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Augtech NextWealth

Make A Difference


Version : V2.2
Release Date: 1 st January '24
Document No: ANW/HR/P/013

Augtech NextWealth
Make A Difference

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This document contains important information and is intended for the internal use of Augtech NextWealth IT Services
Pvt. Ltd. By viewing this document, you agree to keep the contents in confidence and not copy, disclose, or distribute
this without written request to and written confirmation from Augtech NextWealth IT Services Pvt. Ltd. If you are not the
intended recipient , be aware that any disclosure, copying, or distribution of the contents of this document is

Version 2.2 Internal


This document is intended for internal use only & must not be shared outside the organization.
S No. Table of Content Page No.

1.0 Our Core Values 05

2.0 Scope of People Function 06

2.1 Leave Policy 06

2.2 Leaves and Holidays 06

3.0 Unplanned Leaves 08

3.1 Birthday/Marriage/Maternity & Paternity Gift Policy 08

3.2 Probation Period 08

3.3 Salary Disbursement 08

4.0 Training Policy 09

4.1 Appraisal Policy 09

4.2 Resignation Procedure 09

5.0 Referral Policy 10

5.1 Floor Policy 10

6.0 Confidentiality & Monitoring 11

6.1 Internet , Email, Software Access, Device usage Policy 11

6.2 Software Access Procedure 11

7.0 Company Owned Equipment 12

7.1 Internet Usage 12

7.2 Social Media 12


This document is intended for internal use only & must not be shared outside the organization.
S No. Table of Content Page No.

8.0 Email Usage at the Company 13

8.1 Email that Discriminates 13

8.2 Company Owns Employee Email 13

9.0 Inappropriate Usage 14

9.1 Grievance Procedure Policy 14

10.0 Termination Policy 15

11.0 Absconding /AWOI Cases 16

11.1 Travel Policy 16

12.0 POSH Policy 17

13.0 Non-Solicitation Policy 19


This document is intended for internal use only & must not be shared outside the organization.
Our Core Values

in word and deed

Respect Excellence
for the individual in work

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30

Commitment Socially
to commitment responsible

Integrity in Respect for Excellence in Commitment to Socially

Word and Deed the Individual Work Commitment Responsible
Honesty and Treat everyone with Be a data and a Promise what can Be responsible
truthfulness in equal respect and process driven be delivered and ci�zens to the
ac�on fairness organiza�on deliver more than country and
Being ethical in Interact with people Be a Thinking promised the world
the toughest of with Head, Heart Partner for Do whatever it Posi�vely impact
situa�ons and Hands our customers takes to keep up people, profit
one’s word and planet.

We are commi�ed to not tolerate harassment or discrimina�on on any basis, in accordance with
applicable laws and regula�ons, including but not limited to age, race, religion or personal belief, color, gender,
gender iden�ty, disability, na�onal origin, marital status/parental status, pregnancy status, sexual orienta�on,
or any other characteris�c prohibited by law or otherwise irrelevant for the posi�on. This principle extends to all
decisions rela�ng to hiring, promo�on, transfer, recruitment, termina�on, benefits, leave, rates of pay, and other
forms of compensa�on or benefits provided.

This document is intended for internal use only & must not be shared outside the organization.
The scope of People Policy covers all employees hired on the rolls or on contractual basis at Augtech NextWealth. It also
defines the policies, standards and procedures of the organisa�on with respect to Manpower Planning, Recruitment,
Training, Payroll Management, Rewards & Recogni�on and Employee Reten�on.

Leave policy
To provide an opportunity to the Individuals to re–energize themselves. The annual cycle for the purpose of leave will be the
Calendar year (1st Jan 2024 to 31st Dec 2024) and to take care of unexpected exigency and illness.

