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Assembly language programming (ALP) of 8086 to find even and odd numbers from the set of


a)Even Numbers:-
.model small
.stack 100h

numbers db 10, 20, 5, 15, 25 ; Example array of numbers
numbers_size equ ($ - numbers) ; Size of the array

even_numbers_msg db "Even numbers: $"

mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax

; Initialize pointers
lea si, numbers ; Point to the start of the numbers array
lea di, even_numbers_msg ; Point to the start of the even numbers message

mov cx, numbers_size ; Load the size of the array into CX

mov ah, 0 ; Clear AH register

mov al, [si] ; Load the current number into AL
test al, 1 ; Test if the number is odd or even (check LSB)

jz store_even ; Jump to store_even if the result is zero (even)

jmp next_number ; Jump to process the next number

mov [di], al ; Store the even number in the even_numbers_msg buffer
add di, 2 ; Move to the next byte in the even_numbers_msg buffer

inc si ; Move to the next number in the array
loop find_even ; Repeat until all numbers are processed

; Display even numbers

mov dx, offset even_numbers_msg ; Load address of the even numbers message
mov ah, 09h ; Display string function
int 21h ; Call DOS

; Exit program
mov ah, 4Ch ; Exit program function
int 21h ; Call DOS

end main

b)Odd Number:-

.model small
.stack 100h

numbers db 10, 20, 5, 15, 25 ; Example array of numbers
numbers_size equ ($ - numbers) ; Size of the array

odd_numbers_msg db "Odd numbers: $"

mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax

; Initialize pointers
lea si, numbers ; Point to the start of the numbers array
lea di, odd_numbers_msg ; Point to the start of the odd numbers message

mov cx, numbers_size ; Load the size of the array into CX

mov ah, 0 ; Clear AH register
mov al, [si] ; Load the current number into AL
test al, 1 ; Test if the number is odd or even (check LSB)

jnz store_odd ; Jump to store_odd if the result is non-zero (odd)

jmp next_number ; Jump to process the next number

mov [di], al ; Store the odd number in the odd_numbers_msg buffer
add di, 2 ; Move to the next byte in the odd_numbers_msg buffer

inc si ; Move to the next number in the array
loop find_odd ; Repeat until all numbers are processed

; Display odd numbers

mov dx, offset odd_numbers_msg ; Load address of the odd numbers message
mov ah, 09h ; Display string function
int 21h ; Call DOS

; Exit program
mov ah, 4Ch ; Exit program function
int 21h ; Call DOS

end main

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