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Quantum Optimal Control of Nuclear Spin Qudecimals in Sr

Sivaprasad Omanakuttan,1, ∗ Anupam Mitra,1 Michael J. Martin,2, 1 and Ivan H Deutsch1, †

Center for Quantum Information and Control (CQuIC), Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131, USA
Materials Physics and Applications Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544
(Dated: June 28, 2021)
We study the ability to implement unitary maps on states of the I = 9/2 nuclear spin in 87 Sr, a d =
10 dimensional (qudecimal) Hilbert space, using quantum optimal control. Through a combination
of nuclear spin-resonance and a tensor AC-Stark shift, by solely modulating the phase of a radio-
frequency magnetic field, the system is quantum controllable. Alkaline earth atoms, such as 87 Sr,
have a very favorable figure-of-merit for such control due to the long lifetimes of the intercombination
arXiv:2106.13705v1 [quant-ph] 25 Jun 2021

lines and the large hyperfine splitting in the excited states. We numerically study the quantum
speed-limit, optimal parameters, and the fidelity of arbitrary state preparation and full SU(10)
maps including the presence of decoherence due to optical pumping induced by the light-shifting
laser. We also study the use of robust control to mitigate some dephasing due to inhomogenieties
in the light shift. We find that with an rf-Rabi frequency of Ωrf /2π = 2 kHz and 1% inhomogeneity
in the the light shift we can prepare an arbitrary Haar-random state in a time T = 8π/Ωrf = 2
ms with average fidelity hFψ i = 0.9996, and an arbitrary Haar-random SU(10) map in a time
T = 42π/Ωrf = 10.5 ms with average fidelity hFU i = 0.9963.

Ultracold ensembles of alkaline-earth atoms trapped in at a premium. This savings extends to algorithmic ef-
optical lattices or arrays of optical tweezers are a power- ficiency, in that the number of elementary two-qudit
ful platform for quantum information processing (QIP), gates necessary to2 implement a unitary map scales as
n2 D2

including atomic clocks and sensors [1–5], simulators of 2 2
O(nd D ) = O (log d)2 [23]. Moreover, qudits offer new
many-body physics [6–11], and general purpose quantum
opportunities for quantum error correction [24]. One can
computers [7, 12, 13]. The ability to optically manip-
protect against dephasing errors by encoding a qubit in
ulate coherence in single-atoms via ultranarrow optical
a nuclear spin qudit [25]. In addition, fault-tolerant op-
resonances on the intercombination lines, together with
eration of a quantum computer may be more favorable
the ability to create high-fidelity entangling interactions
based on qudit vs. qubit codes [26, 27].
between atoms when they are excited to high-lying Ryd-
berg states [14–16] provides tools that makes this system While QIP with qudits has great potential, there are
highly controllable for such applications. In addition, substantial hurdles. State preparation and a readout are
fermionic species have nuclear spin. As the ground state more challenging for systems with d > 2. Moreover,
is a closed shell, there is no electron angular momentum, quantum logic with qudits is more complex. Univer-
and the nuclear spin with its weak magnetic moment sal quantum logic with qubits can be achieved with a
is highly isolated from the environment. Such nuclear set of logic gates that include the unitary-generators of
spins in alkaline-earth atoms are thus natural carriers of SU(2) on each qubit, plus one entangling gate between
quantum information given their long coherence times qubits pairwise. In the case of qudits, in addition to the
and our ability to coherently control them with magnetic entangling gate, we require unitary-generators of SU(d)
and optical fields. Nuclear spins are also seen as excel- for each subsystem [23, 28–30]. Unlike qubits, the Lie
lent carriers of quantum information in the solid state algebra of such gates are not the native Hamiltonians,
as demonstrated in pioneering experiments including in and thus implementation of this generating set is not
NV-centers [17] and dopants in silicon [18–21]. straightforward. Different approaches have been stud-
ied to implement SU(d) gates [31–35]. One approach
Using magneto-optical fields to control qubits compris- is to specify an arbitrary SU(d) unitary matrix through
ing an isolated pair of two nuclear-spin magnetic sub- a sequence of so-called Givens rotations acting between
levels levels in 87 Sr was recently demonstrated [22]. The pairs of levels [36]. Alternatively, one can employ the
nuclear spin in this atomic species, however, is not a tools of quantum optimal control to numerically search
two-level system; the spin is I = 9/2 and there are for a time-dependent waveform that achieves the desired
d = 2I + 1 = 10 nuclear magnetic sublevels. Such qudits, SU(d) unitary map when one has access to a Hamiltonian
here “qudecimals,” have potential advantage for QIP. that makes the system universally “controllable” [37].
First and foremost, one can encode a D = dnd = 2n2 Optimal control is a powerful and flexible approach that
dimensional Hilbert space associated with n2 qubits in does not require specific pairwise Givens rotations, can
nd = n2 / log2 d qudits. While only a logarithmic sav- be high-fidelity and can be made robust to imperfections
ing, this is meaningful for the qudecimal (log2 d = 3.32), such as inhomogenieties through the tools of robust con-
especially when trapping and control of each atom is trol [38].

