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Irkhin Denys 361

Lesson 3

Ex. 1

Ex. 2

Unemployment: The state of being without a job, actively seeking employment, and
available to work.
Underemployment: A situation where individuals are employed but are working
fewer hours or at a job that does not fully utilize their skills and qualifications.
Unemployed: Individuals who are actively seeking employment but currently do not
have a job.
Unemployment rate: The percentage of the labor force that is unemployed and
actively seeking employment.
Unemployment benefits: Financial assistance provided to individuals who are
unemployed through government programs or insurance schemes.
Structural unemployment: Unemployment caused by a mismatch between the skills
possessed by job seekers and the skills demanded by available job opportunities.
Cyclical unemployment: Unemployment resulting from fluctuations in the business
cycle, typically increasing during economic downturns or recessions and decreasing
during periods of economic growth.
Irkhin Denys 361
Frictional unemployment: Temporary unemployment experienced by individuals
who are in between jobs or transitioning to a new job.
Full employment: A situation where all willing and able individuals who are seeking
employment can find jobs, often defined as the level of employment at which the
unemployment rate is at its natural rate.
Voluntary unemployment: Unemployment that occurs when individuals choose not
to work due to personal preferences, such as pursuing further education, taking care
of family responsibilities, or early retirement.
Minimum wages: The lowest hourly, daily, or monthly wage that employers are
legally required to pay their employees.
Job vacancy: An unfilled position or job opening within an organization or industry.
Labor market: The marketplace where workers and employers interact to exchange
labor for wages or salaries.
Labor (employment) exchange: A government-operated agency or organization that
facilitates the matching of job seekers with available job opportunities and provides
employment-related services.
Government interventions: Policies, regulations, or actions implemented by the
government to address issues related to employment, such as unemployment
benefits, job training programs, minimum wage laws, and labor market regulations.

Ex. 3

Ex. 4
Definition: Without a paid job; unemployed.
Irkhin Denys 361
Example sentence: After being laid off, she joined the ranks of the jobless in search
of new employment opportunities.
Definition: The temporary or permanent dismissal of employees from their jobs by
their employers, usually for economic reasons.
Example sentence: The company announced a round of layoffs due to declining
Definition: Not currently employed or having a paid job; jobless.
Example sentence: He had been unemployed for several months before finding a
new job in a different industry.
Definition: The progression and series of jobs that a person holds throughout their
working life, usually in a particular field or occupation.
Example sentence: She decided to change careers and pursue a job in marketing
after working in finance for many years.
Definition: The total number of people who are currently employed or available for
work in a specific area, industry, or country.
Example sentence: The government announced measures to train and upskill the
workforce to meet the demands of the evolving job market.

Ex. 5
1. Unemployment is a serious economic problem in many countries.
2. Many people lose their jobs due to an economic crisis.
3. The official unemployment rate has increased in this region over the past year.
4. Youth often face difficulties finding employment after completing their education.
5. Some people work in low-paying jobs due to the lack of better options.
6. An increase in unemployment can lead to social problems in society.
7. The government is trying to create programs to stimulate employment.
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8. Investments in the development of small businesses can help reduce
9. The decline in the manufacturing sector has led to the dismissal of thousands of
10. For many people, losing their job becomes a stressful situation.
11. The workday is shortened due to low business activity.
12. Professional advice and support are available to the unemployed through
employment centers.

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