Having The Bear S Baby Shifter Surrogate Program Book 2 1St Edition Milly Taiden Online Ebook Texxtbook Full Chapter PDF

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Having the Bear s Baby Shifter

Surrogate Program Book 2 1st Edition

Milly Taiden
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About the Book

Having the Bear’s Baby

1. Emma
2. Liam
3. Emma
4. Liam
5. Emma
6. Liam
7. Emma
8. Liam
9. Emma
10. Liam
11. Emma
12. Liam
13. Emma
14. Liam
15. Emma
16. Liam
17. Emma
18. Liam
19. Emma
20. Liam

About the Author

Also by Milly Taiden
This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are
fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real in any
way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or
organizations is entirely coincidental.

Published By
Latin Goddess Press
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Having the Bear’s Baby
Copyright © 2023 by Milly Taiden

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any
manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief
quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
Property of Milly Taiden
August 2023

Created with Vellum


Emma Monroe’s heart beats for a single purpose: motherhood. Her

longing drives her to take a bold step and sign up for the enigmatic
Shifter Surrogacy Program. Destiny has plans for her. This decision
will plunge her into a reality she never thought possible. Her
actions will throw her into the warm embrace of a man she
couldn’t have imagined existed…even in her wildest dreams.
Liam, the Alpha bear of the Boren Clan, carries an unspoken wish
deep within … the yearning for a family to call his own. When his
sister nudges him toward the very same agency, fate begins to
weave intricate threads that will forever entwine his life with
Emma’s. His need for Emma runs deeper than just wanting a
family. He wants her.
When mysterious figures emerge demanding Emma’s distance
from Liam, an unsettling suspicion creeps into Liam’s mind … a
traitor lurks within the very clan he calls family. As the threats to his
mate escalate, their unborn child becomes a target. Will Emma
decide to stay and accept Liam is her fated mate, or will she
leave to protect her baby?


—For my readers who keep supporting me,

Thank You!

