Activities Series 3

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Practise and consolidate your learning about correct word forms by completing our
activities. The answers are on the last page.


Choose the correct quantity word to complete the following sentences:

amount number less fewer

1. Since the restructuring of the department, there seem to be _________

complaints and problems.

2. One of the solutions to reducing the _________ of traffic on the roads is to

provide better public transport.

3. The figures for the last decade show that there were __________ marriages.

4. Reducing the _________ of errors in your writing will help you achieve a
better score.

5. The newer cars are designed to take ___________ petrol.

6. He still owes a huge _________ of money to creditors.

7. It is predicted that the __________ of unemployed will increase steadily over

the next year.

8. The __________ mistakes you make, the more you will gain.

9. Families spend _________ time together these days because of the

overwhelming presence of computer-related technology.

10. The __________ of interest generated from the public was enormous.

Page 1 of 3

Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets. Watch your

1. The issue was not about _________ (safe) but rather informing the public
about the technology.

2. ____________ (consume) of processed foods has increased significantly

over the last decade.

3. It was __________ (regret) that the benefactors weren’t acknowledged.

4. There are many ___________ (difficult) facing foreign students apart from
living expenses.

5. The newly appointed counsellor was not only competent, but __________
(rely) as well.

6. My ____________ (understand) of the issue is that the minister’s request was


7. Restructuring the company was wrought with problems and highly

_____________ (controversy).

8. She was ____________ (courage) in her battle with cancer.

9. There were three ________ (Mary) in the class and two __________

10. There were many species of ___________ (fish) in the new aquarium.

Page 2 of 3

1. fewer
2. amount
3. fewer
4. number
5. less
6. amount
7. number
8. fewer
9. less
10. amount


1. safety
2. Consumption
3. regrettable
4. difficulties
5. reliable
6. understanding
7. controversial
8. courageous
9. Marys, Jameses
10. fish

Page 3 of 3

Practise and consolidate your learning about how to respond to the Writing Task by
completing our activities. The answers for all activities are on the last page.


In the two body paragraphs below identify the stakeholders used to write about the
topic of ageing populations. The first one has been highlighted for you.

There is no denying that constraints of time, money and space are placed on modern
industrial societies with growing aged populations and declining birth rates. The most
obvious would be the costs associated with caring for the elderly, funding their
retirement pensions and providing residential care accommodation. Governments
cannot be expected to carry this burden alone. They would need to impose additional
taxes on the younger population and shift some of the caring responsibilities onto the
extended families.

However, the valuable contributions that active and healthy aged individuals can
make should not be overlooked. Firstly, these retired individuals could take on the
role of carers for their grandchildren, allowing both parents to work longer hours and
save on day care expenses. The extra earnings and savings could be used to
improve the family’s living standards. Secondly, the retirees could volunteer their
services as drivers for the very old and sick. For example, they could deliver meals
directly to those who are very elderly and infirm or assist with transportation to and
from specialist appointments or hospital.

Page 1 of 5

In the two body paragraphs below there are 4 words or phrases which are
synonymous with the main stakeholder ageing populations. Write them in the spaces

1. ________________________

2. ________________________

3. ________________________

4. ________________________

There is no denying that constraints of time, money and space are placed on modern
industrial societies with growing aged populations and declining birth rates. The most
obvious would be the costs associated with caring for the elderly, funding their
retirement pensions and providing residential care accommodation. Governments
cannot be expected to carry this burden alone. They would need to impose additional
taxes on the younger population and shift some of the caring responsibilities onto the
extended families.

However, the valuable contributions that active and healthy aged individuals can
make should not be overlooked. Firstly, these retired individuals could take on the
role of carers for their grandchildren, allowing both parents to work longer hours and
save on day care expenses. The extra earnings and savings could be used to
improve the family’s living standards. Secondly, the retirees could volunteer their
services as drivers for the very old and sick. For example, they could deliver meals
directly to those who are very elderly and infirm or assist with transportation to and
from specialist appointments or hospital.

Page 2 of 5

Complete the table by identifying the key points (KP) for each side of the issue on
ageing populations, the supporting (SI) and developing ideas (DI) in the two body
paragraphs given below. The first point and supporting idea are listed.

Issue: The younger generation will experience social and economic difficulties because people are living
Agree Disagree

KP constraints of time, money and space KP

SI costs associated with caring SI1

DI1.1 DI1.1

DI1.2 SI2


There is no denying that constraints of time, money and space are placed on modern
industrial societies with growing aged populations and declining birth rates. The most
obvious would be the costs associated with caring for the elderly, funding their
retirement pensions and providing residential care accommodation. Governments
cannot be expected to carry this burden alone. They would need to impose additional
taxes on the younger population and shift some of the caring responsibilities onto the
extended families.

However, the valuable contributions that active and healthy aged individuals can
make should not be overlooked. Firstly, these retired individuals could take on the
role of carers for their grandchildren, allowing both parents to work longer hours and
save on day care expenses. The extra earnings and savings could be used to
improve the family’s living standards. Secondly, the retirees could volunteer their
services as drivers for the very old and sick. For example, they could deliver meals
directly to those who are very elderly and infirm or assist with transportation to and
from specialist appointments or hospital.

Page 3 of 5

There is no denying that constraints of time, money and space are placed on modern
industrial societies with growing aged populations and declining birth rates. The most
obvious would be the costs associated with caring for the elderly, funding their
retirement pensions and providing residential care accommodation. Governments
cannot be expected to carry this burden alone. They would need to impose additional
taxes on the younger population and shift some of the caring responsibilities onto the
extended families.

However, the valuable contributions that active and healthy aged individuals can
make should not be overlooked. Firstly, these retired individuals could take on the
role of carers for their grandchildren, allowing both parents to work longer hours and
save on day care expenses. The extra earnings and savings could be used to
improve the family’s living standards. Secondly, the retirees could volunteer their
services as drivers for the very old and sick. For example, they could deliver meals
directly to those who are very elderly and infirm or assist with transportation to and
from specialist appointments or hospital.


