dorky look. We grew up together and he had seen worst.

"Oh, you're up

"Oh, you're up. So why aren't you still getting ready?" He asked.

"And am I supposed to ask you why you're here this early?"

"Of course I have to be early. And why are you still slouching? We're supposed
to be there by 7:30." Ai'Ming told me with a hint of urgency.

I checked my phone. He called me five times. Two more from P'Ging my trainer
and another missed call from Nate, my partner.

"Shia!" I cursed. "You're right... But how did you know about my schedule?"

He just shrugged and scratched the back of his head.

"Hey, you slimy bastard. Don't tell me you're the Moon of The Engineering
Faculty?" I was surprised.

His guilty face with a sly grin gave me the answer.


"Hey! I only did it so I can help you with your love problem." He said
defensively. "But damn! I almost didn't make it. There are lots of good looking
guys in my faculty. I have no choice but to use my charm on them."
"Yeah right. You did this to help me. Too bad I know you. You're just here to
watch me make a fool of myself in front of P'Pha."

"You got that right! Hahaha."

"You jerk!" I was going to give him a smack in the head but he held my hand
in place.

"Hey! Your breath stinks. Go take a shower first!" He scrunched his nose.

"....." Damn him.

"You know, P'Pha's going to be there." He playfully raised his eyebrow.

No wonder P'Pha is looking fresh and smartly dressed. I headed straight to the
bathroom and took a shower.

I'm grateful to have Ming as my best friend. If it not for him, then I would've
messed this one up too. Maybe it's better if I have him by my side when I face

I'm still annoyed he called me a bull though.

I Love That Jerk

Wayo's POV…

We finally made it to the studio where the meeting is held. I couldn't help but
notice that a lot of boys representing their own faculty as Moons were good

It's time to face P'Ging. He's fuming that I didn't answer his call. He would've
gone on and on and lecture me about punctuality but lost it when he saw Ming
trotting towards my side.

Yup. Ming is the total package. Tanned, tall and handsome. Any queer would
scramble at the sight of him. He'd smolder you with that face and body.

Beats me how we ended up as best friends. I got this pale skin and long lashes
- a baby faced dude. I'm the total bottom package. (Yeah, I've accepted that.)

"Is he your boyfriend?" P'Ging asked Ming intrusively.

"Hahaha!" Ming just laughed it off. I know there's nowhere in hell he's dating

"You got it all wrong. He's just my buddy." I took it by myself to answer for

"That's interesting. So your friend is also joining the competition." He held a

sigh. I dunno what was that for.

"This year is going to be fabulous. They didn't hold back in the budget
department. We've got lots of activities coming up, including a production for
the promition of this year's competition." P'Ging beamed enthusiastically.

"It looks like we're packed with a lot of good looking boys this year." He went
on. What about the girls, eh?
"But to be honest, Yo. I think your friend is going to win this competition. Good
job, faculty of Engineering."

What was that all about? Great P'Ging. Thanks for the encouragement.
Inside the studio...

"Where do you think P'Pha is? Ming was wondering out loud. He seem
oblivious of the girls eyeing him for the past hour.

"I dunno. Am I supposed to be the one asking that?"

"Yeah, I already know you're going to ask me that. I just beat you into it. You
were wringing your neck the first chance we got here looking for him."

He really sees everything about me, this guy.

It was a close one. P'Ging didn't hear what we were talking about.

"Go get ready. We're about to begin with the photo shoot for your profile in the
website and social media. This will be easy. You'll just have to look cute in
front of the camera." P'Ging told us.

Hey, I think I'm cute enough to stand a chance with the other moons, but if I'm
against my best friend then that's a whole let different story.

Everybody's already talking about him winning the competition. That would be
totally awesome! My best bud's the Campus Moon and my boyfriend is the
Sophomore Campus Moon, damn!

Just don't listen to everything I said. I'm just pushing my luck.

Anyway, out of nowhere I spotted a bunch of guys coming in.

I heard one of the staff mentioned that they are the sophomore moons from
different faculties and of course, P'Pha is with them looking good as ever,
though he seem to be in a bad mood.

The instant they came in, I wanted to scramble under the table. I don't want him
to see me. This morning's encounter is one reason and maybe I don't want him
to find out that I am the Moon of Science.

I know it was just my bad luck that I got nominated. Like who would think it's
a good idea to send some nerd to this competition? The same nerd who went
chasing after P'Pha in high school and had to spend so much just to look good
in front of him.

"Okay, listen up everyone. Let's welcome the sophomore moons. Sawadee P's!"
Our mentors instructed.

"Sawadee khrap." We all greeted.

"They are here to guide you so if you have any questions then don't be afraid to
ask them, okay?"


No. Im more than afraid! Especially to that handsome jerk in the middle.

"How about you Pha, anything you want yo tell them?" One mentor asked him.

"Nope, I'm good. Maybe the other guys." He answered.

He's so cool as always.

I must admit. If I hadn't been nominated to join this competition, there may be
no other chance for me to meet him.
He's studying medicine and a basketball varsity while I'm a lowly Science
Major Nerd and a Manga addict to boot.

"Hey, Yo." Ming whispered at me. "Look at him. He's looking more handsome
than the last time I saw him. Don't you think?"

"I don't know." I shrugged.

"Man, all the girls would be slaving their way just to get him. Makes me wonder
why he hasn't taken any of them."

What a good way to rain on my parade, good friend!

Or who knows? Maybe he's dating P'Pring.

It's unbelievable to think that he's still single with all his popularity.

"You, what's your name?" A figure appeared in front of me. I was too engrossed
I didn't notice it.
It's P'Pha and he's staring down at me like he's going to eat me.

Ming, help!

But looks like my stupid best friend lost his balls and pretended to be busy doing
something beside me. This jerk!

I'll definitely kill you later.

"Hey, I'm asking you."

Aren't I supposed to be glad he's asking for my name?


I was holding my favorite drink when he noticed it.

"You're drinking Pink Milk. Isn't that for fags?" He smirked.

And here we go again.

"Why the fuck do you care?" I spat.

"You coward. Why did you hide from me this morning? If you're going to bad
mouth me then you should have the guts to say it in front of me."

"..." Damn! It's not that I want to bad mouth you. I was just surprised and that's
my reaction.

"Which faculty are you?"


"You'll be eliminated. Look at you. You're too short."

"Fuck you!" I love him but he's asking for it. "What if I'll make it to the next

"Keep dreaming. I'm one of the judges."


"What did you say?"

"Why don't you play fair? And let's see how it'll turn out. We'll never know I
might just be more popular than last year's Campus Moon."

That got him. What are you gonna say to that? We look like kids fighting over

While on the side, Ming's looking amused with how things are turning out.

"We'll see about that. I have my eyes on you, Yo from the Faculty of Science."

"Damn that guy. How the hell did I ever fall for him? He's so irritating. Can I
take back that time I fell for him four years ago?" I whined at Ming.


"Yes, Ai'Ming?"

"You keep saying that but the only thing you ever talk about is him." He
countered. "My ears are starting to wear off. Can you quit it? You're being too
obviously happy about what happened."

"Happy? The hell I am?"

"You're not fooling anyone. I can see right through you when he asked for your
name, inside you were jumping for joy."

"I was not!"

"Yeah, right. Eat up. We still got a group photo to shoot."

"Do we have any other activities after that?"

"Don't get too excited man. Yep, you're going to finally meet your Fairy Angel
Gang. Hahah!" He's laughing at my expense.

We're in the middle of the cafeteria and I forgot we're still dressed up from the
photo shoot and my friend's killing it. That's why everyone's looking at us.

"Hey." Ming's sporting that silly smile. "I heard your P'Pha wouldn't get his
eyes off you." He tells me while he's wiggling his eyebrows.
"Uhmm..." He did?

I have my eyes on you, Yo from the Faculty of Science...

"For whatever reason, at least you're constantly on his radar." He flashed that
silly smile at me again.


"Why don't you two just get married and save us all the trouble?"
"Marry my ass!" Sometimes, I just want to give him a good kick. "I'm going to
buy some drinks. What do you like?"

"Coke, please."


I began heading to the beverage station but when I got there, I almost turned

I guess I'm never running out of luck. Beside me is none other than P'Pha
himself buying his own drink just when I was about to.

I couldn't move away.

"Can I have a Thai Tea, please." He placed his order.

I risked a glimpse at his face. At 178cm I still have to strain my neck. He's that

Huh. Orange is no better than Pink.

"Isn't that drinks for fags?" I threw him back his own words.

"I'm not the same as you." He leered at me.


"Can you please add one Pink Milk to that." He made another order.

"You see! You drink Pink Milk too!"

"That's not for me." He slid the drink from the counter towards my direction.

"Take it"

What just happened? I'm stunned.

He just bought me my favorite drink. I didn't expect him to do that.

"Don't you think you'll be running late? You still have a group photo to shoot."
He reminded me as he turn back.

"I'll show you. I'll make it to the next round!" I called to him.

"We'll see." He replied while going his way.

I said I wanted to take back the time I fell for him years ago. I changed my

P'Pha, you'll always be the one I'll love!

I will love you for a long time.

The Cool Mentor

Wayo's POV…

It's not easy to pretend you're not thinking about something when in fact you
are so obsessed about it.

For the whole time during the photoshoot and the background scene were put
up, I have to try hard pretending like I don't care or look at him at all.

Most especially I have this confused look on my face after he bought me that
Pink Milk during lunch. I still look red all over that my best friend spent the
whole afternoon teasing me about it.

"Look how happy you are." Ming said. "He only bought you Pink Milk. What
more if he confesses his feelings to you? How would you react?"

This idiot is totally enjoying himself nosing around me and my love life.

We're still waiting for the set up to finish and I couldn't help catching a glimpse
of that tall jerk playing with his phone on one corner.

P'Pha look so handsome that he seems to have the brightest aura than anyone
else inside the studio.
"What the heck are you doing Ai'Yo?" This is like the nth time I'm hiding
behind Ming while I secretly stare at P'Pha.

"Let me use your height." I pleaded.

Ming keeps on turning his head around and I have to move as well to avoid
being caught from hiding.

"If you want to look at him this much, why don't you look at him directly?
Everyone does." He pointed at a few stars giggling on one corner. "Can't you
see those girls admiring him? They're too obvious screaming like that."

"He'd never been this hot in high school."

"It's a school for boys only maybe?" Ming raised his brows reminding me the
type of school we had way back. "If someone was screaming like that, it'll be
weird. Besides, in high school, it was the dark era for him. Just like you."

Yeah right. He was only known for getting himself into trouble a lot before.

"But P'Pha has never been ugly like me." I told him. At that time, I was too
skinny and had so many pimples. I even have braces around my teeth. That's
why I'm not surprised that he never had me in his sight ever since.

That's why I'm not surprised that he never had me in his sight ever since

"Hahah. Good thing you know you were ugly." Ming snorted.


"Here you go boys, take one." One of our mentors were distributing colorful
drinks on a tray.

"P'Pha bought more than enough drinks for everyone! Such a kind and
handsome prince, P'Pha." She said.

Ming and I looked at each other. I can read through his face that he's worried. I
took a Pink Milk from the tray while Ming chose the red one.

I looked around and saw everyone holding their drinks. Most girls even have
Pink Milk same as the one he gave me awhile ago.

Phana Kongthanin, you asshole!

I felt the pink world of mine suddenly turned gray mixed with boiling red.

You prick! You gave me hope by buying me that drink. Flirting is really your
last name, isn't it?

Or maybe it was my fault. He might have thought otherwise.

"Hey, Yo. Put it down! It's spilling." Ming pulls the drink out of my shaky
hands. "Calm down."
"He bought me that Pink Milk because I'm only a freshman for him, right?" I
asked my best friend with teary eyes. "There's nothing more, is it?"
"What, he bought you drinks too?" Nate accidentally heard our conversation.

I forgot we were still surrounded by Moons and Stars from other faculties inside
the room.
"P'Pha treated us some drinks for lunch and there were like ten of us." She went
on. "He's so nice, isn't he?"

No. He's a Prick!

"Yo, are you okay? What's with that face?"

I'll kill him. Flirty prick. He's such a... a... Prick!

"Yo, where are you going?" Ming called before he could stop me from stomping
out of the room.

I'm so mad. I'm mad at that stupid guy who keeps playing with his phone
without realizing what he did to me.

Yeah, right. How will he know? I'm feeling this way because I'm the only stupid
idiot who feel this way towards him.

Yes. So I'm not supposed to blame him, right?

"JEEEEEEEERRRRK!!!" I screamed out loud the moment I left the studio. I

found myself on the rooftop building, standing with my shoulders slumped in
"Hey, Nong!" I turned around and saw this guy in tight fit shirt leaning against
the wall behind me.

"Calm down, Nong. What's wrong?" He asked.

Oh dear, this is embarrassing. I thought I was alone that's why I screamed.

I took a glance at the guy who's on his way to approach me. He looks a bit scary
in those ear pieces, high clean cut hairstyle and that raw looks. He's much like
those Engineering Students Ming hangs out with but this guy looks better.
Oh, I remember him now. He's Ming's coach. I saw him helping my friend a
few minutes ago. I just can't remember his name though.
I felt my lungs tighten and held out a cough. I have terrible allergies on
cigarettes and this guy must be taking one.

"Damn!" He put his cigarette away when he saw my reaction. "I'm sorry. I didn't
expect a freshman would come here on the rooftop yelling."

"It's my fault. Please keep going. I'm sorry, I'll leave now." I said.

"Hey!" He stops me. "You stay. I'm going."

"Why bother? You were here first."

"You look like you want to be alone."

Hey, how did he know what I'm thinking?

"Calm yourself first before going back, okay?"

He's so cool. Ming must be so lucky for having a cool mentor like him. Gosh, I
envy that idiot! My mentor? He's a big queen, P'Ging. He never stays away
from his handsome Moon friends. He enjoys it a lot.

"Khob khun na khrub P'." I said sheepishly.

He nodded. "Yo, is it?"


"I'm Forth by the way." He blurted before heading back to the studio.
I gaped at him. He suites more with other names that sounds Thai like Somchai,
Klaharn, etc... But 'Forth?'

He might have noticed my puzzled expression.

"What's the matter?"

"I just thought your name is cool." I couldn't afford to show any sarcasm right
now. He's so scary especially with that dragon tattoo under his shirt.

"Or you can call me Jaturapoom instead. If you don't like my nickname."
"P'Forth khrub, P'Forth." I waii at him to show my apology for judging him.
When I looked up, I saw him smile at the corner of his mouth.

Damn it! He's so handsome and cool. Such an idol.

"Hia, Ai'Forth."
Great! Now the cause of all problems came up to the rooftop. I was a bit stunned
because I didn't expect him here and I'm still mad. I looked away from him.

Mad... Grrrr! Yes, I'm still mad at you... No need to try of making it up to me
because you don't have any idea what I'm thinking about you.

"If you're trying to flirt with this one, I suggest you to reconsider it." He's telling
P'Forth in his boring tone again.

He's such a jerk.

"I'm not hitting on him." P'Forth said defensively. "He's just upset."

I'm starting to have a high respect towards this cool guy right now. Not only
he's not the flirtatious kind of guy but he's also sensitive and understands my
feeling well.

He's way too different from this bastard who keeps on seducing people without
even noticing. Of course, he's not aware of it because of his charming
personality. It annoys me a lot.

"Why don't you jump off the building instead?" The jerk gestures me towards
the edge of the roof.

"Ai'Pha! Don't tease him that hard." P'Forth pats on his shoulder.

"They are going for a drink tonight. Are you coming?"

'They' must be their friends he was referring to. I don't care, I'm still mad.

"Of course, I won't miss it. Bring Ai'Kit and Ai'Beam along, will you? They
need a break from studying."

"They're the ones who started this."

"Hahaha. You guys are so different and wild, the Crazy Doctors Gang indeed."

"Ai'Forth, would you like to get stabbed by a scalpel?"

I'm not listening. I have nothing to do with that conversation, except I found out
that P'Pha is going out for a drink tonight with his friends.
But where are they going? Well, I guess I have some investigation mission to
do then.

"So what's the matter?" P'Pha is now standing right in front of me and we're all
alone this time.

Tss! I'm still upset and this flirtatious asshole is the reason behind it.

"Go away."

"Did your parents cut off your allowance? Or probably that Engineering
boyfriend of yours is having an affair?"

"What are you talking about? He's not my boyfriend."

"That Nong'Ming. I thought he was."

Fuck you!

"Stop saying something that's not true. I like girls!" The only guy I love is you.

"Then what the fuck are you doing here? Calling for attention? The group photo
shoot is about to start soon."

You prick!

I really want to kill him right now. I took some bills from my wallet and gave
it to him. "This is for the Pink Milk at lunch. And..." I pulled some more. "...
This is for the other cup that I just drank."

"Don't you like free stuffs?" He glanced at the money but didn't accept it.

"It's not that."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"I don't want to be just like anyone." P'Pha looks confused and Shia! What did
I just say?

"I... I don't wanna owe you anything."

"Don't worry too much about it. Everyone took it and enjoyed it."

"I said I don't want to be like 'anyone'." I snapped.

P'Pha looked at me with those empty eyes. "You're the weirdest guy I ever met."


"Go get back inside. Don't let everyone wait for you."

"Take your money first."

"Buy some Magnum Ice Cream." He said.


"Consider it as an extra treat from me. Happy now? So you would no longer be
like 'anyone' else."

I froze. P'Pha walked away, shaking his head.

Wait, why am I so happy like this again? Can anybody tell me?

"You are so strange."

No, I'm not. You are. Who told you to get into my business in the first place?

Yeah. I felt a weird happy feeling with such small gesture he did for me.

I know right? I'm going crazy.

After the group photo shoot ended, I left the confused Ming for awhile and ran
towards the nearby seven eleven outside our campus.

I returned to his car happily with a Magnum Ice Cream in my hand.

"Wait, let me process this..." He said before buckling his seatbelt. "You paid for
that ice cream right? Why are you so happy like somebody gave it to you?"
"None of your business." I replied.

Wayo's POV…

Back at the Dorm

I wonder where P'Pha is right now? I wish to check on him but I remember I
don't know which room number he's at.

Never mind. I'll find it out soon anyway.

I settled on reading my Naruto Manga inside my room, hoping P'Pha will
change his mind and come back home to study. Or perhaps he would come to
knock on P'Pring's door.

I'm way too optimistic, aren't I? I believe he's the type of guy who never think
of studying before drinking.

And why on earth am I waiting for him here when I can just go out and look
after him, right Wayo?

I jumped right up from bed and went to call my best friend. I was just about to
dial his number when he rang me up first.

"Hey, what's up Dude?"

"Yo. Come over. We're having a drink. I'm at a bar called Ruang-Laou-Chaw-

"Fuck! Why didn't you call me?"

"I thought you don't want to be wasted drinking alcohol. I thought you want to
be fresh and ready for your sweetheart."

Damn! How did he know? Right. I just put the facial mask on and about to wash
it off soon.

"I've already been good looking."

"Are you coming? I came with my friends from Engineering. You don't mind,

"I don't. It's good to have new guy friends. There are not too many at my

"Want me to pick you up?"

"No need. I'll go there myself."

He bid goodbye and hang up.

I dressed casually and left my room trotting the hallway. I'm kind of hoping to
see P'Pha on my way down before leaving the apartment but I know it's
impossible. He might be drunken wasted somewhere in some pub or bar around
the city.

I was in the middle of thinking about him when I bumped into someone else.
He looks pretty familiar.


He smacked my head as I walked past the guy along the stairways. I have to
turn to waii at him immediately. I remember now, he's one year older than me
and went to the same high school where I came from.

"Seeing your senior and not even thinking about greeting? Which class were
you, eh?"

Shit! Shit! I'm so sorry.

My jaw drops and realize that he's a friend of P'Pha's. His name is...

"P'Kit?" Yeah! That's him.

So this is 'Kit' that P'Pha and P'Forth were talking about this afternoon. I
remember that he's been P'Pha's friend since Middle School. According to their
conversation awhile ago, he's also a Med Student.


"So, care to answer me now?" He asked with eyebrows raised.

"I'm from class 105 Khrub."

He was going to land his hands on my shoulder but I flinched. I got a bit scared
when he smacked me awhile ago thinking I might be in trouble.

He chortled at my reaction.
"You don't have to be scared of me. I was messing with you. Hahaha." P'Kit
laughs out loud. I must have looked funny.

"Which faculty are you? Your name is Wayo, right?"

I was stunned.

How... How does he know? Can he remember me? I thought I have already
been changing myself a lot but how come he still recognizes me?

How about P'Pha? Well, I've never been in his sight anyway since forever so
it's natural that he doesn't know me at all.

Stupid me.

"Khrub. I'm in the Faculty of Science, Khrub."

"Meeh, you look more handsome now." He teased.

"We all need to improve at some point, don't we P'?"

"That's true. But I'm more like declining instead. Hahaha!" P'Kit is indeed a bit
shorter than me. He looked smaller probably due to studying hard.

"Have you seen Ai'Pha yet? Lucky you have other senior alumni in the same
apartment. You can ask him for help if you need one. He's very nice and helpful
especially to freshmen students like you."

Right. I've already known that. He just bought me an ice cream.

I scratched my head and looked at him with a shy smile. "Uhm, P'Kit. I have a
favor to ask khrub."

"What is it? If it's about money then forget about -"

"No, no... It's not P'." I interrupted. "Please don't tell P'Pha that we came from
the same high school."

"Why is that?" He asked curiously.

"He's already been mean to me. If he finds out, I'll be dead." I made a gesture
by sliding my thumb across my neck. And it's true. I'm not lying.

"Is he that stupid? He can't even remember you." P'Kit was wondering. "But I
couldn't blame him. You changed a lot. I almost didn't recognize you."

"But P'Kit is so good. You easily recognized me at first glance." I praised.

"I know right. I'm a lot better than that stupid Ai'Pha." He said proudly.

P'Kit is so kind and friendly unlike his friend. P'Pha is such a big jerk.

"Anyway, may I know why you don't want him to know who you are?"


"Or have you been secretly in love with him since high school?"

I felt the color left my cheeks in an instant. Fuck! How does he know?!?!

"I'm just kidding. Hahaha." He almost gave me a heart attack.

P'Kit hands me over his phone. "Give me your phone number so that I can easily
contact you in case."

I typed it in and handed his phone back.

"Thanks. So where are you heading?"

"Ming invites me for a drink with his friends." I said.

"I see. My friends and I are going out too."

Yeah. I heard you'll be having a drinking session with P'Pha and P'Forth. Can I
come with you? Kidding!

I bid my waii at him and left the apartment.

At the pub...

I arrived by around 11:00pm. Ming and his friends were halfway through their
second round of drinks.
My best friend must have lost his mind somewhere because he kept on
introducing me to the guys over and over since I came in.

The idiot's drunk. That's why.

"Hey guys, do you remember my friend's name by now?"

"Yeah, bro. His name's Ai'Yo. You told us that many times already." One of
them responded.

"Hahah! Good! Good! Cheers to that."

"Cheeers!" I complied to join them to a toast.

I've been craning my head all over the place hoping to see P'Pha. Now it's
2:00am and I'm still not that lucky to see him around.
The bar where we're at is the one closest to the university. I just thought P'Pha
and P'Forth along with the others might be here too. But that may not be
possible. There are like hundreds and hundreds of bars all over Bankok and
those filthy rich kids might have gone somewhere farther.
Why do I have to worry? I have P'Kit's phone number now. Yeah, right! I'm so
lucky. I can call him to ask about P'Pha later. What a day!

Talk about my idiotic best friend, Ming. He's down to his 6th cup when he
activated his powerful charm. He left me with his engineering friends to go to
the girls' table accross and flirted with them.

I'm starting to feel uncomfortable with his friends because they kept on asking
me questions that are too private or too personal to handle.

It's already 3 o' clock in the morning when Ming dropped me off to my
apartment. I told him to stay for the night but he refused since his dorm was just
15 minutes away from mine.
I didn't bother changing clothes. I was too drunk and sleepy, I just threw myself
to the bed and doze off right after I shut my eyes closed.

The next day, I woke up to see my phone with three missed calls from P'Kit.

Later that day...

"Nong'Yo, turn a bit to the left..."

"Nong'Yo, stay still..."

"Nong'Yo, don't perk your face like that."

Why am I here again? Why me? Why only me? Ai'Ming is giggling all the time
while the photographer keeps on nagging me about my position.

We're doing an outdoor photoshoot around the campus. Damn! P'Ging was
right. They're working so hard on such a big competition campaign.

I'm not laughing at all. This is annoying. How many pictures of ours are they
planning to take? I want this to be done na.

"We're done. Good job, Nong'Yo." The photographer said. "You can have your
break now."


I hurried to the resting area for some free food and drinks they made for us.
There was an empty table nearby so I went there to take a rest. It's so hot that I
suddenly felt sleepy.

P'Kit turned up with another guy out of nowhere.

"Nong'Yo." He called.

"Hey! P'Kit. Sawadee khrap."

"You look handsome today."


"Come quick!"

He pulled his friend and introduced him to me. "Remember him?"

I stood for a moment, thinking. Now that he mentioned it, I finally realized the
guy beside him looks quite familiar too.

"P'Beam!" I exclaimed. "Sawadee Khrap P'."

"Sawadee khrub." He greeted back. "Hey, hold on... Let me recall, you're...
Nong'Wayo right?"

I smiled sheepishly.

"Meeeh, you look all grown up and handsome. I could hardly recognize you."

"You're such a faker." P'Kit smacked him on his head. "You call that 'recall'
when you already asked me for his name earlier."

"This is your fault." He turned to me. "You became more handsome."

Like P'Kit, P'Beam is also one of P'Pha's best friends since high school. I saw
them hanging out together most of the time since I could remember.

P'Kit and P'Beam are quite popular too. Like their asshole best friend, I noticed
a lot of girls looking at them when they arrived.

P'Kit said he already told P'Beam about our little secret and promised not to tell
P'Pha who I really am.

That jerk is so stupid. He doesn't have any clue who I am. How's that even

I suddenly remembered to ask my senior about the missed calls.

"Hey, P'Kit. You called me last night. Did you need something?" I asked.
It was probably my imagination but P'Kit seemed to be startled by my question.
He and P'Beam were looking at each other groping for words.

"Oh... Hahaha. I was about to ask you to have a drink with us." He said,
scratching the back of his head.

"At 3am?"

"Yeah. We always stay up drinking until 5am, right?" P'Beam nodded at him.
These doctors are quite insane.

"I'm sorry P'. I was already asleep."

"Nah, it's okay. The competition is fast approaching so you have to take good
care of yourself. Let's hang out together some time, nah?"

Let's hang out together some time, nah?"

Out of nowhere, the jerk P'Pha showed up. Looks like he came here to get some
free snacks too. He stood behind his friends and flung his arms around their

"You flirt with Ai'Forth and now you're flirting with my friends too?" He asked.

Can't you just talk to me nicely?

"Why? Do you want me to flirt with you too?"

What?! What did I just say?!

"I don't like weird people." He said in a flat tone.

Asshole! How did I ended up falling for this guy, eh?

"I don't like jerks either." I replied.

That's strange. He's not mad at me for saying that. Normally, he ends up kicking
my ass out of it.
I went back to the empty table, ignoring him but before they left, I heard P'Kit
ask something from P'Pha.

"Hey, Ai'Pha. Last night, when we're drunk, did you play around with my

What was that supposed to mean?

When You Fall For A Jerk

Wayo's POV…

At the Dorm after our class

"Ai'Yo, wanna go drink today?" Ming asked me over the phone that evening.

"What? We just went out last night and you ask me to go with you again? Nah.
Don't want to."

"You worried about your skin?"


"Drinking has no effect on your skin at all."

"It does. No. Still not going. How can I be selected as this year's Campus Moon
if I wouldn't take care of myself?"

"Cut the crap. You just want to look good in front of P'Pha."

"Shut up. You should've used your bad mouth to drink not to talk!"

"You can always call your concubines if you feel lonely!"

"Just get your ass to drink and get wasted. That's it!"

"Hahaha! Later dude. Just this once."

The idiot hang up.

Right. I was too exhausted from so many activities these past few days that I
need to relax. I put some facial mask on to rejuvenate my skin. It really feels

The competition is getting fierce by now, we're starting to get pressured. At

night, we go practicing our dance routines for at least three hours before going
home. There are Saturdays where we have to take pictures in front of our
respective faculties as well as take collective photos in the large stadium.
It may sound so simple yet, very exhausting. We start our day by attending our
basic college courses and we also have to cope up with the lessons. I was lucky
to have the Fairy Angel Gang as friends because they always do the liberty of
taking notes for me during my absence.

I tucked myself on the bed. Ahh... Nothing can be more relaxing than lying on
a pile of pillows, reading my favorite One Piece mangga with my facial mask

Knock! Knock! Knock!

What? Not again!

I know it's not P'Pring's door. It's my door where the knocking sound came
from. So I went through the peep hole to check who's outside.

What the fuck!

I was horrified to see P'Pha knocking on the door. Damn! There's no time to
rinse my face. I used a white muddy imported mask that's hard to rinse off and
will not wash until after a few minutes.

What am I going to do? He shouldn't see me with this thing on my face.

"Pink Milk Shorty... Are you there?" He called behind the wooden frame.

What an ass! So he has come up with another nickname for me.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Hey, are you there?"

Fine! I have no choice. I finally decided to open the door and saw P'Pha's
stupefied face. Worse, there are two other handsome guys who saw my horrible
look - P'Kit and P'Beam.

"What the fuck!" P'Beam swore his laugh.

"Hahahah! You look much like Sadako from the horror movie 'The Ring'." P'Kit
was laughing too!
I know I made the wrong decision. It's so embarrassing. How I wish to bury
myself to the ground right this moment!

I tried to hide my embarrassment by greeting them a waii. They waii back at

me except for P'Pha who's still shock a bit.

"What on earth have you done to your face?"

"It's none of your business." I hissed.

"There, there, give him a break. He's in the competition. He has to take care of
himself." Oh P'Kit. You're so cool and considerate. If I may have not been in
love with P'Pha, I would definitely fall for you right now!

The asshole simply gave P'Kit a sly look. Grrrr!

"Why the hassle? You'll still look ugly anyway."

Damn you prick!

"Bully!" It's all I could muster which he ignored.

"I need you to return these sheets to Pring." He handed me a pile of folios. These
are probably handouts from their lessons.

"We're going to study outside the dorm and I can't wait for her. She needs them

P'Pha has disappeared for the past few days and this is probably the reason why.
Well... Med school is tough and always starts their academic calendar earlier
than the other majors.

"When is she coming back?" I asked.

"Could be a while. I don't know."

So am I his slave now?

I held out my palm before him. "I'm not doing this for free."

P'Kit and P'Beam were snorting behind him. He should know by now that I'm
so good at doing bargains.

"Want money to buy Pink Milk?" He asked.

You silly... I want the money to buy your heart!

I shook my head.

P'Pha pulls a pack of M&M's Chocolate from his pants' pocket. "Take this

"Hey, Ai'Pha..." Cried P'Beam, pointing at the snack I held in my hand. "That's
supposed to be my snack for studying tonight." He looked like a child being
robbed a candy or something.

"I'll just buy you another one later, okay?"

The handsome P' calmed down.

"Why don't you join us, Nong'Yo? We're heading to the library." Said P'Kit.

"But our school hasn't started yet for this term."

"It's okay. You can take some comics to read there instead."

"Wait... Wait... Who's going to hand the sheets to Pring then?" P'Pha
interrupted. "You... Stay here. I already gave you your snack. Do your job well."

I nodded diligently and they left. They haven't reached a few steps when I called
them back. "Hey!"

P'Pha stopped, turns and asks "What now? Still want the Pink Milk?"

I was stammering hard. "I just want to say... Uhm..."

He's waiting for what I'm going to say.

Come on Yo, spit it out!

"Fight!" I said, raising my fist.

"A smart person like me never fails." He replied before leaving.

Grrr! Such a conceited asshole!

A few hours later...

It's 10pm and I'm still waiting for P'Pring to come home. My bed is waiting for
me and I have the M&M's chocolate placed right next to my collection of
P'Pha's pictures. I have them neatly arranged on a shelf beside my study table.

I really enjoy looking at those for awhile. I got lots of pictures of him. There's
P'Pha in his student hairstyle with darker skin. He looks cute on that photo. I
also got another picture of him in his jerseys. The last one I got is a photo I
downloaded from his IG account.

Don't give me that look. I didn't stalk at him, okay?

Yeah, P'Pha was a basketball varsity player since high school. I remember
during sportsfest day when they were competing for their championship game.
A lot of people came to watch him. There were even girls from other schools
who came over just to see him.

Me? I was just there, staring at him from afar. I was having a good time because
I can look at him whenever I want without him noticing. He doesn't know who
I am anyway.

Right next to his pictures is a blue velvet box with a black bracelet inside it. I
had it with me since high school. I was supposed to give it to P'Pha on his
graduation as a gift.

But I wasn't able to...

Actually, I already left the box on his desk at school but I decided to take it back
after I heard his conversation with P'Beam.

"Damn it Beam! That's not true." He said. "When are you going to stop talking
about this?"

"I just want to make sure."

"Ai'Beam, I like girls."

"Let's just say a guy may like you, will you say yes for him?"

"No way."

What P'Pha said shattered my heart to pieces. I left after that and never showed
up to him again.
From that time on, I decided to change by taking good care of myself and keep
my mind from thinking about him.

Yeah. I even convinced my dad to take me to a dermatology clinic to help me

get rid of those pimples from my face.

Yet here I am, still chasing after him... Even went to the same university with

Stupid Yo.

A few more hours later...

It was two quarters past 11:00pm when I heard a conversation outside my room.

"Thanks Pha for taking me home." Said a girl's voice.

"Not a problem. It's very late. It's not safe for a girl to go home on her own."

What's this? Why is P'Pha here?

I felt so confused that I opened the door right away. It was the first time I saw
P'Pring. She was very pretty. I looked at her and I felt like a dog standing in
front of her... An ugly one.

"Oh there he is." P'Pha snatched the paper from my hand and handed it to her.

"I left the sheet with Ai'Shorty. I asked him to return it to you."

"Oh... Khob kun na." She said her thanks and smiled at me.

"Go get some sleep now. You don't have to study anymore tonight. You'll get
the full score for tomorrow's test and it will make us all feel bad."
"Silly. It's because of you." She giggled. "You're always on top of us."

It took a couple of more goodbyes before P'Pha decided to leave. He teases

P'Pring by touching her head with his beautiful and perfect big hand before he
let her get into her room.

It hurts me to see them this close. I'm kind'a like an abandoned ugly dog right

"What's with that face? What's the matter?" P'Pha asked me but I didn't answer.

"Look. I'm sorry, don't be mad." He said in his usual cold tone. "It's not my
intention to make you stay up late and wait like this."

I'm not mad at you, you idiot! I just don't like the way you talk to P'Pring and
the way you pat her head like she's your pet!

"Hey, shorty."

"Stop calling me shorty!" I snapped. "I have a name for Pete's sake!"

"I don't like calling you with your name."


"I'm not telling you."


"You freakin' asshole!" There, I finally said it.

"What did you say?"


I didn't see it coming but I found myself being dragged by P'Pha and slumped
me against the opposite wall. I looked at his eyes and I was so scared.

"Shorty, say that again!" He spat on my face. His hands were held tight against
the collar of my shirt.

"I'm not always this nice to anyone, remember that."

This is the first time for me to see P'Pha this fierce. He was looking at me
straight through the eye. What I saw there scared me more because I saw an
ugly little boy who's madly in love with a jerk.

I tried to look tough as much as possible. He's not supposed to see me cry. He's
not supposed to see me weak so I directed my eyes back to him and we're
throwing dagger looks at each other.

This is what I get for falling for him. This is what an ugly dog like me deserves
for being such a fool.

"I brought that Pink Milk for you." He points at a cup of pink milk lying beside
my door. "Drink it." P'Pha let go of me and left.

I made sure he was gone before I finally let go of those tears to fall. I could no
longer stop them from leaving my eyes... It hurts so bad...

How I wish Ming was here...

No! I'm already 18 years old! I can handle this on my own.

But, It still hurts. Why couldn't I stop myself from crying? I'm not a baby

This is all your fault. Phana Kongthanin!

You jerk! You keep on breaking my heart yet I still couldn't help but forgive
you in the end! I feel sorry for myself for being such a fool loving a jerk like

I'm Already Dead

Wayo's POV…

Morning came and I'm still mad at P'Pha. To be honest, I really can't be mad at
him for too long. Somehow, there's something about him that always want me
to forgive.


Yeah, I was sighing in front of my breakfast and my best friend Ming. I'm lost
in thoughts about what had happened last night while swirling my porridge

I want to talk to P'Kit but I'm too scared to open my secret to anyone. Except of
course, with Ming.

"What's wrong?" He tried to distract me by snatching a spoonful of porridge

from my bowl.



Uurgh! This nosy guy really knows when I'm in trouble.

"Do you think P'Pha is still single?"

"You're asking me if he's still fresh? Hahaha. I don't think so. You know, I've
heard lot's of girls go lining up for him."

"I said single, not fresh." I growled. "He's human, not seafood."

Ming sniggered at me for awhile but went to serious later on.

"About that... I really don't know." He said. "But I did hear something about it."

"You did?"

"There a saying that go like this: 'Many beautiful girls around come with many
offsprings'. Everyone loves the Campus Moon." The idiot said jokingly.
He really loves playing around with me.

"But the most often heard..." He continued.

"... I heard the stars gossiping about it. The one that's dating P'Pha is someone
from the same faculty as his."
I felt myself crumbling to pieces in front of Ming when I heard that. I could still
remember her pretty face last night.

"I asked Pink Milk Shorty to return the sheets to you."

"Oh thank you." I'm imagining her smirking at me with an evil smile.


She must be the girl these stars are talking about as P'Pha's girlfriend. It's not
impossible remembering how sweet he was to her last night.

That asshole!

I stood up from my seat.

"Ai'Ming, I'm skipping practice today."

"What's wrong? You sick?"

"No. Just tell them that I'm already DEAD!" I stormed out of the cafeteria
without even looking back.

"Hey!" Ming called. "Where are you going?"

Yeah. I'm already dead... What was I thinking?

I'm not a girl. I can't bear a baby for him! I have no chest... My waist is not fine.
I'm not even sexy like her!

I was throwing rocks into the pool. I found this man-made lake behind the
campus with very few people passing by because it's still early in the morning.
It looked so beautiful so I decided to sit on the patch and stare at the clear water.
I took another bunch of rocks and threw them at the pool while yelling.

"This is so annoying!"

I was going to pick up another bunch when I felt a hand grabbing my wrist.

"Hey, that's enough."

I looked up and saw P'Forth. He looked so cool in those ripped jeans, blue tight
shirt with leather jacket on top and high cut boots.

Damn! This guy is ruggedly handsome.

"Are you going to kill all the fish?"

"P'Forth! Sawadee khrub." I greeted.

"Sawadee Khrub." He pulled his jeans and sat on the grass beside me.

"... You're always around when I'm trying to have a cigarette, huh? What's the
matter this time?"

"You've been here the whole time?" I asked.

"I was over there."

He pointed at a black Bonneville Triumph parked on the other side of the lake.

Wow! I gasped. What a handsome bike.

"... But I can see everything you've been doing. I was worried that you might
kill all the fish that's why I have to stop you."

There was long silence.

P'Forth then took something out of his pocket. It looked like a cigarette pack.


"But P', I don't smoke." I refused politely. "You can go ahead."

"It's not cigarette. This is chocolate." He opened the box and pulled one stick
for me.
"... Help me finish it. I can't do it alone."

Whoa! This looks quite expensive. I remember dad brought home some during
his business trip from Europe when I was a kid.
I crossed my legs because I'm starting to feel numb. I may look funny because
P'Forth is smiling.

"Whenever I feel upset, I love to come around this place." He told me, shifting
his eyes towards the lake.

"... The breeze is cool here." I said.

"They say that having chocolate helps reduce stress. But I don't like it. I prefer
to have cigarette... I tried to eat it because I wanted to quit smoking."

I do notice him smoke a lot.

"Then I think it suits me more." I joked.

P'Forth held out a soft chuckle, nodding his head.

"... Skipping today's practice, huh?"


"... Being a bad kid, aren't you?"

"I..." I don't know what to say.

"You're the representative of all the students in your faculty." Said P'Forth. His
expression turned serious. "Doing this is not good... Have you ever thought of

"Its uncomfortable." I said. I don't know why I dared to speak to him. Probably
because he likes me when I'm upset.

"Uncomfortable with what? The stars are fighting over you?"

"No, that's not it."

"Then there's no reason for you to feel uncomfortable. Last year, someone was
more uncomfortable than you."
"... He was the reason of all the chaos that happened during practice."

I looked at him curiously. "Was it you?"

"Hey! It'd be insane if it would have been me." P'Forth chortled.

"... I can manage. I get around well. There's no need to fight over me."

"... He was someone pricier than me."

I think I know now who P'Forth is talking about.

"Doctor Phana?"

He nodded with a bitter look. "Ai'Pha is where all the perfection gathered. Tall,
light skinned, long legged... Good in academics and excellent in sports... His
family is rich to top it all."

"... Only one glance at a girl and that girl will come up with the name of their
child right away."

Yeah. That asshole is such an eye catcher among girls.

"... Last year, there were two stars who started to fight over him... It sounds
funny. But nobody laughed because these two faculties were banned from the

"Ai'Pha never enjoyed these things. People had to go asking him to come back
to the competition because nobody is as perfect as him from the Medical
Faculty. So he has to come back."

I can feel P'Forth smacking me lightly on the side.

"If you think your problem is tough, think of someone who's always been on
the spotlight like him... Then you'll realize your problem is tinier than anyone

I felt guilty. He was right. I shouldn't have ran away from practice just because
of my insecurities. I may have been dragged to join the competition but the
whole faculty of science is counting on me now.

"So...? Aren't you going back now?" He asked.

I beamed at him. "You have said this much, I have to go back right?"

"Let's go." He pulled my arm gently to help me stand up. "I'll give you a ride."
Two Tiger Moons

Third Person's POV…

The trip back to the practice studio took them only about five minutes. Forth's
driving skills is like a pro, Yo couldn't help but wrap his arms around the older
guy's waist to keep himself from falling.

He got off the bike the moment they halt to a stop right in front of the University
Main Building.

People start to gaze at them seeing the Moon of Science faculty riding with last
year's Engineering Moon on an expensive motorbike looking hot as hell.

Girls are giggling while others have those envy looks on their faces by the sight
of them both.

"Thank you so much, P'." Yo said as he tries to remove the lock on the strap of
his helmet. He look so cute on it, Forth couldn't help not taking his eyes from

"Let me help you, nah." Forth leaned forward to help him unlock the strap. His
face is almost a few inches away from Yo, the little guy is starting to feel
awkward which made his face red as beet.

"... Buy me dinner tonight." He said.

Yo was shocked. He didn't know what to say. Is he inviting me on a date? He

asked himself.
Forth has been very nice to him. He's a cool guy. Anyone can't help feel
comfortable around him. Besides, he owe him big now that he almost ditch his
practice session if he hadn't come to encourage him to go back.

Yo hesitated at first but he finally nodded his acceptance to the invitation.

He bid him goodbye and ran towards the campus as fast as he could, leaving
Forth shaking his head, smiling.

Wayo's POV…
I was running like hell to reach the studio on time. I know I'm already late but
I hope I could still make it to the practice.

I could hear one of the staff doing a roll call.

Oh dear...

"Medical Faculty Star..."




"Faculty of Fine Arts... You will be first in the queue."

"Faculty of Science Star..."




"Faculty of Science Moon? Are you here?"

"Present P'! I'm here!" I was panting like a dog as I halted in front of her. "I'm
very sorry."

Lucky that our faculty was lined up at the back or I could have heard scolding
from her until my ears go numb.

"Okay, both of you will have your photoshoot once the Faculty of Education is
done." She said. "Be on standby. I'll call you later.

I breathed hard. That was close! I lost my focus that I almost forgot to fix my
hair until Ming nudged me to look at myself at the mirror.

Break time...

I was taking my rest on one of the empty study tables when P'Forth approached

"Hey, how was it?" He asked.

"Oh P'Forth." I waii at him.

"Concentrate in your practice, okay? I'll see you tonight."

He pulled his phone from his pocket and handed it to me.

"Give me your phone number."

I wonder why? But I typed my number in the dial pad anyway.


"Don't be a cry baby, okay?"

"I never cried." I protested.

"Almost, I know." He ruffled my hair playfully.

I felt the color rose in my cheeks.

"Hey Forth."

I looked up and saw P'Pha walking towards us.

"Oh, hey Pha." He called back.

This jerk. What is he doing here?

"Kit is looking for you."

"Okay, okay... I'll be right there." He complied and bid me goodbye.

P'Pha is now looking at me.

Is there something wrong with my face?

"Woke up late?" He asked

"Nope." I answered nervously. I could still feel his hands clenched against my
collar last night. It wasn't really painful. But those fierce eyes staring at me still

"Don't you have a quiz right now?"

"Later in the afternoon."

Why is this jerk's voice sound calm this time? I'm waiting for him to say
something rude, or maybe bully me like the usual thing he does.

"Oh, okay."

"Okay what?" P'Pha raised his eyebrows.

"Just okay."

P'Pha turned back and left.

What the... That's it?

I was left there, still looking puzzled at the weird scenario that just happened
until Ming slid out of nowhere like he was surfing on a board and landed on the
bench where I sat.

"Yo. What was that? I was like watching a live Korean Drama Series Scene!"
He squealed.

"What the heck are you talking about?"

"Ai'Pha was being possessive over you." Ming teased.

"Hey, you're crazy!"

"I don't know. I'm just stating what I saw."

"... And if it's true. It'll going to be such a disaster, because you're going to be
the center of the hearts between the Medical Moon and the Engineering Moon."

He's crazy, alright.

"... Just thinking about it is creepy enough."

I gave my friend a piercing look. I know it doesn't work at him. It will only
make him want to pinch my fluffy cheeks because he says I look so cute in it.

"Watching too much Korean Drama lately ehh?" I asked.

"I don't know... Nobody knows if it's true or not... But this is for you."

I didn't notice he was hiding a Cup of Pink Milk on his other hand until he gave
it to me.

"What's this?"

"P'Pha left it for you."

"He bought it for everyone again?"

Ming shook his head. "No, not this time. Just for you. He asked me to give it to
you when you weren't around."


I handed him back the Pink Milk and ran off.

"I'll be right back!" I told him, leaving my friend dumbstruck.

Phana's POV…

At the parking lot

I was about to get in the car when I heard Shorty call me out.

"Don't leave yet!" He's panting like a little puppy - no! A dog! A small adorable
- I mean a tiny, ugly dog! Yeah. That one.

That one

I stopped and waited.

What does Shorty want all of a sudden? Didn't he get the Pink Milk I asked his
friend to give to him?

I looked at the boy's sweaty face. Does he really have to be this cute? I've never
seen a man as beautiful as this short guy, I must admit. Not even him...

Wait... Don't be deceived by such angelic face, Phana. That boy is a jerk! And
why the hell am I even looking at his pink lips that makes me want to kiss him
right now?

"What is it?"
That's right, Phana. Snap out of it. Show him your toughest look. Keep yourself
from staring at those lovely eyes of his. Stop it!

"I..." This little boy might have swallowed his tongue.

"Not mad at me anymore?" I asked.

He was staring at me with such pitiful face. Shia! What's with those baby eyes?
They look so vulnerable that any hungry lion would come and easily devour
him anytime.

Or should I say... They're beautiful?

Cut it off! Cut it off!

I grunted to keep myself from melting in front of him. "I didn't mean to make
you wait for Pring that late." I told him.

Why does he look so sad? Who hurt this poor angel and I'm going to break his

I remembered our fight last night. It felt like somebody just stabbed me in the
chest all of a sudden.

Damn! What have I done? Did I make him cry? Shit!

"... I have no idea that I was going to see her. But you can be mad if you want.
I don't give a care to any kid like you anyway."

Shorty didn't say anything. I don't know what's in his mind right now.
"You have a quiz, right?" He blurted out.

Fuck that sweet shy smile! They're breaking my walls like molten rocks!

"Get the top score." He said timidly.

I walked nervously towards him. We were so close I urged myself to pull back
because I could almost feel his warm breath.

It sends me the same tingling sensation towards another person before... 16

"The scores will come out as soon as we're done

"The scores will come out as soon as we're done." I told him.

"... If I get the top score, what will you give me?" Yeah. That's right. I should
get something from this guy. Probably a kiss from him?

"Chocolate?" He asked sheepishly.

Nope. How about you give me yourself instead? I shook my head.

"How about you take me to go eat sushi?"

Brilliant idea Phana! You're a genius. I've been craving for sushi for weeks and
my friends are either too busy or too lazy to go with me no matter how much I
beg them.

Ai'Shorty nodded. That means he's okay with it.

Deal is closed!

I left him there without saying goodbye. I don't know how to say it to him in
the best way. Besides, it will be totally awkward for us both.
A Double Date?

Wayo's POV…

"How about you take me to eat sushi tonight?"

P'Pha's question trailed off my thoughts even after he left.

I was blushing like hell.

Was It a dream? P'Pha invites me to have dinner with him...

Oh my God! Will this gonna be my first date with my longtime crush?

I just nodded at him. I could have said anything better than that but I just went
speechless out of shock.

Yo, how could you be such an idiot right now, eh?

I was some kind of a stupid asshole standing on the road where his Audi was
parked a few minutes ago smiling at no one.

Well, that was until I heard my phone rang.

A line message?

It was from an unknown sender.

"Tonight, at the hotpot place behind the university... If you don't have the
money, I can pay... Jaturapoom."

"Fuck!" I swore out of shock.

It's from P'Forth.

Geez, I'm doomed!

At The Rest Area…

Sushi or Hotpot?

I've never been into a problem as huge as what I'm having right now. I couldn't
believe I forgot all about P'Forth when I made that deal with P'Pha.
To be honest, I'll only have sushi with him if he tops their quiz today. I may no
longer need to go with him if he wouldn't make it, right?

Why on earth did he ask me to go dinner with him all of a sudden? Is it because
he wants someone to join him or is it because he really have feelings for me
after all?

Yo, is that even possible?

I've been receiving enormous glasses of Pink Milk from him lately, but that
doesn't mean I have to assume on things right away. Besides, he'd never spoke
nice or being kind to me since the day we met yet he's very nice to everyone.

It bothered me the whole afternoon until I finally came up with a decision. I'm
not going with P'Pha though it would be easier if he wouldn't get the top score
for their quiz to begin with... which is hardly possible because that jerk is a

The question is, how am I going to reject that jerk's invitation?

"What's wrong?" Ming asked. He has that smug look on his face.


"Can't figure out how to cast your own sword?"

"Why do I have to?" I gaped at him out of curiosity.

"Use it to cut the other half of you." He sneered doing a hand gesture like he
was chopping a watermelon.

"Hmmm... Did you hear the sound of the crows flying above you?"

"Where?" My idiot friend looked up innocently.

It was a metaphor, you dumb!

I whacked him on his head. "Could you stop fooling around?"

"I just don't like to see you bummed."

"I'm not bummed." I said confidently.

He's giving me that doubtful look now.

"Oooh right, there is nothing to feel bummed, okay, okay...? My heart flies to
that 'Moon of the College' and then to the other one... That's all, right?"

This jerk is teasing me again.

"That's nonsense."

"Just follow your heart, you know... That's not even hard."

My heart says I should go with P'Pha, but...

"I made a promise to P'Forth."

Ming has that worried expression on his face.

"I wonder what's wrong with P'Forth? What's he trying to do with my best
friend, that P'Forth eh?"

"P'Forth is really nice." I told him. "If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be here


"... But I don't get him either. He's kind of weird. Although he looks like a cool
and different person, his thoughts in everything makes a lot of sense."

"Shit Yo." He said sharply.


"Stop being such a playboy!"

"You!" My hand almost landed on the back of his head. Good thing he was able
to dodge it quickly.
"You started it." Ming blurted. "You look extremely fascinated by the 'Other
Moon Of The College... Such a playboy."

"What are you saying?" I tried to give him another blow in the head but he
already grabbed both of my hands.

We saw P'Forth coming our way. He look so different now that he's wearing
black T-shirt and tight jeans. It's plain yet simple. And it looks fuckin' hot! Boys
and girls around the studio couldn't help but stare at him.

P'Forth is such an idol for me. I think I should copy his hairstyle and get a
dragon tattoo after the competition.

"What are you guys chattering all about?" He asked.

"Oh, P'Forth... Sawadee Khrap." I greeted. Ming followed.

"You guys must be the reason why the training got delayed." He joked.

"Not us, P'. It's too hard to learn." Ming answered miserably, shaking his head.

"Which part of it is hard, Ming? Even someone with low IQ like me could get
it easily."

I don't think so. P'Forth looked smart and cool compared to us.

"Oh, If P'Forth's IQ is low, we're definitely morons." I justified. Ming nodded

behind me.
"Hey P', I was told you invited Yo for dinner... Can I come?" Ming is back in
his nosy self again. Looks like he's teasing and observing P'Forth's reaction at
the same time.

"Why not? Go come with us."

"Okay. I will go with you both."

"But three people are enough." P'Forth warned. "I'm not used to eating with
people I'm not comfortable with."
Ming looked at me with a surprised face. He didn't seem to bother about him
joining their dinner so he might have been wrong about his guess. "Okay, just
me and that would all be the three of us."

"You guys do your best in training. I'll wait for you somewhere nearby."

"I'm sorry for letting you wait for us, P'." I told P'Forth sheepishly.

He shrugged the apology off. "My dinner is on you guys... Gotta go."

Ming followed Forth with his gaze. Then he turned to look at me.

"Does P'Forth like you?"

"You're crazy! He doesn't like me." I said innocently.

"We will see." He teased, wriggling his eyebrows.

"... How are you gonna handle this?"