Leaves and Holidays

Public Holidays for the year 2024 are as follows:

Date Day Holiday Descrip�on Type

01 -Jan-24 Monday New Year's Day Fixed

26 -Jan-24 Friday Republic Day Fixed

25 -Mar-24 Monday Holi Fixed

11 -April-24 Thursday Ramzan Id/ Floater


15 -Aug-24 Thursday Independence Day Fixed

19 -Aug-24 Monday Raksha Bandhan Fixed

26 -Aug-24 Monday Janmashtami Floater

02 -Oct-24 Wednesday Mahatma Gandhi Fixed


12 -Oct-24 Saturday Dussehra Fixed

01 -Nov-24 Friday Diwali/Deepavali Fixed

02 -Nov-24 Saturday Govardhan Puja Fixed

15 -Nov-24 Friday Guru Nanak Jayan� Fixed

25 -Dec-24 Wednesday Christmas Fixed

* Only One Floater Leave is allowed

* For 7 days roaster, approval from Repor�ng Manager required.

This document is intended for internal use only & must not be shared outside the organization.
The following types of leave are applicable to the Individuals:
● Paid Leave - 14 days in a year. (Subject to approval from
● Marriage Leaves - All permanent employees are entitled to
two days of Marriage Leave. Marriage Leave is applicable for
the first legal marriage only and must be taken within six (6)
months of the marriage date
● No leaves allowed during Internship period unless medical
● As per your leave plan, Paid Leave accrue Monthly on 1st of
every month for all confirmed members. Hence your leave
quota of 14 leaves will be accrued at the rate of 7 days in
6 months, twice in a year i.e January and July month.
● Each employee will accrue 7 paid leaves in by-yearly and
these paid leaves will lapse on by-yearly basis if not used.
● Advisable to take propor�onate leaves to avoid deduc�on in Full
and Final se�lement.
● To avail this leave, employees should have joined before 15th
of every month.
● Leave should be informed and approved by the supervisor 2
days in advance.
● Rs.100/- deduction for all uninformed half day and Rs. 200/
deduc�on for all uninformed full day leave.
● Medical Cer�ficate needs to be submitted, if you are taking
leaves on Medical grounds for more then 3 days.
● On Govt Declared Public Holidays (Republic Day,
Independence Day, Gandhi Jayan� & on the occasion of Diwali
and Holi ), 1.5 �mes salary would be paid on full day working.
● All employees are encouraged to availble their leaves during the
Calendar year as it will not be carried forward/encashed.
● Bereavement/Funeral leave for 1 day (For Blood rela�on only).
● Not more than 3 days of leave can be availed together unless
medical emergency and final discussion lies with the Supervisor.
● Maternity Leave – 26 weeks.
In case of women having less than two surviving children. In
other cases, the exis�ng period of 12 weeks. En�tles female
employees in Covered Establishments to receive maternity
benefits if they have worked with the employer for at least 80
days in the 12 months immediately preceding the date of
expected delivery ("Eligible Employee"). Out of the 26 weeks,
not more than 8 weeks can be taken before the date of expected
delivery, whereas earlier, the prenatal period was prescribed to
be not more than 6 weeks (as per govt. laws).
● Paternity Leave - 2 days.
All confirmed male members of Augtech Nextwealth will be
eligible to apply for 2 days of paternity leave within 6 weeks
of the birth of their child.
Law defined as per the Amendment will be applicable on

eligibility clause.

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Unplanned Leaves
In case of any unavoidable situa�on if an employee avails an
unplanned leave, the employee should send a mail to their manager
and HR a�er returning to office. But if an employee con�nues to take
such unplanned leaves the HR will issue a maximum of two warning
le�ers to the employee. Yet if the incident happens for the third �me
the employee may face termina�on from employment.

Birthday Gi�/ Marriage Gi� / Maternity

& Paternity Gi� Policy
● Marriage Gift Policy: A Gift voucher of Rs. 1000/- shall be given
to the employees by the company on the occasion of an
employee's marriage.

o ● Birthday Gi� Policy: A Gift voucher of Rs. 500/ - shall be given

to the employee by the company on the occasion of an employee's
● Maternity & Paternity Gi�: A gi� of Rs 1000/- shall be given to
the employee of the company who has recently become a mother
or father for their new born. If both parents are working with
AUGTECH, policy will be applicable to only one.