1. aged populations
2. the elderly
3. retired individuals
4. the retirees

There is no denying that constraints of time, money and space are placed on modern
industrial societies with growing aged populations and declining birth rates. The most
obvious would be the costs associated with caring for the elderly, funding their
retirement pensions and providing residential care accommodation. Governments
cannot be expected to carry this burden alone. They would need to impose additional
taxes on the younger population and shift some of the caring responsibilities onto the
extended families.

However, the valuable contributions that active and healthy aged individuals can
make should not be overlooked. Firstly, these retired individuals could take on the
role of carers for their grandchildren, allowing both parents to work longer hours and
save on day care expenses. The extra earnings and savings could be used to
improve the family’s living standards. Secondly, the retirees could volunteer their
services as drivers for the very old and sick. For example, they could deliver meals
directly to those who are very elderly and infirm or assist with transportation to and
from specialist appointments or hospital.

Page 4 of 5

Issue: The younger generation will experience social and economic difficulties because people are living
Agree Disagree
KP constraints of time, money and space KP valuable contributions of active and healthy aged
SI costs associated with caring SI1 role of carers

DI1.1 governments can’t carry burden DI1.1 extra earnings and savings

DI1.2 impose taxes and shift caring SI2 volunteer services


DI2.1 deliver meals or assist with transportation

Page 5 of 5

Practise and consolidate your learning about coherence and cohesion by completing
our activities. The answers for all activities are on the last page.


Complete the blank spaces with one of the transition words or phrases from the box

First Similarly Overall For example In spite of this

In my opinion Consequently On the contrary In addition In fact

1. Vegetarians can get good sources of protein from plants. __________, there
are legumes, nuts, seeds and whole grains which all supply high levels of

2. John was not discouraged that he didn’t get the overseas posting.
___________, he was determined to work much harder to be successful in
the next round.

3. Applying for a job requires some preparation. _________, it is important to

update your resume.

4. Bad investments caused the downfall of the company. ____________, there

were many job loses.

5. The victims of the tsunami were in desperate need of fresh water.

_________, they urgently needed basic medical supplies.

6. The plane hit some turbulent weather crossing the Atlantic. ___________, we
managed to land safely.

7. Did you know there is another Study English series being produced?
__________, it’ll be launched in January.

8. There has been a lot of discussion about his behaviour. ___________, he has
been treated unfairly.

9. The renovations to the staff room were quite extensive. ___________, the
teachers were satisfied with the results.

10. The monsoon season can bring about disastrous floods because of the heavy
rainfall. ___________, the dry phase can also devastate crops.

Page 1 of 3

Join the two halves to form a complete sentence.

Part 1 Part 2
1 There is a risk of developing A the reduction in its demand would be a far
dietary deficiencies better solution.
2 I’ll send a text message B it is important that all nutritional
requirements are met.
3 While reducing the consumption C but by declining birth rates as well.
of energy would slow global
4 The biggest cost increase for D when we arrive in Singapore.
city dwellers is housing
5 Though sky diving can be a lot E but on younger generations as well.
of fun,
6 Modern societies will not only be F and therefore slow the effects of global
affected by ageing populations warming.
7 Reducing fossil fuel G these do not outweigh the fun.
consumption will help reduce
greenhouse gases
8 While a vegetarian diet can H if nutritional requirements aren’t met.
provide many health benefits,
9 Although there are risks I there are risks involved as well.
involved in sky diving,
10 Ageing populations are going to J which now consumes 15% of peoples’
be a financial burden not only on wages.

Page 2 of 3

1. For example
2. On the contrary
3. First
4. Consequently
5. In addition
6. In spite of this
7. In fact
8. In my opinion
9. Overall
10. Similarly


1. H
2. D
3. A
4. J
5. I
6. C
7. F
8. B
9. G
10. E

Page 3 of 3

Practise and consolidate your learning about conjunctions and sentence types by
completing our activities. The answers for all activities are on the last page.


Choose an appropriate conjunction or linking word from the box below to connect the
two sentences. Make any necessary changes so that the sentence is grammatically

especially and but where so that

while or which because yet

1. Global warming is a serious problem. The government is addressing the issue.



2. Some strategies are firmly in place for minimising waste. The business world has
not yet heeded the serious consequences of their inaction.



3. Public transportation is a good solution. It can reduce the amount of air pollution.



4. Every person can be an environmentalist in his/her own way. People can help
reduce the effects of global warming.



Page 1 of 5
5. Cooperation between government and health care agencies is important.
Proposed policies are accepted.



6. The benefits that robots provide cannot be disputed. This is evident in the
technological and industrial fields of study.



7. Young graduates prefer travelling overseas. It gives them the opportunity to learn
and absorb another language and culture.



8. One of the options was to merge with the parent company. The other option was to
face bankruptcy.



9. The Environmental Action Group lost its case. It emerged with more community
support and donations.



10. Parents need to be aware of their children’s activities in online chat rooms.
Predators may also be operating.



Page 2 of 5

Choose the best endings for the following sentences.

1. People may join environmental groups or

a. affect the rate of pollution.

b. disseminate information about pollution.

2. Developing countries are having difficulty providing clean water and food much

a. basic needs and shelter.

b. health care and social welfare.

3. Global warming is an international concern because

a. it affects the climate and nature worldwide.

b. of a decrease in pollution.

4. There has been more information in the media about food additives recently

a. before people weren’t aware of the dangers.

b. before it has been widely publicised.

5. Not only is the use of alcohol and tobacco on the rise, but

a. teenagers have stopped attending school.

b. teenagers are experimenting with designer drugs.

6. Vegetarians risk developing dietary deficiencies if

a. animal protein is consumed.

b. nutritional requirements aren’t maintained.

Page 3 of 5
7. One way of relaxing when on holidays is to enjoy the beach. Alternatively,

a. one could take in a show or the local night life.

b. one could join in a game of beach volleyball.

8. Some argue that capital punishment is appropriate for crimes such as

a. premeditated murder and drug trafficking.

b. an effective deterrent against violence.

