Week 6 On-Page SEO Worksheet

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RMIT Classification: Trusted

MKTG1420 Digital Business Development

Week 6 On-page SEO tutorial

Note: An example (RMIT webpage) is given for your reference, but you must use your selected webpage to perform the
required tasks. Use the keywords resulting from your Keyword Research.

URL of the selected webpage: _______________________________________________________________

Keywords list:

1. _________________________
2. _________________________
3. _________________________
4. _________________________
5. _________________________

On-page SEO elements

For Google to pick up the keywords, they must be integrated into the meta descriptions, title tags, headings, content texts, internal links, image
filenames, image alt tags, etc.

1. Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is an address that loads a particular site.

Explain the importance of clean and keyword-rich URLs for search engine visibility and user understanding. Cite
your source(s).


Review your webpage’s URL. Does it incorporate relevant and important keywords?


2. Meta description helps search engines identify important information about the page. Meta description
keywords don't help a site rank, but they can be used to direct website traffic. Words that match the user’s
search query/ keyword are bolded (shown in the figure below).

RMIT Classification: Trusted
MKTG1420 Digital Business Development
Week 6 On-page SEO tutorial

The HTML codes can be copied by clicking on the whitespace of any website, then selecting View Page Source.
Thereafter, using Ctrl+F to manually find the elements. However, you can use crawler/spider tools (e.g.
Screamingfrog.co.uk/seo-spider) to find these elements.

Explain the importance of meta descriptions for search engine visibility and click-through rates. Identify best
practices for writing meta-descriptions. Cite your source(s).


Review your webpage’s meta description. Craft a compelling and keyword-rich meta description (around 160
characters) for your selected webpage. Ensure that the page has a meta description, accurately reflecting the
page's content and target keywords.


3. Title tags are clickable links on the SERPs that accurately and concisely describe the pages.

RMIT Classification: Trusted
MKTG1420 Digital Business Development
Week 6 On-page SEO tutorial

Explain the importance of a title tag for search engine visibility and click-through rates. Identify best practices for
writing a title tag. Cite your source(s).


Review your webpage’s title. Craft a title tag (around 60 characters) for your selected webpage using the
identified keywords. Ensure that the page has a title tag, accurately reflecting the page's content and target


4. Headings are used to structure the web for readability and make the page more relevant.

Discuss the significance of headings (H1, H2, etc.) for on-page SEO and user experience. Cite your source(s).


RMIT Classification: Trusted
MKTG1420 Digital Business Development
Week 6 On-page SEO tutorial

Review your webpage’s headings. Optimize your headings by including relevant keywords, ensuring readability,
and providing valuable information to the audience.


Keyword Optimization

Here's an illustration of keyword placement of a page optimized for on-page SEO:

Remember to place the keywords in the:

 Meta Description: <meta description

 URL: www.keywords.com
 Title Tag: <title>keywords</title> tag
 Heading tags: <h1>keywords</h1> and
other heading tags <h2> to <h6>
 Image Alt Attribute and filename: <img
src=”keyword.jpg” alt=“keyword”
 Internal Links: <a
> tags
 Body: <body> … keywords… </body>

Watch out for keyword stuffing!

Image source: https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2015/04/30/seo-basics

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