Proba�on Period
The company will make an effort to ensure that its hiring procedures
serve the purpose of recrui�ng the best employees for each open
position. However, we acknowledge that they are inevitably not always
accurate in predic�ng performance or determining appropriate cultural
fit. The probation period for new employees gives both employees and
us enough time to find out if their employment relation will eventually
work out to the benefit of both.
For all joined in internship / execu�ve and above posi�ons,
performance will be reviewed at the end of proba�on period and
will be automa�cally confirmed within the company if their
performance is found sa�sfactory.

Salary Disbursements
The salaries will get credited to the account within the 10th day of
every month. Company will always put in this best step forward to
ensure that the salary disbursement happens within specified
�melines. However, if under any unforeseen circumstances the salary
is delayed it will be informed accordingly to the employees.
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Training Policy
Augtech is committed to ensuring that the employees have access to
learning & development and training opportuni�es which enable
them to be suitably knowledgeable and skilled to carry out their role
within the Company, and to develop their talents in ways that fit with
the Company’s development to meet its strategic objec�ves.
Any employee who feels the need of a certain training program that
will benefit him/her in the roles and responsibili�es can discuss with
the supervisor on the same.
Organiza�on encourages a training budget up to INR 1000 per
employee in a year.
Availing training benefits will have following terms and condi�ons.
Training programs shortlisted will be under the final discretion of
the supervisor
If the employee resigns within 6 months of availing training period,
he / she must repay the training expenses.
Recording, monitoring, and evalua�ng the learning will be a part of
the appraisal procedure.

Appraisal policy
Augtech as an organization respect and honors con�nuous growth.
There is a proper defined monitoring and assessment process within
the organization which assess Employees performance.
All confirmed employees will be eligible for appraisal once in a year
provided the member has joined the organisa�on before December
month of the appraisal year. Appraisal will be a component of IP
(Individual Performance) and OP (Organization Performance)
mapped with market condi�on. Based on how the organiza�on
is performing the mapping will be done with Individual performance
and contribution and accordingly the decision on appraisal will be
taken. If any employee joins the organiza�on a�er December
month, he/she will not be en�tled for appraisal cycle of that year.

Resignation Procedure
In cases of resigna�on, the employee must submit an official written
resigna�on letter to the immediate supervisor. A no�ce period of 1
month must be served by all Interns /Execu�ves /Sr. Execu�ves and
2 months for remaining posi�on. During no�ce period, no leaves are
allowed except Week Offs. All leaves taken during no�ce period
will lead to extension of relieving date. The resignation le�er
must be copied and submitted to the People department.
In case of any resigna�on within 1 year of a�ending any leadership
program or any external training program sponsored by the
company the member will be liable to pay the training cost
calculated by the company on pro Data basis.
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In cases of involuntary dismissal, the supervisor must submit an
employee termina�on document to the human resources
department at the date of separa�on or before that. Discharge for
cause jus�fies immediate suspension un�l the necessary
documentation for terminat ion has been gathered. In some
instances, a termina�on mee�ng with the employee, supervisor and
a human resources officer may be scheduled.
Referral policy
Employee Referral Program Policy applies to everyone who refers a
candidate to our Organiza�on. The referral amount will be subjected
to tax (Govt Regula�on). Company management may change the
referral amount in future with due no�ce to all the employees.

Depending upon the posi�on being referred the referral bonus will be
disbursed in the following three slabs:
● INR 500 for Execu�ves and Interns,
● INR 1000 for TLs/Quality Analysts/Applica�on Developer/ Asst. Manager
● INR 2000 for Managers and above.
If two or more employees refer to the same candidate, only the first
referrer will receive their referral rewards. The referral amount will be
disbursed a�er the employee completes 3 months in the organiza�on.
All employees are eligible to par�cipate in our referral program except
for: Senior management (CXO, Managing Director), recruiters and
hiring managers.