9. Industries should be required to establish waste management programs so


a. older generations can start recycling.

b. future generations can enjoy a cleaner environment.

10. I was well-prepared for my final test. Consequently,

a. I was confident of success.

b. I wasn’t sure of my chances.

Page 4 of 5

1. Global warming is a serious problem but the government is addressing the issue.

2. While some strategies are firmly in place for minimising waste, the business world
has not yet heeded the serious consequences of their inaction.

3. Public transportation is a good solution because it can reduce the amount of air

4. Every person can be an environmentalist in his/her own way and help reduce the
effects of global warming.

5. Cooperation between government and health care agencies is important so that

proposed policies are accepted.

6. The benefits that robots provide cannot be disputed, especially in the

technological and industrial fields of study.

7. Young graduates prefer travelling overseas which gives them the opportunity to
learn and absorb another language and culture.

8. One of the options was to merge with the parent company or face bankruptcy.

9. The Environmental Action Group lost its case yet it emerged with more community
support and donations.

10. Parents need to be aware of their children’s activities in online chat rooms where
predators may also be operating.


1. b
2. b
3. a
4. a
5. b
6. b
7. a
8. a
9. b
10. a

Page 5 of 5

Practise and consolidate your learning about vocabulary and word forms by
completing our activities. The answers for all activities are on the last 2 pages.


Identify the nominal groups and apposition in the following paragraph.

Local communities are actively participating in various recycling programs to

dispose of waste materials responsibly. The most common is household or
domestic recycling. Many councils provide kerbside collection services for
newspapers, glass, aluminium cans and plastic. These recyclables can significantly
reduce the volume of rubbish which ends up in landfill sites. Another initiative,
rapidly developing into a popular industry, is the recycling of green waste. This
consists of shredding leaves, branches, trees and other materials to produce
landscaping mulch, which serves to enrich soils in gardens and parks.

Page 1 of 4

Complete the sentences with the correct noun form of the verbs or adjectives in

1. The ____________ (amend) to the bill was seen as a step in the right direction.

2. A vegetarian diet can lead to a ____________ (reduce) in the chances of

developing chronic diseases.

3. The ___________ (decide) of the local council to suspend the burn off of
bushland was welcomed by all.

4. There is no doubt that strict __________ (censor) of the internet is necessary

for the sake of children.

5. The higher ___________ (consume) of fatty foods was a worrying trend.

6. All graduating students had to rate the _________ (deep) of their learning in
the exit survey.

7. The statistics showed that the ___________ (produce) of iron ore dropped by
50% in 2009.

8. The line graph shows a slight ____________ (different) between then number
of cinema goers and theatre attendees.

9. A thorough ____________ (re-evaluate) of the health care system was long


10. The findings from the research on childhood obesity will have ____________
(implicate) for future generations.

Page 2 of 4

Nominal groups

Local communities are actively participating in various recycling programs to dispose

of waste materials responsibly.

Nominal Groups
premodifier + head noun Local communities

The most common is household or domestic recycling.

Nominal Groups
premodifier + head noun The most common
premodifier + head noun household or domestic recycling

Many councils provide kerbside collection services for newspapers, glass, aluminium
cans and plastic.

Nominal Groups
premodifier + head noun Many councils
premodifier + head noun kerbside collection services
head noun + prepositional phrase services for newspapers, glass, aluminium cans and plastic

These recyclables can significantly reduce the volume of rubbish which ends up in
landfill sites.

Nominal Groups
premodifier + head noun These recyclables
head noun + prepositional phrase the volume of rubbish

Another initiative, rapidly developing into a popular industry, is the recycling of green

Nominal Groups
premodifier + head noun Another initiative
noun phrase + apposition Another initiative rapidly developing into a popular
premodifier + head noun the recycling
head noun + prepositional phrase recycling of green waste

This consists of shredding leaves, branches, trees and other materials to produce
landscaping mulch, which serves to enrich soils in gardens and parks.

Nominal Groups
head noun This
head noun + prepositional phrase soils in gardens and parks

Page 3 of 4

1. amendment
2. reduction
3. decision
4. censorship
5. consumption
6. depth
7. production
8. difference
9. re-evaluation
10. implications

Page 4 of 4

Practise and consolidate your learning about by completing our activities. The
answers for all activities are on the last 2 pages.


Tick (√) the ideas that are relevant to the topic.

Topic 1: Home-schooling is better for a child.

Advantages Disadvantages
• emotional bond with child • no interaction with peers
• control what the child learns • not taught by a professional
• it’s expensive • don’t know how the child is
progressing in relation to other
• protect the child from negative • inexpensive

Topic 2: Living in the city is more beneficial than life in the countryside.

Agree Disagree
• more employment opportunities • more pollution
• overcrowded • stressful
• more entertainment • limited health facilities and
• people are more friendly • too expensive

Topic 3: People are losing their identity, culture and traditions because of

Effects Solutions
• introduction of fast foods to the • reduce the greenhouse gases
detriment of traditional foods
• English becoming the main • impose heavier taxes on imported
language in day-to-day goods
• preference for Western music • make the native language a
among youth mandatory subject at school
• increase in global warming • promote the country’s traditional

Page 1 of 4
Topic 4: Industrialised countries should assist poorer nations financially.

Agree Disagree
• addresses poverty, illiteracy and • corruption is rife
• helps national security • may lead to dependency
• it’s a humane thing to do • they have their own poor and
homeless people to help
• increase the standard of living • too costly

Topic 5: Living abroad for an extended period of time can be problematic.

Problems Solutions
• homesickness • chance to achieve success
• language barrier • take some language courses
• lifestyle change • join a club to meet new people
• adjusting to a different diet • learn to be independent


Choose the appropriate cause/effect word or phrase to complete the sentences.

caused by because cause of a result of due to

leads to consequence of caused effects of cause

1. The country road was blocked _____________ the landslide.

2. John’s promotion came ____________ he worked hard.

3. An increase in interest rates ______________ a decrease in property sales.

4. The landslide was ____________ heavy rain.

5. It is well documented that the increase in diabetes is ____________ poor dietary


6. Bad economic policies were the __________ negative growth and serious

7. Being obese may ___________ serious health problems.

8. Poor sleeping habits can be the _______________ stress and workload.

9. The explosion _____________ massive damage to the factory.

10. The task asked for the _____________ global warming.

Page 2 of 4

Tick (√) the ideas that are relevant to the topic.