“This isn’t the worst idea I’ve ever had. I mean, what could it hurt?”
Emma shook her head, hoping no one heard her muttering to
I’m at my wit’s end, and I’m not getting any younger. I deserve
to finally do something for myself.
Her fingers tapped mindlessly on the desk in her home office
while she stared at her computer screen.
One of the volunteers she had worked with had told her about
this company called Shifter Surrogacy Agency that could help her get
exactly what she wanted. A family of her own.
She had finally sat and looked them up, not finding too much
information on them. Apparently, they were still new to the show but
also very closed-lipped about their company.
She would have been suspicious if she had been told about this
by anyone other than her friend. But through her intense research, it
had all come across as legit.
Now, she stared at the application process, convincing herself it
wasn’t so desperate to fill it out.
Sure, Emma had played the relationship game, but the older she
got, the less patience she had for it. How did everyone seem to get
stupider with age? And she couldn’t be the only person feeling this
There had to be other people of the opposite sex that felt similar
to her. She just hadn’t found them … ever.
Somehow, she kept getting pulled into relationships with men …
no that was definitely not the right term. She kept getting pulled into
relationships with boys who needed fixing but would never be the
material she wanted in the end. She thought they would be, but no.
The only thing they were consistently good at was proving her
Maybe it was Emma’s need to support people and make their
lives better. It was her job, after all.
Emma had a deep-seated love for aiding those who found
themselves in dire straits. For years, she devoted herself to lending a
hand within her community, generously giving her time as a
volunteer. There was an indescribable sense of freedom that washed
over her when she was able to make a difference in someone’s life.
Each instance of her support kindled an even stronger resolve
within her to extend her helping hand to a wider range of people,
spurred on by the incredible transformations she had witnessed
firsthand. It didn’t matter how tangled or broken a person’s situation
seemed … she saw the potential for change in every circumstance.
The sense of purpose and fulfillment she derived from assisting
others propelled her forward, seemingly outweighing any concerns
about her personal life.
Oddly enough, this was a facet she couldn’t seem to apply to her
own life. Over the last year, she had gotten better and pickier.
Actually, it had been longer than a year, but who was counting?
“You. You’re counting,” she reminded herself.
Age might just be a number, but it was creeping up there faster
and faster. Tick tock.
She took a deep breath. “Fuck it,” she said as she clicked on the
form and began filling out her information.
Emma had always been a steadfast and determined individual.
From a young age, she had shown an unwavering commitment to
carving her own path in life. As she matured, her self-reliance
became a defining trait, one that she held onto fiercely.
The idea of settling down and raising a family had crossed
Emma’s mind multiple times. It was a dream she cherished, one that
had always been on her radar. However, she had reservations about
letting someone else into her life in such an intimate and permanent
way. Emma had witnessed relationships around her that turned sour,
leaving individuals broken and dependent on someone else. She was
determined not to let that be her story.
Her decision to raise a family on her own wasn’t rooted in any
distrust or disdain for relationships. Rather, it was a reflection of her
belief in her own capabilities. She had the strength, resilience, and
love necessary to be a wonderful mother. She had faced numerous
challenges before and had emerged stronger each time. Why should
this be any different?
The thought of sharing the responsibilities and joys of
parenthood with someone else was enticing, no doubt. Yet, Emma
questioned whether it was worth potentially sacrificing the
independence she had worked so hard to cultivate. She had built her
career from scratch, climbed the ladder through sheer
determination, and had a support network of friends and family who
admired her tenacity. Could she maintain that sense of self while
allowing someone else into her personal sphere?
Emma’s journey wasn’t devoid of doubts. There were moments
when she wondered if she might be missing out on something
beautiful by choosing to navigate motherhood alone. The image of a
partner who would be her confidante, co-parent, and lifelong
companion did tug at her heartstrings. But Emma’s commitment to
herself, to the person she had grown into, was unyielding.
She filled out the online form and pressed submit without a
second thought.
These things take forever anyway. I can always back out if what
they tell me doesn’t sound like my cup of tea.
She pushed herself away from the desk and stood to stretch. She
had easily wasted most of the morning debating if she really wanted
to fill out the surrogacy paperwork, so now she had to get her ass in
gear and get to work for the day.
AFTER A VERY HECTIC MORNING, Emma was off by two in the
afternoon, so it allowed an early start to her weekend.
She wasn’t sure what she was going to do with all her free time.
Probably her usual reading, watching a show here and there, and
then finding time for walks so she could explore the city. She used to
try to fill her evenings with friends or meeting people, but it just
didn’t appeal to her anymore as much as quality alone time did.
Plus, the few close friends she did have had settled down to raise
families of their own. Of course, they always said Emma was more
than welcome to join them or come over whenever, but it sometimes
weighed heavily on her that she was still so far away from achieving
her own personal dreams.
Being holed up didn’t help her achieve it any faster, but she was
still trying to detox from only attracting complete losers who needed
more help than the people in the community she volunteered to
“At least they want to be helped. That’s more than anyone I’ve
dated recently wanted,” Emma muttered to herself sourly as she
poured a half glass of wine and kicked off her shoes.
She enjoyed her work, but she savored a nice glass of Sauvignon
Blanc on Fridays, especially when she didn’t have anything specific
