Unit 2 Assignment

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Besign thinking

Aegne PABduct achitectue ?

tunctonal element
asignment to

hysicad buildung btocks 5 the product

5 the product to
produet can be
combtad functional nd phyoial u ns.

2) lAhat is modutaity ?
the ntelaeti on between the chunts as

dehinud and are genealy tndamental to the prmay

the modeula achitectue
tunction $ tre product, ore hunt
be made to
allows design change
without regurng a change an ot er ehunk for tiu

prbd uet function corvetty

tot modulaity
BeLs odulaity
Sectibn modulaity

3) Jethe delayed digereiaton 9

Seveal etes of
Lorm pany otts
procuct, the produ ct achiteet ts a key detemnant
t Supply chain
tu pertormance
platsoum plannung ?
pAoduct is
coletDn est and
eomporerts desiqn
Caled plattorm .A
hot Smpte ingormation 8ystem
wAking propexly the deste
to prnt.
Desine Industnial esion PA
Dcss ?
disipe for ndustrial veyótution which
Lntroduce d ew naterias and
tas prodntt bn
Indusrial desiqnes Soeiety oh Ariea
ma nugaturng (dapends n
macheru) and function ( depend bn hurans).
6) hat u the quait o Industrial
Industial desiqn
digciplie gor industrial revotut'en
which introdueed he mteriale and mss produetion.
auality industnal design
2) Emoti bral epeech.
3) Abiity to maintan and repan tu produet
4) appropriate
5) PAoduet dilteeNtiati on
aplaun enviTDNmntal emga
impacts ?
product have many number o environmental
tmpact in ur ie ycle

ettobal wMman
Seientiie data and modas SO tht
thetemperot ue
qaduay inereas thu foubuwg rean
ACulumation o qeen ho se qases
vapsu tny uppe otssphu
oi ) ResoUrLe depletibn
Many thhe Yaw mateials sed tor production

(ii) otid waste

PADducts Mar be aenate sstid aste thr oughout
the'r jecyete ( sare shig with reycleng ) most 8
the people ung diaposal in Landius udirLd bed .

Combustibn Stem : Incinator (waste bunng Nache

br eomdustion ) qenerate ar potuti on and boi:
Te eandfils qenate metho qas and
round wate ptLutt'on.
thv ) tatu pstluten
isch age trom thelustria process tnchudes hoavy
metals, ettirr boLvents oits aste acid
uotter patoy otteets qnound oater and dama qe
v) AIY potlutton
Emisson 4rom qactbies and
pouwey enation plantr
ae powe
mosty themal station they bun c0al, motr
vechile potlutibn

(vi) Land degadatin

Raw mateIal ttion
eLtraetion and produetHón mainy
mining and faing ( deyore ctaton)
So erost on
E}ects Land tertiity
SaLitiit of tand Balinity % wate
(ui Bibdivezsity:
Vaaiety plan ond onimals species
awe apBecte d d n g and gor urban development.
(VtEt) oupleton
DONe ayer produces earth azainat
hantl etteet the sun's radition.
miuer n the yeoi 9 44

de ston for envi onment h mteial

cheistry that
chemial the specitid nateia
tor tuman ond nvironnent.

sisasembly token apot

ard erd 6s ueeyel e to
reuycle ther matena thaL
called disasenby of a mateiad.
Rotclibility tiu raetton o materi al by
EXplain in detoe dusign for enviyoment þYDess ?
Design enviYonment (DEE ) :
EveLy produet that ha enviYonmental mpact
the produuet ircludes the otlowing
eneLgt tonsUnptibn
Natal esburees dapletion

SbLiol wate.

TWD ige ycle

PADd uet ie le
Tne product ife e begins extraeton
and prDLesjLng $rpn natual

Methods eractbn

Use o_ the produt

NatUal e ule
Apresent owtn and detay ot
DA gante materials.
he natuAad and oedutt ite eyce
Natual üje yee
It baed on thhe
IA is bod on indutrial
bistogieat fe uyle ige y.

Inductrt ie ue

ReneWa reDues



nOn- renee resbTees

* Eiminnte dispusal og thtie and thoganic

materials do
not dtay quckly
ELIinate Re ueotion of tic wte
bot hoamfu
humany ond ound wote.
Compnesston and
design thinking to hmpli
tpldin g a tw
in desgn thinking
technigues wsed en
Complen problems ard
Geneate movative sstutiong
compesLOn ioLves distiueng vast mounts infernton
br das into a
neise fom, tocusung on the mot
This Jtps
essenttal eteent. Ths halps in qauning elaity and
understandung thu problem at hand.
Jolding on bthe hand tnvolues
diterent perspectves Qrges os probtems buy totdig
Dx berdung it metormorphically It entbUgs creative
thinking and often taads to nyel inights and
sotuti bns by ootng at tu problem ron veouy angte
Btth compresston and toldg ase terative preess n
and eevaluatod
wtimately toto a i e at tte mot eHective slut b.
compresson and podng
re applied is in produck design ani Aaolo prent,
sch oh renttng new smtphone matel.
S1Dw hat
èngDarmation : athe
ath marat esech
ceedback Ond technolbgica trends relat ed to
Anayze and ynthasiza IdOrtitY ommon pain ounts
ambng users
eeagng technstgies and matat api.
3) DestËl: ous
demand orr
the ongo batey ite, desire gor
eamea qualiby and èngert tn sleek improved
á) visualie:

higtigiting the distiued insights inuding chos

ophs shoLDENg maket trend and

I) Fa the proplomn :
eleoy djhu the problam
tatemunt and LOntet

2) Eploe ferspective: Considea dizpernt veopoinks,

and potertial sslti bns t the poblem

3) ]Eerat andTete Contualy neuiit and

10shape the paoble rm ty d o mendeng t
) synthsL: tgate the vaibus pers peckive and
inaignts uhed gron totding tob davelop a halistie
undstandng tu pooblem and potential srutton.
Compression and faolding in mobite app:
In thu
new mobite app,
compres On mgtht involve analuung entensie user
tedbaek and usage data analyang
to drsti ukaty inaight! abut
Use preferenes an points and behaviour the
tondnsed intormatt'bn can t h in4orm th davelopmunt
D5 hew taturu ba improvemunts to be app.

Lontiing with the molbite app dusign eNAmple,
otding cold invol voe eoSi'deaung thu problem stom the
perspecttves dieLnent Use gmentr, u
teenage , wakun pDfessibhals tldeuly wes
oto re jpreent a dijfent perspeetive, Jlading
to the tzplbAatt o uarqe geatAes usex itejae
daugrs o masteting strategies taitored bo ach segnurt

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