"What are you saying?"

Ming turned his head over my shoulders. "With the other Moon." He pointed at
the guy walking behind us using his lower lip.

I think I know now who's he referring to. I turned around nervously, seeing
P'Pha on his way towards us looking so neat and clean in his white uniform.
He's holding a piece of paper in one hand.

"I gotta go." Ming suddenly blurted and flew away.

"Hey! Where you going?" That jerk just disappeared. Don't you leave me with
this asshole around!

I stood up and faced P'Pha. But before I could say anything, he stuck the paper
he was holding on my face like I'm kind'a Chinese Zombie or something.

"What's this?" I held the paper he gave me

"What's this?" I held the paper he gave me. He's unbuttoning a few buttons on
his shirt exposing his sexy neck and a portion of his hot body skin.
Why do you have to do this in front of me and this close to me? Are you trying
to kill me with your hotness?

"Why are you staring at my neck? Look at the paper." He ordered.

Oh geez, he caught me. Did he notice? This is embarrassing.

It looks like a copy of the score report from their quiz on the Endocrine Gland.
I saw his name right on top of the list with a score of 29.50 indicated across.

"Out of 50?"

"Fuck you." He's trying to smack my head. "I would probably get 49 out of 50
if that's the case.

"So this is out of 30?"

He nodded.

Mother of tongue!! Is he a god or what?! How can anyone get 29.5 out of 30?
He's a really a genius.

"So, sushi?"
Now, I'm in real trouble. I want to tell P'Pha that I couldn't go with him, but I
couldn't afford to reject him as well. That's not what my heart wants. What
should I do?

"Pha! You're here." It was P'Pring in her usual sweet voice. "I was looking for
you. Let's have some sushi? Beam and Kit told me that you have been
complaining about it for awhile, but nobody wants to go with you. I'm free
today. Shall we go?"

P'Pring is also popular around here. A lot of people greeted her as they pass by.

"Do you want to have sushi too?"


P'Pha finally made a decision. "Just keep training... I'll go have sushi with
I was drowned inside upon hearing this. I feel my heart was dragged down deep
into the ocean nodding at him and said, "okay" for my answer.

I'm still just an ugly dog. The challenge I gave him was just nothing. He's a
genius. There's no such thing as 'challenge' for him whatsoever. He's going to
win everything anyway.

Sushi is also nothing serious. He can go with anyone he likes. I'm just a dog he
met in the morning and wanted to take to the Sushi place with.

I shouldn't have even spent hours thinking about him.

Damn you, Wayo!

I have never been in his eyes and will never be.

Watching them like a lovely couple walking away and talking to people like
they're some kind of celebrities hurts me so bad.

"Look how close they are." Ming's stupid face suddenly appeared on my side
which almost made me jump. He was glaring at those pair too.

"... Rumor has it that she's P'Pha's girlfriend." He said.

I felt hundreds of daggers pierced on my chest. This is awful. Nate even

appeared beside us and added on the details.
"... She's not only the Star of The College but also the Star of the Campus." She
whispered to us both.

"Yeah... Quite a great match." I murmured.

Great! The Moon and Star of the campus...

They really are meant for each other...

Is P'Pha Still Single?

Ming's POV…

P'Forth met us at the Shabu Shabu Hot Pot grill which is located just behind the
university campus.

We arrived a few minutes late because it took Ai'Yo a while to finish changing
and get ready for our dinner.

My friend really has problem with punctuality since we were kids.

I know for the fact that my best friend agreed to treat P'Forth on my behalf but
I also doubt someone as gentle as P'Forth would even allow us to do that.

He's my senior in our faculty. We started to get close the day he introduced
himself as my mentor for the upcoming Moon and Star Competition that's why
I know him a lot.

He may look cool and rough in the outside but he's one of the most gentle person
I have known. And with the way he looks at my adorable best friend is
something I assume would make him willingly pay for our bill tonight.

"Ming." P'Forth's voice slapped me from my contemplation.

"What's bugging your friend?" He asked.

He was referring to Ai'Yo who hasn't even touched his food since our order
arrived. We were busy tossing meat and vegetables on the hotpot but this little
guy seems to be lost on a different world.

He just sat there quietly beside me. I tried to cheer him up by teasing him a bit.

"He's heartbroken, P'." I told my senior without any hesitations.

"Heartbroken? What happened?"

I turned to look at Yo, smirking to my chins, saying the words out loud near his
ears. "His dog abandoned him and went to chase a female dog."
As expected, he flashed a piercing look towards me which I only find cute and
make me want to pinch his fluffy cheeks.

"Do you want a slap in the face, Ai'Ming?" He asked sarcastically.

"Here you go." P'Forth tossed a few dumplings to his plate. "Just eat. You're
such a tragic lead in a soap opera." He joked in a serious tone.

He added a few more dumplings, urging my little friend to eat despite his
miserable look.

I do know what's bugging him. I've spent a lot of time listening to his whines
about his high school crush since I could remember. P'Pha is this... P'Pha is
that... P'Pha likes this and that... And I couldn't help but feel sorry for him being
hurt this way.

So I came up with something that may help him get a lighter head. As nosy as
I am, I dropped a question at P'Forth without hesitations.

"Hey P', do you know P'Pha's girlfriend?"

I tried to catch Wayo's eyes and wriggled my eyebrows, as if telling him You
should be grateful I asked that question on your behalf.

"Pha's girlfriend?" P'Forth seems confused.

I was waiting for his answer with curious eyes and I know Yo would like to
hear it too. (I know it will get my friend's attention even if he hides it.)

"... Who's that?" He seems to have that I-Never-heard-of-it look.

"That... Beautiful girl who came to P'Pha awhile ago." I put in.

Hah! There there, Ai'Yo. I know that thankful look. You can praise me later
once we're done.

P'Forth thought for a moment. Then as if he finally remembered. "Oh, are you
talking about Prink?"

I nodded. "I think so."

He pointed his chopsticks towards me. "Whoaw. Do you have a crush on her."
"Hell no." I said firmly. "She looks like a girl with high standards. Who would
dare chase her?"

"You're quite right about her. No one dare chase her." P'Forth said.

I smiled the moment I saw the change in expression of Yo's handsome face,
who's now looking at P'Forth with a new hope.

"She's actually one of those fans craving for Ai'Pha." He continued. "But I have
no idea what Pha really thinks about her."

To my shock, P'Forth smirked at me with his round eyes. "Don't tell me you're
trying to chase after Pha?"

I nearly spurted the iced tea I was drinking. "Of course not. You're being
rediculous, P'Forth."

"I think you guys are a good match." He teased.

I shook my head. There's no way I'm falling for another guy.

"If I have to come out, the one in front of my closet has to be Yo." I sneered,
wounding my arms around my best friend's shoulder. "... What do you think,

"Hey! Haven't you asked me?"

He teased me back by playfully using his chopsticks to tickle my nape. It's very
ticklish that I have to beg him to stop.

P'Forth seem to notice the sudden change in his mood.

"Oh, Yo. Look how happy you are." He said. "You look so cute when you smile,
you know... You should smile a lot more."

Hearing this made my little friend stop what he's doing and stared awkwardly
at P'Forth.
My best friend, Yo. He still thinks he was the same skinny dork wearing thick
glasses with pimples on his face like he used to be back in high school.
He's still full of insecurities that he hadn't realized how handsome he'd become
and how everyone (except me) melts seeing his sweet smile. I wouldn't be
surprised if even someone as cool and manly as P'Forth will fall for him one of
these days.

"... Why are you hiding yourself? It looks good on you." He went on.

Does P'Forth like Ai'Yo indeed?

I was so damned curious, I couldn't stop myself from asking.

"P'Forth, did you say Ai'Yo is cute?"

My scary-looking-yet-handsome-mentor frowned at the question but he didn't

seem to mind me being a little bit nosy at all. Did his ears just turn red?

"That question is so awkward." He winced. "He's (Yo) still sitting here you

"Ah ah... If Yo weren't here, what do you think?" I wriggle my eyebrows at him.

P'Forth turned his gaze towards Yo who's just right in front. Is he throwing
mushy looks at my friend?

"Yeah... I think he's really cute."

I looked at Yo and saw his face turning fire engine red. He was stunned to hear
these words from P'Forth directly.
"Alright." I said. I got his answer. It'd be better for me to stop right there before
things get complicated.

"But it's hard for me to say that he will win the title this year." He blurted

"Oh, P'Forth." Asked Yo in protest. "Why?"

He gazed his eyes towards him again. "Yo... Your strong character is fully based
in cuteness but not being handsome... Just try to compare yourself with Pha, for
example. You guys are totally different."

"... Our College of Engineering is going to win this year."

He raised his glass towards me for a toast and I didn't hesitate to clink my own
glass against his.

P'Forth has given me full support being my mentor for the Moon and Star
Competition. I'm not really going after winning since my main goal was simply
to make sure Ai'Yo has someone protecting him around the former Campus

Please don't tell P'Forth that or he'll skin me alive.

Yo shook his head. "You guys are really close brothers in the same college."

We both smirked at him.

"... But, what if I win?" He asked confidently.

"It's not possible. Stop dreaming." P'Forth said flatly.

Yo repeated the question which earned a heartwarming look from P'Forth.

"If you win... I will... Give you a reward." He said showing his handsome smile.

"Deal." Yo responded teasingly. "You should start looking for jobs by now to
earn more money."

"It really seems you're much happier now."

I spoke right away on his behalf before he could say anything in response.
"Looks like his dog is coming back to him, that's why."

"Damn you. You should be a writer you know. Your brain is deeper than the

"I'm just being honest." I pointed out.

Then quietly, I whispered something behind my friend's ear that made him
blush furiously. "Look how you get pumped up after knowing P'Pha is single..."

I got my punishment by being tickled on my nape using Wayo's chopsticks for

the second time.
It felt so ticklish that I didn't even realize that my squeals were so loud it caught
the attention of other customers in the restaurant. P'Forth is shaking his head by
the sight of these two handsome rascals playing childishly in front of him.
Personal Check

Wayo’s POV…

At His Dorm…

I'm having a hard time to catch some sleep for the night. I was dead tired from
today's practice but getting sleepy doesn't seem to come around me anytime

The picture of P'Pring and P'Pha being a lovely couple still runs inside my head
despite P'Forth's denial about the rumors that's spreading around the campus.

I held out a sigh of relief after I found out P'Pha isn't dating her at all but I still
couldn't help thinking otherwise.
I tried everything to make my position on bed more comfortable but nothing
seems to work. I rolled on one side, then on the other, I even tried laying on my
tummy but to no avail. Adjusting the AC's temperature didn't help either.

Gosh! Please let me sleep na!

Blink blink...

That's it! I give up.

I sat on the bed with my back resting on the headboard. Maybe I should have to
spend the rest of the night dealing with this thing that keeps running on my mind
after all.

I was really trying to contemplate for reasons why P'Pha shouldn't like P'Pring
but I couldn't come up with any.

She's such a beautiful and smart girl.

The most important thing I need to deal with is gender because P'Pha is straight.
He likes girls in general.
I'm not a girl. I'm a boy... I look much like I just stepped into puberty stage. I'm
already 18 but I still look like close to 16. All my body organs are the same with

What on earth am I doing? Whining about a boy like a girl in bed.

I flipped the switch to turn the lights on and got up. Getting sleepy is nowhere
to be found at this point.

I went to approach the table where my collection of P'Pha's photos were

displayed and stared at the jewelry box I kept for him.
The moment I heard him that time that he's into girls, I knew it was the end of
me. But my feelings for Dr. Phana Kongtanin didn't seem to decrease in the
slightest. In fact, it keeps on growing and growing especially now that I kept on
seeing him everyday.
And seeing him with a girl whom he seems to be very fond of causes me a lot
of pain deep within my heart.

Maybe I should have reconsidered going after him in this university in the very
first place.

Suddenly, I heard the chiming of keys outside my room. It must be my neighbor

across coming home from school - no Sushi dinner rather.

I don't know what got into me but I rushed for the door. I even blew my hands
to smell my own breath and fixed my hair before opening it.

P'Prink looks so beautiful as ever in her school uniform.

I still look like a dog compared to her.

"Hi, P'Prink. Sawadee Khrub." I greeted.

"Oh! Nong'Yo." She greeted back.

Even her voice is lovely.

"You're home late." I wasn't really concerned at her going home late at all.
"Uhm, where is P'Pha?"
"He went to study with his friends after dinner." She replied.

"Oh, he still studies after the exam?"

"Yes. He helps those who failed the test and tutors them." She said promptly.
"One of his friends has to take a makeup exam the day after tomorrow and he's
helping him make it."

"When will he come back then?"

I saw her frown but I hope it was just out of confusion. "You have something
to ask him?"

Oops, I didn't see that coming. What am I supposed to tell her now?

"Oooh, I just happen to ask... " Damn! Think Wayo, Think! Then a light bulb

"... Him about the contest!"

Brilliant Wayo!

"It won't take long but you may have to wait." She said.
"Aah. I see." I want to ask her something else but I'm not sure if this should be
the right time for that. But ... anyway...

"Uhmm... Is Pha's room on the fourth floor and room number..." I left it trailing
on purpose for her to put in.

She giggled.

"It's third floor and Room #3. You confused it for a girl's room?"

Why do I look so dumb right now, eh?

I guess that's it. Time to pull back!

"Sorry for bothering, P'..." I told her. "Thank you so much for everything."

She smiled at me.

"You can ask me anytime if you have problems, okay?"

I nodded and waited for her to get inside before I trotted back to my own room.

I felt even more relieved this time. But why did I tried talking to her in the first
Well, yeah. I was doing some personality check on her. And my observation
tells me that P'Pring is beautiful, smart, decent, knowledgeable, humorous and
very polite.

So how can P'Pha not like her?

This is really none of my business, right? Why am I being such a nosy prick
right now?

This is really none of my business, right? Why am I being such a nosy prick
right now?

I think I'm falling into Ming's shitty brainhole. That idiot has been gawking
around lately about my relationship with P'Pha and P'Forth that I'm starting to
think the way he does too.

Third Person's POV…

Inside Ming's room.

The tall young man sneezed in front of his phone all of a sudden.

"What's was that all about?" He asked himself. "Someone must be badmouthing
about me tonight."

He shrugged the thought and continued browsing on his phone.


Wayo's POV...

So I finally decided to drop the issue. There's no need for me to linger on this
Phana-Prink love affair because it won't do me any good.

Like I said, it's none of my business.

Yet still, I don't feel like going to sleep at all.

I went to open my social media account using my Macbook. There were a few
friend requests in the notification field. I scanned the profiles one by one and
made sure I carefully accept only those people familiar to me. There's P'Ging,
my coach; my Star partner Nate; a few Moons and Stars from different faculties,
and Park? Who the hell is Park?

There's P'Ging, my coach; my Star partner Nate; a few Moons and Stars from
different faculties, and Park? Who the hell is Park?

I ignored the last request. And I'm bored.

I don't know what to do now for me to fall asleep.

I already finished reading the 5th volume of One Piece Manga Series but my
eyes are still wide open.

Aaarggh! Sleep! Where are you? Come to me na na na...

Wait, is that my bonsai plant right there in the corner? Oh. I haven't noticed it
since I put it there when I first arrived here. I'd better water it.

I went to check my Macbook again to browse on my timeline. Gosh, this is so


I have lots of collections of One Piece and Naruto action figures in my room.
Remember that box I was carrying when I met P'Pha on my first day? I carefully
have them arranged on the shelves and since I feel so bored, I have them
rearranged again.
Now let me go back to checking my timeline again! I've been doing this for the
nth time already.


This is getting ridiculous.


So I decided to go to my room's terrace and breathe some fresh air. Maybe it'll
help. The breeze is cold and looks like it's going to rain. I looked below but I
couldn't see P'Pha's infamous Audi R8 which is always parked beneath my unit.

He hasn't returned yet. P'Pring said he was tutoring his friends for the make up


Maybe I'll just wait for him to come home then. Then I'll go back to sleep.

10pm... 10:30pm... 11pm... 11:15...

It's already late. Still no sign of that white sports car. I'm starting to get worried
like a crazy wife.

What? For heaven's sake! What am I thinking? I'm not his wife and will not
gonna be even if I want to.

That's not gonna happen.

Why would I even bother in the first place?

I just want to make sure he gets home safely. That's all. Afterall, he was my P'
since we came from the same High School.

Damn, who am I kidding?

I was already enjoying playing this Strawhat Luffy Action Figure when the
cracking roar of thunder could be heard outside. Then heavy rain began to pour.
Oh dear, I could no longer wait for P'Pha inside my room. He must be soaking
wet on his way here by anytime now.

I grabbed my umbrella and hurried downstairs. I'll wait for him at the lobby.

Where could he be at this time of the hour?

He may be stuck somewhere or something.

Or maybe he decided to just spend the night at a friend's house or something.

Why do I even care for that jerk?

It was almost midnight when I heard the roar of a familiar sound coming from
the parking lot.

Hey! It's the Audi. I stood up right away and headed towards the door.

Wait! How am I gonna tell him I didn't come waiting for him worried that he
may not notice?

Wait! How am I gonna tell him I didn't come waiting for him worried that he
may not notice?

I never thought about that...

Phana's POV…

It was raining when I arrived at the dorm after hours of tutoring my friends. A
few of them didn't make it to our last quiz about the endocrine gland and they
need to make it up to it.

I haven't brought any umbrella with me when I left this morning since I didn't
expect it to rain. I may just run fast towards the building and change my clothes
I used my bag to cover my head the moment I stepped out of the car. To my
surprise, I noticed an umbrella hovering on top of me held by a short guy.

To my surprise, I noticed an umbrella hovering on top of me held by a short


Oh. It's Ai'Shorty. What's he doing here at this hour?

I stared at him. He was looking at me like a toddler trying to hover his umbrella
as high as he could get.

He looked funny in those oversized shirt he's wearing right now. Kinda cute.

I noticed it got slightly wet to the shoulders since the umbrella wouldn't be able
to cover the both of us.

"You're home late." He nagged at me like a wife waiting for her husband to
come home.

"How about you? Why haven't you slept yet?" I glared at him. I noticed him
flinch with my voice. That's why I like teasing this guy. I tried scaring him to
his balls but he's so adorable doing the guts to fight me back.

"I... I'm going to the pharmacy store." He stammered.

Is he really telling the truth? I have this feeling that he has another reason why
he's here.

I teased him with a naughty grin on my face.

"... I thought you're waiting for me."


What? Silence? Does this mean yes? Damn! I might be over thinking but I felt
my face burning red when I asked him that.
This kid is weird. He's stiff as a board. He was just gaping at me the whole time
we're there, standing in the middle of the rain.

He might be a bit scared of me so I tried to clear the awkward atmosphere

between the both of us.

"So... Are you sick or something?"

"I... I'm going to buy some vitamins." He was stuttering.

"... I have gone to bed late recently which isn't good for my skin."

I trailed my eyes at his skin but it doesn't look bad at all. It's milky soft and
white. I'm even stopping the urge to run my fingers through it and feel it with
my own hands.

Damn this kid. He's getting into my nerves and it annoys me! Yeah, he's
annoyingly cute, I admit. But is he really a boy, a man or even a girl?

And worse, he looked very much like him...

I stared at his eyes. Does it have to look like that? Baby brown? I know I've
seen those baby brown eyes before somewhere. But... I notice some red spots
on the sides.

"Oh... I thought it was your eyes." I told him.


"They're so red."

"Ao... Probably the contact lenses." He shrugged it like it's just normal for him
to have that.

I frowned at him. Something weird is really going on here.

"Are you nearsighted?" I asked.

The young man nodded. "Yes."

I froze... He was nearsighted too. Could it be...?

I shook my head. No, it's not him. Stop this nonsense!

"Don't tell me you were crying because I didn't take you to eat sushi?" I tried to
hide my vague look by teasing him.

Shorty just slumped his shoulders.

"Well, it was kind'a nice though." He said. "I didn't need to waste my money."

I looked at his shoulders and they are soaking wet from rain.
This isn't working. I took the umbrella from the little kid and urged him to go a
bit ahead of me so the umbrella can cover us both better.

I started walking away when he nudged me towards the other way.

"Hey. Where are you going? The dorm is this way."

Did he just forget he's supposed to buy something?

"To the pharmacy store."

"Oh... Yeah, right. Pharmacy store." He sounded weird and walked ahead. He
was adjusting his pace to make sure I am able to catch up with him while
holding his umbrella.

We were almost halfway when it happened. Shorty slipped and nearly fell off
the ground. Good thing he was able to grab hold of my arm and used it to
support his weight.

He looked very frightened. I looked at him and my eyes met his.

Shit! Those eyes! Why are they so adorable? This is the first time I saw him
this close. He's damn cute! He looked like a puppy who lost his mother soaking
wet under the rain.
Those eyes, tiny nose, rosy cheeks, those small red lips that are meant to be
kissed for so long.

I wanted to hold him some more and wrap him in my arms. He looks like an

... And I'm starting to get confused towards this kid by now.

First, he's nearsighted...

Second, he almost have the resemblance of that... Well, not really. He's way far
different. He's more... Handsome?

And third...

Why does my heart keep on beating like this? This feeling... This feeling almost
felt the same as how I felt whenever I see that boy who never showed his face
again after what had happened a year ago…

And this kid I am looking at...

No... It's impossible.

I shrugged the thought off.

It took a few seconds for me to get back to my senses and help him regain his

Such an awkward moment.

"Are you all right, short kid?" I asked.

"... Walk carefully."

He nodded. "I'm okay. The ground is just too slippery... Err ... Let's go to the
pharmacy before it closes."

"It's open 24 Hours."

"Okay, okay." Shorty gestured his hand for me to follow him.

I started walking behind him, making sure he doesn't get wet from the rain.
"You're so smart." He blurted out. "You came out first."

He must be referring to that quiz I took awhile ago. I still feel guilty right now
for ditching him out with our deal and went to eat sushi with Pring instead. I'm
not gonna let him know about it though.

"... But the sad part is... You're such an asshole."

I wonder why I didn't get mad at him when he made that statement.

"So being an asshole couldn't make it to the top during a test?"

The young man just smirked at me, shaking his head.

Kit's POV…

My eyes are shut closed. Sleep almost came to get me when this stupid phone
of mine kept ringing on my desk.

I checked the caller ID and it shows "Phana".

Oh that jerk!

"Hello boss, what can I do for you?" I greeted in a calm voice.

"Hey Kit."

I'm waiting.

"... Is Ai'Shorty nearsighted?"

Wait a minute, who's Ai'Shorty? Is it Nong'Yo? Why don't you call him by his

Fuck... This is annoying. Just because they have the same name with that boy?

"So?" I asked innocently. Or did he recognize him already?

"He has Wayo's face."

Yeah you idiot. Of course he's Wayo! "Yeah, I noticed that too." I lied.

"What's Ai'Shorty's previous school?"

He came from the same school where you graduated, you idiot! "How would I
know?" I asked sarcastically.

"...." (No response from the other line.)

"What if you find out that they are the same person? What are you going to do,

"You've been such an asshole to him, you know. Now if he's your Nong'Wayo,
how are you gonna handle it?"


Yeah. My genius bestfriend is speechless. IDIOT!

"How can they be the same person? Ai'Yo is good looking. They're totally

Yeah. I'm clenching my fist right now. Ai'Pha is very good at everything but
when it comes to love, he's a total idiot. It's so annoying that I want to shove his
face right through Nong Wayo's heart.

"I'm sleepy. I'd better go to bed now." I said.

"Okay, but please go to the competition studio with me tomorrow. I need some

Yeah. That's him, alright. Ai'Phana Kongtanin. He couldn't live without his

"Fine. I'll take Ai'Beam with me."

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow."

The call ended. I held a loud sigh and talked to my phone as if my friend is still
"Sorry, Ai'Pha." I said to no one. "I gave my word to Nong'Yo. Besides, it's
kind'a fun teasing you like this. You're such a genius idiot!"

I was laughing to myself like crazy.

The Boy In Thick Glasses

Wayo's POV…

I shouldn't have worn those contact lenses for hours. Now my eyes are hurt and
turned a bit red which gave me no option but to go back wearing dorky glasses
at today's practice.

They'll laugh at me, I'm sure about that.

Geez! I really don't feel confident with these glasses on. I know I look different
between with and without glasses because I remember the last time on our first
meeting, P'Ging almost shooed me away from the studio because she didn't
recognize me as the Science Faculty Moon at all.

And I couldn't blame her and the rest. I look like a nerd on it. Last year, I decided
to stop wearing those glasses because my classmates kept on teasing me.

Come on, it doesn't look that bad, Yo. I was telling myself in front of the mirror
over and over again. It's only gonna be for one day and you can go back wearing
your contacts for the other days to come...

How I wish I don't need to wear them at all! this is so embarrassing.

Yeah. I spent the entire morning worrying about my looks that I arrived at the
practice studio late.

This day couldn't be far worse than I expect!

I rushed beside Nate and followed on the dance steps they are practicing on.
She beamed at me. Or was she smiling because I look damn funny?

Or was she smiling because I look damn funny?

Wait, where's Ming?

I found him on the other side, dancing with his partner.

I better go say hi.

I cowered behind the other Moons and Stars dancing and took his partner's place
without even asking permission. Now it looks like 2 stars and 2 moons paired
up for the practice.

"Ai'Ming." I whispered. "Is P'Pha here yet?"

My ever supportive best friend frowned at the question. "My friend, Yo khrub,
aren't you tired of the training yet?" He said sarcastically. "I hate you. You only
ask me about your handsome man whenever I see you."

"... He's not here yet." He went on. "We just started practicing, you know. Do
you think a handsome face like that who knows nothing but sit still would come
here this early?"

Ming was right. P'Pha only comes here being nice to everyone and meet new
friends treating kids with some sweet drinks.
Last night after buying some nonsense vitamins, (lucky there was that 24 hours
service pharmacy store who saved my ass from humiliation) we said goodbye
to each other at the third floor. I went up to my dorm on the fifth floor right
away. I was so sleepy and tired. It was the best I could get after sharing the same
umbrella with him and I'm very happy.

"Hey, why are you wearing your glasses?"

Yeah. I know he's gonna ask me that.

"I was wearing contacts for so long that my eyes hurt." I told him.

Ming's eyes suddenly glimmered. "Do you want to see the doctor? I can take
you there."

"How nice of you. Are you really that kind or you're just looking for a lame
excuse to skip practice?"

"You're so smart. You know me well." He said brightly.

"I'm alright. I'll be fine by tomorrow." (You lazy bastard!) There's no way I'm
skipping this practice.

Ming nudged me on my side to look at the person who just entered the hall.
"There... Your honey has arrived."

I turned my head right away hoping to see P'Pha but was disappointed to see
P'Pring instead, my greatest opponent. She looks so pretty on those shorts. Such
beautiful long legs she has. And she's quite sexy too.

"Damn you!" I gave Ming a piercing look but the idiot only smirked at me.

"She's very pretty today."

"Why don't you chase after her?"

"No way. My best friend hates her."

"Why is that? You only chase after the person I like?"

"Of course. You're my best buddy! If I'm going to like someone, you have to
like him too. That is my wish. Isn't that cool?" Ming pounded his chest proudly.

The dance master finally noticed us both having our little conversation while
doing the steps.

"What are you two chattering all about." She barked. "Everyone is practicing,
go back to your places!"

Ming pushed me back to my position beside Nate and began following the
routine sheepishly.

It didn't took long when P'Beam arrived in casual clothes and his usual cool
manner. He's waving at his friends who were at that time, watching us doing
our practice.

Behind him...

Oh no!

It was my P'Pha. He look so handsome as ever in his pair of long shorts and
Maroon Shirt. It looks simple yet with such a handsome face, it's how the way
a model should wear it. No one else can pull this off except him.
Uuurgh! I'm doomed! He shouldn't see me with these glasses on... What should
I do?
I was so afraid P'Pha will see me that I rushed behind Nate's back. I don't care
even if she's throwing that confused look at me while dancing.

No... Nate is too small for me to hide myself from him. I tiptoed behind the
others until I finally reached Ming and hid behind his back.

"Get off me, what are you doing?" He wailed. "You make me look weird with
you standing behind me. Stop it!"

"Ming, is there anything wrong on my face?" I asked, I'm still crooning behind
his back
"Ming, is there anything wrong on my face?" I asked, I'm still crooning behind
his back.


"What is it?"

"Your ugly face."

"Fuck you! Be serious!" I'm getting worried. I don't know how to act anymore
now that I notice P'Pha staring at me.

"Nothing, really." Said Ming. "Just your glasses."

Right. Damn these glasses!

Having these stupid pair of glasses made me look like a dork and I'm not
confident wearing it at all.

"P'Pha must really think I'm so ugly right now." I said miserably.
"Yo... Calm down. Now is not the right time to be a chicken chick. You're
thinking too much. Now go back to dance!" Ming snapped. "Quick!"

I slowly went back to my place, pretending I didn't see him at all and acted

I'm not looking at you, I don't love you...

Fuck! What's with that stare?

What does he want now?

Please kill me now. P'Pha will surely enjoy mocking me for a long time about
the glasses.
Urrrgh! Forget the fucking glasses! Just dance there Yo and stop staring at him
staring at you!


We were allowed fifteen minutes to take our break. I felt tired. I brought with
me my water jug and sat on one corner. The other moons were busy playing
with their phones or chatting with the stars but most of them threw the same
question at me - Why are you wearing glasses today?

Nate came and sat next to me.

"Yo, you look so cute with your glasses." She said brightly.

I felt my face turn red. Her voice sounded nice and sincere. "You really don't
have to comfort me." I told her. "I know I look ugly."

This is actually the first time I heard someone compliment me about my glasses.

"Of course not." She was staring at me. "I think you really look cute in it."

"Thank you." It was all I could say.

It didn't took long until we heard our dance master clap her hands loudly.

"Alright, everybody. It's time to get back to practice." She announced.

We got up and scurried back to our places. I tried looking for P'Pha around but
he's no longer at the studio. I felt relieved. I no longer have to worry about that
guy watching me. I can now push my 100% concentration on the dance practice.

But I'm sweating like a pig.

"Do you have a rubber band?" I asked Nate. "I want to tie my hair."

"Wait a second." She rushed to her bag and looked for something.
"Come here, let me help you." She said, urging me to come closer.

I leaned forward and bent myself a little, allowing Nate to make a small ponytail
on top of my head.

"You look so cute in it, Yo." She beamed.

Now I no longer need to slide my bangs up to keep it from blocking my eyes
which is annoying.

"Thank you."

The practice lasted until noon which was ended by the competition manager
making an announcement.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen... Go and grab some bite first. Today, a certain
person bought everyone free lunch. Let's give the "Star Of The College" from
last year a big round of applause!"

P'Prink waived at us.

Everyone clapped, except me.

"Hey, is she P'Pha's girlfriend?" One star behind us whispered to her partner.
Her voice is too loud for me not to hear it.

"Is that really true?"

"I think so. That's what the other stars are saying."

I felt bad hearing their conversation. I think my partner Nate have noticed it too.

P'Prink is a very nice girl. If it hadn't been because people call her 'P'Pha's
girlfriend', I might have liked her a lot but I don't think that's gonna happen

I sat crossed-legged on one corner. I don't feel like eating something that comes
from P'Prink at all.

P'Kit and P'Beam suddenly arrived with a lunch box.

"Hey! P'Kit, P'Beam... Sawadee Khrub." I greeted them.

"Why are you so depressed? You look funny. Hahaha." P'Kit snorted, he was
looking at the ponytail dangling on my head.

"Here's your food."

"Thank you."

It's quite strange to see them both here today because they weren't part of the

"What are you doing here, P's?" I asked politely. Where is P'Pha?

P'Kit rolled his eyes. "We were forced to be here by that jerk Ai'Pha."

P'Beam also handed me over a large cup of frozen pink milk. "Here's your

I smiled and thanked them both. Pink Milk is my favorite since I was a kid but
I wonder how did they know. Very people knew about it except...

"Buddies, you should let him have food first." P'Pha suddenly came out of
nowhere. "He doesn't have enough time."

"Alright. We're gonna go now." P'Kit said but before leaving, he and P'Beam
played on my ears and toyed on the small ponytail I have on my head. Since
when did we got this close?

P'Pha looks right at me after they left. "Care to say 'thank you' at least?"

"Why should I?"

"That cup came from me."

"I thought P'Beam bought it."

He seemed a bit mad but didn't say anything. He just walked away with his
friends. I have no idea what they're talking about but it looks like they were
teasing him.
"What was that all about?" I almost jumped on my seat when Ming popped out
the question, he really likes popping out anywhere without me noticing.

"What are you trying to say?"

"I don't have any idea what kind of trick these doctors are trying to pull."

"Just shut your mouth." I told him.

Ming handed me another box of food - the one P'Pring bought for us. "This is
yours. Two boxes, let's eat."

I took the first box P'Kit and P'Beam brought me because they seem to taste
better. My friend is eyeing on my Pink Milk I laid on the floor.

"Give me a sip." He didn't even wait for me to say anything and took the cup
right away. This guy is disgusting.

I better hide it before he drinks all of it. Afterall, P'Pha bought it for me.

"What a miser." Ming complained but I simply ignored him.

"Sorry kids, the electric fans are broken." One of the staff announced so they
need to use large conjugated plastic boards as fans to make wind for us. What
a nice treat! "They'll be fixed in the afternoon."

Wait a minute... This is way too strong for a normal wind. I couldn't eat well
because my lunch box keeps on flipping. I can feel it on my top ponytail too.

What the heck?

I looked up and saw P'Pha was the one waving the plastic board on my back.
The wind is too strong I couldn't even open my eyes because my glasses kept
on moving out of it.

"Feeling good?"

Are you kidding me? I couldn't even eat at this state! You idiot!

"If you wave this hard, I'd rather have none." Actually, the reason why I couldn't
eat anymore because this jerk is standing right behind me. I'm really not mad.
Am I rather shy?
"Just keep eating." He urged.

"How am I supposed to eat my lunch if you keep on blowing this hard?"

Waving waving waving...

This is crazy. He doesn't stop but instead, he keeps blowing harder and harder.

"Do you want me to feed you?" His smirk is as handsome as hell.

What an ass!

"Hey, stop it! Give it to me." I saw P'Forth walked towards us and snatched the
board from P'Pha. "You asshole. Go sit there, I'll take it from here."

"Hi, P'Forth. Sawadee khrub." I greeted.

"Hey, sawadee. Keep eating, Nong'Yo. You're too skinny. What are you going
to do if they ask you to take your shirt off during the show?"

"What?! No way!"

"I'll talk to the manager and ask you to go shirtless."


P'Forth was laughing hard. I like this funny side of his which makes him even
more cool than the usual.

P'Pha seems annoyed and walked away with a sulked face. I wonder why? Then
P'Pring approached him and handed a glass of water probably to calm him
down. She's taking very good care of this jerk, eh?

Damn... I don't like it.

"What are you doing, Yo? Finish your meal na." P'Forth said.

"Yes, P'."

I know P'Pha is a jerk most of the time but I still remember the number of cups
he brought me in the past. All I want to do now is yell at him and tell him to
stop being nice to me and giving me false hopes.
It only causes me a lot of pain hoping and hurting.

I'm wondering why these Medical Hotties are still here. It's almost dark outside
and we're almost done with the practice. Under normal circumstances, P'Pha
comes in and leaves early. But what about today?

Well, somehow the good thing about it is that whenever they are here, people
seems to enjoy seeing their hot and handsome faces around and the atmosphere
turns lively.

I know it because I felt the same way too.

At 7:00pm, the staff escorted us to a large auditorium which is located at the

west side of the university grounds. It's a very large hall which can hold up to
20,000 people in it.

"This is where we hold the competition." Said P'Yoon, the ground coordinator,
as she toured us around the site. "So you guys know that we're still here to
compete, understood?"

I'm starting to feel scared imagining 20,000 people watching me perform in

front of the stage. I have never done anything like this before.

All of us were awed at the sight of the grand interior but we couldn't be more
shocked to hear the competition manager's announcement that night.

"Listen carefully, ladies and gentlemen. There is one important section in the
competition you need to know. Everyone gather around before I make this very
important announcement."

We were staring at her waiting to drop the bomb.

"All here? Good. Now, listen carefully. Everyone is going to perform his or her
special talent during the competition night."

"... Each one will be given 3 minutes to perform and you need to tell me what
will it be because we have to prepare for the props."

She paused, waiting for any possible questions. "... Did you get what I'm
We were looking at each other both worried and confused.

"No more questions? Then let's wrap up from here. Oh! And don't forget to be
here tomorrow, same time, same place. Fight everyone!"
We all bid our goodbyes to each other. Ming and I were left behind trying to
absorb what we had just heard.

"What should we do?" I asked my friend who doesn't seem to be bothered about
the news at all.

He just looked at me with his stupid face.

The Unexpected Invitation

Wayo's POV…

"What are we going to do?" I looked at my friend anxiously who doesn't seem
to be bothered by the announcement at all.

We were told to perform our special talent during the competition night and I
suck at it.

"I think I can do some Muai Thai Dance. That's easy." He replied.

Great! No wonder. Ming has his own special talent too!

"What about you?" He asked me. "You look pressured."

"Ming... is sleeping a talent?"

"I dunno. Why don't you just read your "One Piece" mangga all the way
through? Maybe it'll work."


"I was just kidding! You're so naive. Shesh."

"Then I don't know what I should do during the talent night."

Yeah, I'm hopeless. But I wonder why Ming's smile faded a bit. He seems to be
looking at someone behind me.

I whirled around and saw P'Pha heading this way. Oh no! Not now! I'm
sweating as a pig and I don't think I smell good at all!

Oh no! Not now! I'm sweating as a pig and I don't think I smell good at all!

Ming patted my shoulder and headed for the toilet. "I'll be back."

No, Ming! Please don't leave me with this jerk again!

I looked up and P'Pha was standing right in front of me. Sheesh! Why do I look
so short whenever I'm near this guy?
"Are you planning to stay here up until tomorrow?" He asked me in his usual


"Want to go home with me? I drove my car here."


"Hey, are you coming or what?"

Slap! Wake up Yo! Stop daydreaming about this handsome guy next to you!

"Co... Coming..." I uttered.

I'm still in shock, stunted and jaw dropped... I look like an idiot staring blankly
at his face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"What do you want from me? Are you trying to prank me with some funny

"I'll smack you with my baseball bat. That's what I'm planning to do. Stupid. So
do you really want to go home with me or not?"

"Sure... Sure... Yes! I want to go home with you." I stuttered.

Stupid! Wake up, you idiot!

"I'll wait by the car." He turned and left.

What was that all about but... Oh my gosh! P'Pha wants to give me a ride?!
Please slap me now. I must be dreaming...

"Buddy, done talking?" Ming popping up behind me again brought me back to

my senses. "Look at your face. You must be very happy." He teased.

So it's true then. P'Pha did asked me for a ride on the way home with him...

"Hey, don't look at me like that. No need to thank me..." Ming teased. He was
about to slip my bag off my shoulder to carry it himself but I pulled back.
"I can't go with you." I told him.


I couldn't hide my face from turning pink before him. "P'Pha's gonna give me a
ride." I said it in a whispered tone.
Ming is grinning widely with his eyes twinkling at me. "Sheeeeet! I feel
goosebumps all over my body. What does he try to pull now? Being your loyal

"I wonder why he suddenly became interested to take you home?" He went on.
"Could this be part of his scheme since he gave you that Pink Milk?"

"I don't know either. Wait... Aren't you supposed to be an expert for this stuff?"

Ming shrugged. "Just do your best, Yo."

"He's so weird. Why he does this today when I'm on my ugliest look ever?" I'm
still bothered about my glasses and I suddenly got this invitation from him.

"I don't think so. It's cute and looks good on you." It was a strange comment
from Ming. "I heard a lot of guys telling me about you lately, you know. I even
have to act like a mean winged man to block them from coming near you."

He got to be kidding me. There's no way those guys will think these nerdy
glasses look 'cute' on me.

I pulled my shirt and sniffed on it. "Do I smell bad?"

Ming shook his head. "Don't waste your time here with me. Now go!"

I bid my friend goodbye and hurried downstairs as fast as I could. I don't want
him to be mad waiting for me so long.

Damn! I feel so nervous right now. I'll try my best not to go jumping and kissing
him tonight.
"What took you so long?" I change my mind now. I'm sure I'm not kissing this
asshole tonight.

"I had a little chat with Ming." I said honestly.

"Hop in! I'm hungry."

What?! A dinner and ride back home? I'm starting to believe my glasses are
bringing me some luck today.
And I'm next to his Audi!!! Gosh! I want to take a picture of me with it and post
it in Facebook so that people will die of envy right now.

"Ai'Shorty, what are you doing?"


"Get in!" He snapped and I complied.

This is awkward. Me sitting next to P'Pha in his expensive car.

"What would you like to eat?" He asked, probably to break the silence between

"Seriously, what's going on? Why are you..."

"Nothing. I just want to return you the favor from helping last night."

"Oh, I see."

I'm so glad I brought my umbrella with me last night.

"So what do you want to eat nah?"

"Should it be up to me? No... It should be up to you."

"I have this 'Kids first' policy."

What the heck? I'm not a kid! I'm 18 years old!

"I'm actually fine with anything." I murmured. (Anything that you want is fine
with me.)

"I know a good restaurant somewhere."

I just nodded. I may look quiet the whole time with him but truth is, my heart
is screaming all over.
Oh my Gee! I can't believe this is happening! I'm sitting with P'Pha, spoiled by
P'Pha, P'Pha letting me pick the food for our dinner together... Can somebody
tell me if I'm in heaven now? Trust me, I can talk about this for weeks!

I'm trying to distract myself by checking on the inside of his Audi. It's so neat
and clean. It smells good too, smells expensive. I want to remember every detail
and I guess he might have noticed me roaming my head everywhere observing
his car's interior.

"Studying science suits you well." He mentioned. "I don't know if I should call
it being curious or being observant."

"Nice of you not to call it being 'nosy' instead."

"I don't want to sound rude."

Yeah... Like he hadn't been rude to me since the first day I come to see him

His phone rang all of a sudden which he laid on the armrest. He glanced at it
for a while but left it as it is once he saw the unknown number showing on the

"Why don't you answer it?" I asked.


"Why not?"

The phone keeps on ringing non stop.

"Answer it. It could be an emergency or something very important."

"Why don't you answer it for me. I'm driving." P'Pha suggested.

"Are you kidding? It's your call, not mine."

"Give it a try then. Go on."

He was very persistent and so was the one calling so I decided to pick up the
phone for him.
"Sawadee Khrub."

"Pha, what are you doing?" It was a girl's voice. She sounds funny. I dunno
what to do so I tried to look at him but he's kind of smiling a little at the corner
of his mouth.


"Why didn't you pick up my call, baby? Are you busy? Someone told me that
you stayed at the Moon and Stars Competition Meeting all day. Are you tired,

"Well... Actually..." Why does her voice sounds like that?

"If you're tired... I can help... Still staying at the same old apartment? I can help
you relax..."

Her words left me horrorstruck. What does 'helping him relax' supposed to


"Oh doing fun stuff. It's free. I'm not charging you at all."

What the fu!!!

My jaws dropped with so much astonishment that I almost dropped the phone I
was holding. Good thing I remembered it wasn't mine.
A girl is willing to sleep with him by calling him but this jerk here acts like
nothing happens?!


Wait... I shouldn't blame P'Pha. It's his personality. This girl is the one offering
herself to a guy like there's no dignity left in her so she's the bad person here.

"That's okay, khrub." I said flatly. "Thanks for your offer. P'Pha doesn't like
free cheap stuffs though."

"Stop calling from now on."

"Hey! I don't want to talk to you. Where's Pha? I want to speak to him."

"You got it?"

"Who are you? Where's Pha?! Why are you using his phone?"

"A very close brother of his. Got it? Bye now."

I hung up the phone with her still yelling and cursing on the other line. I was
still in shock as I hand the phone back to P'Pha.
"Why on earth would a girl do something like that? And how did she even get
your number?" I didn't realize I was almost yelling at him like a jealous wife.


"You know it's dangerous, right? What if you're too h-o-r-n-y and you suddenly
say yes to her? What's gonna happen?"



"Calm down." Is he even smiling? What's with that grin in his stupid face?

Oh no! I'm making it such a big deal. Please bury me now!

"Err... It's our country's big problem you know... And... The world as well. Yes.
It's gonna be a big problem for you too. You need to cut yourself from these
kind of people."

"I already said 'no' to her a lot of times." P'Pha said. "But she keeps on insisting."

"Don't you know how to block her phone number?"

"I already did but she keeps on changing her numbers from time to time."

"You should change your phone number then." I suggested.


".... Calm down, khrub."

Once again, I've lost my temper in front of him.

"If you get another call like this one... Let me know."


"I'll answer them for you." I said sheepishly.

They can go to hell. I'm not letting those girls talk to him like this anymore.

Funny P'Pha didn't show any sign of protest when I told him that. I was
blabbering like some paranoid girlfriend and look at him, smiling at me and all.


At the restaurant...

Sometimes I feel like I want to slap my face for a couple of times

Sometimes I feel like I want to slap my face for a couple of times. I'm now
sitting in front of the guy I've been in love with for years and I don't even know
what to speak to him. The same handsome guy sitting right there looking at the
menu to order for our dinner.
He's oozing with so much charm that it gets a lot of attention from those 1adies
staring at him since we arrived. They might be wondering what the heck am I
doing with him.

If you feel jealous that I'm with him, please... Be my guest. Envy as much as
you can. I'll be more than happy.

"You know which food you want to order now?" He asked.


"Hurry up."
"Don't rush me, okay? I want.... Omelette with minced pork, Mixed Vegetable
Stir Fried and Sweet and Sour Stir Fry." I said, checking on the menu carefully.

I was expecting for the waitress to take my order but when I turned my gaze at
her, she was just standing there, staring stupidly at P'Pha like her soul had gone
for a vacation or something.

Oh dear, another victim of this idiot's handsomeness.

"P' khrub... I'd like to order please."

She flinched the moment she heard me call her attention.

"Oh! I'm sorry, what is it again?" She asked apologetically.

I repeated my order to her.

"Those are baby meals." P'Pha pointed out teasingly.

He's making fun of me.

"Then what are you going to order?" I asked.

"I'll have Tofu, ground pork in clear soup."

"It's almost the same as mine."

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing..." I lied. "I was just saying... That's kind'a yummy."

Yeah, right... Tofu in clear soup is not even a baby meal at all. That's how I
found out he's not into spicy seafood too.

I really don't know what's wrong with that waitress who took our order. We
kept on repeating what we have to say because she always looks so lost staring
at P'Pha that I almost want to slap the menu at her face to wake her up.

Another dead air comes in between us both while waiting for the food. This is
the worst day of my life! I'm so not ready to go to a date with P'Pha. I have
spent numerous nights dreaming about this special day to come and how I want
to look my best on that day.
And here I am now! Look at my face and my outfit. Why didn't you ask me on
the other days when I was dressed well and didn't sweat like a pig?

"So... What will you perform on the talent show?" Great! Thank you for asking
me about that just to kill the dead air time. If we're going to sit here quite for a
little bit longer, I'll probably start talking to him about my favorite 'One Piece'

"I don't know yet."

"That's what I thought." Huh! Thank you for the sarcasm. "But you have to
come up with something that can be used. Think carefully."

What can I do? Dad pushed me to join a lot of classes when I was a kid. He was
worried that I'm not gonna have any friends but still, I'm not good at anything
at all.
Unless... It's not that I'm good at it but if you count it as something I know how
to do...

"I know how to play the piano." I blurted.

"Great! That's it."

"Hey, are you serious? I need to practice."

P'Pha pondered for a moment then muttered something. "Do you want my

I looked at him curiously when I noticed the waitress is back with the omelet
but didn't put it at the table at all. She was again, lost in her thoughts staring at
P'Pha that I have to forcefully yank the plate from her hand to wake her up.

"Do you really want to help me?" A smart person needs to make a double check.

P'Pha looks straight into my eyes. Please don't look at me like that, unless you
want to devour me.

"You need my help... Otherwise, you'll be dead."

Good answer. But do you really have to insult me out of it?

"You're lucky because they're planning to use a grand piano this year for the
opening ceremony."

"Really? Cool!" P'Pha looks at me again making a curious face. I have to make
a sound clearing my throat to get his attention.

"But where will you practice playing the piano?" I didn't see that question

"You said you'll help me..."

"I will... But it's not for free." He puts in.

Now he's back to being a genius smart ass. I should have known!

"What do you want then?" You couldn't have my heart because it's already
"Hmmm..." He rubbed his chin while pondering. Fuck! Even pondering and
being silent can make him look perfect and handsome! "What should it be huh?"

Fuck! Even pondering and being silent can make him look perfect and
handsome! "What should it be huh?"

I'm still looking right at him curiously.

"Let's do this... Be my servant until the day of the competition."

That's easy. You have no idea how much I want to stay close to you. You make
this offer yourself. Watch out, you handsome P'Pha... This tiger will eat you
alive once it's hungry enough. Hahahah!

"No problem. Deal!" I replied and started with my dinner.

"You're weird."

"What?" I stopped and looked at him.


"What is it now?"

"I said nothing."

"You always blame me of something."

"Don't make yourself anyone different. You always do that to me too."


"Can I eat now?"

"Yes, please... Master P'." I said sarcastically.

I thought it would be hard being around him this close but it turns out that I can
be myself too. I don't have to worry about saying anything stupid. Could it be
because I'm starting to notice him no longer being an 'asshole' to me? Or is it
because of me starting to become less 'asshole' to him?

Back at the dorm...

"Be at my room tomorrow by 7:00AM." It was like a command coming from

Master P'Pha to his servant Wayo.

"What?" For crying out loud, that's too early. "Why? My dance practice starts
at 9:00AM."

"But I have a class at 8:00AM."

"You still have a class?"

"We're starting a new block." He said.

Thank God I didn't choose to become a Med Student!

"What do you want me to do that early?" I can jump on you and take the
responsibility of being married to you... You know that?

"I want you to arrange some sheets for me. I need to give a few of them to the

"Does it have to be tomorrow?"

"Why are you complaining? You're my servant, remember?"

I sighed. "Yes, sir. I understand, sir."

I think he's still being an asshole to me. Yeah. That's right!

We went to our separate dorms - mine is at the fifth floor so i still have to climb
a few more stairs from his.
Sigh... Such a tiring yet happy day! I could sleep in peace for tonight and dream
about the first date I had with P'Pha, my P'Phana....
Kit's Little Secret

Kit's POV...

This is the most hilarous story I've ever seen or heard...

Who would think that the most genius person I know can be this stupid when it
comes to love?
He's just right there, right in front of your stupid face but you, Ai'Pha... You
couldn't even remember him! I'm fighting the urge to laugh out loud for so many
times but I don't want Beam to think that I'm crazy.

It's hard not to snort whenever I see Ai'Pha around Nong'Yo without knowing
he's the one he's been looking for all this time.
I know what's inside my friend's heart: He's still madly in love with Nong'Yo.
The only thing is, we don't know what Nong'Yo thinks of him now. I'm not sure
about it. Nevertheless, I knew back in high school that he did fell in love with
my best friend the same way how my best friend fell in love with him.

"Ai'Pha, my dear friend."

It was the same day I saw Nong'Yo for the first time after a year in his
apartment. I stopped by at Ai'Pha's room to get my watch that I left there the
other day. I was on my way to hang out with him and several guys from other
faculties when I bumped into the now stunningly handsome kid along the

"Ai'Kit. Did you get your watch?"

"Yep. Right here." I showed him the watch around my wrist. I also met your
Nong'Yo at your apartment. I didn't recognize him at first but yeah, I
remembered his not-so-tall figure right away.

How couldn't I? Ai'Pha used to force us to watch over that skinny little boy back
in high school. Me and Beam who happened to be a victim too.

But it's very funny you couldn't recognize Nong'Yo at all. I understand the little
guy became such an adorable angel that I wouldn't mind pursuing him myself
if Ai'Pha wouldn't have been my friend. But come on, Pha? How couldn't you
remember the only boy you love?

Ai'Beam handed me a glass of whiskey as soon as I landed my ass on the couch

next to them inside the bar.

We were surrounded by our other friends and the conversation started about
everything from school, sports, women, and other men until I finally got a
chance to talk with Pha alone.

"Hey, Ai'Pha."

"What's up?"

"Do you still remember Nong'Wayo?"

I notice him choke at his drink hearing the name. It has this 'sensitive high
power effect' towards his feelings. Beam and I know about it. We always use it
as a joke to get him.


"Just answer me... Do you still remember him?"

"Of course." He replied slowly. "Just because I don't mention it doesn't mean I
already forgot about it." He seems to avoid the conversation and drawn himself
to drink some more.

I remember how mad he was when he lost contact with that Nong right after
our graduation. We don't know what happened. But he just disappeared on the
same day Phana was ready to confess his feelings for him.

"I got his phone number." I blurted.

As what I expect, Pha looks at me with his crazy eyes. "HOW?"

"A friend of his friend gave it to me." I lied. I already gave Nong'Yo my word
not to tell him. So I'm keeping my promise.

I can see Ai'Pha's hand a little bit shaky. I bet he wants to take my phone so
badly and save Wayo's contact number into his phone but he seems to be
keeping himself from doing it. Seriously, dude. I know how crazy you are

"Do you want it?" I teased, wriggling my brows at him so he can finally call
Nong'Wayo and ask him to be his boyfriend already.



"I don't know." No kidding. He really look serious. "He may have changed..."

How do you know? Nong'Yo asked me to keep it a secret because he still have
his feelings for Ai'Pha, doesn't he? Maybe he wants him to recognize Nong'Yo

"It shouldn't matter... Right?" I told him. "As long as you still feel the same for
him, that should already be enough..."

He didn't say anything.

"So you're gonna leave your second chance slip from your hand again?"

"Ai'Pha, drink some more!" Our other friends called out, interrupting our
conversation. We didn't mention about the topic anymore after that.

