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MACHINE DESIGN - An Integrated Approach, 4th Ed.

Example 11-1-1


Sleeve Bearing Design for a Defined Shaft Diameter

Problem: Design sleeve bearings to replace the rolling-element bearings on the shaft shown in Figure
10-5. The shaft was designed in Example 10-1.
6 2
Units: μreyn  10  lbf  sec  in
Given: The maximum transverse loads on the shaft at the bearings are 16 lb at R1 and 54 lb at
R2. Since the load at R2 is 4x that at R1, one design can be created for R2 and used also
at R1. The bearings are stationary.
Diameters at R1 and R2 d  0.591  in
Shaft speed n  1725 rpm
Shaft load P  54 lbf

Assumptions: Use a clearance ratio of CR  0.0017 and an l/d ratio of 0.75. Keep the Ockvirk
number at 30 or below, preferably about 20.
Find: The bearing eccentricity ratio, maximum pressure and its location, minimum film thickness,
coefficient of friction, torque, and power lost in the bearing. Choose a suitable lubricant to
operate at 190 F.
Solution: See Figure 10-5 and Mathcad file EX1101.
1. Express the speed, given in rpm, in rps and find the tangential velocity U.
n  28.75 
d in
U  n U  53.38  (a)
2 sec
Note that Mathcad takes care of all unit conversions so equations that are unit specific such as 11.8d and e
must be used without their unit conversion constants. In this case, velocity on the outside surface of the
shaft is the product of the shaft radius (d/2) and the shaft speed n. It makes no difference what units were
used to define either variable, Mathcad will give us the result of the multiplication in whatever units that we
2. The diametral and radial clearances are found from the given diameter and the assumed clearance ratio:
cd  CR d cd  0.0010 in
cr  0.5 cd cr  0.00050  in
3. The bearing length is found from the assumed l/d ratio of loverd  0.75
l  loverd d l  0.443 in (c)
4. Find the experimental eccentricity ratio from equation 11.13b or from Figure 11-10 using the suggested
value of ON  20.

ε x ON   0.21394  0.38517  log ON   0.0008  ON  60 ε x( 20)  0.747 (d)

5. Find the dimensionless parameter K from equation 11.8c.

Kε ON   Kε( 20)  1.592 (e)
4 π
6. The viscosity  of lubricant required to support the design load P can now be found by rearranging equation

MACHINE DESIGN - An Integrated Approach, 4th Ed. Example 11-1-2

P c r
η ON   η( 20)  1.842  μreyn (f)
Kε ON   U  l

Enter Figure 11-1 to find that an oil of about ISO VG 100 will provide this value at 190 F. This oil is equivalen
to an SAE 30W engine oil.
7. The average pressure in the oil film is found from equation 11.6d.
p avg  p avg  206  psi
l d (g)
8. The angle max at which the pressure is maximum can be found either from equation 11.7c using
the experimental value of ε x ON   0.747 ,

 1  1  24 ε  O  2 
 x N 
θmax ON   acos  θmax( 20)  159.2  deg (h)
 4  ε x ON  

or it can be read from the experimental curve in Figure 11-12 for ON = 20 as 159 deg.
9. The maximum pressure can be found by substituting max in equation 11.7b with z  0  in since it is
maximum at the center of the bearing length l.

η ON   U  l2  3  ε x ON   sin θmax ON  
p max  ON     z 
p max ( 20)  1878 psi (i)
0.5 d  cr
2 4   1  ε  O   cos θ  O    3
x N max N

or the ratio of p max /p avg can be read from the experimental curve in Figure 11-11 for ON = 20 as 9.1 and
multiplied by p avg from step 7 above to get the same result.

10. Find the angle , which locates the  = 0 to  axis with respect to the applied load P from equation 11.8a.

 π 1  ε  O  2 
 x N 
ϕ ON   atan  ϕ( 20)  34.95  deg (j)
 4 ε x ON  
11. The stationary and rotating torques can now be found from equations 11.9b (substituting 0 for U1) and 11.9a
using the angle .
d  l U
Ts ON   η ON  
 Ts( 20)  0.0716 lbf  in (k)
1  ε x ON 
cd 2

Tr ON   Ts ON   P cr ε x ON   sin ϕ ON   Tr( 20)  0.0832 lbf  in (l)

12. The power loss in the bearing is found from equation 11.10.
Φ  ON   Tr ON   n Φ ( 20)  0.0023 hp (m)

13. The coefficient of friction in the bearing can be found from the ratio of the shear force to the normal force
using equation 11.11.
2  Tr ON 
μ  ON   μ ( 20)  0.0052 (n)
P d
14. The minimum film thickness is found from equation 11.4b. Defining

MACHINE DESIGN - An Integrated Approach, 4th Ed. Example 11-1-3

μin  10  in
h min ON   cr  1  ε x ON   h min( 20)  127  μin (o)

This is a reasonable value since the composite rms surface roughness (see equation 11.14a in the next
section) needs to be no more than about a third to a fourth of the minimum film thickness to avoid
asperity contact (see Figure 11-13) and a 30-40 in Rq finish or better is easily obtainable by precision
milling, grinding, or honing.

15. Most of the equations above were written as functions of the Ocvirk number ON. This was done so that, at
this point, we could see how they vary with changes in ON. Let ON vary over the range ON  10 15  75,
then we have
η ON  p max  ON  Φ  ON  h min ON 
   
ON  ε x ON   μreyn psi hp μin
10 0.639 3.684 1413 0.0037 181
15 0.703 2.456 1618 0.0028 149
20 0.747 1.842 1878 0.0023 127
25 0.78 1.474 2192 0.0020 110
30 0.807 1.228 2567 0.0018 97
35 0.829 1.053 3013 0.0016 86
40 0.847 0.921 3542 0.0015 77
45 0.863 0.819 4170 0.0014 69
50 0.876 0.737 4916 0.0013 62
55 0.888 0.67 5804 0.0013 56
60 0.899 0.614 6864 0.0012 51
65 0.908 0.567 8129 0.0012 46
70 0.917 0.526 9644 0.0012 42
75 0.924 0.491 11460 0.0011 38

16. A safety factor against asperity contact can be estimated by using the data in the table above. Choosing a
minimum film thickness of, say, 42 in, the required Ocvirk number, eccentricity ratio and load P to reduce the
film thickness to that value for the same viscosity found for ON = 20 are

From the table above for h min  42 μin ON  70 ε x( 70)  0.917

and at ON  20 η  1.842  μreyn

η Kε( 70)  U  l
then from equation 11.8b P70  P70  189  lbf
The resulting safety factor is N  , N  3.5 which is an acceptable resrve for overloads.

If this safety factor had indicated that a small overload could put the bearing in trouble, redesigning the bearing
for a lower Ocvirk number would give more margin against failure under overloads. Equation 11.11c, repeated
here as p shows what could be changed to reduce ON:

MACHINE DESIGN - An Integrated Approach, 4th Ed. Example 11-1-4

 p avg   d  2  cd 
ON =       (p)
 η n   l   d 
It would require some combination of: decreasing the clearance ratio, decreasing the d/l ratio, or using a higher
viscosity oil. Assuming the rotational speed, load, and shaft diameter remain unchanged, the bearing length
could be increased or the diametral clearance reduced as well as  increased to improve the design.


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