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1. What is your topic/theme?


2. Who is the artist you have chosen?

Vincent Van Gogh

3. Copy and paste three images of their work that you like.

4.Copy and paste your favourite picture below:

4. Answer the following questions about your artist:

 Who is the artist?

Vincent Van Gogh

 Where are they from?

The Netherlands

 When were they making their artwork?

From 1880 to 1890

 Are they a contemporary artist?

They are

 Are the associated with any particular art movement or linked to another artist?

Impressionism and was influenced by Claude Monet

 Why are you looking at this artist? / How do they relate to your theme?

I like that the art mainly consists of streaks and quick lines creating a
d different effect.

 What materials, techniques/ processes do they use?

Van Gogh used oil painting, drawing, watercolour painting and printmaking. He
also used the impasto technique.

 How do they use them? Why does this interest you? What do you think?

I am interested by the impasto technique because it can create textures and

a add a touch element to painting and can be used create shapes differently.

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