Topic 1: Home-schooling is better for a child.

Advantages Disadvantages
√ • emotional bond with child √ • no interaction with peers
√ • control what the child learns √ • not taught by a professional teacher
• it’s expensive √ • don’t know how the child is
progressing in relation to other
√ • protect the child from negative • inexpensive

Topic 2: Living in the city is more beneficial than life in the countryside.

Agree Disagree
√ • more employment opportunities √ • more pollution
• overcrowded √ • stressful
√ • more entertainment • limited health facilities and services
• people are more friendly √ • too expensive

Topic 3: People are losing their identity, culture and traditions because of the
effects of globalisation.

Effects Solutions
√ • introduction of fast foods to the • reduce the greenhouse gases
detriment of traditional foods
√ • English becoming the main √ • impose heavier taxes on imported
language in day-to-day goods
√ • preference for Western music √ • make the native language a
among youth mandatory subject at school
• increase in global warming √ • promote the country’s traditional

Page 3 of 4
Topic 4: Industrialised countries should assist poorer nations financially.

Agree Disagree
√ • addresses poverty, illiteracy and √ • corruption is rife
√ • helps national security √ • may lead to dependency
√ • it’s a humane thing to do √ • they have their own poor and
homeless people to help
√ • increase the standard of living • too costly

Topic 5: Living abroad for an extended period of time can be problematic.

Problems Solutions
√ • homesickness • chance to achieve success
√ • language barrier √ • take some language courses
√ • lifestyle change √ • join a club to meet new people
√ • adjusting to a different diet √ • learn to be independent


1. due to

2. because

3. leads to

4. caused by

5. a result of

6. cause of

7. cause

8. consequence of

9. caused

10. effects of

Page 4 of 4

Practise and consolidate your learning about the IELTS Speaking Test by completing
our activities. The answers for all activities are on the last 2 pages.


Match the language function in the left-hand column with the appropriate question in
the right-hand column.

Language function Question

1 identifying A Should schools be allowed to sell fast
foods in their canteens?

2 describing B Is it important to conserve water in your

country? Why/ Why not?

3 comparing C What measures should be taken to reduce

traffic jams?

4 evaluating D What can we do to educate children about

eating healthily?

5 describing changes E Why is it important to exercise?

6 giving an opinion F What are the benefits of studying abroad?

7 explaining G How has the environment changed in the

last 20 years in your country?

8 making suggestions H What kind of developments will your

country undergo in the future?

9 giving reasons I How has technology changed your life?

10 speculating J What is the difference between the family

unit today compared to the past?

Page 1 of 5

Tick (√) the information that is most relevant to the questions

Question 1
What are the benefits of studying English in an English-speaking country?

• native English speaking teachers

• learn the language more quickly
• get a taste of English cuisine
• forced to communicate in English

Question 2
What qualities would be desirable for a teacher?

• likes giving orders

• a good speaker
• creative
• patient

Question 3
What is the importance of playing sports?

• earn a lot of money

• builds character
• good for health
• reduce stress

Question 4
What can be done to reduce traffic jams?

• restrict the number of cars entering the city

• government should increase the tax on petrol
• improve public transport
• improve the efficiency of cars

Question 5
What advice would you give someone learning another language?

• model your pronunciation on that of native speakers

• use a monolingual dictionary
• learn at least five new words every day
• translate everything you don’t know

Page 2 of 5
Question 6
What might the negative effects of the Internet be?

• exposes children to inappropriate material

• addictive
• no censorship of hate literature
• wealth of information

Question 7
Would you agree that dieting is a good thing?

• no, you may lose weight but then gain all the weight and more once you stop
• yes, it helps keep your weight under control
• yes, being overweight is unattractive
• no, it can be very stressful monitoring your weight

Question 8
What effect has tourism had on your country?

• increase in pollution
• provide jobs reducing unemployment
• enhance understanding of the country
• decrease in global warming

Question 9
Should children have to wear school uniforms? Why/Why not?

• yes, one less expense for parents

• yes, brings discipline to the classroom
• yes, helps them focus on their studies
• yes, children are equal

Question 10
What are the advantages of having a part time job while studying?

• ease the financial burden on parents

• good experience for the future
• gives a sense of competition
• make a lot of money

Page 3 of 5

1. D
2. I
3. J
4. B
5. G
6. A
7. F
8. C
9. E
10. H


Tick (√) the information that is most relevant to the questions

Question 1
What are the benefits of studying English in an English-speaking country?

√ • native English speaking teachers

√ • learn the language more quickly
• get a taste of English cuisine
√ • forced to communicate in English

Question 2
What qualities would be desirable for a teacher?

• likes giving orders

√ • a good speaker
√ • creative
√ • patient

Question 3
What is the importance of playing sports?

• earn a lot of money

√ • builds character
√ • good for health
√ • reduce stress

Question 4
What can be done to reduce traffic jams?

√ • restrict the number of cars entering the city

√ • government should increase the tax on petrol
√ • improve public transport
• improve the efficiency of cars

Page 4 of 5
Question 5
What advice would you give someone learning another language?

√ • model your pronunciation on that of native speakers

√ • use a monolingual dictionary
√ • learn at least five new words every day
• translate everything you don’t know

Question 6
What might the negative effects of the Internet be?

√ • exposes children to inappropriate material

√ • addictive
√ • no censorship of hate literature
• wealth of information

Question 7
Would you agree that dieting is a good thing?

√ • no, you may lose weight but then gain all the weight and more once you stop
√ • yes, it helps keep your weight under control
• yes, being overweight is unattractive
√ • no, it can be very stressful monitoring your weight

Question 8
What effect has tourism had on your country?

