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A. Introduction:

Living in the Information and Technology Era means changes in our lifestyle and
adapting to change. This module will provide students with adequate ICT knowledge to help
them cope with the challenges and take advantage of the changes brought about by ICT in
their lives.

B. Objectives:

At the end of this module, students are expected to:

1. describe ICT ;
2. identify the impact of ICT in the society;
3. realize the impact of ICT in Education;

C. Learning Content:
 What is ICT?
 Usage of ICT
 Impact Of ICT in the Society
 Some of the issues that result from the use of ICT in the Society

D. Pre-Test:
1. What is ICT?
2. What are the usage of ICT?
3. What is the impact of ICT in the society?

E. Learning Activities:

What is ICT?

Information Communications Technologies (ICT) - technologies that enable

society to create, collect, consolidate, communicate, manage and process
information in multimedia and various digital formats for different purposes i.e.
computing and telecommunications technologies like the personal computer, CD-
ROM, cable TV, cellular phones and the Internet.

Information refers to the knowledge obtained from reading, investigation,

study or research. The tools to transmit information are the telephone, television
and radio. Information is knowledge and helps us to fulfill our daily tasks.

Communication is an act of transmitting messages. It is a process whereby

information is exchanged between individuals using symbols, signs or verbal
interactions. Communication is important in order to gain knowledge.
Technology is the use of scientific knowledge, experience and resources to
create processes products that fulfill human needs. Technology is vital in

Usage of ICT

 Education
 Banking
 Industry
 E-Commerce

Impact Of ICT in the Society

This era of ICT continues to influence our lifestyle both positively and
negatively. Developments in ICT have brought about the merger of the computing,
information, communications, entertainment, and mass media industries thereby
providing a means of exchanging information anytime, anywhere in the digital
format used by computers.

This technological convergence has brought about an enormous impact on

the way we live, work, think and play. These changes are quite prevalent in our
everyday lives such as the use of e-mail and cellular phones at home and in the
workplace and also linked to all facets of society: business, education, military,
recreation, transportation, communication, scientific exploration, knowledge
management, etc

Industry and government response to the information society

• Increased production and availability of more powerful ICT hardware and

• Provision of more efficient national and global information infrastructures
for more efficient access and delivery of information
• Increased production and publication of multimedia digital information
Computing and telecommunications industries have (of course) responded
enthusiastically to these changes and have been continuously working and
introducing products into the market that are more powerful than the previous one.
More innovative and useful applications of technology have found their way both
into the corporate world and as consumer products.

Realizing the importance and the role that ICT play in society, each country
has developed or is in the process of creating a policy, or is already implementing its
own national information infrastructure initiatives that aim to use ICT as a vehicle for
economic growth and stability.


Some of the issues that result from the use of ICT in the Society

1. Effects on Employment
The introduction of computers at the workplace has resulted in Creation of new jobs,
Replacement of computer illiterate workers and Displacement of jobs.

a. Job Creation
ICT has introduced new employment opportunities that never existed before. The
new job titles are computer operators, programmers, network administrators, ICT
science etc.

b. Job Replacement
The workers that are computer illiterate are replaced with those who are computer

c. Job Displacement
Here the workers do not lose their jobs instead they are moved to another place or

2. Automated Production
- Used in manufacturing industries to automate their process in order to reduce cost,
increase production e.g computer controlled robots.

3. Issues of workers health

- This are effects on our health e.g Repetitive star in Injuries, Eyestrain, Headache,
electromagnetic emission and environmental issues.

4. Cultural Effects
ICT has presented challenges to our moral and cultural values. ICT has changed the
way we talk, affected our privacy, human rights and integrity e.g
- Use of internet
- Computer related crime e.g hacking, eavesdropping etc
- Use of computers to forge certificates, passport and other documents.
- Has been used as a complaint platform against aspects of the society and drug

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