... But tonight, I notice him drinking a lot more than the usual.

... Until he's finally drunk. I let him play around with my phone. If I know better,
he must have tried calling Nong'Yo but I'm sure no one will pick it up. Of
course, it's 3:00AM my friend!

I wonder what will you do if you find out that the asshole freshman you always
fight with at the Moon and Star Competition is your 'Wayo', Ai'Pha. I swear I'm
going to laugh it out loud at your face. Hahah!
Honestly, I'm having the urge to tell him so bad but I also want him to find it
out himself. Just him without the pimples and glasses.
You genius, straight A Med Student couldn't even recognize a person. So

We had this 'Endocrine Gland' Quiz only recently. Ai'Pha made the top score.
Beam and I only got 25 or something out of 30. The quiz is so fucking difficult!
But for him, it was nothing. It's weird though. He acts so strange. He's kind'a
extremely happy about the result that he even asked permission from our
professor to make a copy of the score report sheet.

"I never saw him acting like this before

"I never saw him acting like this before." Beam whispered to my ear. "He
always gets the top score for so many times but I wonder why he's so happy."

"Something strange is going on indeed." I answered back.

"What's going on?" I asked Pha. "You look so happy."

"Well... It's nothing."

"Come on, spit it out."

"... Just going to have some Sushi."

Right. I heard him complaining about it for almost a month now. We've been
too busy lately.

"With whom?" Beam is getting curious.

"Nong'Yo, the freshman. The Moon from Science Faculty." I guessed out loud.

Ai'Pha looks right at me with a shocked face. "How did you know about that?"

Asshole, how wouldn't I?

"We've noticed you're being with him a lot lately. Are you trying to date him?"


"Have you already forgotten your Nong'Wayo?"

I sound like an idiot. I know they are just the same guy but I have to pretend
they're actually not.
"No." Ai'Pha replies, his face turned serious.

"Then you shouldn't be dating anyone just because they look alike." I warned
We already talked about it before about Nong'Yo's similarity with Nong'Wayo.
But it's only Beam and I who are 100% sure about it and we agreed not telling
him at all until he finds the truth himself.

We're not idiots like this Ai'Pha even though we couldn't get the top score and
we don't want him to think that Nong'Yo from the Science faculty is just a
'substitute' for his high school sweetheart.

But fuck! When will you recognize him?

"Help me." He said, getting back his senses. "I need someone else to take me to
the Sushi House so I can cancel my 'appointment' with him."

"Hey! Why us?"

"Because you're my friends."

Damn you asshole. You always need your friends when you're in trouble.

I can still remember that rainy night he called me just to ask about his 'shorty'
being nearsighted which almost led him to conclude his suspicion regarding
Nong'Yo and his Wayo being the same. Yet he still dropped the issue because
he said it's impossible knowing his Wayo was 'ugly' compared to Nong'Yo
who's adorably 'beautiful'.

He's such an idiot, right? Unbelievable! He even ended our conversation by

dragging me and Beam to accompany him for next day's practice like we were
his bodyguards.

The next day, I ended waking up late. What would you expect? We're not
supposed to have any classes today but shia! I could imagine Ai'Pha's scary look
whenever he asks us to do something we don't want to do. And why this early
for Pete's sake?
It only took me thirty minutes to shower and change clothes because I don't
want that idiot to keep pestering my phone by calling but it's quite strange.
Normally, he would call like crazy because he couldn't stand staying at one
place alone.

My phone rang. Oh there he is!

But it was Beam calling.

"Hey, Beam. I'm almost there." I greeted.

"Hurry up, Ai'Kit. I don't want you to miss this. You should see Ai'Pha's face!"

"What? What's going on?"

"Just come here quick! It's a big surprise." He said on the other line.

I'm starting to get worried. I don't know if it's a good or bad surprise Beam is
talking about.

I drove to reach the university as fast as I could. The moment I arrived, I saw
Pha walking out of the studio looking dumbstruck.

He's acting weird.

"What's the matter?"

Beam comes out of the studio and pulls me inside.

"What?" It's only the kids practicing their dance steps. There's nothing unusual
going on.

"Look over there." He points to a guy... To Nong'Yo.

"Shia!" I cursed. "Yo's wearing glasses today."

He's totally Nong'Wayo. The Wayo we came to know back in high school
except he's more good looking with nice haircut, lighter skin toned and well
dressed. His pimples and braces are totally gone and were replaced by those
fluffy rosy white cheeks!
It wasn't really a surprise for me and Beam but the surprise hit our 'Great Phana'
to a 'Damaged Level.'

"Are you alright?" It's funny seeing him standing there still shocked.
"I'm such an idiot."

Beam and I could no longer stop ourselves from bursting our laughter. Look at
your face, you idiot! Hahaha!

"I just thought he looks very much like him but... Damn!"

"How do you feel now?" Beam joins me in teasing him.

Pha looks back inside the room again and stared at the boy in thick glasses
fondly. "I miss him." He's about to cry but I guess it's because he was very
happy to see him back.

I felt a bit guilty seeing his pitiful look.

"So what are you going to do now?"

"What can I do? I've been such an asshole to him for so long. How can I talk to
him in a nice way from now on?"

"Of course. You're being a jerk to him because you like him."

"I... I don't know what to do."

Poor Pha. He totally has no clue.

"You have to do something." I told him. "If you won't do anything... There will
be a lot of guys who'll make their way to take him away from you."

"Ai'Forth for example." Beam added.

"He's cute."

"Of course, he's cute. Don't you think other guys wouldn't notice it too?"


"Fight for it... You don't want to loose him again, do you?"

"And this time, you have to grab him with full strength. We don't want to listen
to your whining anymore!"
Ai'Pha makes a serious face for a couple of minutes before walking out of the

"Where are you going?"

"I'll go buy Pink Milk." He said.

Broken Promise

Wayo's POV…

The next morning...

I was so damn excited to see P'Pha that I set my alarm to wake up at 5:00AM.
I got up, took my shower, dressed up, put my contacts on and voila! I finished
around 6:00AM which is an hour earlier than I expect. Shia!

If this is just a simple dance practice I would have woke up at 8:30AM and
leave for that all I care.

Well, I guess I still have time to take a short nap, don't I? I'm still sleepy because
I stayed up a little bit late last night picking up the song for my Piano show. I
want to choose the best because I don't want to be a disappointment for the
Science Faculty.

Yeah... Just a short nap.


"Shia!" I jumped out of bed, seeing the clock's longer finger pointing 15 mins
past 7 o'clock in the morning.
Fuck me! I'm late! I rushed for the door and hurried down to the third floor. I
made sure my breath still smells fresh and my hair properly groomed before
knocking at room number three.

I closed my eyes, preparing myself to be yelled at when I heard the door open.

Fuck! I fought the urge to gasp a curse. P'Pha looks stunningly handsome in his
school uniform. He looks so neat in those white long sleeves that were folded
to the elbows; no necktie, wet, messy and sexy hair. Damn! I feel my legs
starting to get numb just by looking at him.

How can he be this handsome every single minute, eh?

"Get in." He said coldly, walking back to his bedroom.

I got so nervous. His room is almost as big as mine but the interior looks more
luxurious and elegant. He must have hired an interior designer to arrange his
room for him. It has a basketball theme with the huge mural poster of LA Lakers
on the wall. If this is my room, I would ask to have my wall a huge mural poster
of One Piece on it. I can stay here for the whole day.

"Where are the sheets?" I asked him.

P'Pha points at a gigantic pile of papers on his study desk. There are too many!
I was so shocked to see such an enormous pile of sheets he left for me to do for

No wonder he asked me to be his slave for more than a week.

"I know what you think." He said. "You don't have to finish it. Just do as much
as you can."

He walks back inside the bedroom leaving me staring at the papers one by one.
They were everything from the human face to single-cell-like organisms.

I turned to look at him inside his room drying his hair... I don't think I could
take this... I'm like a wife doing all the housework while my husband is getting
ready to go to work early in the morning.

Hey! Why do I have to be the wife here?

"What are you staring at?" He must have seen me looking at him through the

"Trying to find out the secret to my handsomeness?"

Shit! I shouldn't have looked at him.

"Wanna know?"

I pretended like I don't give a damn but truth is, I'm ready to hear it. Who
knows? I might follow his footsteps being the most handsome guy in the

"First of all... You have to be born handsome."

What a conceited asshole! Such a waste of time! I shouldn't have listened but I
still couldn't stop myself from trying to catch a glimpse of him again.

Did he just smile? I didn't exactly see it but I swear I saw him smiling awhile
ago. He stopped right after I looked at him.

What the fuck! He's so handsoooome!!!

I know what I saw. It's his lips curve into a smile, I swear it before these
digestive system sheets in front of me. He really smiled at me. If I were a girl,
I would have screamed out loud by now.
"Let me see how it goes..." He walks toward me and kneels behind my back,
almost hugging me.

"Why is it you mixed these colon sheets with the intestine ones? You're
supposed to be majoring Biology, right?"

I can smell his expensive scent. It's killing me. It's like my vision is starting to
blur. This must be his love potion. Now I'm even messier, I no longer know
what I'm doing.

"I'm starting to doubt if this will really gonna work..."

I have to clear my throat to pull myself back and concentrate with what I'm
doing. "Go away. I can handle this."

"Can I trust you? If the freshmen happen to get the wrong sheets, it will confuse

"These are sophomore sheets. They won't be using it until next year."

"Better for it to be sorted as early as now."

"Khrub... I'm working on it." I said.

It would have been a lot better if you weren't in this room.

I thought it was very easy. Truth is, it's not. I don't think I can finish it. There
are way too many sheets around here.
I wonder why he needs to give these papers to the freshmen by the way? There
are hardly extra notes on them. It's just almost like a copy that was printed out
of the lecture slides. How can these sheets be useful, eh?

Anyway, it's not my business so I just went on with the work.

"Please don't forget to separate the subjects, also for first years and second

Do you know what he's doing? He's sitting on the couch playing games on his

Such a handsome master!

It's almost 8:00AM. He grabs his car key, slings his bag on his shoulder and
stands in front of me.

"What are you doing? We're leaving." He said.


"You have dance practice to go to, right?"

"It's only 8:00AM. The practice starts at 9."

"I'll give you a ride."


"Go get your bag and I'll wait downstairs. Be there in 5 minutes."

Right. He loves bossing me around. The moment I closed his room's door, I ran
as fast as I could to get my bag and see him downstairs. This must look funny
for him. I didn't see him smile this time though but I'm sure he will.

He doesn't like anyone seeing him smiling.

Anyway, P'Pha is giving me a ride and I'm so happy right now. This is another
perfect day for me.
I was in such a hurry that I almost tripped on one of the stairs. This stupid
apartment doesn't have any elevator at all. We have to use the stairs for Pete's

And why am I even worried about getting late? There's no point, is it?

Well, as they say... Too much excitement may cause you harm. And that's what
I felt the moment I arrived downstairs on my way to P'Pha's car.

P'Pring is there and she's ready to leave too. She smiled at me and I bow a little
to greet her.

"Yo... I have to give Pring a ride." He said in his usual monotone voice.

I hate his car now. It's the expensive type but there are only two seats available.

I don't know but I feel like I failed again.


P'Pha opens the door for P'Pring and looks at me a bit before he gets into the
car and drives away.

All I can do is ask myself the same question. "What's the point of hurrying


But then... Seeing the picture of them together... Really hurts...

At the Practice Hall...

"Hey, whats wrong with you?" Ming nudged me on my side.

He must have noticed me sulking for almost an hour on one of the empty
benches along the corridor.

"Nothing." I lied.

"I can tell that you're upset right now so better spit it out." Sometimes I really
hate Ming for knowing exactly what I feel.
"Have you decided what to do for the talent show?" It wasn't really the reason
why I'm upset but I hope he buys it.

"Oh, it's not that hard." Ming stood up and showed a few of his Muai Thai

"I'll do Muai Thai Dance." He said confidently. "Girls dig for macho guys. To
be honest, I really don't wish for anything else during the competition. Just
winning the 'Most Popular Award' amongst the girls would be enough."

Yeah... I almost forgot my best friend loves the attention he gets from those

"And as for you my friend, you can have the 'Most Popular Award' amongst the
boys." He teased.

"Is there even such an award for that?"

"No." Ming laughs. "Now, can you tell me what made you upset like that?"

I'm not going to say anything.

"What happened?"

Yeah. This is Ming alright. So I finally told him everything from the dinner, the
servant deal, P'Pha's offer to help me practicing the piano, arranging sheets for
him and finally leaving me alone outside the dorm because he drove P'Pring to
school instead.

"Right... That's quite a long story." Ming concluded. "I totally understand you...
but you have no freaking right to claim P'Pha at all... You only have the right
to be upset."

"You understand the situation, right? It's like he's giving me a high hope by
promising me a ride, but he also destroyed those hopes with his own hands and
goes with P'Pring... It hurts, Ming."

"Yo..." Ming gave me his rare serious look. "You have to carefully distinguish
the difference between hope and expectation..."
His words trailed off. Then he wound his arm around my shoulders like he
usually does. "Well, at the very least... You still get to be his servant for several
more days."

"I can only be his servant. But P'Pring is..."

"She's only another person who also loves P'Pha, just like you."

"I don't know... I feel like I'm fighting a loosing battle here." That's the truth
inside my deep feelings.

Ming shakes his head. "Ai'Yo, my friend. You are so much better than this.
We've been friends since we were toddlers. For you, this is just nothing, but for
the meantime... You also have to be patient."

He stood up and held out his hand. "Let's go practice. I'll buy you a snack."

I took it and went with him inside the practice hall.

"Don't worry, Ai'Yo. I'll always be by your side." His words are more than
enough to make me smile a bit.

I tried to concentrate hard during practice but my body doesn't seem to

cooperate. This time, we are practicing walking on the runway and I screwed
up many times doing it.

Ming seems to enjoy it a lot because he's very good at it. I wouldn't be surprised
since it will give him a plus from those girls' attention showing off his handsome
face and gorgeous body.

As for me, I suck. I was even reprimanded once by the instructor because I kept
on turning the wrong direction and even bumped on other moons while walking
but I didn't care. My mind is not with me and is floating somewhere else.

We didn't get any free meals for lunch today unlike the other days so we have
to go out on our own to have lunch outside.

"Hey, Ai'Ming, Yo." It's Suthee, the current Moon of the Medicine Faculty. "Do
you want to eat with us behind the university?"

Ming hesitated for a bit. "Behind the university you say? But that's quite far.
You guys go ahead."
He and the other Moons nodded and went on their way. But Ming seem to
change his mind after seeing P'Forth walking towards us.

"Hey, buddy." He looks at me with a guilty face. "I don't think I can go with
you today. I went to drink with P'Forth last night. He asked my help for him to
court you and I couldn't say no."

"You what?" I asked in shock.

"I dunno. Just act normal." He sounded weird.

We both greeted him as soon as he stopped before us.

"Going for lunch?"


"Let's go together."

"Hey, P'... I can't go with you." Ming said. "Those guys invited me to eat with
them behind the university."

Didn't you just refuse Ai'Suthee's invitation, did you?

"I need to hurry." Before he left, he whispered "I'm sorry" on my ear and ran
after the other Moons who had just left.

The idiot just pushed me to go with P'Forth who's now smiling at me.

What's wrong with Ming? I think he's playing some prank on me and I'm gonna
get him for this. There's no way P'Forth will court me or will even like a guy.
He's definitely straight.

"Hey, Ai'Pha."

P'Pha is running towards us. He sweats a lot and looks in a hurry.

"Your lunch break is only 45 minutes, right? What are you doing here?" P'Forth

I'm trying to look at P'Pha's eyes and he's already looking right back at me.

"Nothing... It's just along the way so I decided to pass by and take a look."
"What are you talking about? Med School is over there which is totally far

"Okay, gotta go. See you later. Nong'Yo here looks hungry." P'Forth taps my
shoulder and guided me to the cafeteria.

P'Pha just nodded.

Before we walk away from him, something makes me feel like we need to talk,
but I couldn't speak it out...

Why bother? He's not really here for me. Like he said, he's just passing by. I
feel terrible.

I didn't turn to look back at him but if I did, I would have seen P'Pha hiding a
cup of Pink Milk with his other hand behind his back.

Or his sad face staring at us leaving...

Yo... About this morning. P' is really sorry.

Phana's Dilemma

Kit's POV…

I feel so sleepy walking into the classroom this morning. I spotted Beam taking
a nap on his chair at the back so I joined and sat next to him.

I don't see Ai'Pha anywhere yet but I hope he'll be here soon. It's the typical
way of him entering the room at the exact time the class starts. If it begins at
8:30AM, he will get in at exactly 8:30AM getting the attention from all of our

He's probably doing it again today.

"Damn! I don't feel like getting up from bed this morning." I greeted at Beam,
slapping his head to get his attention.

"Me neither... I didn't get any sleep last night." He sounded like he's sleep

"What happened?"

"Nong'Dream stayed at my place. We were up all night."

Hah! I almost forgot this friend of mine is such a chick hunter. I shook my head
seeing him like that but I'm kind'a used to it too. It's just normal for Beam to
have a lot of girls for this kind of one night stand relationship. Like him, our
friend Ai'Pha has so many girls approaching him as well but he never showed
his interest to anyone.
He never has his eyes to anyone except for Nong'Wayo. That's why Beam and
I thinks that Ai'Pha is a monogamous type of a guy. Introducing him to any girl
is useless and will only cause us a waste of time.

Most especially right now... Nong'Yo is there... Right next to him. Nobody will
ever have his heart except for that adorable little guy.
"Shia! I forgot that this is Dr. Auntie's class." Beam exclaimed.

"Yeah... You're right."

Dr. Auntie is one of the famous professor from Med School. She's a good
teacher but she also has a very mean mouth. I'm starting to worry that Ai'Pha
won't make it on time because it's only about two minutes before the class starts.

He's dead!!!

"Everyone here? Let's begin."

Pring runs into the class right before she started with her lecture. She takes her
breath deeply due to relief that she's not late and sits in front of us.

"Pring. Have you seen Ai'Pha's car when you left the apartment?" She knows
our friend drives the Audi.

"Pha gave me a ride this morning, but I don't think he's coming up." Pring said.

"What?! Why is that?"

"I don't know."

I threw a worried look at Beam. It's 8:30AM now so anyone who comes in will
be punished for sure.

I held out a sigh loosing the hope to see Pha coming in on time, however I still
keep my eyes on the classroom door. He's not an irresponsible guy and if he's
in trouble, he will let us know right away.

He's never been like this. What's wrong with him?

Finally, Pha showed up into the class around 9AM with a very exhausted and
confused face. I've never seen him do exercise in the morning before but now,
he's all sweaty.

And he's looking nervous standing in front waiting for Dr. Auntie to scold him.

"The state of having difficulty in breathing or Dysphanea... That Med Student

Phana is having right now may have been due to running exhaustively into the
classroom." She said to the class but her fiery eyes were glaring at Ai'Pha.

I was right. He's dead. Let's see if his handsomeness will save him this time.

"I'm very sorry, khrub." Pha waii at her respectfully.

Dr. Auntie clears her throat. Maybe his charm did work at her this time.

"What if there's an emergency case waiting for you and you're late. No matter
how late you are - one minute, two minutes or three minutes. Do you think he
or she will survive waiting for you?"

We we're all sitting quietly. What she says is true and we all don't want it to
hear or see happen of course.

"I really am sorry, Dr. Aun... Professor."

"Fine." She sighed out loud. "You're always been a good student. Since this is
your first time, I will forgive you. Go to your seat."

Dr. Auntie continued the lecture.

Pha took the seat next to me. He look exhausted. It doesn't matter how good the
air conditions are, he's still feeling insanely hot and sweaty.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked because he's definitely not ready to listen to the
lecture. I know this lecture is nothing to him because he's still getting an A

"I broke my word with Nong'Yo." He said.

"I told him I'll give him a ride this morning... But Pring came to see me and
asked for help. I didn't know what to do and Yo came in after that."

He look very guilty.

"I'm so happy because finally I can look after him... This is the first time I gave
him my word but also the first time I couldn't keep it."

"So you drove back to pick him up and came in this late?" Beam asks.

Pha nods. "Uhm. But Nong'Yo has gone. I don't know if he's still mad at me."

"Well, if he doesn't have feelings for you, he won't be mad at you." I told him.
"But if he does, then he will surely be mad and hurt at the same time that you
pick Pring over him."
"I... I don't know." He covers his head with those two big hands of his looking
very upset.

I tried to comfort him. "It's okay... Just go apologize."

He took a deep breath and heaved a very long sigh. "I'll do that for sure."
I turn to look at Beam and we both smile. We always see girls running after him
but now, he's running after a handsome young boy. This could be fun to watch.

At The Med School Cafeteria...

"Hey, where's Pha?" I ask Beam. His LV Bag is on the bench but he's nowhere
to be found. That love idiot has been down for the whole morning and he acts
like he wants to die.
"Our Ai'Pha? Hmm... Must be at the Moon and Star Studio looking for
Nong'Yo, I guess."

"What? Why would he go there? It's too far from here. Doesn't he even want to
take his lunch at least?"

Beam shrugged. "I dunno. He bought a cup of Pink Milk and left. Running like
a maniac."

"Hahaha! I think we'll be seeing a lot of this later."

We didn't notice Pring joining our lunch table.

"Beam, Kit... Are you busy?" She asked. "I have something to talk to both of

"What's up?" Normally she comes with tons of sheets but today, she didn't bring

"It's about Pha. He seems to hang out with that kid a lot lately, the Moon from
the Faculty of Science."
Beam and I nearly choked on the iced tea we were drinking. I really don't want
to answer any question about this matter so I looked at Beam for help. He has
that same expression in his face too.

"Err... He was our junior from High School. So yeah, they are pretty close."

"I see." Pring still has that curious face while sipping on her drink. "Pha was
very quiet this morning. He couldn't keep his eyes off that kid when we left the
apartment. It seems he really cares about him."

"That's probably not it." I put in. Looks like I really have to say something.
"They have been quite apart for some time until only recently.

"Is there something going on between them?"

Beam and I froze. How am I going to answer that question? At this point Beam
grabs his sheets and pretends reading them, but are you supposed to read it
upside down?

"Well, I guess you better ask Pha yourself." I settled for a safer response. "We
have no idea."

I rather let that love idiot decide the answer for himself.


Ai'Pha was gone for the whole lunch break and only came back to the class a
couple of minutes before it starts. He looks so depressed sipping the Pink Milk
he bought quietly.

"What happened?" I'm getting worried again.

"Nong'Yo had lunch with Ai'Forth."

"There... That's what I told you. Nong'Yo is a hot fresh meat. Ai'Forth is one of
those guys having his eyes on him."

He sighs deeply. Now he looks 10% more down than earlier. Thanks to you,
"Come on, Pha. You need to speak it out. If you don't do anything and if he has
feelings for you too and he might think you don't have the same feelings for
him, what do you think he's going to do?"

"Forth is now doing everything he can to impress Nong'Yo. Why don't you do
the same?"

"I'm... Trying."

"I don't think you're trying hard enough." Beam adds.

"Try to think about what you did this morning. How did you feel when you saw
Nong'Yo going out with that Sophomore Moon from Engineering instead of
going with you? I bet He also has the same feeling when he saw you leaving
with Pring awhile ago."

Pha shakes his head. "Truth is... I don't know either if he still has the same
feelings for me." I know that doubt came from the deepest part of his heart.

"That's a question you need to find some proof yourself, Ai'Pha."

"What the fuck! A good looking genius guy getting a grade F when it comes to
love. I can't believe this. I have enough of this." Beam said and turns his
attention to the lecture this time.

I thought Pha was calling Nong'Yo but he's not. I didn't know who it is until I
heard their conversation.

"Dad, can you please help me book a room for piano practicing lesson?"

At 4:00PM

Of course, Ai'Pha forces us to go along with him to see the kids dancing again
in the studio

Of course, Ai'Pha forces us to go along with him to see the kids dancing again
in the studio. We've been here a lot lately for the past few weeks. Well, I'm
kind'a happy to come, though. There are so many cute girls around in their
natural beauty without makeup. But hey, we're here to support our friend not
spend time looking at those beautiful stars.
"Hey, Ai'Pha." Forth greeted us the moment we arrive. He's not only the
Engineering Moon but also the first runner up next to Ai'Pha.

Beam and I were kind'a worried that they might start hitting each other's faces
but we're wrong. They act pretty cool.

Having a crush on the same guy doesn't mean they have to hate each other, do

"How long have you been here?" He wounds his arm around our friend's

"We just arrived. What's up?"

"We're going to shoot some clips at some places outside the campus tomorrow
afternoon. Wanna come?"

"Yeah, sure. Good thing our tomorrow's classes were cancelled. But don't they
have to practice for their talent shows too?"

Yeah. Someone out there has already booked a piano room for two weeks!

"They will be given enough time for that after we get back." Forth explains.
"They will be working on some promotion clips only since the competition will
be held next week."

"Where are we going?"

"Some beach perhaps."

"Are we gonna stay for the night?"

"Yeah, just one night."

"Alright, count me in."

You bastard! That's so fast and so not normal of you. You hate skipping classes!

"I'll go drive there myself with Beam and Kit. Don't worry about us."

There you go with your 'Us' again. Can't you try saying without the word 'us'?
You freaking dear pal.
Are you going to let us use your wife in the future too?

Smack! Ai'Pha hits my head loudly. Can he read my mind?


"Hey! Take it easy, tiger." Beam interrupts. "How about our exam for the new
block in a couple of days?"

"That's not a problem. We can just take our sheets to study at the beach."

Like seriously? He's insane!

This is Boss Phana we're arguing with. We won't win against him.

"Alright, Forth. That's the plan."

The other Moons from the previous year arrive and join our group.

"Is that true? You're going to the beach?" One of them asked.


"We're not going." They chorused.

"We get it, you're not going." Beam said, tapping me with his meaningful look.
"But we're going, right Ai'Kitty?"

"The beach, the ladies, the bikinis, Ai'Kitty will never allow to miss those
things." I smacked him on the head. "Why did you just call me Ai'Kitty, eh?" I
hate that nickname.

"Great! Sounds like a good plan." Forth smiles. He's kind'a handsome too. No
wonder he's my best friend's greatest enemy. He's the second most handsome
guy in the Campus next to Pha after all.

The moment Forth left us to check on the kids, Beam points to one of them with
much excitement.

"What a beauty!" He exclaims.

"Who, Forth?" Beam's giggles made me confused.

"Count him in but this time, I'm talking about that Nong." He points directly at
Nong'Yo dancing happily with his partner.

"Gosh... If he was a girl, I will definitely go chase after him." He earned a smack
in the head from Ai'Pha who couldn't take his eyes from the cute little guy as

"Fuck off."

"Why? Only one more competitor won't hurt."

"Look at him." Pha points at Nong'Yo. "Look at his charming face and there..."
He points to another guy this time, the taller one. He's the boy's close friend.
"That guy is also handsome but I have no idea what he thinks about him. He's
always around Nong'Yo like a shadow."

"He may be just a friend." I suggest.

"I can't be so sure about that. Nong'Yo is too cute to resist."

It's funny to see him being in love. Though he becomes such a pain in the ass
most of the time, I like him this way too.

We didn't see it coming when Nong'Yo heads his way towards us. Pha almost
jumped from his seat seeing him this close. Seems like he wants to get some
drink from the water jar next to us. He looks very thirsty. 5

"Hey, Nong. How's the practice going?" I start the conversation.

"Quite tired, khrub P' but I'm good. I can handle this."

Yeah, funny guy. "Going to the beach tomorrow, right? You got lots of work."

"Something like that. By the way, are you joining us then?" He glances at Ai'Pha
who's gaze is pinned at him.

Who are you asking, is it me or my feiend here?

"We can't go." I lied. "We'll probably look for some online jobs and work part

"Ooh, that's too bad." He said in a kind'a disappointed voice.

I felt Beam's hand landed on my head. "Stop teasing him, Ai'Kit."

"I'm messing with you, Nong." I chuckled. "We're going with you lot. Ai'Pha
will drive us there."
"Really?" There goes his sweet smile and those sparkling eyes of his. So

I totally get Pha now. This boy has this sort of charm in him that I couldn't
explain. This unintentional power to make people fall in love with him easily.

Every time he shows his sad face make people want to do anything on their
power to cheer him up just to see him smiling again. Some kind of a strange
charm Nong'Yo has indeed.

"Yeah, we will see you there khrub."


It's Ai'Pha again. "Too much talking." He whispers then turned to the little guy.

"What time will you finish today?"

Nong'Yo looks at his big group of friends.

"No idea."

"Uhm. I'll wait here."

"Why? Giving me a ride back home again?"

Beam and I couldn't help smiling seeing them flirting to each other.

"Take me out to eat too."


"I only had a cup of Pink Milk today and I'm very hungry."

"What? Are you crazy? Why don't you get something to eat?" Nong seems
unhappy. I can see it but I'm not sure if Pha sees it too.
"You wait here." He said, heading inside the studio and took something from
his bag.

One thing I am certain though. This handsome kid absolutely has ultimate
power over our friend.

"Here, take this." Nong'Yo handed him a pack of banana cake. This is the first
time we notice how Ai'Pha looks a lot bigger than this kid. His hand could cover
his entire head. "You're a bubble head. Why didn't you buy something to eat?"

Why didn't you buy something to eat?"

Hahaha! So good... That's it, Nong'Yo. Keep it coming. We want more.

"I was busy thinking about someone." Our friend can be super straight like an
arrow sometimes.

"Who is it?"

"Some stupid cat, I guess."

"Hey, Ai'Yo!" There he is. This tall friend of his clasping his hands on both
Nong'Yo's shoulders. "Can I steal him, please? We're practicing on something
new and he hasn't started on that yet."

I cat might have stolen Ai'Pha's tongue so I have to say it for him. "Yeah, sure.
Go ahead, Nong."

"Do you think he has a crush on Nong too?" Beam starts after we see them walk

Ai'Pha shrugs his shoulders, walks away into one corner and starts eating the
banana cake. We were left on the benches discussing about the other guy.

"I don't think so." I answer Beam's question.

"How can you be so sure about it?"

"I don't know... But I'm pretty confident that they're just friends."

"Do you have any proof?"

"I'll prove it... You can trust Detective Kendaichi with this matter." I said
confidently. "I'll prove it before my grandfather's name."

At that moment, all I am thinking about is that decision I made will change
Ai'Pha's life but It didn't occur to me that it will change my life forever...
I'm Not Abducting The Freshman

Wayo's POV…

I look at my watch and it's almost about 8:00PM but I don't think we're going
to finish our practice anytime soon. I was worried about P'Pha.

"Your neck must be pretty stiff by now." Ming doesn't stop teasing me when he
notice me craning my neck. "You keep on checking at him like he's going to
leave you or something."

"He hasn't eaten anything yet." I told him.

"Why bother worrying about others more than yourself? P'Pha is weird too.
Why doesn't he get something to eat if he's that hungry? Tsk... Funny."

"Yeah... You're right. Why is he waiting here?"

"Why don't you tell him? I don't think we will be done soon. This can take like
hours, 10pm or 11pm perhaps."

"Why me?"

"Are you kidding me now? Do you want me to go there tell him myself?"

"Should I go now?"

"Of course, now."

I took a deep breath and once again crane my head towards P'Pha's table. I'm
chicken out looking at them. Why?


It's like a gathering of the most handsome guys in the university sitting there
together. Of course they will look at me all at the same time if I go there talk to
P'Pha... Anyway, I still have to go talk to him no matter what.

I have no choice...
I waited for the seniors to call for a short break before walking directly towards
the table. The guys were composed of a group of insane Med Student Gang and
Former Moons Gang. They were chit-chatting among themselves until I walked
in and they became quiet all of a sudden. All eyes are looking at me.

I hate this.

"Hey, Nong. What can we do for you?" P'Kit starts.

Wait a minute... You're supposed to help me here, P... Not tease me!

A sophomore moon smiles and winks at me. "Pick, one kid. They're all good. I
tasted each of them for you."

There was a loud teasing noise from the other guys in the group.

There... This is exactly what I'm talking about because every handsome guys
are now staring at me... Damn!

I shouldn't have done this.

"So who will you pick? We're waiting." Another Moon asked, wriggling his
eyebrows at me.

"Hey! You're flirting to anyone now? Not even a guy?"

"Why not? He's cute."

"I'll tell your girlfriend about this."

I really feel like I'm about 2 inches tall now. Stop it please... What's so fun about
teasing me huh?

"Uhmm... P'Pha..."

Yeah... Now it's getting worse.

"Whoa! Fuck, of course... Pha, you bastard!"

"Yeah... How can an Agriculture Moon like me can beat the Campus Moon,

How can an Agriculture Moon like me can beat the Campus Moon, right?"
"Oh, Nong'Yo... You just broke my heart." The Moon said, clutching his chest

Another teasing noise could be heard among the group on that corner of the

"Shut up."

Everyone is quiet now after P'Pha snapped at them but they were still smiling.
It's like they were teasing me in silence now.

Damn... This is so embarrassing, especially in front of P'Pha. They are teasing

us like we're a married couple. It's crazy!

"What's going on?"

Wait a minute... Did I just hear him speak to me gently and politely? No way!
Or maybe he's just not in the mood of being an asshole to me right now.

"Err... "


"Are you hungry?" I'm trying hard to be brave looking right into his eyes... But
no, I can't do it... I looked away to avoid his eyes immediately.



"I am hungry."

What on earth are you doing here then? "Go get something to eat and... You can
go home right away... You don't have to wait for me. We'll probably be going
home late today."

P'Pha is now sitting on the bench quietly, so I have to look at him again. "Uhm...
What should I do?"

Come on! That trying-to-think look is so fake at all. "Okay... How about we do
He pushes me to walk away with him.

"Hey, I'll be going out for dinner." He shouts out to his friends.

"Hey! Wait... Wait... Wait..." They all said in chorus. "Are you trying to abduct
the freshman?"

"He's hungry."

What the fuck! I'm not the one who's hungry here... Shia, P'Pha!
"Hey, Pha... Are you going to get some food?" A staff came running towards
us. "Can you pick up the food for me? I already ordered but haven't picked them
up yet. Just the restaurant behind the campus. Help me out, please?"

Help me out, please?"

He nodded.

She handed him the money she took from her purse. "Nong'Yo, can you help
him pick up the food too?"

Of course.

"Beam, may I borrow your car? I'm going to pick up the food."

P'Beam hands him over his car keys with a smirk. "Don't take too long or people
will notice."


P'Pha shakes his head and leaves the studio without saying anything. I have to
run after him.
Call Me P'Pha

Wayo's POV…

At the Restaurant

P'Pha seems to be very hungry indeed. I'm still working on my food but he's
already down to his second helping.

I couldn't help but smile seeing him like that. Kind'a cute.

"Dig up... Everyone is waiting for us."

I know... But I'm taking it slow because I couldn't stop staring at you.

"Are you coming with us tomorrow?"

I start the conversation. I shouldn't ask because I already knew he's going but I
still want some verifications.

"Yes." He replies and he's done. Look at those empty dishes in front of him.
"Don't you want me to go?"

Hey! I didn't say anything like that. "Of course, I want you to join the activity.
You are the Campus Moon in the first place so you have to be there... To help."

"Why? Am I not helping enough as a Campus Moon?"

"I dunno. You're always sitting there being handsome doing nothing at the

"So you think I'm handsome?"

"Hey! You're misunderstanding something here. I'm just saying you just sat
there doing nothing. I didn't exactly say you are handsome."

"So? Am I handsome?"

What's wrong with this guy? What do you want from me?

I look right at him.

You shouldn't be asking me this question, you know. Look at those flirty eyes
of yours. What are you trying to do with those sparkling eyes and that charming
and killing smile at the corner of those perfect lips?

What are you trying to do with those sparkling eyes and that charming and
killing smile at the corner of those perfect lips?

Lucky I'm not falling for your charm... Really? Am I not?

"Hey, auntie... Check please!" I called the lady attendant's attention to change
the subject.

"You haven't answered my question yet."

"What question?"

Damn! I couldn't tell him how handsome he is but I don't want to lie either.
What should I do?

"Can't you tell by yourself after looking at the mirror?"

"I can... But I want to hear it from you."

Heeelp! Somebody help me out of this shit!


"Yes... You are handsome."

I finally speak it out and I can see that satisfied smile in his stupid face too.

"... But absolutely not as handsome as me." I smirked.

"Yeah... Right..." Such a sarcastic voice he uses.

I paid for our dinner and for the meals in those boxes. I feel so relieved that I
have finally got myself away from that uncomfortable conversation.

P'Pha is really getting a lot of attention from everyone inside that restaurant.
He's trying to carry all the meal boxes by himself.
"I get these." He said.

How can you carry all those 4-5 bags of food boxes by yourself? He's doing it
anyway. Now he has to use his mouth to hold the car key. We have to use
P'Beam's car because the boxes wouldn't fit inside his Audi.

"Get the door for me."

He turn his face towards me trying to let me take the key from his mouth in
front of these people inside the restaurant and they are all looking at us for
crying out loud!
What are you trying to do? Embarrass me in front of people? What am I going
to do?

"Hurry up." He's starting to complain with his mouth holding the key because
he's bending over me for awhile now.

Fuck! This is so embarrassing. Just get this over with, Yo!

I try to take the key but the idiot still finds time to play around by pulling his
face away.

"Aish!" I really want to swear to him.

"Hahaha." He's laughing at the corner of his mouth. He smiles at me and it's
melting me away. He's too handsome. "Okay, I'll stop. Take it."


I'll slap your mouth if you do this to me again.

It's my fault for being shorter than him. But I think I should slap those eyes of
his first, flirting and sparkling at me. Stop looking at me like that!

Wew! Finally, I got the key and opened the car for him.

He's not only an asshole but he's also a jerk. A flirty jerk.

Back at the studio

The practice ended around 11:00PM but the Insane Med Student Gang is still
here. Don't they have to go home and study?

"That's it for today, Kids." The competition manager announces. "Thank you
P'Ham for teaching us the dance today..."

Everyone bowed our waii at P'Ham who's our dance master.

"Go home and rest. Pack your stuff for tomorrow and I'll see you all here at
9:00AM. See you tomorrow, everyone. Bye! Bye!"

"Are you tired?" Ming asked while clinging his arms on my shoulder.

"A little."

My partner Nate approach me all of a sudden. "Yo, want to go home with me

today? I brought Nan's car."
I don't know how to answer. We're friends with Nate and this is the first time I
received an invitation from a girl! And should a guy supposed to refuse an offer
like that?

"Well... Can it be another time? I have some business to do with the older
students." It's the truth. But why do I feel a bit guilty seeing her disappointed

"Okay." She said, forcing a smile. "Take care then... I'll see you tomorrow."

"So, P'Pha is taking you home, right?" Ming asks me curiously. "Is he getting
serious about you now or what?"

"What are you talking about? He's just giving me a ride because we live in the
same apartment." Stop giving me hope, Ming... Stop it.

"If he's not into you, why the heck is he still waiting for you this late?"

"No, he's not. He's the Campus Moon. He has to be here."

"You know what? You can be optimistic sometimes."

"I just don't want to get hurt if it's not real."

Ming shook his head before walking towards P'Pha's table which only have the
three of them - P'Kit and P'Beam left. What are you doing, Ai'Ming? Are you
going to punch him?

Ming is also pretty big and almost as tall as P'Pha. But P'Pha is kind of a little
larger, probably because he's playing basketball a lot.

"Are you taking my friend back home, P'Pha?"

"Yes... Do you have any problem with that?"

Two assholes are talking... I'm so worried that they would end up punching each
other's faces so bad.

"Not for now... But maybe later." Wait a minute, Ai'Ming... You want me to
date him earlier, don't you? What are you talking now?

"Please take good care of him for me." Ming waii at P'Pha and everyone at that
table. He pats my shoulder before leaving.

What is he playing at? Is he falling for me too? No way! How could I possibly
think like that?

He's my best friend. But I'm sure he has some kind of plan going on in his head
right now. I need to talk to him about this as soon as possible.

"Is he really your friend or your boyfriend?" P'Kit spills it out first. "He seems
very possessive of you."

"He's my friend... We're both friends khrub."

"Are you sure? Maybe you think it that way but he's not?"

"Maybe it's about time for Ming to clear things out. I'm sure he thinks of me as
his friend too. We're like brothers." I said.

I'll kill you later Ming. I swear! You left me with some trouble here.

"Shall we go now?" P'Pha asks.

Inside the car...

P'Pha and I are sitting quietly

P'Pha and I are sitting quietly. I'm feeling kind'a cold because I've been sweating
for hours and my body is now shaking from the air conditioner that blows
straight towards me.

I saw my phone screen brightening up which means someone just sent me a

message. I looked and saw that it was from Ming.

There you go. I knew it! That jerk does have a plan moving on his head but I
don't like it. This may cause P'Pha and his friends misunderstand something
about us.

I'm shaking my head laughing at his crazy plan, totally forgetting about the guy
sitting next to me. I think he has seen me the whole time chatting with Ming.

"Dealing with double dates?"

I shut my phone right away.

"Double dates?"

"I have never known you were this quite popular."

"No, I'm not."

"Forth and Ming... Both are Moons from Engineering."

"Nothing's going on between me and any of them." I really don't want him to
misunderstand me.

There was another jolt of silence again.

"What time do we have to get up tomorrow?" P'Pha asks.

"It's 8:00AM because we have to be there by 9:00AM." I told him. "What do

you want me to do tomorrow?" I'm still being his servant, I remember.

He gave his answer after we parked his car. "Wake me up tomorrow."

"What?" I look right at him.

"I don't get up easily on the days I don't have classes. Wake me up tomorrow."

"Oh, okay... But how?"

"Just knock the door."

"That's it?"


"Okay, I guess." Damn! Do I have to get up at 5:00AM again to get dressed?

"Thank you." P'Pha speaks to me nicely and politely. It's killing me... I'm also
a bit surprised at him being nice like that.

"Thanks for the ride. So... I'll see you tomorrow?" I told him before getting out
of the car.

"Wait a sec..."


"You called me P'Pha awhile ago. I like it." He said. I remember calling him
that when I went to talk to him at the table with his friends. "Why don't you
keep calling me that from now on?"

Hey! Isn't that too much?

"You never call me by my name either. You just keep on calling me Shorty...
Shorty... Like that."

"Don't you find it cute?"

There's no way I'm playing around with this idiot. "No. Yo is way cutier than
Shorty." I love my name.

Wayo means wind in Thai. It's a beautiful name. "What makes you think
'Shorty' is a cute name?"

"Let's make a deal then..."

"What is it?"
"If you call me P'Pha... Then I'll call you..."


"... Nong'Yo."



I am so dead. I couldn't feel a thing right now. The word 'Nong'Yo' coming from
his mouth blew me away. My heart is beating so loud, I feel so numb like I was
shot by an electric bolt.

I never imagined it going to sound so beautiful hearing him call my name.

Especially his voice.

Where did the asshole I knew go? Where is he now?

"No deal." I open the car door and leave as fast as I could without even looking
back. This is not good. I always act so weird in front of him every time he does
something like that to me.

I closed the door upon getting inside my room and leaned behind it. My heart
is so full of emotions I couldn't stop from bursting.

I need to go to the bathroom... Not to pee but to...


Yeah. Scream with so much happiness. I went out as if nothing happened. But
the color never left my cheeks and my eyes are still fluttering. 6

Maybe next time, P'Pha... I'll let you call me like that... Without me screaming.

Shia! I feel so good right now.

Beach Trip: Mingkwan

Kit's POV…

At The University Parking Lot

Can somebody please remind me what the fuck am I doing here again? I'm not
even a Moon nor a member of the staff but... Hey! Look at all those beautiful
girls out there. They're so pretty. Hell... This should be fun.

Wait... I still don't get it. Why the hell do I really have to be here? This is
annoying at some point me being dragged here against my own will.

"Look at them! They're so cute."Beam seems to have his own reasons for
joining this trip too. He spent the entire morning drooling over those pretty stars
in their sexy outfit waiting to board their bus.

"Look, Ai'Kit... My heart is beating so fast right now." He points at his chest.

"It always beats for every pretty girl you see."

We are waiting for the idiot culprit who came up with the idea of using Beam's
CR-V instead of his own luxury car. He's not even here yet. Urgh! When I
should have gone taking all those girl's phone numbers instead of sulking here
waiting for him!

"Hey, Kit... About your Moon from Engineering, have you started your plan
yet?" Finally, Beam opens a conversation after getting bored of texting with his

"Not yet... I haven't got a chance talking to him."

"But... Wait a minute, don't tell me your plan of proving it is through... You'll
scarify your own body as a bait?"

"Are you crazy? Do you think I'll give myself into a guy? I'm also a guy,

"Oh... You're a small and light-skinned type of a guy. Maybe luring him by
flirting will work as a good plan."
"Why do you think so? Does it mean to you anyone as small and light-skinned
as I am are all gay?"

"I dunno. I just thought the idea fits you."

"Oh, shut up." Beam, if you don't have anything to do just go on flirting with
those girls before I kick your ass!

"Speak of the devil..." He gasped. "There he is."

Beam sees a tall guy pulling his luggage towards the bus.

Yeah... That Ming guy from Engineering. He's the one everybody is talking
about. They are saying he has the highest potential of being the next Campus
Moon because he's quite perfect for the title.

He's freaking tall, around 185cm. His skin tone is fair... Not too dark and not
too white, just enough to make him look very masculine. His body is perfectly
built, probably doing a lot of sports or goes to the gym regularly.

His face? I must admit he's quite handsome too but a lot different from our
friend Ai'Pha... He has perfect eyes hidden behind those dark shades of
sunglasses. He has well chiselled nose and thick eyebrows...

Hey! Why am I even checking out on him? I don't care if he's handsome or not
or he may probably win this year's title as Campus Moon. The only thing that
matters here is to find out whether Nong'Ming does have a crush on cute
Nong'Yo or not.

I'm not sure if my eyes are deceiving me but it looks like he's staring this way.
Why did I know about it? He just raised his sunglasses and showed us those
gleamy sparkling eyes of his.

"Uh oh... That handsome guy is heading this way." Beam just muttered what I
exactly have in mind.

"Sawadee P'"

What does he want now? He just appeared in front of us when a few seconds
ago he was just walking from that bus. Now I recognize him a little bit as the
same guy we knew back in high school.
"When will your friend bring my friend here?"

Is he talking about Pha and Nong'Yo? I have definitely no answer to that and
so does Beam.
"They might be making the tenth baby by now. I talked to Ai'Pha this morning
and found out that Nong'Yo is at his room."

I try to observe his reaction intensively. If he has a feeling for his friend, he'll
leave and get the little guy right away but...

"They should hurry up doing that and come here by now. Otherwise the bus
will leave them."

He agrees with Beam's joke and joins him in making fun of them too.

"What's your name again?"

"Ming khrub. Mingkwan."

"It sounds like a girl's name."

"But I'm not a girl."

Yeah... He's a jerk. I'm getting worried that Beam will kick his ass any minute

"How about you, khrub?"

"Me?" Beam points at himself.

"Nope... I mean you."

He turns to me and asks right before Beam can say anything.

"Why is it you became suddenly interested with my name?" I threw the question
back at him.

"I noticed that you are pretty close to P'Pha."

"My best friend is almost getting close with your friend... So, why don't we start
getting close too?"

Fuck! I look at Beam and he's mouthing something at me. "He's flirting with

Damn! If he's this flirty, I'm not sure whether he might have flirted with his
friend too or not.

"He's also a close friend of Pha. Why don't you ask for his name?" I'm trying to
turn the conversation away from me.

"Asshole Kit. Why do I have to be involved with this?"

You jerk! Saying my name like that. I'm gonna throw a punch at you for being
such an idiot. First it's Ai'Pha and now it's you!


There!!! It's too late now. He remembers something.

"Ooooh! P'Kitkat! I remember now." He sounds very excited, I dunno why.

"We used to call you P'Kitkat because you were tiny and super cute back then...
And actually, you still are now too."

Fuck the Kitkat! Beam keeps on laughing and whispers at my ear. "He's
definitely flirting at you, man... Hahah!"

"Stop calling me that or I'll kick your ass."

"Can you reach this high?"

"What the..."

"I don't think you can. You're so small, P'." He starts laughing too. That face
laughing with his eyes closed is so annoying.

"You asshole!" I'm trying to jump on him but Beam is quick enough to hold me.
"Wanna get punished in front of those girls?"

"No no no... There are way too many girls around here."
"Then stop calling me that!"

"Come on, P'... I'm trying to get us know each other so we can hekp each other
later if needed."
At this point, I really don't want to talk to him anymore so I decided to walk
away from the both of them. That other jerk Beam is still laughing at me. I find
this tall guy okay before because he's Nong'Yo's friend but now I hate him.
Beach Trip: Car Sick

Kit's POV…

Uugh! Finally, Ai'Pha has arrived but he's not with Nong'Yo. I thought that little
guy is with him when Beam called. What happened to them?

"Meeh, you're such in a good mood." It's very obvious on his face. It's unusual
for him to act like this. Besides, I'm his friend so I can tell that he's happy.


"You liar." Beam teased. "So did you two made out this morning?"

"No... Are you crazy?"

"Then what happened between you two when I called awhile ago?"

"He just came to wake me up. Then I got up and showered while he continued
arranging the sheets for me."

"That was it?" We both said out loud simultaneously.

Huh! Such a fucking brief moment they had.

"Yeah." There's no way he's telling the truth.

"Just like that and you came here being in a good mood all of a sudden?" I want
to squeeze some more details from his mouth.

"Yeah... Just that." He's really not saying anything.

What? I thought they might have done something more fun like Ai'Pha pushes
Nong'Yo on his bed, kissing him all over. Doesn't he know how to do it?

Yeah... He's very handsome but he's also completely utterly idiot at the same
time. Nong'Yo was just right there... Next to his bed yet he didn't even do

Phana is a complete asshole who doesn't know how to express his feelings at
We're not originally part of this activity so all we have to do is watch the staff
get all the freshmen Moons and Stars into the bus and for sure, Nong'Yo is one
of them.

Ah! There he is, sticking with Ming as usual. My friend here just stares at them
quietly. But is it only my imagination when I notice Nong'Yo trying to shrivel
himself like he was scared of something or someone inside the bus? What's
wrong with him?

"Shall we go now?" Beam asks right after the bus left.

"Yes. I'll sit at the back." Pha says, hauling his luggage behind him. "I want to
get some sleep."

Great! Nothing is interesting for you without your Nong'Yo indeed. I have to
sit at the front but I want to take some nap too. Beam can drive all by himself
without me blabbering around.

Were halfway along the road when Pha's phone rings all of a sudden. Beam and
I exchanged glances.

"Hello... Yeah... Hey! What's up, Forth? Who are you sitting with?"

His face looks calm so that means that thing he's worried about didn't happen.

Clearly... He's worried that Nong'Yo might have seated next to Forth inside the

"What's the matter?" He's still talking on the phone. "Oh, okay... Checking point
is at the rest area on the 45th km. Uhmm... What happened? Want me to pick
you up?!"

Pha is acting like crazy. "Beam, turn the car around. We need to go back at the
University bus checking point."

That's quite far. We were ahead of them because the bus is running quite slow.
But what's going on? What's scaring him like that?

"Okay... Okay..."

Pha looks pretty intense now.

"What's wrong?" Beam starts to ask.

He sighs heavily and looks outside the window.

"Nong'Yo has car sickness..."

Right after that, he couldn't sleep anymore. He will sit up straight for awhile
then lay down a bit later. He will play a game on his phone and sit right up
again. He's doing it repeatedly and it's kind of an annoying sight to watch.

He's acting so strange after the phone call.

At the Checking point

We have been waiting for the university bus to arrive for quite some time. I
have been walking in and out of the 7-eleven store for about five rounds buying
some snacks and drinks to refresh ourselves a bit and also for Pha to calm down.

Finally the bus arrives. The freshman kids are moving down one by one and
were advised to rest or take their breaks. Our friend is so worried looking for
Nong'Yo anxiously.

They were the last to go down. Ming is the one helping him with one hand
holding his arms while the other hand keeps on rubbing his back. It seems like
he has been throwing up for several times already. Now Nong'Yo's poor face
looks so pale.

Forth is following them with a worried face. So as Nate, Yo's friend and his Star
counterpart as well as other Moons and Stars who were his close friends. There
were also staff from the science faculty waving fans at him to make him feel

A lot of people really do care for him.

"I already gave him medicine." Forth gives us some details. Yo waves his hand
telling us he's okay although he couldn't speak anymore. But a few moments
later he rushed to one corner and threw up again.

"We need to find him a new ride. He couldn't sit on the bus. We have already
tried to move him around but he threw up in every seat he's at."
Pha has been quiet the whole time while looking at Nong'Yo's poor state. Then
he finally said, "We'll take him."

"Please take good care of him."

"Please look after him for me khrub, P'Pha."

He looks at them both, Forth and Ming with unhappy face.

"I will."

Inside Beam's CR-V...

We now have a new member on board. Nong'Yo is sitting on the back seat with
Pha who keeps on sighing repeatedly and distraughtly because the little guy
looks pale and weak.

"Do you think he's going to feel better in here?" Beam asks.

"Just don't drive too fast." He says while looking at the boy.

We left this morning doing anything we want but now everyone is sitting
intensively worried about this poor guy sleeping and shaking a little from the
car movement with our idiot friend staring at him all the time.

"Are you okay? How do you feel now?" Shia! What was that fucking soft and
gentle voice we never heard before coming from Ai'Pha's mouth?

Nong'Yo didn't say anything. He must be asleep.

"Uuugh... He's so cute." I start to speak. "Never thought he would have motion
sickness like that." I feel like this guy was born to be taken cared of.
"I hope he's not having that right now." Beam glances at him from the rear view

"I don't think so. He's okay." Pha answers.

"His head will bang on the window if he keeps on shaking it like that."
"Pha, do something about it. I don't want him to get any bruises or the whole
science faculty will hunt us down."

