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Word Part of speech Pronunciation Definition Meaning Example

Unit a medical condition in which

He's got a
11 the body temperature is higher
(a) fever noun /ˈfiː.vər/ cơn sốt headache and a
than usual and the heart beats
slight fever.
very fast
painful and uncomfortable
sore addjective /sɔːr/ because of injury, infection, or đau I've got a sore back
too much use
She wiped the
the flat part of the face, above
forehead noun /ˈfɔː.hed/ trán beads of sweat
the eyes and below the hair
from her forehead
to force air out of your lungs
The smoke made
(a) cough verb /kɒf/ through your throat with a ho
me cough
short, loud sound
the upper front part of the body
of humans and some animals, He felt a
chest noun /tʃest/ between the stomach and the ngực constriction in his
neck, containing the heart and chest
pain caused by something
I have terrible
toothache noun /ˈtuːθ.eɪk/ being wrong with one of your đau răng
The baby was
the middle joint of the leg that
knee noun /niː/ đầu gối crawling around on
allows the leg to bend
its hands and knees
I've got a splitting
headache noun /ˈhed.eɪk/ a pain you feel inside your head đau đầu
the front of the neck, or the
A fish bone had
throat noun /θrəʊt/ space inside the neck down cổ họng
lodged in her throat
which food and air can go
There are lots of
a common infectious illness
flu noun /fluː/ cảm cúm people off school
that causes fever and headache
this week with flu
the part in the middle of the
arm where it bends, or the part I banged my elbow
elbow noun /ˈel.bəʊ/ khuỷu tay
of a piece of clothing that on the shelf.
covers this area
The bark is used to
a pain in the inside part of your
earache noun /ˈɪə.reɪk/ đau tai treat toothache and
the soft part of your face that is
He pecked his aunt
cheek noun /tʃiːk/ below your eye and between má
on the cheek
your mouth and ear
the short, thick finger on the
side of your hand that makes it ngón tay She hit her thumb
thumb noun /θʌm/
possible to hold and pick things cái with the hammer
up easily
She sat behind the
the part of a person's face
chin noun /tʃɪn/ cằm table, her chin
below their mouth
resting in her hands
Unit These help
12 a long, snake-like fish that uses lampreys to
lamprey noun /ˈlæm.pri/ its sucking mouth to feed off cá mút đá orientate
the blood of other animals themselves in
insect noun /ˈɪn.sekt/ a type of very small animal côn trùng I've got some sort
with six legs, a body divided of insect bite on
into three parts and usually two my leg
pairs of wings, or, more
generally, any similar very
small animal
She's been blind
blind adjective /blaɪnd/ unable to see mù
since birth..
a tropical bird with a curved
beak, often kept as a pet and Lara liked the
parrot noun /ˈpær.ət/ con vẹt
trained to copy the human parrots at the zoo
a large African animal with a con hươu Giraffe doesn't
giraffe noun /dʒɪˈrɑːf/
very long neck and long legs cao cổ drink much water
a type of fish, usually found in
warm or tropical seas, that can Most species of
pufferfish noun /ˈpʌf.ə.fɪʃ/ con cá nóc
make itself larger by filling its pufferfish are toxic
stomach with water or air
chất độc
a substance that can make Her drink had been
poison noun /ˈpɔɪ.zən/ people or animals ill or kill laced with a deadly
động, thực
them if they eat or drink it poison
to sort and collect rubbish in The Japanese
order to treat it and produce recycle more than
recycle verb /ˌriːˈsaɪ.kəl/ tái chế
useful materials that can be half their waste
used again paper
The use of
animals and plants that grow
động vật pesticides is killing
wildlife noun /ˈwaɪld.laɪf/ independently of people,
hoang dã off birds, fish and
usually in natural conditions
a black and white bird that
chim cánh
penguin noun /ˈpeŋ.ɡwɪn/ cannot fly but uses its small Penguin can't fly
wings to help it swim
To conserve
tái sử resources, please
reuse verb /ˌriːˈjuːz/ to use something again
dụng reuse this carrier
to become or to make
Reduce the sauce
something become smaller in
reduce verb /rɪˈdʒuːs/ giảm bớt by boiling for five
size, amount, degree,
Emily had a
an animal like a small horse
donkey noun /ˈdɒŋ.ki/ con lừa donkey ride at the
with long ears
We saw the eagle
a large, strong bird with a
chim đại swoop from the
eagle noun /ˈiː.ɡəl/ curved beak that eats meat and
bàng sky to catch its
can see very well
a small flying insect that bites Some types of
mosquito noun /məˈskiː.təʊ/ people and animals and sucks con muỗi mosquito transmit
their blood malaria to humans
Unit She seemed
feeling happy and comfortable
13 relaxed and in
relaxed adjective /rɪˈlækst/ because nothing is worrying thư giãn
control of the
the process by which an
The Toy Story
animated movie, esp. a cartoon, phim hoạt
animation noun /ˌæn.ɪˈmeɪ.ʃən/ films are
is made from drawings done by hình
hand or by a computer.
impossible, or very difficult, to The conceit of that
incredible adjective /ɪnˈkred.ə.bəl/ khó tin
believe man is incredible!
The news report
causing fear, shock, or kinh sợ, was so dreadful
dreadful adjective /ˈdred.fəl/
suffering kinh khiếp that I just had to
switch it off
amazed adjective /əˈmeɪzd/ extremely surprised kinh ngạc I was amazed at the
depth of her
unhappy because someone or I was a bit
something was not as good as disappointed just to
disappointed adjective /ˌdɪs.əˈpɔɪn.tɪd/ you hoped or expected, or thất vọng be given a B, as I
because something did not was hoping for an
happen A.
She felt
embarrassed about
embarrassed adjective /ɪmˈbær.əst/ feeling ashamed or shy xấu hổ
undressing in front
of the doctor
showing no fear of dangerous The King was a
brave adjective /breɪv/ dũng cảm
or difficult things brave warrior.
She was
unable to think clearly or to momentarily
confused adjective /kənˈfjuːzd/ bối rối
understand something confused by the