to do on the weekends. And maybe the rest of the bottle, depending
on the book or show she dove into.
She set her glass down and pulled her dark brown hair into a
ponytail to get it off her neck.
Her preference was to always have it up, but sometimes, she felt
the need to have it down during an easy day at work. But now that
she was home, it went up and out of her face.
She grabbed her glass and headed to her small balcony to sit and
enjoy the fresh air and buzz of life leading into the oncoming
Emma had just finished her glass and was about to go for a refill
when her cell phone rang.
She glanced at the screen.
SSA was the caller … Social Security Administration?
“Probably spam,” she said with a shrug as she silenced it before
reaching for the bottle.
Just as she was about to pour, her eyes grew wide. SSA were
also the initials on the form she filled out that morning. Shifter
Surrogacy Agency.
“Shit!” She almost knocked over her glass in her haste to answer
before it went to voicemail.
“Hello?” She did her best not to sound frantic as she answered.
“Hello, is this Emma Monroe?”
“It is.” Her heart slowed now that she hadn’t missed the call. It
started to speed up once she realized why they must be calling. She
hadn’t expected to be contacted so soon. She thought she’d have
more time to psych herself up about submitting the application.
“This is Alicia with the Shifter Surrogacy Agency. I am calling
about the form that you submitted to us this morning.”
“Oh, yes. Is there a problem with it?” Emma hastily grabbed a
notepad and pen from her desk in case they told her there was
something she needed to fix. She wasn’t going to rely on herself to
remember any instructions. Not when her anxiety was as high as it
“No, no. Not at all. I was just calling to clarify what we do and
make sure you are still interested since we don’t share much in
detail over our webpage. It can be a bit confusing, so we only like to
entertain serious candidates.”
Serious candidates? Emma thought. Did that mean they had
already paired her with someone?
Any doubt she had before was pushed out by curiosity now.
“Yes, I am very interested.”
“Good! Well, let me tell you a little about us. Given our name, we
do deal with shifters, but so far, it’s only males looking to start
families. Do you know anything about shifters?”
“Not much, just that they can turn into animals,” Emma admitted.
“That’s a start. We will go over more through the call. Now, many
shifters have issues finding the right mate but desperately need an
heir to pass their genes or responsibilities to. We specialize in
providing surrogacy services to these shifters by matching them with
the best-suited female through our system who could fit with them
in many aspects. We have a rigid algorithm that we use to compare
your answers to the shifter’s. We aim to give you both an enjoyable
experience since you’ll be seeing a lot of each other throughout the
process. Do you have any questions so far?”
“How much do we get to know each other, and how often do we
see each other?”
“We’ll set up a date for you to meet. We’ll move forward from
there in case we’re told by you or the male that this is not a good fit.
If you two get along, you two may plan the rest according to your
thoughts on each other and the future of the baby. I must let you
know, though, the baby will be made the old fashion way. No labs.”
Emma choked on air for a moment. She’d be intimate with a
shifter? What would that be like, or was it even different?
Then she thought, did it matter? She’d be getting the family she
wanted and be intimate with someone who wanted the same things.
Surely, they’d make something work.
“Are you still there?” Alicia asked.
Emma’s mind snapped back to her conversation. “Oh, yes. Sorry.
So, how involved am I allowed to be in the child’s life?”
“As much as you and your partner decide. He does get the initial
say on it since you are the surrogate, but ultimately, it will be up to
both of you. He will be at all of the doctor appointments to make
sure all is going well, and you may meet with each other as often as
you like.”
“You guys make it sound like it’s a date set up backward. Only
love is never on the table.”
The representative laughed a little at that. “It does come across
that way, but we take it very seriously. We don’t want to bring a
child into a world where they won’t be loved or have their needs met
by one or both parents. We also know how difficult the process can
be. It takes time and patience as well as getting along with one
another. The less stressed you and the father are, the better the
pregnancy should be, including a happy, healthy baby at the end.
“We have had some who end up together, but not all. It just
depends on each of you and the timing of where you are in life.
Right now, we take into consideration your personalities, physique,
age, hobbies, and so on to make sure you two mesh well for forming
an offspring, and sometimes, that can result in a relationship as
Now, it was Emma’s turn to laugh. “Well, I don’t see that being
the case here, but I get your point. All I know is that I want a child
of my own and would be a good mother, but I’m over the dating
pool I’ve seen for so many years.”
“Then you sound perfect for our program. That’s why the male
shifters have turned to our aid as well. So, is that an official
declaration of you wanting to meet with the shifter we’ve paired you
Emma scrunched her nose as she thought about it for a moment.
“One more thing. I don’t know a whole lot about shifters and their
world. I mean, their customs and so on, as well as expectations. Do
I need to know the basics before getting into this, or will he be able
to fill me in on our date and not take offense to me being completely
oblivious to all of this?”
“Once we are off the phone, I’ll send you some basic details
about the shifters just to give you a general idea of the differences
between shifters and humans. It’s not a lot as they are very similar,
but there are some things. But yes, any questions you have, he will
be more than happy to answer for you. The appeal to them here is
that they don’t have to break the news to you that they’re a shifter,
which is half of their battle.”
Emma was curious enough to give it a shot. “Okay, let’s do this.”
“Perfect! I will call you soon to schedule a time to meet with your
Emma grew excited. “Sounds good.” She was about to hang up
when Alicia spoke again.
“Oh, one more thing before I go. Your match’s name is Liam
Beron. He’s a bear shifter.”

