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(AC-S08) Week 08 - Task: Assignment - My job

Situación: Airbus es una corporación aeroespacial multinacional. Está buscando profesionales
talentosos en todo el mundo para unirse a la empresa. Elija entre la siguiente gama de
oportunidades disponibles: ingenieros, psicólogos o administradores de empresas y entable una
Estudiante A: Usted es coordinador de Airbus y está entrevistando a nuevos empleados. B/C son
profesionales que postulan a la empresa. Hágale preguntas para conocer sus últimas actividades
y habilidades laborales.
Estudiante B/C: Son profesionales (ingenieros, psicólogos o administradores de empresas
postulando a la corporación). Hable sobre sus últimas actividades y habilidades laborales.

Situation: Airbus is a multinational aerospace corporation. It is looking for talented
professionals across the world to join the company. Choose between the following range of
opportunities available: engineers, psychologists or business administrators and make a
Student A: You are an Airbus coordinator and are interviewing new employees. B/C are
professionals applying to the company. Ask him/her questions to find out about his/her last job
activities and skills.
Student B/C: You are professionals (engineers, psychologists or business administrators
applying to the corporation). Talk about your last job activities and skills

Student A: Airbus Coordinator

Hello, welcome to Airbus. Can you tell me about your last job activities and skills?

Student B: Engineer Applicant

Thank you. I was a mechanical engineer, designing and testing aircraft components. I worked
efficiently to meet deadlines and focused on improving performance and safety.

Student A: Airbus Coordinator

Can you give me an example of a challenging project?

Student B: Engineer Applicant

Sure. I developed a lighter, stronger wing structure. We tested various materials and designs,
reducing weight by 15% while maintaining strength.

Student A: Airbus Coordinator

How do you ensure accuracy and meet deadlines?

Student B: Engineer Applicant

I prioritize tasks, make detailed plans, and monitor progress. I communicate effectively with my
team to address issues early.

Student A: Airbus Coordinator

How do you collaborate with other departments?

Student B: Engineer Applicant

I value open communication. I held regular meetings and workshops to align goals and resolve
issues quickly.

Student A: Airbus Coordinator

What skills are most important for this role?

Student B: Engineer Applicant

Technical expertise, problem-solving, creativity, teamwork, and continuous learning are crucial.

Student A: Airbus Coordinator

Thank you. We'll be in touch soon.

Student B: Engineer Applicant

Thank you. I look forward to it.


Student A: Airbus Coordinator
Hello, welcome to Airbus. Can you tell me about your last job activities and skills?
Student C: Business Administrator Applicant
Thank you. I managed financial reports, improved processes, and developed strategies for a tech

Student A: Airbus Coordinator

Can you describe a significant achievement?

Student C: Business Administrator Applicant

I led a project to update our inventory system, reducing errors by 40% and improving
processing times by 30%.

Student A: Airbus Coordinator

How do you handle tight deadlines and pressure?

Student C: Business Administrator Applicant

I stay organized, prioritize tasks, and remain calm under pressure. I also communicate openly
with my team.

Student A: Airbus Coordinator

How do you align your strategies with company goals?

Student C: Business Administrator Applicant

I understand the company’s mission, align projects with objectives, and collaborate with senior

Student A: Airbus Coordinator

What skills are essential for this role?

Student C: Business Administrator Applicant

Analytical skills, communication, strategic thinking, adaptability, and leadership are essential.

Student A: Airbus Coordinator

Thank you. We'll be in touch soon.
Student C: Business Administrator Applicant
Thank you. I look forward to it.

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