Oral Pathology Diagnostic Features 3

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BY: Danyal Farukh

 Diagnostic Features  Diseases

1.Jigsaw Puzzle  Monomorphic adenoma( canalicular)
2.Cribriform Pattern  CEOT,
 Polymorphous low grade carcinoma
3.Chinese character like Appearance  Polyostotic Fibrous dysplasia
4. Raised Reddish papules on Dorsum of tongue  Rendu Osler Weber
Syndrome/Hereditry Hemorrhagic
5.Factor 8 Def  hemophilia A
6.Factor 9 Def  hemophilia B
7.Coin Shaped radiolucencies  Multiple Myeloma
8. T-Lymphocytes Originating Non.Hodgkin  Sezary Syndrome
9.B-Lymphocytes Originating Non-Hodgkin  Multiple Myeloma
Lymphoma  Burkitt Lymphoma
10.Kissing Disease  Infection Mononucleosis
11.Rh-Factor Disease  Erythroblastosis Fetalis
12.Hair On End Effect  Thalassemia
13.Hetrozygous Individuals  Thalassemia Minor
14.Homozygous individuals  Thalassemia Major
15.Depapillation of tongue  Hunter's Glossitis (Pernicious Anemia)
16.Oesophageal webs  Plummer vinson syndrome
17.Brownish-grey color of teeth  Chlortetracycline
18.Yellowish color of teeth  Oxytetracycline
 Tetracycline
19.Raspberry appearance  Denture papillomatosis (Chronic
denture Injury)
20.Fissured Tongue  Benign Migratory Glossitis
 Xerostomia
 Old Age
 Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome
21.FC Pearls  Cystic Lesions On Palate
22.Bohn's Nodule  Cystic lesion on alveolar ridges
23.Keratin Pearls  Monomorphic Adenoma
 Acanthomatus Ameloblastoma
(Common Ameloblastoma)
 Dental lamina cyst of new born
24.Stuck On Appearance  Seborrehic Keratosis
25.Soft tissue osteoma  Gardner syndrome
26. Avascular malforamation  Cystic hygroma
27. Port wine stain  Sturge weber syndrome
28.Pregnancy Tumors  Pyogenic Granuloma
29.Signet Ring Appearance  Liposarcoma
30. Soap Bubble Appearance  Lipoma
 Odontogenic Myxoma
 Common ameloblastoma
31.Tadpole Like Cells  Pleomorphic Rahabdomyosarcoma
32.Grapes Like Appearance Of Cells  Alveolar Rahabdomyosarcoma
33.Cigar Shaped Appearance  Leiomyoma
34. Café Au Lait Spots  Von Reckling Hausen Disease (Multiple
 McCune Albright Syndrome
35.Herring Bone Pattern  Fibrosarcoma
36.Giant Cell Fibroma  Focal Fibrous Hyperplasia
37. Swiss Cheese pattern  Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
 Polymorphous Low Grade
38. Dermal analog tumor  Monomorphic adenoma
39. Plasmacytoid myoepithilial cells  Pleomorphic adenoma
40. Sicca(dry complex)  Sjogren’s syndrome
41.Meal Time syndrome  Sialolithiasis
42.Uveo-paratoid fever  Heerfordt syndrome
43.Recurrent orofacial Swelling, intermittent facial  MRS
paralysis, fissured tongue
44.CREST syndrome  Progressive Systemic Sclerosis
45.Hide Bound Disease  Progressive Systemic sclerosis
46. Target like appearance  Osteosarcoma
 Erythema Multiform
47. Tzank cells  Pemphigus Vulgaris
 Varicella zoster
48.Canker Sores  RAS
49.Sulphur Granules/Wooden Area of Fibrosis  Actinomycosis
50. Blindness, deafness, dental anomaly  Hutchinson triad
51.Hair Like appearance Of Lesion  Hairy Leukoplakia
52.Everted Margins  SCC (sqaumous cell carcinoma)
53.Rolled Margins  BSC ( basal cell carcinoma)
54.Warty surface  Verruca vulgaris
55.Hand mouth & foot disease  Coxsackivirus
56. Vesicular lesions with crustations  Chicken Pox
57.Warty Pattern  Verrucous Carcinoma
58.Red patch or plaque disease  Erythroplakia
59. Intestinal Polyps  Gardners Syndrome,
 Peutz Jeghars Syndrome
60.Brownish Macular Pigmentation On Oral Mucosa  Smokers Melanosis
61.Finger Like Papillary Projections  Squamous Papilloma
62.Cup shaped Radiolucency  Peripheral ameloblastoma
63.Egg shell cracking Appearance  Common Ameloblastoma
64. Lesions Associated with impacted Tooth  Unicystic ameloblastoma
 Aneurysmal Bone cyst
 Ameloblastic fibrodontoma
65. Lesions Associated with Un-erupted Tooth  Dentigerous cyst
 Ameloblastic fibroma
66. Onion Skin Reaction  Ewing Sarcoma