“Would you get off my back?” Liam snapped at his sister.

“I’m just trying to help you. I’m not the one nagging at you.
That’s mom’s job. So don’t start with me,” Lillian sassed back as she
followed him into his room.
Liam went to his bed and laid down, putting a pillow over his
face. The bed sank slightly as Lillian sat down beside him. She
ripped the pillow off his face and hit him with it.
“Stop acting like a baby. You’re a man, and right now, you’re
acting like a child.”
He sat up and swung his legs over the edge. “That’s because I’m
being treated like one. I’m sick of it. I don’t see what the big deal is
all of a sudden.”
Liam’s Thursday night was growing late, and he was tired, not
only because of his duties as the alpha but because of the constant
nagging from his family and mother about how he desperately
needed to find a mate and start his own family.
“Don’t you have your own house to occupy?” He sighed,
annoyed. The bear in him was agitated, too.
Her tone grew softer. “Liam. You know why it’s a big deal. You’re
the alpha of this clan. You’re not a young cub anymore. It’s time you
at least started trying for a family. Mom’s just worried about you,
that’s all. So am I.”
Liam looked at his sister. She was right. It had been on his own
mind as well. But hearing the constant nagging by all of them was
driving him crazy.
He stood and ran his hand through his disheveled, sandy-brown
hair. “There’s no need to worry. It’ll happen when it happens. I’ve
just been busy with the clan, and there’s not a whole lot of females
here that I’m particularly fond of.”
Liam loved his clan, all of them, but none of the available ones
had ever seemed too appealing to him. Especially enough to raise a
family with.
“What about mingling with humans? You know we don’t
necessarily frown upon that. It’d just mean you’d have to put
yourself out there.”
“Lil, I’ve tried. Believe me. But lately, I don’t have the time to go
out, woo a girl, then break it to her that I’m a shifter, then see if she
wants to keep seeing me or go through the whole ‘not knowing what
is going to happen’ stage. I’m over it. I do want a family. But I just
have other priorities that take up my time right now.”
Lillian looked her brother straight in the eye. “Listen, you’ll
always have excuses. I don’t know what to tell you. I get you’re
busy, and the weight of it all is settling heavily on your shoulders,
but I know a loophole for you if a family is what you want and also a
way to get mom and the rest of the family off your back.”
It was the first time someone had something productive to share.
Liam’s bluish-gray eyes lit up as he saw his sister start to grin.
“You’ve been keeping something from me, I can tell. What is it,
and why have you taken so long to share it?”
Her grin turned into a full-faced smile. “Well, I’m a fan of
watching you get berated by mom. That never gets old for me. But I
also wasn’t sure how serious you are about wanting a family.”
Liam’s face became stern. “I do want those things. Especially
with the way age is creeping up on me. And it’s not due to fear if
that’s what you’re thinking. I have always wanted a large family. I
just … I don’t know. I’m having a hard time finding the person I
want to share that dream with.” He took a breath, not wanting to
say this next part.
“What?” Lillian asked, safely assuming he was keeping something
from her as well.
“I really have been looking, Lil. When you think I’m here working
or busy with clan things, I have been trying to meet women. I told
you, I really am looking and trying. I just haven’t had any luck. It’s
becoming more and more discouraging. That’s why I’ve been so
irritated with mom not letting up.”
Liam had a hard time admitting this vulnerability, even to his
sister. He was strong, stronger than most. His advantage wasn’t just
his height, but it was also his underestimated brute strength, which
lay hidden behind his athletic frame. He wasn’t built like a bear but
was just as strong as one.
This aided in his confidence as an alpha, along with his wit and
problem-solving abilities. Liam was as keen and intelligent as they
came. He was also observant and methodical. His calm demeanor
added to his rational way of thinking, which allowed him to be an
influential and effective alpha.
This outlook carried over to his future parenting skills as well. It
wasn’t fear so much as wanting to make sure he had a good mother
for his future children and someone he also enjoyed.
He didn’t feel like that was asking too much.
The irony of it all was that he seemed able to handle all of the
clan’s problems but not his own.
“Why would you hide that from us? Maybe mom would have laid
off you.”
Liam laughed. “You think mom wouldn’t be asking me day and
night about how it went and why it didn’t work?” His bear grumbled
as well.
Lillian grimaced at the thought. “True.”
Liam crossed his arms. “Now, since I bared my soul to you, are
you going to share your little tidbit as well?”
His sister’s smile returned. “Actually, yes. Even more so now since
you decided to fill me in. Have you heard about the Shifter
Surrogacy Agency?”
He narrowed his eyes at her. “Are you making this up?”
“No, I’m serious. It’s a place that…”
Liam waved her explanation off. “I get it. It seems pretty self-
explanatory based on the name.”
Lillian rolled her eyes. “Fine, but still. Listen, it’s legit. They work
with males like you who want to build their family, match them with
compatible human females, and then you make your future the old-
fashioned way.”
Liam chuckled and walked out of his room to the kitchen.
“Sounds like a dating site.”
Lillian followed him, trying to explain. “It is in a way, but the
initial thing is that they match you with someone compatible, and
you guys hook up and make a baby. You can choose to love each
other or just be partners. It can go either way.”
He grabbed a beer out of the fridge. “So, I get to have sex with
someone I like until we have a baby?”
“Yes. But it’s more than that. You make your own terms, and you
hold most of the power. You meet for a date and see if you want to
proceed from there. Finding your mate or not, you still could find
For a moment, Liam contemplated everything that his sister was
telling him.
It wasn’t the worst thing. And the best part was that both parties
essentially wanted the same end result, and the human would
already know he was a shifter, so he wouldn’t have to deal with that
He shrugged with a grin as he popped the lid off of his beer.
“What the hell? How do I apply?”
Lillian’s blue eyes grew brighter as she gleefully clapped her
hands together. “Okay, first we need your laptop.”
Liam pointed to the coffee table in the living room. His sister
buzzed over, sat on the couch, and had it up and running on the site
before Liam even got there.
After an hour, Liam was signed up and had submitted everything
he needed for the SSA. Now, all he had to do was wait and see not
only if he was matched but who it would be with.
At around noon the next day, Liam received a call.
Lillian had already programmed his phone to have the agency’s
number in it so he wouldn’t miss it.
He was surprised when the number appeared. He hadn’t
expected such a quick turnaround.
“Hello, Liam?”
“This is he.”
“Hello! This is Alicia with the Shifter Surrogacy Agency. I was
calling to tell you about a possible match we have found for you. Her
name is Emma Monroe. We need to contact her first, but I wanted
to let you know. If she gives us the green light, I will let you
correspond through the app with her after I notify you.”
He wasn’t sure how to respond. “Sounds good. Thank you,” he
finally answered.
“No problem. We’ll talk soon if you both choose to proceed. Have
a great day.”
Liam wasn’t sure if he had hung up or if it had been the
representative. Either way, he now had a match and a name.
“No way it’s that easy,” he mumbled as he shoved his phone back
into his pocket.
He almost texted his sister about the call, but his mind went
elsewhere when his beta, Alex, called, and his priorities changed.
Later that evening, once Liam had eaten his dinner and decided
it was time to enjoy the sound of the river, his phone dinged.
“Please don’t be anything too important,” he grumbled as he
fished his phone from his pocket before putting his bare feet in the
creek that ran behind his house.
Here’s the link for the app. Emma Monroe is your match and has
agreed to the terms and conditions via the agency. Alicia
Then, below the text was the link.
Liam gulped as he clicked on it to download.
He had been on dates and looking around for a while. This was
an easy way to meet someone who knew the basics of the situation.
So, why was he more nervous now?
Maybe it’s because you have no idea what she looks like or
anything at all about her. You’re trusting a company and computer to
make a good decision for you.
That thought was the reason this wasn’t sitting well with him. But
his sister vouched for them. He was in it now.
Once he was registered, his only link was to his match. He liked
that privacy aspect.
He took a deep breath and punched in his first text. Hey, Emma.
This is Liam. The agency called me and let me know to get a hold of
you. I hope that’s all right.
He sent it before he could back out. He wasn’t sure of another
way to do it, so he didn’t want to overthink it too much.
He let out his breath and set his phone down, forcing himself to
enjoy the water on his feet.
Not too long after, though, his phone dinged with a reply.
Hey. Yes, that’s perfectly fine!
He messaged her back quickly.
Here’s my number if you want to call me, and we can set a time
and date in order to get to know each other better. I figured it would
be easier than texting.
Liam thought that putting a voice to her would give him a better
indication, and it would be easier to make arrangements to meet for
their first date.
A few minutes went by with no response.
Hopefully, that wasn’t too forward.
He jumped when his phone rang.
“Hey, it’s Emma.”
“Hey! Thanks for calling me. How’s your evening going?” He
wasn’t sure where to start, so why not there?
Thankfully, Emma was proving easy to talk to. She could hold a
conversation and had questions of her own.
The conversation was fun as they got to know one another and
learned the basics. After several minutes, Liam knew what kind of
job Emma had and what her hobbies were.
He already enjoyed talking to her and the sound of her voice. It
was soothing and caring but full of laughter, too.
After about an hour, they set up a date for the following Friday,
and she shared her address with him so he could pick her up.
“Well, have a good night, and I’ll see you Friday,” he said,
catching his grin in the reflection of the water.
“Sounds good. Goodnight.”
They hung up, but Liam’s smile stayed glued onto his face.
Maybe this wasn’t going to be such a shit show after all.
He had a good feeling about Emma.