Encoding qudits in the electronic ground state of cold where αzz (ωL ) is the zz-component of atomic AC-
atoms has been explored for species with one electron in polarizability tensor operator for a laser field at fre-
the valence shell (neutral [39] and ionic [33, 40]). In this quency ωL linearly-polarized along the quantization axis,
case the hyperfine splitting provides additional tools for EL (t) = ez Re E0 e−iωL t . The form of αzz depends on
control based on microwave or two-photon Raman cou- the atomic structure and the detuning of the laser from
plings, through which one can implement desired Givens atomic resonance. In particular, when the detuning is not
rotations on a subspace that is least sensitive to mag- large compared to the hyperfine splitting in the excited
netic field noise [33]. In addition, the combination of state, the polarizability has an irreducible rank-2 ten-
microwave and radio-frequency control, makes this sys- sor component αzz = α(2) Iz2 (there also a trivial scalar
tem controllable [41]. In seminal work, the Jessen group term proportion to the identity) [46]. This quadratic spin
used optimal control to demonstrate high-fidelity arbi- twist together with the linear Larmor precession yields a
trary SU(16) maps on the d = 16 dimensional Hilbert set of control Hamiltonians {Ix , Iy , Iz2 } sufficient to gen-
space associated with the hyperfine spin levels of ground- erate the Lie algebra SU(2I + 1) for an arbitrary spin
state cesium [42]. This flexible control has found poten- I [47]. Such control was first demonstrated in the alkali
tial application in studies of quantum simulation [43]. atom cesium, for the hyperfine spin F = 3 in the elec-
In this paper we build on the work of Jessen et al. to tronic ground state, in order to generate nonclassical spin
study implementation of SU(10) gates on the nuclear spin states in the d = 7 dimensional Hilbert space [39].
of 87 Sr-based on quantum optimal control. Such a sys- Importantly, the size of tensor polarizability α(2) de-
tem may have long-term advantages compared to hyper- pends on the ratio of the excited state hyperfine split-
fine states that couple electron and nuclear spins, in its ting to the laser detuning [46] , achieving its maximum
strongly reduced sensitivity to to background magnetic when these are of the same order. Thus, to achieve high-
fields and resilience against decoherence driven by pho- fidelity control, one must tune sufficiently close to res-
ton scattering from optical tweezers or lattices [13, 44]. onance, while avoiding photon scattering that leads to
Weak coupling to the environment, of course, comes decoherence. Critically, in alkaline-earth atoms, the first
with increased challenges of weak coupling to control excited 3 P1 states have long lifetimes and large hyperfine
fields. We will show, nonetheless, that with reasonable splittings. This leads to a very favorable figure of merit
experimental parameters one can implement high-fidelity for optimal control, as measured by the ratio of the char-