● Talent competent and seem culturally fit into the organiza�on.

● Who has not applied to our organiza�on in the last Six Months.

Floor Policies
● Cell phone policy – Cell phones are not allowed at the desk, should
be kept in a locker during shi� �me.
● Cell phone Caller Tune – All members provided with official phone/sim
card by the company should have no caller tune.
● Clean desk policy – Should not eat on desk or not keep any
unnecessary stuff during office hours.
● Locker policy - All belongings/bags should be kept in locker only.
● Schedule Adherence
● Log-in policy – Should come in office 10 minutes before your shift
�ming to log-in on �me.
● Call avoidance policy – Should take personal calls during break time
● Dress code & conduct policy – Should wear elegant formal/casual
wear in the office.
● Break policy - Should adhere break timings as following:

Lunch Break: 30 Minutes

Tea Break : 15 Minutes (Morning & Evening)

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Confiden�ality & Monitoring
All technology provided by Augtech NextWealth IT Services Pvt.
Ltd., including computer systems, communication networks,
company related work records and other information stored
electronically, is the property of Augtech NextWealth IT Services
Pvt. Ltd. and not the employee. In general, use of the company’s
technology systems and electro nic communications should be
job related and not for personal convenience. Augtech
NextWealth IT Services Pvt. Ltd. reserves the right to examine,
monitor and regulate e-mail and other electronic
communica�ons, directories, files and all other content, including
Internet use, transmitted by or stored in its technology systems,
whether onsite or offsite.
Internal and external e-mail and other electronic communica�ons
are considered business records and may be subject to discovery
in the event of li�gation. Employees must be aware of this
possibility when communica�ng electronically within and outside
the company.

Internet, Email, So�ware Access, Device

usage Policy.

Email and internet usage assigned to an employee's computer

extensions are solely for the purpose of conducting Company
business. Some job responsibili�es require access to the internet and
the use of software in addi�on to the software provided.
Only people appropriately authorized, for Company purposes, may
use the internet to access and download additional so�ware. This
authoriza�on is generally exclusive to decisions that the IT
department makes in conjunc�on with Human Resources.

So�ware Access Procedure

So�ware needed, in addition to already installed so�ware, must be
authorized by your manager and own- loaded by the IT department.
If you need access to software or websites, not currently on the
Company network, talk to your manager and consult with the IT
department to explain what returns you expect to receive from the
All reasonable requests that are not considered a network risk or
legal license breach risk will be considered for you and other
employees. The purpose of this policy is not to restrict employee
access to products that will make you more productive. The goal
is to minimize the risk to the organiza�on's network.


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Company Owned Equipment
Any device or computer including, but not limited to, desk phones,
headphones, smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop
computersthat the Company provides for your use, should only
be used for Company business. Keep in mind that the Company owns
the devices and the informa�on in these devices. If you leave the
Company for any reason, the Company will require that you return
the equipmentbefore leaving the organization. The asset released
or allo�ed to an employee has an entry in the asset register and is
audited timely.

Employees must pay special attention while using company

provided hardware assets for their work. Individuals are
responsible for any physical damage or function failure due to
improper usage caused by them and also in case of lost/theft of
provided hardware from their custody. Relevant actions will be
taken accordingly.
Internet Usage
Internet use, on Company �me, using company owned devices that
are connected to the Company network, is authorized to conduct
Company business only. Internet use brings the possibility of breaches
of the security of confidential Company information.
Internet use also creates the possibility of contamina�on to our
system via viruses or spyware. Spyware allows unauthorized people,
outside of the Company, potential access to Company passwords and
other confiden�al information.
Removing such programs from the Company network requires IT staff
to invest time and a�en�on that is be�er devoted to making
technological progress. For this reason, and to assure the use of work
�me appropriately for work, we ask staff members to limit internet
Addi�onally, under no circumstances may Company owned
computers or other electronic equipment, including devices owned
by the employee, be used on Company time at work to obtain, view,
or reach any pornographic, or otherwise, immoral, unethical, or non
-business-related internet sites. Doing so can lead to disciplinary
action up to and including termina�on of employment.