The week leading up to Friday had felt like an eternity for Emma.
Anticipation, excitement, and nervousness swirled within her,
creating a unique blend of emotions. The prospect of meeting Liam
face-to-face brought a mix of eagerness and apprehension that she
couldn’t quite shake. Despite the occasional text exchanges during
the week, they had both agreed that speaking in person held a more
authentic charm.
Finally, the evening she had been waiting for arrived … Friday.
Emma did her best to keep herself occupied as the hours crawled by.
She found herself whispering reassuring words to quell her growing
nerves. “No reason to be nervous,” she repeated softly, attempting
to steady her restless energy. “It’s not even really a date.”
She dressed meticulously, trying to strike a balance between
impressing Liam and remaining true to herself. Opting for a stylish
yet not overly extravagant outfit, she wore a burgundy halter dress
that accentuated her figure. The dress showcased her sculpted
shoulders, while its flared skirt added a touch of playful elegance.
Black heels elevated her petite frame, giving her a subtle boost of
confidence. Her brown hair cascaded in loose waves around her
shoulders, completing the look that she hoped would make a
favorable impression.
Amid her flurry of preparations, Emma’s determination to stay
calm led her to find odd chores to complete, keeping her from
reaching for the wine bottle.
As the clock neared eight, Emma was running out of tasks to
distract herself with. Her apartment was as clean as it could possibly
be. Just when she felt her patience wearing thin, the sound of her
door’s buzzer sent her heart racing.
Breathing a quick sigh of anticipation, Emma rushed to the
intercom. “It’s Liam.”
“I’ll be right down,” she responded, her excitement almost
tangible. She grabbed her purse and keys, stole one last glance at
her reflection, and headed out to meet the man who had sparked
her curiosity.
Stepping out of her apartment building, her eyes landed on a
figure that matched Liam’s description … a tall, well-built man with a
youthful charm that contrasted with his seasoned gaze. His light
brown hair danced in the evening breeze, adding a hint of casual
allure to his appearance. As he approached her, his smile captivated
her, rendering her momentarily speechless.
Could this truly be Liam? Emma’s thoughts raced as she
struggled to believe her luck. The magnetism between them was
immediate, a connection that went well beyond mere physical
“Emma, I assume?” he inquired, his eyes like stormy seas filled
with a depth she wanted to get to know much more intimately.
Summoning her manners, Emma extended her hand for a
handshake, her cheeks slightly flushed. “Yes. Hi. Sorry. You’re Liam?”
His nod was accompanied by an infectious smile that intensified
her intrigue. “I am. You look lovely.”
Embarrassment and a rush of tingly girly parts ignited within
Emma, leaving her momentarily off balance. Pull yourself together,
she admonished herself. You’ve got a date to get through.
“Thank you. Are you ready to go?” she asked, attempting to
regain her composure.
Liam’s nod was accompanied by a courteous gesture as he
walked her to his car and opened the passenger door for her. Emma
couldn’t help but notice his gentlemanly demeanor, a quality that
was increasingly rare in the modern dating landscape.
His hand brushed against hers briefly as she settled into the seat,
sparking an unexpected surge of electricity that sent shivers down
her spine. Emma took a steadying breath, grateful for the
momentary distraction of him going around the car to climb into the
driver’s seat.
During the ride to the restaurant, they exchanged light chatter
about their respective weeks, a conversation that served as a
soothing bridge to ease the tension between them. Upon arriving,
Liam exhibited his chivalry by rushing to her side to open her car
door, a simple yet significant gesture that spoke volumes about his
He put his arm out to her. She smiled and looped her hand
around it. “I’m not used to being treated like a princess.”
He chuckled as they walked to the entrance. “I don’t think
anyone should have to be a princess to be treated with respect and
like a lady. I may be on my best behavior, but my mother did make
sure I knew how to treat a woman.”
Emma’s laughter bubbled up in response to Liam’s comment.
“Finally! I would love to meet a woman after my own heart.”
Amid the pleasant hum of the restaurant’s ambiance, their
companionship seemed to solidify. Liam’s reply held a hint of
assurance, a spark of optimism that found its way into Emma’s
heart. She could feel herself blushing, her cheeks tinged with
warmth at his words. The prospect of connecting with someone who
truly resonated with her values and outlooks was exhilarating, and
she couldn’t help but hope that this was the beginning of something
As they patiently awaited their turn to be seated, a sense of
anticipation hung in the air like a gentle current. There was an
unspoken understanding between them, a shared excitement for the
evening that lay ahead. It was a feeling that surpassed mere
curiosity … a recognition that this encounter could mark the start of
something she’d been wanting for so long.
Their table was finally ready, and Liam’s courteous nature shone
through once again as he pulled out Emma’s chair for her before
taking his own seat. There was no hint of arrogance or ulterior
motives in his actions; it was evident that his upbringing had instilled
a genuine respect for others in him. Emma appreciated his small
gestures of chivalry, each one reaffirming the notion that he was
indeed a gentleman.
Throughout the evening, the course of conversation felt as
natural as the ebb and flow of the tide. Their words came
effortlessly, carrying with them a shared sense of ease and comfort.
Liam’s openness and infectious laughter had a transformative effect
on Emma. A sense of freedom unfolded within her with his every
laugh, allowing her to relax.
Liam’s genuine interest in Emma’s thoughts and opinions was a
refreshing departure from the norm. He seemed to hang on every
word she spoke, regardless of its subject matter. It was a subtle yet
deeply meaningful gesture that made Emma feel seen and valued,
further solidifying the connection forming between them. She found
herself opening up and sharing stories she might not have felt
comfortable discussing with anyone else.
The synergy between them was undeniable, like two puzzle
pieces fitting perfectly together.
As the evening progressed, Emma’s heart sank slightly as the
check was brought to their table. The reality that their time together
was coming to an end was a bittersweet realization. She had grown
accustomed to Liam’s company and the effortless rapport they
She mustered a smile and thanked Liam for his generosity as he
insisted on paying. Their exchange held a touch of playfulness, a
fleeting attempt to prolong the evening just a bit more. Gathering
her belongings, Emma reached for her purse as they prepared to
leave, a mixture of gratitude and reluctance washing over her.
As they stepped out of the restaurant into the night, Emma’s
heart was aflutter with the hope and curiosity that accompanied the
start of something truly special.
Liam asked, “You’re not in a rush to get home, are you? I
understand if you are.”
Her heart fluttered. “No, not at all. Why?”
His eyes grew bluer at her response. “Well, I was thinking maybe
we could fit in a round of mini-golf at the park nearby. I don’t know
if it’s your thing, and I’m a terrible golfer, but I figured we could
continue to get to know each other and enjoy a cool night.”
Emma was thrilled he wanted to continue seeing her. Her hope
blossomed. She eagerly nodded yes. “I’m not very good at golf
either. I know the basics, and that’s it,” she admitted.
“That works for me. That means at least we both have the same
skill level. I must warn you that I’m competitive, though.”
“Oh, so am I,” she responded with a smirk.