qudecimal logic, with low decoherence. acteristic tensor light shift to the photon scattering rate
We consider open loop-control on Hilbert space of fi- γs , κ ≡ α(2) |E0 | /4γs . For example, in 87 Sr, the hyper-
nite dimension d, governed by a Hamiltonian H[c(t)] = fine splitting between the F = 7/2 and F = 9/2 levels in
H0 + λ cλ (t)Hλ where c(t) = {cλ (t)} is the set the singly-excited 5s5p 3 P1 state is ωHF /2π = 1130 MHz,
of time-dependent classical control waveforms. The while the spontaneous emission linewidth is Γ/2π = 7.5
system is said to “controllable” if the set of Hamil- kHz. With scattering averaged over all magnetic sub-
tonians, {H0 , Hλ } are generators of the Lie alge- levels [46], we find that when we detune about halfway
brah SU(d). between these resonances, we obtain the maximum figure
 R Then ∃i c(t) such that U [c, T ] =
of merit κ = 6.8 × 103 (see Fig. 1). In contrast, κ = 18.6
T exp −i 0 H[c(t)]dt = Utar for any target unitary
for F = 3 hyperfine spin in the cesium ground state when
matrix Utar = SU(d) in this space. The minimal time the laser is tuned halfway between the F = 3 and F = 4
T for which this is possible is known as the “quantum hyperfine levels in the excited 6P1/2 D1-resonance. This
speed limit” (QSL) [45] . small figure of merit limited the fidelity to around 0.85 for
One can achieve quantum controllability of the nu- the arbitrary state preparation. A factor of 364 increase
clear spin qudecimal through magneto-optical interac- in the figure of merit for alkaline earths shows the poten-
tions. We combine magnetic spin resonance in the pres- tial power of this approach to yield high-fidelity quantum
ence of an off-resonant laser field as depicted in Fig. optimal control of the nuclear spin qudit.
1. The Hamiltonian acting on the nuclear spin the We consider control of the nuclear spin qudecimal with
5s2 1 S0 ground state takes the form H = Hmag + on-resonance rf fields on resonance with the Zeeman split-
HLS . Here Hmag = −µ · B(t) is the magnetic spin- ting, ∆E0 = |gI |µN Bk , where gI µN /h = −184 Hz/Gauss
resonance Hamiltonian, with µ = gI µN I the nuclear in 87 Sr [48]. In the rotating frame, the control Hamilto-
magnetic dipole vector operator and B(t) = Bk ez + nian is
BT Re (ex + iey )e−i(ωrf t+φ(t) the magnetic field con-
H(t) = Ωrf (cos[c(t)π]Ix + sin[c(t)π]Iy ) + βIz2 (1)
sisting of a strong bias defining the quantization axis
ez and a transversely rotating rf-magnetic field with a where Ωrf = −gI µN BT is the rf-Rabi frequency and β =
time dependent phase φ(t). Taken alone, the Hmag gen- α(2) |E0 | /4 is the strength of the tensor light shift (here
erates only SU(2) rotations of nuclear spin. To achieve and to follow ~ = 1). Note, for a rotating rf-field, there
full SU(d) control we add a light-shift Hamiltonian is no rotating wave approximation, and this Hamiltonian
due to the AC-Stark effect, HLS = −αzz (ωL ) |E0 | /4 is valid even when Ωrf ≥ ωrf . Here the single control