√ • increase in pollution
√ • provide jobs reducing unemployment
√ • enhance understanding of the country
• decrease in global warming

Question 9
Should children have to wear school uniforms? Why/Why not?

√ • yes, one less expense for parents

• yes, brings discipline to the classroom
√ • yes, helps them focus on their studies
√ • yes, children are equal

Question 10
What are the advantages of having a part time job while studying?

√ • ease the financial burden on parents

√ • good experience for the future
√ • gives a sense of competition
• make a lot of money

Page 5 of 5

Practise and consolidate your learning about fluency by completing our activities.
The answers for all activities are on the last page.


Change the order of the information in these sentences to emphasise a particular

piece of information. Make any necessary changes by using the word in the bracket
or by joining the two sentences. The first one has been done for you.

1. The shop is closed. That’s the problem.

The problem is that the shop is closed.

2. Jane moved from Sydney because of the great job offer in Japan. (why)


3. It was the plumber who left the message. (person)


4. White water rafting in the mountains was much more exciting.


5. We didn’t sell the collection of CDs. That’s the only thing.


6. Palm Beach is where you can buy the best chilli prawns. (place)


7. She doesn’t want to study. That’s the trouble.


8. The happiest day was when John completed his MBA. (when)


9. They mixed up the dates. That’s a fact.


10. The smoke from the fire was so intense that I couldn’t breathe.


Page 1 of 3

Match each of the words on the left with a suitable word or phrase on the right. The
first one has been done for you.

1 healthy A a stomach bug

2 crash B exercises

3 catch C headache

4 health D fit

5 stretching E appetite

6 suffer F an allergy

7 splitting G treatment

8 develop H a breakdown

9 keeping I diet

10 follow-up J warning

Page 2 of 3

1. The problem is that the shop is closed.

2. The reason why Jane moved from Sydney was the great job offer in Japan.
3. The person who left the message was the plumber.
4. Much more exciting was white water rafting in the mountains.
5. The only thing (that) we didn’t sell was the collection of CDs.
6. The place where you can buy the best chilli prawns is Palm Beach.
7. The trouble is she doesn’t want to study.
8. The day when John completed his MBA was the happiest.
9. The fact is that they mixed up the dates.
10. So intense was the smoke from the fire that I couldn’t breathe.


1. E healthy appetite
2. I crash diet
3. A catch a stomach bug
4. J health warning
5. B stretching exercises
6. H suffer a breakdown
7. C splitting headache
8. F develop an allergy
9. D keeping fit
10. G follow-up treatment

Page 3 of 3

Practise and consolidate your learning about the language devices used in coherent
speech, by completing our activities. The answers for all activities are on the last


Complete the sentence with the appropriate conjunction from the box below.

so but where yet when which because or whom and

1. I got a wonderful opportunity to go overseas to Italy ________ study music


2. I’d really like to work both as a teacher and music director _________ I finish
my studies.

3. Life gets really hectic sometimes, _______ I like to go off on my own and

4. I’m hoping to get a job as an interior designer, ________ I can also use my
painting skills.

5. I’d like to describe a movie _________ made a strong impression on me.

6. People know they need to exercise ________ they don’t do anything about it.

7. We are trying to televise some international films ________ haven’t had much

8. I enjoyed having to stay in the mountains _________ it brought back beautiful

memories of my country.

9. The choice was paying the fine ________ losing my licence.

10. She was a famous lady, ________ I had the privilege of meeting after the

Page 1 of 4

Here is a sample response to an IELTS Speaking Test Part 2 question - Answering

the topic: Describe someone you admire very much. In the table below, identify and
write down the example of the coherent or cohesive device used in each of the
numbered sentences.

Topic: Describe someone you admire very much?

1. The person who I really admire is a professor from my university days. Her name is Vera
Santiago. 2. She is a very talented lady. 3. Vera is about fifty and married with three children but
the reason I admire her is that she raised a family and, at the same time, taught in primary and
secondary schools and then went on to teach at university. 4. I met her when I started uni. I was
nineteen. 5. Vera had a passion for literature and she was able to pass this on to her students.
She taught us how to analyse a text and love literature. 6. That is something which is hard to do
because when you’re at school you don’t really want to study literature. 7. You’re more interested
in playing with your friends, but she was able to capture our imagination and keep us interested in
all these stories. And she also enriched our lives with music and poetry. We listened and
discussed. 8. I think it was important to have her as a teacher because she made us see the world
in different ways. 9. We felt sometimes that literature and life are not that different, in fact, there
are many similarities. 10. So from that point on we interpreted things differently.

No Coherent and cohesive devices Example

1 relative pronoun

2 referent

3 coordinating conjunction –
contrasting ideas

4 subordinating word referring to


5 referent

6 referent

7 coordinating conjunction – to
express equal ideas

8 subordinating conjunction – to
express a reason

9 transition signal used to

emphasise a point which is the
opposite of what was said earlier

10 linking word to express a result

Page 2 of 4

1. and
2. when
3. so
4. where
5. which
6. yet
7. but
8. because
9. or
10. whom


No Coherent and cohesive devices Example

1 relative pronoun The person who I really admire is a professor from my

university days. Her name is Vera Santiago.

2 referent She is a very talented lady.

3 coordinating conjunction – Vera is about fifty and married with three children but the
contrasting ideas reason I admire her is that she raised a family and, at the
same time, taught in primary and secondary schools and
then went on to teach at university.

4 subordinating word referring I met her when I started uni.

to time

5 referent Vera had a passion for literature and she was able to pass
this on to her students.

6 referent She taught us how to analyse a text and love literature.

That is something which is hard to do because when
you’re at school you don’t really want to study literature.

7 coordinating conjunction – to You’re more interested in playing with your friends, but
express equal ideas she was able to capture our imagination and keep us
interested in all these stories.

8 subordinating conjunction – to I think it was important to have her as a teacher because

express a reason she made us see the world in different ways.