AMID THE COMICAL nature of the miniature golf course, Emma

and Liam found themselves engaging in a spirited game of putt-putt.
Armed with their beat-up putters and neon-colored balls, they
stepped onto the green with a mix of playful enthusiasm and friendly
The initial hole had passed uneventfully, but as they made their
way through more intricate obstacles … including an animated
clown’s gaping mouth and rotating windmills … the atmosphere
The casual banter that had defined their evening took on a more
competitive edge as each of them attempted to outdo the other.
Their good-natured rivalry was accentuated by the occasional burst
of laughter and exchanged glances that grew hotter with each hole
Liam’s ball sailed effortlessly through the obstacles, arriving at
the hole with practiced precision. Meanwhile, Emma found herself
locked in a comical struggle with the mischievous clown. The
contraption was determined to taunt her, repeatedly spitting her ball
back out with an eerie cackle.
Frustration bubbled within her. “Oh, you piece of shit!” She
stopped herself from throwing the putter into the stream.
Liam’s laughter was infectious, and soon, Emma couldn’t help but
join in. She glanced at Liam with a smirk. “Seriously, though. Are
you seeing this? We are gonna be here all night. I think my ball is
Liam’s laughter subsided into a sheepish grin. “Do you want me
to try?”
“Be my guest, but it’s going to happen to you too,” Emma
warned, stepping back to watch his attempt.
With a calm determination, Liam lined up his shot. The ball left
his putter and gracefully sailed into the clown’s mouth. Emma braced
herself for the inevitable, but to her surprise, the ball continued on
without interruption, making its way into the hole below.
She gestured dramatically at the course. “What the hell?”
Liam’s laughter billowed forth once again, his amusement a bit
too evident. Emma couldn’t help but shake her head in disbelief at
the turn of events. “I’m so glad we only have a couple more holes to
go,” she teased, nudging him playfully.
Elbowing her in response, Liam quipped, “True. It can only
She feigned a glare before attempting to playfully hit him, but he
dodged with surprising agility, leaping over the fake stones to reach
their next hole.
Their mini-golf adventure eventually drew to a close, with the
last hole completed and their gear returned.
“See? You got better at the end,” Liam teased, a grin playing on
his lips.
Emma rolled her eyes with mock exasperation, giggling as she
replied, “Oh, thanks.”
As they walked side by side, Emma’s gaze lingered on Liam. The
evening had exceeded her expectations, and she found herself
trusting in him. Their interactions had been marked by honesty and
a genuine connection.
“Liam?” she began, turning to face him, her smile warm and
inviting. The time felt right to share her thoughts and feelings about
the situation they had entered into. He turned to her.
“We both know why we were set up,” Emma began, her voice
laced with a blend of determination and vulnerability. She met Liam’s
gaze, her eyes reflecting a mix of apprehension and longing.
“But I need to tell you that I mainly signed up because I want a
family of my own. I want to be a part of my child’s life as much as
possible. I’m ready and am just so fed up with the dating pool. I
want a child while I still can enjoy them and know I can give them
everything I have.”
Her words hung in the air, a weighty confession that she had held
close to her heart. She watched Liam intently, her breath held as she
waited for his response. Would he understand her motivation? Would
he share her desires?
Liam’s fingers found hers, his touch grounding and reassuring. “I
do, too,” he said, his voice a gentle reassurance that erased any
lingering doubt. “I’m in the same boat. My family has been pushing
me hard, but I’ve been looking for someone myself and have come
up empty-handed time after time. That’s why I chose the agency as
well. I’m an alpha and need a family, but it’s not just that. I’ve
always wanted a large family. I want what my own family had. I also
want my child’s parents to be involved in their life. So, to me, your
request is heard by happy ears.”
Emma’s heart soared at his words, a sense of relief washing over
her. For the first time in a long while, she felt truly understood, her
hopes understood by someone who shared her dreams. She
managed a smile, her eyes shimmering with emotion. “Good.”
His smile mirrored her own, genuine and heartfelt. Liam’s gesture
of opening the car door for her was a small yet meaningful act of
chivalry that touched her deeply. As they arrived at her place, he
walked her to the door, a sense of unspoken anticipation lingering
between them.
“Thank you for tonight,” Emma said, her words sincere yet tinged
with uncertainty. She stood before him, a hint of nervousness in her
stance, unsure of the next move to make.
“Absolutely,” Liam replied, his gaze holding a warmth that set her
at ease. “And thank you for being so open with me. It lets me do the
same with you. That being said, I want to say that I do want to
move forward with this. With you.”
Emma’s heart skipped a beat, the realization sinking in that her
dream was gradually becoming a reality. Her emotions swirled, a
mixture of excitement, hope, and a hint of disbelief. “So do I,” she
Liam’s smile deepened, his genuine expression melting away any
remaining reservations. “I want you to spend the day with me at the
bear den with my family and clan so you can meet everyone. Then,
please ask your questions about whatever isn’t answered there
regarding shifters and myself. I want you to feel comfortable in
every way.”
Her nod was accompanied by a sense of gratitude, a feeling that
Liam truly wanted her to be a part of his world. “I’ll be looking
forward to it,” she replied.
“I’ll text you the details and directions,” he promised.
As Liam leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on her cheek,
Emma’s heart raced, a flush of warmth spreading across her skin.
His proximity ignited a fire she hadn’t anticipated, the subtle touch
of his lips setting her senses ablaze. Their eyes met with a charged
moment of connection that left her momentarily breathless.
“Goodnight, Emma. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Liam said, his words
resonating with sincerity.
Emma’s fingertips grazed the spot where his lips had lingered.
She watched him walk away, her heart racing, feeling as though the
stars were finally aligning in her favor. A sense of contentment
settled over her, a quiet certainty that everything was falling into
place as it should.

