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INITIATING COVERAGE I Cement I 14th Dec 2023

Orient Cement I BUY

CMP: Rs 250 I Mcap: Rs 5,130 crs
Initiating Coverage
Orient Cement: Can this be another potential buyout Asset?

Brief of Company: Orient Cement is a part of CK Birla group of companies. CK Birla Group is a pack of 10 companies, some

listed names are HIL, Birlasoft, Orient Paper& Ind, Orient Electric. Orient Cement is mainly into manufacturing and selling
of cement. Company is currently having 3 manufacturing units (2 units in South and 1 unit in West) with a total capacity
of 8.5MT cement and 5.5MT Clinker Capacity. Company is Debt free having reserves of Rs 1624crs. Company makes 2
types of cement (OPC and PPC) and having presence in 10 states in India.

Is Orient Cement a potential asset for buyout?
Yes, we anticipate that Orient Cement is a good asset having 8.5MT cement capacity and good market presence in South
and West. Since it’s a Birla Group of company and Ultratech aggressively buying out assets to reach its milestone of 200MT

we can expect Orient Cement could be a target asset for Ultratech. On last concall Ultratech said they will become
~159MT by June 2025 and already they have acquired Kesoram and the formalities will be completed in 9months

(approximately by Aug 2024) after that Ultratech will have total capacity of ~147.5MT and if we add Orient’s capacity
of 8.5MT with 3MT expansion plan, total Capacity of Ultratech will be 159MT by FY26.
Let’s have a look at valuation of Orient Cement based on current capacity and other table factoring partial expansion.
Below are the 2-scenario stating upside% as we change estimated deal value.

Recently we saw Sanghi Industries and Kesoram Industries deal happening at approximately EV$ of 90/80/t but we expect

Orient Cement deal happening not less than EV$100/t factoring its resources, maintained plants with good presence in
West and South having recognised brand in industry. Orient Cement is trading at EV$ - 78/t means there is minimum
upside of 28% from here and if it attracts higher valuation, calculation is given in above table.

Who else could be a potential bidder for the Asset?

We know that in Cement Space there are 4 top players (Ultratech, Adani Cement, Shree and Dalmia) having plans to
double their capacity on the base of FY23 capacity. We know Shree Cement is known for its greenfield expansion having
customized plant designs so we think Shree would not show much interest. Dalmia is having its own problem with recent
deal of buying JP Asset in Central. Dalmia’s Super Dalla asset is facing arbitration. We are left with Ambuja Cement, as
we know Ambuja Cement is aggressively buying out assets to reach its target of 140MT by FY28 from current capacity
of 74MT (after Sanghi Industries deal). Orient Cement could be a good entrance for Ambuja into South market and it
will enhance its presence in Western market. If Ambuja wants to compete Ultratech in long run it will have to position

itself in South market with decent market share. So, we can anticipate bid coming from Ambuja Cement.

Where was Orient Cement when the industry was doing CAPEX?

• Orient Cement for a very long-time dint do any CAPEX towards expansion even though management announced
expansion in FY21. In FY23 when management actual laid out CAPEX plan. Brownfield expansion at Chittapur

(Karnataka) unit by adding 1 Kiln and 1 GU costing ~Rs1600crs. These would add approx. 2MT clinker and 3MT
grinding capacity. Another greenfield expansion at Rajasthan for which management announced Rs1000crs. After
all these we haven’t seen any concrete CAPEX entry on books, management delaying the expansion by saying

delay in regulatory approval.

• Delay in expansion also hints that CK Birla doesn’t want to add Debt in Books, if Debt is shown on books, it
would look stretched at the time of Deal. It’s better to keep books deleveraged and attract good valuation


Note: Above values are calculated considering 8.5MT capacity


Concern: We know that Ultratech-Kesoram deal is expected to close in timeframe of 9 months. So, timing of this deal
could be something to watch-out for
Omkara Capital Pvt Ltd Ratings

Large Cap Mid & Small Cap Time Horizon

Buy >+15% >+20% 1 year

Hold +15% to -10% +20% to -15% 1 year
Sell <-10% <-15% 1 year

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Rakesh Roy

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