 Garre Osteomyelitis
67. Moth eaten Appearance  Ewing sarcoma
 chondrosarcoma
68.Acute disseminated LCH  Letterer Siwe disease
69.Chronic Disseminated LCH  Hand Schuller disease
70. Nidus  Osteoid osteoma
 osteoblastoma
71.Non Neoplastic Nodular Bone Growth On Hard  Torus Palatinus
72..Non Neoplastic nodular bone growth On Lingula  Torus Mandibularis
surface of mandible in cuspid & premolar region
73.Blue Sclera of Eyes  osteogenesis Imperfecta
74.Brown Tumor  hyperparathyroidism
75. Hot spot  Paget’s disease
 FCOD (florid cement-osseous Dysplasia)
76. Cotton Ball Appearance  Paget’s
 Adult monostotic fibrous dysplasia,
77.Osteitis Deformans  Paget’s disese
78. Ground Glass Appearance  Cherubism
 Juvenile fibrous dysplasia
79..Chubby Face  Cherubism
80.Orange Peel Appearance  Juvenile FibrOus Dysplasia
81.Island Of death bone  Sequestrum
82.pulp polyp  chronic hyperplastic pulpitis
83.Baby bottle caries  Smooth surface caries
84. Heart Shaped Radiolucency  Nasopalatine Duct Cyst
85.Botryoid odontogenic cyst  Lateral Periodontal Cyst(Polysystic)
86.Glycogen Rich Cells  Lateral Periodonal Cyst
87.Micro Cysts/Daughter Cysts  OKC
88.Rushton Bodies  Dentigerous cyst
 Periapical cyst
89.Scaly appearance of skin of Palms & soles  Papillon lefever syndrome
90.Trisomy 21  Down Syndrome
91.Retruded Mandible  Trecher Collins Syndrome
92.Beaten Metal Pattern  Crouzn syndrome
93.Wormian Bones  cleidocranial Dysplasia
94. Stafne Cyst  Lingual Mandibular Salivary gland
 Torus Madibularis
95.Hemifacial Atrophy  Romberg Syndrome
96.Ghost Teeth  Regional odontodysplasia,
 Eruption cyst,
97.Lava flowing around Boulders/W-Shaped Roots/  Dentine Dysplasia-I
Chevron shaped pulpal Remnants
98.Brandywine Type  Dentinogenesis Imperfecta type III
99.Enamel Pearls  Hypercementosis
100.Turner Tooth  Focal enamel Hypoplasia
101.Talon Cusp/Leong premolar  Dens Evaginatus
102.Carabelli Cusp  Supernumerary Cusp
103.Dilated Odontoma/Dens in Dente  Dens invaginatus
104Teeth present at time of birth  Natal
105.Teeth present during first month after birth  Neo natal
106..Supernumary teeth b/w central incisors  Mesiodens
107..Rhizomegaly  Macrodontia
108.Maxillary Lateral incisor  Peg Laterals
109. +ve Nikolky Sign  MMP
 Pemphigus Vulgaris
 Erythema Multiform(Major)
110.Pathergy test  Bachet disese
111.Kevin test , Asteroid Bodies  Sarcoidosis
112.Civatte Bodies  Lichen Planus
113.Verocy Bodies  Neurolima
114. Reversal Lines  Paget
 cementoblastoma
115..Starwberry Tongue  Scarlet Fever
116.Starwberry Gingiva  Wegener Granulomatosus
117.Hot Nodule  Warthin Tumor
118. Sun burst Pattern  Lichenoid Reaction(Clinically)
 Osteosarcoma (radiologically)
 Actinomycosis (Histopathologically)
119. Rosette Pattern  Actinomycosis(Histo)
120. Honey Comb Appearance  Odontogenic myxoma
 odonrogenic carcinoma
 Thalassemia
121.Cobble Stones Appearance  Lipoma
 Oral Chron Disease
 Sarcoidosis
122. Tooth Like Appearance  Odontoma(Complex)
 Ameloblastic Fibro odontoma
123.Pear shaped Roots  Hypercementosis
124. Reed. Stern. Berg cells, Owls eye  Hodgkin Lymphoma
125.Stary Sky Pattren  Non Hodgkin Lymphoma
126. Fish net Pattern  pemphigous. Vulgaris,
 Comon ameloblastoma(Plexiform)
127.Leis Gang Rings  CEOT
128.Tennis Rachet Appearance:  Langerhans cells Histiocytosis
129.Philadelphia chromosome  Leukemia(Chronic myeloid)
130.Dough net shape appearance  Oncocytoma
131.Downy Cells/paul Bunnnel test/monospot test  IM (Infec.Mononucleosis)
132. Bence Jones Proteins, Punched Out Lesions  Multiple Myeloma
133.Punched Out Ulcers  Necrotizing Sialometaplasia
134. Saucerization  Peripheral Amelolastoma
 Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma
 Verrucous carcinoma
 Nasolabial Cyst
 Odontogenic Myxoma
 Gingival cyst of adult
135.Alveoli Like Appearance  Alveolar Rahabdomyosarcoma

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