Social Media
We understand that part of what you do in social media is outreach
that recruits new employees and enhances our Company brand.
Many employees have social media responsibili�es in their job
descrip�on including social media marketers, tech support, and
recruiters unless specified.

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We also understand that the relationship of our employees to an
online world that you spend time in 24/7 can lead to the blurring of
work time and off work time. We strongly encourage you to limit the
use of social media to work -related content and outreach during work
Email Usage at the Company
Email is also to be used for Company business only. Company
confidential information must not be shared outside of the
Company,without authoriza�on, at any time. You are also not to
conduct personal business using the Company computer or email.
Please keep this in mind, also, as you consider forwarding non-
business emails to associates, family or friends. Non-business-
related emails waste company time and atten�on.
No e-mail or other electronic communications may be sent that
hide the iden�ty of the sender or represent the sender as
someone else. Augtech NextWealth IT Services Pvt. Ltd.’s
corporate iden�ty is a�ached to all outgoing e-mail
communica�ons, which should reflect corporate values and
appropriate workplace language and conduct
Viewing pornography, or sending pornographic jokes or stories via
email, is considered sexual harassment and will be addressed
according to our sexual harassment policy.
Immediate termina�on is the most frequent disciplinary action that
the Company may take in these cases.

Email that Discriminates

Any email content that discriminates against any protected
classification including age, race, color, religion, sex, na�onal origin,
disability, or genetic information is prohibited. It is our company
policy to also recognize sexual preference and weight as qualifying for
discrimina�on protection. Any employee who sends an email that
violates this policy will be dealt with according to the harassment
These emails are prohibited at the Company. Sending or forwarding
non-business emails will result in disciplinary ac�on that may lead to
employment termina�on.

Company Owns Employee Email

Company owns any communica�on sent via email or that is stored on
company equipment. Management and other authorized staff have
the right to access any material in your email or on your computer at
any time. Please do not consider your electronic communication,
storage or access to be private if it is created or stored on work

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If you need addi�onal information about the meani ng of any of this
communica�on, please reach out to your manager or the Human
Resources staff for clarifica�on.
Inappropriate Usage
Inappropriate use of resources shall be defined as engaging in any
ac�vity by users that is inconsistent with the business needs and
goals of the Company. Engaging in any ac�vity that adversely
affects the user's productivity will not be tolerated. When you
access the Internet for business purposes, you are represen�ng the
Company with each site or ac�vity you engage in.

Special atten�on must be paid to such activi�es that do not directly

contribute to the fulfillment of the employee's job description or

Grievance Procedure Policy

Communicate informally with their direct supervisor. The supervisor
will try to resolve the problem. When employees want to complain
about their supervisor, they should first try to discuss the matter and
resolve it between them. In that case, they’re advised to request an
informal mee�ng. Supervisors should try to resolve any grievance as
quickly as possible. When they’re unable to do so, they should refer
to the HR department and cooperate with all other procedures. If
the grievance relates to a supervisor behavior that can bring a
disciplinary action (e.g. sexual harassment or violence), employees
should refer directly to the HR department or the next level


The grievance procedure policy explains how employees can voice
their complaints in a construc�ve way. Supervisors and senior
management should know everything that annoys employees or
hinders their work, so they can resolve it as quickly as possible.
Employees should be able to follow a fair grievance procedure to be
heard and avoid conflicts.

This policy refers to everyone in the company regardless of posi�on
or status.