Our friend is somewhat confused with what to do for a minute. He must have
never touched his head before.


"Uggh, fuck it." Pha pulled him to lie down on his lap and arranges his sleeping
position gently while Nong'Yo is still asleep. The little guy is moving a little
which means he's trying to make himself comfortable with that position.
"Meeeh... Don't you dare take advantage of the poor little Nong." Beam is
smirking while I'm smiling.

"Shut up, Beam... And stop being so funny." He scolded. "Adjust the
temperature to drop a little bit more."

He doesn't mind us at all teasing him. "Slow down a little, will you?" Look
who's talking? He's normally into maximum speed himself and now he scolds
Beam for driving too fast.

I never saw my friend acting like this before. He never cares or worry about
anything this much. I even feel sorry for his future patients. Hahah!

Beam must have the same thinking as I am right now. We're really not judging,
only saying.

For the whole trip, Pha hardly looks away from Nong'Yo. He keeps on looking
at his face sleeping peacefully on his lap. He even fixes his shirt a little to make
him feel more comfortable then goes back on staring at him once more.

I fell asleep and woke up when Beam stops at another rest area to go to the
bathroom. I pretended that I'm still sleeping just to listen to their conversation
from the backseat.

"What am I doing here?" Nong'Yo wakes up but still sounds so weak. Poor boy.
He tries to get up from Pha's lap but my friend doesn't let him do that.

"Go get some more sleep. It's fine with me."

"You'll get cramps." He still tries to get up but looks like he can't do it.

I try to sneak a peak through the rear view mirror, my eyes half closed.

"It's too late. I've already got the cramps." Pha really acts way too sweet to him.
"Feeling better now?"

"A little."

"You really are a high class kid. You get car sickness from riding on the bus
but not on the CR-V."

"The bus is pretty shaky." Where on earth did this boy come from? He even has
a very sweet adorable voice that matches his face.

"Get some more sleep..." He whispers to Nong'Yo who's still lying on his lap
and doesn't seem to know what to do. "I want you to feel better."



"... Don't want to bother you." He looks so cute trying to look away from Pha's
eyes by covering his face using both hands.

Ai'Pha almost laughs but holds it before Nong'Yo could see it.

"You've been sleeping for an hour... It's too late for that." Our friend is still
gently looking at him. "Go back to sleep. You can talk once you feel better."

"I'm sorry..."

"What for?"

"Sleeping on your lap... But well... Actually... It's kind of comfy."

FUCK ME!!! You both are flirting to each other behind me like that?!?!

Now it seems like Ai'Pha is VERY satisfied with that confession. Nong'Yo, you
better stop covering your face so you can take a better look at his face right

"Then... Don't sleep on somebody else's lap other than mine."

Too late for him to hear it... Nong has already fallen back to sleep.
The Other Rommate

Wayo's POV…

P'Beam's car was driving so fast when we left the campus but after I joined their
team, we came in the last. The reason that they have to slow down is because
of me getting car sick. At least we still arrived by the time the orientation starts.

I walk into the lobby with this dizzy kind of feeling... It's like the world around
me is spinning a bit. Everyone keeps checking on my condition from time to
time which makes me feel so thankful for my friends being concerned about

I don't know if my face still looks red. I can feel it on the way here since that
time I was sleeping on P'Pha's lap.

How would I know I would wake up to see his handsome face staring right at
me? Thank god I didn't get a heart attack instead of getting motion sickness.
"Okay guys... Since everyone's here and Nong'Yo seems okay now, let's talk
about your business because we don't have much time staying here."

While the staff are briefing us for our schedules and activities, the Insane Med
Student Gang are sitting handsomely inside the resort's main lobby. P'Pha is
wearing a pair of sunglasses being the most handsome among the group... And
there... People are staring at him.

Show off!

I must admit though... He's absolutely gorgeous... He really is handsome.

"Ahem!!!" The staff who's speaking in front of us has to clear her throat loudly
to get everyone's attention. "Err... Kids!!! We're not here to travel na ja... We
came here to work with a very tight schedule. I know you guys must be very
tired and the sun is way too strong..."

He... I mean she's acting like a sunblock lotion model on a TV Commercial ad.
"Everyone, let's take a break. Get your stuff into your room, relax a bit then
come back in an hour, okay? Oh! By the way, about the room..."
She looks at the staff who's assigned to distribute the keys. "You all have to pair
up with a friend and we'll arrange a staff to stay with you. We want you to get
to know each other better and also with our staff members."

I look at Ming immediately and we both know we're sharing the same room. He
gets a key and grabs my hand to pull me up.

"A staff will be in your room later so you can go ahead... And... Ladies... Forget
about your high hope to have P'Pha stay with you in your room because we're
not allowing boys to stay with girls, okay?"

Whoa! Is he really that popular? I could hear some of the girls moaning out loud
disappointingly... But hey! Seriously? Have they really expected that to happen
for real?

"Are you really okay?" Ming helps me with my luggage. I pull it back but he
pulls it from me again so I gave up.

"I'm fine."

"Do you think he will be staying in the same room with us?" Ming winks at me
with his idiotic teasing smile.

I look at the large group of staff members gathering at the lobby. There's no
way he's gonna be in our room.

"Fuck! Please don't let that happen... What if I snore? That would be very
embarrassing and he also has to see me wearing glasses before going to bed. I
can't accept that. I'm not that confident."

I kept on blabbering about it until Ming shakes his head.

We came to pass by the main lobby and saw the Insane Med Student Gang
joined the other staff members moving around and talking to them. Right. I
remember they were here for fun, not to work.

"Wow! The bed is so soft!" I jumped up to the bed as soon as we arrive in our
room. "Can I take a nap? I still feel dizzy."
"Go ahead. Do you want something to eat? I'll call the room service." Ming
shuts the door and asks.
"Let's just wait till dinner time."

"Are you sure?" He walks right in and pulls the sheets underneath me. He totally
pulls hard that I almost flip away from the bed. He then uses it to cover me or
should I say just throws it on top of me. "Let me know if you feel hungry, okay?"

"I'm okay... Don't worry."

"I knew it before we rode that bus... You really will get car sick."

"Me too. It's so embarrassing. People might think I'm such a weak sissy dude."
I cover my face with my hands. Ming sits right next to me while he messes my
hair with one hand.

"You always get this car sickness ever since you were a kid. It's not because
you are weak."

I held out a soft sigh.

"Hey, give me some updates. What happened to you inside the car?"

I can feel my face turn up red again. "I slept... On his lap."

"W... h... a... t?"

"I was shocked at first. I tried to get up but it feels so comfortable so I just let it
go... Until we arrived. He didn't complain or anything which is quite strange."

"Holy Moly... He's such a sweet guy."

"I'm sure he must have gotten some cramps because of that... And... Getting
sick this time is kind'a worth it. I wish I could get more car sick for like another
ten times."

Smack! Ming hits me with a pillow on my head.

"I was just kidding." I said, trying to avoid another smack from his pillow.

"Kidding eh? Do you think the person who wiped your vomit have had a good
time with you, huh?" Smack! "The person who have to rub your back!" Smack!
"Stinky vomit!" Smack! "I was almost about to puke like you too!" Smack! "Do
you have any idea?"
"Kidding eh? Do you think the person who wiped your vomit have had a good
time with you, huh?" Smack! "The person who have to rub your back!" Smack!
"Stinky vomit!" Smack! "I was almost about to puke like you too!" Smack! "Do
you have any idea?"

We were like kids wrestling on the bed doing some pillow fight.

"Am I interrupting?"

Somebody is talking at the door and FUCK ME again because it's none other
than P'Pha!!!

"Are you staying here tonight?" Ming's jaw almost dropped too.

"I can switch rooms if you want." He's about to leave the room.

"Hold on... Are you kidding?" Ming is still shock but he stops him from leaving.
It was kind of embarrassing walking into a scenario with Ming and I acting like
toddlers inside the room so maybe that's why he's leaving. But yeah... I feel like
frozen down to my knees, I couldn't move my body at all right now.

And is he really staying here tonight?

"I might have interrupted your lovey-dovey session on bed." P'Pha is making
that I-hate-my-life voice once more.

"What? Hell no! It's not what you think, P'." Ming defends.

"Are you really staying here with us?" Just doing a double check.

"I'm already here with my bag. Am I supposed to stay outside?"

"Is it gonna be comfortable for you? We'll be sleeping three of us together in

one bed." I'm not worried about myself. I'm more worried about him because
this bed will be very small for him and that buffalo Ming.

He roams his eyes around and seems to find something behind me. "I'll take the

He lays his suitcase beside it right after saying that...

"You go on with your lovey-dovey but don't forget about the meeting time." He
left the room leaving Ming and I inside with our dumbfounded looks.

"Shiiit! P'Pha will be sleeping with us..." Ming crawls towards the other edge
of the bed in panic. "What should I do?"

"What should I do?"


"How I wish I can magically transform myself into a bedsheet so I can watch at
you both flirting... But I can't do that."

"Fuck you, Ai'Ming. Shut up."

"Should I go somewhere else? But where?"

"You're my friend..." I said, biting my nails. "No one's leaving."

Ming sits right next to me. "Yo..."


"Are you nervous about P'Pha?"

This asshole knows me so well. "He misunderstood something about us." I told
him. Who wouldn't be upset seeing someone he loves doing something funny
on bed with someone else, eh?

"I don't think so. He's just being jealous and possessive towards you."


"We tigers know each other's thoughts."

What the fuck?! Tigers your ass. You're totally a Buffalo or bison. A giant one!

"Being that kind of sarcastic... I don't think he misunderstood us na khrub...

Nong'Yo." He teases.

My pillow landed on his face. I'm so upset right now.

"Asshole. Don't think too much about it. You should be happy, you know. You
will be spending the night with someone you like in the same room... Come on,
relax. Take a nap..." He urged me to go to bed.

"We still got to take those silly clips later... If you'll look horrible in it, it'll
tarnish your faculty's reputation and don't come to me crying simply because
you lost."


"So go sleep. Hurry up!"

"Wake me up, okay."


About an hour later...

"Wake up..."

Someone is talking to me from a very far away place...

I'm still sleepy... I want to sleep some more...

"Shorty... I said 'wake up'..."

Shorty? Who the fuck is this? I'm not a shorty guy. I'm 178cm. tall.

"Nong'Yo khrub... Wake up khrub..."

That voice whispering next to my ear startled me so much, I almost jump from
my bed. I know the only person calling me by the name 'Shorty' and that's...

P'Pha leaning so close to me on the bed... His eyes locked against mine.

"I told you not to call me Nong'Yo." I snapped. "We haven't agreed on that yet."

I feel the color rise on my cheeks once again. His voice is way too gentle for
Pete's sake... Is he acting or something? My heart right now is beating like
"You're not waking up." P'Pha shrugged. "So I have to play with your weak

He's doing it again. He really knows how to play with me using some polite and
sweet words to make me feel shy... Like super shy... He knows these techniques
works well on me like a charm because I've never heard them from him before.

"Okay... Okay... I'm already up." I scowled at him because I'm still sleepy but
trapped at the same time.

"You're awake... but why aren't you getting up?"

"Give me a minute... I still need to adjust to my surroundings."

"Did you sleep so deeply?"

"Yeah... Kind'a."
"Looks like you're a very deep sleeper indeed." P'Pha adds. "Just like the time
you were sleeping in the car."


"I was hitting on your mouth for like ten times but you didn't move at all."

I touch my lips right away. It doesn't hurt though. What is he talking about?

"You do believe I really did that?" He smirks a little but not the mean way. I no
longer see his mean face a lot lately unlike before.

"I know you did hit me." I played along.

"Nonsense. I'm a Med Student. How could I hurt a patient?"

"How do I know? I couldn't trust anyone from not hitting me especially by an

Insane Med Student like you..."

"Shorty... You jerk..." He sits on the bed and grabs me on my collar... His
fingers were brushing my neck which tickles a lot.
Shit! He hit me on my other weak spot. My neck is one of the most sensitive
part of my body because it easily gets tickled. Now he knows about it and starts
using his fingers to fumble my skin around it.

I try so hard to get away from him.

"Cut it out... It tickles..." I slap his hand many times and keeps fighting back
but he doesn't seem to feel anything. "Fuck you... You asshole... You jerk...
P'Pha... Please, stop it!"

"Are you getting up now?"


"Then get up from the bed, now."

He turns away to get something from his suitcase when an idea sprang into my
mind. I'll try to check it by touching on his waist area.

He jumps after I prod his waist with my finger.

"Oops..." I pretended like it was an accident. "I'm sorry, I didn't know

Khun'Phana easily gets tickled too."

He must be getting annoyed by now. I can see it. I made it look like there's
nothing going on until he turns again and I prod on his waist one more time.
But too late... P'Pha grabs my both hands and pins me on the bed with him
leaning on top of me.

FUUUCK!!! This position is so awkward.

I closed my eyes... I never expected to be this close to him... Like his whole
body now leaning on top of me.

"Don't let me tickle you with my lips."

His threat melted me away but, It also frightens me at the same time. His breath
is all over me because his face is very close to mine. I try to take a peek looking
at him but I have to shut my eyes again because I could almost see my reflection
right through his eyes.
"Giving up now?"

Fuck!!! I already gave up the very first second you leaned on top of me.


"You're not getting back on me again, right?"

My eyes are closed but I can feel that he's very close to me. I can smell his fresh
breath. I dare to open my eyes slowly but his lips are almost touching my ears
rushing for me to answer.

"Yes khrub... Yes... Yes... I won't tickle your waist any more."

Gosh! By the time I said that, his nose is almost touching my chin... I don't feel
anything now... I feel numb all over my body.

That gigantic body finally set me free from being pinned down. I grabbed the
duvet right away to cover my face which already turned scarlet red.



"Shorty... You still alive?"

"Fuck you!"

"Get up now... It's time."


"About a second ago..." He speaks softly. "... Did you hear anything?"

"Hear what?"

"Yes... Did you?"

If he's talking about my heartbeat...


Or is he talking about his own heartbeat?

I don't want to be too optimistic but if I remember it correctly... I believe it was

his heartbeat I heard awhile ago... It was beating so loud... Just like mine.
Video Shoot

Wayo's POV…

I was some kind of a crazy person the moment I got myself out of the room. I
can't look at P'Pha straight in the eye even if he sticks around the Moons and
Stars who were ushered to have their make up for this afternoon's photoshoot.

Let's say my face becomes so red just seeing his vague shadow everywhere.
Hell! If you ask me to lie down again on that stupid bed with him straddling on
top of me, you may have to spend a hundred million bucks just to make me do

Or... I may change my mind and do it again for only five bucks? Hahah!

"Ohooh! Are you the type of person who can easily change his facial colors in
one day?" Handsome Ming already has his hair done and seems to be free right
now since he comes to pester me while this one makeup artist puts foundation
on my face.

"You looked so pale this morning after being carsick but now your face is so
red that even make up couldn't hide it

"You looked so pale this morning after being carsick but now your face is so
red that even make up couldn't hide it." He's actually giggling like a sissy girl,
I swear.

"Did you get some good medicine?"

"Medicine my ass! I slept on this side that's why my face is like that." I was
pointing at my left cheek.

"You sleep face down?!" Fuck! This guy must have swallowed a microphone
when he was a kid. He's too loud! "Don't tell me you and P'..."

"Aiiish! Ai'Ming!" I shush. If he mention P's name out, I'll be dead. I still don't
want anyone to find out that I'm one of those millions who wants to conquer
Dr. Phana's heart. "Am I good, P'?" I asked the make-up artist. I become the one
who's in a hurry now instead of Ming.
"Not yet. I have to put this spray on to refresh your face. How is it? Does it feel
good?" He wipes my face with a piece of tissue. "This will help to protect your

He takes the lipgloss and asks me to open my mouth a bit. "Let's add a little
more lipstick... Come on... Squeeze your lips together... Oh my! Which faculty
are you from? You look even prettier than those stars."

What the fuck.

"What pretty? This is called being handsome P'."

"My... My... Stay still and look at me." He raises both hands to gesture me to
look at him. "Umhum... I was right. If we put a wig on you, all those stars won't
stand a chance and will fall off the stage during the competition."


"Open your mouth a little... Open it..." He adds a bit more lipstick to my lips.
"A little bit more... Very good. Now squeeze it... With sound. That's it."

I sound pretty much stupid in front of this P' I think.

"And we're done." He takes a look at Ming. "What are you doing here? Are you
waiting for your boyfriend or something?"

And once again, Ai'Ming doesn't deny anything but laughs instead.

"Hey! No, P'. He's not my boyfriend." I drag him outside to have a talk. "You...
Come here!"

At the Resort Garden...

"What's wrong with you? Why didn't you deny it?"

"Having a scandal with you is also kind of nice because I couldn't stand all those
phone calls I receive from girls everyday."
I believe him and he's not exaggerating at all. I've been friends with him since
forever so how can I not know about his problem?
But I couldn't focus on that for now. I have my own problems to resolve too.

"Where did you go? Why did you let P'Pha wake me up instead?"

It was as if the question is attached to the Campus Moon's soul because he walks
right behind my back after I mention it. I dunno if he heard me or not. He was
carrying a few cans of Coke which he may have brought for his friends.

"I didn't go anywhere. I just... Went out to eat." So this is what you call 'going

"When it was almost time for the meeting, I saw P'Pha went inside the room. I
knew you were still sleeping and I don't want to be the third wheel between you

You're not a third wheel. It was me who almost died and melted like water on
the bed.

"I wonder which star will let me sleep in her room to keep her company so that
I won't interrupt you and P'Pha tonight?"

"Asshole Ming..."

He gaped at me.

"I'll be the one to jump on P'Pha tonight."

Ming's eyes widened all of a sudden. "Huh?"


As for the guys, we headed for the white sand bars to play soccer in two teams.
They were using a lot of cameras to capture every angle from our smiles, yells,
jokes, tumbling down after being hit by the ball, etc.

It's a very fun activity to the point everyone no longer mind who's more
handsome than who. (Then why the fuck do we still need that makeup and
hairdo for?) I could hardly imagine what's it going to be like in the end.

Once the contest is done, it will no longer matter who's gonna win or loose. The
important thing we earned in this activity is the friendship we have established
with each other along the way.
Since I just got recovered from carsickness and they see me easily sweat and
become breathless, I'm often exchanged with others for the shooting. I sit on
one corner panting like a dog while the camera is still rolling. One photographer
keeps on taking pictures of me and I don't like to see my photo being posted as
someone who easily gets tired.
"Are you okay?" I heard a man's voice behind me. Before I even notice, a small
towel landed on my shoulder.

"Are you supposed to take their pictures according to their whim? Nong is tired.
Go take take pictures over there."

P'Forth comes to the rescue before I get a lot more pictures of my fatigue being
shown to the public.

"You just recover and shouldn't play this kind of heavy sport... Don't go back
to the field anymore."

"Hey, P'! Why haven't I seen you since I that time?"

I last saw him when we were on the bus before I went carsick and puked. P'Forth
bought loads of snack for me that time but I think half of it just went inside
Ming's tummy by now.

"We're you looking for me?" P'Forth smiles showing his pearly white teeth.

"I can easily find you P' even if it's in a very crowded place because you always
stand out among the others."

"I'm really happy right now." He still hasn't stopped smiling. "After I sent you
to the Insane Med Students Gang's car, I got on my friend's car too.
Unfortunately, we got a flat tire along the way and only arrived here just now."

"Oh... That's unfortunate indeed."

"Yeah, not as bad as you though who kept on throwing up until you went

Something cold touches my cheek which turned out to be a frozen bottled water.
It was from P'Kit, handing it to me but the first person I saw when I look up
was P'Pha who's standing still with his arms crossed staring at the other Moons
on the field kicking the ball.
"Ai'Kit... I thought you guys already got sun-tanned." I guess it's P'Forth's way
of saying 'hi'.

"Stupid. I need to look after the kids. I also happen to be the Campus Moon's
friend, you know." He turns his face to P'Pha.

Damn! Everytime I see his face, it always reminds me of the scene where our
faces were so close to each other with me underneath him lying on the bed.

"Right... I've been thinking about inviting you guys to have a drink inside my
room this evening. I already bought them."
I'm confused, did P'Forth's car had a flat tire or was he busy buying something
along the way?

"How about you, Ai'Pha?" To get the subordinates to go, one must invite the
boss first of course.

P'Pha shrugs. I don't need to guess what his response will be. "Is it free?"

"It's free."

"Hmmm... Okay, I'll go."

"Yo, are you going too?" P'Forth turns his face towards me so I have to shift
my gaze towards the sand. Since he asks me this question, I got some weird
looks from those Insane Doctors.

"Err... I..." Will Ming go?

"Ming will also go." Can he read my mind now?

"He can't go." P'Pha said, making everyone turn silent and listen to him.

"He just recovered... If he consumes bad stuff, it'll make him worse."

Huh! As if I just got an order from him. I didn't say anything else to P'Forth. He
only shoves my head softly and playfully.

Why do I suddenly feel like there's this some kind of dark aura coming from
the Insane Doctors' side?
"Hey, Ai'Kit... Let's go check those Nong'Stars together." P'Pha says.

P'Beam follows him suit while P'Kit pats my shoulder lightly.

Grrr!!! P'Pha you womanizer! You flirting bastard!

"Do you want to come with us?" P'Kit is always kind enough to invite me all
the time.

"I can't, P'..." I jerked my head towards those Moons who are still kicking the
ball. I'm still part of their activity despite my condition. Moreover, if I were to
go with them, I'd only be much consumed by that idiot who invited to go see
the stars showing their body in the pool.

"You're okay?"

"I'm fine."
"P'!!!" P'Kit startles when out of the blue, a person among the Moons calls his

It's Ming. Since when did my friend become this close with P'Kit?

"You come to watch me, P'?!"

"Watch my ass!" P'Kit frantically curses at him. "I'd better go."

"Hey, where are you hurried off to?"

"It's none of your business, asshole!"

"I was just about to get motivated playing soccer after seeing you."

"Fuck you!"

Does my friend have a thing for P'Pha's friend? I see him waving his hands
happily when P'Kit walks away. I think I need to ask him about this later.

"Does your friend like Doctor Kit?"

"I don't know P'... I'm about to ask him."

"How about you? Do you like someone?"

I was stunned. I never thought P'Forth will ask me this question.

"No, P'. Who can I like? With a face like mine, I don't think anyone will
reciprocate my feelings."
"A face like you will shake anyone's heart even if they're no longer single, trust

"Really P'? I think you're more like it." I told him.

"Is that so?" P'Forth stares towards the sea. He went silent for awhile after that.

"Probably not this time..."

Spending The Night With Him

Wayo's POV...

This is a free tip for the Moon and Stars but we need to work until we're worth
the price for the whole package.

The remaining hours before sunset is intended for us to shoot in casual outfits
by the seashore. I'm getting used to the shootings to the point I no longer know
how to get used to it anymore. Did you get my point?

We're lucky to witness the sun setting on the horizon before the last photoshoot
ends so most of us grabbed the opportunity to take their own photos or videos
with such magnificent view on the background.

For some people like me, it's the best time to relax...

... But for some people like Ming, it's time to get together with his seniors.

"You really don't want to come with us? P'Pha will be there too, you know

"You really don't want to come with us? P'Pha will be there too, you know...
You'll get jealous for sure." He's been mocking me like that for about 88 times
"Nah, I won’t get jealous... You better hurry up and get going." We just enjoyed
having our sumptuous dinner and I don't feel like moving out of the bed at all.
Besides, I don't want the seniors to see me in my dorky glasses since I already
took my contact lenses off. To top it all, I have my bangs tied up with Ming's
help because I always get bothered by it.

It makes me look like a huge pinapple wearing dorky glasses.

So I'd rather stay reading my mangga because I look ugly, not because someone
ordered me not to go out.

Hey! It's true!

"Well, I hope it's true..." Ming opens the door.

"Hey... Wait!"


"Do you have a thing for P'Pha's friend?"

"Which one?"

He even pretends to make a confused face. "Come on... Don't act like you don't

"Oh... P'Kit?"


"Well, there's nothing special yet but if my friend says he passes, then I'm not
really sure what's gonna happen next." He says in a laid-back tone.

"Should it be up to me?"


"Is that supposed to be your business?"

"You're my best friend. Aren't you going to help me check?"

"Just hurry up and go."

Ming leaves and closes the door behind him. It didn't took another second
before he opens it back and pops his head in.

"I'm going to lock the door before you might go and rape someone."

"Fuck you!!!"

He closes the door again before he gets hit by the pillow I throw at him. I could
hear his footsteps running along the corridor until it's gone…

I hear the door sound another 'click' and realize it's P'Pha entering our room
with a bewildered look. He must be wondering why Ming runs like that as if he
had just seen a Japanese ghost or something.

I'm not wearing that facial mask today, okay?!

"Hey..." Lying in bed, I speak up after P'Pha closes the door... Here we go
again... We're face to face just the two of us and my heart starts to beat like

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to have a drink with Ai'Ming?"

"I'll change clothes." He said curtly and walks towards his luggage on the sofa.

I feel like I was being cursed again. My body turns rigid every time I look at
P'Pha walking back and forth inside the room.

I'd better focus on reading my mangga.

"Have you taken your medicine?"

I hurriedly took the magazine off my face and peeks at the person who's now
wearing only his boxers and T-shirt.
Shit! Even in this outfit, he's still handsome. What has he done to deserve such

What has he done to deserve such handsomeness?


"Shorty, I'm asking if you already took your medicine."

How am I going to answer him without my tongue intertwining? P'Pha looks so

relaxed and carefree until it makes me feel extremely shy.

"Just took it." I already took it even before I showered.

"Good. Go get some sleep then."

"I've slept a lot today... Do I still need to go back to sleep?" I carelessly whine
out loud which makes P'Pha turn to look at me with his eyebrows raised.

"If you don't want to sleep, what are you going to do then?"
His question directs me to the scene where he stradled on top of me on this bed
where I am at just a few hours ago.

"Read mangga."
He chuckles. "You really are a baby." P'Pha looks at the mirror with me
reflecting on the background. He touches his pointy hair and looks at himself
in the mirror without blinking. "Someone who drinks Pink Milk... Easily gets
carsick... Reads mangga... What a young master."

I suddenly crave for that drink after he mentions it. A certain someone makes
me become even more attached to that iced milk this time.

"Are you not in a hurry?"

I ask him since Ming has been long gone for some time now.
"They won't run out of alcohol. Those guys are very good at drinking so they
bought enough amount that can even make a bath for you."

I didn't say anything more and went back to read my mangga. I'd be honest, I
just did it to cover myself from taking a peek at him. I almost forgot to change
its direction since I'm reading it upside down. Good thing he didn't notice.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

P'Pha opens the door without even looking at the person outside.

"Hey, P'Pha! Oh ... Yo is in this room too."

Have you ever heard of the word 'double standards'? This is how the Star of
Arts faculty sounds who goes by the name of 'Kuk'kai' which is quite different
from what I remember

Have you ever heard of the word 'double standards'? This is how the Star of
Arts faculty sounds who goes by the name of 'Kuk'kai' which is quite different
from what I remember.

"What is it Nong?"

Duh! He even remembers her name! It seems like they have been familiar with
each other already.

And why am I even gripping the blankets tightly?

"Kuk'kai tries to move her bed on one corner because her room is so small but
Kuk'kai can't do it on her own... Can P'Pha help me?"
"Okay..." He walks out to help her wearing only his T-shirt and boxers on. Now
how can a handsome guy be wrong with helping some damsel in distress who
can't even lift a chair all by herself?"

Not wrong even a single bit...

Then why am I being upset about this?

Yeah! You always tend to become nice to everyone and make them like you...
Stupid, P'Pha!

I'm not sure If I really want to help or just want to stop someone from scoring
something but I end up dragging myself to follow them outside. However, P'Pha
already comes out from the other room with Kuk'kai behind him saying her

All I can do now is pop my head from the door looking at them.

"If you need anything else, just tell me. You're alone right now so don't forget
to lock your room."
"Can't P'Pha stay with Kuk'kai for awhile? I don't know when Sai and P'May
will come back and I'm scared..."

Like really?

I stand there watching at them conversing with a cold face. I really want to
know how P'Pha will respond to her.

"I shouldn't be, Nong... Shorty also needs someone to be with him."

Wait, what? What am I, a five-year-old kid?

"Don't forget to lock your room."

She nods her disappointment without P'Pha looking at her. Now he drags me
inside the room and closed the door after that.
Why does it seems the world becomes so beautiful all of a sudden? I really don't
know why
Why does it seems the world becomes so beautiful all of a sudden? I really don't
know why...

P'Pha sighs deeply. "Why are you blocking the way? Step aside, Shorty."

"Err... Sorry."
"Why didn't you rush to help just now? Are you busy thinking or what? I was
almost done by her."

See that! By the time I was busy cursing P'Pha and thinking about going to help
them, Kuk'kai must have tried to come on to him who's standing in front of him
right now with a scowling face.

This is the first time I saw him look upset like he wasn't upset at all. It was like
he's happy to finally get rid of her clutch but if not, maybe it's also fine... Err...
Not like that.

"Don't tell anyone what you have just seen. It will affect her reputation."

"Why didn't you pursue with her? Normally, if someone will ask you for it, you
would easily give in."

I always forget how tall he is until he walks back and look at my face like what
he's doing now at me.

"Have you been observing me for quite a long time for you to say something
like this?"

"No." I shook my head quickly. "It's how I see you based on your appearance
and your attitude."

"Maybe I used to be like that..." P'Pha shrugs. "But not anymore."

I almost didn't hear the last sentence he just said.

"Why is it? Have you already met the 'right one'?" It's like I am being so nosy
about other people's business but hey! We're talking about the person I like here
I'm being nosy at so please!

What will he reply?

And why do I need to be awake and badly wait for it anyway?


"Hmm?" Shia! I need to compose myself in front of him.

"Are you not reading your mangga?"

Crumble... Everything crumbles...

I don't need to wait for that answer anymore.

"The 'one'... Already met for a long time..."

What did he say? What 'one' does he mean?

15 minutes later....

P'Pha is done taking his shower probably that's why his fragrant smell spreads
all over the room. He changes into a pair of shorts and T-shirt which looks a bit
messy. He seems to be quite relaxed and not even a bit in a hurry.

"I might get pregnant of you staring at me like this for so long."

He even knows I'm staring at him! Cough! Cough!

"Are you some kind of a fighting fish or something?"


He's still talking.

"Aren't you in a hurry?" I ask him again.

"Are you really that desperate to want me to go?"

"No... Just wondering..."

"No?" P'Pha looks at me through his wet hair.

Does he really need to return my words back at me?

"Why is it?"

"Just what I said earlier... Shorty needs a company so I need to stay."

That shorty is me, correct? But I never once said I wanted a company.

"What else do you want to know?"


"Your face looks like you have a lot of questions all the time."





"The thing with Kuk'kai... Is it really okay?"

I ask this with embarrassment all over my face.

"She's fine. There are many people who do this to me." P'Pha turns to look at
me again. "Or would you like to do it too?"

"Hell, no!"

"Do I need to be careful?"

"Aish fucking P'Pha!"


Shia!!! He's smiling at the corner of his mouth again.

My mangga has long been forgotten.

"I don't need to though." P'Pha walks to sit near me on the bed. I slowly shift
my body away... I'm so afraid he's going to attack my neck again. "I think you're
the one who should be careful."
"Of whom?"

"Still need to ask?"


"It's very fun teasing you."

Enjoy it alone then!

But wait... Wait... Wait... Will I really be staying alone with P'Pha tonight?
Believe In Me

Wayo's POV…

It's not that I'm not happy being alone with P'Pha in the same room...

It actually feels sooo good but the thing is... I can't seem to do things right and
it makes me feel awkward at the same time. It's not in a negative kind of way
though and you have to understand that I can't be myself in front of P'Pha since
he is the only person I like.

I'm scared to death that he'll see my ugly side or I might do something that will
make him feel uncomfortable.


Having this one-sided love is kind of exhausting.

You don't just have to be wary about yourself but also for the other person.

And yes... I'm starting to feel exhausted now, I admit... It's tiring that just
thinking about it consumes almost half of my energy for the whole day..

"What's with that long face of yours?" P'Pha, who's busy playing on his iPad,
raises his head to look at me while I'm drowning thinking about our situation.

"Am I bothering you?"

He's been sitting on the sofa playing with his tablet since he got out from the
shower so how can he bother me?

"I can go outside if you can't sleep."

Oh dear... I think I'm back to over thinking things again...

"No... How about you? Do you feel uncomfortable?" Uuurgh! Not only did I
replied to him but I also asked him the same question that has been running on
my mind for quite some time now.
If he say yes, please let me jump from the balcony to the outdoor pool
downstairs... I'm such an embarrassment.

"Are you kidding?" He looks at my face. "We sit quite far from each other and
do things on our own so you're not bothering me at all."

Wew! Such a relief!

"I'm sorry... It must be not that fun staying here with me..." I said slowly.

"What's wrong with you? Do I need to laugh and have fun all the time whenever
I'm with you? You're crazy, kid."

He doesn't seem to care about it but I wonder why am I thinking so much?

"So what are you doing?" I'm sitting on the bed while he's half-lying-half -
sitting on the sofa staring at his iPad.

"I'm looking for something."

"What is it?"

P'Pha shows a bit of his unpleasant expression telling me I'm asking too much

If you're not responding, how are we supposed to have something to talk about?

"I'm looking for piano chords."

"Do you also play the piano?" My jaw almost drop hearing it. I remember back
in high school, if he's not playing basketball, he'll play guitar leisurely with his
friends. I never heard he could play the piano.

"No, I don't."

"..." (Wrong!)

"It's for you... It won't be long before the competition night and you have to
come up with your piece... Don't tell me you still haven't thought about it?"

It's supposed to be my problem but he's doing it on my behalf.

I feel so touched.

"What's wrong with you? You're making a funny face right now... Really... You
feel touched, huh?"

"Not even a bit." I quickly denied. "So what have you come up with so far?"
"I don't know... I'm not the one who's going to play, am I?" Then what's the
point of you looking for those chords? "Come here and take a look yourself."


My heart begins to beat faster after he said that. What's there to be scared about,
Wayo? He only asked you to select the chords for Pete's sake!

But I'm scared I might blurt out what's inside my heart with him this close if not
through speech, he might see it through my eyes...

Why do I have to be alone with him inside a closed room like this, huh?
"I won't bite." But P'Pha's eyes almost look like they are about to devour me

Fine... Getting help from others in selecting the best song is way better than
doing it alone anyway.

Normally, that person happens to be Ai'Ming whom I can always rely on but
this time, I know he also needs to practice Thai boxing for his talent show so
I'd rather allow him to have some time for himself to do it without me bothering

I slowly approach P'Pha. He looks almost ready to go to bed with his outfit.
Though he doesn't seem to look flashy at all yet I can say that he still looks
extremely handsome.

"Which one do you prefer, Thai or foreign song?"

My soul has left me... Where are you? I can't think straight even a little bit.
We're almost about 25cm. away from each other and it's killing me!


"I'm asking if which song will you prefer? Thai or foreign?" Why do you have
to look so serious?

"Uhmm... What do you think?"

"Why are you asking me? You're the one who's going to play so it's your

"I want to hear your idea about it..." Actually, I'll follow whatever he says. If
you're in love, you'll understand.
"Hmm..." P'Pha looks at my face like he's thinking deeply. "I think you won't
have any problem with English songs..."

Why are you thinking like that? Do I look half European or something?

"... But I think you will go better with Thai Songs."

"Alright then..."

"Hey." P'Pha seems surprised. "Think a bit for yourself too."

"Well, I already have something in mind..." I lied, pretending to scan the chords
on his iPad he was holding for me to see.

"Which song do you think is good? What type of genre do you like?"

"What do you think?" I'm trying to trick him to give me the answer. Hahaha!

"Idiot... You have to think." Does he really think I can't come up with anything?

"I don't know... There are like thousands of pieces to choose from..."

"How about 'Lao Duong Deoun'?"

"You can get a possible perfect score from Professor Auntie."


"Hey! I'm joking." He's pressing his lips together showing that half smirk at the
corner of his mouth. It's the most alluring sight I have ever seen.
Damn! Everyone will certainly fall head over heels once they see this. I myself
couldn't control my heart from beating too fast the moment I caught it with my

Could he possibly hear my heart beating so loud?

"What do you feel now?" His question just came out of nowhere.

Hold on! He did probably hear my heartbeat?!


"I think you will get a high score if you play the song that relates the most to
your innermost feelings. You understand the word 'inner', right?"

Wow... Do I need to come up with something emotional like this?

"Hmm... I understand."

"Here... Choose then." P'Pha gives me his iPad. WAAAAH! His iPad!!! I'm
holding his iPad in my hands!!! Are there porn clips in it? I really wanna know.
If only he doesn't keep on staring at me, I really won't feel ashamed invading it.

Hold on... The song that relates the most to my inner feelings right now? Hmm...
Let's see...

'Corner' by Playground.

'How far is near?' by Getsunova

'Don't you know?' by Nat Thew

Damn! All the songs are about 'unrequited love'.

"Calm down... Take it easy." P'Pha thinks that I'm upset but I'm not. I'm quiet
here because I'm starting to get worried looking at the songs I have come up
with to have something to do with unrequited love. Like seriously?

But maybe it's because I'm thinking about that person I secretly love who's just
sitting next to me right now.

"Are you hungry?" He asks me. "I'm going out to buy something to eat. What
do you want? I'll buy it for you."

"I'm still supposed to be your servant. You should order me to go."

"But you're a very sick servant now. I don't feel like bullying you today." He
seems really hungry because he already grabs his wallet and is about to go. "So
do you want something?"

This guy is so cool. He looks a lot like someone who's ready to go to bed but
he's not even afraid to go outside. As for me, uurgh! I look horrible. My
appearance consist of an oversized shirt, thick glasses and ponytailed hair which
tells a completely different story.

"Wait! I'll go with you." I snatched my own wallet and hurried for the closet.

"Shorty... What are you doing?"

"I'm changing clothes."

"There's no need. Let's go."

"Hold on! What? Me... In this outfit?"

"It looks cute. What are you afraid of?"

"It's a sleeping outfit." I argue without even noticing what he just said a little
while ago.

Wait... What did he just say?

Is it 'cute' I heard?

"Come on, I'm hungry." P'Pha hurries out of the door.

In the end... Do I really need to walk aimlessly with this oversized shirt I only
wear on my sleep? I'm not a god or someone like you who looks too handsome
all the time no matter what you wear... Never mind though. Let's just think of
this as a late night date between us both... prrrrr...

Yeah, something like that.

"No need to bring your wallet." He snatches it from my hand and shoots it on
top of the bed. Three points!!!

Bastard! My dad went as far as Korea just to buy that wallet for me!

At 7/11 accross the road...

This chain store is the best option around this area. It's a bit chilling since the
place is quite near the beach.

Brrr... (feeling cold)

I stand quietly inside the store and dare not to buy anything (I don't have the
money with me) while P'Pha puts a lot of stuff inside the basket he's carrying.
Does he plan to buy it for himself or is he planning to raise pigs inside our

"Go get whatever you want." He said.

"I don't have the money..." Not am I only wearing oversized shirt to the store
but I couldn't buy anything too! What a miserable life.

"Don't you know that it'll be my treat?"


"Are you too slow to process things in your head or you're that stupid?"

FUCK YOU! "Your treat right?" Huh! I went to grab another basket.

P'Pha hits my head lightly with a Pringles tube. "We can't even finish these...
Aren't you afraid of getting fat?"

Oh! That's right.

"You became quiet all of I sudden... I was just joking... Go pick whatever you
want but hurry it up. It's getting cold now and your clothes are very thin."

"Okay P'... Okay." I waii my thanks at him.

To be honest, I don't know what possessed P'Pha that makes him treat me a lot
better now... But forget it! This is who he truly is. Even though he has a bad
mouth and talks as if he's bored or hates the world, in reality he is very generous
and fond of helping others.

I only heard about this before but now that I have witnessed it myself, I can say
proudly that I didn't choose the wrong person to love.

Even if he doesn't choose me at all…

"Shorty, are you done?"

"Hey, P'Pha!" A voice could be heard behind us. It's Kuk'kai the girl from the
room across who tried to rape P'Pha not many hours ago. (Allow me to use
simple words here, please.) She's at the store with Sai.

I stare at her... Yeah... A beauty is always a beauty no matter what she wears.
Kuk'kai still looks pretty with just her t-shirt and shorts on. She's a star after all.
She still shines so brightly even at night.

"Are you here to buy some food? Why didn't you ask for me?"

I become nothing more than a piece of wood behind the handsome Campus
Moon. Maybe it's because our elements are just too opposite or probably those
ladies don't pay any attention to me.
"I thought you have already gone to sleep." The idiot replies like a gentleman
as he is until I already feel so spiteful.

What am I being so moody about?

"Kuk'kai haven't slept yet... It's barely 9:00pm." She smiles. "P'Pha and... Yo.
(Finally she recognized my presence.) Please wait for me. Let's go back

He looks at me for awhile before nodding his head. "Hmm... Okay."

We're staying at the same place so we'll be using the same road going back. We
were in the store at the same time therefore it's only natural for us to go together.

Don't mind me... I'm still trying to find some rational reasons to make myself
feel better. I become so moody here which is quite strange.
Sigh... It's not wrong for Kuk'kai to like P'Pha but I don't know either why I feel
so... Offended... Yeah, that's right.

Maybe it's because I couldn't freely express myself like her. This is the main
reason why I envy her until I become this moody.

Not long after that, the ladies were done choosing their snacks. The things they
bought couldn't even compare to the things P'Pha bought for us.
"Do you want me to carry it for you?" I wish I haven't complimented him for
helping others. A small like that, even a toddler can carry it by himself.

Never mind though... It's his business. I eat Pocky in the most boring manner I
could come up with...

"Thank you." Kuk'kai gives him a shy smile then walks to the front so that P'Pha
can walk next to her while Sai slows down to walk with me from behind.

"Do you know?" Sai speaks smilingly. "Kuk'kai likes P'Pha."

Again... Even a toddler can notice that.


"Actually, there's no doubt that P'Pha is very handsome but I don't know. It's
like no matter how hard I try to chase after him, he wouldn't budge so I just give

Oh please... Give me a break. Don't tell me she's another rival?

"If P'Pha and Kuk'kai stay together tonight, I'm staying at your room."


"I won't rape you." Sai laughs.

It's not about that. "They'll be staying together?"

"I don't know but just be ready in advance." She said. "Kuk'kai told me that
P'Pha seemed like he also wanted her that time but you came to interrupt so he
just hastily walked out of her room."

Huh...? Is it true?

I become quiet looking at the tall figure with a willowy one walking side by
side at the front. They seem to have endless things to talk about and get along
well. This scene matches very well with what Sai just said earlier.

It's like a bucket of iced cold water is splashed on my face right now.

"P'Pha looks like he's getting hooked. I can't blame him since Kuk'kai is so
pretty. Don't tell anyone if they are really going to stay together tonight, okay?"

I'm telling whom?

... When I myself couldn't accept this information.

It feels like my soul has been ripped out of my body when we arrive at our

"P'Pha, Kuk'kai has something for you... Please come to my room for a bit."

Both rooms' doors open at the same time. P'Pha stands dumbfounded outside
with a confused face while I went to approach our own room.

"What is it?"

"Refreshments... Come first... Come... Come..." She said, pulling him inside.

I don't want to acknowledge any of these things so I just close my eyes and went
inside our room right away, Sai follows behind me.
"You bought lots of snacks." She said. "Don't forget to leave some for tonight."

"Hmm..." I replied with a lazy voice and headed for the balcony. I don't even
feel like eating anymore.
I don't know what's happening inside the room anymore. All I know is that I
feel dejected... Dejected about everything I heard and saw. I know P'Pha isn't
mine for me to feel this way but I really couldn't take it when he's being intimate
with a girl so close like this.

It's like he's trampling my heart severely with his own feet... It's so painful.
"Hia, Shorty..." P'Pha opens the balcony door and approaches me. "The shrimp
dumplings are getting cold."

I turn to look inside the room. There's no Sai but only P'Pha behind the closed
door. He looks at me with his handsome face full of confusion. He's probably
wondering what am I being so dramatic for this time.

"Hurry up! Come and eat... Or I'll finish them all."

"Hey! Those are mine!" I even asked for the storekeeper to heat them up. I
rushed inside before P'Pha finishes them. We sat crossed leg on the floor and
started opening the dumpling lit up to eat them.

It was the first time I feel so hungry that I already forgot all about the drama.

"So you're not going to stay in Kuk'kai's room?"

"Stupid." He scolds me. "How many times do I need to say that she always tries
hitting on me?"

"That's not what I heard."

P'Pha catches my hand which is holding a spoon. "What did you say?"

I hooked my eyes on the carpet. "That's not what I heard... I heard that you also
wanted her but because I interrupted you both, you just stopped."

"Have you heard it from a drama series in Channel 5?"

"And you happen to believe it?"

"Or is it not true?"

"Of course not." He says in a very upset tone. "You shouldn't have believed in
others. You should have believed me."

It feels like something sharp is pointing directly towards my chest.

"Tell me honestly... What do you think about me as a person?"

I gulped. "I don't know... A womaniser, a playboy... Something like that."

P'Pha still hasn't removed my hand. On top of it, he even moves his face closer
towards me.

"Shorty..." His voice sounds so serious that makes my hair stand to its ends.

... And to be honest, looks like I can finally believe in him this time.

"... I used to be but not anymore."

I blink my eyes repeatedly. "Can you let go of my hand now?"

"I will never lie to you... Do you understand?"

I don't know what to say... And I don't want to meet those sharp eyes of his right


"Answer me... Do you understand?"

Man! He's a savage!

"Okay, I understand." I'm trying to pick up the dumplings as a distraction but

he won't let go of my hand. I already scoop one and it's now floating on my

"This will serve as punishment for your misunderstanding about me." He lower
his face to feed himself with the dumpling I am holding with my spoon.

"... I'll take this one."

I couldn't feel anything the moment he grabs my hand and stares at me like this.

He's not mine... But I don't know why I feel so happy that he took an effort to
explain everything to me... To make me believe in him...
Actually, P'Pha doesn't really have to explain himself to me over and over

"Shorty... Aren't you asleep yet?"


"You're already asleep, aren't you?"


"Good night... Nong'Yo..."

Dating With The Campus Moon

Kit's POV…

My friend, Ai'Pha is probably over the moon right now staying in the same
room alone with Nong'Yo like this.

As for Beam and I who has nothing to be excited about, returns to our own room
and wait until the time comes for us to go drinking with those engineers.

Beam arranges the sheets to read on them although the new block has just
started not too long ago. In fact, there's no need to rearrange them at all. We just
have to read them through since it's obligatory.

We are not geniuses or those 'one of a kind' type like our 'boss' but we're decent
men. Besides, this new block is deadly so we have to prepare for the worst.

As for me, I prefer watching TV instead of doing what Ai'Beam does.

Honestly, I'm itching to bother Ai'Pha right now by calling him. It's almost 8pm.
I don't know whether he has already gotten laid with our Nong or not... but I
know he still hasn't. That guy is not even brave enough to tell Nong'Yo that he
likes him. I really don't know what he's afraid of.

Is he afraid that our dear Nong's heart is no longer the same as his?

Well, more than Nong's friend Ming and his rival Forth, it looks like my friend
has the upper hand since it looks like Nong'Yo also has feelings for him.

Hey, speaking of that Nong's friend...

I suddenly remember that he too stays in the same room with them. Will he
probably ruin my friend's happiness tonight being their third wheel?

Knock! Knock! Knock...

Beam is busy studying his notes so it has to be me then. I have to get to the

Awww... Speaking of the devil...

There he is standing tall. I have to look up a little to see his face. He's not only
tall, but quite handsome too. This hotel must be holding a lot of good-looking
guests tonight but I have to admit this one here standing in front of me outstands
the rest unless if we're going to exclude Pha of course.

"What do you want?" I couldn't forget what an asshole this guy is after what he
did the last time...
Wait a minute... If Ming is here, then Pha and Nong'Yo must be left all by
themselves in their room...

There you go, my dear friend. Grab him!

"P'Forth asks me to fetch you to have a drink at his room now krub." He said,
grinning handsomely.

"You already started?"


"Isn't it way too early?"

"Not at all because I have to get up early and P'Forth is worried I might look
less handsome tomorrow than the other Moons so I'm not allowed to stay up
late and have less sleep."

What a conceited jerk! He even got the nerve to call himself 'handsome'. Such
a dork! Doesn't want to get less sleep but getting himself drunk... What
difference will it make?

"Okay... Hold on." I turn to call on Beam.

"Hey wait a sec khrub P'..."

"What now?"

"P'Forth also asks me to buy some ice cubes outside..."


"Can you go with me?"

"Why do I have to go with you? It's your duty and you're his junior." There's
hell no way I'm going with him.

"P'... I don't have friends with me right now. Besides, Seven Eleven is quite far
from here... Please go with me."

If he was tall but quite as cute as Nong'Yo, he doesn't have to beg at me like
this. I would have gone with him already but this tall gigantic buffalo is trying
to make a begging face. Who does he think he is? A cute little handsome boy?
No way!

"Just come back here to fetch us once you're done..."

I'm about to close the door, but he uses his long hand to block it.

"What do you want?"

"I'll buy you some snacks."

"It will only make me fat."

"Ice cream?"

"That's even worse."

"So what should I do to make you go with me?"

I'm getting very annoyed right now. I don't know what to say anymore. And
now he's quirking his eyebrows at me like some kind of a jerk.

And now he's quirking his eyebrows at me like some kind of a jerk

"Beam. Can you go with him?" I turn this shit to Beam now.

"No way. P'Beam is studying."

"He's asking you, not me." Fuck you, Ai'Beam! You are not helping me at all.
These morons are ganging up on me again.
I gawk at this giant thinking I might have no choice but to go with him.
Otherwise, he'll never stop bothering me. Such an annoying brat!

"Fine! I'll go... You should know how bothersome you are... Tss!"
I push his tall body away from the door and out of my way before shutting it.
He looks so happy like a dog wagging its tail seeing its owner.

I'll get back to you some day!

"It's not that far... Why do you have to trouble people this much?" I'm so
pissed... Damn pissed right now.

"What if somebody rapes me? I couldn't stop that from happening. Look at me.
I'm too handsome."

Grrrrrr! Why do I feel like he's such an annoying bug flying around me right

He's quite handsome as he says but I don't want to explicitly agree to it most
especially in front of this conceited asshole walking beside me.

"Assuming that you are a tourist..." He turns to me. "And I walk to you like
this..." He then pretends to walk passing me by. "Are you gonna pull me or
jump on me?"
"Asshole... You're not Miabi Aoi with a pair of big boobs. Why do I have to
jump on you?" I don't even give a hell about that metaphor at all.

"Why are you looking away, then? Scared to look at me in the eyes?"

"I'm not looking away. I just don't know why do I even have to look at you. And
I'm very annoyed right now..." I may have to emphasize the last sentence for
him to understand.

"Read through my lips... I... Am... Annoyed!" Why is this taking so long to get
to the Seven Eleven Store?

Annoyed!" Why is this taking so long to get to the Seven Eleven Store?

"You'll get used to it." Ming speaks again with a broad smile on his handso... I
mean stupid face.

"Instead, why don't you try to be less annoying, huh?"

"Trust me. You'll like me soon for what I am..."

No way...

I'm not even gonna like you as a brother or a friend. What a guy! So ceaseless
and talkative...

What a guy! So ceaseless and talkative

"Hurry up. I'll wait here."

Ming walks right into the convenience store while I prefer to wait for him
outside. I can see that most of the customers in there are people from the contest.
Several of them are even smiling at me.


Maybe it's because I'm handsome too.

"I'm back" He comes out with two big bags of ice and some snacks.

"Good." What a relief. I'm leading the way back to the hotel now.


I turn to look at him... "What?"

"Can you help me carry these, please?"

"Jerk! You dragged me along to use me, aren't you?"

"I'm not using you..." He says with a tender voice, showing off those puppy
dogs eyes of his. "I'm asking you, please khrub... Please... Please..." 2

Without uttering any word, I yanked one of the bags from his hand and walk

"Wait a minute, P'. Let's go there first." He's trying to go to the beach.

"What now?" I'm really getting tired of this moron!

"I want to take a picture of the Moon. My mom says she wants to see it."

I didn't say yes yet but now he's walking towards the beach. So I have no choice,
right? I have to walk to the beach with him. Uuuurgh!

It's quite fortunate that the water hasn't come up all the way to cover the whole
beach yet, otherwise, we won't have any dry path to walk along.

Really, what on earth am I doing? I'm following a tall freshman kid who walks
on the sand playfully like a ten year old with bags of ice on his hands.

I was even more surprised to see him drop those ice bags on the sand without
hesitation. And then he decides to sit down and forget that he has to bring them
to Forth before they melt.

And then he decides to sit down and forget that he has to bring them to Forth
before they melt

What the fuck is he thinking?

"You are here to take a picture, ain't you? Not for a picnic, now go ahead. Hurry

I totally don't get this kid. He's getting into my nerves!

"Sit down P'. Why hurry?"

"The ice is melting."

"I can buy some more later..."



"Stop being such a prick. Get up!"

"Sit down."

"I said get up."

"I said sit down."

Ai... Ai... I don't know what to say anymore. I'm not giving up. I just don't want
to say anything anymore. If we're in the High School, I would have pulled his
ears already. This asshole doesn't listen to me at all. He seems to be so happy
driving me crazy.

"I didn't buy one for you... Because you said you don't want to get fat." He's
eating KitKat and stares at me like it's the most delicious thing in the world...
makes me want to eat it too.

"Do you like it?"

"Like? Like what?"


"Yes..." He smiles and looks to the sea. "...I guess I like Kitkat a lot..."

"Shall we go now?" Or should I ask like 'can you stop being such a jerk?'

"A few more minutes please... I haven't taken the picture of the Moon yet."