Liam had woken feeling like the proverbial poked bear, and he knew
it. This was not the day to be grouchy either. The deal was that
Emma was coming over, and he wanted everything to be perfect.
Liam started dishing out commands first thing. He had barely
finished brushing his teeth when he started delegating to various
clan members of the bear den. Get this ready, get that ready, move
this, set up that, and so on and so forth.
This angst for things to be perfect wasn’t a pride thing. It wasn’t
because he was insecure and wanted to hide the flaws. Liam wanted
things perfect because when he saw Emma and scented her the
other day, he knew she was his mate.
Once Liam had delegated the basic chores, he went outside and
approached the den as if he were a visitor, just like Emma would be
doing shortly. He was looking for the right kind of ambiance. The
feeling that Liam wanted to create, what he wanted Emma to
experience, was that this was home.
He wanted her to step onto the property and know that this was
her home.
Outside, Liam spotted one of the clan members, Brent, and
called him over.
“Walking up the front path like this, just looking at the den how it
is right now, what do you feel?” Liam asked Brent.
“Home. Safety,” Brent answered. “I love our den, and I feel like
everything here loves me right back.”
“That’s a good answer. I know you are sincere,” Liam told him.
“The reason I asked is because we have an important guest coming
over today.”
“I understand,” Brent confirmed. “I am excited for you.”
“I’m excited for me, also,” Liam replied. “There is something
special and different about this woman.”
“I can tell you are kind of concerned,” Brent offered.
“Not concerned so much,” Liam explained. “I want the first
impression of our bear den to be the best it can be. You get one
shot at a first impression, right?”
What he didn’t say, for fear of jinxing it, was his steadfast
determination to make Emma fall in love with him. There was an
unwavering resolve within him, a belief that they were meant to be
more than just co-parents on paper. He wanted to earn her heart, to
show her the depth of his affection through his actions, and to
create a bond that went beyond just fated mates.
However, beneath his hopes, he also held a sense of concern.
Emma had no experience with shifters or their world. The thought
gnawed at him, a worry that she might become overwhelmed or
spooked when she learned about the intricacies of shifter life …
particularly the mating process.
The idea of telling Emma about fated mates was a topic that
couldn’t be rushed or taken lightly. He wanted her to be prepared, to
have all the information she needed to make an informed decision
on whether she wanted that or not.
He was determined to take the path slowly, to allow their
connection to flourish naturally, and to ensure that Emma felt
comfortable every step of the way. And while Liam wouldn’t dare
admit his intentions, they were etched into his heart and mind.
“Today’s impression is going to break her heart open even more
than it already is,” Brent told Liam.
“That is some high optimism, man. Thank you, bro,” Liam replied.
Liam checked his watch. Time was ticking. Emma would be there
Returning indoors, Liam’s steps carried him through the halls of
his home, a sense of purpose driving his movements. The walls held
echoes of the laughter and camaraderie that often filled the space,
reminders of the close-knit family that he held dear.
The atmosphere was warm and inviting, a reflection of the
connections that had been fostered over time. Conversations floated
through the air, punctuated by playful banter and the occasional
chuckle. It was a haven, a sanctuary where he and his clan could
come together, supporting one another through life’s joys and
Liam’s eyes swept over the faces of the various members of the
bear den. There was a sense of belonging, a shared identity that
transcended blood ties and welcomed newcomers with open arms.
He couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride as he surveyed the people
who had become his second family.
He couldn’t shake the growing anticipation of introducing Emma
to this spirited group. Her presence had sparked a new energy
within him, and he was eager for her to experience the warmth, fun,
and protectiveness that defined his clan. He imagined her fitting in
seamlessly, her genuine personality and openness aligning with the
values they held dear.
He was confident that Emma would be embraced with the same
warmth and acceptance that they extended to their own.
“Hey, bro,” one of the clan members hollered from down the hall.
“There’s a car out front. I think it’s your guest.”
Liam looked at his watch. Shit. If it was her, she was early. His
bear was running around like a chicken with its head cut off inside
Liam dashed to the window and looked out. It was her. Okay. He
wasn’t going to panic.
Liam breezed through all the important spots in the den house.
Everything looked good. In the bathroom, he checked himself in the
mirror and breathed into his cupped hands, smelling nothing bad. He
went back out to the living room and took a quick peek through the
Emma still sat in her car. She hadn’t come in yet or approached
the door. His bear grunted nervously.
Second thoughts?
Maybe. He couldn’t tell. He would have to go out there and find
out. He did not want Emma to get spooked and talk herself out of
Liam put on the biggest smile he could summon. This wasn’t
hard because just the thought of Emma lit him up. Then he went out
to her car.
At first, he stood beside her car and waved. The idea was that
she would get out and greet him.
She didn’t move. She turned her head slightly and looked at him.
She sort of smiled.
What Liam had to do was walk up next to the driver-side window
and tap on it. He was worried that at some point between last night
and this morning, whatever willingness she’d had to see the bear
den and meet the clan had been blown out like a candle.
Emma rolled down the driver-side window and greeted him. She
did have a smile, and it was a couple of degrees warmer than the
smile from a few minutes ago. His bear hummed, happier now.
“You look as lovely as the morning,” he told her.
“And you obviously know that flattery will get you everywhere
with me,” she answered right back.
“I wish I was good with flattery. I am being honest. You are cute