9 transition signal used to We felt sometimes that literature and life are not that
emphasise a point which is the different, in fact, there are many similarities.
opposite of what was said earlier

10 linking word to express a result So from that point on we interpreted things differently.

Page 3 of 4
Page 4 of 4

Practise and consolidate your learning about vocabulary by completing our activities.
The answers for all activities are on the last page.


Choose the appropriate idiomatic expression from the box for each sentence.

A rule of thumb F face the music

B piece of cake G start from scratch
C in the long run H part and parcel
D on cloud nine I drop the subject
E in leaps and bounds J on second thoughts

1. Having to do the night shift is ________ of being a nurse.

2. Your diligence will pay off _______ when you succeed.

3. Let’s do the shopping tomorrow! No, _______ let’s get it out of the way now.

4. As a ______ students are allowed a 10 minute break every hour.

5. Be prepared to _____ when they find out you damaged the lock.

6. Let’s just _____ before we start arguing.

7. John has progressed _______ since his last report.

8. Because the computer crashed we lost the whole assignment and had to _____.

9. She was _____ when the results came in yesterday.

10. I’ve done the research so this assignment will be a _______.

Page 1 of 3

Match each of the musical instruments in the box below with the types of instrument
in the left-hand column.

bongos, saxophone, cello, guitar, harp, didgeridoo, banjo, balalaika, piano,

xylophone, flute, concertina, clarinet, triangle, bass drum, organ, zither,
castanets, steel drum, accordion, horn, cymbal, maracas, bells, trumpet, sitar,
harpsichord, oboe, synthesiser, piccolo, mandolin, violin, trombone

Types of instrument Musical instrument





Page 2 of 3

1. H part and parcel

2. C in the long run
3. J on second thoughts
4. A rule of thumb
5. F face the music
6. I drop the subject
7. E in leaps and bounds
8. G start from scratch
9. D on cloud nine
10. B piece of cake


Types of instrument Musical instrument

strings violin, cello, guitar, harp, sitar, mandolin, banjo, balalaika,

wind saxophone, flute, clarinet, oboe, horn, trumpet, didgeridoo,
piccolo, trombone
keyboard piano, accordion, concertina, harpsichord, organ,
percussion bass drum, bells, castanets, xylophone, triangle, maracas,
steel drum, cymbal, bongos

Page 3 of 3

Practise and consolidate your learning about grammatical range by completing our
activities. The answers for all activities are on the last page.


Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition.

1. Who is the person responsible _____ registering candidates for the test?

2. The children were excited ______ the excursion to the mountains.

3. When asked about the accident he said he had no knowledge _____ it.

4. The trainees were inspired _____ his performance.

5. The Senator is responsible _____ the Parliament.

6. John is interested _____ pursuing a career in journalism.

7. They couldn’t agree ____ the gift.

8. It is best to complain _____ the officer in charge.

9. There is a significant difference ______ the products of the two companies.

10. I always was bad _____ maths.


Complete the sentences in the left-hand column with a suitable ending from the right-
hand column.

1 Residents will need to safeguard A on her promotion.

2 The question asks for a solution B by the barking dog.
3 In this part of the business course C in the unemployment rates.
they’ll learn
4 Be sure to congratulate Mary D with the younger crowd.
5 Jack doesn’t seem capable E about marketing strategies.
6 The neighbours were annoyed F to the youngest person in year 12.
7 There was an unexpected rise G of their daughter’s achievements.
8 Horror films are always popular H against dangers in the home.
9 The parents were proud I of doing the work properly.
10 The award was presented by the J to the problem.

Page 1 of 2

1. for
2. about
3. of
4. by
5. to
6. in
7. on
8. to
9. between
10. at


1. H Residents will need to safeguard themselves against dangers in the home.

2. J The question asks for a solution to the problem.
3. E In this part of the business course they'll learn about marketing strategies.
4. A Be sure to congratulate Mary on her promotion.
5. I Jack doesn’t seem capable of doing the work properly.
6. B The neighbours were annoyed by the barking dog.
7. C There was an unexpected rise in the unemployment rates.
8. D Horror films are always popular with the younger crowd.
9. G The parents were proud of their daughter's achievements.
10. F The award was presented by the principal to the youngest person in year 12.

Page 2 of 2


Practise the rhythm patterns of these utterances.

1. I started learning English three years ago.

beat 1 beat 2 beat 3 beat 4 beat 5 beat 6
I 'started 'learning 'English 'three 'years a 'go.

2. The match was really exciting.

beat 1 beat 2 beat 3
The 'match was 'really ex 'citing.

3. I prefer living in the countryside because the air is fresher.

beat 1 beat 2 beat 3 beat 4 beat 5 beat 6
I pre 'fer 'living in the 'countryside be 'cause the 'air is 'fresher.

4. My brothers are quite different from each other.

beat 1 beat 2 beat 3 beat 4 beat 5
My 'brothers are 'quite 'different from 'each 'other.

5. I’m not sure I agree with that.

beat 1 beat 2 beat 3
I’m not 'sure I a 'gree with 'that.

6. The government should invest more money in education.

beat 1 beat 2 beat 3 beat 4 beat 5
The 'government should in 'vest 'more 'money in edu 'cation.

7. Hopefully, there’ll be a change in smoking habits.

beat 1 beat 2 beat 3 beat 4
'Hopefully there’ll be a 'change in 'smoking 'habits.

8. I’ll probably go to Europe for my holidays.

beat 1 beat 2 beat 3 beat 4 beat 5
I’ll 'probably 'go to 'Europe for my 'holidays.

9. I believe a good teacher must enjoy teaching.

beat 1 beat 2 beat 3 beat 4 beat 5
I be 'lieve a 'good 'teacher must en 'joy 'teaching.

10. People need to be more aware of their health.

beat 1 beat 2 beat 3 beat 4 beat 5
'People 'need to be 'more a 'ware of their 'health.

Page 1 of 3

Match the utterance on the left with the correct rhythm pattern on the right. The
example below shows how.