the number of parameters necessary for the control task;

for state-maps nmin = 2d − 2 and for arbitrary SU(d)
maps nmin = d2 − 1. In practice, we choose n to be a
larger than nmin which improves the fidelity landscape
when T is close the the QSL. To numerically optimize
F we use a variation of the well-known GRAPE algo-
rithm [51].
For a fixed value of Ωrf , the optimal choice of β and
total time T are found empirically. Figures 2a(b) show
the infidelity, 1−F , for state preparation (unitary maps),
when averaged over 20 Haar random target vectors (10
random unitary maps). As expected, when T → ∞ the
infidelity is essentially zero. The QSL is highly depen-
dent on the value of β. As expected, the optimal choice
is β ≈ Ωrf as this provides the optimal mixing between
Larmor precession and one-axis twisting. The character-
istics of state preparation and unitary maps are similar
in nature. The major difference between these two cases
is that unitary mapping requires more time for the sim-
ple reason that unitary mapping has d2 − 1 parameters
compared to the 2d − 2 for the state preparation. The
quantum speed limit at β = Ωrf is T∗ ≈ 1.5π/Ωrf for
FIG. 1: Schematic for magneto-optical control. The qudec- state preparation and T∗ ≈ 8π/Ωrf for SU(10) unitary
imal is encoded in the ten magnetic sublevels of the nuclear maps.
spin, |−9/2i → |9/2i, in the 5s2 1 S0 ground state. Their In principle, one can achieve arbitrarily high fidelity
levels are shifted by a linear Zeeman effect due to a bias mag- with increasing T . In practice T is limited by the coher-
netic field and a quadratic tensor AC-Stark effect induced by ence time of the system. Here, the coherence time is fun-
an off-resonant laser beam, polarized along the quantization
damentally limited by decoherence arising from photon
axis, and detuned ∆ between the hyperfine levels of the 5s5p
P1 intercombination line. Control of the qudecimal is then scattering and optical pumping due to the off-resonant
achieved with a phase modulated radio-frequency magnetic light-shift laser. We model the effects of decoherence in
field, co-rotating at the bare Larmor precession frequency, the state preparation protocols using the Lindblad Mas-
whose amplitude causes Rabi rotations at frequency Ωrf . The ter equation [46],
figure of merit for the control is the ratio of the AC-Stark shift
to the photon scattering, κ , shown in the inset (see text).
dρ[c, t] X
= −i[Heff [c], ρ[c, t]] + Γ Wq ρ[c, t]Wq†
dt i
waveform is the rf-phase c(t) ≡ φ(t)/π. It was proven ≡ L[c] [ρ[c, t]] . (4)
in [41] that varying c(t) is sufficient to achieve universal
control the system. where the jump operators for optical pumping between
We consider two classes of quantum control tasks: magnetic sublevels describing absorption followed by
preparation of a target pure state |ψtar i and implemen- emission of a q-polarized photon are Wq ,
tation of a unitary map Utar . Optimal control follows by Ω/2
(e∗q .DF F ′ )(~ǫL .DF† F ′ ).
maximizing the relevant fidelity, Wq = (5)
∆ F F ′ + iΓ/2
′ F
Fψ [c, T ] = |hψtar | U [c, T ] |ψ0 i| , (2) Here DF† F ′are the dimensionless dipole raising opera-
tors from ground state manifold F = I to the excited

FU [c, T ] = Tr Utar U [c, T ] /d2 . (3)
P manifold F ′ , as defined in [46]. Heff [c] = H[c] −

iΓ q Wq Wq /2 is the nonHermitian control Hamilto-
This is achieved by discretizing the control waveform
nian, Eq. (4), now including absorption of the laser light.
and then numerically maximizing the fidelity with gra-
For gates, we define a d2 × d2 superoperator matrix
dient ascent. In a series of works, the Rabitz group
acting on the density matrix. For the open quantum
showed that the fidelity landscape is favorable for this
system, the superoperator describing the evolution of an
purpose [49, 50]. We choose here a piecewise constant pa-
arbitray input
 state is the Completely Postive (CP)-map,
rameterization (as in [41]) and write the control function RT 
as a vector c = {c(tj )|j = 1, . . . , n} where t = j∆t and E[c, T ] = T exp{ 0 L[c(t′ )]}dt′ , where L is the Lind-
n = T /∆t, parameterizing waveforms that are constant bladian superoperator of the master equation, defined
over the duration ∆t. A minimal choice of n depends on implicitly in Eq. (4).