as a button today.”
“And you’ve got a big smile going,” she told him.
“I do,” he confirmed. My word, she is an absolute doll. “I am
smiling for a reason.”
“I am smiling to be here too,” she answered. “My smile
sometimes needs the use of a magnifying glass to be seen.”
“I see you,” he said. “Right now, my smile’s probably as big as a
“Okay,” she laughed. “I will take the bait. Why is your smile as
big as a house?”
“The rest of the clan is very excited to meet you. I am smiling
because I am trying to imagine how I am going to fit them all into
your car.”
“Okay, sassy. I get it,” she told him. “You don’t want me hanging
here in the driveway being shy. I bet you were worried I was having
second thoughts.”
Emma opened the car door, and Liam helped her swing the door
all the way open. He took her hand as she climbed out. They shut
the car door together, and Liam led her up to the house.
Two den members were sitting on the porch drinking coffee.
Liam introduced Emma. Both members stood and greeted her and
complimented her appearance. Liam could see Emma’s face brighten
and relax slightly at the sight of the two den members smiling back.
Deeper inside the den house, Liam guided Emma into the main
dining area and kitchen. Each area held a different group of clan
members who vigorously gave Emma their greeting and then a big
hug. A bear hug, of course.
In the heart of the den’s main sitting room, where the walls
seemed to radiate the warmth of countless conversations, Liam saw
Alex approaching.
“I watched you walk in,” Alex told Emma. “You lit up each room
the moment you entered it.”
“I am not sure what to say to that,” Emma answered. “Thank
you. That’s the nicest thing anyone has said to me in a while.”
While Emma was exchanging small talk with Alex, Liam felt a tap
on his shoulder. He turned to his beautiful and brilliant sister, Lillian.
She motioned with a slight nod of her head and a raising of the
brows for Liam to step aside so she could tell him something with a
bit of privacy.
“Is that her?” Lillian asked with shining eyes after they’d rounded
a corner.
“It is,” he answered. “Isn’t she a doll?”
“She’s gorgeous. Aren’t you glad you called that surrogate
“I have you to thank,” he told Lillian.
“A word of warning, bro,” Lillian said. She spoke in the softest of
tones. “Mom’s coming. She’s on her way. Coming in like a Tasmanian
devil, no doubt.”
Liam held his tongue, his lips pressed in a firm line. He drew in a
slow, deliberate breath. He silently counted to five, though in truth,
he wished he could extend that count to five hundred … a fleeting
attempt to grant himself more time before responding.
“I was hoping to give Emma a chance to get acquainted before
mom’s version of chaos descended on her,” Liam whispered to Lillian.
“Yup,” his sister added. “This might be a good thing for you and
Emma and the build-up between you two.”
“Uh, how’s that?” Liam answered, completely baffled at how his
mother could be helpful at this stage.
“I know our family is funny, fiercely loyal, and full of creative
insanity. Zany as it is, it comes from love. Big love. What I’m sensing
from Emma, I suspect she hasn’t had our kind of wild, crazy family
love. Hasn’t had a real helping of the Beron kind of love.”
“Let’s hope you are right about this, Lil,” Liam told her. “You are
right about the fact she hasn’t had the Beron kind of love yet.”
They walked back over to the small group holding court with
“Emma, I want you to meet my sister, Lillian,” Liam said to
Emma. “It was actually Lillian’s encouragement that got me to reach
out to the agency. Inspiring me is a trend my sister has been notably
consistent with for as long as I can remember.”
Liam observed the warm embrace between the two women, their
greetings carrying an air of friendship. From the very moment he
had laid eyes on her and caught her scent, he had been seized by an
unshakable certainty that she was his mate. He had so much love to
give, and he wanted her to have it all.
A commotion stirred at the front of the house. Mom’s laugh and
voice pulled Liam from his reverie of Emma.
Liam broke away from the members gathered around his sister
and Emma. He hated doing this. Watching Emma and Lillian was the
most heartwarming sight, with Emma quickly and deeply endearing
herself to the bear clan and vice versa. The idea was to head off
mom and, hopefully, water down some of her rambunctious third-
degree grilling before she started in on Emma.
“Hello, my handsome boy,” his mom said.
“You look beautiful, Mom.”
“Don’t be shy,” mom answered back.
“I’m not shy,” Liam told his mom. “I wanted to get to you first. I
have someone special I want you to meet.”
“I know exactly who she is, and I know exactly what to say to
her,” Liam’s mom fired back.
“I was hoping we could go light at first, you know, give her a
chance to get used to our den and our personalities.”
“See, you are shy,” his mom sassed back. “You are shy, and you
are worried that I’m going to put her off by being loud.”
“I am trying to be gentle,” Liam answered.
“Good. Then be a gentleman and go bring in the bags of
groceries in the SUV. There’s a lot.” Mom gave him a loving pat on
the chest, shouldered right past him, and made a straight line to the
crowd around Lillian and Emma.
Liam didn’t empty his mom’s SUV. His bear growled that he
needed to check on his mate.
Instead, he delegated. This was still not quick enough to tone
down the thunder and lightning of mom. When he got to the main
living area, mom and Emma were standing side-by-side. Emma was
smiling as brightly as the summer solstice sunrise, and mom was
giving her the pitch for how the day was going to go.
“Love, we’ve got lots of food being brought in and unpacked.
There’s more on the way. Today is a day of feasting. Celebrating the
inner-foodie day with a ‘Welcome to the Pack’ party. I don’t want to
hear any crap about fasting or diets, or you already ate, blah, blah,
blah. This is a welcome celebration, and we are throwing down.”
Mom was in high form. Liam was caught between trying to catch
his mate’s eye and running for the hills. Would his little mate run and
never return?
He finally got that eye contact.
I love your mom. She is going to be my new mom, he thought
Emma’s expression said plainly.
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