I enjoy music. di di 'DA 'DAdi
I en joy 'music
di di 'DA 'DAdi

1 Listen to the music. A 'DAdi di 'DA

2 She’s a happy person. B 'DA di 'DA 'DA
3 Talk to him today. C 'DA 'DA
4 Answer the phone. D di di 'DA 'DA
5 I’d like to describe my trip. E 'DAdi di di 'DAdi
6 I enjoy tennis. F di 'DA di di 'DA di 'DA
7 He’s my best friend. G 'DA di 'DA
8 Please respond. H 'DA di 'DAdi 'DA
9 Stand still. I di di 'DA 'DAdi
10 Have a nice day. J di di 'DAdi 'DAdi

Page 2 of 3

1 Listen to the music. E 'DAdi di di 'DAdi

2 She’s a happy person. J di di 'DAdi 'DAdi
3 Talk to him today. H 'DA di 'DAdi 'DA
4 Answer the phone. A 'DAdi di 'DA
5 I’d like to describe my trip. F di 'DA di di 'DA di 'DA
6 I enjoy tennis. I di di 'DA 'DAdi
7 He’s my best friend. D di di 'DA 'DA
8 Please respond. G 'DA di 'DA
9 Stand still. C 'DA 'DA
10 Have a nice day. B 'DA di 'DA 'DA

Page 3 of 3

Practise and consolidate your learning by completing our activities. Both activities refer
to Reading Passage 1 which you will find on page 3.

The answers for all activities are on the last page.


Use the skills and strategies for matching paragraphs with headings to answer questions
1-6 below which are based on Reading Passage 1 Childhood Obesity: On Being
Overweight and Obese. (Questions 1-6 in Activity 1 and 7-12 in Activity 2 together form
a set of questions for one reading section. There are three sections in the real IELTS
Reading Test. You should spend about 20 minutes on each.)

Reading Passage 1 (which you will find on page 3) has six paragraphs A-F.

Choose the correct heading for paragraphs A-F from the list of headings below.

Write the correct number i-x in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.

List of Headings

i. Initial short-term consequences

ii. Statistical data on obesity
iii. Developing healthy eating habits
iv. Grim prospects for obese children
v. Findings yield concerns about childhood obesity
vi. Professional health care support leads to success
vii. Introduction to a regime of physical activity
viii. Treatment for obesity
ix. Causes and effects of gaining excess weight
x. Risks associated with obesity

1 Paragraph A _________ 4 Paragraph D __________

2 Paragraph B _________ 5 Paragraph E __________

3 Paragraph C _________ 6 Paragraph F __________

Page 1 of 5

Use the skills and strategies for short answer questions to answer questions 7-12 below
which are based on Reading Passage 1 Childhood Obesity: On Being Overweight and
Obese. (Questions 1-6 in Activity 1 and 7-12 in Activity 2 together form a set of
questions for a reading section. There are three sections in the real IELTS Reading Test.
You should spend about 20 minutes on each.)

Questions 7-10

Answer the questions below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A
NUMBER from the passage (which you will find on page 3) for each.

7. In what form is excessive energy stored as?

8. Who are obese children frequently bullied or teased by?

9. Which organisation was involved in finding a treatment for obesity in


10. What is the recommended amount of physical activity for children per day?

Questions 11-12

Using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each, name TWO types of technological
activities that cause obesity in children.

Write the types next to 11 and 12 on your answer sheet.

11. ___________________________________________

12. ___________________________________________

Page 2 of 5

Childhood Obesity
On Being Overweight and Obese

A. There can be no doubt that our children are gaining weight at

an alarming rate. In a study conducted by the National Institute of
Childhood Health in the 1990s, one quarter of Australian children
was found to be in the overweight or obese weight ranges. Over a
decade later, that number has nearly doubled. For children in the
overweight category, it has nearly doubled to 43.7% and more
than tripled from1.3 to 3.3% for obese children. Researchers are
estimating that by the year 2020 the percentages will reach
epidemic proportions – 55% overweight and 10% obese – if the
necessary health and lifestyle adjustments are not made. The
issue is that parents are just not heeding the advice of experts,
and this is a major concern for health authorities.

B. It is a well-known fact that children who are physically inactive

are at greater risk of becoming obese. With the increase in
sedentary activities such as playing computer games or watching
television, children are not expending enough energy, therefore
leaving excess energy to be stored as body fat. But technological
activities are not the only threat. The kinds of food choice
aggressively marketed towards working families have lead to a
higher consumption of processed and take-away foods which are
often high in calories, especially fat and sugar, but low in nutrition.
Convenience, ease of preparation and the preferences of
demanding children tend to outweigh the benefits of more healthy
food choices including fresh fruits and vegetables, for time-
strapped parents who are struggling to cope with the demands of
work and their responsibilities to the family.

C. The challenges of modern life though cannot justify the

serious consequences for children’s health and well-being in both
the long and short terms. Research has shown there is a strong link
between childhood obesity and obesity in adulthood that results in
debilitating or life-threatening conditions. These include
cardiovascular disease and respiratory illnesses such as asthma or
even type-2 diabetes. The findings from a recent study published in
the Journal of International Studies on Childhood Obesity show that
the chances of premature death in adulthood are greatly increased
because of obesity during childhood.

Page 3 of 5
D. The short-term effects of obesity on children can be equally
devastating. These effects are usually the first consequences to be
experienced and fall under the category of adverse emotional and
social problems. It has been well-documented by researchers and
confirmed by parents and teachers alike that obese children have
low self-esteem and poor body image. As a result they easily suffer
at the hands of their peers who often bully, harass or tease them.
Retreating into themselves, they become socially isolated and
depressed. If left untreated, the prospects for these children
become grim.

E. There is, fortunately, widespread agreement throughout the

medical community on the treatment for obesity in children. Though
prevention is always better than cure, the Childhood Health
Association has developed an effective program, which combines
two treatments: the development of healthy eating patterns and the
maintenance of an active lifestyle. Treatment begins in the home.
Children are encouraged to eat a variety of foods from the main
food groups including fruit and vegetables, dairy, protein,
carbohydrates and fats, but only appropriate amounts from each of
the groups. For example, consumption of foods high in saturated
fats and sugar, which are energy dense and usually found in
children’s snacks, has to be carefully monitored and restricted.
Parents are advised to help change their children’s behaviour and
choose more nutritional foods, especially for snacks.

