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Green // Things to remember

Yellow // Correct Answer

Orange // Mispronounced words
Red // Wrong Answer

Parenting is the process of supporting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual
development of a child from infancy to adulthood. There are many different parenting styles
from permissive to authoritarian. Social class, culture, and nationality can play a big role in
determining what methods of child rearing are used by the parents.
Authoritative (adj)

Idioms and Expressions

● To raise a child – to care for and look after a child
● Stay at home Mum - A mother whose job is to stay in the house to take care of the
● To be brought up - To be raised and taken care of by a certain person.
● To take after - To resemble or have similar characteristics of one of your parents.
● To be a role model for – To display good and respectable behaviour so that your
children will try to do the same.
● To spoil a child (consentir a un niño) - To give a child everything he wants, which
results in the child being ungrateful and demanding.
● To throw a temper tantrum - An outburst of anger and yelling that kids do to get
their way.

Conversation Questions
● What skills are involved in being a parent?
● What do you think is the most important thing to remember about parenting?
● What do you think is the most important thing to remember about
● Do you think parenting has changed throughout the ages?
● Do you think parenting is the same all over the world?
● Are parenting skills different for women and men?
● What did you learn from your parents about parenting?
● What are some things that your parents did that you would never do?
● What do you think are some of the most difficult problems faced by parents?
● Should a good mother give up her job to stay at home with her children?
● Do you think it is ok for a father to stay at home with the children instead?
● What do you think of people who say they don't want to be a parent?
● What do you think is the best parenting style e.g. authoritarian, permissive,
democratic etc.?
Green // Things to remember
Yellow // Correct Answer
Orange // Mispronounced words
Red // Wrong Answer

For Parents
● Do you think that you are a good parent? Why?
● How does having children change someone’s life?
● What are the best things about being a parent?
● What are the most difficult things about being a parent?
● What is the hardest challenge you have faced so far as a parent?
● What kinds of things do people have to give up when they have children?
● What skills have you learnt since becoming a parent?
● Do you think parenting is easy or difficult? Is it how you imagined it would be?

For Those Without Children

● Would you like to be a parent in the future? Why / Why not?
● Do you think you would be a good parent?
● What do you think would be the hardest aspect of being a parent?
● Is there anything you fear about becoming a parent?
● What are you looking forward to the most?
● Do you want to have children?
○ If not:
○ Why not?
● Do you want your first child to be a boy or a girl? Why?

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