We define grievance as any complaint, problem or concern of an

employee regarding their work- place, job or co
- worker


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● Workplace harassment.
● Health and safety.
● Supervisor behavior.


● Reach out to their direct supervisor or the HR department

● File a grievance form explaining the situation in detail.
● Appeal on any formal decision

Termina�on Policy
The company is bound to handle any cases of termination of
employment as dictated by law with discretion, professionalism, and
official documentation. This termina�on/separation of employment
policy applies to all prospec�ve or current employees of the
company in regard to possible separation of employment.

The company will observe all legal dictations referring to

termina�on/separa�on of employment and will avoid “implied
contracts” and unnecessary termina�ons. Termina�on of
employment happens when the contract of an employee is
discon�nued due to their or the company’s actions.

The dismissal of an employee from their job du�es may be

categorized as voluntary or involuntary.


● Resigna�on
● Re�rement.
● Failure to show for a specified number of days without notice.
Expiration or completion of the contract.


● Discharge for the cause.
● Discharge without cause.
● Discharge for cause refers to the immediate termina�on of
employment due to an employee’s misconduct. Any kind of
disciplinary action or progressive discipline that results in
termina�on may be considered “for cause”. Other wrongful
behaviors or actions that result in immediate dismissal are also
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considered “for cause”. Examples of such termina�on of employees
include circumstances where an employee:
● Breaches their contract of employment.
● Is discovered guilty of fraud, embezzlement, or other kinds of
illegal actions against the company.
● Is guilty of discriminatory behavior or harassment.
● Is guilty of unlawful or immoral behavior on the job.
● Is guilty of willful neglect of job responsibili�es.
● Is discovered to have caused inten�onal damage to the
company’s assets
● Con�nuously disregards company policy

Absconding / AWOI Cases

In case any employee is absconding from work and has a due le� to
be paid for instance,advances, pending loans,short no�ce pay, any
company assets etc. then the company shall have all the right to
claim and recover the amount through legal procedure i.e. through
court. Any assets being used by the employees for e.g. id card,
access card, laptop or computers etc. that might have been
provided by the company should be returned to the company
within two days a�er being communicated by HR in acceptable
condi�on. For any damage being done to company provided assets
due to negligence by employee recovery will be done accordingly.

Failing to complete his/her no�ce period the employee shall be

liable to pay a no�ce pay or a recovery amount in lieu of the cost
the company has incurred in training the employee. If an employee
is unwilling to do so the following ac�ons can be taken by the
● HR will have the right to hold the full and final se�lement of
employee absconding.
● The HR can hold the relieving le�er or any such cer�ficates of the
● The HR shall have an op�on to post a nega�ve review or blacklist
him/her in the company's records.
● HR shall have the right to issue a legal no�ce to the employee at
his registered address.

Travel Policy
● Travel expenses include any kind of transportation and
accommoda�on expenses that you incur when going on a business
trip. Expenses related to this category that may be fully or partly
reimbursable include according to the slab defined.
● Eligibility - Asst. Manager & above.
● Accommodation.
● Legal document expenses (e.g. Visa). Non-reimbursable expenses

● There is a slab on the amount.

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● Accommodation per Day Not Exceeding

INR 2000.
● Local travel as per general taxi rules.
● Food - INR 600 per day.
● Have to apply through Keka Travel Desk.


This category includes expenses that are related to an employee
either in the form of a benefit (e.g. business phone) or entertainment
expenses that may occur in a business se�ng (e.g. professional
dinners with clients or colleagues.) These expenses may be capped
and [HR/ employee’s manager] should approve them. If you spend
more than the approved amount, you must cover the extra cost
POSH Policy
● Promo�ng a gender sensi�ve workplace and removing the
underlying factors that contribute towards creating a hos�le
working environment against women.
● provide a safe working environment.

● Formulate and widely disseminate an internal policy or charter or

resolution or declaration for prohibi�on, preven�on and redressal
of sexual harassment (POSH) at the workplace.