increased photon scattering. Including decoherence, for

(a) (b) the case of state preparation, we find the fidelity hFψ i ≈
0.9998. Here the island of high fidelity is large, occurring
for β < 1.2. For the case of unitary mapping the island of
lowest infidelity is smaller and occurs for β < 0.7 where
the fidelity hFU i ≈ 0.9986. It should be remembered
that these qudecimal maps act on a 10-dimension Hilbert
space. Thus a fair comparison of the effective fidelity
acting on qubits is hF iqubit = hF i0.3
qudecimal .
(c) (d) Coherence is also limited when there are inhomogeni-
eties arising from uncertainties in the Hamiltonian pa-
rameters such as the laser intensity and detuning. When
the decoherence time is longer than than the inhomo-
geneous dephasing time, one can mitigate this with the
numerical tools of robust control [38, 53, 54]. We con-
sider here an uncertainty in the tensor light shift arising
from the thermal velocity of the atoms. To perform ro-
FIG. 2: Fidelity of objectives found by optimal control as bust control, we replace the control Hamiltonian H[c] →
a function of the strength of AC-stark shift, β, and the to- H ′ [c, ǫ] = H[c]+ ǫIz2, where ǫ is the variation in β around
tal time T , in units of the rf-Rabi frequency Ωrf . Predic- the fiducial value, and define a new
tions based on closed-unitary evolution for state-maps (a)
R objective function as
the average fidelity, hF [c, T ]i = dǫ p(ǫ)F [c, T, ǫ]. While
and SU(10) unitary-maps (b) averaged over 20 Haar-random
in principle one can design inhomogeneous control with
target states and 10 Haar-random target SU(10) matrices,
respectively. The control waveforms are piecewise constant, detailed knowledge of the probability distribution p(ǫ), in
over times δt = T /n. For state maps we choose n = 30 time practice, when the standard deviation of the distribution
steps; the unitary maps we take n = 150. The bottom layer δ is sufficiently narrow, it is sufficient to simultaneously
gives the similar figures in the presence of decoherence using optimize at two points, and choose the objective function
the master equation, Eq. (4): state fidelity(c), Eq. (6), and as
process fidelity (d), Eq. (7).
hF [c, T ]i = (F [c, T, ǫ = +δ] + F [c, T, ǫ = −δ])/2. (8)
The numerical results of robust control are shown in
We study the effect of decoherence on the control task
Fig. 3 for an error of δ = .01β and β = 0.1Ωrf . We
by setting c in the open quantum system dynamics to be
see that robust control outperforms the bare waveforms,
the control solution found in closed-system optimization.
even in presence of decoherence, but one does not reach
The fidelities for state preparation and full SU(10) maps
the fidelity without any inhomogeneity due to optical
are, respectively,
pumping occurring over the extended time of the con-
Fψ [c, T ] = Tr{ρψtar ρ[c, T ]}, (6) trol pulses. For the parameters chosen here, we find
n o that for state preparation one could achieve a fidelity
FU [c, T ] = Tr EU† tar E[c, T ] /d2 . (7) of hFψ i ≈ 0.9996 in a time T = 8π/Ωrf , and for uni-
tary mapping one achieved a fidelity hFU i ≈ 0.9963 in a
Here ρψtar = |ψtar i hψtar | is the target state and ρ[c, T ] time T = 42π/Ωrf . For reasonable control, we consider

is the solution to the master equation. EUtar = Utar ⊗ a radio-frequency fields rotating at 20 kHz and Rabi fre-
Utar is the CP-map corresponding to the target unitary quency Ωrf /2π = 2.0 kHz, so that robust state control
gate and E[c, T ] is the CP-map with decoherence. Eq. and unitary maps can be achieved on the order of 2 ms
(7) is the “process fidelity,” a key quantity of interest and 10.5 ms respectively.
in determining the thresholds for fault-tolerant quantum We have shown that in the presence of fundamental
computation [52]. decoherence and small inhomogeneities, quantum opti-
Numerical results are given in Fig. 2 for both state mal control allows for the realization of high-fidelity ar-
preparation and unitary mapping. In contrast to closed- bitrary state maps and SU(10) qudecimal gates acting
system control, Fig. 2c and Fig. 2d show that there is on nuclear spin in the ground state of 87 Sr. Such con-
an island where the infidelity is smallest. This reflects trol should find a variety of applications in QIP, includ-
the tradeoff between coherent control and decoherence. ing metrological enhancement with qudits [55], quan-
There is an optimal total time of evolution T than larger tum simulation [43, 56], and universal quantum com-
than the QSL but not too large when compared to the putation [7]. For the latter additional components are
optical pumping time. In addition, the optimal choice of necessary. One must enable readout of all 10 magnetic
β is now smaller than we found for the closed quantum sublevels though appropriate shelving and fluorescence
system, as increased tensor-light shift is accompanied by protocols [57]. Most importantly, we must study the

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