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22BHI10090 | Aditya Kolhe

Embedded Systems Design, Practice Set 3

Q.1 List the latest applications of IoT embedded systems. Explain evolution of IoT
technology. What are the important Components of Internet of Things.

Ans - IoT embedded systems have various applications, including smart homes, wearable
technology, industrial IoT (IIoT), smart cities, healthcare, agriculture, and supply chain
logistics. The evolution of IoT technology began in the early 1980s with the use of RFID
technology for inventory tracking. The rise of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and cellular networks in the
2000s provided the necessary infrastructure for IoT devices to communicate. Cloud
computing in the late 2000s enabled scalable data storage and processing capabilities,
crucial for managing massive data generated by IoT devices. Miniaturization and cost
reduction led to smaller, more powerful, and cost-effective sensors and processors,
making widespread IoT deployment feasible. Standardization and protocol development
facilitated the interoperability of IoT devices. Recent developments include AI and machine
learning integration, allowing IoT systems to perform advanced analytics and automation.
Important components of the Internet of Things include sensors/devices, connectivity, data
processing, user interface, security, and cloud services. Disassemblers and de-compilers
are tools used to convert machine code back into assembly language, enabling reverse
engineering, debugging, and security analysis.

Q.2 Explain the following terms in detail.

A. Disassembler/De-compiler

B. Simulators

C. Emulators & Debugging

D. Target Hardware Debugging

Ans - A disassembler is a tool that translates machine code into assembly language, a low-
level representation of the program. It is used in reverse engineering, debugging, and
security analysis to understand how software operates internally. A de-compiler translates
machine code back into a high-level programming language like C or Java, used to reverse-
engineer software to understand the original source code. It processes the binary code and
attempts to reconstruct the original high-level code. Applications include analyzing
malware, understanding legacy code without source, and finding vulnerabilities in
Simulators are tools that mimic the behavior of a hardware or software system, used for
testing and development. They create a virtual environment that replicates the functions
and behavior of the target system. Applications include developing and testing software for
embedded systems, training on complex systems, and educational purposes. Emulators
replicate both the software and hardware environment of a system, allowing developers to
run and test their software on different hardware platforms without needing access to the
physical hardware. Debugging is the process of identifying, analyzing, and fixing bugs or
defects in software, ensuring software runs correctly and efficiently. Applications include
software development, maintenance, and optimization.

Q.3. Illustrate the ARM design philosophy and explain the working of ARM processor with
neat architecture.

Ans – The ARM (Advanced RISC Machine) design philosophy focuses on creating high-
performance, energy-efficient processors. Key principles include simplicity and efficiency,
low power consumption, high performance, scalability and versatility, and an extensive
ecosystem. ARM processors have a streamlined design, consisting of a core, registers,
arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), floating point unit (FPU), memory management unit (MMU),
cache, and pipeline.

Registers include R0-R12 for data manipulation, R13 for stack pointer, LR for link register,
and PC for program counter. The pipeline stages involve fetching, decoding, and execution
of instructions. ALU and FPU execute arithmetic and logical operations, while MMU
provides virtual memory management and protection. Caches store frequently accessed
data and instructions.

The working of an ARM processor involves an instruction execution cycle, which includes
instruction fetch, decoding, operand fetch, execution, result write back, and updating the
program counter. The architecture is designed to be power-efficient, suitable for mobile
and embedded devices, and offers a comprehensive ecosystem with robust development
tools, software libraries, and a large community of developers.

Q.6. Explain the following:

I. PCI II. Bluetooth III. Wi-Fi IV. 6LowPAN

Ans - PCI is a local computer bus that connects hardware components to the
motherboard, allowing them to communicate with the CPU and memory. It has a parallel
interface and supports plug-and-play, simplifying hardware upgrades. Bluetooth is a
wireless technology standard for data exchange over short distances, enabling wireless
communication between devices like smartphones, laptops, and headphones. It operates
in the 2.4 GHz ISM band and has a range of 10 meters to 100 meters. Wi-Fi is a wireless
local area networking (WLAN) technology based on IEEE 802.11 standards, providing high-
speed internet and network connections over a wireless link. It has applications in home
and office internet connectivity, public hotspots, smart home devices, and mobile
computing. 6LoWPAN is a communication protocol that allows IPv6 packets to be sent and
received over low-power, low-bandwidth wireless networks, facilitating internet
connectivity for low-power and resource-constrained devices. It supports mesh
networking, allowing devices to route data through other devices and is designed for
devices with limited battery life.

Q.7. Compare and Contrast modern embedded Systems with general Computing Systems.

Ans – Embedded systems are designed for specific purposes and applications, such as in
devices like microwaves, washing machines, automotive control systems, medical
devices, and industrial machines. They use specialized hardware, such as ASICs,
microcontrollers, or FPGAs, with limited processing power and memory. General
computing systems use standardized hardware, such as CPUs, GPUs, and motherboards,
with more powerful CPUs, more memory, and higher storage capacity.

Software in embedded systems is often firmware or specialized RTOS designed for real-
time performance and reliability. These systems are optimized for the specific hardware
and application, often written in low-level languages like C or assembly. They also have
higher performance requirements, such as real-time performance, deterministic behavior,
and resource-intensive applications.

Embedded systems are typically low power, energy-efficient, and have sophisticated power
management features. They are cost-effective for mass production, with economies of
scale and upgradability. They also have a simpler or specialized user interface, with direct
control or simple buttons. General computing systems have a more complex user
interface, with multiple windows, icons, and menus.

In terms of reliability and maintenance, embedded systems are designed for long-term
operation without failure, requiring less frequent updates and maintenance.
Q. 10. Explain in ARM-Thumb mode Move, Shift, and Comparison and Multiply instructions
with syntax.

Ans - ARM-Thumb mode is a compact instruction type designed to provide higher code
density and efficiency, especially in memory-constrained environments. It includes Move,
Shift, Comparison, and Multiply instructions. Move instructions copy a value from one
register to another, while Shift instructions shift bits in a register to the left by a specified
number of positions. Comparison instructions compare the value in one register with an
immediate value or another register by subtracting the second operand from the first and
updating the condition flags based on the result. Multiply instructions multiply the values in
two registers and store the result in a destination register. These instructions are essential
for various operations in ARM-Thumb mode, providing data movement, bit manipulation,
value comparison, and arithmetic operations.

Examples of MOV, Shift, Comparison, and Multiply instructions in ARM-Thumb mode are
provided. These instructions are essential for data movement, bit manipulation, value
comparison, and arithmetic operations. The syntax examples provided provide a
comprehensive overview of the instruction types in ARM-Thumb mode.

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