"Err... Seriously, the moon and your face are quite similar, P'." Are those stares
of his suppose to make people melt?

"Are those stares of his suppose to make people melt?

"How on earth does it becomes similar?" I asked grumpily.

"Right here!" I was stunned when he playfully pokes my cheeks with his finger.
"There's a hole like the moon."

"That's my dimple, you moron... Give me your phone. I'll take it for you so you
can finish your KitKat." He nods and tries to find his phone but seems like it's
not there.
"No way... I brought it with me, I swear." He stands up and looks around the

"Have you dropped it?"

"I can't believe it!" I complain and start helping him to look around. I even use
my foot to dig the sand thinking he might have dropped it on our way here.

"P'... Can you call my phone? My number is 090-XXXXXYZ"

"You're unbelievable... clumsy little brat!" I press the number and call...


Ring! Ring!

I really want to kick his ass right now... I swear!

I swear!

"Oh... It's here." He continues eating his KitKat and pulls his phone out from
his pants pocket. To my astonishment, he presses the accept button. "I'll save
your number in advance na khrub."

That's it!!!

I kick a few sands towards Ming and walk away like a mad person. I don't know
why do I have to be here with him and let him give me this kind of shit.

I really hate it.

"P'Kit!" He calls my name but I don't give a hell anymore. "Come on P' I was
just joking around..."

You do whatever you want to do. I'm not taking this shit anymore. Just leave
me alone!

"Don't sulk like a girl..."

What the fuck?! "What did you just say?" I'm about to punch him now.

"Err...r..r.." He may have turned speechless seeing me explode like that.

"Am I your playmate or something? How dare you mess with me like that?
You're becoming more and more arrogant now, you prick!"

"Give it to me." I pull the ice bags away from him. "Waiting for these ice from
you, then those guys will be waiting forever!"

"Where are you going?"

"Getting a drink. And don't you dare follow me!"

"I'm really sorry that I crossed the line..."

"I won't accept any apology from you!"

I'm so mad that I walk away without looking back, leaving Ai'Ming standing in
front of the 7/11 store with the beach on the background. I don't care about this
kid anymore.

I'm totally enraged even thinking about his stupid face

I'm totally enraged even thinking about his stupid face.

"P'Kit. Please stop P'Forth from looking for Ai'Yo na khrub." He yells behind

Inside Forth's room...

"Where's Ming?" It's getting crowded at Forth's room because everyone's got

"Where's Ming?" It's getting crowded at Forth's room because everyone's got
invited. Beam is there too. He looks curious why I'm the only one who came
back. "He didn't pick up."

"He'll be here." P'Forth's friend added. "Let's just drink."

Beam and I are pretty familiar with these Engineering friends. We drink a lot
together many times so this session runs normally and smoothly for us... The
only unusual thing is me feeling uncomfortable because I'm still mad at that kid
and It's even getting worse because the idiot hasn't showed up yet. And why do
I keep on glancing at the door every time somebody walks into the room?
"What's wrong, Kit?" Beam asks. "Seriously, did you kill him? Don't tell me
you already killed someone even right before you graduate? Too bad, he's such
a handsome kid..."

"I'll kill you first." I start to drink.

"Now I'm curious... Talk to me."

I'm not saying anything ... Until the culprit of my madness walks back in with
one of Forth's friends coming back from Seven Eleven.

I couldn't look at his face right now. Ming looks like a lost puppy being
abandoned by his owner.

"Where have you been? Were you in the room with Nong'Yo?" Forth keeps
talking about our Nong restlessly.

He seems to like Yo a lot that his friends start teasing him. He doesn't seem
bothered though until they finally gave up.

Ming shakes his head miserably as if his soul had left him.

"He's standing like a pole in front of Seven-Eleven." Forth's friend says. "I have
to call him for so many times until he moves. I don't know what's going on with
him. If I didn't pull him back here, he might be standing there all night."

He looks at me while Forth's friend tells the story.

"What's the matter Nong? You're waiting for your soulmate or something?"
Another engineering friend of theirs teases him nonchalantly.

He must be really crazy to take my words seriously.

I just told him to stop following me.

This drives me nuts.

"In here..." I call him to sit next to me. He follows my order and looks not as
lively as he 'normally' use to be. "Beam. Give me a glass."
I mix a light drink for him. I don't want to give him a strong one because he has
to get up early tomorrow to work.
"What the fuck were you thinking? You don't have to take my order seriously."
I shove the drink on his hand.

"I have to follow your order..."

"Shut up. How about when I didn't want to go with you, why did you keep on
insisting back then?"

"You weren't mad at me that time..."

I'm still being mad at him yet he answers all of my questions conscientiously.
Beam sitting beside him is the most confused guy at this moment.

"What the fuck is going on with you two?"

"It's nothing."

"P'Kit is sulking." Ming puts in.

Does he really need to pout like that?

"Bastard." I almost kick him right there.

"Seriously, Nong." Beam asks Ming in an intense tone.

"... Khrub?"

"Do you like your friend or do you like my friend?"

Where the fuck did that stupid question came from?

Right before Ming's about to answer, Ai'Pha rings in so I have to leave the
conversation to take his call.

"Now what?"

"What are you guys doing?" He asks me lightly.

"Why are you calling me now? Ain't you suppose to be sleeping with

"Fuck you." Pha answers me gently. "I can't sleep."

"What's the matter?"

"I keep on staring at Yo's face. I couldn't sleep at all."

Yeah... That's too much. I want to throw up now.

But I've never seen him being like this before. I can only smile...

"Can he sleep having you staring at him like that?

"For about two hours already. He must be very exhausted."

"Don't do anything funny while he's sleeping. You have to do it when he's

"Asshole. Stop thinking dirty. You shit."

"You started it."

"I have to wait until he wants to do it."

"Idiots!" Salute to this big dickhead. I can feel like there's a tall figure standing
right behind me so I hang up "Talk to you later. Try to get some sleep."

It's Ming. Why am I still being so mad at him?

"P'... I'm really sorry."

He knows that I'm still mad.

"Never mind." I said. "Why do you have to take me seriously?"

"Because I'm serious."

He gives me the KitKat bars.

"Do you really like it this much?"

"I only eat it since High School." He explained. I shake my head refusing the
chocolate. "It's really fine if you get fat. I remember you are a little bit bigger
back in High School, ain't you?"
I have lost a few weight from studying so hard. But damn it! He shouldn't be
remembering me at that time.

"I don't know how to get your phone number. I never dare to ask it from you."
He just pop it up all of a sudden. I don't know what to think, so I turn my face
right away.

"If I ask it directly from you, will you give it to me?"

"Why would I? We have no business to talk with over the phone."

"See... That's why I have to do something like that."

"And you think you are being so cool following my order standing like a piece
of wood on that place?"

"I don't think it's cool... But..."


"If I don't do that, how can I make you realize that I'm taking your word

I never get him. Not ever will.


"For this year's Campus Moon competition, who are you cheering for?" He
keeps munching on his KitKat and talks to me at the same time.

"The Med School of course. And oh! Yo's too." He's a good boy, of course I'm
voting for him.

"Why don't you vote for the Engineering Faculty?" He complains.

"No way."

"Please... Please... vote for me." There he goes again... Pleading like a kid.

"Don't force me to..."

"If you vote for me, I'll be the Campus Moon for you."
"Do you think I would want it?"

"I don't know... Maybe you want to look cool like Ai'Yo, my friend."

Yo... His friend... I don't think he's cool. He's more like 'cute'.

"Cool? How would it make me cool then?"

Suddenly, Ming comes and whispers at my ear real fast. I don't even know that
he's standing next to me that close.

I don't even know that he's standing next to me that close.

"... Dating with the Campus Moon."

Couldn't Smile With You Around

Wayo's POV…

Today marks the second day of the trip... This will also be our last day staying
here with the other Moons and Stars of the competition.

I should have woken up by now, but I still haven't. I'm sleeping like dead that I
even forgot P'Pha is staying with me in the same room .

Wait... What time is it? Should I've been awaken yet? And why on earth
Ai'Ming doesn't bother waking me up? Did he come back home last night? Or
has he been drunken somewhere?

Well... Since my brain is thinking this much, I'd better open my eyes and get up

Rays of morning sunshine penetrates the room - that's what I noticed as soon as
I open my eyes. I yawn, flip, rub my eyes, and suddenly found out that someone
is staring at me... It's P'Pha sitting on the other side of the bed.

Whoa... Hes so handsome that his aura almost reflects the sunlight beams in the
entire room. He still plays with his iPad, but it looks like he already took a
shower and got dressed. I can smell him from here. He smells awesome. His
hair is half wet and half dry like I saw him last night. I don't know if I should
be shocked or something else to wake up and see P'Pha first thing in the morning
while I myself look so sleepy with my eyes covered with boogers...


"You seem to enjoy sleeping a lot." He says his morning greeting. The moment
it sinks in, I step right away from him as fast as I can.

"What? I didn't do anything. I slept over there on the sofa last night."

I'm not worried about that. I'm worried about how I look in front of him right
"Let me see." He reaches his pretty hand to touch my forehead lightly. "Your
face is no longer pale. And you don't feel like having morning sickness from
pregnancy anymore, right?"

"Fuck you." If I've been pregnant... It's gonna be yours.

But why do I have to be the one who's getting pregnant?

"Hurry up. Take a shower. They've already started getting make up and hair
done." He points to the dress in the wardrobe. They must have allocated such
huge budget for this competition alone since they provided enormous load of
clothes for us to change.

"If you know they already started why didn't you wake me up?"

"I saw you slept peacefully, so I don't want to do that."

Yeah... Right...

"You're unbelievable." I pretend to be a little mad. "Did Ming came back from
last night?"

"Haven't seen him."

I don't know if it's his plan not to come back to the room but it's morning
already. He should be back soon.

"Look after yourself first. Are you gonna make it on time?"

"I know... I know..." I grab the towel and walk into the bathroom.

"Hurry up. I'll bring you breakfast."

"Khrub... Khrub..."

It stunted me a little after shutting the bathroom's door.

Really? P'Pha is getting me breakfast? Is this even true? Is he giving me hope

or Is this just part of his inherent personality? How can he look into others so
well like this?
I bite my nail nervously since I'm starting to get scared my excitement is going
for nothing. He might be getting breakfast for the girls next door or everyone
else too, just what he did a week ago.

Yeah... I think I really am getting excited for nothing.

Well, it doesn't matter anyway... I'm still happy.

I took a shower half merrily, half hurriedly and walk out of the bathroom with
only a towel wrapped around my waist.

Instead of seeing P'Pha, there's P'Forth and Ming too. All three of them sat side
by side on the sofa gawking at me. 5

The first person who shifts his eyes somewhere else is Ai'Ming. The moment
he sees me done with my shower, he walks near me with a towel in one hand
and bumps lightly on my shoulder. He stinks of alcohol but looking at his face,
he seems to have gotten some sleep.

"If they rape you or they fight over you... Wait for me until I finish pooping
then I'll come out to help." He whispers to me which I don't understand.

Both P'Pha and P'Forth still have their eyes glued on me which is kind of weird.

Why are you guys still looking at me?

"P'Forth, aren't you drunk?" I greeted him.

"Err...r...r... Um...m...m... No." P'Forth's voice is a little shaky. "Are you feeling
better now?"

I nod. And as for P'Pha...

He throws the hanged clothes on me. "Hurry up and get dressed." He orders.
"Hey Forth. Let's go help the others outside." He grabs P'Forth's neck and walks
out of the room. P'Forth's still looking at me, but P'Pha keeps rushing to push
him out.
I wonder what's wrong with those two, but my eyes right now are focused on
the meal on the desk. It probably came from the hotel's room service.

It's the only dish there is so will it be safe for me to conclude that it's mine?
At the hotel lounge...

"Ai Ming..." I call my friend... "Hey, asshole Ming..."

"Yes?" It took me a while to get his attention. Not only is he out of his daze but
he's also shocked until he makes his makeup artist almost draw a line on his
eyebrow to the temple. However, the makeup artist doesn't seem to mind at all.

"What are you fucking daydreaming about?" I'm all set, so I just have to wait
for my friend get his makeup done. He seems like he's not himself today, but he
seems to be quite in a good mood.

This only means something must have happened last night.

"Did you score a Star or something? I always ask him direct questions. It's just
simple, I want to know whom he slept with last night.

"Score my ass... I didn't do anything. I just went to drink with the P's..."

"Why didn't you come back to our room then?"

"How could I? I don't want to interrupt my friend spending time with his

"Happiness my ass..." Nothing happened. We just came back from Seven-

Eleven to eat shrimp wonton soup and then P'Pha simply told me to go to bed.
But it's not that easy to go to sleep. It took me some time to get it with P'Pha
sitting right next to me on the other side of the bed.

"Well, never mind that... I think you two are getting along quite well now... A
lot better in fact."


"He ordered breakfast for you."


"It's not even spicy."


"He cares..." Ming concludes. "Is it possible that both of you are actually
secretly in love with each other?"

I almost choked. "I don't think so. You look at me and him before you speak."
"Yo..." Ming speaks with a serious tone. "Have you looked at yourself in the
mirror..? No No No..." He scolds me from trying to fix myself in front of the
mirror he was holding. I really don't understand what he's trying to tell me. "You
made the Campus Moon and his First Runner Up stare at you without blinking
their eyes right after you're done showering. I don't think that's nothing. That's
something... You are something. And stop thinking that you're ugly, okay?"

"They were staring? No way." I don't think they did stare at me that much like
what he says.
"Idiot... You have no fucking idea." Ming says. "You should probably start
cleaning your front yard since from now on, you'll only have Moons and more
Moons courting you if you continue scattering your charm all over the place
like this."

I don't know what to say.

"Nong'Yo..." I havent even prepared my response to Ming yet when P'Forth
approaches us handing me a bottle of fresh drinking water. "You need to drink
more water... I see you sweat."

Ming quirks his eyebrows at me repeatedly while I move my mouth silently to

scold him. "I'm not really feeling that hot P'..."

"Are you sure? You still have to take a lot of pictures today." P'Forth said with
a worried tone. "Let me know if you feel sick or something, okay?"

"Thank you, khrub P'... You are so kind..." Ming still makes a teasing face at

It might just have been a coincidence that Kook'Kai and some of her friends
approach P'Pha to talk to him. At that time, he was sitting at the far end corner
of the area along with other sophomore Moons. He looks so hot among those
girls. However, no one really knows where his eyes focus at or what he might
be thinking behind those thick sunglasses he's wearing.

"There's not much activity for today. We will just take a clip for your individual
self-introduction which they'll use for your talent show. They will only take a
single shot of you and the other is with your Star, do you understand?" P'Forth
speaks with a serious voice making me wonder if he's one of those haze
members or not, but he looks like one of them in my opinion...

"Khrub P'..."

"Ming... I want you to be very charming and handsome... Engineering Faculty

never fails to hit the Top Three."

"That's so depressing, P'..." Ai Ming complains.

"As for Nong'Yo..." P'Forth turns to me "... You don't need to be too handsome.
You're not suitable to have that 'cool' or handsome style for your image."

"Why should I have a different concept from Ming?"

"I'm just pointing out your unique personality." He smiles and pats my head

"Why P'Forth, you're so unfair! You're making double standards." Ming

complains. "When you talk to me... You're giving out orders like we're in a
military camp, but with Ai'Yo, you're giving him sweet talks."

"Bastard... Look at your face then tell me why." P'Forth laughs. "I'm leaving...
See you at the photo shoot." He ruffles my hair then leaves.

Ming quirks his eyebrows at me again. "Told you so... Told you so... Told you

"Asshole..." I shake my head and shifted my gaze towards the Insane Med
Students Gang. No more crowd of girls surrounding P'Pha now... Only P'Beam
and P'Kit.

How I want to see those eyes under that pair of sunglasses he's wearing.

And why does it looks like they're directed this way?

At the video shoot venue...

"Sawadee khrub... My name is Yo. WaYo Pa-Nit-Cha-Ya-Sa-Wad representing

the Faculty of Science under Kantaphat University."
It only needs one take for me to complete the shooting for the video clip. P'Ging
seems very proud of my performance. (I don't think she expected me to be this
good. She's been cheering up Nate more lately.) Once done, we were headed
for our photo shoot this time. It takes quite longer than I thought. I smile until
my jaws become stiff. Worse, I have to sip a lot of water and redo the make up
because I've been sweating all over. My shirt is all wet.

Do you know why I find it harder than shooting for the clip? It's because Mr.
Phana Kong-Ta-Nin is standing in front of me watching.
He keeps on checking my photo on the monitor then shifts his gaze back at me.
He's doing it many times - staring and not saying anything... Don't you have
any idea how it makes me feel so embarrassed right now?

"Yo... Relax. You look too stressful. Are you okay?" P'Photographer now has
to say something. It's taking too long than the rest of us having their photos


"Be yourself... Smile like you always do."

I couldn't... I couldn't smile... Don't you understand? I want to tell them that,
but I also don't want to be kicked out by poor Mr. Photographer. I don't know
what to do anymore. Can't you go somewhere? P'Pha shifts his curious gaze
towards me again.

I'm sweating heavy and melting at the same time.

"We're taking too long with him. Ai'Pha, Can you show him how to do it?"

Good. I need to take a break and walk away from the backdrop. Let P'Pha show
me how to be a model. He looks confused and points to himself like asking the
photographer. My face doesn't look happy at all because I want this to be done.
It's taking too long like they said.
It's taking too long like they said

It's not fair... P'Pha doesn't have to do anything. He just puts his hands inside
his pockets and he becomes handsome right away.

Not fair at all...

"Like that, Yo. Do you get it?"

P'Photographer takes his pictures repeatedly until P'Pha has to stop.

"Can you teach him?" He wants P'Pha to help me.

I heaved a deep sigh. This damn photo shoot makes me feel upset.

"Hey..." P'Pha pats my shoulder. "How are you holding up?"

"Not good..." I said, shaking my head.

P'Pha does it again, that rare smile he's hiding at the corner of his mouth. "I
know... I can see that the photographer is too picky."

I frown and raise my head to look at the tall figure standing beside me. Damn!
He's wearing thick sunglasses that conceal his eyes but he can still make me
feel so shy nonetheless. You really are something!

'Can't you just leave for a few minutes, though? I couldn't work having you
around.' How am I going to tell him that?

"Err...r...r... You." I said carefully. "I..."

If I chase him away in a straightforward manner, will he possibly go psycho on


"What is it?"

"I want a can of Coca Cola."

"Want me to buy it for you?" He points to himself.

"Err... You're the only one I know around here, what can I do?"
I have no choice. I'll just wait and let him use me next time, then we're even.
I'm very sorry but I need to get this done with first...

I close my eyes to get myself ready from hearing him yell at me....
But he didn't. There's a big hand that strokes my head playfully. "Hmmm... I'll
be right back."

Shiiiiiiit! I look up and see P'Pha leaving. He didn't yell... He didn't complain
at all. Has another kind of spirit possessed him again? I probably have made a
very happy face that even Mr. Photographer was able to notice it.

Photographer was able to notice it

"There There There... That face. I want that face.... Do it again, Yo..."

Now I get it. He wants me to show the 'Being in Love' face in front of the

A few hours later...

Finally, everything is all set. Well, except the group photo of course in which
we are still waiting for other missing members.

Ming takes me along with him. We walk barefoot on the beach fully dressed.
He said he needs my help taking his pictures for his Instagram post.


He made a wacky pose. "Do you really have to make your face like that?"

"Do you really have to make your face like that?"

"Yeah, just take it... Make sure to include the ocean in the background, okay?"

I'm fighting the urge to laugh looking at him with his goofy face on.

There... Just a few more clicks and he walks away... What the hell???

The idiot just left me there on the beach... What's wrong with him? Well, since
I'm already here... I sat down and looked at the wide blue sea. It's so beautiful.
I might not have a chance to come to this place if I haven't become the Moon
of Science.

I fished my phone out to take some pictures when all of a sudden...

A can of Coca-cola knocks on my head lightly. Shit! I forgot I asked P'Pha to
get it for me awhile ago.

"I've been looking around for you." He complains then passes the coke before
sitting himself right beside me.

That's it for a complain? I totally forgot about him and spent some time with
Ming but he didn't blame me or anything at all.

"What are you doing here?"

"It's beautiful here." I said. "Thank you na."

"It's not cold anymore. Been looking for you for quite too long."

"Forget it." P'Pha cuts short. "Do you want me to take a picture of you? I saw
you were going to take one." He looks at my phone.

"Oh... Never mind." Just him standing there while I was taking the photoshoot,
makes me feel shy to death, what more if he becomes my photographer this
time? Do you think I'll look okay?

"Come on." He's trying to grab my phone from my hand.

"No way."
"Why?" He whines. "It's not easy to go to the beach in your best outfit. Don't
you want to take a picture of yourself?"


"Up to you." He gives up finally which makes me held out a sigh of relief. "I
have a question for you..."
"Hmm?" P'Pha saying it with his eyes glued at me heightened my curiosity.

"Am I such a bad person in your eyes?"

Not at all.

I just want to answer his question without worrying about anything but I don't
understand why did he ask me about it in the first place?

"Um... I don't think so."

"Really? Even though I've been such a jerk to you?"

"I've been such a jerk too."

"I'm sorry..." P'Pha scratches his head. "Shit... This is not easy."

"What is it?" I'm confused.

"No No Nothing..." He looks away.

"What's the matter?" I ask him because he looks worried.

"Forth says he likes you..."

I feel like I was severely hit by the sea waves straight to my face. I could almost
sense its salty taste though it actually never reached me where I am sitting at.

It's a totally different feeling listening from Ming than hearing it directly from
P'Pha. It's totally different...

How about you? Have you ever liked me at all?


I can feel my voice turn a little bit shaky which is why I try as much as I can
not to look at him.

"I just want to know what you think about it."

"Are you trying to help him?"

"No... It's none of my business." His quick response didn't help me feel better
at all. "Are you okay?"

"No. I'm not okay." I stood up and brushed out the sand from my jeans. "Are
they leaving?"

"What are you being mad about?"

"I'm mad at you."


"You are..." I just want to kick the sand straight to his stupid face right now.

I feel hurt again.

If I confess my feelings towards him right now. Is he gonna kick me?

Or will it end up well and happy?

I didn't dare to think anymore.

"Yo. What's wrong?" P'Pha grabs my hand when I start to walk away.

"Let go of my hand..."

"Am I making you mad?"

"Yes, you are!" I yell at him. "I'm so mad at you right now."

"What? Why?"

"You never understand anything."

I'm so mad... Mad enough that I couldn't speak anything better than that.

"Look into my eyes ... What do you think I am trying to tell you?"

P'Pha releases my hand as I walk away from him. Now I'm mad at myself that
I couldn't even come up with anything better than what I'd just told him.

I don't know how he's going to infer to it. But that's my style of confessing to
I just don't know if it can reach P'Pha's brain or not... At the very least.

Without Wayo's knowledge...


"Hey, Pha. Where were you? We're ready to leave now."

"Where's Yo?"

"Already left with Forth and his friends, I guess. Why? What's the matter? Did
you both have a fight?"

"Yes, I guess."

"Pha... What's going on with you?"


"What the fuck is wrong?"

"I'm happy."


"Nong'Yo is still the same... He still loves me..."

"Fuuuuu! But what are you doing here then? Go ask him to be your boyfriend

"I don't know I'm so shy."

"Shy? Aren't you worried that Ai'Forth is taking him back home right now?"


"Why are you still thinking? Stupid Jerk. How long have you been loving each
other? What are you waiting for this time?"

"Where's your phone?"


"I need his phone number."

You Are The Best For Me

Wayo's POV...

I'm sitting inside P'Forth and his friend's car because I'm afraid that the bus is
going to make me feel sick again.

I'm still mad and it kind'a scares them. We were sitting quietly and I'm tucked
safely at the back seat. Good thing Ming volunteers to come with me although
he doesn't want to bother me at all. I might have looked like someone who emits
dark aura all over the place that they must have noticed it that's why none of
them dare speak to me.

And then it came... My phone vibrated all of a sudden indicating an incoming

message from LINE.


Wait... Phana who? Phana... Phana? Is it P'Pha?

He sends me a photo of a card.

The card!!!

It's the card I'd lost when I tried to give him a certain gift a couple of years ago.

That's the same card I wrote for him.... He has it with him all this time...

He knows….


And why has he been pretending like he didn't know me at all?

'To… P’Pha,

You are the best for me.

Always and forever…

From Wayo.'


How long has he known?

He even has the nerve to write another LINE Message.

Phana: Just call me P'Pha, Nong'Yo from Class 105...

"Ai'Yo, are you okay?" Ming reaches his hand to nudge me.

"I... I... Fuuuuuck!!!" I use my hand to pull my hair. I'm thinking about jumping
out of the car to dig a hole somewhere and escape to China.

Phana: Let's have dinner together this evening...

Phana: That's an order and you must go.

Phana: Nong'Yo... Remember, you're still P's servant.

Is this for real?

Is this even happening...?

Phana: You only read but don't reply at all... Want P' to show the card to
everyone in the contest?

Want P' to show the card to everyone in the contest?

I never typed anything this fast in my entire life.

Wayo: Ai P'Pha! Ai'@#@@$@%@$@$@@$!!!

Phana: 5555555...

Wayo: It's not funny.

Phana: Sorry if I pretended I didn't know anything.

Wayo: Don't you dare say it!

Phana: What can I do to stop your anger?

Wayo: (Bear Kicking Sticker...)

Phana: P' will never let you go again.

I suddenly became quiet on my seat.

This only means....

Phana: Why weren't you there that time? You only left a card...

Phana: P' was waiting... Waiting for so long.

Phana: And why did Yo disappear?'

Fucking P'Pha!!!

He knows... He knows everything...

And the most important thing is... He feels the same way as I do.

Wayo: Because P'Pha said you like girls.

Phana: Yo finally calls P'Pha now!!! I'm so shy...

Wayo: Don't try to change the subject!

Phana: I was afraid Beam will tease me that time...

Now what? I don't know what to respond to his message.

This is all I could come up...

Wayo: So shy...

Phana: P' is also shy... Still shy even now.

From being so upset and scary, I now sit relaxingly and smiling during the entire
ride inside P'Forth's car on our way home…
Phana's Confession

Phana's POV…

Since when did I start having this feelings for Nong'Yo? To be honest, I don't
have any idea either... But the moment I figure it out, I only have my eyes for
that kid since then.

I was just a scrawny, tall, hot headed 9th Grader back then. My life only
revolved around basketball and playing the guitar. I like to make myself stand
out among the others by talking bluntly in front of anyone.

It was around the time I've just reached puberty. I admit I find that period quite
enjoyable. Not a day passed without those girls coming and looking for me
including those from the same grade as mine, juniors, seniors, even seniors from
other universities. I talked and played along with them to treat me free meals as
well as having occasional sex at times...

Until the day I met Nong'Yo.

Where did I saw him for the first time? I remember seeing him on the way back
home right after having a fight with a few opponents from a different school.
The wounds on my face are still fresh and new. I halted my steps when I noticed
this kid with the same uniform as mine holding a kitten. He was a skinny boy
who looked so thin with a pair of thick framed glasses stuck on his eyes which
made him look like a nerd. Nothing was interesting about him at all.

However, the way he held that little kitten caught my attention. Normally, I
always tried to be on the spotlight, but seeing him kneeling at such vulnerable
position made me want to hide myself mysteriously like his shadow behind the
nearest corner I could find.

Damn! He's cute.

"Are you lost? Where's your mom?"

Does he really think that cat can speak and answer his question? Silly...

"What should I do with you? I can't take you home or those Siberian Huskies
will bite you..."
He appeared to be a wealthy kid. He even got a Siberian Husky too. The little
kid looks at his left and then to his right (Geez! I have to jump to a nearby bush
to hide.) until he finally decided to hold the Kitten back home.

Well, there's really nothing unusual to that scene. I know he's just being a good
kid like everyone else, but believe it or not, it was the first thing that made me
start looking at Nong'Yo differently and looked forward to see him do nice
things on the next few days to come.

What I knew at that time was that he's a year younger than me and that he's
goofy and clumsy. He never dare to look at me in the eye but that's acceptable
since I used to be a hot headed bully back then and almost everyone else is
afraid to do eye contact with me. I may be very good at academics but I'm also
prone to fights which earned me the nickname as 'trouble magnet' among my
teachers. It's like I was the boss at school that everyone needs to respect.
It took awhile until I finally became dejected. Why does that kid needs to be
this shocked and scared whenever he sees me?

I know I'm a good looking guy but it's always like he sees a horrible ghost
whenever we come across or I accidentally (take note) bumps into him along
the hallway.

That kid will end up running like hell towards the opposite direction right

"Spied on him for you, my dear friend." Kit said one day at school. "That Nong's
name you like is called..."

"Fuck you. I never said I like him." I stubbornly denied it at that time. "He
doesn't have boobs."

"But you keep on staring at him for more than two weeks now, aren't you?"
Beam added.

"He's just a strange kid." I shrugged. "He's too skinny. I don't know when but
he'll be blown away by the wind anytime soon."

"Oh, that's bullshit."

"You blabber about him the whole week. It drives us nuts! You keep on telling
us how 'Nong helped some old lady cross the street, 'Nong gave money to
homeless people, 'Nong did this and that... Even if he's not doing anything
inside the Seven-Eleven store, and you still keep talking about him."

"And now you're telling us you don't like him, huh?"

I really hate it when they both gang up on me.

"I don't know. I just find it quite interesting."

"So... You probably don't really want to know his name... Forget about it, then.
Beam... Let's go get something to eat na."

Thud! I used my leg to block them.

"I'll buy you guys some lunch..." I coughed. "Just give me his name."
Beam smiled at the corner of his mouth. Fuck that keen and naughty smile tag
along with Kit's sneering face... I hate it!


WaYo means Wind.

No wonder the wind can easily blow him away.

"Wayo Panitchayasawad."

"Shit!!!" Beam shouted out loud. "Pa-Nit-Cha-Ya-Sa-Wad... Isn't that one of

the top ten richest families in Thailand?"

"Importing Automobile Spare Parts Company." Kit added.

I was stunned...

That kid came from a very rich family. In fact, one of the most prominent
families in our country.

Man! I'm trying to reach for the star after all.

Wait... Nong is a guy so he should be a moon, not a Star.

Hold on a second... Am I even serious in chasing after him?

I can say that my family is also decent when it comes to financial stability, but
there's no way it can be compared to Nong'WaYo's.
From that day, I could only take a glimpse of him from afar. Yo was still the
same as before. He would lower his head whenever we bumped into each other
or he'll run away every time he gets to see me.

From middle school to the day I finished my high school... It had been long
enough to make me look at nobody else but him...

Only him...

I still had women coming on to me which created rumours. Dating a girl from
this school or that school, but none of these rumours are real at all. I was just
playing around every day without being serious to anyone. I simply wanted to
make my youth worthwhile.

As for Nong'WaYo... I didn't see him dating anyone, except for that big and tall
kid who's always behind him everywhere he goes. I couldn't remember his
name, but I knew that guy is quite handsome.

That was another reason why I didn't dare approach Nong. He's a guy to begin
with. I didn't want to get rejected if he wasn't interested in me. Or he seemed
like he already belonged to that tall kid because both of them are always
together whenever I see him.

Days passed by, I contented myself to become his secret admirer that I never
thought of making any move towards him at all.

The first time I saw WaYo's card, I wanted to punch myself so hard. I was in
the 12th Grade and it was my last day at school. I was mad at that time because
I couldn't find the gift where the card was supposed to be enclosed. I only saw
it lying on the floor near the table as if the gift was hidden somewhere and
someone else might have stolen it. Moreover, I was even mad at myself to
realize Nong'Yo has the same feelings as I have but I only let the time passed
by for several years without doing anything at all.

I didn't care about Beam's teases or Kit's questions anymore. I spent the whole
day running around the school just to look for my Shorty (That's the nickname
I gave him deep inside my heart.) I threatened every Grade 11 student I met
along the way just to tell me Nong'WaYo's whereabouts. He's a friendly kid but
it's so strange that nobody knew much about him in detail.

I supposed my last hope was his buddy, Nong'Ming who must've been the only
person who knows everything about him... But sadly, he too disappeared along
with his friend like smoke in thin air.

I've never seen nor heard of him after that incident.

I thought I could easily forget him, but what happened that day only embedded
Nong's presence deep inside my heart and only made me realize how much I
really like him.

I got accepted at a Medical School from one of the Top Universities in Thailand
and I prayed so hard that Nong would follow me to study here once he finishes
high school. I was hoping we can continue what we left off from the very

And my dream came true...

I met him on his very first day at my apartment. He's a jerk and looks a lot like
'Nong'Yo' (Which really is WaYo, you Stupid!) He's even such a spoiled young
master which made me want to bother him more. It was my way of approaching
him. Normally, I'm quite modest towards people whom I am not that much
acquainted with that's why I feel guilty for treating Nong'Yo so bad just because
he looked a lot like that little boy. He's totally clueless about it yet I feel like I
wanted to take back all those times I had lost in the past.

The moment I learned the truth from Ai'Kit, I was totally dumbstruck.

Truth is, I was so scared of loosing him again but I was also not brave enough
to confess either. I was afraid that he might have already changed his heart. I
don't even know if he's still single or he's already in a relationship (He still sticks
with Ming all the time like he used to.) All I can do was look at him from afar
as what I always did back in high school. I'd be so mad and upset whenever
someone dared to approach him (Like Forth, for instance. He's a good looking
guy with a great body.) The reason I didn't do anything... No, I did a few small
things since I can only do as much because I lack confidence. Another thing is
I was also afraid that I will get brokenhearted in the end.
And I didn't want to give Nong'Wayo up... I really don't want to.

"What the fuck are you doing... dragging me out like this?" Forth complained
after I pulled him out of our hotel room. Nong'Yo seems to have no idea how
light and smooth his bare skin was that he suddenly walked out of the bathroom
almost naked wearing only a piece of towel wrapped around his waist for the
whole world to see. My heartbeat was beating so fast after seeing that bare white
smooth skin of his. That's why I knew what Forth had had in mind the moment
I turned to look at him sideways who's gone totally dumbstruck to witness such
a beautiful view right before his eyes.
I didn't want him to see anything beyond what we already had. I have only seen
this much, so should he. That's why I decided to drag him out of the room to let
Nong'Yo cover everything before anyone else sees it.

"I was enjoying the view back there... He's so smooth... So White."

His horny smile made me want to throw a punch on him, but I didn't. I just made
a ball of fist out of my hand.

"Do you like him?"

"Yes." He nodded "Very much... Why? Do you like him too?"

I didn't say anything because I felt like I was splashed by a big bucket of ice
water straight to my face. His confident personality worried me a lot.

Why can't I have the gut to admit it out loud just like him?

"I never thought of liking him at first. He's a strange kid who's a bit sentimental
and encounters certain occasional mood swings." Forth said while smiling.
"...But I don't know. Whenever I see him being so upset, I just want to cheer
him up... Make him happy... And before I knew it, I have already fallen for

I clenched my fists tighter without me realizing it.

"Do you think he'll feel the same way for me?"

"I don't know." I replied. "I'm leaving now to go find my friends."

"Okay. Good luck, my friend..."

I then went to talk to Nong'Yo about what had happened the moment I found
him sitting on the beach. (Man! He's really sentimental just like what Forth have
said)... Every single sentence causes my heart to shake. Even more so, when I
come to apologize for treating him badly, my heart shakes even harder.

And I was so confused why he became so mad at me when I told him Forth had
a crush on him.
Well to be honest, I'd be mad at myself too if it had been me. Who would want
the person you like telling you that another person likes you, would that be

I have to thank him though for carelessly blowing up like that. Otherwise this
extremely idiot and big coward heart of mine would never have a gut to break
this feelings towards him.

Otherwise this extremely idiot and big coward heart of mine would never have
a gut to break this feelings towards him

"Asshole... Now you're smiling." Beam saw me behind with my teeth showing
from end to end the moment he glanced at his rear-view mirror while driving.

"Nong'Yo just replied to my message... So cute."

"You guys are now officially a couple? Oooh - got it all done through LINE...
So tacky!" Ai'Kit teased.

"No... Not yet."

"What are you waiting for then? Go grab your chance, dude!"

I smirked. "Just wait and see."


"Oh come on. I wouldn't chase him right away. I have to do it one at a time."

As long as I know that his heart beats for me the same as I do for him, it will no
longer be difficult to take the next move.

I wouldn't let any moment pass by without doing nothing just what I did back
in High School.
Trust me... I won't let Nong'Yo be single that long.

At the University Grounds

Our car arrives a bit faster than the bus so we made it on time to see the kids
get off while the rest help the others carry their luggage one by one

Our car arrives a bit faster than the bus so we made it on time to see the kids
get off while the rest help the others carry their luggage one by one. I don't need
to waste my time looking for my Baby'Yo. (I like coming up with nicknames
for him deep within my heart). Shiiit! I'm so excited. If we meet, how am I
supposed to conduct myself?

"P'Pha, you still haven't left yet kha?" Nong'Kuk'Kai greets me with a smile.
Beam and Kit threw meaningful looks at each other then takes a step back to let
us talk comfortably. I'll kick your asses later, you traitors! "Do you want to go
have dinner with me?"

"Don't you have to go with your friends, Nong'Sai and the other Nong?" I ask
dryly while craning my neck around in search for Forth's car.

"Err...r…" Nong really chooses the wrong time to talk to me. "Can't I go with

What the fuck is that flirting voice she's using while talking to me? I turn to
look at my friends for help but they hurried picking up their sheets pretending
to be studying. These idiots really love me for sure!

But when it comes to me and Nong'Yo, they wouldn't hesitate to butt in. Perhaps
try to help me get out with this one too, maybe?

Thank goodness Forth's car has arrived. "I'm sorry khrub... I have to go." I walk
towards the car hurriedly forgetting my embarrassment and all. I have to see
Nong'Yo's face. Forth was the first one to get out of the car with a surprised and
confused look the moment he sees me.

"Where's Nong'Yo?"

"Yo is ..." Ming points at the back seat but... "Awh... Stupid 'Yo."
He's gone. Why is he running away from me? Does he think we're playing hide
and sick or something?

"Where are u going?" It's so easy to run after him... Didn't actually take that

Didn't actually take that long

Fuck!!! His face and ears are all red.

I couldn't hold my laughter at all. "Hahahah!"

"Shut up!" He must be feeling so embarrassed right now. He's trying to be upset
but its kind'a funny and makes him look cute instead. I snatched his luggage
from his hand to hold it for him.

"Calm down."

"I said shut up."

"Still mad at me?"

"Of course!" He yells but it doesn't seem serious though. I know he'll forgive
me soon. "Why didn't you tell me from the start? You knew all along. Fuck

"How would I know that you're still into me?"

"Fuck you." Thud! He kicks right at one of my shins.

Fuck!!! That hurts. Come on!!!

"Ouch! You kicked me." He's slender but why is his kick so powerful?

"You deserve it."

"I know. It's my fault... P' is sorry." I raise both hands up in the air.

"Shit P'... I don't get it. Why should I always be the one to say it first? It's so
embarrassing." He complains or more like he babbles, making me show him
my soft smile. "You're even laughing about this!" He points his finger at me
like I'm some kind of a horrible monster.
"I don't know." I shrug.

"Man!" Nong'Yo makes a troubled face.

"Calm down."

"No. Give me back my luggage." He tries to snatch it from my hand.

"Not gonna happen." I said, raising it high out of his reach. "Let's get something
to eat." I even took the liberty of holding his shoulders urging him to come with

"Not going." Nong'Yo tries to slip away, but too late. I've already grabbed his
arms tight.

"Somebody is still P's servant."

This baby boy couldn't argue with me anymore. All he can do is make a
resentful and begrudging face at me with his cheeks turning crimson red. He
looks so adorable with that face. It's like he's so angry yet so embarrassed at the
same time.

What have I done to him? Poor boy...

"It's gonna be P's treat." Hopefully this helps to make him feel better.

...or maybe not? I begin to feel unsure. His face may look red but I couldn't read
what he feels right now with that sour face he's wearing.

"Roasted Duck at MK (restaurant)?"

Nah... He's fine. I don't think I'm gonna have a problem with that.

Inside The Restaurant…

Oh, Baby... You must be starving since you eat a lot. Now he's down to the
second plateful of a large size Roasted Duck. Wow. Where did he hide all those
food he just ate, huh?
"Why aren't you eating anything?" Nong'Yo asks me while the chopsticks are
still in his mouth.

"I'm already full." Call it cheesy or what not but just seeing my little boy eating
makes me already full. I'm so happy.

"I'll surely get fat..." He looks worried for a while. "Well... Forget it... I don't

"You look a lot better than you were in High School. You must have been taking
good care of yourself for all these years.

"For whom?"

Fuck! Seriously?

"Is it because of P'?"

"Yeah..." He talks while eating.

I smiled again thinking about what I just learned.

"P' smiles more often than you used to be."

"I really don't smile that often."

"I know." Nong'Yo speaks "But quite a lot often now."

"For whom?"
I threw his question back at him. It makes Nong'Yo stops eating and stare at me
while I'm also doing the same thing to him."

"Shhhh..." his voice sounds like he's in distress. "Stop scattering your charm



"It's only for you."

"Are you sure?" Nong'Yo points at me with his chopsticks. "Don't make me
rake the ashes of what you did during the past few days."


"You're always kind and generous to everyone."

"Haven't you realized that the way I'm treating you is more different compared
to the others?"

Nong'Yo is stunted a bit like he's probably thinking and may have finally
noticed it too.

"Trust P'..."

I keep staring at him while he keeps avoiding my eyes.

"Are you chasing after Yo now?" He mumbles while stirring his veggie noodles
in a bowl with a trembling state.

I smile before saying it with a loud and clear voice.

"Do you even have to ask?"

Our First Day

Wayo's POV…

I'm all drained out. There's no energy left in me at all, I couldn't even lift up a
finger. I slept so early last night up to now until I have totally lost track of time.

How I wanted to call and tell Ai'Ming about what had happened yesterday. He's
the only person who knows about my feelings for P'Pha and he, being my ever
loyal best friend who’s always been there through my ups and downs deserves
to hear about it first, but... Oh well... Not right now. Let me get some more sleep
first. He'll know about it soon on his own anyway.

Talking about what had happened, can somebody slap me on the face and tell
me all of it wasn't just part of a dream?

He said he likes me too! He told me has feelings for me the way I do! Moreover,
he likes me since the day I was still a ... Skinny and ugly little boy.

Vibrate... Vibrate... Vibrate...

My phone is vibrating unstoppably on top of the desk which caused me to hit

the 'pause button' on my dream for a minute. The caller's number isn't even
included in my contact list. Who can this be? My eyes are still half shut while
speaking over the phone.


"Open the door."

I recognized the owner of that voice on the other line immediately

I recognized the owner of that voice on the other line immediately. There's only
one person I know who has that cold and persuasive voice.

What the fuck is he doing here in front of my room anyway?

Ai P'Pha.

"Open it."
Since it's already clear to me that everything is no longer part of a dream, my
eyes propped wide open as if I have seen a horrible ghost. It's not because he's
here, but it's because I'm so not ready to see him now. Look at me! I'm such a
mess in my sleepy and untidy form sprawling in bed like a seal.

"If you don't open it. I'll break it."

Okay fine... I give up. Let's forget about how horrible I look right now and go
open up for him. What the actual fuck? I couldn't believe I'm letting him see me
like this. I got up and went for the door while I'm still half awake-half asleep.

Yeah... There you go... His bright aura hits my eyes so hard the moment I saw
him standing outside.

I'm not sure though if it's because of the bright white shirt he's wearing or it's
his shimmering handsomeness that hits me the most.
After all, my senses can smell his fragrant perfume so well despite my drowsy
state. It's kind'a lovely and dreamy for me. He also got a very nice hair style
which are quite different from mine, a messy one.

Well... I'm here now. What does he want?

"Step back."

He walks into the room brushing my shoulders along the way.

"Hey! Hey! Hey, wait! This is supposed to be my room." I complained. It seems

like he's so ready to go to school but what the hell is he doing sitting on my bed
and playing with my pillow? "P'Pha!"

He looks right at me. "I love the way you call me that. Why don't you keep on
calling me that from now on? P'Pha... Say it again please..."

"Don't try to change the subject." I snarled while standing in front of him "Why
don't you just go straight to school? Yo wants to get some more sleep."

"It's way too early na." He said while still playing with my pillows."
I turned to check on the clock on my desk. It's six in the morning and he's getting
ready to leave for school? What the hell! That's two and a half more hours
before normal classes start in Thailand!
"What are you doing here then? Why don't you stay in your own room?" I rub
my eyes.

"I feel so lonely."

He raises one of his eyebrows. He's not smiling nor doing anything else. He's
obviously teasing me when I can only gape at him in surprise. Lonely my ass!

"You still look sleepy. Come, get some more sleep..."

"How can I go back to sleep when I have a stranger walking inside my bedroom
like this?"

"Am I still being just a 'stranger' to you?"

"Ai P'Pha..."

"That's enough. Come. Sleep... Sleep... Sleep..." Yeah, he's still a jerk, but a
cute kind of jerk I should admit. He pats on the mattress right next to him.
Seriously, why do I have to sleep right next to you? "Do you guys still have any
activities for the competition meeting?"

" We only have to practice dancing tomorrow evening. As for

today, they allowed us enough time to practice for our talent shows."

"" P'Pha seems to be pondering about something. "Well, I have

classes for the entire day."

"How does this have anything to do with your schedule?"

He's about to throw a pillow at me. "I remember somebody just asked me for
help with his talent show."

"Um... Just send me the address or at least let me know the direction. I can go
there by myself."

"No. You can't, because it's my uncle's studio."

"Um..m... Okay? How difficult can that be? I can go by myself."

"I told you, I want to come with you." Is he mad or something? His voice sounds
so intimidating. "Have you already selected the song?"
"That's easy. I'm good at singing. Whatever Yo plays will always be pleasant to
listen to."

He opens his eyes widely but looks at me with an emotionless face to the point
that I need to whine at him.

"What? Can't you at least believe in me just this once?"

"Ahai, Khrub... Khrub... Khrub... You are the best singer and piano player in
the world, my sweet little boy." Huh! Does he really think I'd fall for that lazy
and half-hearted voice he's using to compliment me? Nuh-uh. "So... Not going
back to sleep anymore?"

I'm still standing right here, gaping at the most handsome man I ever laid my
eyes into. How can I go back to sleep at such condition, eh? Oh great! Now he's
roaming his head around surveying my bedroom. But…


... Damn! Those wide array of photo frames on my desk caught his eyes.
The point is there are so many pictures of him on that desk ranging from his
middle school years up to his present ones. It's a part of my huge collection of
Phana items I have kept for quite a long time.

"What are those?"

Normally, I wouldn't stop him from oggling around my room but at this point,
I have to jump on the other side of the bed to block him using my arms spread
wide open before he gets another chance to come near the desk.

"Hey! Those are nothing... Just photos of some Korean Stars. They're my

"Korean Stars my ass. What the fuck are you talking about? Those are my

"No!!! It's not!!! Stop!!!" I was shouting because he's trying to push me away
while trying to grab one of the frames.

"Let go of me, Nong'Yo. Let me see it."


"Let go or I'll rape you." P'Pha stops and threatens me.

"You wouldn't dare..."

Wrong move. I wonder where this brute gathers his strength when he couldn't
even shove me away when I tried blocking him but now, he pushes me on the
bed, pins both my hands, and sits on top of me.

"Yo is sorry, khrub."

I shouldn't have dug my own grave. I couldn't even look at him in the eye right
now who's still straddling on top of me.


He releases a sort of triumphant laughter, before letting me go. I'm not sure if
it's because he's disgusted to see me on my morning look with no shower at all
and haven't even brushed my teeth yet or it's because he really has no intentions
of doing me. (I mean do what he had just said) But I think it's the first one.

(I should have known that P'Pha really has no intentions of doing it actually.)

As soon as he releases me, He freely walks around my room until he reaches

the desk to check on the frames one by one. It looks like he's so fascinated with
those photos that all I could do is sit on the bed and bury my face on the pillow.
I bet he's going to tease me my whole life about this one, I'm sure of it.

Damn it... Damn it...

"When did you take these pictures?" He points to one of his photos in his
cropped hair while having lunch at the cafeteria. It looks like the camera was
zoomed so close that every holes in his face could be seen. I wasn't the one who
took the picture, but I bought it from one of his Fan club at school. (There really
was this business going on at my old school). "Were you that crazy about me
so much?" He keeps looking on the other pictures one by one. There aren't too
many but they're solely his pictures depicting his evolution stages.

I still have my face buried on the pillow without uttering anything.

"Hey... And what's this?"

He held the black velvet box (Please don't ask me how much it costs

He held the black velvet box (Please don't ask me how much it costs.) in his
hands while examining it carefully. "Hey... It has the same ribbon as the card
you gave me."

"That's the one I wanted to give you back there." I babble under the pillow
where I was hiding.

"But you never did..."

"Because you said you liked girls."

"I'm taking it now, then." He already unwrapped the gift. Wow... I couldn't
believe my eyes. What I thought would remain untouched has finally reached
its owner, unboxing it and putting it on. Damn! I want to take a picture of this
very important event and keep it as a memoir.

I only took a quick glance of him wearing the bracelet and as soon as I got
immersed at such a heartwarming sight, I went back to hiding my face under
the pillow. I feel so shy and so happy at the same time. The only thing I noticed
is the feeling of P'Pha's big hand patting my messy hair.

"Thank you na." I look up to see his handsome face who's also staring right
back at me in return. "I don't have anything to give Nong'Yo."

"There's no need..." Just the two of us having the same mutual feelings for each
other is enough for me to almost put up barricades in every streets to celebrate.

"I'm so happy right now. You made a very good choice." He looks so infatuated
with the bracelet even if it's no longer the latest model. He comes back to sit
right next to me and looks admiringly on it adorning his wrist.

He comes back to sit right next to me and looks admiringly on it adorning his

I look at it with an accomplishing smile. YES!!! MISSION COMPLETED!!!

(Wew! It took me about two years.)

"Go take a shower already."


"But Yo wants to get more sleep." I whine. I'm actually planning to go back to
sleep after he leaves.

"If Nong’Yo sleeps, who's gonna have breakfast with me, then?"


"Just wash your face and brush your teeth… That should be enough. We'll only
have rice porridge at the restaurant downstairs anyway.”

“My treat."

Free Breakfast! That's all he has to say for me to rush into the bathroom right

Inside The Porridge Restaurant…

Looks like it was a bad idea afterall to join the sophomore Campus Moon for
breakfast. I haven't taken any shower yet. I only washed my face and brushed
my teeth and here I am, eating porridge with him. What will people say? Ai'Yo
walking with Ai'handsome?

Look at all those ladies and guess whom are they staring at?

No need to ask to be precise...

"Gossiping about P' in your head again, right?"

The fuck!?!? "What?"

"You're making a cunning face."

"No, I'm not." I shook my head swiftly.

"Hmm... Don't let me find out."


"P' will..." He uses his big hands to pull my face close to him.
"Fine... I give in." I raised my hands indicating surrender while P'Pha laughs.

There... I only see that rare smile whenever he teases me... Then what do those
smiles mean whenever he's acting normal? All pretense?
"Good Morning, Moh'Phana... Got up early today, huh?" Khun'Par, the owner
of that restaurant, greets P'Pha with a smile as soon as we arrive. [Note: Moh
means Doctor while Par means Auntie]

"I wasn't able to sleep well last night, khrub." He greeted back. They seem to
be very familiar with each other.

"Why was that? Be careful or you will loose your handsomeness."

"Does Khun'Par thinks I will loose my handsomeness so easily?"

Gosh!!! I'm so giving up on you. You gorgeous narcissistic prick! But it's true,
no one can argue with that, then why am I sulking?

"I'll have the usual khrub. One egg porridge and lots of pork liver."

"Okay. How about you, Noo'?” [Note: Noo' means littile boy/girl]

I turned to the restaurant owner right away. "Me?"

"Yes, you... Noo'. What do you want, sweetie? Same with his'?"

I'm still stunned with the word ‘Noo’ a bit... a 178 cm. tall Noo’.

"Khrub. The same is fine, khrub."

I scratch my head whilst following P'Pha to a vacant table inside the restaurant.
He still has that big smile on his face after hearing Khun'Par address me as

"What?" I'm loosing my patience towards this guy.

He smirks "It sounds so cute and funny khrub... Khun Noo'Yo."

I almost threw up after hearing what he said. "Stop calling me that. It's not funny
at all."

"It's Par who started it, not me."

"Stop it."

P'Pha finally nods this time, but I don't believe him. He's a big jerk. He'll call
me that again for sure one of these days.
"You're a Freshman, aren't you, Noo?" Khun'Par serves us with two bowls of
rice porridge. I nodded at her question.

Fine. I'll be a 'Noo' for her only. "Khrub, Par..."

"Come back more next time na... Come with him. You guys can help my
restaurant survive."

"Why is it so, khrub?"

"There... Can't you see? Whenever Mo'Phana is here, there will be so many girls
I gave her a forced smile, while P'Pha sits quietly quirking his eyebrows towards
my direction. P'Pha, you jerk!

"And... Noo', please come with him more often, na? You guys are both good

"Err..r...r.." From now on, you can hire me as your promoter, khrub Khun'Par.
I charge less! Hahaha.
"Look there, see that?" She points at a large group of girls walking past yet they
suddenly changed their minds and headed back into the restaurant the moment
they saw P'Pha's face.

I repeat... P'Pha's face.

This is probably the reason why we got so many pork livers in our rice porridge.

"So popular! Aiish!" I talked sarcastically about the truth with P'Pha.

"That's only the surface part."

"Aiishh..!" This narcissistic bastard is getting into my nerves!

"Hurry up, before it gets cold..."

"It's too hot. It'll burn my mouth."

"Blow on it first then eat carefully. Do you want to have someone blow on it
for you?" P'Pha tries to grab my spoon and blows some for me that's why I have
to pull the spoon back from him. It'll gonna be so embarrassing.

