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10 Funniest Idioms in the English


Without further adieu, here’s out list:

I wrote earlier about the ten most beautiful idioms in English and ten
idioms related to love in English. If you missed those articles, be sure to
take a look at them.

1. The lights are on, but nobody’s home

This idiom is used to describe a person who isn’t very smart.

For example, I didn’t know she is so stupid! The lights are on, but
nobody’s home.

2. When pigs fly

This English idiom means “never” when speaking about something that
you think will never happen.

For example, Bill will give your books back when pigs fly, so forget
about them.

3. To pig out
Imagine how pigs eat – they eat a lot, and they eat quickly, right? So
this idiom in English means “to eat a lot at one time; to overeat.”

For example, She was pigging out on ice cream and sobbing when I
came home.

4. Everything but the kitchen sink

This idiom in English means “everything that you can think of; every
possible thing” in a given situation.

For example, He used to order everything but the kitchen sink when he
went out to dinner and then pig out alone.

5. Put a sock in it

This is a rather old (and outdated) idiom that means “be quiet; stop
talking.” It is a rude way to tell someone to be quiet.

For example, You’ve been talking non-stop for an hour. Put a sock in it!

6. To have Van Gogh’s ear for music

The fact that Van Gogh lost one of his ears is the basis for this idiom in
English. The phrase “have Van Gogh’s ear for music” means that a
person cannot understand and differentiate musical tones.

For example, Please, don’t let Betty sing again! She has Van Gogh’s
ear for music.
7. To have a cast-iron stomach

If someone “has a cast-iron stomach,” it means that he/she can eat

anything without suffering bad consequences.

For example, Sam has a cast iron stomach! He’s eaten two big burgers,
a dozen hot chicken wings, and a huge container of ice cream, and he’s
feeling great!

8. To drink like a fish

This idiom is used to describe a person who habitually drinks a lot of


For example, I don’t know what to do. For the past six months, he’s
been drinking like a fish.

9. Use your loaf

A loaf is a quantity of bread that is shaped into a certain form and then
baked. But in this idiom, the word “loaf” refers to a person’s head – in
other words, the brain. So “use your loaf” means to use your brain; to
think about something.

For example: Oh, Jim…When will you start to use your loaf, for God’s

10. Finger-lickin’ good

The last idiom on our list is used to describe food that is very tasty. The
food is so delicious, it is worth it to even lick the very last remnants of
flavor off of your fingers.

For example, Her Christmas turkey is always finger-lickin’ good.

What is your favorite dish?

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