● This Policy applies to all categories of employees of the Organization,

including permanent employees, permanent management,
workmen, temporary employees, trainees, consultants, advisers, ad
hoc employees, daily wage earners, probationers, appren�ces,
employees on contract, etc., at its workplace or at visits to partner
● The Organization will not tolerate sexual harassment, if engaged in
by partners, or by suppliers or any other associates of the
● It shall extend to cover sexual harassment of women by men, of men
by women or between the same sexes. Harassment is unlawful
irrespective of who is involved in the behavior.


● Unwanted sexual advances or proposi�ons;
● Pestering for dates or receiving unwelcome sexual sugges�ons or
● Offering employment benefits in exchange for sexual favors.
● Leering
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● Making sexual gestures
● Displaying sexually sugges�ve objects or pictures, cartoons,
calendars or posters.
● Making or using derogatory comments, comments about a person’s
body or dress, slurs, epithets or sexually sugges�ve jokes.

● Wri�en communications of a sexual nature distributed in hard copy

or via a computer network, suggestive or obscene le�ers, notes or
● Physical conduct such as unwanted touching, assault, impeding or
blocking movements.
● Being forcibly kissed or hugged.
● Having someone expose their private parts to you or repeatedly
staring at a woman’s body parts that makes her uncomfortable.
● Making or threatening retalia�on a�er a nega�ve response to sexual
advances or for reporting or threatening to report sexual
● Eve-teasing.
● Sexually �nted remarks, whistling, staring, sexually slanted and
obscene jokes, jokes causing or likely to cause awkwardness or
embarrassment. Subtle innuendos or open taunting regarding
perfection, imperfection or characteris�cs of physical appearance of
a person’s body or shape; Gender based insults and/or sexist
● Displaying pornographic or other sexually offensive or derogatory
● Forcible invitations for dates.
● Forcible physical touch or physical assault or molestation.
● Sugges�ng or implying that failure to accept a request for a date or
sexual favors would adversely affect the individual in respect to
performance evalua�on or promotion.
● Explicitly or implicitly sugges�ng sexual favors in return for hiring,
compensation, promotion, retention decision, reloca�on, or
allocation of job/responsibility/work.
● Any act or conduct by a person in authority and belonging to one sex
which denies or would deny equal opportunity in pursuit of career
development or otherwise making the environment at the work
place hos�le or intimida�ng to a person belonging to the other sex,
only on the ground of such individual providing or refusing sexual
● Physical confinement against one’s will and any other act likely to
violate one’s privacy



● Neeta Bawankure ( )

● Arpita Bhootda (
● Prashant Kumar Pandey (
● Vijay Kumar Sahukar (
● Divanshee Asthana (Advocate) (

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If an Employee feels that he/she is experiencing any kind of
retaliation, victimiza�on or discrimination in the nature of
in�midation, pressure to withdraw the complaint or threats for
repor�ng, tes�fying or otherwise par�cipa�ng in the proceedings,
he/she should immediately report the ma�er by sending an email
to the dedicated email id All members of the IC
are mapped to/ included in this email id.

Non-Solicita�on Policy
Employees who are a part of the organiza�on will not directly or
indirectly, solicit or attempt to solicit any business from any of
organiza�on customers, customer prospects or vendors with whom
they have contact during their tenure for the period of next 1 year
a�er their relieving from the current organization.

Employees will not work directly or indirectly, on their own behalf

or on behalf of any legal en�ty with Augtech Clients within 1 year of
completion of their professional employment rela�on with

Employee will not directly or indirectly, on their own behalf or on

behalf of or in conjunction with any person or legal en�ty, recruit,
solicit or induce, or attempt to recruit, solicit, or induce, any
employee of the company for the period of one year from the time
they are relieved from the organiza�on.

19 Page

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This document is intended for internal use only & must not be shared outside the organization.
Thank You!!

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