"I can do it myself."

"But you're a Khun'Noo, I almost forgot." [Note: Khun'Noo is a term called for
a young master surrounded by many servants or nannies].

"Stop it. I'm not that spoiled."

He looks after me and makes sure I can eat that bowl of hot rice porridge by
myself. He still probably thinks that I'm a Khun'Noo for sure.

Well, I wouldn't be surprised but right now, the restaurant is full of students
which most are females. It's very obvious that they are here for P'Pha just to
ogle at him while talking in hushed voices among themselves. P'Pha doesn't
care about them at all though. He focuses on his breakfast, while I can see that
people are also staring at me too which made me feel awkward all of a sudden.

"Here." P'Pha scoops some of the pork liver from his plate and puts it to mine.
"That's my favourite. Normally, I don't share it with anyone else."

Should I be proud? "Thank you khrub."

"Dig up. You're way too skinnier than Ai'Ming. How can you beat him if you're
this malnourished?"

I gaped at him. "Beat Ai'Ming? No way. That's impossible."

"Right. No way possible indeed." Aisht, P'Pha! Have you ever cheered anyone
up for at least once in your life?

"Aisht, P'Pha! Have you ever cheered anyone up for at least once in your life?

"Pha..." I remember that voice. It's P'Pring. She looks so beautiful as usual with
brand names adorning her fashion all the way from her head to toe. She even
make girls awe at her beauty.

"Hmmm?" P'Pha replies.

"Why are you up so early today?" She's smiling at me and P'Pha. Damn! I feel
like I could no longer swallow this porridge so smoothly. "Can I join you guys?"


"Khrub." We almost said it both simultaneously.

P'Pring preferred sitting next to P'Pha. "Par'Kha. Just the usual, kha." She calls
her order for Khun'Par to hear. It seems like she's also one of the regulars here,

Did she came here together with him? And why am I even tightening my grip
on the spoon this time?

"How was the trip? You're not getting tanned even after coming back from the

"Oh, we really didn't get out in the sun that much khrub."

"Too bad. It's a bummer I wasn't able to come with you guys. It's good though
that I could spend more time studying for someone..." She teases P'Pha.

"Give me a break. You're aiming for the high scores again, aren't you?" He sips
some water right after speaking.

"Pha chose to go to the beach instead of studying for the quizzes."

"Review some for me later, would you please?"

"Okay. When?"

"Up to you. I'm too lazy to read them all. I'd rather listen to you reviewing."

"I'll text you then."

The rest of their conversation revolved around Medical terms and stuff. I can
only catch up a few of their topics owing to the fact that Biology School also
has subjects that are inclined with their lessons. It didn’t stop me from feeling
left out from these two though. They are busy chatting while I was like a street
child in front of them stirring the porridge in the bowl distractedly.
Since when did I begin to feel like I’m an intruder? Don’t ask me, I don’t know

"Nong’Yo... Why, you’re so messy when eating…" I raise my face when I was
called and not long after that, P'Pha uses a tissue to wipe the smudge of porridge
at the corner of my mouth.

P'Pring smiles at me. "So cute."

"Don't praise him too much or he’ll become arrogant.”

"It’s quite strange. You used to argue with him a lot, but these days Pha is really
close with Nong.”

"Well, just like what you've seen." P'Pha is acting like a nanny, wiping my
mouth like I'm a baby while talking to P'Pring.

"Poor Nong'Suthee. He'll be so sad if he finds out his senior only looks after the
Moon from another faculty like this." Suthee is the newest Moon from Med
School. It seems P'Pring equivocally teases P'Pha but he seems not to care about
it at all.

"Naah, let him be." This guy looks more serious on taking care of me instead
of Ai'Suthee. "You're too hopeless, Nong'Yo... Pring, can you move a bit for
me, please?"

He walks out from his seat and leaves P'Pring moving her chair back a bit
looking confused. P'Pha then comes to sit next to me. "Such a baby."

Since I got a small mouth, bastard!

She witnesses everything from the time P'Pha holds my face to the time he uses
the tissue to wipe my mouth clean.

"Enough already!" I complained. "It's really not that messy."

"Every spoon is a mess when you eat."

"That's not true." I feel so embarrassed to both P'Pha and the people who's
looking right at us.

"Let's see about that." He grabs my spoon and tries to feed me.

"Pha." P'Pring shouts out with a chilling voice that makes both of us look at her
curiously. "Don't you need to go to school? It's almost time now."
"Nah. I can speed up the car. Shouldn't take too long." He keeps looking at me
while speaking to P'Pring.

I'm not a baby, you know!

"Can Pring go with you kha, Pha?"

His hand that's trying to feed me stops instantly. He looks at P'Pring and asks.
"Where is your car?"

"It's in the garage. Needs some maintenance check for at least two weeks."

"Hmmm..." P'Pha's pondering for a moment. I keep staring at my bowl of rice

porridge to let them talk, but I can feel something touching me. It's this big guy's
finger scratching my hand. "May I give her a ride?"

What the fuck? Why do you have to ask for my permission!?!?!


"I'm asking for your permission. Can I give her a ride today?"

Fuck.... And why do you even have to ask me?

How about give it a try looking at the girl sitting right in front of you? She's so
angry right now. My jaw drops that I have no idea what to say other than
scratching my head with a confused face.

"What do you say?"

It's very clear that P'Pha doesn't care about P'Pring at all.

"Okay." I said softly. My heartbeat is beating up a little. I'm not really sure if
that's the right answer.

"Are you sure?" He tries to make a double check.

I look down under the desk. ""

P'Pha pats my head and messes my hair a little before he continues eating his

Do you know what happened next?

He uses his other free hand to place it on top of my other hand which I rested
on my lap and leaves it right there innocently.

I tried moving away since I'm worried other people might see us but he doesn't
let me to.

I'm not even sure if P'Pring sees that.

"I'll wait in the car."

She speaks in her coldest voice I've ever heard. She left her bill on the table
taking her Prada purse along with her before walking out of the restaurant.

"P'Pha... Let go of my hand."



"You're worried, aren't you?"

"Asshole. No."

"I have nothing to do with her since forever."

"Let go."


"Aisshh P'Pha..."
"Say it that you're not going to be worried about this." P'Pha moves his face
closer without bothering about other people's eyes at all. Oh come on! You're
the Campus Moon for this rice porridge's sake!


"Say it."
"I'm not worried."

"Are you sure?"


"It'll only take a 5 minute drive from here to the faculty. Nothing's gonna happen
during this period of time, understand?"

My heart is beating like crazy now. Finally, he lets go of my hand. I couldn't

say or do anything else other than lower my head while staring anonymously at
the bowl. I feel so embarrassed to both myself and everyone else in that
restaurant while the culprit sitting beside me simply pretends like nothing

When he's serious... everything becomes so clear and certain between him and
I. Nothing else matters even those stares coming from the eyes of other people
inside the restaurant.

"I have been waiting for Nong'Yo for quite too long. I won't let any minute pass
by having you misunderstand things about me." P'Pha speaks gently.

I... I couldn't say anything in response. The only thing I know is that I'm so
proud of this guy, the one I choose to give my heart to.

Hope you can be like this forever.

"Gossiping about me inside your head again?" P'Pha puts the spoon down
looking right at me. "What do I need to do to make you trust me?"

He made a face like he's in deep thoughts and takes the card out of his wallet
then lays it down on the table right in front of me. It looks so old and shabby
due to being folded but it's obvious that the one handling it took very good care
of it that's why I feel strangely happy deep inside.

It looks so old and shabby due to being folded but it's obvious that the one
handling it took very good care of it that's why I feel strangely happy deep inside

"I'll do the same method as Nong'Yo did."

What method? What did I do?

He takes a sticky note out of his wallet and writes something in it before folding
and sliding it inside my own.

Everything happened so fast that I have no idea what he just wrote there.
"I'm going to school now, then you can read it as soon as I'm away. If you lose
it, I'll be very mad at you." P'Pha warns. "Par... Check please."

It's almost time for their class to begin. We walk to his car while P'Pring is
waiting beside it. She looks at me a lot different than before, I can clearly tell.
The way she glares at me looks like she hates me.

"Sorry. Took me so long."

"Are we gonna make it on time?" She's obviously a bit mad at P'Pha too.

"Take my call, okay?" He turns to me and messes my hair again. "Get some
more sleep, but not too long or your face will look puffy."

Fuck! How can I get more sleep now that he's saying something like that?

"Just kidding." He smiles. "I'll be leaving na."

I nod before he walks to the car. "Let's go."

P'Pring's cold look throwing right at me caught my eye that made me step back
a little before seeing her getting into the car with him.

If this was the same scenario that had happened only a few days ago, my heart
would surely feel hurt, but...

As soon as P'Pha's car left, I hurried back into my room with a very curious
thought about what he wrote on that sticky note.

I'm quite excited.

I let myself collapse intentionally on the couch and took the piece of sticky
paper out of my wallet.

I couldn't stop smiling.

It's the lamest heart shape being drawn I've ever seen.

To my dearest Nong'Yo,

You always have my heart...

From P'Pha.
The Fairy Angel Gang

Wayo's POV…

Huh! You guys think I'll be staying at my room the whole day doing nothing?

I can't even go back to sleep, so what's the point nesting on my bed till I get
bored to death, right? That's why I decided to take a shower and go to school to
see my friends. I spent too much time with the Moons and Stars at the
competition meeting that I'm starting to get worried they'll declare an all out
war against me once I get back.

It's fortunate that the leader of the Fairy Angel Gang occasionally offers to give
me a ride going to school, which earned me the privilege of being friends with
the rest of his Gang members. They take very good care of me and look after
me like I'm their little prince or something.

Actually, this gang doesn't only consists of my friends, but a mixture of other
students in our faculty who we're still trying to blend in and get to know the
others. Their leader “Mon”, whos real name goes by MonThri and the one
responsible for voting me as our faculty's moon for this year became a very
good friend of mine.

Well, you may probably all know that my family owns an Automobile Spare-
parts import company, right? Well, so much of an irony that their one and only
son doesn't even know how to drive.

"Bummer. I thought I'd get the chance to see the other Moons hanging around
your place. It's so unfortunate that I end up with only one, and that's you.
Hmpft..." I'm used to calling him by his nickname E-Mon. He complains after
I got into his car.
[Note: E' is equivalent to Ai', but is a term addressed only among females. In
this case E-Mon is a feminine gay and considered as a good friend of 'Yo. Since
the level of language is acceptable for them both, 'Yo can call him "E'." Calling
someone E' or Ai' in Thai is considered as a verbal assault. Please don't use it if
you're not close enough to that person.]
"Hey... You said I'm handsome that's why you pushed me to become the Moon
for our major, didn't you?"

"I know, I know... that's why you need to prove your handsomeness by taking
that Campus Moon's throne to show me."

This guy really keeps picking on me. "Or... you can give me your friend, Mr.
Ming'Kwan instead. Fuuuckk!!! Where the hell did he come from? He's so
handsome, I couldn't stop drooling over him!!!"

"Do you really want him? I'll put him on a plate and give to you." It's my turn,
you prick Ming.

"I could have died from having him. Trust me... He's gonna be this year's

"Hey... you don't think I'm gonna win?" Of course, it's a joke. I know that's not
gonna happen.

"To be honest, you'll be that good if you can at least make it to the top three."
E-Mon gives a smirk. He may be picking on me a lot but his funny gestures
make me laugh. "I didn't nominate you because you're the hottest, but you're the
most good looking guy in our major who has a pretty face. Honestly, I hate to
admit that you're pretty, but I'll give you a chance this time just for once."

"What the hell is that pretty all about?"

"Why not? You got an egg shaped face, sharp eyes with those long curly lashes.
You're skinny and you got a perfect fit body too. But... You got pretty looks
instead of a handsome face. Why don't you try to go to some audition? You can
be an actor or a model, you know."

"Just keep on driving and shut up, you. That Benz is about to hit your Mirage."

"Benz? Where? Does it have a handsome driver?" He tries to peek at the Benz's
front windshield from the rear view mirror while it annoyingly keeps honking
on E-Mon's car due to his sucky driving.

"What are you guys doing at school nowadays?"

"Oh! We got sooo many things to do. I have to drag all Shanees from other
majors to work with us for this certain project. No offense..."
[Note: Shanee in Thai means Gibbon. It's a gay slang for calling females. It can
also be considered as a higher level of verbal assault depending on the purpose
of using it. Why Gibbon? Because Gibbons make such noise like "Phua! Phua!
Phua!" which sounds like "Hubby! Hubby! Hubby!". Well, it can be both funny
for about 90% and/or offensive for 10%. This slang becomes more accepted
and widely used nowadays.]

"Go on..."

E-Mon went back talking about their latest activities at our faculty. "We're
working on a presentation about a certain symbol that best describes our major.
It's quite a tricky concept. The day after tomorrow, all of us are having a meeting
to talk about the final preparations for the actual presentation day."

"Have we come up with a concept yet?"

"It's a huge tree hanging everything with leaves and branches demonstrating
everything related to Biology."

"Oh... Wow."

"It's freaking enormous, like a house. It has to be this huge."

"Umm... I'm very sorry that I couldn't help you guys much."

"You already did your part. Just do your best in bringing our major the Campus
Moon title and that's good enough."

I can feel the pressure now... After parking the car next to our faculty building,
I noticed several Science Freshmen working on a huge artificial tree that we're
going to use for the upcoming parade on 'Sports Day'.

I was about to jump right in to help my friends with their work, but E-Mon
makes a big scene at the entrance that makes everyone (Including our friends
from other majors) look right at me.

"Everyone!!! Give it up for our Moon of Science!!!" He's announcing our

presence like he's some kind of a talk show host or something introducing a

"Greeedddd!!! E-Yo... Have you gotten a Moon husband yet?" Fairy Angel
No.1 who goes by the name of E-Fatty (A big pale skin chubby friend) starts
yelling. I love to poke his belly whenever I get the chance one of these days.
He's cute and funny, but his bad mouth is quite deadly too.

"E-Yo... Give me a hug... Come... come... come, sweetie." Fairy Angel No.2
who's name is Red is about to squeeze me to death but lucky I was rescued by
E-Mon who pushes his face away before the rest of the students swarms us with
hugs and kisses forming a large crowd.
"Yeah! Finally, something beautiful just came into my sight today." Fairy Angel
No.3 or E-Jae winks at me.

These four are my closest Fairy Angel friends and are now part of my small
gang at our faculty.

E-Mon may be their leader but I'm the cutest and manliest among them so their
attention is always at me. Should I be proud?
"Bitches! Go back to your work kha... And why are you smiling, Shanees?
Happy to see our Moon here? Then don't forget to save your money to buy those
roses for voting him during the competition." E-Mon is acting like the best
campaign manager ever. He's very good at it, just like P'Ging. "E-Yo. Go and
sit over there. Help them cut the paper. Out of my way. I need to slice these

"Wait a minute. Why am I gonna be the one cutting the papers, huh? Give me
that saw. I'll cut them." For Pete's sake, I graduated from a high school
exclusively for men. I'm not a weak or sissy guy who couldn't do heavy chores.
I can handle this. "Let me help you guys on this one."

They couldn't argue with me anymore. I start cutting those woods for the tree
and I'm so glad nobody shows any signs of restraint isolating me for not
showing up from our classes but instead, they are so friendly and attentive
towards me.

They understand that I was gone because of the Competition Meeting and all of
them showed their full support. Girls ask me about the Moons from other
schools while boys were so eager to hear about those pretty Stars as well.

We lost track of time working until my phone suddenly rings.

"Let me take that call for you." E-Fatty is trying to get his hand into my pants
pocket and it's too deep down into my personal territory. I have to bend away
very fast to avoid him hitting that sensitive target.

I have to bend away very fast to avoid him hitting that sensitive target

"No... No... No... Thank you. Hold this for me, please." I handed him the saw

The caller made another surprise for the second time after this morning. I've
already saved P'Pha's phone number into my phone and wrote his name down
as P'Pha (You can jeer or throw up... I don't care.)

I walked a little bit far from my friends before taking his call.


"What are you doing? Have you left your room at all?"


"Don't come down yet. I'm on my way to pick you up."

"Youre picking me up?"

"For lunch."

"Don't you have a class, P'Pha?" I look at the watch and I believe he should still
be in his class at this moment.

"I do, but I want to see you. (Medical Student Phana! How dare you?)" I can
hear someone talking loudly over the speaker on the background. "I didn't do
anything khrub... Auntie. (Using the phone while I'm giving a lecture. And what
did you just call me?) Fuck!"

P'Pha swears to himself.

"Nong'Yo. I have to hang up now. I'll pick you up at lunch na khrub. (Give me
your phone right now. Khun Phana) I was recording your lecture and listening
to it. I didn't use the phone at all khrub... Arjarn Kallaya..."

"Toot... Toot... Toot..." P'Pha already hangs up the phone.

I laughed so hard. He's acting like a kid and it's so adorable... Wait... Lunch at
12:30PM? and now it's a little past 11AM.

I went on working with my friends while I enjoyed spending the time listening
to their conversations, gossips, and teasings among each other.

I'm so happy right now. I believe I chose the right major to have the best kind
of friends, but as for the academic side, I'm not so sure about that yet since the
word 'Calculus' almost sounds like 'Death threat' to me.

My phone rings once more. E-Fat is so quick trying to snatch the phone inside
my jeans pocket, but he misses this time. I'm pretty sure he's totally aiming for
my "personal belonging" down there rather than holding the phone itself, trust

"You're such a popular guy, E-Yo." He shrugs and walks away.

Ming is the one calling this time.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Fuck Ai'Yo! Where are you now?"

"I'm at school."

"Good. I'm on my way to pick you up."


"Toot... Toot... Toot..." He also hung up fast.

What the hell is going on? Why does he want to pick me up all of a sudden?
Damn! He's so fast. I can see his car has just arrived to park next to my building.
His height is pretty outstanding. I can see him from afar easily, so I waved at
him while I'm still sitting and working on my own spot.


"My hubby... My hubby... My hubby kha...."

"Shut up! That's my husband."

Yeah. You can guess who's screaming. Ai'Ming is freaking out while he runs
away from them to hide behind my back.

"Fuck Ai'Yo! What is this all about?" He looks alarmed.

"According to my observation, you're their type." I shrugged.

"Ming. I'm voting for you na." E-Mon greets and gently pokes at my best friend.
He makes a forcing smile and tries so hard not to be touched by E-Mon. And
that cracks me up so hard. Good. Now this is something that can scare him off.
"I'm voting for you too... And much more than E-Mon." E-Red adjusts her fake
boobs a little.

"Stop calling me that name."

"Ming... Are you still single? Can I be your girlfriend?" E-Fatty makes another
proposal for Ai'Ming right after he bumps those two out of his way.

I can feel that my best friend is going to die because my friends aren't only
fighting over him verbally, but they also grab him all over physically.

"Ai'Yo... Let's go... Please... I'm begging you." He's going to cry. I can feel it.

"Oh come on... Just guve them a bit of Fan Service, would you?"

"This is not funny. Get me outta here." He's shutting his eyes while throwing
forced smiles at those Fairy Angels who're still fighting over him.

"Hey Mon. I'll be right back, okay?"

E-Mon is not paying attention to me at all. He keeps fighting with other angels
to 'own' Ming. I just laughed so hard before Ming grabs my backpack and
pushes me out from that area.

"I will never come back here again if it's not gonna be that necessary." He wipes
his face right after swinging my backpack to the rear seat of his car while I'm at
the shotgun sitting beside him laughing.

"Where are you taking me?"

He only smirks.

"Spit it out."

"Med school..."

It hit me like a high voltaged electric shock hearing this word he just said. "What
the hell are we gonna be doing out there?"

"To see KitKat."

And who the fuck is "KitKat"? I was wondering at first, but the moment we
arrived at Med school and reached the classroom where he dragged me at, I got
it right away. His "KitKat" is P'Kit. He tells me that he wants to see P'Kit
studying, so that I can sneak a peek at P'Pha inside the classroom too. Huh! Talk
about Win-Win Situation.

Well, I am indeed a bit curious to see what P'Pha looks like inside the classroom.
But, wait a minute... Why the heck is my best friend looking at P'Kit? Does he
have a crush on him?

Why the heck is my best friend looking at P'Kit? Does he have a crush on him?

"Over there." We walked past a large lecture room and saw them. "Here they


He's fast. I peeked in and saw P'Beam first. P'Kit is sitting on the other side
while he's busy jotting something down on the sheets. He looks so focused on
what he's doing. But that guy in the middle keeps playing with his phone...
P'Pha. He's not even paying attention to the lecture. At the podium near the slide
projector, I see P'Pha's Professor Auntie sitting right there. She has a kind look
for a professor with a high-pitched voice but looks very intelligent. However, I
believe if she's mad, someone has to be deaf from listening to her complains.

Ming smirks before sending a LINE Message over the phone.

I turn to see P'Kit checking his phone not one minute passed and he suddenly
made an angry face. He then cranes his head around to look for us, but Ming is
quick enough to push my head away from sight and laughs. What the fuck are
you playing at? Hide and seek?

"What did you sent him?"

He hands me his phone.

MOONG MING: P'Kit looks so cute while studying.

MOONG MING: ...But with that serious face. You look like an old guy.
Is he flirting or he's just being a jerk? I look at my friend's face curiously, and
that's it. The class is dismissed and the doors are swung wide open.


The sophomore Med Students started leaving the lecture room since they're
already done with their class. Most are talking about the lecture that's why Ming
and I still had enough time to run as fast as we can away from anyone seeing us
roaming around the corridors.

Most are talking about the lecture that's why Ming and I still had enough time
to run as fast as we can away from anyone seeing us roaming around the

We're both gasping for air upon reaching the front building. I was panting like
hell while trying myself to cool down. I don't want P'Pha to find out that I'm
here at his classroom stalking him. It's silly.

"What the fuck are we doing here again?" I feel like we're kids suffering from
puppy love syndrome.

"Told you... I'm taking you to see P'Pha."

"While you are here seeing P'Kit." I interjected. "Ming, what the fuck are you
doing? Do you like P'Kit?"

He smiled happily. “Do you think he passes?"


"What are you talking about?"

"If I want to date someone, I need your approval first, remember?"

Oh. Come on. Your feelings came this far. Why bother?

"When did this start?" There's no need to answer the previous question actually.
I'm more curious about his feelings and when did it happen. Now it's my turn
to pick up on him.

"During that time I helped you look at P'Pha. P'Kit always comes into my sight...
Well, I saw him first." He speaks with a wide grin on his face. "He's not my
type at all. He's a small guy and he's very rude at me. He's that kind who's
always ready to jump on a fight. Honestly, you're more like my type than him."
Hey... Hold on... "Anyhow. I love seeing him mad. It's funny... I'm such a
weirdo, right?"
"Here they come." Ming points to the three of them walking this way around
the hall. They don't look like Med Students at all. If somebody tells me that
they're actually from Engineering, Fine Arts, or Architecture other than Med
School, I'll definitely believe them right away. Now they're all tucking their
shirt off from their pants which made them look more like members of a bad-
ass gang or something of the same sort.

P'Pha keeps making a cold face, which I learned to be his typical face most of
the time. It's my first time seeing him walking out of the classroom still having
sheets in one hand, while the other is using the phone. He's walking behind
P'Kit and P'Beam, who're busy discussing about something among themselves.

I look at P'Pha for a bit and saw him glancing at his watch before rushing out
like he's going somewhere.

That does look strange... What's happening?

And now my watch shows 12:20PM on it...

I finally know why.

Fuck! He's going to pick me up at the apartment.

I have no time to call and let him know that I'm at his school right now. Ming
speeds up his car but it still isn't fast enough because we already saw his Audi
at the parking lot.

"Gotta go." I grab my backpack ready to leave.

"You owe me some updates." Ming protests.

"Sure do."


"You nosey prick!"

"Only about things happening with my best friend." Ming is back to his smart-
ass self again. "Hurry up. Don't make him wait and get mad at you."

"Thanks... Dork."

I waved and turned. He's right there standing beside his car.

He's still catching his breath... But he seems more curious about who gave me
the ride going back.
"Come here." He says. I'm catching my breath too from running earlier. "Who's

He sounds mad which is why I'm kind of stunted a little.

"Yo... I'm asking you."

"Ming khrub." I tried to turn back to stop him from leaving but it's too late. He
drove away already. Shit!

"Where did you guys went?"

Should I tell him?



"Where did you go?"

Fuck! He's really mad. I have to tell him now. "Med School."

"What?" P'Pha seems surprised "What were you doing there?"

"Ming wants to see P'Kit... He took me along, so I can see you too." I was facing
downwards hiding my face away from him.

P'Pha scowls and looks at me curiously.

"Why were you playing with your phone inside the classroom?"
Looks like that question helped. P'Pha already seems to understand about my
explanation earlier. He's like he's not mad anymore.

"It's kind'a boring."

"How did Professor Auntie punish you?"

"Look..." He shows me his right ear. It's so red. "I met her downstairs and she
pulled my ear in front of everyone. It's more embarrassing than feeling hurt."

"Hahaha." I laughed my ass off.

P'Pha seems really embarrassed. "Hey... Hey..."

I'm still laughing.

"Cut it out. This happened because of you."

I stopped. "Why was that?"

"You're the cause of it."


"Nong'Yo made me want to call you."

"What did I do?"

"You made me think of you all day. I missed you."

There... There you go...

He no longer whispers at my ear with any sweet words, but he speaks directly
to my face instead. It stunned me and made my face blushed... Now it looks
more red than his ear.

"Flirt..." That's all I can say. "Ain't you hungry? What time does your break

"I'm not flirting with you. I'm saying what is true." He grabs my backpack from
me and opens the door, letting me get inside his car first.

"What do you want to eat? I'll take you there."

"Do we have time to choose anything I want to eat?"

"Not really. I just want to make you happy."

Ai... Ai... You jerk... Why do you always make my heart feel shaky?

"Let's go to this restaurant then."

"Which one?"

"Science's Cafeteria"

At the Science Cafeteria...

Normally, when school doesn't start yet, there are only few people wandering
around, but it's kind of crowded today since everyone came to work.

Now I'm thinking... Maybe it was a bad idea afterall dragging the Sophomore
Campus Moon here to have lunch... Now, he becomes the center of everybody's

"I've never been here before." P'Pha babbles. "What do they have here?"

"No idea. I don't eat here that often." I'm usually having lunch either at the
Competition Meeting Lounge or at the Central Cafeteria.

"I guess I have to try them from now on." He looks at each stall in the food
court. "I'll have them one at a time until I taste all the food they'll serve."
"What are you gonna be here for that often? Picking up on some Science girls?"


He knocks my head. "Picking up on their Science Moon perhaps."

There he goes again... So direct.

I feel so happy right now. I'm celebrating my happiness by walking to get some
drink: One pink milk for me and one Thai tea for him. I remember he likes it.
P'Pha bought some rice with different toppings on it.

"I noticed many customers choose this one." He explains. I can only look at him
while he's eating.

This is like a dream come true for me. When we were in high school, I couldn't
even sit closer than 50 meters away from him, but now we are sitting together
on the same table, right before my eyes face to face with him.

"Don't you want to eat something?" P'Pha asks. "Or you want me to get it for

"No. I'll go get it myself." I said, getting up right away. I don't want him to do
it like the day I asked him to buy me a can of coke.

At last, I chose a Steamed Chicken Rice Topping. The moment I came back,
he's already halfway eating his dish.

That was fast.

"This is pretty good. I know now what to eat next time." I can tell how much he
likes the food indeed.

"Are you sure you can come here often?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"Med School is way too far from here." I naively told him.

"I have a car, remember."

"You only got a very short break."

"Then I have to make it double time."

"Are you really gonna come here next time?" I couldn't believe he's so serious
about it.
"Yo, whenever you're in public, you can't stop people from drooling over you,
you know." He's quite serious indeed.

"You're exaggerting things."

"I can feel that the Faculty of Science will have more visitors anytime soon."

"No kidding."

"Girls won't be that many. But there will be an army of boys who's gonna chase
after you."

"Wait a minute..." He's back to being a jerk again.

"Don't you think so?"

"What are you talking about? Just top blabbering and finish your lunch." I said,
starting with my lunch too.

I can feel that he's staring at me while I'm busy with my food.


"You're eating messy again." He uses his hand to remove the rice from the
corner of my mouth. "You got a very cute cherry little mouth, do you know

"Dad says I got it from my mom..."

"You'll look intimidating if you took your dad's resemblance."

"Have you seen my dad before?"

"I saw him from the internet." P'Pha seems to be a bit scared of my dad. "He
always gives an interview saying how much he loves his son."

"Because he 'Only' has a son."

P'Pha finishes his Thai tea, acting a bit strange.

"Where do you wanna go next?"

"Don't worry. I'll help my friends here do some work."

"You sure about that?"

The picture of those Fairy Angels with Ming this morning scares me off. He
almost got torn apart. What more if it's P'Pha whose handsomeness is in a way
more higher level adding his Campus Moon Title which everybody fantasizes
about? There's no way I'm taking him there.

Bullying on Ai'Ming is fun, but never for this guy.

"You're not allowed to drive me off to the Science Building."

P'Pha seems curious. "I'm not allowed?"


"But I'd rather know your friends."

You have no idea what kind of friends I have.

"I told you, you're not allowed."

P'Pha takes my Pink Milk and shoves it lightly to my mouth. "You're so cruel."

"It's just the surface."

He smiles while I'm sipping my Pink Milk in front of him.

"I can handle anything. You don't need to worry."

It's Time For Some Serious Practice

Wayo's POV…
"Yo.... What time does your practice ends?"

"Probably around 8PM, P'Pha."

"Do you want to practice playing the piano after that? I'll pick you up."

"Yeah... I'll have to do it. I only have less than a week to practice."

"Umm... Just wait for me, okay? Our Lab class might end late today because
they want to cover some more items we missed from the holidays."


"Su Su Na." [Note: Su Su means Fight Fight.]


"What? Don't you want to tell me the same thing?"

"Say what? What should I say?"

"Su Su to me na..."

"I did say it before, but someone didn't seem to appreciate it."

"How do you know what I was thinking back then?"

"... shhh...."


"Su Su Khrub."

"Uuugh, so cute. Good boy."

I forced a smile over the phone before hanging up. I'm at the practice scene
along with the other Moons and Stars so I have to get back to work. I'm getting
more excited now that the competition night is near. I've heard the news that
they already posted our profiles online and people are putting so much interest
on it. In fact, we were told that our promotions received lots of likes and other
reactions posted on social media in line with the said competition.
They still have to wait until tomorrow though before the introduction clips that
were taken from the beach will be posted.

P'Ging said Ai'Ming is the most popular among the Moon Candidates in which
I'm really not surprised at all. I've known him my whole life and I know how
charming he can be. He's a very good looking guy and besides, he can project
well in front of the camera and also in person. Of course he'll get the highest
expectation in this competition.

What about me? P'Ging said I'm quite popular too, and she promised she'll let
every friend she knows and ask for their help voting for me. Furthermore, she
reminded that online scores aren't important compared to the number of roses
given during the competition night. Whoever receives the highest number of
roses will get the 'Popularity Award' which I could care less. However, it would
be nice to receive a few of the special awards too because I got so many friends
who have high hopes on me.

I do need at least a sash to give my Fairy Angel Friends, see.

The more we get close to the competition day, the more nervous and excited I

"...And this is another chance for me to give you my best wish. Don't forget to
invite me on your wedding ceremony, okay?" Ming knows who just called so
he won't give me any room to breathe. He picks on me right away. "Your couple
is so funny. As soon as you both confess to each other, everything seems to
move so fast. It must be true love afterall."

"Maybe not."

"At least, I know that you love him so much."

I couldn't argue with that statement. "How about you? How's your chocolate

"What about him? I can't do anything to please him... Nothing at all." Ming
scratches his head. "But I'm not giving up. I know he's the one for me."
I smiled looking at my best friend. I never saw him this serious on his past
"Nong'Yo. Come here a sec..." P'Forth calls me while he's with the other
sophomore Moons (without P'Pha of course).

They seem to be very focused on this competition themselves. "What talent are
you going to perform during the competition night?" He asked after I ran
towards them.

"Oh... I'll be playing the piano and sing a song."

"Oh, Wow! Really?" P'Forth seems amazed.

"Yeah, really... Why not?"

"If you're good at singing and playing an instrument, you'll be the most popular
guy overnight." He pats my shoulder gently. "I just want to make sure you have
already been practicing. You better get it roll fast. Ming has been kicking
sandbags and already broke a few of them."

Nope... That's not possible. He's just trying to intimidate me.

"I'm messing around." P'Forth laughs because I just made a shocked face.

"Aish, P'Forth. Don't go psycho on me. I just started my practice here."

"I know you can do it. You look like a very good piano player." He's giving me
some compliments. "Oh... Ming is going to practice with my friend. Don't worry
though.. I can give you a ride."

But, I'm meeting P'Pha tonight.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't go with you tonight khrub."

"Oh What's the matter?"

"Ai'Yo... Come here... Quick!" Ming calls me because the group practice is
about to start. I bowed at P'Forth and ran back to our group. I feel sorry for him
that I didn't tell him the reason why I couldn't come with him.

Does he really like me?

To be honest, P'Forth is my idol. He's so handsome and cool. Does he really
tends to like a guy?
It doesn't make sense to me at all...


"Okay... That's it for tonight. Don't forget to rehearse for your individual talent
shows. It's gonna be two days from today. I repeat... 'ONLY TWO DAYS..'.
And please remember the blocking we just did. Rehearse on that too. You can't
miss it on the competition day.

That's right. We got two days left.

I don't even know yet which song am I going to use.

I'm starting to get stressed now that I'm packing my stuff. I glanced towards the
sophomore Moon's table but P'Pha is still not here yet. He must be late.
"What about you? P'Pha's coming to pick you up, right?" Ming has a pair of
Boxing Gloves hanging on his shoulder. He's going to practice Muai Thai after
this. "Call me whenever you need me, okay?"

"I know."

"Gotta go now. I can't stay here waiting with you."

"He's coming anytime soon."

"Okay... Someone is in love. He can't afford to just leave the one he loves alone.
Naaah... He'll come eventually. I'll see you, buddy."

I helped the other staff carry their equipment to kill the time. Most people have
already left. Now there are only a few who remained to finalize tomorrow's
general rehearsals. I'm getting nervous. When is he gonna come?


I tried calling him, but there's no signal. It's like he turned his cellphone off.

"Nong'Yo. Are you guarding the empty studio tonight?"

P'Forth walks toward my direction. I'm sitting on the stairways near the studio
entrance wearing a concerned face.

"Who are you waiting for? It's very late. Nobody's here. Come on, I'll give you
a ride."

"P'Forth... You go ahead khrub." I'm kind of mumbling and trying to call P'Pha,
but I still can't connect through his line.

I wanted to call P'Kit, but it's going to be so much inconsiderate of me if I'll do


"Nong'Yo... Who are you waiting for?"


P'Forth looks at my face and sighs. "Fine. Don't tell me then. I'll wait right here
with you."

I'm surprised looking at his handsome face. My kind idol, the sophomore Moon
of Engineering Faculty is guarding me right now.

"It's okay, P'. You really don't have to."

"I have to, because in the next few minutes, you'll be the only one left here
alone." P'Forth is so relaxed in his sitting position. I don't want to bother him
about this matter at all. He already offered me a ride yet I refused. I also refused
his offer to wait but he's quite adamant about it and remained sitting right here
next to me.


"I'm really okay, P'."

"Just be quiet." P'Forth shuts me up. "Who on their right minds would leave
you alone here in the dark? I don't want you to get abducted."

"Abducted? Who on earth would want to do that to me?"

"Do you really wanna try?" P'Forth gives me a broad smile. "...I'll be the first
one who wants to take you home with me."
His tease shuts me up completely.

"I'm joking."

"If you're going to do that, I won't dare blame you at all."

"Are you kidding? Your dad will shoot me with a gun if I do that to you."

"I'll shoot you first." I toyed with my hand as a gun and aim it at his head.

"I toyed with my hand as a gun and aim it at his head

"Right. So scary." He smiles.

"I can protect myself."

"Your gun doesn't scare me at all."

"Come on. It's a gun."

"Then shoot me."

Fuck! Stop speaking with that kind of voice.

I pretend like shooting at him while he pretends like he slips away from it and
grabs my hand.

"Told you. It's not scary."

If I have a real gun, you'll be dead by now. I shook my head and smile while
I'm still worried about P'Pha.

Does he really want me to wait for him or not?

There's a beam of light glowing at our direction. It's coming from P'Pha's car.
The tall handsome guy came running towards us catching his breath. He's a bit
surprised to see me sitting with P'Forth.

"I'm so sorry, Yo. The lab class took longer than it should be. My cell is dead,
so does Beam's and Kit's. Our cells are all dead because we didn't expect to stay
this late. I've already tried, but I couldn't find any way to contact you. I'm very
sorry krub."
I hardly hear him make such a long explanation like this.

"You were waiting for him then..." P'Forth makes a forced laugh.

"It's okay, khrub." I told P'Pha and got up.

P'Forth gets up too and stands right in front of P'Pha facing him. "He said he's
okay, but I don't think he is."

P'Pha looks mad. "What the fuck are you talking about?"
"If you're coming late or not coming at all, you should at least let him know."
I'm shocked to hear P'Forth yelling at him. I've never seen him like this before.

"I've already said that I tried everything. You just heard me, didn't you?"

"So, if you're gonna be done later than this, you'll let him sit here all alone
waiting for you?"

"Why? Do you want to offer him a ride?"

"Yes. I do want to give him a ride, but he didn't want to go, because he's waiting
for you."
I look at both of them madly talking to each other. It's very intense, cold, and
leading to a fight kind of conversation.

I tried to interrupt, but P'Forth stops me.

"I'll give you this once, but not for the next time. Don't let Nong'Yo waiting for
you like this... Not again." P'Forth looks at me. Then he walks pass P'Pha and
bumps intentionally on his shoulder, leaving him looking mad and upset.
"P'Pha... Let's just go to the Piano Studio." I tried to calm him down by changing
the subject.

"Do you still want to go to practice? It's pretty late now."

"I have no more time... I need to practice."

"Okay khrub."
P'Pha opens the door for me and gets to the driver seat. He drives us away from
the dancing studio immediately. It's only 9PM so it's not that late yet. He looks
very stressful and upset because it took him an hour later than his promised time
to pick me up.

"P'Pha... I'm fine." I'm trying to comfort him. We've already left the campus and
he's bound to take me to the Piano Studio.

"I'm really sorry, Yo"

"I'm really okay.

"But it's completely my fault." He grabs on the steering wheel tighter. "... Ai
fucking prick Forth. He's waiting for his chance."

"What chance?"

"Chance to get you."

"Get me? He's not gonna eat me. I'm sure." I'm trying to be funny, but it's not
gonna work on him right now. "It's totally my fault. If I have known how to
drive, then I shouldn't have to bother anyone."

"What are you talking about? It's not your fault."

"But it's true. If I can drive, then things like today will never happen."

"I do want to drive for you."

"But your schedule is already tight. I don't want to make you become a lot

"So? Then you can ask for Forth a ride?"

"Why him? I have Ming." I'm not really arguing with him or anything, but P'Pha
seems to be very sarcastic when it comes to P'Forth.

It's like we're in a dark moment. I don't like it.

"If I have a chain, I'll tie you up and don't let you meet anyone." P'Pha mumbles.
"Shouldn't let you out of my sight. It's not safe at all."
"You need to stop feeling guilty. I said I'm okay."

"I should buy a power bank."

I almost laughed hearing his frustration. Why can this genius be this silly?
"Here. You take one. I got another two of them." I took one of my power banks
out of my backpack.

"Why do you need so many of these?" P'Pha looks in bewilderment as he shoves

one power bank into his own bag.

"For my iPhone, iPad, iPod."

"Got so many gadgets..."

"I'm an IT boy."

"Khrub... Khrub... Krub..."

It turns to a better environment by now.

"We're late for sure." P'Pha says when we turned the car to the parking spot at
his uncle's music studio.

"Give me two hours. I'm a professional."

"Already picked up a song?"

I blinked and shook my head "Not yet."

He sighs and messes my hair a little. "You'll finish by 2AM I'm sure."

Inside the music studio...

Whoa... This place is awesome. I can feel my own privacy since nobody's using
any of the rooms. Normally, the studio closes at 9PM, but we came here at 9:30.
P'Pha talks to one of the employees and he opens a piano room for us.
I thought my eyes are deceiving me, but we actually entered a wide orchestra
room. It looks even more like an opera hall where all types of instruments are
displayed for the orchestra members to use during their practice sessions. It
looks very luxurious indeed.

I hurried for the grand piano right away and fumbled on the keys a bit. Hah! I
still remember them.
"Oh Wow." P'Pha walks near me and listens to the tune I make. "You are really

"Of course, you have no idea." I went a little bit fancier and his jaw drops. I
hardly surprise him and now, he looks really amazed.

I hardly surprise him and now, he looks really amazed

"I'll buy something for you to eat... Keep practicing na."

"P'Pha. I have a favor to ask."

"Hm? Do you want a Shrimp wonton soup?"

"No." Does he really think I only have food in mind all the time? "Uhm... I want
you not to listen to me playing until the competition day. Can you please do that
for me na na na?"

"What am I going to do in these few hours?" He protests. "And let you stay here
alone? No way."

"P'Pha. I beg you... Please?"


"P'Pha... I'm serious. I really need this."

When I'm serious about something that he's not agreeing with. He easily gives
up arguing with me.

It's because he always let me win.

"Okay." He's finally giving up. "I'll buy something for you to eat na."
Actually, I don't need to practice that much. All I need is just not to be nervous
on the stage because I used to practicing at home. All I do back then is read my
manga, watch anime, and play the piano. It becomes a normal picture of me for
dad and everyone at home seeing me playing the piano, but not a huge crowd
who's going to watch me two days from now.

As soon as P'Pha opens the door, I stop right away.

"Why? It sounds really good." He bought me an instant cooked meal from
Seven-Eleven. It smells so yummy. I hurried to get it from him right away.
"Hey... If only you have a tail, you'll look like a dog wagging begging for food."

I paused.

"You'll be a PomPom... It's quite expensive and super cute."

I almost swore at him, but I changed my mind the moment I hear the word 'super


"Um... I brought two."

"Hey! What If I become chubby?"

"That'd be good. So you'll lose." He says carelessly. "If you get a lot more
famous than this, I swear I'll be dead."

"Why is that?" I asked while shoving food into my mouth.

P'Pha didn't say anything. He sits right next to me and stares while I'm eating.

"Hmmm..." He held out a fake sigh while he uses his hand to wipe my mouth.
"The piano is just right here. There's no need to be in a hurry."

"I'm so hungry."

"Khrub Khrub. I know."

"P'Pha. I don't eat vegetables." I scooped the vegetable to his mouth. It's a
noodle stir fry from Seven Eleven.
"You have to eat it. The frozen food already lacks nutrition."

I shook my head childishly until P'Pha sighs and stops. He then opens his mouth
to let me feed him.
I was so hungry that I forgot he's actually staring at me while eating. So, now I
noticed him chewing and gawking at me at the same time, it makes me blush.

"About coming in late. You sure you really aren't mad at me?" There, he brought
it up again.

"Nope." It's true. "It's just an unforeseen event and it's quite understandable."

"But I'm being mad at myself... Especially when I see Forth there sitting next
to you."

"Don't say it."

"Can't you feel anything about Forth?" He looks at me.

"Well... He's not a bad person."

"Don't get close to him." P'Pha is now digging on the Macaroni Stir Fry. "I don't
have much free time like him. So you shouldn't give him any higher scores than
me, understand?"

He pokes my cheek with the chopsticks.



"You've been wining my heart for so long, why are you still worried?" I said it
so fast that's why he didn't catch it.


"Nothing." I shoved the vegetable into P'Pha's mouth again.

The now empty lunch boxes are left sitting on one corner. P'Pha acts like he
doesn't want to leave the room at all, but I insisted for him to get out until I'm
He messes my hair a little saying he'll be right outside. I'll just have to come
and get him whenever I need anything. He keeps on saying it a lot today even
though I'm just fine in here.

I actually have a surprise for him, so I don't want him to hear it. I remember he
told me before to play a song that's coming from my heart and mind, so I can
have the inner feelings to sing it out.

You have to wait for the song I'm playing for you... P'Pha.

I'm done around right after midnight. There's a strange feeling of emptiness
inside the studio office the moment I open the door. However, there's a guy
sleeping on the sofa along the hall way. He looks so beautiful like a greek god.

He must be so tired that I didn't allow him to get into the studio that's why I
think he chose to sleep because he has nothing else to do.
It's clear he studied right before he fell asleep because the sheets are scattered
all around him.

I kneel next to the handsome guy watching his face while sleeping. He must be
in a deep sleep that he looks so comfortable on that position. I don't want to
wake him up at all.
I never looked at him this close. He has very long eyelashes, probably longer
than mine. So I blew some air to see if those long eyelashes move.

There's a sudden movement on those eyelids but I couldn't move away from his
face that fast.

I end up being pulled up by long muscular arms locking me from getting away.

"If you want to kiss me, then just go ahead."

He quirks his eyebrows that's why I hit him in the arm showing my denial. "You
Narcissistic prick!!!"

"But you have been sitting here watching at me for several minutes." He must
be hurt from my soft punches.

"Let's go home. I'm sleepy."

"Why did you blow on my eyes?"


"My eyes didn't hurt, you know"

"It's a Scientific experiment." Yeah... Right Mr. Yo. "How strong does the wind
can blow your eyelashes?"

It was such a nonsense response and of course he's not buying it. He could only
shake his head in amusement.

"Then... I wanna know too... How strong does the wind can blow your
eyelashes?" There. Now he's getting back at me. "Close your eyes..." P'Pha is
sitting up straight on the sofa dragging me to sit in front of him.

"Hey... No... Let's go back home." I tried to get away, but his two big hands are
grabbing me to stay still.

"Close your eyes."

"Ai P'Pha..."

I'm too scared, I have to close my eyes. Besides, I want this to be done with, so
we can go home already... But how come this gives me some kind of an exciting
moment? Geez... I shouldn't have played at him in the first place.
I closed my eyes like a baby, but I couldn't feel any air getting into my eyes at
all. Has he stopped messing with me?

I opened my eyes to see his face locked against mine. We were so close that I
could almost feel his breath.

I'm stunned looking right at him like that. He's stunned too.

Two Centimeters...

Our faces are 2 centimeters away from each other. I swear!

"Why are you opening your eyes?" He gently speaks without making any
movement at all. "If I kiss you right now, am I gonna be punched?"
I didn't say anything. His words make my heart beat so fast.

"Baby boy..."

He's mumbling as he kisses me on the tip of my nose.

I can feel myself blushing that I wanted to pull my face away from him. I have
no words to say to him at all.

"Look at you." He moves away from me with a smile.

I stood up and rushed into the piano room to get my backpack.

FUCK!!! That's so... Fuck... Fuck... I'm blushing so hard right now... I couldn't
even look at him straight in the face.
Kit's Lucky Day

Kit's POV…

Seriously, I don’t just spend my whole life butting in to my friend, Ai’Pha’s

love interest. Of course I have to take good care of myself too. I’m hitting the
gym at least once a week to look after my body’s good shape. Who wants to get
behind my friends when it comes to gorgeous looks, huh? Definitely not me.

Besides, I’ll be a doctor in the near future. There’s a high risk we’ll be exposed
to various types of diseases so being healthy is a must. (Naah, I know I’m
thinking too much. I’m not even sure yet whether I’ll make it up until
graduation.) One more thing is that over studying kills me. I need to move my
muscles a bit that’s why the School Gym is the best place for me to be at right

This one’s the best so far. It’s fully equipped with all facilities needed compared
to some other private gyms outside the campus. It has to. After all, the tuition
fee in this university is quite expensive so we expect a lot from them including
a state of the art fitness gym for their students to use.

Come on, I’m really not a muscle builder type. I just need some regular exercise,
that’s all. I’m not like those Sports Science Students lifting weights on the other
side where I become the skinny one if you pull me to stand next to them.
I rarely have the time to do this nowadays since we’ve been staying up late
group studying. I tried asking Ai’Beam to join me but he said he’d rather take
a nap. That’s why I’m all alone running on one of the treadmills by myself.
Need to burn a few calories therefore, I opted to run 3 kms. Distance, sweating
like a pig.


Hey what’s that loud noise? I couldn’t help but get curious where it comes from.
It sounds much like someone is punching or kicking a sandbag or something.

Thud! Thud!
Yeah, I was right. I have to slow my pace down so I can sneakily turn my face
around to check who’s doing it. He must be hitting that sandbag so hard enough
to make such a loud noise.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Whoa! Triple shot… Quite impressive, huh. I took a clear look and my eyes are
widely opened to see Ai’Jerk Ming... Nong Yo's friend (I know I’m being such
a biased asshole this time. You can tell from how I call the both of them) He's
wearing boxing gloves hitting the sandbag with his fists like a pro’. From the
looks of it, he’s treating it like an opponent who just kicked his dad’s ass or
anything of the same sort. I didn’t notice my jaw dropping while staring at him
in awe. Fuck! He looks scary! If he’s going to kick me like that, it’ll break my
ribs apart severely for sure.

Yeah, dope… It’s just Ai’Ming. Turn your back or he’ll find out you’re
gawking at him. I’m not so sure why, but I know I’ll end up being teased by
that flirt if he sees me around.

I remember a few days ago, he sent me this LINE Message saying he was
stalking me while we were having our class. That guy is a psycho and I should
stay away from him.

I was lost in deep thoughts, I didn’t realize my sweat are dropping like crazy.
Too bad, I forgot to bring my towel with me so there’s nothing I can use to wipe
it off my face, until a white towel suddenly flies hanging on my treadmill’s
console just in time as I was about to think on what to do.
Fuck! It’s the handso… err…stupid Freshman Engineering Moon handing his
towel that I was too shocked to only gape at him. He even quirks his eyebrows
while throwing me that teasing look he wears on his face.
"Whoa, P’... You’re quite tough. I've seen you running like this for a while
now." Did he sound like I just won a 4x100 meter run or something? I’m more
like scared of him. Ai’Ming already took off his boxing gloves and hell! I’m
sweating all over and hell again! Because I can’t afford to show him my mean
mouth after seeing him punching those sandbags like soft pillows.

"What's the matter? Why do you look so shocked seeing me?"

Calm down, Kit… Pretend like he’s not standing handsomely in front of you or
as if he never exists at all. Just keep on running.

"Hey, that’s enough. Look at you, you’re sweating too much."

Get lost. This is none of your business.

Did Ai’Ming just pressed the ‘Stop’ Button?

"What the fuck are you doing?" Yeah, now I'm mad.
"You’re fit and firm enough. You don't need to work hard any further." He
implored, handing me over the towel. "Here."

"I'm fine.” I’m sending moody glares at him but he chose to ignore them. This
nosey prick doesn’t seem to have any plans to stop annoying me so I walked
away. The taller guy follows abruptly.

“Why are you mad at me?”

“You jerk!”

"But I'm worried about you na... You look like you’re about to faint, sweating
like a shower nozzle. Listen to me, P’. Don't be too hard on yourself."

I don’t want to listen to him at all so I just let him follow me until we reached
the locker rooms to get my bag.

Pffft! Talk about luck. He’s locker is next to mine!

“This is what you call ‘Destiny’.” In your face! And stop quirking those
eyebrows of yours at me!

I was so annoyed that I can only roll my eyes at him.

"Hey, P'!" He’s running after me again.

"What do you want from me?"

"I don't know... I also wanted to find out.” He confesses.

“Just continue practicing your Muay Thai, you prick!”

“Well, what I did a while ago was part of my practice session so I’m done.”

I wonder who will he punch on stage. Will it be the judges?

"Don't forget to be there for me, okay? I'll do my best for you." He looks proud.
"How did you get here? Can I give you a ride back home?"

“I brought my car.”

“That’s too bad.”

Yeah, you moron. I’m glad I didn’t ask Beam to give me a ride today.
"Which one is yours?" I didn’t respond but instead, I clicked on the remote
control absentmindedly. There are only a few vehicles left in the parking lot and
I’m not interested about telling him at all. "Hey... You parked right next to
As if he wouldn’t know eventually, right? Stupid… But yeah, too much for
coincidences today. And don’t dare open your mouth right, Kit… Just get into
the car and drive!

Wait… The car doesn’t start.


Knock! Knock! Knock!

Ming knocks on my window. "What's wrong khrub?"

I gave him an exasperated look

I gave him an exasperated look. There’s no way I’m gonna tell this guy how
lucky I am to have him here after all. Damn it! Of all the days, I never
encountered a problem with my car before. It’s brand new. My dad just bought
it for me last year. Now, I have no choice but to lower my car window to talk
to him.

“No idea… I couldn’t get it to start.”

“Hold on one sec…” The tall guy goes in front before he gestures me to open
the hood. He checks on everything to make sure nothing’s loosened. “There
might be a problem with the battery.”

“Err… What should I do?” Shame I have totally no idea what to do with this

“I’ll call the maintenance office, one moment…”

Fuck! Hadn’t he been around, I’d have to call Pha or Beam to pick me up instead
and get yelled at for bothering them. I’m having second thoughts going out of
my car now that I realize I sweat a lot and haven’t taken a shower yet. Ming is
busy talking to someone over the phone. This guy seems to know what he’s
doing for real.

"It would be a lot better if I can fix your car for you." He told me as soon as he
hung up.

"How long does this take?"

"Waiting for them to come and fix it... Probably about two hours."

You got to be kidding me. Two hours?

"It's okay. I'll stay here with you."

I guess this is the first time I don’t intend to chase him away. It's already 9:30PM
and there are only a few vehicles left since the gym closes at nine. Without him,
I don’t know what’s gonna happen.

"How are you doing?" Looks like he knows that I am thinking about something.

