Misriyadi 2304112310 Tugas - Paraphrasing - 2024

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By using your own words, summarize and paraphrase this article in Bahasa
Indonesia. Please use the “Scientific sentence” or “bahasa ilmiah.”

Catatan: Gunakan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar, sesuai dengan
tata bahasa Indonesia.

The Traditional Whale Hunt of Lamalera on Flores

Around the world, the village of Lamalera on the island of Lembata
on Flores is known as the home of traditional whale hunting. Villagers hunt large
sea animals, like whales to provide food and a living for the entire village. They
undertake on simple sailboats and following ancient beliefs, taboos and tradition.
The Lamalera whale hunts are considering as a traditional way to help villagers
support their subsistence economy.
Annually, whales migrate between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific during
May through October. These giant sea animals pass the Savu sea right at the
doorstep of the island of Lembata. For Lembata, therefore, whale hunting starts
on 1 May reaching its peak in July.
When a whale hunt is decided, a number of boats parked on the beach are
released from their simple shelters, cheered on by the entire village, and a troupe
of boats will set sail together to catch their harvest. Before that, however,
everyone gathers to attend a dedicated mass led by the local Catholic priest to
pray for a successful and safe expedition. For, the majority of the inhabitants here
are Catholic.
The actual whaling is still done on traditionally flimsy wooden boats, called
peledang. These are manned by between 7 – 14 helmsmen, oarsmen and
harpooner, where each is assigned his special duties. The most agile of the team
stands on the bow ready with a barbed harpoon.
When a whale is sighted, he throws his harpoon into the animal jumping
down on the harpoon itself so as to give it his additional weight. When the
target is a huge sperm whale and it is a hit, other team members throw more
harpoons on the prey. And when it is finally disabled, together all team members
heave up the heavy body onto the boat. Other villages who also hunt for whales
are from the Lamakera village on the island of Solor, but the Lamalera village is
the most well known. During one season, islanders may catch between 15 to 20
There are taboos for the Lamaleras when it comes to whale hunting. For
example, it is forbidden to hunt pregnant whales, young whales, and mating
whales. This capacity to recognize these specific taboos can only be learnt
through extensive periods of experience. Unfortunately, some elders worry that
the tradition is vanishing as youngsters tend to separate tradition from
convenient modernity, so that future generations will no longer adhere to such
precious traditional values.


terkenal karena praktik tradisionalnya dalam menangkap ikan paus. Warga

desa ini mengejar makhluk laut raksasa, seperti ikan paus, untuk memenuhi
kebutuhan makanan dan mencari nafkah bagi seluruh komunitas. Mereka melaut
dengan menggunakan perahu layar sederhana, tetap mengikuti kepercayaan,
adat istiadat, dan larangan turun temurun. Penangkapan ikan paus di Lamalera
dianggap sebagai cara tradisional untuk membantu penduduk desa
mempertahankan ekonomi subsisten mereka.

Setiap tahun, mulai dari bulan Mei hingga Oktober, ikan paus bermigrasi
antara Samudera Hindia dan Pasifik, melewati Laut Savu yang berada tepat di
depan Pulau Lembata. Oleh karena itu, musim penangkapan ikan paus di
Lembata dimulai pada tanggal 1 Mei dan mencapai puncaknya pada bulan Juli.

Ketika keputusan untuk berburu ikan paus diambil, beberapa perahu yang
biasanya berada di pantai dilepaskan dari perlindungan sederhana mereka,
disambut oleh seluruh desa. Sebuah armada perahu berlayar bersama-sama
untuk mengejar hasil tangkapan mereka. Sebelum keberangkatan, seluruh
komunitas berkumpul untuk menghadiri misa khusus yang dipimpin oleh pastor
Katolik setempat, berdoa agar ekspedisi mereka berhasil dan aman, mengingat
mayoritas penduduk desa adalah penganut Katolik.

Aktivitas penangkapan ikan paus sebenarnya dilakukan di atas perahu kayu

tradisional yang rapuh yang disebut "peledang". Dikendalikan oleh 7 hingga 14
anggota kru, termasuk nahkoda, pengayuh dayung, dan pemburu ikan paus,
setiap orang memiliki tugas khususnya. Orang yang paling tangkas di antara
mereka berdiri di haluan perahu, siap dengan lembing berduri untuk menangkap
ikan paus.


In various parts of the world, the village of Lamalera on Lembata Island, Flores, is
renowned for its traditional practice of whale hunting. The villagers pursue giant sea
creatures, such as whales, to fulfill the community's food needs and earn a livelihood.
They set out to sea on simple sailboats, adhering to long-held beliefs, customs, and
taboos. Whale hunting in Lamalera is considered a traditional way to help sustain the
villagers' subsistence economy.

Each year, from May to October, whales migrate between the Indian Ocean and the
Pacific, passing through the Savu Sea, which lies directly in front of Lembata Island. As a
result, whale hunting season in Lembata begins on May 1st and reaches its peak in July.

When the decision to hunt whales is made, several boats that are usually docked on
the beach are released from their simple shelters, cheered on by the entire village. A fleet
of boats sets sail together to pursue their catch. Prior to departure, however, the entire
community gathers to attend a special mass led by the local Catholic priest, praying for a
successful and safe expedition, as the majority of the villagers are Catholics.

The actual whale hunting is carried out on traditionally fragile wooden boats called
"peledang". Manned by 7 to 14 crew members, including captains, oarsmen, and whale
hunters, each person has their own specific tasks. The most agile among them stands at
the bow of the boat, ready with a barbed harpoon to catch whales.

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