foreign road signs
She has been
to make arrangements for tổ chức, designated to
organise verb /ˈɔː.ɡən.aɪz/
something to happen thiết lập organize the
feeling pleasure and
satisfaction because you or He was justifiably
proud adjective /praʊd/ people connected with you tự hào proud of his
have done or got something achievements
I'm too exhausted
vô cùng
exhausted adjective /ɪɡˈzɔː.stɪd/ extremely tired to take the dog for
mệt mỏi
a walk.
In light reading,
crime novels,
a book, play, or film that has an truyện,
thrillers, westerns
thriller noun /ˈθrɪl.ər/ exciting story, often about phim..
and romances
solving a crime giật gân
dominate, as would
be expected
I was so annoyed
annoyed adjective /əˈnɔɪd/ angry khó chịu with him for
turning up late
I'm hopeful (that)
hopeful adjective /ˈhəʊp.fəl/ having hope hy vọng we can reach a
I'm just grateful
showing or expressing thanks,
grateful adjective /ˈɡreɪt.fəl/ biết ơn that I'm not still
especially to another person
working for him
Unit They showed a
a film or television or radio
14 /dɒk.jə phim tài documentary on
documentary noun programme that gives facts and
ˈmen.tər.i/ liệu animal
information about a subject
an advertisement for a film or a I saw a trailer for
đoạn phim
television or radio programme, the new series of
trailer noun /ˈtreɪ.lər/ quảng cáo
consisting of short parts taken "Game of Thrones"
phim mới
from it last night
a secret word or combination of
letters or numbers, used for I can't let you in
password noun /ˈpɑːs.wɜːd/ communicating with another mật khẩu unless you give the
person or with a computer to password
prove who you are
reality show noun /riˈæl.ɪ.ti ˌʃəʊ/ a television programme about chương He was also a
ordinary people who are filmed trình singer, television
in real situations truyền presenter and
hình thực reality show
tế winner
The new soap
a series of television or radio
chương opera will be
programmes about the lives and
soap opera noun /ˈsəʊp ˌɒp.ər.ə/ trình dài screened, wait for
problems of a particular group
tập it, five times each
of characters
an informal television or radio He has hosted
programme on which famous chương several popular
chat show noun /ˈtʃæt ˌʃəʊ/ people are asked questions trình đối quiz shows and
about themselves and their thoại now has his own
work chat show
a (type of) film, play, or book I prefer
that is intentionally funny Shakespeare's
comedy noun /ˈkɒm.ə.di/ phim hài
either in its characters or its comedies to his
action tragedies
a film in which very
That film seems to
frightening or unnatural things
phim kinh have come out as a
horror film noun /ˈhɒr.ə ˌfɪlm/ happen, for example dead
dị sort of sensational
people coming to life and
horror film
people being murdered
a number of similar or related
loạt, dãy, He's had a series of
series noun /ˈsɪə.riːz/ events or things, one following
chuỗi, đợt badly paid jobs
information or reports about I can't wait to hear
news noun /njuːz/ tin tức
recent events all your news
The film revolves
a person represented in a film,
character noun /ˈkær.ək.tər/ nhân vật around three main
play, or story
The movie has a
plot noun /plɒt/ the story of a book, film, play cốt truyện
very simple plot
Fans of period
a television or film production phim lấy
period /ˈpɪə.ri.əd drama will find
noun set in a period in the past, or bối cảnh
drama ˌdrɑː.mə/ things to like about
productions of this type lịch sử
The Duchess
There are apps for
a computer program that is everything, from
app noun /æp/ designed for a particular ứng dụng learning a language
purpose to booking cinema
books, films, or cartoons about This short, seminal
khoa học
science /ˌsaɪəns an imagined future, especially book is a must-read
noun viễn
fiction ˈfɪk.ʃən/ about space travel or other for any science
planets fiction fan
Unit to remove or draw a line
I deleted the file by
15 delete verb /dɪˈliːt/ through something, especially a xóa
written word or words
any of several different types of
container used to store papers,
I deleted the file by
file noun /faɪl/ letters, and other documents in tài liệu
an ordered way, especially in
an office
Their links with
a connection between đường
links noun /lɪŋk/ Mexico are still
documents on the internet liên kết
a radio programme that is
He sometimes
stored in a digital form that you
tệp âm downloads
podcast noun /ˈpɒd.kɑːst/ can download from the internet
thanh podcasts about
and play on a computer or on
an MP3 player
I spent much more
intend verb /ɪnˈtend/ to have as a plan or purpose có ý định
than I intended to
expect verb /ɪkˈspekt/ to think or believe something mong chờ I don't expect we'll
will happen, or someone will have any more
arrive trouble from him
thường There are frequent
frequent adjective /ˈfriː.kwənt/ happening often xuyên, sailings from
hay xảy ra Dover
I share a house
to have or use something at the
share verb /ʃeər/ chia sẻ with four other
same time as someone else
to copy or move programs or
I uploaded my
information to a larger
upload verb /ʌpˈləʊd/ tải lên changes, and the
computer system or to the
site went live
a computer program or part of a
computer program that can
I got a virus alert
make copies of itself and is
virus noun /ˈvaɪə.rəs/ vi-rút when I downloaded
intended to prevent the
my email
computer from working
t would cause a
to put a computer program onto tremendous
install verb /ɪnˈstɔːl/ a computer so that the cài đặt upheaval to install
computer can use it a different
computer system
to copy or move programs or
I downloaded their
information into a computer's
download verb /ˌdaʊnˈləʊd/ tải xuống latest album on
memory, especially from the
internet or a larger computer
The police
to look somewhere carefully in
search verb /sɜːtʃ/ tìm kiếm searched the woods
order to find something
for the missing boy