"Thank you." I told him sheepishly.

Ai’MingKwan smiles showing those pearly white teeth of his. "It’s not a big

I hate to admit it, but I like this Nong’s style. He’s cool, yeah… just sitting on
the driver seat with his car door open while playing childishly on his phone.
Me? Looking grumpy as usual, sweating all over leaning against the parking lot
fence. How I wish to go back home so bad and take a heavy shower as soon as
I get there. It starts to become very quiet all over the place. I could only hear
the music coming from the game Ai’Ming is playing on his phone.

“I’m hungry.” He announces out of the blue. “Take me to a meal, please…”

To be honest, I feel hungry too but I chose not to mention it in front of a noisy
childish good-looking boy sitting right in front of me. “How about the
maintenance people?”

“Don’t worry. If they arrive without seeing me around, they’ll give me a call.”

He hasn’t even finished talking when two guys from the maintenance office
arrived on a motorbike. They brought several tools along with them. It’s
amazing how Ai’Ming really knows whom to call for help. He’s very good at
this. And from the sound of it, looks like they have known each other before
based on what I can hear from their conversation.
And from the sound of it, looks like they have known each other before based
on what I can hear from their conversation

"Let's go, P’."

"What about...?" I pointed at my car.

"It should be done as soon as we get back."

I look at the car for a bit with a worried face. Ming then shakes his head pushing
me to walk away with him. Fine... He seems rich. If my car will go missing, he
can buy me a new one. That’s easy.



"Let me get the door for you." He's about to run to open the passenger door.

"Hell, no." Am I a lady or something?

"Why? I saw P'Pha doing that to Ai’Yo all the time."

It’s his business. You don't have to follow what he’s doing. I shook my head
tediously as I get inside his car. Geezzzz.... Why is there a huge pack of Kit’Kat
inside his car?

Why is there a huge pack of Kit’Kat inside his car?

He really likes that chocolate a lot.

"Go ahead… pick as many as you like if you’re hungry. I still have a lot at

"How can you still be in shape after eating a lot of these?"

"My body seems to get used to these chocolates, I think. I've been eating it since
high school." He explains while starting on the car’s engine. "What do you like
to eat?"

"Up to you."

"Noodles then."

At the Noodle Shop Next To The Campus…

I can feel a lot of people staring at this guy in front of me. (When I say a lot, it
means ‘A LOT’…) This is the same environment I am at whenever I’m with
Ai’Pha. I mean same exact. Looks like he’s aware that people are gaping at him
and he too does the same at them. That’s probably the difference since Ai’Pha
doesn’t care at anyone at all.
“Why are you staring at me? Am I handsome?” Ming asks all of a sudden which
makes me drop my eyes to my bowl of noodles instantly.

“I was just about to say you don’t seem to look like a Moon at all.”

It was obvious he went a bit stunned. “Why, am I not handsome?”

“Don’t you have anyone in your faculty who looks a lot better than you?”

“P’, if you wish to tell me that I’m ugly, just go ahead, feel free to do so. I’m
serious.” Ming moves the other glass of water for me. “Because everyone else
said I’m too handsome.”

What a narcissist jerk!

"So... Are you gonna be there for me on the competition night, won’t you?" Did
he swallow a microphone when he was a kid to have such a loud voice? I have
to look up from my noodles to keep his tone down.

"Fuck! You’re too loud."

“You’ll be there for me, right? Please… Please… Please..."

Urrgh, not again! I hate that enthusiastic expression he does whenever he’s
excited about something. Does he look even more handsome in it? Hell no!
What are you thinking! "I have to be there anyway. Ai’Pha will turn over his
Campus Moon Title to the next Moon. Besides, I have to be there to support
Ai'Suthee and Nong’Yo as well.”

"P'... What about me? We graduated from the same high school and I happen to
be Ai’Yo's friend too... You’ll be there to cheer for me, right?"

"You have the whole Engineering Faculty to cheer for you anyway."
"I need your support too."

"Fuck... Will you be the next Campus Moon if I give you my support?"

"Of course." Whoa! He's pretty confident. I can see it right through his serious
eyes. “If P’ will cheer for me, I’ll be the next Campus Moon for you.”
Seriously? I took a sip of the water while starting to think about it. I heard a few
gossips about him being the highest possible Campus-Moon-To-Be, so what’s
the point if I don’t show any support towards him at all? He’s still gonna claim
the title anyway.

Ming keeps waiting for my answer. Why am I this so important to you?

"Well... It would be very interesting if Nong’Yo becomes the next Campus

Moon." My comments made him feel disappointed. "Well... If you’ll be the next
Campus Moon, I’ll be so happy too. After all, both of you graduated from the
same high school where I went.”

"You promise?" He reminds me of a dog wagging his tail due to excitement.

"So you’re voting for me."

"Fine..." I said. "…But less than Nong’Yo"

"But nothing more than Ai’Suthee, right? He's such a jerk to me."

"Hey... He's the Med Moon."

"You’ll cheer for me more than Ai’SuThee, will you? Promise?" He's forcing
me now.

"Hey Hey... What's the matter with you?"

"Can you promise me that?" I’m talking in front of a spoiled kid hiding inside
a big guy’s body.

"Fine... I'll see if you can keep your word to win the competition. If you do,
you’ll have to buy me dinner."

I said without thinking.

"What did you say?" He's almost jumping to his seat. "I have to win, so we can
have another date."

Fuck!!! I just dug up my own grave.

"What the fuck are you talking about? It's not a date."

"Hurry up, P'. I have to get more practice."


"I have to win this competition. So I can have another dinner with you."

Doesn't he worry about his reputation at all? How about his school's reputation?

"You don't have to do that."

"If I ask you out on a regular basis, are you willing to go with me?" He's right.

"Anyway... I'll bring the Campus Moon Sash for you."

The Next Day…

We ended our night with Ming driving me back to the parking lot where my car
was waiting, already fixed. I really thought we we’re already done that I felt so
relieved to drive back home alone until I noticed Ming’s car following me to
my apartment. I had no idea what he had in mind, I just ignored it until I got
into my room.

My day started by going to school with a drowsy feeling. I had a hard time
sleeping even if I had to skip studying my lessons for the night. Beam here
beside me is way no better. I know he had enough sleep but he’s still curling on
his seat taking a nap. Pha though, is on my other side looking bored as usual.

We know for a fact that the only way to see him smile is when he talks about

"Where did you go last night?" Beam greets me. “I went to your room to borrow
the sheets but you weren’t there… Now, spit it out.”
"Fitness. I already told you."

"You had fitness until 11PM?"

You nosey Prick! "Got something to eat after."

"Lemme guess… The noodle restaurant next to the campus, right?"

"How the hell did you know about that?"

"I didn’t earn the name ‘Detective Beam’ for no reason." He wriggles his finger
in front of me with great pride. “Besides, Nong’Ming isn’t the type of person
who can hide. Everyone knows him almost as famous as Ai’Pha now.” My other
friend on the opposite side is quietly spinning his pen through his fingers to
overcome his boredom.

Told ‘yah. It has nothing to do with his Nong’Wayo so he doesn’t pay attention.

“We just went there for dinner. What’s the big deal?”

"Are you sure about that?" Beam teases. "Or… there’s something going on but
you’re not telling us?"

"What the fuck?" I whined. "Pha. Can I have your sheets?"

I don't want to pay attention to Ai’Beam anymore so I pretended to read on

Pha's sheets.

Silly me… This guy doesn’t need to jot anything down on a discussion. He’ll
simply remember everything by heart.

"Don't try to change the subject, Ai’Kit." Beam impedes. "What the heck?
Looks like both my friends from the Insane Med Gang are getting married

"Fuck you. Don’t get me involved. It’s only Ai’Pha."

"Ming is sure gonna get you... soon!"

"How can you be so sure about that?"

"I don't know about you..." Hey... You’re supposed to be my friend, right? "But
I know Ai’Ming. He can win you easily. His personality will shake your heart
for sure."

It's the first time Ai’Pha joins the conversation and he’s taking Ai’Beam’s side.
You guys are the shittiest friends I have known! (As if I have met another group
of best friends anyway.)
"That’s ridiculous." I said in full sarcasm. "I like girls... I've been dating a lot
of them before. How can I fall for that jerk?"

"It really has nothing to do with gender." Pha puts in. "It depends on the kind
of love you have for that person."

Fucking cheesy... He's been like this since he’s in love. That’s it! I don't want
to talk about this anymore. I'm so sick of hearing them talking about me being
taken by Ai’Ming like forever.

His handsomeness doesn't make me fall for him. Never... He's not cute unlike
Nong’Yo. I could have fallen easily to that adorable little guy than him.

At lunch break, Pha doesn't seem to be in a hurry like the usual. Well, he said
Nong doesn’t want him to listen to his piano practice. He’s actually whining
about it for like days now.

Right. The Moons and Stars Competition night will be the day after tomorrow
that’s why the whole university is very much excited about it. Vinyl banners
and other forms of advertisement signs are displayed all over the campus
marking it as the biggest school event of the year.

And what will happen after that?

Yeah… The beginning of a new semester.

The campus will be getting crowded soon. It'll be bad for someone who doesn’t
experience semester breaks like other schools do because the traffic jam inside
the school premises will make it even worse.

"Hey Suthee. Come here a sec..." Pha calls on the Freshman Med Moon passing
by in his complete university uniform. “Don’t you have to rehearse for your
talent shows?”
“I came here for the school’s photo shoot, khrub, for the advertisements.” Right,
I remember Ai’Pha did the same thing last year.

"How about a group practice today? What time will it gonna be?"
"Will be quite late for today, khrub. We’ll go several rounds of blocking
rehearsals and then another for the Run-through."

Seriously? What's this? A Moon and Star Competition or a TV Star Idol show?

"Uhmm... You can do it. Su su na." He wishes Suthee good luck.

I know he didn’t wish his successor Med Moon good luck without a purpose.
He's trying to get some insight information about Nong’Yo's schedule and their

"Can we go have lunch now?" I'm getting hungry.

"Not yet." Pha replies. "Looks like someone's here to see you."

I'm confused... But when I followed the direction where he’s pointing at, I saw
Ai’Ming smirking from afar.

"P'…" He really reminds me of a puppy... A happy puppy running after his


"Okay. We’re leaving." Beam pats on my shoulder and walks away with
Ai’Pha. What the fuck are you guys doing?
"Hey... Wait for me." Where did those assholes go? "What the fuck are you
doing here?" I turned to yell at the cause of my problem.

"You look so cute in your University Uniform." Are you even listening to me?

"I will be very busy until the competition night so I won't be able to see you.
That’s why I came here to stalk at you before that day."

Stalk at me? I don't think so... You’re obviously waiting to see me face-to-face.

"How many times have you been 'stalking' me?" His weird behaviour is starting
to creep me out.
"Only a couple times. This is the first time you caught me."


“You can tell me how shy you are to see me here.”

“Shy my ass…”

"P'…I checked on my profile online. I got more than 3000 likes now…” What
about it? “But how come you haven’t ‘liked’ my photo yet?

This moron is making a big deal out of these little things.

I don’t go online much. I just want to end this conversation by following my
friends at the cafeteria.

"Tonight then... Please? Give me a 'like'. It’s just a click away."

"More than 3000? And you went through all of them just to see if I am on the
list or not?" Unbelievable.

"Because your support is very important to me."

What a cheesy brat. I better end this by clicking just one ‘like’ for him. I know
the more 'likes' he get, the more attention he'll receive. I remember clicking
'like' for Ai’Pha last year too. (He got 7000 likes back then).

"I'll walk you to the cafeteria. Then I'll leave for the rehearsals." Ming explains
"And don't forget our

Deal, okay?"

"You only made it yourself. I didn't make a deal with you."

"Just be ready to go out for a date with me... You'll see."

Later That Night…

I'm on my bed reading the sheets. It became my daily habit before going to bed
since first year. Well, I got exhausted about a few minutes later so I switched
from studying to browsing my iPad instead.
We have our own university page in social media where people are crazy about
the competition. Most of the news feed are all about Suthee and the freshman
Med Star, his partner in this competition. I went to the Competition Fan page
and saw the introduction clips as well as the teaser. They really made it a big
deal this year. I browsed for a couple of times until I saw Nong’Yo's
introduction video. He looks so cute and funny in it that I couldn’t stop myself
from smiling.

Then there’s Ming's too.

"Sawadee khrub… I'm Mingkwan, the representative from the Faculty of

Engineering. Please vote for me na krub." Why does he always have to quirk
his eyebrows even in front of the camera? Do you want to get votes for real or
you want people throw things at you?

Scrolling down for more led me to the section where all Moons and Stars have
their profile pictures posted. This is the reason why he came to see me today,

Scroll… Scroll… Scroll… There! Mingkwan – The Moon from Faculty of

Engineering. He told me this morning he got 3000 likes but how come I see
4000 below his photo? There’s no way he’ll find out whether I already hit ‘like’
on it or not yet.

Just go on… click on it you stubborn idiot jerk! Why are you making such a big
deal out of it? Hit it so we get done!

My iPad landed on the edge of the bed after tossing it carelessly. I then grabbed
my sheets to go back to my reading.

Vibrate… Vibrate… Vibrate…

It’s a message from ‘Moong Ming’. Does he know I already clicked on it?

MOONG MING: I see that you already clicked the ‘like’ button.

MOONG MING: Thank you khrub.

MOONG MING: You will soon become the next Campus Moon's boyfriend.
Whoa! What a confident asshole! And who said anything about dating or being
a Campus Moon’s boyfriend? I'm a bit annoyed that I almost hit a punch on the
phone if only my conscience reminded me that my iPhone screen would break.

KIT KAT: I slipped my hand.

MOONG MING: You also slipped your hand when you changed your online

MOONG MING: It was only KIT this morning.

Fuck! He even noticed that. What a stalker indeed!

Since Kit alone sounds quite strange. Like the way he adds "MOONG" in front
of his name.

KIT KAT: Yeah. It slipped too.

How I wish that's it for our conversation. I don’t want this to go any further!

MOONG MING: Why don't you slip your hand to type the words ‘you love me

I typed my response without the slightest hesitation.


MOONG MING: 55555555555. That is so you.

I looked back and forth from our chat conversation to his profile photo on my

Is this really the same person who just told me a while ago he really wants to
date me? And how am I even supposed to handle this?

KIT KAT: I'm going to bed now.

MOONG MING: Please don't forget to cover yourself with a blanket na khrub.
Final Preparations

Wayo's POV…

The closer we get to the competition, the more nervous we become... Ai’Ming,
everyone else and I.

There was a drama issue running around during the final rehearsals as well. We
were blamed for not paying much attention that's why we weren’t able to
execute the tasks given to us during our practice. It was only a prank, after all.
I found out that the P’Seniors and P’Staff who worked hard in preparation for
the said contest didn’t really mean to scold us. It was only their bluff to pass
this what they call ‘tradition’ which works the same way as how the faculty of
engineering runs their hazing activities on their own. We were told that the
purpose is for us to appreciate this very important event as we pass it on to the
next generation of Moons and Stars in the more years to come.

I spent the last three days rehearsing the song at P’Pha’s Uncle’s Music Studio.
It was on the third day that I was confident enough to tell myself that I have
fully recalled all the skills I have learned from my piano lessons way back when
I was a kid. We were given turns to perform our individual talents during the
general run-through rehearsals where Ai’Ming couldn’t help himself clapping
after listening to my song. That nosey friend of mine? He’s not the kind of
person who easily gives compliments to others, especially to his best friend so
he must have probably liked it a lot to be in such awe.

Great! We’re almost done with this job.

“ “Tired?” P’Pha, who had been my personal driver for almost a week now
offers to give me another ride on my way back home after our practice. I had
my eyes shut closed as I lean against the headrest of the seat I am at next to him
inside his car. I feel so exhausted right now that I can feel all my energy drained
out. I no longer care what’s gonna happen tomorrow during the contest,

I have done my best, and so whatever the outcome is, then so be it…

“A lot.” I don’t feel lying to him about it this time. I know it’s very obvious
with how the way I look in front of him.
Natalia Rowen is apart of Shane's squad. She's had a crush on Andrew Siwicki
for the longest time but was always too scared to make any moves. Little did
she know, he too was longing for her.

“It’ll be over soon.” P’Pha says gently. “Whatever happens, everyone will see
that you are doing your best for the competition.”

I gave him a shy smile. I’m so glad he’s with me today. After that night he did
a peck on my nose, we hardly saw each other. We may have taken a little time
off after the rehearsals but he also needs to study hard for his lab classes as well.
(It’s because he did skip his classes only to join the activities for this

“What time do they need you to go on standby tomorrow?”

“It’s very early… Like 4AM?” That’s right. The contest starts at 6PM but they
want us to be there as early as 4AM. They need a lot of time to allocate for our
final rehearsals for the blocking, do our make up as well as prepare the outfits
we are going to use during the whole competition night.

“It’s almost midnight.” He looks at his watch.



“What about you?”

“I’m doing fine. Pring already made arrangements with the makeup artist.”

I wonder why I still feel weird every time I hear that name.

“What’s the matter?”

“Hmm? Nothing…”

“She trusts this makeup artist. She doesn’t want any of the University staff do
the makeup for us so I have to agree with her.” P’Pha explains. “Hey…”


“I trust your heart… I guess.”

I know the opening is quite good but the ‘I guess’ part breaks it. He smiles the
moment he realized I already got what he meant by that.

“The only thing I am worried about is how optimistically naïve you are when it
comes to things like these.”


“You don’t even know how to say ‘No’ at anyone.”

Really? Am I?

“You are… Anyhow, just always stick to your angels, got it?”

I nodded. He’s right. If I stick with those friends of mine, they’ll look after me
like an egg. Nobody is allowed to go near me at all.

We finally arrived at the parking lot. I walked ahead of P’Pha since my unit is
on the 5th floor. He waited until I reached my room.

“Will you be able to wake up tomorrow on time?” He asks the moment he

noticed my eyelids dropping. “Want me to wake you up?”

“It’s okay, khrub… Ai’Ming is coming to get me.”

He seems quite hesitant to leave. He looks so worried about me.

“I don’t want to leave you alone.”

“Why? I’m fine.”

“I’m worried that you’ll get nervous.”

“I’m not… Just tired, I guess… I know you are as well, been studying hard
lately, aren’t you?”

He held out a sigh before messing my hair lightly while I let his other hand
caress my cheek a bit until he leaves.

“Don’t open the door for anyone else except Ming, okay?”

“Just leave…” I snorted seeing that cute silliness he’s showing at me.
We just both couldn’t stop smiling.

“I’m going now…”


“I’ll see you tomorrow na.”

I waved at him and so he does. He’s never been this ‘Moon Ming’ toward me
before. This is also the first time he doesn’t want to leave my side. [Note:
Moong Ming means Acting silly and cute like the ‘Japanese style’ kind of cute.]

The shower I took was real quick

The shower I took was real quick. I thought the moment I’m done with it, I’d
jump right into bed to go to sleep but turns out I couldn’t. The already pressed
set of uniforms hanging on my dresser made me so fucking nervous to death
just by looking right at it.

I think my mind goes haywire by now… I’m starting to worry about everything.
What if I miss most of the dance steps? What if I couldn’t play the piano? Am
I going to embarrass my school for doing something stupid on stage? Am I
going to disappoint my friends?

I sat up biting my nails stressfully. I couldn’t sleep.

There’s only one person who can totally understand how I feel right this


He picks my call right away like he’s been holding his phone all this time.

“Shia, I can’t sleep…” I whined.

“Hell, yeah… Same here, man.” See? I know we’re on the same page right now.
“It’ll only be a few hours before 4AM… Should we stay up until then?”

“I don’t think I can sleep anymore… I might be a laughing stock on stage.”

“Kitkat doesn’t respond to my LINE Messages. I couldn’t sleep too.”

Wait a minute, I thought we’re on the same page here, man!

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“I sent him a message earlier, but he didn’t read nor responded at all. I didn’t
bother him much lately... I just went to see him a couple of days ago and so I
decided to message him just now.”

Hold on… Hold on… You’ve been doing a great move forward and you’re still
fucking worried?

“Fuck… Calm down.”

“Should I go see him at his apartment right now? He might be sick or


I know P’Kit is a strong guy. He’s even a lot stronger than me.
“Calm down, you prick. You better focus on the competition that’s gonna
happen tomorrow, asshole!”

“Shiit! Can’t you see I’m focusing?”

I don’t think so…

“If he won’t send me any response tonight, how can I go to sleep? I couldn’t!”

Whoa! This guy is fucking insane! I could almost see myself at him back when
we were in high school that’s why I totally understand what my buddy feels
right now. How can I complain? I know he needs someone to talk to. I’d thought
I’ll never see the day when someone is finally gonna win his heart. This is going
to be a fun story to watch.

“What did you send him by the way?”

“I asked him ‘What are you doing’? He didn’t respond to it, nor even read it.”


“It’s almost 1AM… Don’t you think he already went to sleep? He studies hard
and you must have forgotten he’s in Med School, not some culinary school or
anything of the like.”
“You’re right…”

“So stop acting crazy, will you?”

“I’m not acting crazy… I’m just over thinking a little…”

Asshole… I called in because I want to talk about the competition, but it turns
out I have called only to listen to his love problems.

“What we’re you thinking about?”

“He must be annoyed… I don’t know. He’s not like you. He’s not the silly nor
friendly type and he always yells at me.” So from being the most confident guy
I have ever known, now he becomes the most pessimistic one.

Fuck Ming! P’Kit really gets you. He didn’t do or think about anything and he
already drives you nuts!

But wait a minute… Did you just call me silly?

“Calm down… That doesn’t sound like P’Kit at all.”

“Hey… By the way, I wonder why you’re so worried about the competition.
I’m beating you anyway.”

He suddenly changes the subject and slams me down with his confidence. What
the fuck! “Really?”

“Not really… But you have to let me win. I want to have dinner with P’Kit.” I
can imagine him doing the waii in front of me begging. “Now we talk about
this, I’m getting nervous.”

Why so slow, you asshole? We have been practicing for three weeks and we’re
now both freaking out!

“…But you’re quite a good singer. I guess you deserve to win something
somehow.” Ming cheers me up.

“I like your Muay Thai show too.”

“Of course, I’m very good at it.”

I roll my eyes upon hearing that.

“FUCK! Chocolate just sent his response at me!!!”

Are you trying to make me deaf by yelling at me over the phone?

“He said he’s going to bed. What should I send him back?”

“Tell him good night or something.”

“But I want him to cheer me up.”

“Whatever dude, up to you then…”

“Do you think he’ll do that?” I could hear the tapping sound on his phone
screen. He must be chatting with P’Kit while talking to me over the phone all
at the same time. “Okay… Done, I sent it.”

“P’Kit is a nice guy, you don’t have to worry.”

“Respond to me… Respond to me… please… please… please…” Is he

chanting or something? He’s so serious about this matter. “Hey! He said he’ll
go starve himself before that dinner with me. Hahah!”
It’s obvious Ai’Ming is so happy right now. You better be the Campus Moon
so you can buy him dinner. I couldn’t stop smiling thinking how he looks like
right now with me over the phone. I guess it’s time to hang up. I need to get
some sleep. I can’t be there tomorrow without getting any sleep at all.
I roll around my bed for a bit, yet I still couldn’t force myself to doze off. What
should I do? Has P’Pha slept yet?

Ming should be tired and might have already gone to sleep after dancing happily
on his bed. I don’t want to bother him anymore. I think I can do that to P’Pha
instead. If he gets mad, I know I can find a solution later on. So I decided to go
downstairs to knock on his door. I’d rather go pester him than stay in my room
incapable of sleeping.
The trip from the fifth floor down to the third one isn’t that long. I walked down
real fast but also have to hide real quickly behind a wall at the same time. Why?
There’s a girl standing in front of his room.
It’s P’Pring!

I saw P’Pha on the door talking to her. I have no idea what they are talking all
“It’s already late.” He sounded a bit moody while complaining. “… And I could
no longer remember where I placed it.”

“I can get it and find it by myself.”

She walks into P’Pha’s room which made me feel fire burst inside my body.

“Nong’Yo…” He calls out. “Why haven’t you gone to sleep yet?”

P’Pha walks toward me right away. I can see his facial reaction change to
sudden delight from the one he had while talking to P’Pring a while ago who’s
now showing an angry face behind him.

“Am I interrupting you with something?”

“What are you talking about?” He asks. “Are you hungry? Wanna have
something to eat?”

“Nope…” I said, shaking my head. “I came here to see you.”

His smile formed around the corner of his mouth after hearing me say that. “I’m
glad, you know that?” Then he messes my hair with his big hand and turns to
the grumpy lady behind him. “Pring…Go ahead and get whatever you want
from my room. I’ll sleep at Yo’s tonight.”

Wait… What? Can we at least talk for a minute? Have you asked me yet?

He pushes me to go upstairs leaving P’Pring still looking mad behind.

“Hey… Why did you say that? I whined. P’Pha shuts me with his hand. Now,
he’s worried about being too loud, huh?

“You only have a few hours left before you need to get up, right?” He asked,
nudging me inside my own room. He then pushed me to go to bed as he flipped
the switch off and covered me with the thick blanket. He lies down with his tall
figure right beside me.
How can I ever go to sleep having this Greek god watching over me, huh?

“I’m right here… Don’t get nervous or afraid or anything, okay? Just shut your
eyes closed.”
It may not sound so sweet nor gentle, but his words were comforting enough to
make me feel so secure knowing it truly coming from him.

“How can I go to sleep?” I complained once more. We’re trying to fit in on my

small bed.

He moved a little closer so I can share my duvet with him.

“Will be sleeping in a minute…” P’Pha speaks while staring at my room’s

ceiling. “Do you want some music?”

“Why don’t you sing for me?”

“I’m not that good at singing.”

I know he’s lying. He’s been famous on the stage with this music band he’s at
when we were in high school. He simply doesn’t like expressing himself much.

“P’Pring might have already stolen your basketball from your room by now.”

“Let her get whatever she wants in my room. The most important thing in my
life is right here with me.”

“You mean the bracelet?” He wears it on his wrist all the time.

“It’s important, yes… But ‘Yo is the most important thing in my life.”

Lucky the room inside is dark, otherwise he’ll see my crimson face hiding
behind the covers.
He decided to leave everything and chose to come with me instead… He
protects my feelings which I am already more than thankful of him doing that…

Now that this guy is here lying next to me, I have finally confirmed him as in
fact the real man I was looking for, the only one I have in my heart…He’s truly
become a better person than the guy I know before which made me fall for him
even more.
I’m so lucky…

“Tomorrow… During the talent competition…”


“I’ll be playing a song especially for P’Pha…”

“Really? Which song?”

“Just wait and listen tomorrow.”

“But will it gonna make you win the competition?” He sounds so happy.

“I don’t care… I just want to sing it for you.”

“Thank you na…”

“Promise me you’ll really listen to it, will you?”

“Khrub Phom… I promise.” [Note: Khrub Phom means ‘Yes Sir’ in Thai.]

“You have to really listen to it…” P’Pha uses his hand to touch my cheek the
moment I repeated it.

“You’ll be the only one in my sight tomorrow.”


“Are you happy, my baby?”

I turned my face away to hide my smile from him. “It’s just a simple song…”

“It doesn’t matter… I’ll still listen to it.”

The Night of the Competition

Phana’s POV…

My makeup has been done since 1PM and guess what? I have to wait until 6PM.
Great! Isn’t it?

I really want to see my Nong’Yo so bad. I have no idea how he’s been doing
right at this moment… He might be very nervous. I left his room this morning
while he’s still in the shower, blessing him all the luck he needs with the
assurance that he doesn’t need to worry too much about the awards he may or
he may not receive. I’m glad though that his face looks brighter than ever even
when he only got a few hours of sleep last night.

I was able to catch a few more hours of sleep the moment we got separated until
Pring called to inform that the makeup artist as well as the hair designer had
finally arrived. Up until then, we’re done. I have my Campus Moon Sash
hanging on the table right next to me. This is it. Now, I have to meet so many
people as well as go up to the stage which is really not my thing at all.

“Fuck! Ai’Pha… You look very good today, dude!” Beam walks into the room
along with Ai’Kit in their casual dresses. I envy these guys. Unlike them, I have
to be in my University uniform except that my shirt is still tucked out of my
pants and my tie is hanging along with the sash on the table.
“Whoa… If you join this year’s competition, you’ll probably beat those Moons
for sure, my friend.” Kit added his compliments too.

“Oh, come on… Trust me… He’ll give himself up.”

“Why would that be?”

“He’ll make way for Nong’Yo to get the title.”

Ai’Beam is right. “I agree.”

“And you have to wait until the show starts? Isn’t this killing you?” They teased.

“I’m getting sick of it. If there’s a way for me to walk out, I’m gonna go right
away!” I look at myself in front of the mirror with a bored face.
“Well, I think you’d better not.” Kit suggests. “People will never let you go
easily. I bet most of them will request to take pictures of you.”

“And all of them will keep staring at you.”

“So on and so forth…”

“But I only want to see Yo… Hey Kit, do you know where those freshmen are
getting ready by now?” I’m not expecting for an answer since I couldn’t go see
my baby anyway.

“And why do I have to know about that?”

“I don’t know… Maybe because you’re talking to Ai’Ming a lot lately?”

Natalia Rowen is apart of Shane's squad. She's had a crush on Andrew Siwicki
for the longest time but was always too scared to make any moves. Little did
she know, he too was longing for her.

“Oh, shut the fuck up!” Kit complains. “We’re not and I have no idea where
they are.”

Beam laughs so hard as he pats our friend’s head gently. “You’re lying… We
just came back from seeing Ai’Suthee a few minutes ago.” He shakes his head
at Kit before turning to my direction. “Everything is doing good, boss…
Nong’Yo seems to be in perfect shape and… He looks even more handsome
than the usual.”

“Is he cute?” Man! Ai’Beam makes me want to see him so bad.

“Of course. How can he not be since he’s our boss’ wife-to-be.”
“Damn! Can I go see him now?” I whined. This is all Beam’s fault. “Kit, wanna
go with me?”

“Why the fuck do I have to go with you?”

“I don’t know… I thought you might want to see Ai’Ming again.

“What the fuck do you think I have anything to do with him?”

I really don’t care about Kit’s complaints so I just stood up, patting Beam’s
shoulder in case he wants to join me find Yo since I want to motivate him before
the competition begins.

Ai’Kit looks like he doesn’t want to go at first, but he runs after us shortly. He
looks real funny.

So this is the studio where the Moons and Stars are having their makeup

So this is the studio where the Moons and Stars are having their makeup. It
happened last year, but it feels almost only like yesterday when I used to be at
the same place, being a moody faced kid from Med School. Looking at the
scenario that’s going on before me, nothing has changed after all. Everyone is
running around. Some are getting themselves ready, others were rehearsing
while the rest who were already done with everything are busy chitchatting with
the staff members… Clearly reminds me of last year’s events.

Anyway, where’s Yo?

I try to look around but couldn’t find him at all. Where could he possibly be
right now?

The way everyone else reacts as soon as they see me, most came to greet or say
hi but there are quite a few others who screamed.

“Pha… You’re so handsome.”

“P’Pha is so hot.”

“Pha… Pha… Pha… Kha.”

“Hey, Doc Phana…You look so good today.”

On and on they went

On and on they went. All I can do is nod to greet them back while still roaming
my eyes around searching for Nong’Yo which didn’t take that long because I
heard someone calling me from behind.
“P’Pha, what are you doing here?”

It’s Nong’Yo.
Actually, he doesn’t look much different from how he looks every day, but he
sure does look good with those hair and makeup on.

He may not be handsome enough to make a girl scream but for me, he’s…
pretty… beautiful… more like that.

I was thinking of him this way… What more those other guys out there?

“Whoa, P’Pha… Looks like you’re stealing the scene today being so handsome
like this, huh.” He doesn’t look straight in my eyes much, but I’m sure I was
staring at him all the time.
“Nong’Yo, looking good! You’ll sure have my vote for tonight.” Kit, rather
shorter than him, wounds his arms around Yo. They were acting like they have
known each other for years. It should be fine since he doesn’t seem to complain
at all.
“Let me get the money for those roses.” Beam is quite serious in buying roses
for the popularity vote indeed. “Hey, before everything starts, why don’t we
take a picture of you two together?”

“You’ll sure have a hard time once everything turns chaotic later on.”

Yo and I looked at each other before handing my phone to Ai’Beam. He did the

“Take one for me.”

“Me too, please.”

At least he’s the first one I took a picture with today. I might be Nong’Yo’s first
as well.

He pulls me outside after both our pictures were taken. Beam and Kit nodded
their head allowing me to come with him. I wonder what’s going on. We halted
at some spot where we can both talk privately.

“What’s the matter?” I’m worried. He looks a bit nervous.

“Tensed.” Yo admits. He’s sweating a little so I have to wipe it off for him.

“Everything’s going to be fine.”

“But what if I fail? It sure will haunt me for the rest of my life.”

“Don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s only normal for anyone to be nervous on

“Were you nervous last year too?”

“Not really…”

“See? I’m not like you.”

“Hey!” I grabbed on his shoulders to make him look at me. From having a
nervous face, now he looks so shy who couldn’t seem to look at me in the eyes.
“Hmmm… Let’s just say, no matter how many mistakes you will make, you’ll
still look cute and adorable for me.”

He blushes. It’s getting evident through the pink colour that slowly appears on
his soft and smooth cheeks.

“So… Do whatever you want to do… Make as many mistake as you want…
Just don’t think about it too much. Do your best, okay?”

He looks more relaxed this time. I realize I had just made the right decision
seeing him after all. I knew it in the first place he would get nervous like this.

“You look so smart today.” He blurted his comment out of the blue.

“What? Do you want anything from me to give such a compliment like this?”

“Nothing… I just think you’re smart, that’s all.”

“If you don’t want anything… Can I have something from you instead?”
Before he knew it, I already bent down to kiss him on his cheek. This made his
face suddenly change to crimson red.

“Fuck! P’Pha!!!” He even swore at me.

“You smell nice.” I’m wriggling my eyebrows to tease him. He smells nice
indeed, although I’m not sure if it has something to do with his perfume or it’s
just him over all, my Nong’Yo.
“You’re doing it again.” He covers his cheek as he tries to run away.

“Don’t forget to take it back. I’ll wait for you right here.”

He looks at me with an angry face. “I’m sorry, but I’m not as shameless as you.”

There… Serves me right that I got scolded by a kid.

“It’s not my fault… You look too cute, I couldn’t help it.”

He looked even cuter as he avoids his stares away from me.

“You know, you’re mine now… From now on, if anyone wants to flirt at you…
He has to do it over my dead body.”

“Why? You’re a doctor… You’re not supposed to harm people, right?” He’s
still trying to avoid my stares but occasionally sneaks a peek at the corner of his

“I don’t care. As long as they don’t touch my heart… who happens to be you.”

It may sound cheesy, but I’m only saying what is true.

“Can I just throw up?”

“Only a kiss on the cheek, and it already makes you pregnant?”

“Fuck you! Ai…”

“Feeling better now?”

“Right… I’m annoyed instead.”

“Hahahah!” I ruffled his hair lightly (Which is hard due to the hair products
applied to it. Damn! I miss his soft hair so bad.) “I’ll see you on stage, okay?”
“Uhmm…” Finally, after ages of looking away, he’s now throwing his gaze at
me but it seems like he doesn’t want to let go yet.

“Can’t you stay with me until the competition starts?”

Damn! With that voice, it breaks my heart to pieces that makes me want to stay
by his side until the end of the competition. It’s too bad I can’t do it.
“I still have a duty to comply. Who knows? I might hand you the sash later on.”

“I don’t want it.”

“What do you want then?”

“I want this guy to stay with me.” He said, prodding his finger at my chest.

Fuck! There goes that voice again. I’m starting to melt where I’m standing right
now. How I wish to leave everything in the world and rather stay with him, but
I couldn’t. I have an appointment with the staff for the blocking on the stage.

“Haven’t you remembered what I already told you?”

He looks at me with that cute curious face of his.

“You will always be in my sight. I won’t look at anyone else but only you, I
may or I may be not around.”

Why is he raising his fist all of a sudden? “Don’t forget what you told me then.”
Behind the stage during the competition…

I’m already done fixing my full uniform (Including my necktie) yet I’m
sweating so bad. Beam and Kit remained by my side as my assistants but they
really weren’t helping at all. I know they only came here to look after those
beautiful Stars passing by our area.

“That Star from the Faculty of Fine Arts is the best.” Beam remarked, doing his
own predictions for the contest. “But she made a trouble with Ai’Pha and
Nong’Yo earlier so I won’t pick her.”

“And do you think Nong’Kook’Kai will ‘PICK’ you too?” Kit shakes his head.
“Ai’Pha Khrub… Are you feeling hot? Take care of yourself na, khrub.” He
hands me the pocket-sized fan he was holding.

“I couldn’t believe I have such a shitty friend like you.” I swore at him. “Of
course, it’s fuckin’ hot in here!”

I keep tightening and loosening my tie for several times already.

“It’s really not that warm, actually. Maybe you’re just too nervous.”

“Nervous because of Nong’Yo?”

“Right… How did you know, Ai’Kit?”

“I’m good when it comes to nosing other people’s business.”

Well, they’re probably right. In about a few minutes later, I started taking
pictures with the staff members who run by around hundreds of them, maybe.

Beam and Kit helped in taking the pictures most of the time. However, there
are a few instances when people ask to take pictures with them as well. (I’ve
heard they were called the IMDG FC – Insane Med Doctors Gang Fan Club) I
was even rather shocked when there was this guy who asked to take a selfie
with Ai’Kit.

Beam and I laugh so hard. This guy confesses that he saw Kit at the fitness gym
where he frequently works out. Kit is a small cute guy whom you can describe
as someone wildly adorable in a different way. Beam was still laughing as he
holds our friend back from punching the person although I think he’s more
likely be the one to get beaten by him instead. I’m quite big and tall myself but
that man, (Kit’s fan from the Fitness gym) is a lot bigger than me. I’m not even
sure if he can make it through the room’s door with that enormous body size of

This is the most hilarious joke we have encountered for this year’s competition.

“Have you talked to Ai’Ming recently?” Beam shoots the question at Ai’Kit.

My friend makes a scowl right away as soon as his question came up. “Why the
fuck are you asking me?” It’s kind’a weird how he can easily switch his mood
to being grumpy whenever we talk about Ming.
“I saw him running happily wearing the biggest smile when Ai’Pha and
Nong’Yo sneaked away to talk in private. He seems so glad thinking you came
over to see him.”

“Just shut up!”

“Why? What did you guys talk about?” I asked Kit.

“He wants me to buy him roses.”

“Those roses for the popularity vote?”

“Yeah… First he asked me to ‘like’ his profile photo, and now he wants me to
buy him roses. That jerk loves to make a lot of requests! Fuck!”
“It’s just normal, right? He’s trying to date you, so he probably needs your
attention.” Beam is chewing on some snacks while talking.

“You know what the strangest part is? You always comply with everything he
asks for.” I did a Hi-5 with Ai’Beam.

It obviously made Kit grumpier because it’s the truth and he couldn’t deny it.

“Pha…” Pring walks into the room smiling happily. “Let’s have a selfie
together. I want to post it on my IG.”

I didn’t oppose to her request so she comes right in to take a picture with me.
“There are three of us, but only Ai’Pha has to do a selfie with you.” Beam
“Hahah! Let’s have one with you, Ai’Beam. You have a huge group of Fan
Club too.”

“Sure!” He smirks.
Pring then sits right next to me handing over some snacks while waving a paper
fan at me. It’s quite strange for her to take very good care of me like this that I
feel suddenly awkward about it.

“What’s going on?” I ask. “You really don’t have to do this.”

“It’s okay… I’m in a good mood today.” She keeps smiling.

“Have you won the lottery or did some guy asked for your phone number?”

Looks like my question caused her mood to fall apart. “Then what if a guy really
asks for my phone number?”
“It means you’re a charming person.” I tried to steal some snacks from
Ai’Beam’s hands.

“Pha, don’t you feel anything? Anything at all?” Pring asks impatiently.

Pring’s question made me curious as I chew on the snack. “What am I supposed

to feel? Other than being cheerful that my friend is finally getting a date?”

“Hey!” She yells in a high pitched voice all of a sudden. “You jerk, Pha!”

She left the room after that. What’s with her? I thought she said she’s in a good
mood today.

“She likes you, idiot.” Kit said, rolling his eyes.

“And she thought you liked her too, stupid.” Beam adds.

“Hey! You guys know I never liked her.”

“Well, you’re always nice to everyone. Girls get easily fond of that.” Beam
chews his food loudly. “Now, if you don’t want to have this type of problem in
the future between you and Nong’Yo, better be clear about this and do
something about it.”
“P’Pha khrub…” One of the staff members gets into the room to inform me.
“Please stand by, khrub… We’ll start in a few minutes.”

The three of us stood up as I took a final good look at the mirror. I’m so glad to
have my friends around. They make sure my uniform is neatly arranged as well
as my tie is properly fixed.

“Fucking awesome.” Beam teased.

“Such a handsome prick.” Kit puts in.

“So is it really good or what?” I smiled curiously.

“Nuh uh… There you go again. You never realize how handsome you are, do
you?” Both of them look at each other with annoyed faces.

At the backstage…

I’m a bit freaking out now that I’m seeing these freshman piling up in their full
uniforms as they get themselves ready to walk out of the stage. I walked past
them while everyone is looking right at me. I saw Ming first (He’s freaking tall
and quite outstanding among the rest.) followed by Suthee and the others. I
can’t seem to find Yo because those enormous hairstyles most of the Stars are
wearing hid many of the Moon’s faces. (Some of these Stars put on a bird-like
hairdo while others have some sort of tiara on their heads.) The staff members
are moving so fast which even gave me a hard time to look carefully for

There! Over there!!! Yo is standing close to the stage, maybe because he’s short.
(Well, he’s always that short, cute and tiny boy for me.)

I gave him a meaningful look as our eyes met. We really don’t have a chance
to say anything. He can only do as much as throw me that reassuring smile of

Gosh! He’s so adorable. I couldn't help it. I have to smile back at him too.
I walk on the stage to officially mark the opening of the show in which at a later
time, Beam and Kit told me it was the most handsome moment they have ever
seen me walking. They keep on saying I was walking willingly like nobody is
forcing me to do it. It wasn’t like last year where I always make a scowl like I
was walking painfully and that I was forced to do everything I hate.

Well, on the other hand, the sounds of screaming still scares me (Like the usual).
Flocks of people filled the huge auditorium where the competition is held. Of
course, everyone is being so crazy about today’s event that I could see many
faculty members, students, even a handful of outsiders at the audience. It’s too
crowded that I couldn’t see anyone very clearly. Besides, I’m focused on my
pace as I walk on the stage along with Pring whose arm is also hooked against
We reached the central section of the stage where Pring and I will be introducing
ourselves. (I can hear the cheers from those guys at the crowd for Pring too.)

“Sawadee Khrub…”

My… I haven’t even finished my first greeting sentence yet but it was more
than enough to make those people scream.


I try to speak for some more but people just can’t get enough of their screams
until the host finally told them to give time for that later on.

“My name is Phana Kongthanin… The Campus Moon of 2016 khrub.”

Wew! Finally, I was able to finish it.

And that will be for me and Pring for now. We don’t have to do anything until
the next Campus Moon and Star will be announced later.

I hurried downstairs to stand along with my friends in front of the stage to watch
Yo perform.

I was almost hiding from the crowd but people still stop by to take their selfie
with me.

“Fuck…” Beam and Kit gasped. I have to excuse myself from those people to
watch Yo and Nate coming out of the stage to be the first couple on queue. He
seems a bit nervous and quite frightened… probably overwhelmed by those
thousands of people watching him. Ging (The science faculty manager) tries to
send hand gestures to Yo to make him smile. He only got it when he was about
to leave the stage.

I noticed him glancing at me by the time he reached the middle. I smiled back
at him to at least make himself stop from too much blinking before he tries to
focus back on his movements.

“What did you do? Why do you have so much influence to my Nong’Yo?” Kit

“YOUR Nong’Yo? Since when, huh?”

“Do you have any problem with that? I’m the president of his fan club now.
He’s so precious and adorable that I’m starting to get a lot of membership
application lately.”

I forgot I haven’t told Ai’Kit about anything yet.

And there were those people screaming for Yo and Nate especially those Fairy
Angel friends of his.

“Kyaaaaa! E-Yo… You bitch! You’re so handsome!!!”

“Nate! Fight! Fight! You’re so pretty, girl!!!”

“E-Yo… Fight! Fight! E-Yo… You’re so fucking handsome!”

Looks like the cheers didn’t only come from those Fairy Angels after all.

“Oh fuck! Is that the moon from the Faculty of Science?”

“Shia! That Moon is so adorable!”

“Hey, look! He’s so handsome…”

“So cute…”

“Shit! Can I be a gay from now on? That guy is so cute!”

Fuck! Who just said that? I’m so mad right now. Looks like It came from those
Engineering students standing right next to us. I threw them my death glare
which made them quiet all of a sudden. They might have thought I’m mad
because they were rude and quite too loud, but hell no! I’m mad because of
those insulting words they are saying about Yo.

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! It only took 3 minutes and he became this popular

Each couple are supposed to introduce themselves after the walk. He looks more
confident now than before.

“Sawadee Khrub…”


“Fuck Yo… Wanna be my hubby… Honey!!!”

“Shit… So cute!!!”

There were a lot of different types of screaming that scares him off.


The screams went up again. Yo could only do a smile. Is this supposed to be an

appearance of a Korean Star or what? The screams are so loud that my ears are
starting to turn deaf.

"My name is WaYo Panitchayasawad, representing the Faculty of Science


There came another explosion of screams while the same old group of
engineering guys next to me were gossiping among themselves.

“Fuck… He’s a Hi-class kid!”

“Damn it… I give up… Such an angel from heaven that a dirty dog like me
couldn’t reach.”

“Is that supposed to be the richest family name he’s using? I’ve heard it on TV.”

Based on those feedback, I can tell Yo will definitely be joining the top five.
The screams went on until the last couple finished their own introduction. Then
the host allow them to take the lucky draw for their sequence on their individual
talent shows.
Wayo will take the last number after Ai’Ming’s performance.

“Should we take a quick nap, first?” Beam suggests right after we heard about
the schedule. “My legs will become sore if we remain standing here until the
last number ends.”

I don’t think I’ll have enough patience to watch every part of the show. We
finally agreed to come back to watch Suthee’s performance as well as the last
two for Ai’Ming and Yo.

The three of us went backstage only to find Ai’Forth passing on a drinking

water bottle to Nong’Yo. I was about to go there to stop him from doing that
but someone just pulled my shirt away.


“Our room is right here.” She points at the dressing room which is assigned for
me and her. I tried to let go but she already dragged me inside.

Where are Beam and Kit when I need them, huh?

Ordinary Man

Phana's POV...

I was in total panic after Pring pulled me inside the changing room.

And it happened right before Nong'Yo's eyes for crying out loud!


Now, I'm not sure if he saw what happened but if he did, we're sure gonna have
a long talk later.

"Hey! Pring... Why are you doing this?" I'm a bit mad at her as I try to yank her
hand off me so I can leave the room.

"I have something to talk to you about."

"Is it anything urgent? I'm in a hurry, you know..." I'm not letting Forth get
closer to Nong'Yo anymore.

"Have you ever had feelings for me at all?"

What the fuck!!!

Hell... I'm quite stunned hearing that question from her. This is something very
serious indeed that I have to clear up things with her right away.


"I want to hear it from you."

Why the heck does she suddenly wants to know about how I feel for her right
now? This isn't the right time for this thing at all!

"Pring... You're my friend..."

That's all I can say for now.

"What about those things you have done to me? Those kindness you have
shown me?"
"I'm sorry to make you misunderstand... But if you come to think about it, I've
been treating you no different from those other female friends of mine." I am
so ready to lose a friend right now. This mess has to stop. "If those things I did
for you made me think I have feelings for you, then... I'm sorry."

"I don't need your apology... How about my feelings?" She starts yelling at me.
This conversation is getting way dramatic as of the moment. If she raises her
voice even more, people outside will definitely hear us. "Can't it be me? Can't
you make yourself love me at all? Or are you being in love with someone else

I was about to tell her first, but it was her who brought it up.

"Please don't tell me you're in love with that silly little brat next door."

Pring was shocked to see me nod. I didn't even refuse her allegations.

"But he's a boy!"

"It's not important."

"It is important. It's wrong... You have never been like this before. You've never
been into guys."

"I never liked guys. I only like Nong'Yo."


"Excuse me, Pring."


I don't give a damn worrying about her anymore. I don't know what will happen
to our friendship from now on, but it better end this way because I'll never be
able to get myself love her more than just a friend, whether Yo is involved with
my feelings or not.

That's the truth.

"Fuck!" I yelled at my two best friends after they left me alone with Pring. "You
guys totally ditched me, you assholes!"
"Well, she said she wants to clear up on something with you. That's why we
gave you guys a bit of private time to talk." Kit passes on the drinking water he
was holding to cool myself down.

"Where's Yo?"

"He must be ready by now, but it'll be a while before his turn."

"Wanna go with me?" I asked Kit.

"Why do I have to go with you?"

"Perhaps you want to see Ai'Ming..."

"Shut the fuck up, Pha... You piece of shit."

I shrug as I left my friends to visit the people at the backstage

I shrug as I left my friends to visit the people at the backstage. Most are taking
selfies while the others are waiting for their queue. There are a few running here
and there getting themselves ready for their performance.

Everything is chaotic, just like last year.

I stumbled on a few people before I came across this group of staff from the
Science Faculty. One of the Fairy Angels was even jumping up and down the
moment he/she sees me.

"Aaaaw... So handsome." He clutches his chest. "Can I help you with

something, kha? Doc Phana."

"There are lots of choices to choose from... Pick any. We have all sizes from
the biggest to the smallest ones." The staff who's working on Nate's make up
throws his sweet smile.

"Have you seen Nong'Yo?"

I think I had just burst their dream bubbles out. "Sigh... Too bad he doesn't
prefer any of us." They look fine though, they're not really mad at me or
anything. "I saw him walking to get his music scores at the parking lot. And...
There's this Moon from engineering who went to accompany him."

"Which parking lot is it, khrub?"

"Over th..." He hasn't finished talking yet but I decide to head for the place he
mentioned right away. I'm starting to sweat like a pig after running around
looking for Yo.

Lucky that the parking lot has a lot of free space so I can just walk around
comfortably, but the problem is with the dust all over since it's located on a
ground area. There are way so many vehicles parked around since there are a
lot of guests coming even from other universities as well.

But which one is it?

There! Forth's height becomes quite handy this time. I can see him standing
beside one of those cars where Yo must probably be busy getting his things. I
was right the moment I walked towards the car as I saw him getting something
from the compartment while Forth is looking right at me.

No need to greet each other.

"Coming here for Nong?" He whispers. Yo didn't seem to hear us because he's
quite busy at the backseat.


"I saw you went into that room with Pring."


"Which of both do you want exactly?"

Well, on normally occasions, we talk comfortably accompanied most of the

time with a good laugh, but when I comes to Nong'Yo, it'll only take the smallest
matter to start a bloody fight between the both of us.

"I came looking for him all over the place no less than ten minutes after that.
Isn't it enough for an answer than you think?"

Forth trailed his eyes at me from head to toe. Of course, I'm such a mess right
now. I no longer look as neat and handsome as I was on stage. Then he looks
between me and the boy behind the car before saying those words in a serious
tone. "If you hurt him, I won't guarantee your safety." And walks away.

I heave a deep sigh. It's just the same time Yo takes his music scores along with
the garment bag out of the car which probably contains his dress for tonight's

"P'Pha..." He almost drops the garment bag he was holding while trying to hide
those music scores away from me. Good thing I was right on time to grab it for
him before it even hits the dusty ground.

"I'm not a ghost, you know."

"How did you get here? And where's P'Forth?"

"Gone." I'm a bit mad. "You wanna go after him?"

Fuck!!! He seems like he's really doing what I am suggesting him to do. I
rearranged his dress quietly then followed behind him. If Forth saw me being
dragged by Pring into that room, how much more Yo?

"Are you mad at me?"

"No... Can you just leave? I need to concentrate."

"You'll be up in no less than thirty minutes so we still have time." There are
only a few shows left to perform.

"It doesn't matter... Just go." He pushes me a little.

"Hey... I know you're mad."

Yo just walks away without uttering any single word. I have to do a bit of a run
to catch up his pace.

"We need to talk. You can't go up on stage like this."

He halts. I can see his mixed emotions right through his eyes. He's confused,
mad, stressful and worried all at the same time.
"Don't you trust me anymore?" I was trying to make him feel better. "I couldn't
resist Pring from dragging me into that room. Haven't you seen my face? I was
surprised about what she did too."

"It's..." Finally he speaks, although it comes from the conflicting mind inside
him. "I don't know... But when I saw you two getting into that private room...
Both of you seemed... perfect for each other."
"It's you and I who's perfect. One is getting mad while the other tries to make it
up for him."

It probably worked, I guess. Yo seems to get uncertain about his moody feelings
by now.

"Yo... You have won my heart for so many years. Why are you still worried?"


"You don't have to speak anymore."


"It was nothing. Look at me... Can't you tell how much time I have spent
running around looking for you? I'm such a mess, see." I don't even know nor
care about my makeup anymore. The little guy in front of me sigh deeply as he
tries to fix my wrinkled shirt.

Shit!!! That cute face (The I-already-forgive-you face) is almost an inch away
from me now. I am stunned completely. He couldn't even look at me in the eyes
with his face flushing beet red.

"I have to get ready." Yo continues to walk away.

"Don't you need these clothes?"

He stops and turns at me. "... Ain't you coming with me?"

A few minutes later...

I am about to see Yo perform in no time.