F. The second part of the treatment is becoming active and

enjoying physical activity, which needs to occur in tandem with
developing good eating habits. It is important that exercise be fun
for a child if the program is to succeed. Treatment usually begins
with low intensity exercise walking to and from school, and walking
or playing with the dog after school. Building up to a moderate level
of exercise the child should be encouraged to play sport with their
friends and family. Where the family is active together, the chances
of success are better. The goal is for the child to be physically
active for a minimum of 60 minutes a day and restrict sedentary
home activities to a maximum of two hours a day. This program
offers ongoing support of health professionals for both parents and
children, which has been shown to increase the chances of

Page 4 of 5

1 Paragraph A v

2 Paragraph B ix

3 Paragraph C x

4 Paragraph D i

5 Paragraph E iii

6 Paragraph F vii


7. body fat

8. their peers

9. Childhood Health Association

10. minimum 60 minutes

11. playing computer games (MUST have the word games)

12. watching television

Page 5 of 5

Practise and consolidate your learning about the General Reading Test by completing our
activities. Remember to refer to the Study Notes for this episode if you need help.

The answers for all activities are on the last page.


Use the skills and strategies for short answer questions to answer questions 1-6 below
which are based on Reading Passage Section 1: CAREER OPPORTUNITIES, that's on the
following page.


Questions 1-6

Look at the index for career opportunities in the given newspaper excerpt on the following
page and answer the questions below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the reading
passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.

1. In which newspaper are the jobs advertised?

2. On what page can you find a job in the travel industry?

3. What is the deadline for placing an ad for the Saturday and Sunday edition?

4. Which number can you ring to place an ad without being charged for the call?

5. On what page can you find a job for a computer analyst?

6. What is the method of payment for placing an ad?

Page 1 of 6


THE DAILY COURIER January 11, 2010

accounting 2 interstate & overseas jobs 13

& office support 2 IT & telecommunications 14
& city planning 3 legal 16
banking & finance 4 management 17
community services 5 marketing 18
education 6 PR & media 20
& manufacturing 8 property & real estate 21
government: local 9 sales & retail 22
hospitality & tourism 10 training services 24
HR & recruitment 12 transport 25

To place an advertisement
Phone 9876 1234 Fax 9877 4321 Toll-free 1 800 061 551
Thurs 7pm for Sat & Sun; Fri 5pm for Mon; 5pm day prior for Tues – Fri
Credit Cards
Mastercard, Visa, Amex, Bankcard

Page 2 of 6

The following set of questions (numbers 7-17) is based on Reading Passage Section 2 -
OFFICE MANAGER on the following page. Use the skills and strategies for each specific
question type from the Study Notes to practise answering these questions.


Questions 7-9

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

Write your answers in boxes 7-9 on your answer sheets.

7. According to information in the job description, the employer is …

A continuing to expand and grow in Greenfield.

B looking for an eager and career-focused employee.
C seeking an energetic employee who lives in Greenfield.

8. According to information in the job description, the successful candidate

would be …

A recruiting new staff and training them.

B giving presentations and writing newsletters.
C in charge and control of the office.

9. According to information in the job description, the applicant must have …

A completed university studies with a business focus

B university qualifications in business and computer programs
C previous experience in management

Page 3 of 6
Questions 10-13

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage?

In boxes 10-13 on your answer sheet, write:

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage

10. The salary excludes employer contributions to a pension plan.

11. The Office Manager would be responsible for managing filing systems.

12. Senior managers take responsibility for writing reports on staff performance.

13. The candidate would be selected on his/her ability to troubleshoot.

Questions 14-17

Complete the sentences below.

passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 14-17 on your answer sheet.

14. The employer is looking to fill a _______________ position.

15. To be successful in the role, the candidate must have excellent

organisational, _______________ and people skills.

16. The applicant must show evidence of having worked no less than
____________ in an office setting.

17. Those applying for the job must respond fully to the ______________.

Page 4 of 6

City of Greenfield
Vibrant, modern and energetic, Greenfield with a population of 87,000, is a city of choice
and opportunity. The city is experiencing significant growth and expansion, and the
Council is leading the way in managing and delivering high quality services to its local

An exciting career opportunity exists for an enthusiastic individual with good

communication skills, and a proven track record in office administration.

Position Description

Title Office Manager

Salary (Administrative Officer Level 13) $65,500 - $73,800 per annum (including
superannuation contribution)
Employment Status Permanent Full Time
Position No. CGC0914


• running and managing the office

• developing and implementing new administrative systems
• managing administrative staff
• delegating work to staff and managing office workload
• writing reports for senior management, including reports on service and staff performance
• promoting staff development and training
• assisting senior management in the preparation of presentations and newsletters

Key Selection Criteria

• demonstrated high level organisational skills

• demonstrated ability to manage performance and motivate people
• well developed interpersonal and communication skills
• ability to identify and provide solutions to a range of administrative issues
• friendly, proactive and flexible approach in carrying out duties


• tertiary level qualifications in business, office management or related field

• at least five years experience working in a similar environment
• knowledge of and experience with the following computer software: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel,
Publisher, Power Point), database programs, e-mail, web browser

Enquiries: John Smith on 9876 5432

Closing Date: 5pm Friday, 1 July
For further information and online applications visit
Applicants MUST address all the selection criteria.
Applications by mail:
PO Box 27
Greenfield NSW 2999

Page 5 of 6

1. Daily Courier
2. 10
3. Thur 7pm
4. 1 800 061 551
5. 14
6. credit card or credit cards


7. B
8. C
9. A


10. False
11. NG
12. False
13. True

14. permanent full time
15. communication
16. five years
17. selection criteria

Page 6 of 6

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