Unit disease noun /dɪˈziːz/ illness of people, animals, plant bệnh The
16 s, etc., caused by infection or first symptom of th
a failure of health rather than e disease is a very
by an accident high temperature.
headline noun /ˈhed.laɪn/ a line of tiêu đề The news of
words printed in large letters as his death was splas
the title of a story in hed in
a newspaper, or headlines across all
the main points of the news that the newspapers
are broadcast on television or r
to mix a liquid or other
Stir the sauce
stir substance by moving an object
verb /stɜːr/ khuấy gently until it
such as a spoon in a circular
begins to boil

pour to make a substance flow from

a container, especially into I spilled the juice
verb /pɔːr/ another container, by raising rót, đổ while I was
just one side of the container pouring it
that the substance is in

wrap verb /ræp/ to cover or surround something bọc, gói She wrapped
with paper, cloth, or the present and tied
other material it with ribbon
verb /taɪ/ to fasten together two ends of a buộc This skirt ties at the
tie piece of string or other long, waist
thin material, or to (cause to)
hold together with a long, thin
piece of string, material
to stay on the surface of a An empty bottle
verb /fləʊt/ nổi, trôi
float liquid and not sink will float

trap noun /træp/ a device or hole for catching cạm bẫy The fox got its foot
animals or people and caught in a trap.
preventing their escape
a fact or piece of information bằng The police have no
proof noun /pruːf/ that shows that something chứng, definitive proof of
exists or is true chứng cớ her guilt
to fall or to allow something to She dropped her
verb /drɒp/ rơi
drop fall keys

achievement noun /əˈtʃiːv.mənt/ omething very good thành tích An Olympic silver
and difficult that you medal is
have succeeded in doing a remarkable achie
vement for one
so young

curtain noun /ˈkɝː.tən/ a piece of material, especially c tấm màn Heavy

loth, curtains blocked ou
that hangs across a window or t the sunlight.
opening to make
a room or part of
a room dark or private

blow to move and make currents of

The letter blew
air, or to be moved or make
verb /bləʊ/ thổi away and I had to
something move on a current of
run after it

rub to press or be pressed against

She yawned and
something with a circular or
verb /rʌb/ chà xát rubbed her eyes
up-and-down repeated
graphene noun /ˈɡræf.iːn/ a form of carbon consisting After repeated
of sheets that have bouncing
the thickness of one atom. between graphene l
The atoms are arranged in ayers, the incident
a honeycomb pattern atom is trapped.

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