I'm so excited, a lot more than Ai'Ming's breath-taking Muay Thai Show. Well,
seriously talking about that tall best friend of his. Why is he so fucking awesome
on that sport? I have no idea where he learned all those advanced level of martial
arts like those 'Hanuman giving rings' and 'Crocodile thrashing tail' which aren't
easy to learn at all. At first, he can get so much screaming from his fans during
his first appearance wearing nothing except that Red Thong (Ancient Thai
Garment) with boxing gloves along with that ancient head ring on his head. Not
to mention, his body can get so much screams from those ladies and a few...
Gentlemen? Well... Not just his body but also the way he fights with those stunt
actors (All of whom are Ai'Forth's friends) accompanied by a Muai Thai song
on the background can get even louder screams from his fans.
The energy surrounding the place during his performance will surely make
Ai'Ming reach the top three. I'm certain of it.

And then it's now Yo's turn...

Beam pats my shoulder while we could hear the Fairy Angel's screams from

Beam pats my shoulder while we could hear the Fairy Angel's screams from
behind. Now the Moon from the Facuty of science walks on the stage wearing
his natural naïve shyness. Yup... That's him. That's his charm, alright.

My little boy is very shy. I can tell because he keeps on scratching himself
adorably as he forces himself to smile in front of everyone. That's the money
shot. He'll definitely get a lot of votes from his fan club.
He sits in front of the grand piano on stage that made his fans scream for more
because they finally realize it will be Nong'Yo who will play the piano which
has been standing quietly on the stage since the beginning of the competition.

"Err... Khrub... Wayo Khrub... From the Faculty of Science."

I couldn't stop smiling. He acts so goofy while his face looked a bit surprised
from the enormous spotlight light that was focused directly at him along with
thousands of people inside the auditorium which probably made him a bit

"Before I begin... I would like to tell you a story." Everyone went quiet as they
listen to him. I did the same wondering about what he's going to say. Will it
probably be about me? "... The reason behind me being selected to become the
Moon representative from the Faculty of Science was because of a question."

"What's the question? E-Yo!!!"

"Bitch!!! How dare you call him E-Yo! Are you even close?!!"

"Oh... Okay... What's the question, then? E-bitch Yo!!!"

Seems like those fairy angels are pretty close to Wayo. He smiles at his friends
before answering.

"The question was... What is love in your opinion?"

His words caused some adoring humming sounds from the audience.
But...Wait... I remember. I've heard about this question before. Was it from the
meeting of the freshmen students from the Science Faculty at the gym when I
went to play basketball along with my friends that I was even forced to say
something during that meeting too?

If I could have been there a little bit longer, I might have seen him after all.
Well, anyway... I would be stupid because I couldn't recognize him yet back

"What was your answer, bitch?"

"Bitch E-mon! Be polite."

"What was your answer kha?"

The loud conversation among those Fairy Angels becomes a joke in front of the
stage for the audiences. Everyone is laughing at them. It probably helped Yo
feel more relaxed while talking.

"I told our faculty president and my friends during the meeting that day..."
Right. The Science President is a friend of mine. He's standing right next to me
acting as feminine as usual while smiling proudly at Yo. "Love is something
that doesn't expect for anything in return... That was my answer."
Everyone in the audience exchanged confused faces. I believe they were
probably expecting for something fancier or something more arrogant than what
he had mentioned.
"I am just an ordinary person... I learned to love based on my personal
experience. I am no different from anyone else... That's why tonight, I am going
to sing a song called Ordinary Man to everyone khrub..."

Ordinary Man?

"And I would like to dedicate this song to someone." I can hear his voice being
a little bit shaky. Everyone clap their hands to cheer him up... but why does he
has to be shaken when he's only talking about me?

"Thank you for paying attention to an ordinary person like me. Listen to what
I'm going to sing for you, okay?"


The first note is rolling on the background since he already started fumbling his
fingers on the piano keys. He turns toward the spot where I was standing then
suddenly winks at me.

"Let's go have some dinner after this, okay?"

"FUUUUCKKKKK..." Kit and Beam starts teasing me real big time while
everyone is screaming out loud. I'm not so sure if it was because of his wink or
it's because of the piano starting to play. "That is sooo sweet!"

I'm not paying attention to my friends anymore because I'm only staring at
Nong'Yo while listening.

"Fuck, Ai'Kit... record it!"

"Shia! Right... I almost forgot."

They took my phone to record the video.

"เธอไม่ต ้องกลัว ไม่ต ้องหวัน

่ ไหว" (You don't have to be afraid. You don't have
to be uncertain.)

Hey... wait a minute...

"ไม่ต ้องแปลกใจ เธอไม่ต ้องกังวล" (You don't have to be surprised. You don't
have to be concerned.)

He's good at singing.

Way a lot better than me.

The screaming from the audiences are getting loud at this point.

"สงิ่ ทีฉ
่ ันนัน
้ ทุม
่ เทให ้กับเธอ ไม่เคยคิดอะไร" (All that I have been dedicating or
done to you. I'm never expecting things in return.)

"Doc Phana..." The Science President walks his way to stand beside me. I turn
to see him for a moment while Yo is singing.

"แค่อยากจะดูแลเธอเท่านัน ้ ไม่ได ้ต ้องการให ้เธอมาสนใจ" (I just want to take

care of you. You don't have to pay attention to me.)

"Hey... What's up?"

ิ ได ้เป็ นห่วงอยูเ่ สมอ แค่นก

"ได ้ใกล ้ชด ี้ ส
็ ข
ุ ใจแล ้ว" (Only being this close to you.
Only taking good care of you. That alone already makes me happy.)

"WaYo's answer on that day didn't really make him win the title as our Faculty

"ไม่ได ้หวังว่าเธอจะก ้มมองคนธรรมดา ไม่ได ้คิดคว ้าดาวทีอ
่ ยูบ
่ นฟ้ า" (I never
expect you to look down at me. To a simple guy like me. I never think of
reaching a star from the sky.)

"After he answered the question I gave him. He whispered to my ear telling me

that his love is the same person who just came walking out of the Gym. Do you
remember? It was the day I asked you to say something during the freshman

"แค่คนเดินดิน คนธรรมดา ไม่มรี าคา ไม่มค ี ณ ่ ู ้วิเศษ อย่างใครใคร มี

ุ ค่าใด ไม่ใชผ
แต่ตวั และหัวใจเท่านี้ ทีพ
่ อจะให ้ เธอ" (Just a normal guy... Just an ordinary
guy... Nothing special... Nothing important... Like everyone else... But only me
and my heart that have already been given all to you.)

"He told me how he likes you... He came here because of you. He walked down
from the stands on that day because of you... And now, he becomes a Moon
also because of you. It's too bad I couldn't tell anyone. Everyone had been so
curious why I picked him."
I was listening while staring fondly at the cute adorable guy playing the piano.
Staff members used some dry ice to make his performance on stage look even
more romantic as part of the special effects.

Everything seems to have lost their importance that nothing can stop me from
looking at him.

The truth revealed by the Science President is like a charm bewitching me to

stand there quietly. I could no longer understand the lyrics at all. I'm even no
longer aware of my surroundings. Not anymore. It's like there's only Wayo and
I inside that huge auditorium, him singing naturally while I am just watching
from the audience... He doesn't even put his feelings to what he plays that much.
He simply sings right through his heart... With that alone, makes everything
else perfect... He's perfect.
"แค่คนเดินดิน คนธรรมดา ไม่มรี าคา ไม่มค ี ณ ่ ู ้วิเศษ อย่างใครใคร มี
ุ ค่าใด ไม่ใชผ
แต่ตวั และหัวใจเท่านี้ ทีพ
่ อ จะให ้เธอ..." (Just a normal guy... Just an ordinary
guy... Nothing special... Nothing important... Like everyone else... But only me
and my heart that have already been given all to you.)

That's it. The song is finished while everyone is screaming and clapping so loud.
The show host walks on the stage as they repeat introducing WaYo as the Moon
Representative from the Faculty of Science.

As for me? I couldn't feel a thing anymore.

I'm just standing there stunned still.

"Hia, Ai'Pha."


"Fuck... Ai'Pha." They have to call me twice to wake me up from being

bewitched by his song.

"What's wrong with you?"

"What the fuck are you still doing here? Where are the roses for the Popularity

"SHIT! I forgot." I pulled out some cash from my wallet as I make my way to
go buy the roses for Nong'Yo.

"What are you doing, Boss? Just give us the money. We'll go get it for you."
Beam holds his hand out asking for the cash so I gave it to him. How much do
I need? "Shit!!! Pha! Are you fucking crazy? 5,000 baht? Are you planning to
buy a truck full of roses?"

"Seriously, boss... Pull yourself together, will you?" Kit couldn't stop himself
from laughing so hard at my stupidity. What? I can't help it. I'm always like this
when it comes to Nong'Yo.
"This should be enough. We'll be right back." Beam said after returning 3000
cash to me. I looked back at the stage. Right... This is going to end soon. The
results are coming in anytime. The next part will allow the audience to vote for
the Star or Moon of their choice by giving them roses. After that, the final
results will be announced for this year's Campus Moon and Star.
Oh... Right... There's something else. Right after the talent show, the hosts will
need to ask some questions so the judges can give their final scores for the
nominees. By the time Yo was called in for his question, I wasn't able to hear
his response because I was busy dealing with Beam and Kit about buying the
roses, but I think it still goes well because everyone is cheering loudly after he
gave his answer before the judges.

By the time Yo was called in for his question, I wasn't able to hear his response
because I was busy dealing with Beam and Kit about buying the roses, but I
think it still goes well because everyone is cheering loudly after he gave his
answer bef...

"Pha..." Pring walks toward me with an angry face. "We need to go on standby
for the awarding."

"Just a moment please..." I still need to give Yo the roses.

"No... We have to go now. It will start in about a few minutes."

Geez! I want to give him the roses myself, but it seems like Pring is not playing
a trick on me this time since one of the staff members came rushing behind her
to fetch me as well.

While getting ready with my makeup and my hairstyle being fixed, I threw a
very disappointing look at the stage. Giving him those flowers later will be
different from giving it to him right now.
99 Red Roses

Wayo's POV...

I am soooo fucking nervous on stage like I am almost about to pee under my

pants right now.

Not that I really wanted to use the bathroom, but it's more like everything starts
to become more exciting and that finally, I can say how glad I am to reach this
part of the competition without missing anything. To be honest, at first... I
forgot to bring up that 'Smart Look' Jae Ging is always reminding me about
(He'll sure gonna kill me later for this...) So I decided to put on my 'being myself
look' in front of everyone without even thinking whether it's gonna work
effectively or not.
But I'm pretty confident that I have done my best and that for me alone,
(according to P'Pha) should matter the most.

Now I'm on the stage looking for him... He used to stand right over there, but
my eyes could no longer find him right this moment.

"Everyone, please step forward to collect your roses for the popular vote. Once
you're done, please send those to the staff members who will count them one
by one. As for those who will be bringing the flowers, please stay calm na Kha."

I did as what we were told. The stage is quite large so each of us have enough
space where we could gather as many roses as we can from our supporters. I
could even get a clear view of my friends lining up for me.

"You're so good, bitch! You'll win... I'm pretty sure about that. Let me give you
a kiss na." E-mon is first in line to hand me over his rose.

"Fuck! Ten roses." I'm surprised. E-mon smiles as he pinches my cheek

adoringly. E-Fatty comes next, handing me another bunch of roses with of
course, his other hand touching my crotch - unintentionally.

Sometime later, four more Angels fall in line followed by I don't know... about
hundreds? Of supporters many of whom I could hardly recognize their faces at
"Fight Fight na ja. You're so cute."

"You're from the Biology Major, right? I'm from Chemistry na."

"P' is a third year from General Science na kha. Here's my phone number. 08X-
XXX-XXXX. Call me na."

"You're such a good singer. I love it."

So on and so forth...
I took the roses one after another without missing anyone saying my thanks to
them. This is something more than I expected. The funniest part came from this
certain group of boys whom I don't know which faculty they belong to.

Natalia Rowen is apart of Shane's squad. She's had a crush on Andrew Siwicki
for the longest time but was always too scared to make any moves. Little did
she know, he too was longing for her.

"Hey dude, you're so cute..."

"I'm from the Engineering faculty. You're a friend of MingKwan, right? He has
my phone number. Call me na."

"Are you gay?"

So on and so forth...

What the actual fuck? That question didn't just come from those group of boys
but there are so many guys giving me roses trying to talk to me about going out
for dinner or something.

Now, I'm scared.

""Time is almost up na kha... Hurry up, Wayo, sweetie."

I turned to both my left and right and DAMN! I'm the only one left whose still
collecting roses from the audience. It took a while until I was finally done and
about to get up.

"Hey Nong, wait!"

P'Beam and P'Kit! Of course! I'm so happy to see them.

"For our lovely little brother. After you made our ears pregnant with your
performance, you deserve our votes na."
Shiiit!!! Those are huge bunches of roses coming from each of them. I almost
couldn't handle their weight that the audience starts to scream teasing me about
how I got way too many roses than the others.

"These are too much, P's."

"You deserve those, Nong." P'Kit assures me.

"Oh! And here's another one..."


That's a whole truckload of roses P'Beam is pulling out from behind.

"99 roses." He says proudly as he stuffed the whole bouquet of flowers on my

hands for me to hold. Now I look like wrapping my arms around a huge tree.
Damn! All these are valid voting roses. Each stem has the University stamp
attached to it which serves as a way for the school to raise funds from the said
pageant. It's carefully arranged with a simple piece of paper wrapped around
the whole bunch adorned nicely by a golden sash.


"There's no need to count them all!"

"He's obviously the winner..."

People from the audience starts yelling. Most of whom are teasing me about the
large quantity of roses piling up for the Moon of Science Faculty. I still have
difficulty holding the roses up as I hand them over to the staff members for the
final voting process. It's almost the same time I saw P'Pha walking on the stage
along with P'Pring. Both are holding the sashes for the next proclaimed Campus
Moon and Star who will be announced momentarily.
I wonder where his roses are for me.
Never mind... I know he's on duty... I understand it. But hey, is he planning to
drop a bomb to steal the show from the Next Campus Moon or something? He's
outshining everyone with his handsome looks like he always does.

"Okay, that's it for the Popularity Vote as part of this competition's major
events... While we're waiting for the results, I would like to thank all our
sponsors for this year..." The host holds a very long list of sponsors while he
mentions their names one by one.

I'm no longer listening. I look at Ai'Ming on the other side of the stage showing
me a thumbs up. I could read through his lips mouthing the words: 'You'll get
the popularity award for sure."
Turning my face to the other side and there goes P'Pha. He's also looking right
at me smiling as his way of saying 'hi'.

In other words... Nobody's listening to the hosts at all. Hahahah!

A moment after, the hosts began to invite all Deans from different faculties to
join the stage to present the awarding sashes to the winners. To be honest, I'm
not expecting for any awards at all. I feel relieved and contented with what I
have done for today's performance. I am so ready to sleep like dead for the next
three nights.

I was in this deep thinking when the host began to announce the Top Five

Wait... What? Panitchayasawad they said? I'm included in the Top Five?

I'm in shock... What the fuck! How on earth did I ever make it to the Top Five?
I'm not even surprised to see Ai'Ming there too. He was called first on the Top
Five list that he was so happy when the host mentioned his name.

"The biggest moment is getting closer now, but before we make it to the final
results... Let's proceed with the minor awards first. Starting with the 'Best Skin-
care award'...

What the fucking kind of award is that? Is there even such a thing?

"Sponsored by the one and only New Cell DNA na kha... The award goes to..."
She announces a name of a Star who came forward and right... Her skin is so
bright and perfect indeed. Ming gives her a look of admiration... Now, I know
what's inside that dirty mind of his. Hahahah! "As for the 'Best Skin Care
Award' for Moon category... The award goes to..."

I'm staring at Ming. His honey skin tone is not that bad for this award. Or is it
Ai'Suthee? He's a pure Chinese-Thai with a very light coloured skin tone. He
definitely deserves to get this award too.

"Nong'Wayo Panitchayasawad from the Faculty of Science na khaaa...."

WHAAAT?!?! I got choked on stage. Ming has to push me forward to receive

the award. I'm not really excited about their one year supply of skin care
products but I'm more enticed with the cash prize that goes along with it. Fuck!
It's worth 10,000 Thai Baht!

"The next award is for the Mister and Miss Congeniality... This award goes to...
The Faculty of Science khaaaa..."

Me again? Are you kidding me? Who on earth voted for me? I don't even think
I'm friendly at all! I mostly hang out with Ai'Ming all the time as far as I can
still remember.

It's worth another 5,000 Thai Baht. I'm rich! [You already are, Nong... Did you
forget?] Owh... It's not P'Pha who presented the award to me, but by some
sophomore Star who received the same award last year.

"Now, it's time for the 'Popularity Award'... The 'Most Popular Star Award' goes
to Nong'Kook'Kai Kulissara from the faculty of Fine Arts khaaa."

The cheering screams came out from the audience once again, but this time, it's
pretty louder which is good for her. However, the moment she passed by where
I am standing, she didn't even look at me.

"For the 'Most Popular Moon Award' na kha..." The host gave a thrillsome
pause. "Yes! Without a doubt, it's Nong'Wayo Panitchayasawad from the
Faculty of Science kha..."

Fuck!!! This is already the third sash. Damn! This may cause a rumour about
me buying those votes for sure. [When will you stop being so insecure about
yourself, huh?] I walk quietly to receive my third award for tonight. I really
didn't expect to win the votes... Those 99 roses I received from P'Beam must be
the reason behind it.

This time, it's P'Pha who handed me the award. Hmm... so this means he won
the same award last year. I wonder how many roses he got back then, huh? He
puts the sash around my shoulders down to my waist. (Ai'Ming is whistling on
the background) before he whispers something next to my ear. "So damn
popular, huh?" I smiled a bit. It has nothing to do with the compliment, but it's
because he had finally found a way to talk to me on stage.

With all these three sashes, I'm now willing to take the fifth place. I don't want
any more awards. This is way too much for me.
The next hailed Campus Star is Kook'Kai as what everyone had expected. Nate
took the fourth place and she seems so happy with the result. Now it's time to
announce the next Campus Moon who will follow P'Pha's footsteps. Can you
guess who won?

Yup... It's Ming, my best friend.

He jumps for joy like a football player who has just made a goal. Everybody is
laughing at him including the hosts for tonight's event. He deserves it, there's
no doubt of course. Ming is perfect to receive the award. He's the most
appropriate person to be Doc'Phana's follower.

As for me? I'm at the third place while Suthee is next in line with Ai'Ming. I am
totally happy with the results.

That's it for this competition... It took us more than four weeks to complete this
whole activity. Now, I'm glad that it's all done.

After the Competition...

"Are you sure you're not coming? It'll be my treat na..." Jae'Ging is whining the
moment she finds out I'm not joining them for the Hot Pot meal.

"I'm really sorry, khrub." I apologized.

I could barely handle all my stuff. One hand holds my garment bag containing
all my clothes along with a separate bag which contains all awards and sashes
I won during the competition. As for my other hand, well, it holds the largest
bouquet of roses given by P'Beam a while ago. I don't know where my other
roses went, I mean those roses given by my friends and supporters. The one I
hold in my hand are only 99 roses all in all. It's too bad I haven't got the
opportunity to show them my gratitude. It was thanks to P'Beam and P'Kit I got
the popularity vote in the first place.

"Fine... We'll see each other on the next activities to come anyway."

"You've got it, khrub..."

"Nong'Yo... I'm so proud of you, my boy... You did well today."

"This is all because of you khrub, Jae'Ging..."

"Aren't those heavy?" P'Pha comes out of nowhere as he takes the bags from

"Well, I guess I wasn't me who took very good care of you after all... It's all
thanks to last year's Campus Moon... Am I right, Phana?"

"I have no idea..." P'Pha teases back.

"Whatever... Have a sweet night together na kha... I need to go to the Hot Pot
place now... Later guys."

I waved at Jae'Ging who's now walking along with Nate. I also haven't forgotten
to thank everyone for the past several weeks of wonderful moments we have
shared together. At the same time, I'm also thankful that this has finally come
to an end... I can relax from now on.

I waii at all of them.

Anyway, where's Ai'Ming? P'Kit and P'Beam too?

"Who are you looking for? Let's go... Let's have dinner together." P'Pha pushes
me to walk ahead.

"Wait... I haven't said 'thank you' to P'Beam and P'Kit yet."

"And why do you need to do that?"

"Well, because of these flowers..." I showed him the bouquet of roses I'm
hugging. "I got the 'Most Popular Award' because of them."

"Hmm... I don't think so." P'Pha says.

"Why not?"
"My 2,000 Baht went to that thing alone." He smirks as he walks forward that
I have to go run after him.

"Are all these yours, then?"

"Who else do you think will give them to you?"


"Really..." Hey! He's walking too fast. "You're asking too many questions."

"No kidding?"

"Yo... Come on, stop being such a jerk." P'Pha tries to grab me by the hand but
I slip away so he couldn't get me.

"That makes me very happy, but... Why didn't you give them to me yourself?"

"How could it possibly be? I'm at the stage too, remember?"

He walks to his car as he presses on the remote control to open the car trunk for
Holy Mother of Roses!!! There are about hundreds of them carefully arranged
in a neat pile that it almost looked dazzlingly romantic.

It's beautiful...

"All these are only for you..."

I can see the University stamp on each rose.

"These are from the others too, right?"

"They are already here for you."

"Ooh... You did this when I went to get changed, right?"

"Yep... I was lucky you're moving so slow." It was the only time I noticed his
shirt have gone all wet and dirty after arranging these flowers in his trunk.

"P'Pha..." I'm saying it in a very nice way.


"Thank you..."

"Give me a kiss then." He bends down to give me his cheek.

"He bends down to give me his cheek

"No..." I said flatly as I went to open the door to get inside his car.
"Yo..." P'Pha cries in disappointment. He then closes the trunk and... I don't
know... It caused my heart to beat uncontrollably.

Oh, shut the fuck up, Yo... Just do it already!

The moment he hopped in the driver seat, put his seatbelt on and everything, I
decided to pull my face close to him to give him a kiss on the cheek.

I didn't see it coming. He turns to face me instead.

My lips landed on his!


Don't look at my face! I don't know how my face looks right now...


This giant asshole is laughing uncontrollably before my stupid face. He's

obviously getting way too happy right now.
Sweet Pork

Kit's POV...

Finally, Ai'Ming had been true to his words.

I wasn't that surprised after the final results came out. Nong'Yo may have
gathered almost all minor awards from the competition but the person more
suitable to represent the university is none other than Ai'Ming himself. It seems
like the audiences agree with me because they were pleased with the final
outcome of the contest as well. Ming doesn't have fair, glowing skin and his
score for the congeniality award probably sucks since he tends to annoy
everyone than being friendly. Well, at least he deserves the Moon title in the
But what am I doing here? Trying to look for reasons to support the decisions
of those judges, huh? It's none of my business to begin with, right? (Why am I
even saying this in a high pitched voice?) And don't forget that stupid reaction
he did the moment he heard his name being hailed as the winner. He looked like
a football star who just made a goal. That's it! Now, I have to go have dinner
with him.

It can be at any day other than today... Not on the day when the Campus Moon
Sash is hanging proudly around his shoulders, but you think that idiot will

I don't want to be in the spotlight — again!

Been there, done that... When? It was last year.

I could still remember when the noodle restaurant where we went for a hot bowl
was nearly destroyed by people swarming all over the place only to take pictures
of Ai'Pha which nearly knocked out the shop owner who's struggling to keep
them from coming in. It was a nightmare!

Nuh-uh... I'm not letting history to repeat itself.

So I'm fine with any day... Except today.

So after helping Ai'Pha transfer Nong'Yo's truckload of roses at the back of his
car, I nudged on Beam to leave the place with me as fast as we can

So after helping Ai'Pha transfer Nong'Yo's truckload of roses at the back of his
car, I nudged on Beam to leave the place with me as fast as we can. However,
the asshole (Who has no idea about the reason behind my pleas) prefers to stay
a little while longer to chat with those girls at the backstage.

Fuck! I should have brought my car instead.

"Beam... Let's go." I kept on asking for the billionth time while my eyes is
roving anxiously around for any sign of the New Campus Moon. Who knows?
The asshole might show up behind my back any minute now although he might
still be busy having selfies with tons of people as of the moment. Regardless,
it'll still be better if I leave as soon as I can.

"Just for a bit." My asshole friend pats on my shoulder as he's trying to walk
away with those girls once more.

"Fuck no."

"Why are you in such a hurry? We're not going with Ai'Pha anyway, aren't we?"

"Ain't you hungry at all?"

"Err... Kind'a. But one moment."

Damn! Just today. Only for today! I fucking hate this guy.

"What's wrong with you? Are you trying to run away from someone?"

I hate him twice the double now. This idiot knows me too well.

"I'm not running away from anyone... I'm hungry."

"Are you hiding from Ming?"

"Just go fuck yourself around with your girls... Go... Just go!"

"What are you guys talking about, khrub?" I froze

"What are you guys talking about, khrub?" I froze. I could hear his familiar
voice right behind me. This is totally Ai'Beam's fault for not letting me out of
here. Now, the New Campus Moon is standing handsomely tall right next to
me. The asshole keeps on bragging his pearly white teeth in those smiles every
time I look up to see his face. "Did I look cool a while ago?"

Yeah... Damn cool. I'm still scared of his Muay Thai skill.
"Err... Nong'Ming. Congratulations." Beam speaks up. "This is already the
second time that an alumni from our previous school won the Campus Moon
title. If there'll be a third next year, I might have to open a modelling agency
from then onwards."
"Hey, that's a great idea." Ming agrees. He still have those lots of gifts and
flowers in his arms.

"Need help with that?" I asked him. Well, I'm not really a mean person, you

"It's okay, khrub... I can handle it." He bends away. "I'm hungry. Let's go for a
date as what you've promised."

"Can we do a rain check?"

"Why la? Why? Why? Why?" This guy is whining like a kid.

"Well... err."

"Right, Ai'Ming. Take him away, please. He's very annoying. I still want to stay
and have some chat with these girls." Beam pushes me towards him. You
asshole! Why don't you box me in then? Put a ribbon on, and give it to this idiot
who's still smiling beside me, huh? Prick!

"It'll be such an honour." You too asshole Ming! Grrr!

I don't know how to say this, but if Beam is not giving me a ride, then it has to
be Ai'Ming... But I have to go and have dinner with him, right?

But I have to go and have dinner with him, right?

"What do you want to eat?" I have no choice, I've been dragged to this so I'd
rather play along.
"No idea. Ai'Ming smiles. "Anything you want is fine."

"My choice?"

"Yes. Whatever you want. We can go to around three or more restaurants if you
like. I don't need to get worried about weight control anymore."
Um... What about those six pack abs he had shown yesterday? Many gay guys
went crazy over it.

And why am I still thinking about that night we had at the noodle shop?

"It's very hot today." Ming complains after he placed all his stuff inside his car.
He then went in, as he tucks out his shirt off his pants. He's kind'a sweating so
maybe that's the reason why he unbuttoned the upper part and took his sash off
from his shoulder.

Why on earth am I even observing his every movements?!?!

"You want it?" He teases after taking his Campus Moon Sash off.

"Why would I?"

"Try it on."

"Fuck, Ming... Stop it." He tries to put the sash on me.

"Try it na... Pleeeeaaase..."

I really wonder what makes me do whatever he wants whenever he begs like

that. Or maybe I just don't like to argue with him.

The sash is now hanging around my shoulders.

"Shit! It's ugly... Take it off."

"Hey. I don't think so. You look good in it. You're just perfect." Ming gives me
a thumbs up with a wink.

"Perfect? Hell no. I'm taking this off."

Ming smiles as he helps me remove it. "You're perfect to be my boyfriend."

I am so not gonna say anything about it. "Can we go now?"

"Khrub... khrub..." He looks very exhausted, but he still enjoys teasing me.

Boyfriend my ass. Do you think you can win my heart?

Shit... I don't know what to do.

"When I was on stage, I was really scared and stressful. Can you tell?"

How would I know?

If I didn't win, I don't think I'll ever get the chance to give you a ride like this.
Now he's munching on the KitKat wafer he took from the backseat while

"So you tried winning only because of me?"

"Please don't tell my fan club na khrub... But yes, it is. I made it because of


"I'm serious."

"You are..."

"Smart? Handsome?"

"Handsome my ass."

"I know it... Whenever you feel shy, you always act mean by swearing a lot at

"Shy my ass... Shut up, you piece of shit."

"There... You just did it again."

"Aish fuck Ming!"

"I'm right... Right? Hahahah!" I did swear a lot to his face, but he doesn't seem
to get mad even a thing. "Your voice isn't like that of a mean person, but it's
more like a kind person who loves complaining. It' kind'a cute."
"Shut the fuck up."

"There... I'm right again."

I'll never win this round so I decided to shut my mouth up. I spent the rest of
the trip staring outside the window instead. There's something strange with the
way he converses with me. I admit Ming is quite a charming type of person.
He's a big jerk but he knows well how to flirt to make people feel good at him.

Suddenly, his phone rang. Ming flips his finger on the screen to take the call
setting it to speaker mode as he drives.


"Pumpkin, honey. Congrats for winning." It's a girl on the other line. She
sounded much like a cute girl. Her choice of words and the way she pronounces
it is way ridiculous. They might have been used to having serious sweet talks
all about sweet things.

"Hey, Sugar. How did you know about that?"

Yeah... This idiot has a sweet tooth too.

"Wave called and told me about it. Congrats congrats, Sweetie Pie. You deserve
it after practicing so hard."

"Thank you, khrub. Why don't you come see me tonight?"

This conversation is way too sweet like a newly wedded couple talking to each

"Well, pudding your university is too far away." 4

"So the pretty sweet pea from an exclusive university like you don't wanna

"Well at first, I don't want to go that far but... Sweetheart, after seeing the picture
Wave just sent me, I suddenly want to be there as soon as possible."

"It's too bad I looked way too handsome on stage." Urrgh... Give me a break,
"Yes. You're always handsome. Too bad I wasn't there." She sounds upset and
so do I.

"Buttercup, I have to hang up now... I'm on the road. Can I call you back?"
"Don't forget to call na. I feel so lonely. I'm all alone. My roommate is out

"Khrub phom." Ming turns the car. "Don't forget to have dinner na khrub.
You're getting skinnier lately."

"Okie dokie, Cookies. You too na."


"Call me na..."

"Khrub phom."

The other line hang up. Now it's getting awkwardly silent inside Ming's car.

What do you really want, huh? Seriously, what are you doing?

"What would you like to have na, khrub?"

"I'm not feeling hungry anymore."

"What? No way... You have to eat something. It's already late."

"I'm not hungry, really."

"Let's go to this restaurant then. The one next to Seven-Eleven."

We parked next to a small noodle shop on a sidewalk just across the campus.
He sure this is really the restaurant where he would like to eat? There are so
many students passing by around this place.

Fuck... Anyone can easily see us in this place!

"What do you want?" Ming asks me with a smile... But I don't know why I hate
that smile so much this time.

"Same as yours then."

Damn! This is so irritating. I don't want to eat anymore. I just want to go home
and study.

"Okay..." Ming walks in to place an order. What would you expect? People are
gawking at him gossiping about this guy being the New Campus Moon. He
even makes the daughter of the Noodle Shop owner blush while taking
Ai'Ming's order. She should be aware at least that this guy is such a playboy.
"Iced water khrub..." He brings me a glass of their complimentary drinking
water. "I was kind'a worried you would change your mind so I decided to eat
here instead."

Huh! He's right. I was about to change my mind indeed.

If he hadn't parked his car right as soon as possible, I might have told him to
just drive me home.

I don't feel like eating anything at all. I'm so angry.

"What's the matter, khrub?"


"You look mad... I'm worried."

"Don't you have anything to tell me?"


"Really? Like nothing at all?"

Ming looks confused for a while and then... "OOOHHH!!!" He says out loud.
"It's about Moo'Wan, right?"

Who on their right minds would put up such a name? 'Moo'Wan'? As in Sweet

"She's my ex-girlfriend."

I stopped playing with the chili powder cup I am holding immediately.

"She doesn't sound like an 'Ex' to me." Why the fu... Why did I chose such
idiotic words to respond to him?

"FUCK! SHIT SHIT SHIT!!! I forgot." Ming pulls his hair with both hands all
of a sudden. "I used to talk to Moo'Wan like that. I forgot how it might have
hurt your feelings... Oh, thank you, khrub." He takes the first bowl from the
waitress and handed it to me. "Listen P'... Moo'Wan is the longest relationship
I have ever had out of about... How many?" He counts mentally using his
fingers. I'm sitting listening carefully. "Thirteen..."

I spurted out the water I just drank. Thirteen!!!

"Hold on... or it's actually Fifteen?"

What?!?! "Doesn't matter."

"I'm really sorry... I never counted them before." Ming passes on the napkin for
me to use. "I'd dated Moo'Wan for more than a year before we broke up. She
was the latest girlfriend I had. We were so close to each other that after we went
on our separate ways, we still kept the same type of conversation we had.
Moo'Wan calls me with a lot of pet names and we think of it as our way of
keeping our friendship."

"Why did you broke up with her, then?"

"She caught me falling for someone else."

"Why are you being such a Prick?"

Ming only shrugs it off. "I really didn't think about taking another step forward
at first... But I also don't like Moo'Wan enough to push our relationship further
anyway. Cheating on her is not an option, so I decided to just stop whatever is
going on between us and remain single.

This guy is a fucking complicated one. Ai'Pha had never been in such a complex
situation. He's got a girlfriend yet he likes someone else, but doesn't have the
gut to make another move... What kind of a fuck is that?

"It's really not that complicated, see? I'm trying to date that person."

"In fact, he's eating noodles sitting right in front of me as of the moment."

I almost choked on the noodles upon hearing his confession. Shit!!!

"Are you alright?'

So was it because of me? I was the reason why they broke up? Between Ming
and that Nong'Sweet Pork. "You're joking, aren't you?"

"I'm not joking. It's true I am such a player most of the time... But whenever I
tend to get serious, I can stay focused on that person only."

"That's enough..."



"You're misunderstanding things, aren't you?"

"I'm not misunderstanding anything."

"But you're getting so mad at me."

"What? Of course, I'm not."

"You must be thinking I'm still in a relationship with Moo'Wan, aren't you?"

I dropped the chopsticks into the noodles to make him stop. I think I'm looking
angry by the moment.

"Okay... I'll stop talking to her from now on."

"Hey, wait..." I was shocked, looking right at Ai'Ming.

"She told me before that she'll try to forget about our relationship, but she
couldn't. So maybe I'll just stop talking to her from now on."

"Hey... You're about to make that girl upset."

"How about your feelings?"

I was stunned hearing his words.

"If I'll keep talking to Moo'Wan and dating you at the same time, how would
you feel?"

Strike again. I'm having mixed feelings between him being straightforward
about his feelings towards me and him thinking about Moo'Wan at the same

"Just do whatever you want to do." This isn't me at all. This is embarrassing...
I hid my face by turning my attention back to the noodles I was digging in. I
thought I wasn't hungry but now, I am so ready to order another bowl of

"Then..." Ming speaks softly that's why I have to look up at him which turned
out to be a bad decision because the idiot is staring right at me in his sweetest
smile along with his deadly charming looks. "Date me..."

Now he's even wriggling his eyebrows at me. It's so annoying. He's even
smiling with those small eyes half closed. Shit!!! I hate myself now.

I showed him my fist but he didn't seem to get intimidated by it so I decided to

stop and use it to scratch my head instead.

"Are you granting me permission now?"

I still kept on scratching my head. "Don't you want to eat? The soup is getting
cold now."

"Give me your answer first."

"Ai'Mng... Are you eating or not? If not, I'll take that bowl then."

I shouldn't have said it. He gave me his bowl of noodles which was left
untouched right away.

"You do eat a lot... But that's okay. I can afford to take care of you in the future."

"Shut up... Who told you anything about the future?"

"You haven't given me the answer yet so I'll take that as a 'yes'."

I really don't know what to say anymore. This kid is getting into my nerves.
I ate the second bowl without caring about the flow of our conversation any
longer. He makes a step forward to me real fast in a very straightforward
manner. It shut me up completely.

I keep on telling myself how I like girls with big boobies. In the end, I am
shaken by this boy sitting handsomely in front of me.

That's it for the date. (It's Ai'Ming who defined it to be as such, not me.) He
gave me a ride back home. As he pulled his car to the parking lot, he looks up
to the building with a mumble. "Your room is real close to Ai Fucking Yo's.
Should I move here too?"

"Where's your apartment?"

"Would you like to pay me a visit soon?" He smiles like the way a spoiled kid
has just gotten his candy. I shouldn't have asked him that stupid question in the
first place. "Hahahah... It's actually on the other side of the campus, but I come
here most of the time to pick up Ai'Yo to school. Well, I guess he no longer
needs me. He got himself a new handsome driver from now on... Hey... Hold
on. No, I think I should say I should be around here more often from now on."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'll be here every day to pick you up."

"It's not necessary. I have my own car. Besides, Beam lives next door. He can
give me a ride."

"The next semester is going to start soon. Our campuses are located far from
each other."


"I want to see you every day."

What the... "That's not possible... Unless you're on the other side of the campus,
then it might be possible for us to see each other."

"Hey... That's a great idea."

"Thanks for the ride." I am about to leave his car when his phone rang all of a
The screen on his phone shows the photo of a pretty girl which can probably
make Ai'Beam drool. Is she really a girl or a doll?

I know it's his 'Sweet Pork' so I rushed to leave the car to give him some time
alone but his long arms grabbed me to remain seated.

He switched it to speaker phone like what he did earlier. Then he starts talking
with a smile.

"What's up?"

"Why didn't you call me? I was waiting."

"I'm on a date... I was having a dinner."

What?! Why? Hey! I didn't go on a date with you asshole! I was about to say
something but Ming covers my mouth with his other hand. He's way a lot bigger
so I was having trouble taking his hands off me.

"You're on a date?" She sounds stunned.



"I'm not lying."

"Honey, why are you lying to me?"

"Not lying at all."

"We have been talking lately. I thought we were trying to recover our

Ming looks at me before he went on. "Have you remembered that time when I
used to date you...? And Moo'Wan caught me liking someone else?"

"Yeah... What about that?"

"I'm dating that person now..."

I'm still struggling to take his hand off my mouth so I can snatch the phone from
him and say nothing of what he said was true but it seems like someone on the
other line is starting to get mad, like really mad. She's screaming her swears to
Ai'Ming a lot. Looks like she's mad at him for giving her false hopes of getting
back together and so on.

"No... I'm still talking to you because I thought I can help you solve the problem
you're having, and I thought you need my pieces of advice or maybe you need
someone to talk to."
At first, I thought he wasn't being completely honest with me. Someone who'd
been in a relationship for over a year should still have some sort of feelings for
each other remained, but after listening to their conversation, this time... It's
totally different... Because the girl keeps screaming that she couldn't catch a
word at all that's why Ai'Ming has to apologize over and over before hanging

He finally let go of my mouth as he heaves a long sigh.

I remained seated, blinking. I don't know what to say.

"She's sad."

"Me too... but I only have you in my heart. What can I do?"

I can say the word 'shock' isn't enough to describe how I feel hearing those
sincerity in his words. "Am I really worth enough for you to do this?"

"Nope..." Wait, what? "But I like you very much... It's all that matters now."

It took us a long quiet moment, until it's time for me to leave.

"Hey... Congratulations." I told him for the first time.

"For what?"

"For winning the Campus Moon Title."

"Oh, right..." He takes the sash out from the back seat and hands it to me. This
is yours."

"Hell no! It's yours."

"I got it for you anyway, so it's yours."

"No, are you crazy? You'll still be needing it to take pictures or you might have
to put it on during some other activities."

"I can come to borrow it from you whenever I need it."

He's making that cute sad face at me again.

This guy definitely knows how to get through my weak point.

"Hurry up in taking it back then." I took the blue sash from Ai'Ming's hand and
left the car, but before I got inside the lobby, he slides his windshield down
yelling at me from afar.

"Answer my LINE Messages tonight!!! Okay?"

Starting A New Journey

Phana's POV…

I had a wonderful night with my Nong'Yo. Well, we just had our dinner just
like what Wayo had requested before he did his performance on stage. I enjoyed
watching him as much as how he enjoyed the sumptuous meal we ordered at
this restaurant I handpicked especially for him.

After that, I helped him carry his things back into his room. The roses are still
left inside the car trunk except for this big bunch of roses he's been carrying
since the time we left the campus. He seems to like them a lot because these are
the only things he holds in his arms allowing me to take the rest all by myself.
The strangest part? I'm not complaining at all. Instead, I keep on smiling while
looking at him hugging that bunch of roses like he never wants to let it go.

Of course, I was the one who gave those flowers so why wouldn't I be happy?

"Oh my gosh!" On our way up to his room, we met a couple of freshmen girls.
They seem so shocked to see us walking past them.

"Hey, you're that guy who played the piano, right?" One of them squealed which
made Yo smile a bit.

"P'Pha, Wayo... You two live in this building?"


Both girls were almost screaming among themselves. Yo, being the shy guy he
is, simply scratches his head while I gave them a nod before heading back to
his room.

"I understand these bunch of clothes, but I don't get it why were there stuffed
animals and a few plush toys inside your bag." I've been curious since we left
the competition venue. There are about three or four of them, that's why I have
to ask.
"Those're from my friends, seniors, faculty members, and..." Looks like he's
trying to think of another one. "Err... I could no longer remember."
"Uhmm... Damn popular, huh?" I didn't mean to sound a bit sarcastic.

"Nah... They're nice people. Besides, they want to support me."

"These 99 roses should've been enough." I babbled, while Yo took his keys to
unlock the door. He turned to smile at me a little before getting inside the room.
Yeah, the same room where I was last night. Damn! I want to sleep here again,
not just walk him home.

"You can just leave them anywhere, khrub. I'll take care of them later."

He places the bouquet on top of his desk which I call the 'Phana Collection'.
That's right! That one full of my photos on it. He seems to be so focused in
arranging those flowers that he doesn't even pay attention at my presence
standing right behind him.

"They'll wither in the next couple of days... You can just throw them away

"But I don't want to throw them away." His face telling he means it.

"It's okay, I don't mind." I've been very happy to give those to him and he being
so happy about getting something like those is more than enough, so it should
be fine.


"It'll spoil your room."

"Oh... Okay, I'll throw them away in a couple of days then."

Fair enough. "Whatever you want, khrub." I smile as I arranged the bags in a
neat pile on the floor. I want to make sure he could easily find them.

That's it... I guess my work is done here for now. I sat on Yo's bed comfortably,
tucked my shirt off my pants, unbutton my shirt a bit, and relaxed myself like
I'm resting inside my own room. I even checked on myself at the nearby mirror
where I could see his reflection very clearly.

Looks like he's still busy with those flowers.

That skinny back moving around carelessly makes me want to tease him... And
that gave me two seconds to start my plan.

I hugged him from behind... Oooh, this sexy small, lightweight body... He's not
really that short. (I'm only teasing him by calling him 'Shorty' out of adoration.)
But I wonder why he feels so small under me that I can easily grab on him like
He didn't say anything but looks up at the mirror in front of him where he could
see both our reflections. I look at us too. We're staring at each other in front of

"Hey, P'Pha. What the fuck are you doing?"

"You should pay more attention to the person who's right here. What are you
doing with all these flowers?" I quirked an eyebrow at him.
"What do you think you're doing? Let me go." He threatens a ball of fist at me.
Yeah, right... looks more adorable rather than scary.

"Punch me then... Go on. Do it." I urged and he did so but it was very gentle.
More like teasing me back.

"Let go. Don't you even feel warm?"

"Nope. I love us being like this..."

My little boy seems to have blushed again. Well, my heart is beating up fast

"Are you mad at me for doing something like this to you?"

"If I would have been mad, you think I'll let you do it to me?"

Shit!!! His answer made me feel so happy. I couldn't stop myself from stealing
a kiss on his cheek before letting him go. And then, I decided to lay down rolling
around Yo's bed comfortably. He looks at me wearing a bit of annoyance on his
"Seriously... Is this my room or yours?"

"I'm not going anywhere."

"You're shameless."


Yo twitched his lips at me to make a silent swear before he went unpacking the
bags on the floor. He pulls out the sashes one by one and laid it on top of his
bed right next to me so he can take a picture of them.

"You post it on your IG?"

"Nope... I'll be sending this to dad. He doesn't believe I won so many awards."

Maybe his dad still remembers him as his little boy back in high school, not the
handsome adorable guy who just became the Science Moon.

To be honest, if I were one of the panel of judges, I would have picked Yo to

be this year's Campus Moon. But... Now that I think more about it, I guess I'd
rather not. He only took the Second Runner Up title yet I'm already been this
very possessive of him to the point I am itching to break anyone's neck who
dares to approach him.

And right... The next semester is going to start in only about a few more days.

"Listen..." I told Yo.


"I'll stay with you a little late tonight."

"Uhmm... Sure." This little guy is having fun checking his gifts in those bags.
"But don't you need to study tonight?"

"Nope... I'm waiting for something."

"Waiting for what?"

"Not telling you."

"Hey... Ai P'Pha..."

It's good that Nong'Yo doesn't suspect anything, but now I'm starting to get
nervous. Actually, I still have another surprise for him, and it hasn't arrived yet.
Actually, I still have another surprise for him, and it hasn't arrived yet

That moment I was inside the restaurant's bathroom where we had our dinner,
I called Ai'Beam. He was really kind of angry at me after asking him for an
immediate favor.

"They called me a few minutes ago telling me that my order has arrived."

"You asshole Ai'Pha... you mother fucker! Forget about your wedding gift. I
won't give you both anything." He was really mad. Well, I know Ai'Beam.
Eventually, he'll give me one anyway. He's mad because he has to drive thru
the crazy traffic jam to the mall, pick my order up, and bring it back here for
me instead of driving to get a drink without getting himself stuck in the middle
of downtown Bangkok.

It'll be my surprise.
I was trying hard not to let Yo notice while texting Ai'Beam. I want to know
where he is so I can get myself prepared for my long speech as well. He replies
with a short message telling me he's about to arrive in which he's probably stuck
in some traffic around somewhere. I was scratching my head getting a little bit
upset at his response.

While worried about my gift to arrive anytime soon, Yo disappears from the
bag of gifts to check his pictures on Facebook with his iMac

While worried about my gift to arrive anytime soon, Yo disappears from the
bag of gifts to check his pictures on Facebook with his iMac. I wanted to see
his pictures too so I got up from bed to sit behind him as I rest my chin on top
of his shoulder.

"Ming looks real good on this one." He murmurs. "Hahahah... Look at the
comment. It says 'The Ladyboys' Darling'."

"Let's see your pictures na."

"Hey, take it easy... We're getting there." He pauses as he scrolls down to see
one of my pictures in the news feed. "Whoa..."

"Nothing." He coughs out. "It's just my normal reaction whenever I stumble on
your pictures. I forgot you're already sitting on top of me right now."

"You normally gasp like that whenever you see my pictures?" A smile curves
at one corner of my lips.

"Even worse sometimes." Yo shrugs as his way of response which makes me

want to make Ai'Beam rush his driving as fast as he could.

"It's too bad we don't have any picture of us on stage... Look, even in this
Popular Award photo, Ai'Ming was standing right next to us." He whines.

"Take one then... Let's take one with only us both." I hand him my phone.

"It'll be different now."

Just in time when Beam calls in. YES! Finally!

"I'll be right back." I kiss him on his head (his hair still feels hard from those
hair products) before storming out of Yo's room.

"Hey, where you going?"

"I'll be back in a jiffy."

Yo nods as he went on checking his Facebook profile page. As for me, I went
running like hell to see Ai'Beam downstairs at the parking lot.

"Fuck! Not this one

"Fuck! Not this one." I yelled out loud after opening the box. "This is the wrong

"What? No way."
"Yes way... You got the wrong box. Are they still open?" I called the store right

"Damn, Ai'Pha... Does it really has to be today?"

"Of course." I replied fast. "It has to be today. I don't want to have any
headaches later."
"Why is that?"

"A lot of guys will be approaching him soon. I need to block them out."

Beam makes a face like he's going to have a headache too. We're lucky the store
picked up my call to let them know my friend brought me the wrong item. She
began to apologize and promises to bring the right one outside the mall where
Beam could meet her up since the mall will be closing soon.

I'm so upset. I'm not going to fail... Not today, not any minute. Then I notice
Beam haven't turned his car's engine off yet.
"I'm going to the mall." I held my hand out for him to hand me over his car
keys. "I'm driving and you're coming with me."

"What?! Again?" He complains.

"You have to make it up for your mistake."

"Shit! I swear I'm not giving you any red envelope on your wedding day."

[Note: Among most Thais, it is customary for close friends to offer the newly
wedded couple with red envelopes which contain money inside as their way of
wishing them good luck and prosperity for their future.]

"I'm fine with it, buddy. Now, let's go"

Beam walks his way reluctantly towards the passenger side of his car as I drove
us off as fast as I could.

This'll take us a long drive back to the mall. Other than distance, it'll also be the
same time for everyone to go home after a long day's work which will cause
heavy traffic along the outskirts of downtown Bangkok.

I'm getting even more upset by the minute. I promised Yo I'll be away for only
about ten minutes, now it's been more than an hour since I left his room. Even
worse, I left my phone in his room before I hurried down to see Ai'Beam.

Yup. I am so Dead. Yo will kill me...

About a week ago, I went to order this gift wile Nong'Yo was busy rehearsing
that's why this is the second time I saw the store owner who seemed so happy
to see me. We traded bags. This time, I double checked the item including the
quality before driving back. No idea how long this'll take but it's already past

I guess I'll already have to sign my own will... It's been like what? Three hours?

"Thanks, buddy." I pat on Beam's shoulder before leaving his car.

"I pat on Beam's shoulder before leaving his car

"Ai'Pha..." He calls back smiling as I am about to head for the stairs. "I'm sure
he'll gonna say yes."

Will it be a yes or a no, we'll see, but this has to be done tonight. I ran upstairs
as fast as I could like I was taking at least three or five strides at a time before
finally reaching the front of his room. I tried knocking a few times but there
was no answer and looks like the lights are already turned off.

P' deeply sorry, Nong'Yo.

Good thing his door wasn't locked. Phew!

He's already asleep the moment I got myself in. Right there, lying down
peacefully on his bed facing the other side with his back at me. I laid myself
down next to him hugging him loosely. He must have woken up with my
movements as I felt his arm hitting mine.

"Where have you been? Go away."

Like I have said... He's really mad at me.

"I went to get something."

Yo turns around to see my face amidst the dark. I'm sure he'd notice my eyes
sparkling as they're illuminated by the light coming from the balcony outside.
"Is it that important? What time is it now? And why didn't you bring your phone
with you? You said you'll be right back so I waited and waited that you have no
idea how worried I'd been."
No kidding. He's really mad that I have to hug him tighter. I know I've been so
brave after that night where we were inside the car when Yo tried to kiss me on
the cheek but ended up kissing me on the lips instead.
"I'm sorry." I whispered. He seems to have calmed down after I said that but he
still hits me on the arm one more time. "Ouch!"

"Go back to your room now and get some sleep. You still have a class
tomorrow, haven't you?"

"Uhmm... In a few minutes."

"Why is that?"

"You don't want me to tell you where I disappeared to?"

I raised my hand to grab the tiny bag from the desk where I placed it a while
ago. It has the same velvet box containing the bracelet Yo gave me.

Yup. It's the same bracelet only that it's White instead of the black one I'm
wearing around my wrist. Same Brand, same design, same everything other
than the color. This product has already been discontinued that's why I have to
make a special order with its price higher than the regular ones.

I put it on his wrist, the same side where mine was placed. It looks so perfect
on him even in the dark.

"Hey, P'Pha... How did you manage to get this? They already discontinued this

"Of course, I'm a god. [Yes P'God, we know] That's why." Yo raises his arm up
to compare his bracelet with mine. "Do you know what I'm, gonna say next?"

"Do you know what I'm, gonna say next?"

"You gave me loads of stuff today, P'..."

"But this'll be the most important thing I'm giving you. It'll be important to your
life... Mine... and the future."

"What is it?" He asks in a whisper which made me damn nervous. I turned him
so that our faces will be facing each other.

Those big bright eyes of his are looking right at me. "Huh?" It looks like he's
kind'a nervous too.

Damn! My heart is beating so fast. What feeling is this?

I have to let this out before it kills me.

Someone deserves to be taken, right? Specially a cute and popular little guy like



"We've been in love with each other for quite too long now..."

Yo blinks. "Yeah?"

"Nong'Yo likes me and I like you too..."


"No... I mean I love you too..."

He's getting a little bit shaky now. I can feel his nervousness out of his hands
gripping tightly against the blanket.

Yeah, of course... So do I. I'm fucking nervous. This feeling is far worse than
that day when we're waiting for the admission result letter from the University
Medical School.

"From now on..."


"Let me take care of Nong'Yo... As your boyfriend na khrub."

Yo looked so shocked.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

One of his teardrops fell from those shaky eyes.


Ouch! I got a big hit on the chest. Yo wipes his tears pretending he wasn't crying
at all.

"Fuck you, P'Pha."

"Is that a yes?"

"Do you still need to ask?"

I hug my little boy tightly.

"Well, I'm not sure."

"Do you really need me to kick your ass? My room is filled with your pictures
and stuff yet you're saying you aren't sure about my answer, huh?"

I hug him a bit more tight. Everything that happened these days are the best
days of my life. So many good things have happened and I want everything to
remain like this in every single day of my life with Nong'Yo.

"So... You're my boyfriend now."

He nods.

"From now on, if somebody asks for your phone number, tell them you're
already taken. Okay?"

Yo hits me again. "Look who's talking. You should tell that to yourself."

I showed him a grin.

So many things are happening now between me and Yo.

And today will be the first day of our new journey as boyfriends.

Trust me when I say this isn't going to be an easy journey.

But I believe... We both will be able to get through with it.

"P' Love you na 'Yo."

End of Book 1

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