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S.A. with a capital of 2 507 455 130 Euros - France. NO. 0100545 R

Head Office: 16 boulevard des Italiens 01Bp 1413 Paris 01

French Republic


Office of the Director: Gean Jacques

It agreed to a mutual agreement between Mr Raphael Taraisi of

nationality French borrowing of a sum of K100,000.00 and Ms. Arlette Julie
Thiol lender. The borrower undertakes to fully reimburse the K100,000.00
plus interest of 2% is K21,412.00 to Ms. Arlette Julie Thiol a duration of 20
years. Given the Trust Bank and lender have placed in their client, insurance
has been done and insurance will cover credit during throughout its duration
(cover of credit in the event of death, failure or other unforeseen
circumstances) the borrower will need to meet the deadline in order to
guarantee a good relationship between borrower and lender. The first
repayment must be made late June-early July a sum of K505.88. Because the
bank allows the borrower within four (03) months before the first repayment
is made by the borrower. Mr Raphael Taraisi becomes final and the Atlantic
Bank AREAS insurance customer once the K100,000.00 will be transferred to
the bank account of Mr Raphael Taraisi.

(Capital + interest) repayments will be made by the borrower through wire

transfer Bank to the account of the lender for an amount fixed at K505.88 these
refund will be made by the borrower the fifth (05) day of each month. Mr
Raphael Taraisi commits to pay the VAT of funding amounting to 2500 KINA
before receipt of the credit.

Mr Raphael Taraisi must pay VAT of K100,000.00 at the Atlantic Bank in

PARIS, the cost of VAT amounting to 2500 KINA (expenses to be paid before
the credit transaction). All them cool as Mr Raphael Taraisi will have to spend
during this credit will be reimbursed fully by the insurance company, the
procedure for reimbursement of expenses will be launched once the transfer of
the K100,000.00 will be on the account of the borrower. The certificate of
reimbursement commitment serves as evidence a the borrower undertakes a
reimburse the credit at the end of each month with a sum of K505.88 for 20

Article I : Agreement

In accordance with this agreement between the two parties (borrower -

lender) an agreement is that the borrower will receive a loan of K100,000.00
payable for 20 years. The borrower has complete freedom to use as it pleases as
it wants the loan which it is a beneficiary.

Articles II : Signature Gean Jacques

As Director man of law, I say the credit agreement valid and allows Ms.
Arlette Julie Thiol to transfer the K100,000.00 to the account of Mr Raphael
Taraisi. Once the loan process will be completed.

This agreement confirms the complete understanding between the parties.

It is enclosed in a spirit of mutual understanding and confidence.

At the branch, EC 03/04/2018


Raphael Taraisi Mr Gean Jacques Ms. Arlette Julie Thiol

(Le respect des dispositions des articles 1186 et suivants du Code civil du Ministère de la Justice)

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